Love in the lives of famous people. Beauty secrets, fashion trends, women's stories, love, communication

Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom.
even on the ruins of our hearts.
Victor Hugo

On the eve of the coming spring, let's talk about the most famous love stories of worthy people.

Romeo and Juliet - eternal love

“There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet...” Why great love These two children, by our standards (Juliet was 13, her beloved Romeo was two or three years older) became a symbol of love of all times and peoples. What is the power and strength of this feeling of a timeless river?

It is possible that it was sung by the wonderful style of the great playwright William Shakespeare, or maybe because love was a victim of the eternal squabbles of adults, the voluntary death of the heroes made the crowd shudder and melted the enmity of the hearts of the warring families of Montagues and Capulets... Who knows...

And even if the authenticity of the events described in the tragedy has not been confirmed, who will doubt the reality of the story, because the names Romeo and Juliet have become common names for beautiful, faithful love, and to this day they evoke admiration and admiration for two young hearts.

The love story of Odysseus and Penelope

Another no less famous love story from ancient times, sung by the ancient Greek - the great Homer. It is based on the marital relationship of Odysseus and his wife Penelope - an example of rare sacrifice in the name of love and a woman’s ability to wait in spite of everything...

Odysseus, like a true warrior, leaves his young wife after the wedding and goes to war.

Penelope waited for his return for twenty long years, raised her son alone and during this time rejected marriage proposals from 108 men who, citing the death of her husband, sought to take his place.

Penelope and Odysseus were no less faithful in their sea battles, trials and wanderings, remaining faithful and chaste to their wife. Thus, having met a beautiful witch who tried to seduce him and offered him eternal youth in exchange for his love for her, the hero of Hellas resisted the temptation. And the unfading light helped him in that distant love his Penelope. And only 20 years later, loving hearts were reunited despite all adversity.

Love To Kings of Great Britain Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson

But now it’s completely modern history love worthy of talking about.

In 1930, the Windsor Palace in Great Britain stunned the world with exciting news: the heir to the royal throne, Edward VIII, had abdicated power. The reason was love for a young American and, moreover, a married woman, Wallis Simpson, who was far from being of royal blood.

The royal court was indignant and gave the heir a choice: either power or love for a commoner. Edward VIII, without hesitation, chose fiery love for a woman.

Having divorced their first husband, Walliss and Edward got married and lived for thirty-five years away from their homeland, keeping their love that was so dear to them.

“Love never dies,” wrote 84-year-old Wallis after the death of her husband. “It changes its course, it becomes softer and wider... Love is work. Women must bring their wisdom to the altar of family happiness...”

Alexander Griboedov and Nina Chavchavadze love story

This worthy love of our compatriot writer Griboyedov for his wife: fleeting happiness in a few months and 30 years of mourning, as a symbol of fidelity and eternal love Georgian woman to Russian writer.

33-year-old Alexander Griboyedov as ambassador Russian Empire, was sent to Persia. On the way, he visited the house of his longtime friend, Prince Alexander Chavchavadze. And from the first minutes his heart was conquered by the daughter of the owner of the house - fifteen-year-old beauty Nina. And the young princess could not resist the great feeling for the Russian writer that surged like an avalanche: “How sunbeam“I burned!” she confessed to her friend.

Having gotten married in the fall, the newlyweds went to Persia, and in January of the following 1829, Alexander was brutally killed by a crowd of Islamic fanatics. So short was the moment of captivating love.

Nina Chavchavadze-Griboedova did not remarry and for almost 30 years, until the end of her days, she did not stop mourning. “The Black Rose of Tiflis” - that’s what they called her in the city, she wrote on her husband’s tombstone:

“Your mind and deeds are immortal in Russian memory, but why did my love survive you?”

The burials of the Griboedovs are located nearby, in the city pantheon of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.

You can list and list beautiful stories like a celebration great love. It's easy to love someone who shares your feelings. Where does love come from and what does it feed on when it is not divided, and sometimes even rejected? However, this does not make the feeling weaker, but perhaps, on the contrary, even more piercing and stunning in its strength.

Elbert Einstein and Margarita Konenkova

The history of these unusual relationship is not a romantically filled hymn of devoted love, it is interesting only because it reveals the only love of a brilliant scientist, which broke his heart.

