Red wolf with a black tail. Red wolf (photo): A dangerous predator with an unusual appearance

Canis lupus rufus ) - carnivorous mammal, a subspecies of the common wolf. Previously considered a separate species Canis rufus. Not to be confused with the red wolf ( Cuon alpinus).

The rarest member of the wolf family, the red wolf once inhabited much of the eastern United States, from Pennsylvania to Texas. However, in the Due to extermination, habitat destruction, and hybridization with coyotes, red wolves are on the verge of extinction. Their range was first reduced to extreme southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas, and by the late 1970s. Red wolves completely disappeared in nature, and only individuals survived in zoos and nurseries. Since then, work has been underway to return red wolves to natural environment habitat - in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee.


Red wolves differ from their closest relative, the gray wolf, in their smaller size. The red wolf is slimmer, has longer legs and ears, and shorter fur. However, it is larger than a coyote: its body length is 100-130 cm, tail - 30-42 cm, height at the withers - 66-79 cm. Adult males weigh 20-40 kg, females, as a rule, are 1/3 lighter.

The fur color includes red, brown, gray and black. The back is usually black. The muzzle and limbs are reddish, the end of the tail is black. The red coloration, from which the species gets its name, predominated among Texas populations. Red fur is also dominant in winter. The annual molt occurs in the summer.

Lifestyle and nutrition

In terms of lifestyle, the red wolf is close to the common wolf. Initially they lived in forests, swampy lowlands and coastal prairies; were nocturnal. Now red wolves are being reintroduced into hard-to-reach mountainous and swampy areas.

Red wolves have smaller packs than gray ones; they consist of a married (breeding) couple and its offspring, both young and grown. Sometimes families grow significantly larger. There are practically no manifestations of aggression in the family, but family members are unfriendly towards unfamiliar wolves.

The red wolf's food consists primarily of rodents (including nutria and muskrats), rabbits and raccoons; Occasionally a flock catches a deer. Supplementing the diet are insects and berries, as well as carrion.

In turn, red wolves can become victims of other wolves, including relatives from other packs. Young animals are hunted large predators- alligators and bobcats.


Red wolves live in families in which only dominant pairs breed. A pair, like other wolves, is created on long time. The remaining members of the group help raise the offspring and bring food for the lactating wolves.

The breeding season lasts from January to March. Pregnancy lasts 60-63 days; in a litter there are 3-6 puppies (rarely - up to 12), which are born in the spring. Females make dens in holes under fallen trees, in sandy slopes, and along river banks. Both parents care for the offspring; puppies become independent at 6 months.

The lifespan of a red wolf in nature is 4 years; in captivity they lived up to 14 years.

Population status

Traditionally, there were three subspecies of the red wolf, two of which became extinct.

  • Canis rufus floridanus extinct by the year
  • Canis rufus rufus declared extinct in the city,
  • Canis rufus gregoryi became extinct in nature by


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Denezhkin Stone (reserve)
  • Denezhkin stone (mountain)

See what “Red Wolf” is in other dictionaries:

    Red wolf- ? Red wolf Scientific classification Kingdom: Animals Type: Chordata ... Wikipedia

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    RED WOLF- (Canis alpinus), mammal of the family. wolf Unity, type of genus. It is similar to an ordinary wolf, but differs from it in its smaller size, rusty red color, bushy tail and smaller (by 1) number of lower legs. molars. Dl. bodies on Wed. 100 cm,... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Mountain wolf- (Cams alpinus), Buryat bison, Tungus jerkul. Position in the system and main signs, see Canine. Smaller than an ordinary wolf and in appearance resembles a large shepherd dog. It differs from the beetlefish in having larger upper molars. Length … Encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron


Family: Canids

Subfamily: Simocyoninae

Squad: Predatory

Class: Mammals

Type: Chordata

Subtype: Vertebrates

Kingdom: Animals

Dimensions: the height of the individual is no more than 55 cm. Males weigh 15-20 kg, females - 10-13 kg. Body length: 75-110 cm (excluding tail (45-50 cm)

Lifespan: V wildlife– up to 9 years, in captivity – more than 15 years.

The red wolf got his unusual name, as per the description appearance he looks more like a fox or a jackal. He has a red, and in some cases even red, coat color that is uncharacteristic of ordinary wolves.

In total, there are 10 subspecies of this animal in the world, but, unfortunately, only 2 of them are in Russia.

On at the moment Everything possible is being done to ensure that there are significantly more red wolves, because maximum efforts must be made to preserve the species


In most cases, you can only meet the red wolf in mountainous and forested areas near Central and South Asia. Even earlier, these wolves lived in regions of Russia. For example, it could be found in the Altai Mountains.

Unfortunately, today there is no accurate data that this animal can be found in Russia, although there were exceptions. Meetings between residents of the Khabarovsk region and forest orderlies were recorded, but it is quite possible that this information is erroneous and the wolf was simply confused with a fox.

The disappearance of the species is due to the fact that in the distant seventies there was active hunting for these mammals, because their fur was valued even more than a fur coat, or. The puppies of the individual often came across the hands of stupid hunters.

Important! This type You can find a predator in the Red Book, since the mountain wolf can be found less and less in nature and very soon its complete disappearance is possible. Currently, various measures are being taken to increase the mountain wolf population, but so far there are about 2,500 adults. This is critically low.

Today, this species of mammal is endangered and hunting it is strictly prohibited! Nature reserves are being created in habitats that improve the living conditions of the red wolf. There is hope that zoologists and scientists will be able to save the population.

The most comfortable habitat for this wolf is the mountains. This is where another name came from - mountain wolf. If the situation in the mountains is favorable for life and existence, that is, the availability of food and the required level of snow, then the predator will not leave this area.


The red wolf received its nickname due to its similarity with foxes and jackals according to the following criteria:

  • Red, and in some cases bright red, fur. If you catch a glimpse of this animal, then you can quite say that it was a fox, but certainly not the gray wolf we are used to;
  • A fluffy tail, uncharacteristic of ordinary Seromans, which is very long and almost reaches the ground (tail length 45-50 cm);
  • Narrow and slightly elongated muzzle;
  • Large and rounded ears that resemble the outline of a jackal.

Captive red wolf

These mammals create very strong and friendly families, in which a certain hierarchy reigns. People have a lot to learn from wolves, because couples that are created to form a future family remain so until the end of their days.

This is interesting! There is a mention of red wolves in the world-famous work “The Jungle Book”. Despite the fact that this is a fairy tale, it describes the most basic and true characteristics mammal. Remember the passages from the book: “Predators moved in packs of up to thirty individuals.” That's how it is, but real life they move in flocks of up to 10-12 members. This is due to the fact that the population is subject to extinction and is not recruited within one family. more. The group size can reach up to 30 if several families unite.


Here you can clearly see the similarity between a red wolf and a fox.

If you decide to look at a photo of a red wolf, you will understand where its nickname came from. This individual is quite impressive in size.

The body length reaches 160 cm including the tail, and the weight is 21 kg. The mammal is a kind of collective image that includes the wolf, fox and jackal. It has a characteristic red color, a pointed muzzle and large round ears.

Important! The color may vary depending on the habitat. The end of the tail is always black. Puppies up to three months have a dark brown color.

As you know, the main habitat of these animals is mountains. The animals climb quite high and often reach the Alpine belt. Because of low temperatures and snow layer, in winter season the coat is thicker and softer than in summer period.

Main Features

The red wolf is a typical representative of the inhabitant of mountainous areas. Here are some unique features from the life of a red wolf:

  • The beast rises high into the mountains up to 4000 meters above sea level.
  • An individual of this species can freely live in forests, due to certain conditions, but still adheres to rocky areas.
  • A mammal can temporarily live even in steppes and deserts, but only for short periods of time and only while searching for food or migrating.
  • Although the red wolf is a representative of the predatory fauna, it often eats plants in the summer.

Red wolf in the wild

Relations within the pack are mostly friendly and not at all aggressive. Most often, wolves find lodgings for the night in caves, rock breaks, crevices, and so on. Due to the gradual disappearance of the population, they are trying to keep them in captivity, but it is still not possible to tame them, for example, which is not surprising.

Interesting! Red wolves are often called “singing”, because the sounds they make are similar to singing. This is a distinguishing characteristic of red wolves from gray wolves.


Red wolves are predators. They mainly feed on ungulates, which they hunt in packs, because it is difficult to do this alone. They hunt alone only if the prey is small (hares, etc.). In summer, predators can also feed on plant foods. Now briefly about the predator’s diet.

"Red dogs" love to eat mountain sheep. It is not surprising that such animals are hunted in packs, because their weight reaches 180 kg, which is many times more weight one wolf. Rams have curled and very powerful horns, and also, thanks to the special structure of their hooves, are excellent climbers.

Interesting! Red deer are also food for the flock, like other subspecies of red deer. The males of these animals reach a body length of 280 cm, but one of the intimidating factors is the span of the horns, which reaches 80 cm.

Consumed as food and fanged deer, such as musk deer. Long and sharp fangs grow from the mouths of these animals, which can be used as weapons for self-defense or attack. Musk deer live in the taiga and rocky areas and are excellent climbers. That is why these animals also have to be herded in a whole flock.

The well-known wild boars, or, as they are also called, wild pigs, are also food for the red wolf. They can be found where the environment is more humid and wet, with a variety of vegetation.

Basically, “red dogs” eat animal meat and only in the summer can they dilute their diet with plants

Interesting! If you meet a lonely wild boar, then know that it is an old male. Young boars or females always stick to the herd. It is precisely lonely animals that wolves attack - so the boar will be an easy target for a dozen ferocious predators.

Although red wolves are predators, they still feed on plants. One of the representatives of the flora is rhubarb. This is a large and large plant that grows in height up to 2 meters. The leaves contain a lot of sugar and vitamins and are pleasant to the taste. Also, “red dogs” use it as a cure for various diseases.


Red mammals live in families, and then unite into powerful packs that live, hunt, raise puppies, and so on. Males are very faithful to their chosen one, and also accept active participation in raising children.

A female's pregnancy lasts on average about two months. From two to nine puppies are born. For the first two weeks of their existence, the cubs are completely blind. After about six months, the puppies are in no way inferior to an adult wolf.

Mating in captivity most often occurs in January-February. Wolves breed in the wild all year round, but still, most often new offspring are found in November-December.

Newborn wolf cubs are difficult to distinguish from ordinary gray ones, because they acquire their characteristic color much later.
It is not possible to study the reproduction of this species in detail since they cannot be tamed, and their population is extremely small.

Female red wolf with her pup

Raising offspring

In the wild it is very difficult to meet a young wolf, especially a cub. This is due to the fact that the adult generation treats their children very carefully. It is not for nothing that people have long associated wolves with freedom and loyalty.

Once born, wolf cubs are completely helpless and cannot exist independently. Parents provide them with food, warmth, comfort and keep the puppies safe.

Only at the age of one year does the younger generation try their hand at hunting. Even if it happens that the wolf cub is lost, its location is determined by howling.

This is a unique radar that allows animals to maintain contact. Also, howling, or “singing,” can serve as a warning of danger.

Winter hunting is in full swing

The hierarchy of the growing offspring is determined from childhood. From various programs or photos you can see how the cubs “play”. But this is not entirely true, because such “sparring” determines a stronger and more worthy descendant.

Sometimes parents have a hard time raising them, as puppies are very curious and brave. It's probably because they don't have to face any real danger. As soon as the wolf cubs stop feeding on their mother's milk, their diet is replaced by prey that the pack brings to their habitat.

Due to the difference in climate, red wolves tolerate both frost and heat well. This greatly simplifies keeping them in captivity. In zoos and nature reserves, predators are active only during the daytime. Towards evening they hide in shelters, and like to wake up only at noon.

To eliminate this, animals are placed in cages up to three meters high. These enclosures are distinguished by soft lattice, which does not allow wolves to ricochet and leave the boundaries of the place of detention. If hard cages are used, they are equipped with a curved visor on top.

Most often, sand or earth is used as a substrate and concrete is abandoned. This is due to the fact that the concrete surface is heavily heated by the sun and because of this the wolves can get sick.

Relationships with people

There is a very reverent attitude towards red wolves. This is due to their special position and inclusion in the Red Book.

Mountain dogs are mistrustful and impossible to tame.

It is not possible to study in detail the behavior of these wolves, because they are completely untamed and cannot be trained in any way. Everyone understands perfectly well that if every effort is not made to preserve the species, then in about 8-10 years we will no longer see a single representative of it.

Red wolf: Dangerous predator With unusual appearance

The red wolf is unique beast of prey, because without a doubt it can be confused with a fox due to its peculiar color, long tail to the ground and fluffiness of the fur. Also, the red wolf can be recognized not only by its color, but also by its ears, which are quite large sizes and have a rounded shape.

Niramin - Sep 5th, 2015

Guara, aguarachai or maned wolf has unusual look, looks more like a large, long-legged fox than a wolf. IN Latin America In the canine family, the maned wolf is the largest representative.

It has a short body - about 125-130 centimeters, a height at the withers of 74-87 centimeters, permissible weight from 20 to 23 kilograms, larger ones are very rare. Strongly big ears and a short tail emphasize the disproportion of the body. With its color, the maned wolf is more reminiscent of a mountain wolf or a fox - almost all the fur is red, the tail is light, it becomes white towards the end, it has a light spot on its throat, black socks on its legs, and from the nape to the middle of the back there is a black stripe, in which the fur is longer than in other areas. When a maned wolf is frightened or aggressive, the hair on the mane stands on end, visually adding volume to the animal, which is why the wolf got its name.

The maned wolf lives in South America, namely in Paraguay, eastern Bolivia, central, southern and southeastern Brazil. In other states, wolves are either extinct or extremely rare.

Maned wolves rest during the day, and at night and at dusk their activity peaks. These are not school predators, life in pairs is at most possible, but even here there are some oddities - the male and female sleep and hunt separately in the territory, which is marked by feces and droppings. Hunting occurs most often on small animals (insects, rodents, birds), but the maned wolf can also feed on food plant origin. These animals swallow food almost whole, without chewing due to weak jaws.

But despite the great external resemblance, maned wolves and foxes are not at all related.

We offer for viewing beautiful photos maned wolf from our gallery:

Maned wolf - young

Photo: Maned wolf jumping

Video: Maned wolf roar-bark

Video: Maned Wolf

Video: Maned Wolf

Video: Feeding the Maned wolf – Nordens Ark

The wolf is a symbol of cruelty, ferocity, anger and gluttony. In real life, the wolf acts independently and brings a lot of evil to people and many animals.

Exists large number folk expressions dedicated to this evil beast, which could be deposited in your subconscious and become a kind of message for the image of a wolf to appear in a dream: “People are dear, but the wolf is away,” “They beat the wolf not because they are gray, but because they are sheep.” ate", "Winter for the wolf for the custom. Winter was told to the wolf”, “No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest”, “The wolf ate raw meat and spun high”, “Wolves howl under houses - to frost or to war” and many others.

Seeing a wolf hunting for a kid in a dream means that in real life you should not expect help from other people; You can solve the problems that arise only yourself.

If in a dream the wolf does not catch up with the kid, then such a dream suggests that you should not take on the business offered to you, otherwise you will lose everything you have.

Watch in a dream a wolf standing near high mountain and looks at the goat grazing on it - a sign that in real life you will find yourself in difficult situation, from which you will be able to emerge with honor and even benefit.

If the goat stands on a mountain on which there is no vegetation, and the wolf is below in a green meadow, then in the near future your enemies will show themselves, but, despite all their efforts, they will not be able to defeat you, because you are much smarter and smarter than them.

If you dreamed of a wolf lying in wait for its prey not far from a herd of grazing cattle, then this dream is clear evidence that in real life, despite all your efforts, you will not be able to prevent evil.

To see a wolf secretly removing thirst from the trough of domestic animals in a dream indicates that there are very evil man, whose actions are insidious and at the same time secretive.

Such a dream may also mean that you should be very careful, otherwise you yourself will not understand how you will lose your job, property, family and, perhaps, even your life.

Caring for a wounded wolf in a dream is a sign that you are about to meet a person about whom you have previously heard only the worst. But such a dream also suggests that these rumors will not come true, and you will understand that this person is not as bad as you were told.

Threatening your child with a wolf in a dream, that is, telling him when he cannot sleep: “A little gray wolf will come and drag him away by the barrel,” means that in real life your words almost always disagree with your deeds.

Listening to the howl of a wolf in a dream is evidence that you will soon be presented with a false accusation. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your work colleague is plotting against you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Titles: red wolf, red wolf.

Area: At the beginning of the last century natural habitat The red wolf was limited to the southeastern United States - from Florida to east-central Texas, including southeastern Tennessee, Alabama, most of Georgia and Florida, and further north to southern Illinois. Currently, the species has been reintroduced only in North Carolina over an area of ​​approximately 6000 km2.

Description: From their closest relative - the gray wolf, red wolves are smaller in size. The red wolf is slimmer, has longer legs and ears, and shorter fur. The annual molt occurs in the summer. The red wolf is larger than the coyote.

Color: Fur color includes red, brown, gray and black. The back is usually black. The muzzle and limbs are reddish, the end of the tail is black. The red coloration from which the species gets its name predominated among Texas populations. Red fur is also dominant in winter.

Size: Body length is 100-130 cm, tail - 30-42 cm, height at withers - 66-79 cm.

Weight: Adult males weigh 20-40 kg, females are usually 1/3 lighter and weigh 18-30 kg.

Lifespan: In nature - 4 years; according to other sources - up to 13 years; in captivity they lived up to 14-16 years.
Observations at wolf reintroduction sites in 1993 showed that the survival rate of adult red wolves was about 50% after 3 years in the wild.

Habitat: The species was apparently most abundant in the former vast forests along the banks of rivers and swamps of the southeastern United States, characterized by the growth of pine in the upper tier and evergreen shrubs in the lower tier. Red wolves originally had a wide historical distribution, using a wide range of habitat types. They lived not only in forests on swampy lowlands, but also in coastal prairies. Now red wolves are being reintroduced into hard-to-reach mountainous and swampy areas.

Enemies: Red wolves can become victims of other wolves (gray wolves, coyotes), including relatives from other packs. Young animals can be hunted by large predators - alligators and red lynxes.
Threats to the red wolf: habitat loss due to human activity and illegal hunting, as well as competition and hybridization with coyote.

Food: In the past, the red wolf was able to kill and eat any animal up to the size little deer. The red wolf's diet consisted mainly of rodents (including nutria and muskrats), as well as rabbits and raccoons; Occasionally, the pack managed to catch hogs and white-tailed deer. Supplements to the diet included insects and berries, as well as carrion.

Behavior: In terms of lifestyle, the red wolf is close to common wolf. Active at dusk and dawn, and during the winter, perhaps increases the time of its activity due to the day. Red wolves are very secretive and avoid humans and places of their activity.
They hunt in packs. It has been established that a pack of red wolves, consisting of 11 different individuals, needs approximately 100 km 2 of territory in order to hunt and live normally. They usually hunt in one area for about 7-10 days and then move to another area.
Red wolves maintain relationships with each other through a complex set of dynamic, tactile, chemical and auditory (sound) signals. Body language, pheromones and vocalizations serve to convey information about the social and reproductive status of pack members and their mood. Social contact in a pack is often achieved through touch (tactile contact). Marking territory using scent marks is rarely used.

Social structure: Red wolves are social animals that live in packs with complex social organization like a gray wolf. Flocks come first family groups, which consist of a breeding pair (family) and its offspring, both young and grown, usually from five to eight animals. Red wolves have smaller packs than gray ones. Sometimes families grow significantly larger. The size of the flock changes and forms depending on the abundance of food. The hierarchy of dominant and subordinate animals within a pack aims to ensure that the pack functions as a coherent unit. There are practically no manifestations of aggression in the family, but family members are unfriendly towards unfamiliar wolves.

Reproduction: Red wolves live in families in which only the dominant (alpha) pair breeds, which, like other wolves, is created for a long time, and often for life. The remaining members of the group participate in the protection and education of the offspring and bring food to the nursing wolf.
Females make dens in holes under fallen trees, in hollow trunks, in sandy slopes and along river banks. Sometimes wolves themselves dig dens, and often they occupy ready-made ones dug by other animals.
Interbreeding between the red wolf and the coyote has been noted, which has been recognized as the most significant and harmful threat to the red wolf population in natural habitats. Coyote reduction efforts are currently underway to preserve the wild red wolf population in northeastern North Carolina.

Breeding season/period: February - March.

Puberty: Rarely at 10 months, usually at 22 - 46 months.

Pregnancy: Lasts 60-63 days.

Offspring: In a litter there are on average 3-6 puppies (rarely - up to 12), which are born in the spring. Both parents and all members of the pack take care of the offspring.
Lactation lasts up to 8-10 weeks. Puppies become independent at 6 months.

Benefit/harm for humans: Red wolves are important as apex predators in the ecosystems in which they live. Red wolves eat a lot of rodents, so they help regulate their numbers.
It was previously believed that red wolves could be a serious threat to livestock. However, in reality this threat has been greatly exaggerated, although they may occasionally kill native animals.

Population/conservation status: The red wolf is listed in the international Red Book with the status of “critically endangered species”.
Until the middle of the 20th century. red wolves were exterminated for attacks on livestock and game (accusations greatly exaggerated). In 1967, the species was declared Endangered, and by 1980 the red wolf was considered extinct in nature, and by this time there were fewer than 20 individuals left in captivity, and then measures began to be taken to save it. In 1997, biologists already counted about 80 red wolves in two habitats. In addition, there were 160 animals living in captivity.
The entire current population of red wolves descended from 14 individuals kept in captivity. There are now approximately 270 individuals in the world, 100 of which were released into the wild in North Carolina.
The red wolf is intermediate in many characteristics between gray wolves and coyotes.
Discovered fossils dating back about 750,000 years indicate that the red wolf may be a descendant of a relatively more primitive ancestor of the North American wolf, which existed here before the advent of the North American wolf. gray wolf, and a coyote.
Traditionally, there were three subspecies of the red wolf, two of which became extinct.
Canis rufus floridanus extinct by 1930 Canis rufus rufus declared extinct in 1970, Canis rufus gregoryi became extinct in nature by 1980.
Horn Island, located 8 miles off the coast of the Mississippi, serves as a primary captive breeding site for red wolves with the goal of reintroducing them into the wild.

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