Where does sulfur head grow? In the kingdom of harmful mushrooms

Sulfur head– inedible hallucinogenic mushroom.

What are hallucinogenic mushrooms? What do hallucinogenic mushrooms look like?

The science of psychopharmacology and ethnomycology studies the properties of hallucinogenic mushrooms and their effect on the human body. All mushrooms are divided into several groups according to their suitability for food: edible, conditionally edible, inedible and poisonous.

TO edible include mushrooms that can be safely eaten even raw.

Conditionally edible mushrooms are considered to contain toxic substances that, when cooked or heat treatment become harmless. However, there is still a risk, so it is better not to collect such mushrooms without the appropriate knowledge and experience. But it is worth noting that you can also be poisoned by mushrooms, which initially did not pose any danger, did not contain toxic substances and were edible, for example, porcini mushrooms or the same honey mushrooms. If they lie in a warm place for a long time, the proteins contained in them will begin to decompose, forming toxins. Also, you should not collect overripe, slightly spoiled or wormy mushrooms, despite the myth that mushrooms that have been eaten by insects can be safely eaten. After all, many toxic substances that are deadly to humans will cause absolutely no harm to insects.

Inedible Mushrooms are considered to be mushrooms that are unsuitable for food due to their taste. However, they do not contain toxins or other hazardous substances.

Poisonous Mushrooms are mushrooms that contain toxic substances and can lead to severe food poisoning and even death.

Sulfur head mushroom - description and photo

TO inedible mushrooms applies sulfur head mushroom. It is included in this group because of the psilocybin and psilocin it contains. To date, these mushrooms are poorly studied. The size of the cap of the sulfur head is from 25 to 50 millimeters in diameter. The leg grows up to 100 millimeters in height and 6 millimeters in diameter. The shape of the mushroom is very variable. Young representatives are distinguished by a cone-shaped cap, which over time takes on the shape of a bell, and by the end of maturation it becomes flat, slightly curved towards the top and with a small tubercle in the center. The stem of the sulfur head is always slightly curved, almost uniform in thickness, only at the base of the mushroom are thickenings caused by the accumulation of peel residues. The color of the cap ranges from yellow to brown, depending on environment. Stipe white, more amber towards the base. If you press on the mushroom or injure it, then in this place the surface will acquire a bluish tint. In dry weather, the mushrooms are lighter in color, but in damp weather they darken, becoming chestnut. The structure of the mushroom changes accordingly. Most often, these mushrooms have a strong, smooth stem, slightly sticky, but in dry weather or in old age they become brittle.

The spore-bearing layer has brown with black-brown spots due to ripe spores. The location of the spores is loose. Hallucinogenic sulfur head mushrooms grow mainly in damp areas, singly or in small groups; they prefer trunks of fallen trees or rotten stumps, thickets of grass, bushes or heaps of damp fallen leaves. Occurs sulfur head mushroom until about the beginning of December, starting in August and ending with the first cold weather.

Mushroom collectors do not always know that some inedible and poisonous mushrooms Quite often they eat food not at all with the goal of getting enough.
Even in ancient times, shamans and sorcerers used certain types of wild mushrooms to obtain the effect of intoxication, accompanied by visions and hallucinations.
The hallucinogenic mushroom excites the imagination - and not only the fly agaric, endowed with psychotropic substances. Mushroom toxins can affect a variety of organs of the human body; both the ancient Mayans and the inhabitants of the Central Russian Plain possessed this knowledge.
The fact that after eating a fly agaric or some tiger row, a person can cry or laugh for two hours straight, be unconscious or in the grip of hallucinations was well known to the shamans of bad tribes and Indian healers.

