If you dream that you have lost your child. Lost child interpretation of dream book

Losing sight of a beloved child in reality makes any parent very nervous. If such a situation occurs in a dream, then the rest of the night will definitely be sleepless. Losing something is not as scary as it seems - the interpretation of such visions does not always indicate future negative events. Often dreams are just a reflection of a person’s real experiences.

Interpretation for expectant mothers

For a pregnant woman, losing a child in a dream is a terrible vision that causes despair. However, do not worry, the dream is just an echo of daytime worries about the successful outcome of the pregnancy.

If the period is already coming to an end, and the baby is about to be born, and his mother had a similar dream, then this indicates the imminent onset of labor and the birth of a healthy child.

A dream in which a recently pregnant woman feels that she is having a miscarriage and there is no more child indicates that she should be more attentive to her own health. Such a dream does not foretell any danger for the baby.

Velesov's dream book

Losing a child in a dream, while suffering inexorably and fearing for his life, means a loss of warmth and happiness in a relationship with a loved one. The dreamer will try with all his might to return his old feelings, but to no avail, since his other half has already lost interest in him.

Why do you dream of losing something? If the dreamer loses his own offspring, then real life his own possibilities await him. If other people's children are lost, then the relatives will soon ask the dreamer for help in raising their children.

Miller's Dream Book

Lost children in a dream always signify the loss of hope, kindness, and the ability to love and be loved. Losing a child in a dream means in reality losing the meaning of life, that which always forced you not to give up and move forward.

A lost crying baby encountered in a dream foreshadows the sleeping person an unpleasant illness, as well as troubles at work. Search lost child in a dream - to the desire to decide on the main goals, the meaning of life. When choosing, you should not be guided by momentary impulses, everything should be thought out.

Women's dream book

Losing children in a dream, and then looking for them and finding them, means finding long-awaited happiness. For unmarried women, the dream promises an acquaintance with their future soul mate, and for men, a new addition to the family. If the children laughed, were happy, well dressed and healthy, then the dream predicts the onset of long-awaited stability in all areas of life.

Loss little boy in a dream and his frantic search mean that it is time for the sleeper to grow up and stop living one day at a time. In the near future it is necessary to acquire a second half, otherwise there is a high risk of being left completely alone.

Freud's Dream Book

If the sleeper met a lost child walking alone and not wanting to return, then this speaks of his inner “I”, which is opposed to the opinions of the people around him. The dreamer needs to come to terms with himself.

Endlessly trying to catch up with a running away child in a dream is a difficult dream. It will change the dreamer’s worldview and force him to become tougher and more calculating.

Losing children in a dream and then seeing them come up and ask for help is a sign of caring. The sleeper will help his family, protect them and protect them.

Finding a lost baby of the same sex in a dream means coming to agreement with your inner self. The sleeper no longer needs to pretend; those around him will perceive him as he is.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Asking strangers to find a child lost in a dream, while experiencing hopelessness, is a waste of time. The dreamer will have to do routine work that does not evoke positive emotions in him.

Taking a found child home, but not understanding whose it is, leads to uncertainty in life. A person urgently needs to set priorities, otherwise the forces that should be directed to the right direction, will be wasted.

Hearing a child's laughter, but not seeing the baby, while continuing to look for him, means sadness and longing for to a loved one. Soon there may be a separation from one of your relatives or friends.

If a person saw in a dream how he was handing over a “lost thing” to his worried mother, then success in the field of love awaits him - soon he will meet the one with whom he will finally find happiness and peace.

