Biography and personal life of Irina Krug: daughter Marina Glazko and sons. Irina Krug’s husband Sergei Belousov - photo, biography Unknown husband of Irina Krug

Singer Irina Krug came to visit Boris Korchevnikov. On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man,” the artist spoke about her difficult life path. 15 years ago, the poet and bard Mikhail Krug was killed. The attackers broke into the man's house and attacked his relatives. Mikhail died from his gunshot wounds the next day.

“It's scary. God forbid someone experiences what I experienced. These people are always before my eyes. I will never forget their eyes - there was fear in them. At that moment I put the children to bed, wanted to go to Misha and heard knocking. Then it turned out that it was the sofa that was knocking when they strangled my mother. They covered her mouth and said: “If you make a sound, we’ll kill you.” And then I came in and saw this picture. Misha was sleeping in his bedroom, he didn’t know what was happening, he came out in response to my screams. And they were already shooting from above indiscriminately. It was just a mess... I thought that everyone was killed, Misha, the children, and the mother,” the woman said.

Mikhail's relatives did not think that his life could suddenly end. The wounded singer was able to move and talk. Relatives took Krug to the hospital, he underwent surgery. However, as a result of the shooting, important organs were hit, and the man died.

“We know who did it, but we can’t talk. Those who did this are no longer alive. One piece of evidence is missing to make this public. They wanted to intimidate, they didn’t think it would happen,” the woman noted.

It was extremely difficult for Irina to come to terms with the sudden death of her husband.

“I learned to live again. This terrible years my life, very scary. I remember him very often. After Misha, it was difficult to build relationships and start a family, because you’ll never find someone like him again. Nowadays, even more so...” said the performer.

After some time, Irina met with businessman Sergei Belousov. The future spouses met in Tver at a hairdresser. Many tried to court the spectacular woman, but only Belousov managed to achieve reciprocity from her. Sergei and Irina liked communicating with each other - they began to spend a lot of time together, and in 2006 they got married.

During a conversation with Korchevnikov, Krug admitted that she began to experience difficulties in her relationship with her chosen one.

“Sergei and I have been together for 13 years. This is a complex story, now I can’t say that we have any good ones... Now we have a crisis in our relations. I don’t know whether this marriage will survive. But it was also the same story, he was younger than me, I didn’t dare, I was joking,” Irina shared. “We are going through a difficult period, and it’s very difficult for me.”

According to the artist, she has always been a family man. Common son Andrei, who was born in September 2014, became her desired child. Irina shared her assumptions about the reasons why her relationship with her husband went wrong.

Famous Russian singer in the chanson genre, Mikhail Krug died tragically in his private house in Tver in 2002. He was killed by unknown persons who were never found. Many years later, the criminal case was suspended.

Many people still listen to his songs. Meanwhile, little is known about his personal life, how many children he had and who they became almost 15 years after his death.

Children of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug was married twice. His first wife Svetlana was a singer and performed with her musical group. It was she who inspired the author of future hits to try to become a pop performer. Before this, Mikhail worked at a factory, and wrote songs in his free time.

This is how many wonderful hits appeared, including the famous song “Vladimir Central”, which became the standard for all chanson performers.

Mikhail Krug’s son from his first marriage was born a year before their separation from Svetlana, who could not stand her husband’s constant infidelities and left. Mikhail himself, speaking about their divorce, said that the reason was Svetlana’s inability and unwillingness to create a cozy family home. Svetlana toured a lot.

Mikhail met his second wife Irina in a restaurant where she worked as a waitress. He was 14 years older than her, so the girl did not immediately decide to marry him, although she already had a broken marriage and a small daughter behind her.

The son of Mikhail Krug and Irina was born a month before his death.

The tragic fact is that Mikhail could not see his children grow up, could not participate in their upbringing, he passed away too early.

Eldest son of Mikhail Krug

Dmitry was born in 1988. When the boy was barely a year old, his parents divorced. Famous artist decided that the child should stay with his father. He won the trial, although this is usually very difficult. Little Dima began to live with his father's family.

Mikhail was a very busy man. Constant touring, songwriting, and performances took up all my time. Therefore, Dima’s grandmother Zoya Petrovna, Krug’s mother, was involved in raising Dima.

By the way, real name Mikhail Krug - Vorobiev. His son also bears the same surname.

Zoya Petrovna herself took Dima to kindergarten, and then to school, spent everything with him free time. Mother Svetlana took her son to her place only on weekends.

The grandmother notes that the grandson was very different in character from his father in childhood. Dima grew up quieter, calmer, loved to sit at the computer and make something.