Unlike deadly poisonous mushrooms, hallucinogenic mushrooms do not affect the body so much, it will take effort to get significant poisoning, but the badness of these mushrooms lies in something else.
Causing addiction and gradually leading to the degradation of consciousness, these mushrooms doom a person to a longer agony, the return from which is no less difficult than treating the most severe poisoning.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms include those mushrooms that cause delusional visions, or hallucinations, in humans. Among hallucinogenic mushrooms there are both poisonous and non-poisonous. Poisonous species include those containing the substances muscarine, bufotenine and some others. These are, first of all, red fly agaric, panther fly agaric and porphyry fly agaric, some fibers and talkers. Hallucinogenic species that do not pose a threat to human health include mushrooms containing psilocin and psilocybin. These are species from the genus Psilocybe and, to a lesser extent, Panaeolus. The hallucinogens of these mushrooms do not belong to drugs in the narrow sense of the word, since the so-called “addiction” is not observed to them. The first signs of the effects of psilocin and psilocybin appear after 30-60 minutes. Pleasant visual and auditory hallucinations begin, lasting about two hours.

I love collecting, cooking and eating mushrooms, treating friends and telling stories about mushroom pickers and forest wanderings.
I wish you luck" quiet hunt"and bon appetit!

“Is nature cruel to its children?”

Harmful mushrooms are divided into poisonous, poisonous-hallucinogenic and predominantly hallucinogenic:


Deadly poisonous species:

Galerina marginata, poisonous cap, pine russula (galerina marginata) - the flesh of the stem is brownish, the cap is yellowish, with a powdery odor.

Umbrellas (Lepiota ) - strongly and inexplicably poisonous. Silverfish (Lepiota cristata) - pulp thin, white, when broken and reddened when touched, with an unpleasant taste and a pungent rare odor.

Poisonous entoloma (Rhodophyllus sinuatus) - the flesh is white, thick, dense. Does not change color when broken. The taste is described as indistinct or unpleasant; the smell is mealy or rancid. Eating large amounts of mushrooms can result in death.

Morel(Gyromitra)- Raw stitches contain gyromitrins - strong toxins, often with fatal. By the nature of its effect on the body, gyromitrin resembles the toadstool toxin.

Orange-red web spider (Cortinarius orellanus) - pulp yellowish or brownish, with a rare odor, tasteless. Contains poisonous substance orellanin, which causes pathological changes in the kidneys. Signs of poisoning appear 3-14 days after ingesting the mushroom and can be fatal.

Beautiful web spider (Cortinarius speciosissimus) - pulp orange-ochre, tasteless, with or without a rare odor. Its effect on the body is the same as the orange-red cobweb.

Stitch, paddle (Helvella) - All representatives of the genus contain the toxin gyromitrin in their fruiting bodies, which causes fatal poisoning.

Fungi of this genus are saprophytes on the soil; they develop abundantly in the spring. Gyromitrin has now been found in the common line and the giant line (Gyromitra gigas), as well as in the apothecia of some Helvel.

Poisonous and poisonous:

Satanic mushroom ( boletus satanas) — in its raw form, the mushroom is highly poisonous. They say that even a piece of pulp weighing no more than 1 gram can cause severe upset of the digestive system.

Tiger rower (Iricholoma pardinum), dark and sulfur yellow (Tricholoma sulphureum) - pulp whitish, grayish under the skin of the cap, taste and smell of flour. After eating, 1.5-4 hours later it causes gastrointestinal upset and vomiting.

Sulfur-yellow honey fungus (Hypholoma fasciculare) - pulp light yellow or whitish, very bitter, with an unpleasant odor. When consumed in food, after 1-6 hours, nausea, vomiting, sweating appear, and the person loses consciousness.

Thin pig, dunka (Paxillus involutus) - pulp yellowish, soft, friable, without much smell or taste.

Red champignon (Agaricus xanthoderma) - pulp not very thick, white, yellowing when broken, unpleasant taste, smell of carbolic acid. The mushroom is poisonous, with an unknown nature of the poison. If consumed, it can cause poisoning, although not life-threatening. It differs from other champignons in its specific smell.


