How to become better and kinder. How to learn to be kinder

Laws modern life dictate to us their own rules of survival. In conditions when everyone must literally fight for their place in the sun, qualities such as kindness, politeness, and compliance have faded into the background. It is believed that in order to develop yourself as an individual, you need to have business acumen, be assertive, stubborn and arrogant. A series of endless workdays, scheduled literally by the second, big flow negative information, the desire to “not miss out” - all these factors in the near future become a firm guarantee of apathy, nervous breakdowns and even depression. Is it possible, with such a rhythm of life, to remain a calm and balanced person without losing the most humane traits of your character? Of course it is possible, but with the right approach.

How to become calmer?

1. Create a schedule for your life.

We strive to do everything at once, often taking on an unbearable burden. We rush, we make mistakes, we miss opportunities. As a result, we have unfulfilled plans, dissatisfaction with ourselves and problems with nervous system. Way out? No matter how paradoxical it may sound, try to live slowly. Find time for proper rest, alternate mental and physical work, do not give up family traditions, keep in touch with family and friends.

2. Find yourself a hobby.

Doing what you love will help you take your mind off the hustle and bustle of everyday life, calm down, think and draw certain conclusions. Just don’t convince yourself in advance that you can’t do anything and nothing will work out. If you don’t like handicrafts, you can study the art of photography and enroll in courses foreign languages, encroach on the basics of culinary art. After just a few sessions, you will notice how much it helps you calm down and put your thoughts in order.

3. Filter information.

Don’t watch news broadcasts every half hour, refuse to communicate with people you find unpleasant, and don’t take criticism (especially unfounded) to heart. Focus on what is really interesting to you: watch good old films, visit exhibitions and concerts, go to a cafe with friends, go on picnics. Positive emotions contribute good mood and leave no room for unnecessary worries and fears.

How to become kinder?

1. Learn to give thanks.

Everything you have is due to other people. Learn to say a sincere “thank you” to people who helped you at a certain stage in your life.

2. Be more tolerant of other people's shortcomings.

There are no ideal people. You also have your shortcomings and not entirely positive features character, however, this does not prevent your family and friends from loving you and accepting you for who you are. Focus your attention on the positive, don’t dwell on old grievances, learn to forgive and let go.

3. Do good every day.

Do not be indifferent to other people's problems, try to help whenever possible, especially when you are asked to do so. Start small: help your neighbor's grandmother carry a heavy package to her apartment, feed a stray puppy, sign up for a charitable organization and provide all possible assistance to those in need.

In order to stay calm, kind person, you need to love yourself first. Arm yourself positive attitude, don’t get hung up on past grievances, take it easier on the actions of others. Love life, appreciate your loved ones, respect those around you, and your actions will soon return to you a hundredfold.

To become kinder you don’t need to study at university, complete a master’s degree or attend training, just read these 9 tips and start implementing them.

1. You should develop extremely good habit always be grateful for what you have given time! Most of us have long perceived everything that they have, themselves, their entire lives and all the benefits that it provides us, as a natural phenomenon... Have you ever tried to think about how life is for those people who deprived, for example, of sight, arms or legs? So try for at least ten or fifteen minutes a day to reflect on what you already have, regardless of your own efforts, and to whom or what you simply must be grateful for this!

2. Do not hesitate to always express your sincere gratitude! It is absolutely not necessary to retain those words of gratitude that were brought to life by someone else’s actions in yourself. Never forget to speak Magic word: "Thank you!". Standing in an underground passage and listening to a guitar playing like this one, or, for example, your friend gave you her umbrella with her, because suddenly it started on the street. heavy rain? Be sure to thank her for this: she should know how much you appreciate her caring attitude towards herself. After all, sometimes the simplest and most sincere words of gratitude, spoken with a smile, can easily become the reason for a wonderful and inspired mood both in you and in the person to whom the words of gratitude were actually sent.