Education received by Dmitry Krug

The son of Mikhail Krug from his first marriage was left without a father at the age of 14. It's explosive adolescence. Therefore, all relatives: grandmother, older sister father Olga Medvedeva, mother Svetlana - decided that the child should be protected first of all. The idea was submitted by one of the late artist’s close friends, Vasily Ivanovich Kisilev, who at that time was working as the head of the traffic police of the Tver region.

He suggested transferring Dmitry from a regular school to cadet corps. At first the boy didn’t like it there, but over time he got used to it. Formations, roll calls, uniforms - different sad thoughts there was no time.

After graduating from the cadet corps, Dmitry decided to enter the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. His aunt, Olga Medvedeva, spent a long time trying to persuade him to change his mind and enroll in Tver, after all, home was closer, but Dmitry insisted on his own and graduated from the university with honors, receiving the rank of lieutenant.

Career success

Every now and then information appears in the newspapers about the awarding of one title or another to Dmitry Vorobyov. On at the moment he rose to the rank of captain. Dima devoted more than 10 years to serving in the police, and his superiors praise him very much.

It’s interesting that the artist himself always spoke very negatively about the employees law enforcement agencies, dedicating all his songs to prisoners, crime bosses and thieves in law.

Dmitry notes that he is very pleased with his service in the police, he likes working there.

Appearance and character of Dmitry

The first son of Mikhail Krug is very similar to him. Here the figure, appearance, and voice - everything resembles your favorite artist. But despite the obvious similarities, Dmitry cannot sing at all and has never studied music.

He doesn't like giving interviews or being photographed. Moreover, Dmitry Krug, the son of Mikhail Krug, is known as a closed and closed person.

His aunt explains that he has always been like this. Meanwhile, the eldest son of Mikhail Krug, although taciturn, is kind and sympathetic, he loves good companies and is great at telling jokes and loves to joke. In this way he also took after his father.

Personal life of Dmitry Vorobyov

Little is known about Dmitry's personal life. He continues to live with his old grandmother in Tver, in the house where his father was killed.

Dmitry will soon be 30 years old, but he is still not married. He likes to spend his free time in his house, enjoys reading science fiction novels, playing on the computer, and playing sports.

In his house, an entire room is dedicated to his father, the famous chansonnier and songwriter Mikhail Krug. There are a lot of memorabilia there, all the walls are covered with photographs. This is a kind of home museum.

Alexander Mikhailovich Krug

According to her grandmother, Krug’s mother, Sasha sings well and writes poetry. It is not for nothing that his mother predicts fame and success in the pop field for him in the future.

Alexander and his family

Zoya Petrovna Vorobyova, Sasha’s grandmother, grandson and ex-daughter-in-law rarely visit. But these meetings are simply unforgettable for the old lady. She lives on memories, and her voice youngest grandson reminds her of the voice of her beloved son Misha.

When Irina Krug, after the death of Mikhail, decided to get married again after five years, Zoya Petrovna was the first to bless her for a third marriage. She knew better than anyone what the young woman was going through. After all, on the night of Krug’s murder, Irina and three children were in the same house, but on different floors. And they only miraculously survived the shootout.

WITH new husband Irina met businessman Sergei A year later they got married. Sasha treated his stepfather well, because he never had a real father.

Now Sasha and Sergey spend a lot of time together, go hiking, go fishing, they have many common hobbies. The boy even began calling Irina’s new husband dad. But, of course, he does not forget his origins, he has many photographs of Mikhail, he is familiar with his repertoire and often listens to his songs.

In 2013, Irina gave birth to a son, Andrei, so Sasha got a little brother.

With his older brother Dmitry friendly relations. Dmitry comes to visit them in Moscow; they have common interests, such as ship modeling.

Irina Krug’s songs are becoming more and more popular every year among listeners, who at the singer’s concerts give her a standing ovation and do not let her leave the stage for a long time. Irina never thought that she would study music, however, having started her singing career, she was able to short terms release eight albums and win the love of fans. A beautiful and successful artist who has repeatedly received the “Chanson of the Year” award, and is now actively touring the cities of Russia. The circle manages to do not only what they love, but also their personal life. The singer is raising three children, and her husband, with whom she has developed a harmonious and trusting relationship, helps her in this difficult task.

Irina Glazko was born in 1976 in Chelyabinsk. Her parents had nothing to do with music: her father was a military man, and her mother worked as a draftsman. In her childhood, the future singer dreamed of becoming an actress. She enthusiastically played in a theater group, planning to enter a theater university after school. However, due to unsuccessful early marriage The 21-year-old girl had to raise her little daughter Marina alone.