Mushrooms , included in this group (mainly manita , Inocybe and сlitocybe), contain as active substances ibotenic acid, mucimol, muscazone and hyoscyamine, psilocin, psilocybin and muscarine. Effective dose for ibotenic acid: 70 mg for an adult (1 mg/kg), for muskimol 7.5 mg for an adult (1 mg/kg). Muscimol and ibotenic acid can cause neuronal death and destruction of brain tissue. Symptoms of poisoning by fly agarics (red, panther, royal, etc.) begin to appear after 0.5-4 hours. The effect on the nervous system manifests itself in the form of psychomimetic symptoms, sometimes accompanied by hallucinations. As you fall asleep, your dreams may intensify. Many types of fiber contain significant amounts of muscarine, and 7 types also contain psilocybin. The risk of death in most species is very high.

Pale grebe (Amanita phalloides) - pulpwhite, thin, odorless and tasteless (What is most interesting is how information about taste was obtained). Signs of poisoning appear 8-12, sometimes 20-40 hours after eating.

Royal fly agaric ( Amanita regalis) - belongs to a number of hallucinogens.

White, spring fly agaric (Amanita verna), stinking fly agaric (Amanita virosa) - pulp white, with an unpleasant taste and odor. More poisonous than usual.

Red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) - pulp white, yellowish under the skin, soft, odorless. Symptoms of poisoning appear within 20 minutes and are accompanied by hallucinations for up to 2 hours after eating (look, who hasn’t seen the old Mexican film “Mushroom Man”, that’s exactly what it’s about).

Panther fly agaric (Amanita pantherina) - pulp white, with an unpleasant odor, does not turn red when broken. Its symptoms resemble acute alcohol intoxication, which then turns into deep sleep, but can result in death.

Amanita toadstool (Amanita citrina) - pulp white, yellowish under the skin, unpleasant smell and taste, contains, among others, psychotropic substances of the tryptamine series - bufotenine, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT.

Gray, porphyry fly agaric (Amanita porphyria) - pulp white, with a pungent unpleasant odor. Weakly poisonous, but highly hallucinogenic, like the paganoid.

Patouillard plant (Inocybe patouillardii) - pulp first white, then reddish, with an alcoholic odor and unpleasant taste. It contains 20 times more muscarine poison than the red fly agaric. Affects the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms of poisoning appear 20-25 minutes after eating. Lethal dose fresh mushroom 10—80 g.

Waxy talker (Clitocybe serussata) - pulp white, dense, pleasant smell and taste. The signs of poisoning are the same as for Patouillard fiber poisoning.

Fiberglass torn (Inocybe lacera) - pulp The caps are white, the flesh of the stem is reddish, the smell is very weak, the taste is first sweetish, then bitter. Symptoms of poisoning, as when consuming Patouillard fibre.

Fiberwort (Inocybe fastigiata) - pulp white, with an unpleasant odor, tasteless. Symptoms of poisoning are the same as when consuming Patouillard fiber.

Fiberweed (Inocybe geophylla) - pulpwhite, with an unpleasant earthy odor and pungent taste. Signs of poisoning are similar to Patouillard fiber poisoning.


To date, psilocybin has been found in some mushrooms from the genera Panaeolus, Stropharia, and Anellaria. Hallucinogenic mushrooms now include about 25 species, and 75% of them are representatives of the genus Psilocybe.

Synonyms - Nize (Mazatec), pajaritos (Spanish), Quahtlananacatl, Lol-lu"um, Nios, Nanacatl (Aztec), teyhuinti-nanacatl (Aztec “intoxicating mushrooms”), pajaritos (Spanish “birds”) , angelitos (Spanish: “angels”), piule de churis, chamaquillos (Spanish: “kids, little people”).

Their use in certain doses causes pseudohallucinations and a psychopathic state, which can be accompanied by euphoria, emotional uplift, or severe conditions, sometimes with a desire for suicide, depending on the mood. The lethal dose is about 14 g, which significantly exceeds the effective dose that causes hallucinations (1-14 mg). To get fatal Psilocybe semilanceolate poisoning, you need to eat approximately 4-5 buckets (10-12 liters) of raw mushrooms.