3. Get rid of it immediately bad habit discuss anyone! You have probably known this wonderful expression for a long time: “Judge not, and let ye not be judged!” Does it bring you pleasure to understand that you are being judged for some of your words or actions? Most likely no. Therefore, you yourself never rush to sharply condemn someone’s words or actions, of course, with rare exceptions, and in those cases when it is absolutely necessary, and in the end everyone will only feel more comfortable from this.

4. You should be very careful with words of criticism directed at someone! Of course, fair comments are sometimes absolutely necessary, but don’t get too carried away. Remember: “Everything is good in moderation!” In the case when the ultimate goal of all the words of your criticism is the desire to humiliate a person, and not to gently and tactfully, or even jokingly point out some of his mistakes, then in the end it turns out that this is not even criticism, but some kind of - what slander!

5. Strive to treat all the people around you with a certain degree of understanding. In principle, almost every person has his own own opinion, as well as your view of everything that happens in this world. However, this should not create any problems for you at all in order to carefully listen to any point of view that differs from yours and even try to understand and, perhaps, even accept it. It is this manner of communication and behavior with the people around you that will help you to always be sociable, both in to a greater extent expand your horizons. Only people who are too narrow-minded and even stubborn are simply afraid and cannot stand hearing an opinion that is fundamentally different from their own opinion!

6. Try to compliment the people around you as often as possible. Try to concentrate your attention on everything that you like at least a little about them. And, of course, you shouldn’t pay special attention or even notice those little things and any shortcomings of those around you that irritate you. In principle, you can note exactly what you consider worthy of attention and quite appropriate: new hairstyle, makeup, some interesting details of clothing, beautiful smile... Very often, someone’s especially pleasant compliments can inspire and even bring to life small miracles.

7. Try to do as many good deeds as possible! If you are driving a car, be sure to let pedestrians pass, and give up your seat on public transport to an elderly person. After all, having done something very pleasant to someone and heard words of gratitude in response or just a smile, you yourself will feel how your mood also noticeably improves!

8. Always and everywhere try to tactfully avoid any conflict situations. Naturally, at the same time, you must make it clear that you can always stand up for yourself and for your own opinion. The point is that you should not use your precious energy for such an empty pastime: save it better for doing some of your business! And YOU will notice how much faster many of your plans and tasks began to be solved and implemented faster and better! Probably, sometimes it will be much more logical to accept and come to terms with the situation that there are people in the world who will never understand and accept you, just as you will not accept them. Take this for granted, and you will immediately notice how much more pleasant and easier your life has become.

9. And finally, as usual, the most important thought. Be sure to be kind to yourself first! After all, kindness is in fact such a holistic and even indivisible concept that the way you treat yourself is the same way you will treat the people around you. Love yourself, and then they will definitely love you too!

5 simple rules Oh how to become kinder. Forget about the world of evil and darkness, come over to the bright side!

In order to fill this site with only useful and interesting information for you, I analyze the requests of people on the Internet.

So, someone is interested in how to earn a lot of money, someone is looking for recipes for beauty and success, someone desperately needs to build a dizzying career or, but few people are trying to find ways how to become kinder.

But, in my opinion, our world needs kindness more than ever.

This is something that does not go out of fashion and that those around you value very much in you, something that you yourself value in yourself, even if you don’t admit it.

I'm not saying that everyone should turn into Mother Teresa and forget about material goods, but you shouldn't become an insensitive cruel piece of iron either.

Why should you strive to become kinder?

On one of the forums I once saw the topic “Why should I become kinder if I am comfortable being evil?”

The discussion took 10 pages.

Some have put forward arguments in favor of the topikaster.

Like, I’m also not a kind wimp and that’s okay, I’m successfully moving up the career ladder.

Yes, this kindness only ruins you, you begin to think about what is good and what is bad, and now you have lost a lucrative contract.

In short, it’s all bullshit!

Being angry and unprincipled is cool.

Their opponents asked:

“Well, how can it be, we are people. We must bring good to this world. You can't measure everything with money. If we are not kind to each other, we will turn into real animals. And in general, everyone who is evil and cruel will burn in hell.”