For some time, Glazko worked as a waitress in a restaurant, where at the end of 1999 she had to serve the Russian chanson star Mikhail Krug. Unexpectedly, the singer invited her to work as a costume designer for him, promising good salary. After thinking for a while, Irina agreed.

For about a year, their relationship was only business, and the artist, having been divorced for several years, was in no hurry to speak words of love to her. At one point, Mikhail moved the girl and her daughter to his house. The singer quickly became friends with the girl, who almost immediately began calling him dad. In 2001, the lovers got married, and the following year their son Alexander was born.

In the photo Irina with her husband Mikhail Krug

But family happiness was short-lived: in the summer of 2002, Krug was shot dead by unknown assailants who entered their house at night. Before the tragedy, Irina had a dream, as if in their house people were mourning someone. In addition, she didn’t like the fact that they always had guests and the doors often didn’t close. The criminals first attacked the singer’s mother, and then wanted to shoot his wife, however, Mikhail covered her with himself, as a result of which he was wounded. He died on the way to the hospital.

After the death of her husband, Irina accidentally turned on a cassette with the song “The Road from Soul to Soul”, and then showed it to Leonid Teleshev, a friend of Krug, who invited her to sing the composition. From that time on, the singer began studying with teachers. In 2004, her first album was released, which collected songs in memory of the great performer of Russian chanson. She graduated from university in 2005 with a degree in management.

In the photo the singer with her third husband Sergei Belousov and son Andrei

In 2006, Irina again found female happiness in her personal life by marrying her loved one. Her chosen one was businessman Sergei Belousov, whom her children immediately accepted as their own. After some time, the couple saved up the required amount and bought new apartment in Moscow. In the fall of 2014 in big family Another baby appeared - son Andrei. The husband always helps and supports the singer, who has to combine a career and raising children. Their mothers also provide invaluable assistance to spouses.

Irina is not easily experiencing separation from her husband and children, however, they often call each other, so the artist is aware of all the events happening in the family. Now eldest daughter Marina is getting an education at college, choosing a specialty - hotel service, but the girl will not stop there and intends to continue her studies. Son Alexander is still a schoolboy. He loves to play hockey and football, and also swims. Sasha is also interested in playing drums, he especially likes drums. Krug dreams that his son will study in the cadet corps in the future.

In the photo Irina Krug with children: son Sasha and daughter Marina

When the singer has days off, she spends all her time with her family. The artist doesn't like noisy parties, preferring to sit in a narrow circle of their relatives. She is always in great shape (height - 167 cm, weight - 51 kg), however, Irina does not go on diets, but sticks to proper nutrition. She previously practiced speed skating for many years, but now she doesn’t have time for it. Krug dreams of someday doing swimming and yoga, as well as going to gym.

The name of Irina Krug is becoming more and more popular every day. Having gone through many life difficulties (her husband Mikhail Krug died in 2002), she managed not only to successfully master a new profession and gain many fans, but also to maintain the warmth and sincerity that not every performer has. Looking at this beautiful and successful singer, it is difficult to imagine that she is... mother of many children. In September 2013, Irina and her new husband, businessman Sergei Belousov, had a son. Last Saturday the singer new program under the name “Chanel” came to Kirov. In an interview with Istochnik, which took place before the concert, Irina Krug spoke about her family and also shared her beauty secrets. Irina, I know that this is your second concert in Kirov...

Yes. I am happy to return to your city again and again. There is a very good crowd here. The listeners are kind and frank. And I am very pleased to introduce the Kirov residents to my new album.

I saw your busy touring schedule. How do you always manage to be in such great shape?

I always say it's genetics. I don't do any special procedures. The main thing is to monitor your diet. For example, I completely excluded mayonnaise from my diet, everything fatty and fried. At the same time, in addition to fish and chicken, I also enjoy eating meat, but only in boiled or stewed form... Also, do not forget about sports. Previously, I devoted many years to speed skating. Nowadays I rarely get to play sports. I really want to start going to the gym, I want to take up swimming and yoga.

Didn't you follow the Olympics?
I tried to watch as much as possible. But mostly my husband enlightened me. He told me who won how many medals, who won, who scored how many.

By the way, does Sergei help in raising his son Andrei?
Certainly. Like all fathers, young fathers help their wives. He cares and worries a lot. My mother and my husband’s mother are also very worried and helpful. Without their help it would have been very difficult for me. After all, I have three children. Of course, there is not enough time.

Has the birth of your third child changed your life?
Yes. Life has changed completely. My attitude towards children has also changed. I became more touching. I began to love children even more (smiles).

Do you have a hard time being separated from your family while on tour?
Of course, separation is very painful for me. But we constantly talk on the phone. I always have a lot of photographs of children with me. I take them on tour with me and watch them. I always have my favorite faces before my eyes.

What do your older children do?
Marina is studying at college, majoring in hotel services. This year my daughter finishes her studies. Marina wants to study further. She plans to go to college. And Sasha goes to school. But we want him to join our cadet corps next year. Maybe it will be the FSB corps. We don't know yet. Sasha played hockey, football, and swimming with us. He also really likes drums. When he comes to my concerts, he has a craving for drums. He always asks my drummer Denis to learn how to play the drums. This is amazing to me.

Would you like Alexander to follow in the footsteps of his legendary father?
Everything is God's will. In any case, if he wants to sing and perform Misha’s songs, I won’t object. But now Sasha doesn’t have much of a passion for music.

Do you have your own recipes for raising children?
I am sure, in essence, he is alone: ​​children must be loved. Only love and warmth can awaken goodness in them. You know, it seems to me that life is much more difficult for children now than it once was for us. It was a different time then, we lacked a lot, sometimes even basic things - food, clothing, but we, nevertheless, were kinder current generation. We wore identical jackets, but helped each other. Because there was morality in society. Nowadays, children have so many temptations and temptations... Of course, it’s not easy for them. But if we want our children to grow up to be real people, we need to instill goodness in them.

Irina, do you have traditions in your family?

There is one and the most important one. We always celebrate holidays together. And in New Year we all sing the anthem. And everything is happening in a very interesting way. Parents and children stand up. And we all perform it in a friendly crowd. Sasha sings especially well. He is the most active.

How do you usually spend your free time?
In my free time, I like to stay at home and lie down. I'm not a fan of parties or noisy companies. I really like being at home, in silence, with my beloved husband, with my children, with my mother.

And finally, what would you wish to our readers?
Goodness, love and happiness! This is the most important thing!

Krug Irina Viktorovna
Date and place of birth:
March 29, 1976, Chelyabinsk.
Career: in 1997-1999 she worked as a waitress in one of the restaurants in Chelyabinsk. In 1999, she met Russian chanson performer Mikhail Krug, who invited her to work for him as a costume designer. In 2002 (after the death of her husband Mikhail Krug) she began her career as a singer and released her first album, “The First Autumn of Separation”
Family: daughter Marina from her first marriage, son Alexander (born in 2002, father - Mikhail Krug), son Andrey (born in 2013, father - businessman Sergei Belousov).

Irina Krug is a successful Russian performer of chanson music. The singer is a widow no less popular Mikhail Krug, who was killed in 2002.

After the death of her husband, Irina started her own solo career to provide for themselves and their children. Today the girl is one of the most recognizable singers in Russia.

She has been nominated several times for prestigious awards and several times received the most prestigious award among performers of her genre - the “Chanson of the Year” statuette, the last of which she received in 2011. Where does the singer live now and what real estate does she own?

Irina moved to Tver after her wedding with her second husband, Mikhail Krug. It was he who gave the start to the career of the then aspiring young singer.

Initially, the girl planned to connect her life with the career of an actress, however, under the influence of her husband, she changed her views.

After the wedding in 2001, the newlyweds moved to Tver - that’s where the husband lived. Their house was located at 172 Osvobozhdeniye Street. At first glance, the building looks like an ordinary cottage.

It is equipped with several bedrooms, bathrooms, a large spacious living room, a kitchen and a guest area. In the backyard of the mansion there is a small garden and a cozy gazebo.

The house where Irina lived with Mikhail and children

After tragic events In 2002, in particular, after the sudden death of Mikhail Krug, the girl with her children and the singer’s mother continued to live in the mansion.

Today no one lives in the house of Mikhail Krug; it functions as a museum dedicated to the life of the singer.

After experiencing grief, she began to think about possible ways earnings to support the family.

Thanks to her husband's connections, she began a solo career. While living in her mansion with Mikhail, she wrote several songs that became the basis of her debut solo long play.

In addition to working on her career, Krug received higher education in Tverskoy state university, from which she graduated with honors in 2005.

Third marriage and move

At the end of 2005, Irina met Sergei Belousov, a famous businessman.

Now she lives with him, her two children from previous marriages and their joint son in Moscow, where the couple owns their own house and apartment.

Apartment. As you know, Sergei Belous insisted that Irina and her children change their situation and move them to live in Moscow.

There, the businessman purchased a spacious apartment in the Kurkino district. In the photo below, Irina and her children are walking in the courtyard of an apartment building.

Country house. It is known that the family also owns its own country house in the Moscow region. Irina herself mentioned this in one of her interviews. However, the exact location of their home is unknown to the public.

According to the popular singer, she lives with her husband and children in country house mainly in summer time year.