What types of punches are there in boxing? Basic Boxing Terms

People have always wanted to be famous, popular and recognized. Some achieve this through acting, others through their talent for making money.

But there are also those who have the physical ability to do incredible things that are impossible or very difficult to replicate. They set all kinds of records that glorify their skills throughout the world.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records such achievements throughout planet Earth, bringing considerable pleasure to its readers. But many people don’t like the fact that there are such records that cannot be classified as competitive or sports - they are simply crazy or so meaningless that no one even has the desire to repeat them.

Also, the Guinness Book of Records does not record the force of impact in a particular sport. This is often due to the impossibility of instantly determining the force of the blow, as this forces a bunch of sensors to be connected, which can pose a danger to the athlete’s life during a fight.

But don’t worry, in this article you can find answers to such questions and understand who has the strongest blow in history.

It's hard to judge

As already mentioned, it is very difficult to determine the force of the blow. For example, in football you cannot run with a football player all the time and measure the speed of the ball, or in boxing it is impossible to stand in the ring with athletes and record the power of each blow thrown.

But sports fans, as well as experts and observers, often make their own ratings in which they note the achievements in strength of certain athletes.

When answering the question of who has the strongest blow, it is impossible to give a definite answer, since strength depends on many factors. Quite a lot important point is which limb struck and under what circumstances.

In addition, an important point is the ratio of the athlete’s weight to the force of his blow. Of course, the force released is affected by the ejected mass and the speed of the impact. But it very often happens when an athlete weighs 50 kg less, and his impact force approaches that of heavyweights over 120 kg.

Who owns the strongest punch?

There are many types of martial arts in the world where they teach you to hit hard. But, in order to measure the force of a blow during a fight, you need to have special equipment. Only boxing and kickboxing progress in this matter.

Boxers have always been considered athletes who can deliver powerful punches. The most famous representative of the boxing world is Mike Tyson, whom absolutely everyone knows, despite the fact that he long ago completed his professional career.

Powerful Mike

It was believed that he had the most powerful hand blow. On many rides where you need to hit a special bag to test the force of the blow, there is a photo of Mike. It is written on them that the force of his hand strike is 800 kg.

This figure is truly outstanding, and we can say that he has the strongest blow in boxing. Considering the fact that to knock out another person it is enough to have a blow with a force of about 15 kilograms, but you need to hit the jaw clearly with a sharp throw of the hand in a circular path - this is truly amazing power.

David Tua

When asked who has the hardest punch in boxing, many name David Tua, a Samoan boxer. Experts believe that with his left hand he struck with a power of 1024 kilograms.

You won't envy his rivals. If today he was in the same shape as in his best years, then perhaps he would be a good opponent for Vladimir Klitschko, otherwise he too often comes across weak opponents.

Who owns the strongest kick?

No less concerned is the issue of incredibly strong kicks. Initially it was believed that the owners of such blows lower limbs Only karatekas and taekwondokas become.

But in Lately, thanks to mixed tournaments, Muay Thai and fighting without rules have been added to the martial arts in which the most powerful kicks are performed.

From time to time, various television shows are shown with popular fighters, in which the strength of their punches is compared. But the results of such experiments are often subjective. After all, each of them has their own execution technique, and this significantly affects the output power.

So, for example, a kick performed by a mixed style heavy league fighter Mirko Cro Cop reaches a power of 2703 kg! Let's compare the power of this blow with the capabilities of Mike Zambidis, who, weighing 70 kilograms, manages to right foot hit with a force of 1870 kg.

Of course, it is not clear how and where the strength of fighters’ blows is measured, but it is difficult to deny that it is better not to pester them in a dark alley.

Elbow and knee strikes

Muay Thai fighters are rightfully considered true masters of striking with knees and elbows. In competitions, very often they literally cut the opponent’s skin with such blows.

Because of this, very often you can see a bloody spectacle, rather than a duel. Some people like it, some don't. Of course, due to less leverage the blow is more powerful.

But can everything be measured in kilograms per square centimeter? Impact force is a relative indicator that must be correlated with efficiency. The Thais prove that with a weight of 40-50 kilograms, you can deliver blows that can knock out your opponent the first time.

What were the players able to celebrate?

Football is called the game of millions. Indeed, millions of television viewers gather to watch football matches, not to mention tens of thousands of fans on football fields.

Football is the most popular game. Football players must be able to kick the ball strongly and accurately to score a goal.