Scaly mushrooms ( Strophariaceae ):

San Isidro, Psilocybe Cuban ( Strophariacubensis) - the pulp is very thin, creamy or light yellow in color, the taste is absent or unpleasant, the smell is weak, grassy or moldy. Psilocybin and psilocin are in fairly large quantities, about 0.2 - 0.4% of the dry weight of the mushroom.

Pointed conical bald cap, Phrygian cap, liberty cap, merry cap ( Psilocybesemilanceata) - the pulp is very thin, creamy or light yellow in color, the taste is absent or unpleasant, the smell is weak, grassy or moldy.

Psilocybe mexicanis, Teonanacatl ( Psilocybe mexicana) - among the Aztecs it was considered a particularly sacred mushroom and was used during festivals, religious ceremonies and in healing rituals.

Montana (PsilocybeMontana) - moderate hallucinogenicity.

Stropharia blue-green, verdigris troischling ( Stropharia( Psilocybe) aeruginosa) - The flesh of the mushrooms is thin, soft in the cap, bluish, dense in the stem, yellowish, with a pungent odor. The Psilocybe Aeruginos mushroom is considered an edible mushroom of the fourth category, although it is classified as psychotropic, and in the USA - poisonous, it is used both fresh and after boiling for 15 minutes, in second courses, salted and pickled.

Semicircular troischling ( Strophariasemiglobata) - the content of psychoactive substances in it is much less than in traditional “Freedom Caps”.

Dung bald spot ( Psilocybe( Stropharia) corpophilia), Stropharia(Psilocybe)merdaria - minor psychoactive effect.

Dung beetle ( Psilocybefoenisecii), (Panaeolus foenisecii)- contains psilocybin and psilocin, but less than Psilocybe semilanceata, some other tryptamine derivatives can sometimes be found, especially serotonin, but is not toxic.

Psilocybe cyanescens (azurescens) - recognized by a chestnut-brown, banded, wavy-edged cap that quickly fades to yellow-brown or dark yellow, and a bluish fruit body. The pulp tastes bitter. There is no smell or no smell. Collecting this mushroom from the wild is a potentially dangerous practice due to its toxic appearance and appearance by members of the genera Galerina, Conocybe and Inocybe. Hallucinogenicity ranges from moderate to very high.

Philosophers' Stone (Psilocybe tampanensis) - hallucinogenicity from moderate to very high. There are almost no visual hallucinations, but very interesting sensations and thoughts appear.

Horneman's stropharia (Stropharia hornemanii) - the flesh is light, dense, and tastes pleasant. May be dangerous.

Ink mushrooms (Coprinaceae):

Bell-bellied dung beetle (Panaeolus ( Copelandia) campanulatus)contains psilocybin and psilocin, although not in the same amount as Psilocybe. Mushrooms of the Panaeolus campanulatus species rarely contain pantherin and other poisons.

Sphinx dung beetle (Panaeolus sphinctrinus) - is often identified with Panaolus campanulatus, but it differs from the latter by the striped cap, which is always turned inward.

Sulfur heads (Hyphaloma), 0.5 - 0.6% psilocybin and psilocin + large amounts of beosectin and norbeosectin. in dry substance, several times more quantity, common to Psylocibe semilanceata. A strong hallucinogen.

Psatirella (Psathyrella) - the pulp is thin-fleshed, fragile, moderate in hallucinogenicity.

Gymnopil, fireweed ( Gymnopilus) - the pulp is whitish, yellow, or brown, with a bitter taste. A number of species have been found to contain a known hallucinogenic substance. In several more species, the presence of bis-noryangonin and hispidin, substances similar to the alpha-pyrones of the kava-kava plant (intoxicating pepper), was discovered.

Historical and medical information:

Among the Celts, their use was part of the national culture. The Scandinavians used such mushrooms to drive “berserker” warriors into a state of uncontrollable rage. In the Rig Veda, about a thousand hymns are dedicated to the sacred intoxicating drink “soma,” which, according to researchers (R. G. Wasson, 1968), was prepared from red fly agaric mushrooms. The ancient Indians believed that soma helps maintain health, prolongs life, and the person who drinks the drink merges with the deity. Chinese stone reliefs from the Han era contain images of a mythical hare living on the moon and pounding the elixir of immortality there. The hare holds in its paws a magic zhi mushroom, which has not yet been precisely identified.