To be honest, I really wanted to intervene in the discussion and advise the accomplices of evil to still look for recipes, how to become kinder, because there are at least 5 reasons for this:

  1. Kind people are loved by others, so they are not in danger of loneliness.
  2. Good-natured people very rarely have nervous breakdowns, and they endure the failures that befall them much more easily.
  3. Good people get what they want in a shorter time than evil people, and with less effort.

    The Universe seems to want to reward them for their positive attitude and for bringing good into this world.

  4. Good-natured people do not suffer from low or high self-esteem, because they do not need to engage in self-examination, and they can easily deal with complexes, because they are surrounded by loving people.
  5. Even in fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil.

    You don’t want to be in the role of the defeated Koshchei the Immortal or Baba Yaga, do you?

What should those who want to become kinder get rid of?

Of course, much the easier it is who was already born a kind and compassionate person.

They don't need to stress.

Becoming as positive and kind as someone who received these qualities from birth is quite difficult, but becoming a little better so that everyone around you stops hating you is possible if you put in a little effort.

Before moving to new level, you need to get rid of the ballast you don’t need, that is, the qualities that are characteristic of evil people and are not characteristic of the good:

    There is no need to envy those who have more than you; it is better to spend this energy on reaching the level of successful people.


    I’m talking now about ingratitude to parents:

    “Why wasn’t I born into a family of oligarchs?!”, and to my soulmate: “So what, I’ll be in the old family for the third year mink coat walk? I couldn’t earn money for a new one, you bastard?!”, and to friends: “Again this fool is calling to complain about another unsuccessful romance,” and to the whole world: “I want to be the mistress of the sea!”

    Learn to be grateful for what you have, but strive for more. Work on yourself, and don't constantly demand something from others!


    "Hooray! This goat from the accounting department had her wallet stolen in a minibus. Serves her right, otherwise she’s walking around here making an eyesore in her new sheepskin coat!”

    Passion for gossip.

    If you like to discuss others (even without malicious intent), then you will definitely not be accepted into the club of good people.

    Should someone accidentally step on your foot in a minibus, and you immediately rush at him with your fists?

    Well, why simply waste your energy? Even if you come across a boor who has not apologized, you should not teach him good manners.

    Just ignore the unhappy person.


    Well, here, in my opinion, no comments are needed at all.

    People who offend other people or animals, or do nasty things on purpose, are simply sick!


    Of course, there is no need to squander money left and right, but if you feel sorry for 10–20 hryvnia for homeless animals or sick children, then you have very strange concepts of kindness.

How to become kinder - follow these rules

If you stopped envying your successful competitors, run away from gossipers like the plague, wake up every day with gratitude, sympathize and not gloat when someone has trouble, do charity work, and you have never had a tendency to cruelty at all , then it’s time to move to the next level.

Here are a few simple rules to follow if you want to become kinder:

    Learn to give well-deserved compliments.

    Did your colleague come to work in a beautiful dress? So tell her about it.

    Does your neighbor's new haircut look great? There is no need to remain silent about this fact.

    Do good deeds without asking for anything in return.

    Try to fulfill the requests of others, if you are able to do so, but do not allow them to sit on your neck, otherwise you will be considered not a good-natured person, but a rag.

    Respect other people's opinions.

    If we are not talking about any fundamental issues, then simply end the conversation tactfully and find a more interesting interlocutor.

    Be understanding about harmless human oddities.

    Your neighbor dyed her hair green color, and a work colleague plays in a modern amateur theater, where they present nightmarish, incomprehensible performances to human judgment?

    Stop being indignant about this, because it does not affect you in any way.

    Learn to enjoy life.

    Bad weather, low salary, tights torn on the way to work, sour soup, runny nose - these are all frivolous reasons to walk gloomily, whine and complain to everyone around.

    Smile and don't worry about minor troubles.

Do good, choose good, follow the example of good people,

which will be discussed in the next video:

Become kinder not so difficult, especially if you decide to break with the world of evil and darkness forever.

Come over to the bright side rather.

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How to become kinder? 7 Methods that work

Good day, dear readers and guests of the blog. Personal growth and Self-development!

How to become kinder, and gain positive thinking, which will help eliminate anger and apathy. Do you constantly yell at someone? Are you complaining about injustice towards you? Are you constantly angry and gloomy? Then our article how to become kinder especially for you. In today’s article we will give you 7 working methods that will help you become kinder and calmer in relation to the world around you.

No matter how strange the following definition may sound, it is true. Kindness and love are a very good internal state that attracts the people and events you need into your life. Be kind to people, and people will also be kind to you. Everything is banal and simple, but how to overcome anger and become kinder? What principles should be followed? The following tips will help you become a kind person to whom other people will be attracted. Read and implement!

First, answer the question: “Where did my bitterness and anger at the whole world come from?” Basically, it all starts from childhood, when a person’s character was just being formed. Here is the conclusion that if a person is kind, then he was raised by kind and sympathetic people. If a person is evil, he was raised by angry and negative people.

Options for your anger at the whole world can be in the following form:
  • Had a bad childhood
  • My parents didn't give me what I wanted
  • Bad Education
  • I am not beautiful)
  • I was told that the world is cruel and I need to conform to it, and so on.

Now that we roughly know where internal anger comes from, we will give you 10 methods from which you can choose the appropriate ones, with the help of which you will find out the answer to the question how to become kinder?

7 working methods on how to become kinder

Method #1: Give thanks to the world

Are you angry because you have nothing? Do you constantly complain that you don't get anything? First, learn to thank the universe for what you have. this moment. Try to embrace gratitude with all your soul. Most people think that life gives positive events, the right people, food, money just as a matter of course, but this is not so. The Universe gives what people want, but only to those who are grateful and have love for the world around them. Such people are always kind and positive. If you decide to take the path of a kind person, first learn to be grateful.

Method #2: Be open to the world

If you feel love and gratitude, say THANK YOU . There is no need to cover up these feelings with anger. Feel love and joy if a positive event happens to you. Did they help you with anything? Thank that person. Don't think that you are getting help for granted. This means that you have love that is not entirely covered in anger. Always thank for any help and goals achieved. Who should I thank? Anyone! The main thing is that you experience a positive mood!

Method #3: Say no to criticism and judgment

How to become kinder? Don't judge other people! How often do you criticize and condemn people for this or that action? Your anger is not simple, apparently you like to gossip and criticize other people. Stop judging other people. You don’t like it when people criticize you, do you? Then don’t criticize other people, and you will be fine. Of course, there is criticism that helps a person develop, but criticism and condemnation are on a very fine line, keep your distance. Know that what you give into the world, you get back fivefold, be it a good deed or an evil one. The choice is yours.

Method No. 4. Learn to understand people

Treat people with understanding. We are all individuals, and each of us has our own view of the world. If a person talks to you about something, especially addressed to you, and you don’t agree with it, at least don’t give in to the emotions that you don’t like it. Just listen and make the right decision in your favor. Only losers and narrow-minded people who are embittered at the world are afraid to hear the whole truth about themselves, and this is very good tool for the development of the personality as a whole. Don't be afraid to hear someone else's opinion that differs from your own.

Method No. 5. Give people positivity

Shower people with compliments and nice phrases. Start focusing all your attention on the positive traits in other people. What could it be? Whatever! Smile, voice, body, clothes, ability to tell a good story, and so on. If you find a character trait that you like in this or that person, tell him about it. This will not only improve the mood of the person to whom you complimented, but will also charge you with tremendous energy for the whole day. To become a kind person, give people kindness and love.

Method #6: Be kind to yourself

Don’t evaluate yourself too critically, be simpler and kinder. A secret: If you treat yourself with a positive attitude, people will also treat you. Know that what surrounds you is yours inner world. Be it emotions, events, people, meetings and so on. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner state. As soon as you wake up, smile at yourself! We guarantee that the day will go the way you want it. All because you turned on positive thinking , and we know that positive thinking contributes to the fulfillment of all our desires and goals. Be have a positive attitude towards yourself , and are kind to the people around you.

Method No. 7. Help people. Do good

Do a good deed every day. If you are driving a car, give way to a pedestrian, especially a woman with a stroller. At the entrance to the store, hold the door for people leaving. Most The best way To cheer yourself up and become kinder is to give kindness and positivity to other people. Do something nice for people, and what you put into the world will definitely come back to you.

Brief summary:

In today's article how to become kinder, we have given you 7 working methods that will help you become kinder. What new did we learn today? And we learned the following:

1. Thank the world around you for what you have at the moment

2. Be open to the world, don’t hold back love and positivity. Minimize negative emotions.

3. Stop judging other people

4. Learn to understand other people. Listen to other people's opinions, but do not take them seriously, you have your own personal point of view.

5. Give love and joy to other people

6. Be positive about yourself and the world around you

7. Help other people if they ask you for something. Help also if you are not asked for anything. Give people positivity!

Will following the rules mentioned in it help a person become kinder? Write your memo. You can use the rules that are proposed in this memo.

Try to see in people, first of all, the good and kind! This makes everyone around you become kinder and nicer.

Be kind to people!

Learn good from the good!

From good - good,

From evil - evil is born...

D. Likhachev: “Strive to walk the paths of goodness, as simply and unconsciously as you walk in general. The paths and roads of our beautiful garden, which is called the surrounding world, are so easy, so comfortable, the meetings on them are so interesting, if only the “initial data” are chosen correctly by you.”
Kant: “Kindness is our duty. The one who often fulfills it and sees his good intentions come true, eventually begins to really love the one for whom he did good. The words: “Love your neighbor as yourself” do not mean that you must first love him and only then, as a consequence of your love, do good to him. No, you must do good to your neighbor, and this activity of yours will ignite in you love for humanity, which will be the consequence of your activity aimed at goodness.”
A. Schweitzer: “Good is that which serves to preserve and develop life; evil is that which destroys life or impedes it.”
L. Tolstoy: “Effort is needed to do good, but it is even more necessary to abstain from evil. Life without moral effort is a dream.”
A. Yakovlev: “Each Living being Every action necessarily contributes to something: either good or evil. There are no “neutral” actions.”
L. Tolstoy: “To believe in good, you must start doing it.”
V. Brzeszczyk: “Good exists where it is constantly created.”
A. Schweitzer: “Evil is that which destroys life or interferes with it.”
Appendix 3
Good and evil in Russians folk tales
I want to explain such concepts as good and evil, citing heroes of Russian folk tales as examples. Good and evil are the main moral concepts in life. It is these concepts that guide people in their actions. From the point of view of good and evil, a person evaluates both his actions and the actions of other people. Good is moral value, which refers to human activity, a pattern of people’s actions and relationships between them. To perform moral (good) actions consciously, selflessly, and not with the expectation of benefit or reward - means to do good. For example, in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess,” everyone helps Ivan Tsarevich because he is kind: he does not shoot a bear, drake, or hare, he saves the pike by throwing it into the sea and saves Vasilisa the Wise from the evil Koshchei. And in the fairy tale “Morozko,” the hardworking sister, who helps everyone and works tirelessly, receives a reward from Morozko, but the lazy and rude one receives nothing and everyone laughs at her. Evil is the opposite of good and is what morality seeks to eliminate and correct. Evil can exist in different actions of people. For example, in the fairy tale “Kolobok”, the fox tricked the little bun onto his nose and ate it. And in the fairy tale " gold fish“The greedy old woman wants to have everything, but in the end she gets nothing. Because she is evil and her greed knows no bounds.

Even in Russian folk tales, the meaning was laid down that good is good and evil is bad. Good heroes are always helped, but evil ones are not loved. And good always triumphs over evil!