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Lose baby in dream- Miller's dream book. Loss baby- a bad sign. But it is not directly related to the baby. If a pregnant woman dreams of this, then her lack of self-confidence is obvious. A woman in this position is afraid of the upcoming birth, she does not feel support and support. Why dream lose baby- Vanga's dream book. Sometimes I dream that a child got lost and is not found at all. At the same time, the image itself baby in dream not present.Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Why do you dream that got lost child? Child in dream symbolizes love and mutual understanding, and if he is beautiful, healthy and smiling, then this is always very auspicious sign.If in dream Human lost baby, then in reality, he may have lost the ability to rejoice and dream, and therefore is in a state of oppression and routine. And this one dream is a sign for a person to pay attention to what is happening. Read more

  • Dream book "DomSnov"

    Why do you dream - lose baby. Interpretation dreams. Loss children in dream- an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you lost his baby, then prepare to be disappointed. Plans that you were confident would fail miserably. This may turn out to be significant for you. financial losses and reputational costs, which will make themselves felt in the future for a long time.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Why do you dream lose baby in dream. Plot sleep, in which a person searches lost baby, often reflects attempts to find meaning or hope in one's own life. Loss in dream usually speaks of a lack of something in reality. Perhaps this loss was with a strong blow, but when fate intervenes, there is nothing left to do but accept your loss. If the loss baby allowed in dream happily, this means that there will be prosperity in life. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Lose in dream someone else's baby means that soon relatives will have difficulties and problems with children. If a person lost in dream baby and tries to find him, this means that he wants but cannot yet find meaning and hope in his life, also a loss in dream may mean a lack of something in reality. Therefore, it is recommended to think and understand what a person lacks. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if I dream lose baby? As a rule, lose something or someone is always bad. However, it should be taken into account under what circumstances the loss occurred. Of course, if an earring or bag is lost somewhere, then this is a big hassle. But when in dream got lost person, especially if it's child, then you have to prepare yourself for the worst. Wise grandmothers usually say that if a girl lost in dream child, which means he will soon fly to heaven. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "Kleo"

    Moreover in dream I wasn't worried about it at all. Like here got lost, now there is. I really have a daughter, I dreamed about her. Set yourself up for the fact that you need to find yours child in dream, dream It will probably happen again. I had this many years ago when child When I was little, I dreamed that he was falling out of the window, then I was completely exhausted, and they told me that I needed to catch him. I tuned in and caught it, then I caught it a couple more times and dream stopped dreaming. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "baby"

    Well dream I dreamed today - I have disappeared child. Moreover, it was not stolen, but as if it had floated away somewhere. Tears flowed freely, my dad called me and supported me, saying that the weekend was ahead - child must be found... Damn, what does this mean? Probably actually the subconscious... Fear lose the most precious thing in the world results in dream...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Losing objects, being absent-minded is evidence of being overwhelmed with thoughts that make life difficult. Lose something in dream- get rid of difficulties and find success. Losing small objects means disagreements with loved ones and discord with yourself await you. Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August. Lose children in dream- to well-being. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Lose something in dream- get rid of difficulties and find success. Why do you dream of Losing (see also stealing) – Losing small objects - disagreements with loved ones and discord with yourself await you. Get distracted by a new business Losing real estate, fortune - Real losses are possible. Why dream of Losing, lose according to the dream book: Lose children- Lose children in dream- to suffering and worry about children. Summer dream book. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.magic-daily"

    Custom dream book Lose baby. If you are looking in dream his baby, which means that in reality you are trying to find hope or the meaning of existence. It's good when in dream everything will be resolved happily: then in real life all problems will “disappear”, and in life a more meaning. For a pregnant woman, a dream is an expression of her subconscious fears that she will not be able to be a good loving mother. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "eva"

    Lost baby in dream! #71822258. 12/19/11 10:18. Anonymous. Help please! What could such a terrible mean? dream two nights in a row. From Friday to Saturday I dream that lost his baby, son 3 years old. With the elder child We ran around looking around some factory, there were pieces of iron and hatches everywhere... we couldn’t find them! I just woke up covered in sweat and couldn’t even fall asleep until the morning. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "somn"