In the early Christian and medieval churches of Tunisia and Western Europe frescoes depicting “mushroom trees” entwined with snakes were discovered, which indicates the presence of the cult of mushrooms in the early Christian traditions. Indian and Siberian shamans traditionally could not conduct rituals of communication with spirits without them. The Aztecs called these mushrooms “teonanacatl” - “body of god”, and only the chosen and initiated used it.

A dose of about 1 mg causes a state of intoxication in a person within 20 - 30 minutes after administration. A dose of up to 4 mg causes a state of detachment from reality, and at higher doses (up to 12 mg), profound changes in the psyche occur and hallucinations appear. Currently, this substance is synthesized abroad and used to treat certain mental illness. The effect of psilocybin on patients suffering from memory loss is very interesting. In almost 50% of patients, memories and revival appear, fearfulness and restraint disappear. Patients remember what they had forgotten and help doctors better understand the causes of the disease. However, the substance psilocybin becomes a very dangerous hallucinogenic drug if it is not used for medicinal purposes, without medical supervision.

Mushrooms containing psilocybin and/or psilocin are considered narcotic drugs.

The fresh or dried form is eaten raw or cooked in some way. Fresh or dried forms are added to omelettes, pancakes, and stews. They can also be infused, or sometimes the dried form of the mushroom is mixed with tobacco or cannabis and smoked in hand-rolled cigarettes or pipes.

The psychedelic effects of mushrooms are also called a trip. During the first hour of action, some people sometimes experience a “transition process,” the so-called “entrance,” during which the trip itself has not yet developed in full force, but moderate sensations are felt. side effects, such as discomfort in the stomach, cold and tremors, suffocation, blurred vision, along with this, the person is seized with ecstatic delight, the pupils dilate, the body shudders in convulsions, while sexual arousal increases, requiring discharge. Apparently, this explains the uncontrollable dancing of the shaman, accompanied by inarticulate cries, laughter and singing. Subjective sensations are formed by extraordinary heightened senses: perception is distorted, the world around us quickly moves and slips away, unexpected attacks of anger arise, abuse, curses, and sometimes sobs come from the lips. Excitement quickly gives way to depression and numbness. According to the stories of shamans, it is at this moment that they leave their bodies and are transported to heaven, temporarily abandoning themselves.

After the psychedelic effects have gradually subsided, the consequences of taking the drug appear within another 6-12 hours: “a special, incomparable state of acute perception and intuition,” but, at the same time, due to a decrease in the content of serotonin in the brain tissue , possible drowsiness, worsening mood, irritability.
When taking psilocin and psilocinin more than once every 10 days, the a certain addiction. To cause the same effect, the next day you need 1.5 - 2 times more mushrooms. There are many cases where regular users of hallucinogenic mushrooms became patients psychiatric hospital. Main danger when consuming hallucinogenic mushrooms, it consists of consuming a poisonous variety.

Why is it difficult for inexperienced mushroom pickers to distinguish rows of mushrooms from toadstools? Composition and calorie content of mushrooms. Useful properties, contraindications for use, recipes for mushroom dishes. Types of rows.

Contents of the article:

Rowers are lamellar edible and conditionally edible mushrooms, which are quite difficult for an inexperienced mushroom picker to distinguish from toadstools. The cap can be bell-shaped, cone-shaped or spherical. In a mature mushroom it straightens out, but a tubercle may remain in the center. The edges curl inward, outward, or remain straight. The color palette of the cap is wide - white, green, red-brown, yellow, and its surface can be velvety or smooth. The type of plates is also ambiguous - they can be frequent, almost fused, and located at intervals. The shape of the leg is from straight “slender” to barrel-shaped, cylindrical. The color of the leg is pinkish-brown or white; under the cap itself there may be a ring on it - the remains of an infant mushroom blanket. The rows grow in the temperate climate zone of the Northern Hemisphere and in the cool zones of Africa, the Caucasus and Japan, and often form a symbiosis with coniferous trees- fir and spruce, but can form unified system with beech, birch or oak. The time of fruiting is also ambiguous - most often from mid-August until frost, but may appear early spring.