And in this field, football experts and journalists very often point out players who deliver blows that are simply incredible in strength.

Today, the holder of the title “The most powerful strike of a football player” is midfielder of the Brazilian national team Givanildo Vieira de Souza. He is known to everyone as the Hulk.

Incredibly, while playing against the Shakhtar Donetsk team, he was able to score a goal with a ball that flew into the net at a speed of 214 km/h. The goalkeeper, of course, could not do anything.

For example, the legendary football player Roberto Carlos, who was also a member of the Brazilian national team at one time, was able to hit the ball at a speed of 198 kilometers per hour. Since then he for a long time considered the player who has the strongest shot in the history of football.

Of course, such records of football players are not included in the Guinness Book of Records, but it is simply impossible not to talk about them.


Every day new records are set around the world. Thanks to Guinness for coming up with this idea great way inform people about someone's interesting achievements.

Not all people's records can be included in one book. A nomination such as the strongest blow cannot be found there. But for this there are sports experts who somehow manage to record more and more champions’ records. And although such figures can be criticized and their correctness doubted, they make you think about the physical capabilities of a person.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the people who have set and continue to set such records. It doesn't matter if you have the hardest punch or can jump the highest, you will always inspire people to overcome impossible obstacles and become better.

Boxing is considered one of the most hard types sport, and many prefer it for the opportunity to practice a knockout blow. He is so strong that he will help you defeat your opponent in the ring in a couple of seconds and give a worthy rebuff in street fight. It is advisable to practice it in sparring, but some exercises can also be performed at home. Let's talk in more detail about how to deliver a knockout blow.

How to punch correctly?

Sports, both amateur and professional, are a constant risk of injury if the execution technique is violated. There are 5 main strikes, all the others (about 12) are their variations.

The most common is jab . It is applied with the front hand. The target is the head or body of the sparring partner (opponent). The fist should be parallel to the ground, with your arm fully extended. At the same time, protect your face and solar plexus (with the fist and elbow of your far hand, respectively).

The disadvantage of the jab is that it is not as strong as any other. Plus – the ability to keep your opponent (sparring partner) in constant voltage, when protecting, keep him at a distance.

Cross applied with the far hand to the body of a partner (opponent) or his head. This is done quickly and along the shortest trajectory. The body needs to be turned around, the weight of the body must be transferred to the leg that is pointed forward. The attacker's shoulder should be at the same level as the target. In this case, it is better to bend your legs at the knees.

Disadvantage of the blow: when delivering it, you have to take an unusual body position. This means it takes time to work it out. The advantage is its accuracy and the fact that after application it is easy to dodge the enemy’s counterattack.

When applied swing the striking hand must be pulled back and straightened. After this, turn the body around and make a “dive” head down. The hand needs to describe a large radius before it reaches its target (the partner's head).

The downside is that it takes time to grab and actually strike, and the opponent has time to “close” and dodge. The advantage is in the strength that the hand manages to gain while describing the “arc”.

Hook boxers call the main side kick. He will help in the clinch. The target in this case is also the opponent's head or body. When applying, the shoulder should be pulled back, the body should be untwisted, and the arm should be bent at the elbow. It is important that the bend is 90°, otherwise the blow will lose power.

The advantage is its “invisibility”, since it is applied without a swing, strength and speed. Minus: you will have to “work” on the oblique abdominal muscles: you have to use them first.

Uppercut also used in the clinch, at the moment when the opponent forgets to bring his elbows together when defending. It is applied from the bottom up with the front hand (at this moment the weight is transferred to the front leg) or the far one (step forward with the far leg, the weight is transferred to it). In this case, the fist must be turned so that its inner part is facing the attacker. It is aimed at the chin or solar plexus (the goal is to stop breathing).

Disadvantage: it leaves the attacker without protection. The advantage, as in the case of throwing a hook, is its strength and “invisibility”.

How to develop punching power?

The strength of individual fighters is legendary. They become heroes, gain world fame. Some are endowed with remarkable strength by nature, while others have to perfect their technique for many months in order to ultimately defeat the enemy with just one blow. Becoming a puncher is difficult, but it's worth trying. This will require performing special exercises to develop strength. There are a lot of them, and it’s not worth doing absolutely everything in one workout. It is enough to choose those that seem the most effective. For advice, contact a trainer. He will help you measure the load and monitor your technique.

Let's introduce a few effective exercises for strength development:

    push ups;

    barbell bench press;

    kettlebell jerk;

    kettlebell push;

    exercises with a boxing bag;

    paw work;

    exercise with a sledgehammer.

Push ups

Peculiar business card Any professional boxer can be called push-ups on his fists (or fingers) on the bare floor. They acquire this skill not out of a desire to boast about their achievements, although there is something to envy here. This is a necessity, thanks to which it is possible to develop sufficient impact force and at the same time “harden” the knuckles so that they are less injured.

Push-ups can be performed as follows:

    on fists or fingers fast pace(in this case, your hands should be placed slightly wider than your shoulders, and your elbows should move along the body);

    on the palms (clap between approaches);

    on one hand (either left or right).


The press is performed while lying down. You can’t stop, so you need to choose a weight so that you can do up to 12 repetitions at an average pace.


The snatch is performed alternately with each hand. The weight of the weight is 24 kg. They will be performed, like push-ups, at a fast pace. The load is placed on the muscles of the legs and back.

In order to push, you will have to work with two weights at the same time. The weight is still the same - 24 kg. Performed at a fast pace.

Punching bag

Do not neglect work on sports equipment. For example, it is recommended to practice powerful blows on a boxing bag:

    stand in a stance and strike a single blow as if you were going to punch a bag:

    strike “two”, apply it with one hand or alternately with each, but be sure the first is weak, the second is stronger;

    swing the bag and strike counter blows; the more powerful they are, the better.

These exercises can be performed both during training and at home, provided that you have a punching bag and its characteristics meet all the necessary requirements.


Boxing paws are called one of the best, universal equipment. With their help, you can well simulate the movement of the enemy during a fight. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a partner:

    the sparring partner keeps the paw down, periodically raises it sharply and moves it to the left or right, up or down; The boxer’s task is to strike the paw, his position is a stance with legs close together (with a lunge);

    the sparring partner keeps his paw at the same level, but constantly moves; The boxer's task is to hit the paw;

    The sparring partner holds a paw in one hand and a rope in the other, which he uses to hit the boxer’s hand if he does not manage to pull it back in time after hitting the paw.


An effective exercise for developing strength is hitting a rubber tire with a sledgehammer. It is often performed by CrossFitters. The goal is to develop strength and endurance. Note that concentration is given no less importance: the exercise is quite complex and, to a certain extent, dangerous. The technique is reminiscent of chopping wood with an ax: the sledgehammer is raised high and pulled behind the head, and then sharply lowered onto the tire. Strikes should be struck in a straight line. It is important to prevent twisting of the spine: this increases the risk of injury.

Setting up a punch in boxing

The peculiarity of a knockout blow is that it is strong, invisible and delivered as quickly as possible. The goal is to hit the enemy so that he has the strength to continue the fight. A trainer will help you place the kick, but if you wish, special exercises can be performed at home. First, let's look at what a knockout blow is. First, disruption (surprise), then acceleration (strength and speed.)


Before striking, the fighter’s head must be cool and all muscles relaxed. His task is to deceive the enemy, to look as if he has no intention of hurting anyone. By the way, you can't knock him out if he's angry. This blow is powerful, and when applied, all muscles are involved, since you need to hit not with your hand, but with your whole body. At the same time, you should not allow excessive muscle tension: it may happen that both the speed of the impact and its trajectory change. As a result, the boxer will not hit his opponent, but will fall on top of him.

How to learn to hit sharply? There are several exercises: striking

    after sound;

    after touching;

    on a sheet of newsprint.

After the sound . It is performed as follows: the boxer takes a fighting stance, the partner stands in a place where he is not visible, and makes some sound, for example, clapping his hands. Hearing sound signal, the boxer must deliver a hard blow. His task is to do this as quickly as possible, so that as little time as possible passes between the sound and the impact. If desired or necessary, make it more difficult: alternate between clapping your hands and using a voice signal.

After touching. This exercise is similar to the previous one, it’s just that the boxer strikes not after hearing a sound, but after his partner slightly touches him (different parts of the body) or pushes him more noticeably. You need to throw it away as quickly as possible.

On a sheet of newsprint. The sheet size is 30x30 cm. The partner holds it by the upper corners. The fighter's task is to hit with such speed that the newspaper breaks. This exercise - aerobatics, an ideal worth approaching.


The second component of a knockout blow is acceleration. In other words, speed is important. The distance to the target must be equal to the length of the boxer's arm in order to be able to develop the required speed. Note that there is no need to swing, otherwise the enemy will notice this preparation for striking. This cannot be allowed; as mentioned earlier, the knockout blow must be unexpected.

The following exercises will help you develop speed:

    exercises with a rubber band;

    blows in front of a candle flame.

Exercises with a rubber band it is constructed as follows: it needs to be thrown over a punching bag or mounted on the wall. The boxer stands with his back to the bag (wall), takes the ends of the tourniquet in his hands and delivers single straight blows, trying to do this as quickly as possible.

Beats in front of a candle flame. This is another exercise that helps develop speed (sharpness) and punching power. The boxer must strike an imaginary opponent, but use a lit candle instead of a bag or paw. The fist should stop in front of the flame. You need to ensure that it goes out due to the directional flow of air.

Hand training

There is one more nuance that should not be forgotten: strengthening your hands. It is quite risky for an unprepared person to deliver a knockout blow, since there is a high probability of injury. You don't just need to clench your fist correctly ( thumb should be located on top of the second phalanges of the index and middle), and prepare the back of the hand for such loads. How to do it? Many people have probably watched it more than once art films, Where main character smashed several bricks with the edge of his palm or pierced hard surfaces with his fingertips. Only a few succeed and are achieved through many years of hard training. It is also possible to prepare your hands for a knockout blow. Push-ups and bag work will help.

You first need to do push-ups on soft surfaces, and then on hard ones, on the floor. You shouldn’t immediately create an unbearable load for yourself by doing push-ups from the floor. This way you can easily injure your knuckles. Instead of a positive result, the result will be negative. Start small, with light exercises, and then you will be able to “walk” on the floor on your fists, while lying down.

The punching bag is designed specifically for working with gloves. Some athletes make it at home, and if you use the right padding, the density of this projectile will closely match the density human body. How to work on a bag? The same exercises as for developing strength will do.

So, a coach will help you deliver a knockout blow. You'll have to work on the hold and proper application. There are special exercises for this that you can practice at home. It is important to remember that you should hit unexpectedly, quickly, powerfully and directly at the target.

It's no secret that the key to winning a boxing match lies in the right tactics. Any strategy here, in turn, consists of a number of techniques aimed at defense and attack. Strikes in boxing must be so thoroughly worked out that they are delivered automatically, and the athlete thinks through his further actions in advance. This skill can only be achieved through constant training. Speaking about boxing strikes, it should be noted that in this sport there are three main types - uppercut, straight and side. Each of them consists of types, depending on which hand to punch, and the target - the body or head. Next we will look at the types of punches in boxing, of which there are twelve, in more detail.

Direct hit

There are two types of straight boxing punch. The first of these is the jab, which is thrown with the near hand. This beat is no different high strength and is used, as a rule, for reconnaissance in order to study the opponent’s movements and his possible vulnerabilities. After its completion, more powerful punches are used in boxing. At the same time, the jab is considered the fastest of all due to the shortest trajectory and helps the boxer control the situation in the ring during the fight. Most often it is used by fighters who prefer to constantly attack in high tempo. The second type is a direct blow using the far hand. It is not as lightning fast as the jab, but it is noticeably superior in power. All recognized knockouts always use a long-range direct blow. At the same time, we should not forget that it is never applied without preparation during the fight, since it is very dangerous: if executed unsuccessfully, you can run into a rapid counterattack from your opponent.

Side impact

Side punches in boxing also consist of two varieties, including the swing and the hook. The first of them is somewhat reminiscent of a jab, because it is also used here near hand. Despite its relatively long trajectory, it is quite dangerous for the opponent and is used in most cases by boxers who prefer quick counterattacks. The swing is applied from the side to the opponent's body or head. It is impossible not to note the nuance that it is very effective without any preliminary preparation or combinations. The second type is hooks, which are the most powerful punches in boxing. Despite low speed Due to their high trajectory, they are the most popular among punchers who prefer offensive tactics due to their terrifying power. the main objective hook - early surrender of an opponent in battle.


More famous name punches in boxing, delivered from below - uppercuts; similar to the previous types, they have two varieties, based on which hand they are applied. The classic uppercut can be compared to the swing in speed, but it is inferior in strength to the side blow, because it often lands on the head. It will be most effective in conditions of close range or dead-end defense of the opponent. The long uppercut is also applied from the bottom up, only with the back hand. It is perfect for both attack and counterattack, which is why it is often used by boxers with different

Boxing is one of the most popular martial arts in the world. Boxing itself is limited by a number of rules: strikes only with fists and always with gloves; strikes can only be struck to the front of the body to the waist or to the head. Due to this limitation, boxing techniques and tactics are constantly progressing.

A lot of elements from other martial arts, for example, Muay Thai, Kudo, have already been borrowed by boxing. Boxing can be divided into two camps - defensive and offensive techniques. In this article, we will learn the name of the main blows in boxing and consider in more detail the technique of attack - setting up blows, which is used in classical school professional boxing.

Main types of punches in boxing


Hook (hook) is a short side kick, which is applied with the right or left hand bent at the elbow 90 or 100 degrees. The hook is more effective at medium and close distances, with blows directed at the opponent’s head or body. The hook is not considered a high-speed strike because it has a large trajectory, but this disadvantage is compensated by the power of the strike.

The impact force is mainly generated by turning the body and shifting the center of gravity. The main goal of this technique is to win ahead of schedule. Single hooks will be ineffective without a competent combination of strikes. The hook itself is a very dangerous and knockout blow, but technically very difficult, as it requires the boxer to be particularly accurate and timely.


Jab is a left straight punch into the head or torso, while the arm should be fully extended. The jab is not the strongest punch in boxing, but it is considered one of the most basic punches in a boxer's arsenal. It is a high-speed punch because it has the shortest trajectory of all punches in boxing. The jab is aimed at performing the “reconnaissance” function - in search vulnerable spot opponent. In addition, it helps to keep your distance, measure the distance to reach a comfortable position in order to prepare for an attack and deliver heavy and accentuated blows.

Thus, this blow helps to keep the opponent constantly in suspense, a kind of disorientation under the “hail” of weak, but frequent and lightning-fast attacks. The jab also works well as a defensive action, as it slows down the opponent's forward progress.


The uppercut is thrown from the bottom up with a bent arm. The uppercut can be classic, long and body uppercut. The classic uppercut is used at close range with the front hand, while at medium and long range a long uppercut with the far hand is more appropriate. With a classic uppercut, the forearm should be vertical at the moment of impact. With a long uppercut, the blow is struck "from the floor", which makes this blow unpredictable.

Body uppercut - when striking, the palm of the fist is turned upward. In terms of strength and effectiveness, the uppercut is second only to side blows, and in terms of speed and trajectory it is comparable to the swing. All types of uppercut are very effective for attacks and counterattacks.


Cross is a right straight punch in the head or torso, is one of the most strong blows in boxing. This blow has a long trajectory of the hand, which determines its power. The cross is the main weapon of a knockout boxer. The kick is delivered very sharply with a simultaneous push of the back leg and a forward movement of the torso, with all the weight transferred to the front leg. A cross is usually performed to the head, as the final one in the series. The effectiveness of this strike is directly related to a whole complex of “false” strikes - jabs and the front hand.

It should be noted that victory in boxing is not brought by the strongest or quick kick, but timely and correct. Technique alone is not enough in this sport; strategy and combat tactics are also required. Therefore, each technique has its time when it is appropriate.

author: Maxim Shevin, for the site

How are they performed correctly? What are the basic combinations of strikes in this sport? All this will be discussed in our material.


Jab is a straight punch in boxing. It is the most common, frequently used technique on which the athlete’s basic technique is built. This attack is carried out in the body or head. When performing a jab, the boxer's arm should be fully extended at the elbow and thrown out to its full length. In this case, the fist is kept parallel to the ground.

The punching technique in boxing involves taking a step forward. Body weight shifts in the frontal direction. Thus, the impact force is greatly increased. At the same time, the glove of the free hand protects the face. The elbow is located in the solar plexus area. Following this striking technique in boxing makes it possible to inflict quite significant damage to the enemy and repel possible counterattacks.

It is worth noting that the main disadvantage of the jab is its not very impressive knockout potential. However, when performing the technique with high frequency, the opponent will always remain in suspense. The jab is often used to initiate an attack. On the basis of such a poke, excellent soil is created for various combinations. The presented blow is also important in terms of protection. In particular, the jab allows you to keep your opponent at a relatively safe distance.


Cross in boxing involves delivering a direct blow with the far hand to the head or body. The trajectory of movement of the limb should be as short as possible. Often the cross goes over the opponent's hand. This can take a small step forward. However, the most important thing here is the rotation of the body with the movement of the body weight on the leading leg, which makes it possible to increase the force of the blow.

Cross quite often achieves its goal. The strike has impressive penetrating ability. The technique is safer for the attacking boxer compared to the jab, since it allows you to quickly return to a defensive position. However, the technique is one of the most difficult technically. So, when punching into the body, in order to deliver an accurate blow, it is important for the boxer to bend his knees, and his shoulder should be in the same plane as the target. To implement the technique correctly, serious training is required.


Hook is a punch in boxing that is performed with a bent limb and comes from the side. It is rational to resort to the technique only when fighting at medium or close range.

What is the punching technique in boxing? The shoulder of the arm that is supposed to perform the hook is pulled back. Next, the body body twists sharply. The limb bent at the elbow is aimed at the opponent’s head or body. At the moment of contact of the glove with the target, a bend at a right angle should be observed between the shoulder and forearm. Only in this position does the blow acquire maximum power. The knees bend slightly during the hook.

Subject to correct technique A side kick in boxing can crush an opponent quite easily. It is advisable to perform the hook on a short swing. In this case, the technique will be unexpected for the opponent and will not allow time to dodge. However, when carrying out such an attack, the other hand must remain in a defensive position. Otherwise, there is a risk of receiving a strong counter-attack.


A swing is a strike with a full straightening of the limb, which is performed with a wide swing. The attacking hand is slightly retracted behind the shoulder. This is followed by a body turn and a small dive head down. At this time, the limb moves in a large radius and hits the opponent’s head.

The swing is not the most accurate punch in boxing. Since the glove describes a significant distance in the air before reaching the target, opponents often have time to jump away or take a defensive stance. Swings, which are performed by a boxer alternately from the left and from the right, are often a sign of loss of strength and indicate a desire to go all-in out of hopelessness in a fight. At the same time, such a “mill” looks quite impressive for the viewer. Taking a skillful, experienced opponent by surprise by performing a swing is not at all easy. Therefore, amateur boxers most often resort to such blows.


Uppercut is a blow from below in boxing. It hits the head between the gloves of the opponent, who is in a defensive position. Effective reception occurs only if the opponent forgets to close his elbows in the stance.

The standard uppercut is carried out with the dominant hand. The punching technique in boxing involves twisting the shoulder. At the same time, the athlete’s body weight moves to the leg that is in front. The uppercut becomes most effective when the arm is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. It is advisable that the target of such a poke be the opponent's chin. However, the uppercut can be applied to the solar plexus area. This makes it possible to take the opponent's breath away.

The main advantage is that the presented blow, boxing technique, has extraordinary potential during the fight. If, with proper technique, the uppercut lands on its target, it is often devastating to the opponent. Among other things, such a blow is quite difficult to notice and prevent.

As for the disadvantages of the uppercut, it can only be used at close range. Therefore, to strike, you must be able to close the distance with your opponent. Another disadvantage is that the attacking boxer is essentially left without protection. Therefore, there is a possibility of receiving an oncoming blow from the side.

So we looked at the basic actions in boxing, strikes to the head and body. Further in our publication we would like to talk about how the presented techniques are combined.

Jab and right cross

The presented technique is a basic combination of punches in boxing. It is the combination of these actions that is the first thing that novice athletes are taught. A quick jab takes the opponent by surprise. It is not always necessary to deliver such a blow with an accent. A light poke to the head or body is enough to disorient the opponent. At this time, the subsequent more accentuated strike with the far hand is being prepared with a rotation of the body. Having mastered this technique to perfection, many boxers win fights without resorting to other combinations.

What points should you focus on when performing the technique? First of all, you need to ensure that the pause between blows is minimal. The second hand should catch up with the leading one. With the slightest delay, the chances of delivering an accentuated strike are significantly reduced. In addition, such an error opens up the opportunity for the enemy to carry out a counterattack.

When resorting to performing this combination of punches in boxing, you need to maintain right shoulder in a relaxed, somewhat lowered state. The elbow should protect the liver area, and the glove should protect the chin. Hitting the target with the left limb activates the strike from the right due to a slight rotation of the body at the shoulders. This is how concentration and release occurs. kinetic energy of the whole body. Carrying out a right straight strike outside the presented combination turns out to be an order of magnitude weaker.

How does such an attacking series end? The moment the right hand glove hits the target, the body weight is transferred to the leading leg. Compliance with this principle opens up the possibility for the development of further actions in the ring. After completing the combination, you can quickly jump back or repeat the attack with your left limb.

Double jab and cross

The combination is also called the “postman’s punch” in professional boxing circles. Essentially, the technique is used by athletes to outwit their opponents. Many boxers expect a standard combination of alternately throwing the left hand and then the right hand. Performing a double jab makes it possible to somewhat surprise your opponent, which opens up the possibility of delivering a subsequent powerful cross.

Each throw of the left limb in such a combination must be accompanied by a slight, quick step forward with the leading leg. This solution allows you to minimize the distance for conducting a powerful reception right hand. It is not always possible to implement such an idea. Be that as it may, the main emphasis should not be on the strength of the double jab, but on the third, finishing blow.


This definition is fully consistent with the same double jab and cross. However, in the triple, several full blows are performed with the left hand in combination with one short right one. Classic version The combination looks like this. A blow is struck with the left hand, then with the right and again with the leading hand. The target is the enemy's head. However, in this combination, the last left blow turns out to be not too accentuated, because there is a significant rapprochement with the opponent. Therefore, it is better to make two short attacks with the leading limb, performing a right short hook between them. It’s easy to guess that the main power should come from him.

When performing a combination, as in previous cases, you need to concentrate on your footwork, approaching the enemy. As for protection, the hands should work alternately, covering the liver area with the elbow and the chin with the glove.

Jab, uppercut, hook

Starting an attack with twos each time, the boxer’s actions can become predictable for the opponent. In this case, the opponent will quickly adapt to the battle strategy and will be able to evade attacks in a timely manner. With each intended cross, after the jab with the lead limb, the opponent will raise his guard.

To disorient your opponent, it is enough to carry out a combination using a jab, an uppercut and a subsequent hook. A straight left throw will force your opponent to raise his head. As a result, it will be possible to continue the combination with an uppercut to the jaw from below and end the series with a left hook. Which part of the body the last attack from the combination will hit is up to each boxer to decide. In any case, it is recommended to resort to the technique when the opponent adapts to predictable actions in the ring.

Cross, hook, cross

In a fight with some skilled opponents, the boxer does not have enough free space to prepare complex combinations. This happens especially often if the opponent shows extreme activity and aggression in the ring, leaving a minimum of ring territory for maneuvers. In such situations, starting attacks with a jab is quite difficult.

To bring down the enemy’s attacking arrogance and bring the battle to long distance, it is enough to carry out a straight right punch, continue the combination with a left hook and complete the technique by repeating a hard, biting attack with a cross. This tactic seems to be the most rational in this situation, because the opponent willfully reveals his defense, which in other cases would be opened by a jab. It is only worth noting that the combination of cross, hook, cross is good for fighting at close range.

To effectively fight any opponent, using the above combinations is quite enough. Some techniques can simply be modified, creating an unlimited number of options. However, instead of using complex intricacies of attacks, sometimes it is better to concentrate on the following:

  1. It is necessary to try to invest less and maximum effort into the attack with each hand. It is wise to make light jab thrusts, saving all your energy for a hard right cross.
  2. To force the enemy to open up, it is enough to throw false, as light as possible jabs. Eventually the opponent's arms will instinctively rise to protect their head. As soon as the opponent gets off balance after several such series, it is necessary to throw a strong right cross. It is worth resorting to this trick in other combinations, making the first few strikes false.
  3. Conducting quick attacks is of particular importance. In this case, the strength and emphasis of the strikes decreases, but at the same time the number of hits on the target increases. This tactic makes it possible to save the main reserve of power for later rounds, when the enemy will already be somewhat shocked by numerous quick attacks.
  4. Work on the body plays an important role. Constantly targeting the head is predictable and may not produce results during a fight against a faster, extremely mobile opponent. The housing has large area. It's much easier to get here. Especially if you force the enemy to constantly shift his defense to the head area, performing a series of false blows. Alternately working on targets on the lower and upper floors doubles the chances of successfully completing combinations. Among other things, an accentuated, painful blow to the body can instantly take an opponent out of the fight.


As you can see, there are many types of punches in boxing, as well as effective combinations in which they can be used. Finally, it is worth noting that attacks should not be carried out at random. It is important to focus on the opponent’s actions, making certain strikes at the moments when they seem most reasonable. The strength and speed of an athlete is not always the determining factor in the ring. Quite often, battles are won thanks to the timely execution of the necessary combinations.