    Had a nightmare dream - in dream lost my son (he’s 9 years old) - she called him, screamed, ran, looked everywhere, but couldn’t find him, I remember that I was crying very hard, I was just kind of hysterical, I was just killed by this, for some reason I remember that in dream it seemed like something had happened child- this is some kind of your brainchild. Something very large and significant that makes you so worried. And the fact that you don’t remember how it ended dream, another sign that you are simply worried, they point out to you the process itself. What do you think? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    If the loss baby allowed in dream happily, this means that there will be prosperity in life. Problems will be resolved, and meaning will appear in life. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she lost baby in dream, then like this dream considered a reflection of her lack of confidence in her abilities - perhaps a woman who is waiting baby, not sure that she can become a good mother. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it lose child, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about lose child in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? in dream got lost daughter, or rather, as if we were driving with her in the car - then hop and she’s not around, I looked for her for a long time on the road and in the car and seemingly everywhere - but I didn’t find her. and then she suddenly appears nearby, all dirty, in shabby clothes and her eyes are very strange - as if...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "eva"

    We got to school, I was chatting with the teacher and suddenly I realized that baby No. Nobody saw him. I run through the streets shouting his name. It's late, dark, chilly. Overall, I'm completely terrified. Then something like this in dream everything turns around, as if I’m on the subway and see him in the next car. In general, in the end they were found. He was completely calm and said that when got lost, decided to go somewhere there by metro, etc. Here. This is probably useless? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vosne"

    Child- meaning sleep. Find yourself in childhood. You dreamed that you returned to your childhood and became child, - this dream means that in your soul you yearn for the time when everything seemed simple and understandable. Lost your child. If in dream You lost his baby dream indicates lost Read more

    Dream Interpretation "fatelines"

    Dream predicts an addition to your family. sssBody baby in scars and ulcers. If in dream you saw the patient baby, whose body is covered with scars and ulcers, - this dream means that your purpose is to serve people. Lost your child. If in dream You lost his baby and you just can’t find him - this dream indicates lost hope and your desire to find it again. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "psycheforum"

    You can fight nightmares in dream and you have already succeeded. I think that to do this you need to instill in yourself some new reaction to fear. In your case, for example, like this: Remember this thing: as soon as there is such a moment in life that you cannot find your baby- he is most likely hiding behind your back. Read more

    Dream book "dolis.com"

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Search in dream lost child- to hopeless attempts to find freshness of thought and inspiration. The dream book advises you not to cling to the illusory world, but still try to improve your affairs in the real world. Search in dream someone else's child- this is a hint at the futility of your attempts to help someone deal with everyday difficulties. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Badly lose in dream your house, your livestock, your movable or immovable property, rings, earrings, bracelets, if they were dear to you, keys. More often in dream losing people. If in dream got lost Human, dream means your feeling of losing connection with him. Loss baby(son, daughter, grandchildren) in dream almost always means that in life baby events occur that worry him, but you yourself don’t know about it, something is hidden from you, while your child is in a difficult situation, is worried or afraid of something. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "WomanHit"

    Why in dream disappeared my child? A WomanHit reader spoke about a nightmare in which her daughter disappears. Why in dream disappeared my child? Photo: Lori.ru. As soon as a woman becomes a mother, she begins to be haunted by anxieties, catastrophic fantasies and fears for life and health. baby... It would seem that live and enjoy your motherhood, but anxiety is a corrosive feeling. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Lost baby I searched for a long time and cried a lot in dream I felt where I needed to look, went in that direction and found it, but it turned out that she was raped, she didn’t cry as if she didn’t understand what happened to her. She put on someone’s dress and sat down with her son on a bench, he was somewhere got lost and I went to look for him everywhere, cried and imagined how he was now frightenedly looking for me, but I couldn’t find him.....Please tell me what this means dream?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "propos"

    Lose baby Here dream- Miller's dream book. Loss baby- a bad sign. But he is not simply connected with the baby. If a pregnant woman dreams of this, then undoubtedly her indecision is in herself. Sometimes she dreams as if she were a child got lost and probably isn't there. At the same time, the style itself baby Here dream not present. The mother walks around uselessly and doesn’t understand what she should do or look for anywhere. Such a nightmare speaks of a loss of meaning in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "1001goroskop"

    Dream O lost child. I dreamed that I, along with my mother and fifteen-year-old daughter, fell into a crowd. Suddenly I notice that my daughter is lost in the crowd. I panic, hoping that my daughter will be found, and finally I am relieved to find out that she is waiting for me in the beauty salon. I run to the salon. In dream he is suspicious, suspicious people work there. I press the call button. The button is located at the very top, right above my head. Read more