Composition and calorie content of the row

Despite the conditional edibility, chemical composition the rows are quite rich useful substances. In addition, it is a low-calorie product.

The calorie content of rowing per 100 g is 22 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 3.09 g;
  • Fats - 0.34 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.26 g;
  • Ash - 0.85 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1 g;
  • Water - 91.46 g.
The following vitamins provide the benefits of rowing - there is a decent amount of them per 100 g:
  • Vitamin C - 2.1 mg;
  • Thiamine - 0.081 mg;
  • Riboflavin - 0.402 mg;
  • Nicotinic acid - 3.607 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid - 1.497 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.104 mg;
  • Folates - 17 mcg;
  • Folic acid - 17 mcg;
  • Choline - 17.3 mg;
  • Betaine - 9.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B12 - 0.04 mcg;
  • Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) - 0.01 mg;
  • Tocopherol, beta - 0.01 mg;
  • Tocopherol, gamma - 0.01 mg;
  • Tocopherol, delta - 0.01 mg;
  • Tocotrienol, alpha - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin D (D2 + D3) - 0.2 mcg;
  • Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) - 0.2 mcg;
  • Vitamin D - 7 IU;
  • Vitamin K1 (dihydrophylloquinone) - 1 mcg.
Minerals per 100 g:
  • Calcium, Ca - 3 mg;
  • Iron, Fe - 0.5 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 9 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 86 mg;
  • Potassium, K - 318 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 5 mg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.52 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.318 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.047 mg;
  • Selenium, Se - 9.3 μg.
The row also contains: glucose and dextrose, lipids and amino acids, including those that play a role natural antibiotics- aspartic and glutamic acids, and glycine, a substance necessary for the normalization of the nervous system.

Useful action complex composition provide nutrients, the amount of which predominates in the composition:

  • Choline or vitamin B4. Prevents education gallstones, regulates the activity of the nervous system, prevents obesity, stimulates the functioning of the prostate gland in men.
  • Betaine. Activates intracellular processes, strengthens intercellular membranes.
  • Potassium. Responsible for work cardiovascular system, maintains heart rhythm, is responsible for acid-base and water-salt balance, regulates protein-carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Phosphorus. Performs transport functions in the body, stimulates bone and muscle growth, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
Edible mushrooms have all the beneficial properties - with white or bright yellow plates. Despite the diversity in appearance, the poisonous analogues of the ryadovka differ from their conditionally edible “colleagues”; their plates under the cap are gray, and the taste is pungent or bitter.

Useful properties of rowing

Therapeutic effect of rowing official medicine not recognized, but folk healers introduce these mushrooms into the diet for many diseases. The beneficial effect of mushroom dishes on the body was noticed as a result of many years of observations.

Beneficial influence consumption of dishes from rows on the human body:

  1. Antibacterial and antimicrobial effect: the rows have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms due to the biologically active substances in their composition - fomecin and clitocin;
  2. Immunomodulatory properties - isolates and removes free radicals;
  3. They have an anti-cancer effect and prevent the malignancy of atypical cells;
  4. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Activate the removal of toxins, cleanse the liver of toxins;
  6. Eliminate overwork, prevent the development of depression;
  7. They have anti-inflammatory properties;
  8. Normalize blood sugar levels;
  9. Stabilize blood pressure;
  10. Strengthen coronary vessels, stabilize blood supply to the brain.
To prevent seasonal epidemics of ARVI, it is necessary to regularly introduce dishes with a row into the daily menu for 3 months. This is possible: mushrooms bear fruit for a long time; a fresh harvest can be harvested within 4 months.