Einstein fell in love with Margarita Konenkova (nee Vorontsova), the wife of a famous Russian sculptor, at the age of 56, as soon as he saw her. How different young Margarita was from his clumsy wife Elsa with a blurry figure and an exhausted face, whom he never loved, like his first wife Mileva, a Serbian! And here is a chiseled waist, beautiful breasts, graceful position of the hands - in order to preserve this beauty, the woman refused to have children. Her sculptor husband adored and idolized her and silently accepted her decision.

Konenkov the sculptor and his muse-wife Margarita Konenkova.

At first, Margarita treated Einstein as just another amusement; accustomed to constantly cheating on her husband with other men, she prepared herself for another flirtation. But she soon realized that she ice heart begins to melt from hitherto unknown fiery feelings for the great genius.

A year later, Einstein's wife, Elsa, dies, and the shackles of marriage no longer fetter his love for Margot. Both of them don’t even try to hide her frequent visits to Princeton to the scientist’s mansion. And only Margarita’s husband does not seem to notice anything or pretends not to notice.... He is afraid of losing his Margarita - his muse and inspiration. And her caresses and tenderness were enough for many... Incredibly talented, smart, beautiful, she, like a lioness, easily conquered more and more new hearts, becoming the bohemian of America.

This relationship for three lasted a long time. While communicating, Margarita not only truly loved the founder of the theory of relativity, but also her homeland, the USSR, she carried out tasks of the NKVD and learned from him all the secrets of the development atomic bomb. When Einstein found out about this, he couldn’t even yell at his beloved, he just went to the FBI to ask for mercy for his beloved and helped her return to her homeland.

IN recent years before parting Margarita and Albert.

Upon the return of the Konenkov family to the USSR, the love relationship was put to an end. From that moment on, life for Einstein lost all meaning. He flatly refused to comply with doctors' orders for surgery on his heart, which was no longer able to withstand the cruel finale of separation.

Moreover, the authorities forbade Margarita's correspondence with Einstein, which caused incredible suffering for Albert. He wrote to her throughout the remaining years, but did not even have the opportunity to send letters. Even dying, 76-year-old Einstein could not send farewell letter his only beloved, with love in his heart for whom he left this world.

Without much torment, Margarita accepted the news of the death of her distant friend, although she was far from indifferent to him. Soon her husband, a sculptor, also died, and fate treated her incredibly cruelly in her declining years. Aged and unkempt, she lived in oblivion in her house-workshop, often falling into oblivion. Only bright memories only love to a man with always disheveled hair and a thick mustache brought joy to her... She was dying of hunger, there was no one next to her except the devoid of virtue, an arrogant and cruel housekeeper who became the mistress here...

In 1980, in the center of prosperous Moscow, the body of a once emaciated woman was taken out of a dirty apartment. beautiful woman, on whose hand they tapped last minutes gold watch - a gift from the Great Einstein. He personally put them on the wrist of the woman dearest to him when they parted.

Ivan Turgenev and Polina Viardot

The great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev and the famous opera diva of Spanish origin “with a French conscience and spirit,” as the newspapers of those times called her, Pauline Viardot-Garcia - shining example dramatic love full of suffering throughout the writer’s life. Their relationship can rather be characterized as follows: one loved, the other only allowed herself to be loved... but there is no doubt that the friendship was sincere and strong.

In the outwardly inconspicuous, slightly stooped woman with bulging eyes, there really was something rough, gypsy, inherited from her Spanish father, singer Manuel Garcia. But according to contemporaries, as soon as the first notes fell from her voice, a spark ran through the audience, ecstasy seized those listening, and the appearance of the singer herself no longer mattered. Fascinated by the performer's voice, people fell into a kind of prostration, and there could not be one among them indifferent to this person.

Intoxicated at the first meeting by Polina’s enchanting voice, the Russian writer lost his head, and experienced a similar state for four whole decades until last days of your life.

Viardot, being married to a man 20 years older than herself, felt only warm sympathy for Turgenev, the commonality of views and interests, the unity of spirit attracted him to him, and then she brought him closer to her, brought him into her home as a friend, a family member , beloved...

Polina Viardot-Garcia not only illuminated the writer’s soul with love, became his muse for many years, inspired his creativity, helped him with translations into French, honing his style, but was also by his side until his last days, dying of cancer far from his homeland. But Ivan Turgenev chose to love with unrequited love and be with her all his life, never having his own family and children.

Poor artist Niko Pirosmani and French actress Margarita

Ah, Margarita again...

“A million, a million scarlet roses...” - who doesn’t know the chorus of this song about the incredibly poignant and unrequited love of a poor artist for a visiting actress. It is also based real events. Niko Pirosmani is a Georgian artist from a simple family, who lost his parents early, was in constant need, he did not even have the opportunity to buy canvases, and he placed all his creations on walls, boards, and oilcloth on the table. He often made a living by making signs for drinking establishments.

The beautiful French actress Margarita toured the provincial town in which Niko lived and worked, and at the same time the heart of the aspiring artist. Pirosmani fell in love with her passionately, from the first minutes, with all his gut, but, unfortunately, this love did not evoke a reciprocal feeling. The poor artist's heart burned in the flames of passion.

On his birthday (it was spring), Niko Pirosmani filled several carts with fresh flowers and brought them to the windows of the house where Margarita was staying. Armfuls of lilacs, white acacia and snow-white roses (not scarlet) filled the streets of Tiflis with an incomprehensible aroma and lay on the square like a thick floral blanket. It remains a mystery where the artist got these flowers...

Margarita’s heart, touched by the spectacle, trembled, she went out, kissed Niko and that’s it... The next day the actress left the city forever. They didn't see each other again...

Nikola Pirosmanishvili did not become a great artist during his lifetime, his direction of primitivism in painting was not understood, he died at the age of 56, in complete poverty, until his last days, keeping the image of his beloved Margarita in his heart... The artist's works are kept in museums around the world.

Love - great power, capable of transforming the whole world, to make a person better, stronger, higher, it is timeless. According to Turgenev:

“Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.”

And let it singe your wings with its flame at least once in your life! And may you be lucky in love!

And may you be lucky in love!!! Maybe you will be interested in reading about Valentine's Day, about falling in love and love in our lives in the article ( 1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Who were they, the famous lovers? Heroes of the bright literary works, or real people? Now it doesn’t matter at all! For they strive to be like them, their names are taken as pseudonyms, and, following their example, they perform genuine actions. Ten immortal stories about love - only on the eve of the most romantic holiday in the world!


This couple, with the light hand of William Shakespeare, simply became synonymous with the word “love”. Even though their real story is incredibly tragic. Two loving teenagers managed to find the strength to oppose their feelings to the world, society, and mortally hostile relatives. Little Verona became the backdrop for an epoch-making event. In its very center, in the fertile soil of two young hearts, a small seed of love at first sight was thrown. Soon it sprouted and turned into a beautiful flower of passionate feeling. And for the sake of such incredible love I just had to die! The only regrettable thing is that death in this case was not a pathetic promise, but a tragic reality. However, the love and death of young Romeo and Juliet was able to melt the hearts of warring relatives and reconcile them. Perhaps it is precisely thanks to such an incredibly tragic ending that Shakespeare’s plot leaves a deep mark on the hearts and souls of many generations!


The intriguing love story of Anthony and Cleopatra is still heard today. They fell in love at first sight, and became victims of tragic circumstances. Their relationship created a powerful foundation for Egypt's statehood and economy. And it was this fact that became the cause of unrest in the great and powerful power called Rome. Despite all the threats and prohibitions, Cleopatra and Mark Antony got married. Their wedding was the beginning great war between Rome and Egypt. In the midst of one of the great battles, Antony was brought false news that Cleopatra had died. The glorious warrior, accustomed to always defeating even the most powerful enemy, could not survive the news of the death of his beloved. Heartbroken, he fell on his own sword. When Cleopatra learned of the death of Mark Antony, she also committed suicide. Truly, great love requires very great sacrifices.


This time tragic story love occurred in good old England, between one of the bravest knights of the Round Table of King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, and the king’s wife, Queen Guinevere. It so happened that the marriage of Arthur and Guinevere was only a mutually beneficial contract for their families. But you can’t tell your heart! And it was her heart that once brought the noble knight, Sir Lancelot, to her window. At first he called her his Lady of the Heart and dedicated his victories in knightly tournaments and real battles to her. Guinevere accepted all romantic attentions, but nevertheless, tried to keep Lancelot at a distance. But soon her heart could not resist and a deep feeling flared up in it. Lancelot and Guinevere began to meet secretly. One of these dates became a trap for them. Lancelot managed to escape, and Guinevere was sentenced to be burned at the stake for adultery. However, Lancelot did not leave his beloved. He saved her, pulled her right out of the “paws” of the fire. The further history of the lovers is not known for certain. But they say that Guinevere became a nun in one of the remote monasteries of England, and Lancelot wandered around the world for the rest of his life.


Another, no less tragic story about great love with English roots. Middle Ages. England. The reign of King Arthur. Isolde was the daughter of the ruler of Ireland, and she was soon to be married to King Mark of Cornwall. King Mark sent his nephew Tristan to Ireland to accompany Isolde to Cornwall. But it so happened that during the trip the young people fell in love with each other. Although, following a duty of honor, she did marry Mark. Soon the king learned about the feelings of his nephew and wife. A scandal broke out. Having pulled himself together, Mark forgave Isolde, and drove Tristan out of Cornwall forever.


Homer's Iliad made these two lovers famous throughout the world. However, many scientists consider the existence of Helen the Beautiful to be more of a fiction, a beautiful ancient Greek legend, than a real fact. Nevertheless, the story of great love, which became the beginning of the Trojan War, continues to inspire romantics, writers and directors to create new magnificent masterpieces of art.

Helen was the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus. Paris is the son of the Trojan king Priam. The young man, once seeing Elena, a woman of unearthly beauty, fell in love. Burned by feeling from within, he kidnapped the Spartan queen and brought her home to Troy. Menelaus did not forgive such humiliation and betrayal, gathered a huge army and destroyed Troy to the ground. Helen was returned to Sparta. Menelaus, who sincerely loved her, forgave the traitor. The fate of Paris is not known for certain.


Odysseus and Penelope are an example of rare sacrifice in the name of love and the ability to wait. Immediately after the wedding, Odysseus was forced to leave his young wife and go to war. Penelope waited for his return for twenty long years. During this time, she rejected the proposals of 108 men who sought to replace her husband. Odysseus also remained faithful and chaste along the way. One day he met a beautiful witch who offered him eternal youth in exchange for his love for her. Refusing such an offer, Odysseus underwent many trials and wanderings. But after 20 years, he finally returned home to Penelope and his son.


“Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell is one of the few truly immortal literary works about love. All generations read it. At the same time, girls strive to be like the explosive and passionate Scarlett. The girls are looking for their Butlers among the crowds of fans. They are looking for it because the love of the main characters was great, stormy, passionate. She was born in the midst of the Civil War and was like a daily civil war, which brought so much pain, loss, suffering and disappointment to both of them.


The son of the Mughal Emperor Akbar, Salim, fell in love with the beautiful courtesan Anarkali. But the emperor could not forgive his heir for his love for a fallen woman; he considered it a disgrace for himself and for the state. A real war began between father and son. Salim was defeated in a battle with the powerful army of the emperor and was sentenced to death. On the day of the execution, Anarkali appeared in the square, threw herself at the emperor’s feet and said that she was ready to die if only Salim would live. Akbar accepted this sacrifice. In front of her beloved's eyes, the girl was walled up alive in a brick wall.


This love story is a famous legend from American history. Pocahontas was the daughter of an Indian chief of the Algonquin Indian tribe. In May 1607, the girl saw the British for the first time. And among them is John Smith, who seemed very attractive to her. However, Pocahontes and Smith met in the midst of a war between ethnic tribes and conquerors. The Indians subjected the British prisoners to terrible torture. Pocahontas saved John, and a romance began between them. Because of her love, the girl converted to Christianity. She was baptized with the name Rebecca.


A love story of crowned heads. Victoria was a lively, cheerful girl, in love with painting and the world around us. She ascended to the English throne in 1837, after the death of her uncle, King William IV. In 1840 she married her cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. At first, Victoria's choice was not approved by the people. But then Albert earned the deep trust and respect of people with his honesty, hard work and devotion to his family. Albert and Victoria had nine children. Queen in all government affairs I listened to my husband's opinion. When Albert died (1861), Victoria observed strict mourning and did not appear in public for three years. Three years later, back to performing government duties, she continued to mourn for her beloved husband. She didn’t take off black for 40 years, until her death. Dikmi: All the famous lovers of the world were different. Just as different were their ways of life, meetings, happiness and tragedy. But we have a lot to learn from them. Learn loyalty, devotion, courage and sacrifice. However, our time also raises its heroes. And who knows, maybe in 100 years, we will be describing your Love on the pages of publications! And we will admire actions for the glory of her name and devotion in her honor! And let the wise thoughts of famous connoisseurs of true feelings inspire you to great deeds!

Love is not the ideal that is written about in women's novels, but a real relationship that inspires and forces you to change for the sake of your loved one.

Everyone dreams of the kind of love for which you can move mountains or give up really important things if circumstances require it. Unfortunately, many people search for such feelings for years, but never find them and, not wanting to waste time on trifles, prefer to live alone all their lives. However, we found several real stories, which confirm that true love exists.

Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner

For America, Frank Sinatra became a true legend and symbol of the era of show business and the golden era of Hollywood. And while all the beauties of that time tried to win his heart, including Marilyn Monroe and Lana Turner, only one woman truly drove him crazy. He was so lost in this love that he went on a drinking binge, lost his voice and at times behaved inappropriately. The actress who drove the great performer crazy was named Ava Gardner, and she had a magical effect on men. They were immediately ready to do anything if only this beauty would pay attention to them.

Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner

Before meeting Sinatra, Ava had already been married twice and had a crazy affair with multimillionaire Howard Hughes. Howard threw planes, diamonds, and luxurious clothes at the feet of the wayward beauty, but she only accepted the gifts with cold politeness, keeping her admirer at a distance. By the way, Frank himself, who also had a wife and three children, did not consider having a family an obstacle to love affairs. The fatal meeting took place in 1950 at the premiere of the film “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.” After that evening, Sinatra was not himself, he suffered, was tormented and went crazy with love and jealousy. He couldn't shower the object of his passion expensive gifts, so he relied only on his charm, which, alas, did not always work. As a result, Sinatra wrote his greatest hits and eventually won the favor of the actress. Two southern temperaments came together, and feelings resulted in energy true love and a passion that was impossible to resist.

At first, the lovers met secretly, because Sinatra was still not free. Then Ava flew to Spain, where she began an affair with a bullfighter, and Frank, who found out about this, almost died of grief. The actress took pity on him, promising to return, but then fell into the arms of Richard Greene. The performer was pumped up with sleeping pills, and only a miracle saved him. Ava finally gave in and agreed to marry him. The ceremony took place in Philadelphia, and the couple enjoyed quiet family happiness for a couple of years. But then they begin to torment each other with jealousy and in 1957, after a stormy showdown, they file for divorce. Frank claimed that after Ava he had many women, but none could give him the feelings that he experienced with his muse.

This is perhaps the most famous misalliance in history, when for the sake of his beloved woman, the English monarch Edward VIII voluntarily abdicated the throne. Envious people vied with each other to discuss the fact that the King of England suddenly became infatuated with a twice-divorced American woman. This was not only strange, but also unreasonable, in the opinion of many Englishmen. Residents of Britain were sure that a kind of end of the world had come and the collapse of moral and ethical standards and foundations of secular society.

Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII of England

The 36-year-old monarch met Mrs Wallis Simpson at a dinner party in early November 1930. At the same time, as historians recall, the prince fell in love with a married lady at first sight, although she was far from beautiful and did not have any outstanding talents. However, you cannot command your heart, and soon the prince won her favor. The lovers were not embarrassed by Wallis’s status, public censure, or boycott royal family, who hoped that the monarch would soon play enough and find himself a worthy passion. But that was not the case!

In January 1936, when he died English king George V, Edward ascended the throne, and Wallis immediately decided to formally divorce her legal spouse. At the same time, neither parliament nor members of the royal family even wanted to hear about this divorced American suddenly becoming the wife of a monarch. Therefore, poor Edward had to make a choice between the English throne and his feelings. It was obvious to many that he would choose the title and crown. But, alas, Edward decided to leave everything for the sake of his beloved woman.

On December 10, 1936, Edward VIII publicly abdicated the throne, making his famous speech, and then devoted himself entirely to family life. The couple lived a very happy life and traveled a lot until the monarch died of cancer in 1972.

Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier

And although there was not much love in this union, the story of the Hollywood actress and the Prince of Monaco truly became a legend.

Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier

One of Alfred Hitchcock's most beloved actresses, Grace had a Nordic appearance and a reserved manner that gave the impression that she was not hollywood celebrity, and the most a real princess. However, despite the outward coldness, the star was very amorous and passionate and could easily have a light affair right on film set with the operator or accept beautiful courtship from the Iranian Shah. In Hollywood they believed that Miss High Society, as the actress with an angelic appearance was called, was worthy of being the wife of only a real prince. In the end, this happened, and soon Grace was married to Prince Rainier III of Monaco.

It is worth noting that the acquaintance that took place in 1955 changed the lives of not only young people, but also the entire state. The prince had been looking for a worthy wife for a long time, so marrying a famous Hollywood beauty with a good reputation helped attract investment and arouse the interest of tourists in the bankrupt Monaco. Rainier figured that a wedding to an Oscar-winning Hollywood actress would be a successful PR move, and the luxurious ceremony, held in 1956, revived interest in Monaco and turned the region into one of the most prestigious on the planet. The country fell in love with its new princess, and Grace gave the state not only long-awaited heirs, but also new economic opportunities.

Rainier's wife basked in attention, changed outfits from couturiers, posed for glossy publications and visited other countries on official visits. However, while millions of people dreamed of being in the same fairy tale, Grace suffered from the difficult character of her husband, and social duties were real hard labor for her. Soon the actress had health problems, she began to gain weight, and her grown children began to run away from home, abandon social responsibilities and have affairs with bodyguards.

In 1982, Kelly lost control of her car and got into a car accident. The injuries she received turned out to be incompatible with life, so almost the next day, by the prince’s decision, the life support machine supporting his wife’s condition was turned off.

The novel of the great opera diva and the richest man of the mid-twentieth century was called nothing less than a story of passionate love, burning everything in its path, and humiliation. Despite the gossip and public censure, these two even felt happy. At times, but still.

Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis

All representatives of the rich families of that time dreamed of getting the Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis to a social reception. The billionaire did not refuse invitations, spending evenings surrounded by the most beautiful girls from high society, but, alas, using these fools only to achieve their goals. He managed to turn every acquaintance he had (even with a lady) into a business, but that was until 1959, when he accidentally fell in love for real. His world turned upside down the moment he was introduced to the young opera singer Maria Callas, whose talent was applauded by the whole world.

Maria (real name Cecilia Sophia Anna Maria Kalogeropoulos) was born into a family of Greek immigrants in the United States and quite early married a wealthy Italian industrialist Giovanni Battisto Meneghini. He was a great connoisseur of art, and when he first saw the talented girl, he simply did not want to let her go. And so he put all his affairs aside, becoming a devoted manager and generous producer of his beloved.

But Onassis first noticed Maria Callas at a ball in Venice, and then went to her concert to make sure that this was not just another passing hobby, and later invited the singer and her husband to his legendary yacht “Christina” - main symbol unprecedented luxury of that time. By the way, at the moment when Greek tycoon enjoyed the company of the unfree but desired Maria on his yacht; he was also tied by marriage, but at that time he was not particularly worried about it. Love turned the heads of Mary and Aristotle, and they began an affair in front of the amazed public, spending all their nights on the deck, dancing and looking at the starry sky. Upon returning, the lovers immediately began to live together, but soon the billionaire turned from an ardent lover into a real tyrant, constantly insulting Maria in front of his friends, openly cheating and raising his hand against the once beloved woman. Callas, blinded by love, endured, which further provoked her tyrant. As a result, she gave up her career, lost her voice and became isolated. Alas, the Greek tycoon not only did not take pity on his chosen one, but also truly betrayed the one whom he had recently admired. In October 1968, Aristotle Onassis married the widow of US President Jacqueline Kennedy, and Maria, who learned about this from the newspapers, locked herself in her apartment and turned into a real recluse.

Love is the most extraordinary feeling in the world. Throughout human history, it has inspired poets, writers and singers, and sometimes love has even served as a reason for crimes and wars between entire countries. Our selection today includes ten of the most famous couples whose love story led to tragic consequences. Some of them are reliably existing historical characters, others we know about mostly from legends and myths.


According to legend, Paris was a Trojan prince, and Helen was the wife of Menelaus, the ruler of Sparta. Not finding mutual understanding with her husband, to whom she was forcibly married, Elena fled from Sparta along with the handsome Paris. However, in the midst of preparations for the wedding, Menelaus arrived with his troops at the walls of Troy, and a war began in which many Trojans died, including Paris. Elena had to return back to Sparta.

According to Greek myology, Orpheus was a talented singer, and Eurydice was his wife, who was once bitten by a snake and died. After this, Orpheus, unable to live without his beloved, descended into the mythical kingdom of Hades. He so charmed the inhabitants of the Underworld that Hades agreed to let Eurydice go, but on the condition that Orpheus should not look back until they left the realm of the dead. But Orpheus could not stand it and turned around to see if Eurydice was following him, and she was taken back - to the kingdom of Hades.

The love story between the Roman general Mark Antony and Egyptian queen Cleopatra is widely known for its dramatic ending. Both lovers committed suicide after their troops were defeated in battle against Caesar's army.

Characters of a medieval legend who fall in love with each other, despite the fact that Tristan's uncle, Mark, is supposed to marry Isolde. Nevertheless, Isolde was married to Mark, and Tristan was married to the daughter of the King of Britain, Isolde Belorukaya. The story ended with Tristan being wounded by a poisoned weapon, and Isolde, who did not have time to say goodbye to him, soon died of grief. In the ranking of free audiobooks “Romance Novels,” the novel Tristan and Isolde is one of the most popular.

According to legend, Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur, was madly in love with Lancelot, one of the knights of the Round Table. When Arthur learned of this, the bitter rivalry between him and Lancelot destroyed the unity of the knights. In the end, Arthur was killed, and Guinevere went to a monastery out of grief.

Famous story Love, written by the famous Shakespeare, tells the story of the relationship between young lovers from two warring Italian families. How the story ended is probably known to everyone - Romeo poisoned himself, thinking that Juliet had died, and she, finding him dead, killed herself with a dagger.

Shah Jahan and his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal were for a long time happy together until Mumtaz Mahal died giving birth to their 14th child. Devastated by grief, Shah Jahan could not come to his senses for a long time, but found some consolation in the construction of a luxurious mausoleum in memory of his wife. This mausoleum still stands today and is known as the Taj Mahal.

The relationship between Napoleon and his wife Josephine, according to eyewitness accounts, was very stormy, and ultimately led to divorce. However, when Napoleon died, last words The emperor was addressed specifically to Josephine, his first wife. The love between the young king and the widow, who is 12 years older than him, caused outrage and protest both from the public and from Alexander’s mother. However, he did not listen to anyone’s advice and insisted on getting married. It all ended with the royal couple being killed by a group of military officers dissatisfied with their rule.

American robbers who organized a gang responsible for several armed robberies and murders. Despite their criminal activities, according to eyewitnesses, Bonnie and Clyde loved each other deeply and were inseparable. Gangster's over love story very sadly - the police shot at their car from an ambush, as a result of which both died on the spot.

Incredible facts

The lives of celebrities seem like the ultimate dream to us, and their love stories seem like an incredibly beautiful fairy tale.

However, even for the beautiful and famous, not everything is so smooth and cloudless.

Sometimes even the most beautiful love stories suddenly end and find a tragic ending.

Here are 10 celebrity love stories with unexpectedly sad endings:

The most tragic love stories

1. Simon Utley and Petra Nemkova

In a split second, a dream holiday turned into a nightmare for 25-year-old model Petra Nemkova and her 33-year-old lover, photographer Simon Utley.

At the end of 2004, the lovers went to one of the popular resorts in Thailand. The holiday promised to be fabulous.

When a deadly tsunami hit the island, thousands of human destinies were broken in an instant.

Petra saved herself from certain death by clinging to the branches of a palm tree. The model remained in the tree for eight agonizing hours before rescuers finally rescued her.

The girl suffered a fractured pelvis and many other injuries, but she survived, and her lover died...

Simon's body was found 6 months later near the place where the loving couple spent their vacation.

In memory of her deceased fiancé, Petra founded a foundation called The Happy Hearts Fund. This organization was engaged in helping victims of disasters in Haiti and the Philippines cope with the tragedies that befell them.

Michael Todd is perhaps famous for being only husband Elizabeth Taylor, from whom she did not divorce. And this, indeed, was a feat.

After all, all 7 marriages famous actress ended in divorce. Marriage to Michael was the third for the Cleopatra star (she was married a total of eight times) and the third for Todd, a famous Hollywood producer.

Taylor was there for two years younger than my son Todd from his first marriage. However, the 23-year age difference did not stop the lovers. The relationship between Elizabeth and Michael was always in the spotlight and was surrounded by a lot of gossip and gossip.

6 months after the wedding, a daughter, Lisa, was born into the family.

Despite the negative attention from the tabloids, the couple seemed truly in love and sincere.

Many said that Elizabeth was never happier than when she was with Todd.

Their fairytale was cut short when, less than a year after their wedding in 1958, Todd's private plane, the Lucky Liz, crashed. The plane's engine failed and it exploded upon impact with the ground.

At the end of her life, Elizabeth called Michael “the love of her life,” along with her 5th (and 6th) husband, Richard Burton, and, of course, jewelry.

Celebrity tragedies

3. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love

Yes, their relationship was tumultuous, and yes, the couple was notorious for both using illegal drugs.

In April 1994, the whole world was shocked by the news of the death of Kurt Cobain. The famous musician was found dead in his home. He died from a gunshot wound to the head. The police confirmed the fact of suicide.

Kurt and Courtney met at a nightclub in 1990. They secretly married on a beach in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1992.

6 months after the wedding, daughter Frances Bian was born.

There are many versions regarding Kurt's death. Some claim it was murder. Others are convinced that Cobain committed suicide. But for what exact reason, no one knows.

At the time of his death, Kurt was only 27 years old. He was in his prime and at the zenith of his fame...

4. Carole Lombard and Clark Gable

Hollywood's "Golden Girl" Carole Lombard met her fate on the set of the 1932 film "A Difficult Man." Her partner in the role was the famous Clark Gable.

But only in 1939, seven years later many years after meeting, the couple connected. Clark and Carol's life seemed like a fairy-tale idyll.

They were madly in love, constantly surprising each other with unusual actions.

For example, after one of their quarrels, as a sign of reconciliation, Lombard sent her husband a pair of doves.

Unfortunately, just two years after their wedding, Carol died in a plane crash. She was flying to shoot an anti-fascist film. Her plane crashed, crashing into a mountain while climbing.

She was only 33 years old. Although Gable later married, those who knew him closely argued that the actor never recovered from the death of his wife. Without a doubt, Carol was the greatest love of his life.

To forget himself, Clark Gable went to the front as a simple private, despite the fact that his relatives and friends were against it.

At Clark's request, after his death he was buried next to Lombard in 1961.

5. Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski

At first glance, it seems that Hollywood couldn't write best scenario: In 1964, a rising actress (Tate) meets a promising young director (Polanski).

And although these two did not immediately find common language, Polanski tries it in his film ("The Fearless Vampire Killers").

They fell in love while in Italy, and on their return to London she moved into the director's house.

Four years later, Sharon and Roman were married and expecting a child.

Their love story could be called a fairy tale with a happy ending... However, a fateful combination of circumstances cut short this wonderful fairy tale.

Just two weeks before giving birth, Tate was brutally murdered by the criminal group known as the Charles Manson family. After being tied up at gunpoint, she was stabbed 16 times.

Sharon was only 26 years old...

6. Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed

Just one short month The whirlwind romance between Diana Spencer and her boyfriend, the son of Egyptian billionaire Dodi Fayed, continued.

In August 1997, the world was shocked by the news that the beloved princess and her new lover had died in a car accident while on vacation in Paris.

The lovers are in a terrible situation car accident. Dodi died instantly, but Diana was taken to the hospital with many injuries, where she died a few hours later.

Some sources report that the princess was pregnant at the time of her death, but this fact has not been officially confirmed.

Their fleeting romance remained a beautiful, but unfinished story of great love.

7. John and Jacqueline Kennedy

It was love at first sight. John Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier met at a mutual friend's party.

A year later in 1953, the couple married. Eight years later, Kennedy became President of the United States of America, and Jackie became the third young First Lady in history. She was only 31 years old.

The tragedy occurred 2 years after Kennedy was elected head of state. During a trip to Texas, he was killed in an open convertible, shot several times in the head and neck.

And although Jackie married again a few years after the tragic death of her first husband, she could not forget him until her death.

Nobody could compare with him.

She admitted this in one of her interviews, being already an elderly woman. She called the years spent in the White House the best of her life.

Tragedies of famous people

8. Pierce Brosnan and Cassandra Harris

When James Bond falls in love with someone, he marries and wants to spend the rest of his life with that girl.

In 1980, Pierce Brosnan met Cassandra Harris. They were born common child(Cassandra had two children from her first marriage).

After several years of cloudless happiness, the woman was diagnosed with cancer. Brosnan remained with his wife until the end, supporting her in everything.

He went through all the circles of hell with his beloved: several operations, an extensive course of chemotherapy. Treatment turned out to be ineffective. The disease won, and in 1991, at the age of 43, Cassandra died.

Brosnan shared that he continued to talk with his lover even after her death. But the tragedies associated with diseases did not end there.

A few years later, Cassandra’s daughter from her first marriage, Charlotte, was diagnosed with an identical disease.

Pierce Brosnan was next to his stepdaughter until the very end, holding her hand.