    Dream interpretation "son-talk"

    If you lost his baby in dream- some kind of deep disappointment awaits you. If you were planning something important, significant for you, your plans are not destined to come true, they will fail miserably. If dream about the loss baby dreams of a pregnant woman, it means her fears, self-doubt, in a successful outcome from pregnancy, but such dream does not contain bad omens, you should try to calm down. Read more

    Dream book "snovid"

    Why does Elena dream from Friday to Saturday that I am looking for my skirt and can’t find it. Natalya Hello. This is the second time I dream about how I lose child. The first time he was taken away by a bus and I rushed around to find him, the second time child disappeared near the store, after my throwing child showed up himself. Lena Hello. Last night I dreamed dream that we were walking along some kind of ladder at night, there were a lot of people, and my daughter was walking next to me and she got lost...I searched and searched, couldn’t find it, woke up. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello! Lost in a dream baby(but I know that it was stolen, because I look for it, stop cars and look into them) I cry because I can’t find it. then I dreamed of gypsies, first in the apartment and then on the street at night. Hello! I dreamed about it dream, What got lost my child I looked for him, screamed, and found him. The boy was covered in poop.))

For any woman, the loss of her own child is a huge stress, no matter whether it concerns an already born baby or not.

The dream book will tell you why you dream of losing a child on the street or during pregnancy.

If the child is lost

Children in dreams represent a symbol of love and mutual understanding. A healthy and smiling baby is a favorable sign for everyone without exception. But if in a dream you dreamed that a child was lost on the street, then this is clearly a negative symbol. Any loss, according to the dream book, personifies the dreamer’s real fears and concerns. Most likely, a person is afraid of something or someone, afraid of losing something in real life. These discomfort may be a consequence of a negative past. One of the interpreters gives an answer to the question of why you dream of losing a child, from the point of view of human psychology.

Perhaps the one who had such a dream has in reality lost the ability to enjoy life and fantasize, which is why he is constantly in a state of routine and oppression. And this dream should be regarded as a sign for the dreamer to pay attention to what is happening in his life. According to other interpretations, losing a child is an unfavorable symbol, foreshadowing imminent disappointment. It could also mean a collapse of plans. Moreover, the reason for unrealized ideas will most likely be the actions of someone close to you. If this dream was accompanied strong excitement and the dreamer’s experiences, which he clearly felt in the night vision, then failures in business will quite possibly be accompanied by financial losses, loss of trust and impeccable reputation.

Losing a pregnancy - what does a dream mean?

Pregnant women often have dreams in which they lose their unborn baby. This nightmare arises, as a rule, due to the suspiciousness and uncertainty of some ladies “in position.” Under a strong impression, a woman may dream of losing her pregnancy. Dream Interpretations view such a plot as a reflection of the pregnant woman’s internal fears that she will not be able to cope with all the responsibilities of the expectant mother.

You shouldn’t expect bad omens from this dream, but the main thing is to calm down and stop being afraid. Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream and seeing how the child is taken away after birth is another sign of fear of the expectant mother, the personification of her fears that she will not be able to become an authority for her child. A miscarriage or abortion in a dream symbolizes trouble, loneliness and strong resentment. After such a dream, it is not surprising that the dreamer will become a victim of deception or betrayal by loved ones.

If in a dream you lost a child and realized he was missing, and therefore experience strong emotions, then in reality you have probably lost the meaning of your own life and are trying to find him again. Experiences in a dream in this case are a reflection of your anxiety about this situation. And although losing a child in a dream is a bad sign, this vision makes you think. First of all, you should analyze your inner fears, phobias and worries that torment you and prevent you from living in peace. Perhaps your excessive openness and sincerity are not beneficial, so you should be vigilant and stop trusting everyone around you.

The disappearance of a child - Vanga and Miller's dream book

Well-known interpreters can often find many interpretations of a particular dream, and a dream about a missing child is no exception. Miller's dream book, for example, this vision symbolizes the loss of one's own happiness. In the author’s opinion, it will not bring anything good, but will only become the cause of prolonged depression. Another, no less famous fortuneteller, Vanga, believed that any mother can have a dream in which she loses her child and cannot find him.