Extracts from mushroom pulp are used for cooking medicines and dietary supplements with antidiabetic activity. Chinese medicine includes Ryadovka extract in a medicine against cancer of the female reproductive system - against cervical and ovarian cancer.

In case of beriberi disease, dishes from the row in the daily diet help replenish the necessary reserve of vitamin B1 (thiamine). This is a very important property food product. Residents of areas where mushrooms of this species grow have limited opportunity replenish the supply of this nutrient from other types of food - apart from pine nuts, there are no other “suppliers” of thiamine in the area.

The beneficial effects of mushrooms depend on their type. For example, violet stimulates the functioning of the biliary and urinary systems, improves the functioning of the spleen, and prevents exacerbations of rheumatism and dermatological diseases. Gray row dissolves cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and stimulates the transformation of fatty tissue into physiological fluid and glycerol, and yellow or terracotta prevents the development of dermatophytosis - a fungal infection skin, hair and nails. Included orange mushrooms vitamin D and carotene.

Harm and contraindications to the use of row

Harm and contraindications for use of the mushroom are also determined by the type of mushroom.

The greatest danger is represented by gray conditionally edible rows. Their negative properties:

  • Accumulate soil and air pollution;
  • They are difficult to digest, food stagnates in the stomach, and rotting processes occur;
  • At the slightest violation of the processing technology, vomiting and diarrhea appear.
Other types of mushrooms create severe discomfort when overeating: they provoke flatulence, heaviness in the stomach and unpleasant sensations in the epigastric area persist for 2-3 hours after eating.

Low acidity is a contraindication for use. You should not introduce mushroom dishes into your diet for pancreatitis and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.

You can reduce the harm from eating row mushrooms if you collect only caps or young mushrooms, giving preference edible varieties.

Symptoms of row plant poisoning develop progressively:

  • Weakness and dizziness, headache;
  • Nausea and then vomiting;
  • Stomach pain, intestinal cramps and diarrhea.
Since disorders of consciousness and hallucinations, as with toadstool poisoning, are absent after intoxication with rows of mushrooms, the body of a healthy man is able to cope with ailments on its own. But if there are symptoms of poisoning in children, women and the elderly, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Recipes for dishes from the row

Row mushrooms can be prepared for the winter by freezing, drying or salting, preparing a variety of dishes from fresh mushrooms, and adding them as an ingredient to gourmet sauces.

Recipes from the row:

  1. Classic pickling. Ingredients: 2.5 kg of mushrooms, 100 g of salt, horseradish leaves, currants, bay leaves, peppercorns, dill inflorescences, garlic. Clean the mushrooms, soak for 10 minutes in cold water, washed, placed with the legs up in an oak barrel, interspersed with spices, salt and leaves. Close the container and place a lid-weight wrapped in gauze. By evening, the contents of the barrel are compacted, the rows are reported, calculating the amount of salt accordingly. When the report ends, the container is put away in a cool place - in the cellar. Salting ends after 40-45 days.
  2. Hot salting method. If you have doubts about your own mushroom qualifications, then it is better to use hot pickling. Ingredients: 1 kg of mushrooms, 75 g of salt, 1.5 liters of water, bay leaf, 10 black peppercorns, 5 pieces of clove sticks, allspice. First, cook the marinade with spices for 3 minutes, then cool it and bring it to a boil again, immersing the mushrooms in water - they are cooked for 45 minutes. Boiled mushrooms and brine are distributed into sterilized jars and covered with lids. After 1.5 months, the pickles will be ready.
  3. Mushroom steaks. Meat, onions and salted mushrooms are passed through a meat grinder, steaks are formed, placed on a greased baking sheet and on top of each mug of chopped onion. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes. Calculation of meat and mushrooms in proportions 4:1, other ingredients to taste. There is no need to add salt - there is enough salt in mushrooms.
  4. Mushrooms in batter. Caps are used in this dish. The batter for the batter is mixed from kefir and pancake flour, added with salt, allowed to brew for 10 minutes, and then each cap is dipped in batter and fried in a large amount of fat. Serve hot. If there is any doubt about the nutritional value of mushrooms, pre-boil them for 10 minutes. The taste of the dish deteriorates.
  5. Millet porridge with rows. Place washed millet into a heated multicooker, add fried onions, chopped frozen or salted mushrooms, and pour boiling water over everything. Leave it on the heat overnight and then cook it in the “baking” mode. Ingredient proportions: 2.5 cups of millet, 1 cup of mushrooms, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil, 1.5 cups of water, 50 g of cracklings.
Most delicious dishes are obtained from fresh rows - they have a milder taste.