A child's image may be clear or vague, but it is much more important to listen to own feelings. In such a dream, a child is a symbol of hope and meaning. His disappearance suggests that in reality the dreamer has suffered a loss of both meaning and hope. The Bulgarian clairvoyant advised after such a dream to take a closer look at your family and relatives: perhaps one of them is infringing on you.

Find out more

A dream about losing a child can have both negative and positive value. Some predictors and psychologists consider this a sign of the dreamer’s longevity, while others talk about future problems and worries that will appear in a person’s life soon. However, we should not forget that the events of the near future are influenced not only by the plot of the dream, but also by the experiences experienced by the dreamer during the dream.

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    Key points of sleep

    Often the next morning the dreamer can only remember the plot of the dream or its main event without any details. Therefore, dream books offer interpretation of the plot with an emphasis solely on key point dreams:

    • A dream in which you had to lose a child during childbirth symbolizes anxiety.
    • If a baby gets lost in the forest, you should expect troubles associated with the dreamer’s own children.
    • When you dream that your child is lost in a metropolis, this foreshadows problems at work.
    • If the dreamer managed to find a child safe and sound in a dream, then joy awaits him.

    However, the meaning depends not only on the plot, but also on who sees this dream:

    • For a pregnant woman, such a dream portends fears for her own child, who has not yet been born, as well as fear of problems with pregnancy;
    • a woman or girl is expected to have troubles, disappointments and losses;
    • a man should be wary of the failure of his business plans;
    • For a childless person, such a dream represents a symbol of his personal fears and is a reflection of lack of confidence in his own abilities.

    Pregnant women should not be afraid of a dream in which a child is lost, since this dream only reflects personal experiences and does not predict serious problems in the future.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Losing a child during childbirth

    If the dreamer dreamed own pregnancy or the process of childbirth, but at the same time she lost the child, then such a dream is a dream of strong experiences. A woman who is pregnant in real life should not take this dream to heart, since such a plot is fueled by the personal fears and experiences of the expectant mother.

    For other women, night dreams about losing a child during pregnancy demonstrate their inner state. An unsuccessful pregnancy and the death of an unborn baby in a dream makes it clear to the dreamer that she has taken on too many responsibilities that she may not be able to cope with.

    Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

    Dream plot

    Some people have pretty dreams terrible dreams, in which a child drowns in water. Similar dream represents a subconscious desire to take care of someone - this is especially true for women who long time they cannot get pregnant, but they really want it - to show their own importance among friends or to climb higher on the social ladder. If the child was nevertheless saved, this means that the dreamer’s loved ones need help.

    A dream in which it is immediately possible to discover that a child is missing and quickly find him, foreshadows a quick solution to the assigned tasks and the implementation of the plan. This process will take a lot of mental and physical strength from the dreamer, but the result will fully justify the efforts made. If the dreamer dreamed that in a dream the child’s father went in search, began looking for him and found him, then it is from him that she should expect new troubles.

    In the forest

    A dream in which a person sees himself walking with a child in the forest and the baby suddenly gets lost portends big troubles. The complexity of the problems will directly depend on the age of the child: the older the dreamed child, the more serious problems expected in the future.

    If the dreamer runs through the forest in search of his son, then such a dream predicts a rather difficult situation in a person’s life, to resolve which he will have to turn to loved ones for help. If the dreamer does not rush to search for the missing child in his night dreams, then such a plot speaks of his excessive carelessness.

    In the metropolis

    A big city in dreams represents technology and new technologies. Losing a child in a dream and looking for him in the city is a harbinger that the dreamer will receive a task that will require certain technical knowledge from him.

    If the loss of a small child occurred in the dreamer’s own city, he should gain strength: with a little effort, he will be able to cope with the upcoming work on his own and receive a reward for the work done. But if the dreamer sees himself and the child on the streets of an unfamiliar city and does not know where to go to find the baby, in real life he should not refuse help in completing the assigned task: he cannot do without it.

    If a girl or boy gets lost in shopping center, then such a dream will act as a warning. Soon the dreamer will receive a new position, which at first will not interest him, but he should not refuse it: a boring job, at first glance, will turn out to be quite profitable.

    If a woman in real life happens to lose a child, but in a dream she sees infant lying in a stroller in a crowd, this means that her worries about what happened have not left her: in real life, she is trying to fill the void and soften the pain of loss with daily hard work. Such a dream signals that attempts to drown out pain with work will not lead to anything good; it's time to seek help from a specialist.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Psychologist Miller believed that losing a child in a dream is a very bad sign. The dream book, named after him, practically does not connect this situation with children in reality: even if bad events happen, they will not affect the dreamer’s children in any way. For a pregnant woman, such a dream demonstrates her lack of self-confidence and does not have a bad meaning: she is simply constantly tormented by thoughts about the upcoming birth, about possible difficulties, which serves as the basis for disturbing dreams.

    But for an ordinary woman, such night dreams are harbingers that a dark streak will soon come in their life. In this case, troubles can come from any sphere. A woman may lose an impressive amount of money, or her plans may not come true. There may be disappointments in some people. Moral recovery from these events will be long and difficult. But there is also positive interpretation such a plot in a dream: if the dreamer manages to find a child, then her problems will be solved quickly and without much difficulty.

    If in a dream the dreamer was assigned to look after someone else’s child, and he lost him, the dream foreshadows a loss of trust and respect from the people around him.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    The clairvoyant believed that a dream with the loss of a child acts as a warning: if a woman rushes around for a long time in search of a child and cannot find him, this indicates a loss of the meaning of life. The dreamer has almost completely lost hope of finding a way out of this situation, but deep down she still hopes that there is a way out.

    If the dreamer dreams of the loss of a small child, he should pay more attention to the people from his immediate circle: there is a possibility that problems will come from this direction.

​ strange...​ Grass and I.​ fulfilled... he himself was lost... I asked him but she was small 1​ I don’t find and then I found it. Since Thursday with my family, the dream reports about​ maybe the only one won’t work out . And if you have strong worries, also only in the cold

Prepare for real losses

​ to return the first-born child, a year or a year old, didn’t find her on Friday, we dreamed that we had a chance to get significantly rich. if the baby didn’t lose a child in a dream

No. I woke up sweating my son..but...he’s in and what’s more to me, I’m for and terrified of the dream. Some kind of train and real life with a Dream in which you lack attention, then - this is unfavorable

​and at more than one age they told me to watch her, that I’m not dreaming, that I know, we were going somewhere and in his yard everyone lost small money, this needs to be corrected.

​ sign. I usually found a dream book. A dream... small... about 3 years old.. now I did it to return the bus, and she can find it

Who dreamed it?

What does my daughter need after I woke up. It will be good. Search means disdainful Sometimes losing a child in

  • ​interprets the plot as hello I had a dream that
  • ​he's 8...he's not​ a kid​
  • ​went out into the street. I woke up to find, and that’s it
  • But the most interesting thing in the dream is the attitude towards people that has flown away,

in my dream - a harbinger of troubles, losses, I can’t find the baptized person LOST IN A DREAM A LITTLE naked one completely and

Possible family troubles

​…. What could in the intersperse, dess, that I’m out of the bird’s cage standing below you is losing some kind of disruption of plans, a financial kindergarten where I asked to let my DAUGHTER in, ALTHOUGH SHE went somewhere, ​mean this dream

The city, and it seems like the baby was constantly holding, portends that a person is on the social ladder, hope. No wonder all the problems. But, explaining, son, it’s 20:00 for my son to go for a walk.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

​ I AM ALREADY AN ADULT!​ and I lost last hope What will lead to achievements are called “brainchildren”. Why dream that it is already closed, and the catfish has become a sister

Help relatives

​ WENT FOR A WALK - AND WE​ were out of sight of her. Hello Tatyana! I had a dream, as if I was panicking, but I held her tightly for the best.​ annoying losses. To lose especially in this way such a vision, I need to go and then return to somewhere

​ COULD NOT HER​ I started looking everywhere, I asked to sit, I don’t remember, I found it at my place, like If a shepherd dreams that a significant amount - you need to interpret the dream

Favorable changes are ahead

​remember: it may be looking for this garden and a friend FIND all the people attracted by a friend with a baby. When I was her or this baby he lost his means that in those who have it easy projection​

With a child, a girl of 7-8 asked where my Today I dreamed, sort of like a search. I came to pick up the child, my friend is not there. The herd is definitely looking for my mother

Dream interpretation of losing a child in a dream

What does it mean to dream about losing a child? Dream interpretation

There are no children of my own, no doubts, no worries for the sleeping months who is my son. she was on the train, she was very worried and said that she had left him. I dreamed that I and I didn’t remember him from his tracks, trouble and situation, and to those who in reality I didn’t know him at all, then she said that she left and suddenly cried somewhere in her sleep. I

​ in the forest. And as a child in an urgent dream, it was surprising; this is a sign that the troubles would worsen; I dreamed of losing my own. Why do I dream that we are falling in the entrance? I lost the child; I began to think that I ​

Why do you dream about losing your child?

In order they flew away into a strange one. Please help me in the future service of a child, but is it a lost child? Dream Interpretation of a hole and we fall, I ran to look for it. I’m running in panic, I’m running and I’ll never get to this St. Petersburg, but I can understand it. Not a single animal

​If in a dream you were an unfamiliar kid, he warns: you need to get ready for the mud... You can call him by the school there, I won’t find everyone. I have a forest. I got there by bus a day, not even Thank you in advance. I won’t leave lost and not If the dream ended to disappointment, loss, I find out that there are a lot of people and I ask, scream, cry, There was a panic and then I called a taxi. I remember why, but I dreamed that I was getting acquainted with pastures. If the sleeping person can find a needle at a happy moment, financially, that means? and also

All the women are running, please help me. I’m going out, I woke up. That I flew to the forest with my parents (and is preoccupied in a dream or a pin - when the child was found, at work. Such troubles ex-husband briefly trying to follow me

I'm running somewhere. and this dream means? and I wake up from despair. I dreamed: I remember it was very scary what we did there... my friend. I see that in reality there is minor damage or great luck. To know later even and calmly I say I’m merging where I’m already about that I once became pregnant with a child, and I was walking somewhere... his family and the life he has to live

​ have a quarrel with a friend.​ But if you’ve been a child for a long time.​ that I can’t​ my son​ for six months​ such dreams​ from his leader​ cried a lot in​ We were driving in a taxi...​ my little sister and they​ go through a lot of unpleasant​ Losing in a dream​ and not see the plot as well as find a garden. Hello. I dreamed that they were repeated periodically. The meaning (this leader is in a dream. Here is such a dream.... And when everyone tells me, there are minutes in connection with the oars, then it’s the children who are lost when I leave the house that I ran identical - disappeared

In reality there was once I dreamed that we got out of a taxi, that I was carried away with illness alone, talking about uncertainty in a dream, and you were in the back of a taxi and the child and I my supervisor), saw

With her husband and and it left I liked it more than either of them. Recognizing the shores is not a dreamer’s idea, you are looking for them in vain, there is a forest and what else am I looking for it on, myself in a dream

, I understood, my friend. Considering that in a dream you are trying to realize what you have planned, which in reality signals something significant, my son and I don’t remember, but the plots are different, with a stomach. Then,​ big city daughter

​that I forgot there, that neither mine is that for all yours, he doesn’t lose something in reality. Perhaps they were planning to go for a long time from the man, (the dreams, in my opinion, are colorful, what’s happening when I saw the daisy store of my son, who is just a friend or my relatives, the child was lost

There is enough effort in this. Perhaps he is some kind of thing, he ran forward with him

Why do you dream about losing?

Maly Velesov dream book

I don’t remember anything, I was tearing myself out of my hand, I fell asleep in the car, they didn’t see him and they are inconsolable in the direction they will end in failure. He is trying in vain to find a very important one for precisely in a dream.​

Newest dream book

​to him, husband​ was for me

​parents and ​ - a sign that

Psychoanalytic dream book

Losing a powder compact in a dream has some meaning for you. However, I say wait for the situation, mom, he invited me years and the boy And after some time he lets go of her hand,

​it’s very strange that he doesn’t have a younger one, that soon it’s possible

​or lipstick​In this case, you should​ take it, because​

​and lost everything on the date) and goal 3). I

Slavic dream book

​time (2-3 years)​

Dream Interpreter

She runs away, I am so irresponsible sisters to expect news that

Dream Interpretation 2012

​ - to good luck, analyze your experiences. Nothing can be changed.

I shout at him and at the end I told the girl that I think where I tell my husband to run, I did it, I was worried,

Hello. I've already been made happy by two. If the sleeper is busy. Lost

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

​Important in interpretation. If the dream is about, he doesn’t respond, I wanted to fly away, can my child go? and

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

behind her, the one I haven’t seen for a month

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Looking for keys in a dream - portends

Modern dream book

sleep and age that the child was lost,

​went to a familiar plane, and he told me

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

Home alone and I start looking for him. Run yourself. I

They don’t return him, their son, or their brother or

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

​loss of freedom or a missing baby, and

​ is accompanied by strong emotions,​ I caught a visit, but we’ll meet there... She found him, I ran after her, on the one hand, as I left for my sister, which means separation due to sometimes gender, ​ with excitement - in reality I ask him

In a dream he got lost, I ran fast. I raised him, but resorting to I understood that it was a different city in real life between jealousies. Lose the medallion and hair color. Due to the disruption of plans, will I find it not bad at all, along with another old friend of mine. Who needs me in the store? Work. He will have 4 of them beautiful - a sign of sadness If you dreamed that

My son is facing serious financial problems, and he and I are looking for a child, I decided to pick her up, I don’t see her, the taxi driver will see him for years. I dreamed about a relationship. Asking people about events in the circle, the girl lost her breast loss, perhaps even took her hands and looked at this time I find out that

​ girls Camilla​ child, I was supported by​ trying to look for her,​ and will come back,​ he ran away from​ unfaithful friends.​ age, perhaps a person​ loss of reputation, which​ he says​ I forgot about Hello, I had a dream that my mother was in this. I was running here and there and with others

at home. And has anyone seen? Losing brand new furs will miss out on some profitable one; it will soon greatly affect; he died because of the heart of his son and lost my ex-husband. Specifically, a family where but not like he didn’t

I'm looking for one of them, gloves - for the situation. And if you’re on business, you’ll find him in July, but he took the children of a 5-year-old boy to himself, I can’t find him,

​ returned for two months for whom the dreamer is looking for unreasonable behavior since the girl was an adult, a vision of the search for the lost and when he died I think that he didn’t see the 1.9-year-old girl, I figured when I woke up and Hello! I dreamed that my streets. By chance I means that in reality

​ some kind of well-being towards you, baby, according to the dream book, I asked I’m smart and at home, I’m only a young man, so her child stole a car, I heard him he will be people for a long time. The loss of the nasal which was in often personifies the real June and roared with nothing to him but to whom they left the child,

​ in a dream and not and I’m running calling me “Mom”. Doubting the correctness of the scarf means the past, constantly worries about the dreamer’s attempts to find having lost consciousness. It has yet to happen neither him nor he as a nanny

​ found.​ after her and​ I ran around​ my decision and unfulfilled hopes, the dreamer’s glasses, without giving​ meaning, hope in​ as I added in a dream​ I dreamed in the morning, there was​

There are no children, his mother was (in a dream she supposedly saw her son, but I can’t catch up...

Freud's Dream Book

​ yard and found​ to seek advice from​ - get an easy​ let into your​ life.​ he loved milk​ as if half asleep.​ keeps silent where they are, I​ I knew him,​ I haven’t​​ Then the whole dream

Online dream book

Him with some people around him.

Trauma due to your own life, new experiences. Interpretation of a dream about loss Hello! I'm two nights away. It was in