The most delicious rows growing in Eurasia are lilac-legged, Mongolian and giant.

There are so many types of rowing that it is possible to publish a separate book about mushrooms of this type.

Edible rows include the following types:

  1. Gray row. The cap is gray, convex at first, then with a flattened tubercle in the middle, the plates are tightly set, milky white. Additional names: pine pine, streaked, green grass, poplar.
  2. Lilac-footed. The cap is white, but the leg has a lilac tint, the cap is smooth, flat or curved. Common names: blueleg, two-colored, blue root. “Disguised” as honey fungus.
  3. Earthen or ground row. Gray cap in the shape of a cone, sparse plates, hollow stem. It grows only in coniferous forests, including the Caucasus.
  4. Mongolian young row. Externally similar to porcini mushroom and the only difference is reverse side the caps have frequent white plates on them. In an old mushroom, the cap becomes brown and flattened, the edges bend upward. In Mongolia it is widely used for medicinal purposes. infectious diseases and lowering blood sugar levels.
  5. Japanese pine mushroom or matsutake. Valued for its taste. The caps are light to dark brown; in older mushrooms they crack. The leg has brown spots and a white collar on top; the bottom of the leg is completely brown. Folk names in Russia are shod or spotted. This mushroom is one of the most expensive; dishes made from it belong to haute cuisine.
  6. Giant row. Externally on lamellar mushrooms not similar, the diameter of the cap is up to 20 cm, the edges of the young mushroom are tightly pressed to the thick stem, the old mushroom has a cap with raised edges. It grows in Japan and... in Africa. The plates are wide, white, and when broken, the flesh of the mushrooms turns red.
  7. . Smooth light brown color, with light yellow plates. Unlike the above mushrooms, the taste is bitter. It grows only under birch trees.
  8. Crowded row. It grows in colonies, the edible quality is low, and it is not popular among mushroom pickers. The color of the cap is off-white to light brown, the legs are light, straight or swollen.
  9. May row. Light beige cap, whitish with yellowish stem. The pulp is fleshy, the plates are first white and then light yellow. The taste is floury.
  10. Poplar row. The convex, fleshy, glossy brown cap expands as it ripens; the flesh under the skin is pinkish; in older mushrooms it darkens. The mushroom is conditionally edible.
  11. Purple row. Other names are blueleg, cyanosis, titmouse. The hemispherical cap of a mature mushroom bends inward, the purple flesh gradually becomes yellowish. The plates are also purple, the leg is light.
  12. Ryadovka honeycomb-like. Visually similar to honey fungus, as the name suggests. The cap is yellowish-brown, the plates are pale pink.
This is not a complete list of species edible rows. There are also rows: bearded or woolly, greenfinch or green, scaly, lashanka.

Poisonous “individuals” of this species include:

  • Ryadovka white or smelly - a white mushroom in at a young age and with brown spots when mature;
  • Soapy - no toxic properties, but when cooked it tastes like soap, so it is not popular among mushroom pickers, the cap is olive, the leg is dotted with red spots;
  • Sulphurous, sulphurous, sulfur-yellow - the cap is yellowish, with a hole in the middle, emits the smell of hydrogen sulfide when broken;
  • Pointed, mousey, striped - dark gray color of the entire mushroom, the flesh has a burning taste;
  • Tiger or leopard - a wide cap with brown spots, curved edges, gray flesh.
Watch a video about the row mushroom: