The daughter of Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident, fell from a window to her death (photo). A terrible tragedy on Butlerov Street: Pavel Soltan’s youngest daughter Anastasia Pavlovna Soltan died funeral

The Queen of England and Naina Yeltsina are personally acquainted with Pavel Soltan

We met at the Prospekt Prosveshcheniya metro station. He drove up in a brand new red Zhiguli. True, their steering wheel is designed somehow unusually, but at first I didn’t pay attention to it. Pavel drove the car confidently and skillfully. I got out near my house, walked around the car and gallantly opened the door for me. Tall, broad-shouldered, strong. In a cozy apartment he introduced me to his wife and two children. Pavel and Svetlana looked good together. Beautiful couple.
Do you think we will talk about everyday well-being and family idyll? We were not mistaken. True, everything was more difficult for Pavel Soltan than for others. After all, he has neither arms nor legs. People in his position are deeply disabled.
In fact, if there had not been one happy quality in Pavel’s character, it is unknown how his fate would have turned out. This trait clearly manifested itself immediately after the misfortune that happened to him in 1981, when he was twenty. Once in the suburbs I walked around railway tracks freight train and did not notice the approaching train. Suddenly he was blinded by the harsh light of a spotlight. For some reason, instead of stopping, he rushed forward... “It’s my own fault,” he will say later.
In the first days after the amputation there was apathy. I didn't want to think about anything. And then he began to fantasize. I imagined that he would have very good, perfect prostheses with which he could live normally. I immediately forbade myself from feeling sorry for myself and thinking about how unfair fate is. “It makes no sense. What happened has already happened. We must move on with our lives,” he thought. This ability to accept any, the most difficult, stunning reality helped him. And good people, of course. First of all, parents who were a support at the most difficult moment.
If you don't endure the pain, you will never learn to walk with prostheses. And Paul walked. It’s ten kilometers from my dacha to the Neva. And back - also ten. Back and forth, back and forth. Every day, without a single pass for two months. Until I began to feel the prosthetics as an extension of my legs.
There were no decent prosthetic arms at all. Fortunately, I came across an article in a newspaper about the inventor Grigory Trofimovich Rudenko, who lost his hands in the war. He made himself prosthetics of an unusual design. With their help, it was possible to pick up a fragile egg without crushing it and carry 20-kilogram weights. Pavel's father, Mikhail Pavlovich, immediately flew to Moscow. Rudenko received him warmly, did not hide his secrets, initiated him into all the intricacies of the design, and then he himself came to Leningrad. Together with Mikhail Pavlovich, a tool engineer by profession, we improved and fine-tuned the prosthesis. Pavel also participated in this work. Parts for his “hands” were made at St. Petersburg factories. Having learned about Soltan’s trouble, Mikhail Pavlovich’s acquaintances responded instantly. Now it’s strange to hear this: no one demanded money. With the help of Rudenko's prosthetics, Pavel learned to write again. Now he can do with his “hands” the same things that the rest of us can do. Just slower...
The instructions of the mid-eighties were rigid and did not allow interpretation. A disabled person of the first group should not work - and that’s all. But Pavel, while still a student (he studied at LETI), came to the Research Institute of Prosthetics and began talking with the director about prosthetics designed by Rudenko. It turned out that the head of the main department from Moscow had just arrived at the institute. He was very interested in Paul's proposals. A few days later he was offered a job.
Now Pavel Soltan is a leading engineer. Engaged in the manufacture of prosthetic hands. For many patients, his example itself has an inspiring effect.
I thought: that’s it, it’s over. But I look at you, I see that you can live, they often tell him.
However, Paul himself is not satisfied with what he is doing. A good prosthesis is an expensive thing, and when a patient comes to college, he most often brings letter of guarantee from social security with the obligation to pay everything at the minimum. In practice, this means that a person is given the cheapest “hand” with plastic fingers that break at the slightest load. In Russia, there is generally a very small selection of prosthetic hands. Now, though, missile system"Energia" began producing semi-finished products for Rudenko's prostheses. But they are quite expensive. And in general, a semi-finished product is not a prosthesis.
Pavel had an idea to create his own company, which would produce not semi-finished products, but “hands”, and the kind that a given, specific patient needed. I was going to open a mini-hospital. In general, Pavel wanted to break the stereotype that a person who has no hands is good for nothing. I dreamed of teaching my patients to drive a car. His company could work on converting car systems so that a person without arms or legs could use them.
For two years Pavel worked on his idea. I contacted the authorities and looked for investors. But it didn’t work out.
“I realized that this is a utopia,” he says. - At least according to current times. Such a company will not be self-sustaining. Social security services are poor; the patients themselves cannot pay either. And I stopped punching the wall. Without any offense. It’s just that now is a tough time, not for such projects. I have a family, and I cannot afford to engage in a hopeless business. We must move on with our lives.
Pavel is still working at the Research Institute of Prosthetics, but most likely he will leave there. The salary of a leading engineer is 340 thousand rubles* (* - prices are given before nomination), and even that is paid irregularly. Even together with a disabled pension (254 thousand rubles*), it turns out to be quite sparse. Therefore, he is ready to take on any job that generates income, and is already trying his hand at business. He is a man, he has a family to feed.
“Let me take care of you,” - this is how he proposed to Svetlana. Was it possible to resist?
They met at work. One day he invited her to visit him. Shortly before this, Pavel’s mother died. Most of all, Alma Rudolfovna was worried that Pavel was not married. I wanted to see my daughter-in-law and grandchildren. She almost didn’t live to see her son meet Svetlana. Pavel still feels guilty that he didn’t make his mother’s housework easier. After all, it was possible to install all sorts of useful equipment in the apartment so that it would not waste so much energy. She didn’t complain, and he himself didn’t guess...
Sveta came to an orphaned house and saw men - strong and yet helpless. And she offered. wash clothes. Since then, she and Pavel began to exchange plastic bags. Such prose.
She was worried how her daughter from her first marriage would accept Pavel. She even warned me before the meeting: “Don’t be afraid, your uncle’s hands are not real.” But Veronica immediately accepted Pavel. Sveta was even surprised: her girl is usually shy around strangers. “He’s good,” Veronica said.
Now she is already big, she is thirteen. He calls Pavel dad.
- Veronica is my daughter. “I love her and Nastya equally,” says Pavel.
And Nastenka is soon three. Cheerful, healthy girl. The light is not working yet. Sitting with the child. Pavel does not count on her earnings. I am convinced that providing for a family is a purely male matter.
Five of the Soltans live in a small apartment with adjacent rooms - it’s a bit cramped. Pavel tried to get in line (as a disabled person he has the right), but so far it hasn’t worked out. He does not dream of the unusual; he evaluates things realistically. He does what depends on him. And if not, he lives on. For example, he doesn’t even think about good imported prosthetic legs - they are expensive. Makes do with what you have.
But although he does not expect miracles, they sometimes happen. Evidence of this is the story with his car. She is fabulous.
In fact, driving a car without hands is prohibited. In 1988, when Pavel decided to get driver license, it seemed like a hopeless endeavor. But there were kind people who went to meet him halfway. The chairman of the GorVTEK transport commission, Zoya Alekseevna Markina, said then: “I realized that you will have a car, and I will do everything so that you have a license.” And Pavel actually began to drive an inferior car, received through social security.
In the fall of 1994, the Queen of England came to St. Petersburg. The program of her visit included a visit to the Research Institute of Prosthetics. Pavel Soltan presented the queen with a gift - a porcelain teapot made by the Kornilov factory. The director of the institute, introducing Pavel, said, among other things, that he really loves driving his old car, which he often repairs.
And then Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina, who came to the institute with the queen, approached Soltan. I talked to him for a few minutes. I looked at Pavel a little surprised. The next day Soltan was told amazing news. The President gave him a car. Brand new Zhiguli of the eighth model. This is such an amazing story.
Naina Iosifovna called the institute several more times. Among other things, I was interested in how Soltan was doing. And when Nastenka turned one year old, she sent her a gift - 2 million rubles. It came in very handy. So in number good people, who helped Pavel in his life and to whom he is grateful, and the presidential family.
The red Zhiguli cars were driving along streets lined with identical houses. In the already distant seventies, when Pavel’s parents received an apartment in this “dormitory” area, life was completely different. Pavel was then a class Komsomol organizer and dreamed of doing good for many people. Years have passed since then, and many events have happened. But only recently did Pavel become convinced that the most he could do was make his loved ones happy. Well, we must move on with our lives. Times are tough, the rules of the game are tough. He accepted them.
This essay was published in the newspaper “Evening Petersburg” on October 31, 1997. Since then, a lot has changed in the life of Pavel Mikhailovich Soltan. In the fall of 1998, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. He had the opportunity to really help people. Maybe he will be able to carry out his long-standing plans and make the lives of disabled people at least a little easier.
He himself lives an intense, eventful life. Seeing that he lacked the knowledge in the field of law necessary for deputy work, he entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg state university. Work, family, study, numerous meetings with people - I have enough energy for everything.

Barack Obama began his final foreign tour as US President with a visit to Athens. The Greek government calls the two-day visit historic. This is the first visit to Greece by a US president in 17 years and the fourth in history. On the first day, Barack Obama will meet with Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos and hold talks with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. According to some reports main theme negotiations will include the problem of the Greek national debt. Wednesday will be dedicated cultural program, the first point of which is a visit to the Acropolis. Greek trade unions and a number political organizations are planning protests against the US President. For security reasons, police banned any mass protests on the road from the Athens airport and in the city center. After Greece, Barack Obama will visit Germany and Peru.

On the night from Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heir to the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day she insisted that she would live no matter what.

The heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident, could not come to terms with the death of her parents. She had difficulty recovering from terrible accident. The girl shared her thoughts on social networks.

The heiress of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident, could not come to terms with the death of her parents. She had difficulty recovering from a terrible accident. The girl shared her thoughts on social networks. In a post made on the day of her death, Anastasia announced that she had finally visited her mother and father’s apartment.

A terrible incident occurred at Vienna airport. A 27-year-old woman left her newborn baby in the toilet so she wouldn't miss her flight. The child died, his mother, a student of African descent, was detained. She was in an insane state and still missed the plane. A terrible incident occurred at Vienna airport. A 27-year-old woman left her newborn baby in the toilet so she wouldn't miss her flight. The child died, his mother, a student of African descent, was detained. She was in an insane state and still missed the plane, reports the Independent.

In a post made on the day of her death, Anastasia announced that she had finally visited her mother and father’s apartment. On the night from Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Her death shocked everyone around her.

On the night of Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heir to the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, committed suicide. Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day she insisted that she would live no matter what. New details have recently emerged that shed light on the unexpected decision of the victim of the tragedy. In one of their social networks she actively shared everything that happened to her. This helped Anastasia move on and take her mind off the terrible accident, at least for a while.

- The daughter of Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan has died

As it turned out, Anastasia was greatly affected by her divorce from her husband, whose marriage lasted only a few months. The girl claimed that Alexey Plotnikov turned away from her. “Many people ask me if my husband is interested in how I feel. After all, they were not strangers, they write. I answer: “No! Nothing for 2 months.” As they say, hobble along slowly, and forget me, your little legs will heal, you’ll live somehow,” Soltan wrote.

The letter an angry John Lennon wrote to Paul McCartney and his wife Linda after the breakup The Beatles, sold at auction for approximately $30,000. In the letter, Lennon expresses dissatisfaction with the couple's attitude towards him and his wife Yoko Ono. It is believed that Lennon wrote the letter in 1971 in response to a letter from Linda McCartney, who was unhappy that the musician had not publicly announced his departure from the group. In the opening paragraphs, Lennon writes that upon receiving Linda's letter, he believed that it had been written by someone "a crazy, middle-aged Beatles fan."

Before her death, Anastasia Soltan left farewell letter. “It’s a pity that there were people next to Anastasia who, in my opinion, gave her no best advice- file for divorce. This initiative of Anastasia together with her sister and husband

Her death shocked everyone around her. Just the other day she insisted that she would live no matter what. A few days ago, Anastasia went to the hospital for rehabilitation. The girl did not want this and resisted with all her might the decision of her sister and her husband.

The girls she knew tried to support her as best they could. They wrote encouraging comments to Anastasia, in which they advised her to move on with her life and try not to concentrate on negative thoughts. Those close to Soltan believed that everything would definitely work out for such a young and pretty girl. But the latest publications of the heiress of the deceased deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg worried her circle. It seemed that Anastasia was sinking deeper and deeper into depression. “You drive yourself into a hopeless state, walking in a circle of your experiences and unanswered questions. Stop! Enough! Understand that you are not equal to your parents,” writes one of the friends of the tragedy victim.

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A few days ago, Anastasia went to the hospital for rehabilitation. The girl did not want this and resisted with all her might the decision of her sister and her husband. She stated that she was hospitalized without everything she needed - without personal belongings, toiletries and towels. Anastasia suffered while alone within the walls of a medical institution. “At night, of course, I don’t sleep, I can’t watch the series, I can’t listen to music, I can’t communicate with people on the Internet,” Soltan shared.

The girl was undergoing rehabilitation after an accident that claimed the lives of her parents. According to media reports, the girl fell out of the apartment window. IN investigation department The Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg confirmed that they are conducting an investigation into the death of a 22-year-old local resident, whose body was found near one of the houses on Butlerova Street.

Show business news » Society » Before her death, Anastasia Soltan left a farewell letter. On the night of Thursday to Friday, 22-year-old Anastasia, heiress of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, committed suicide

Their youngest daughter Anastasia, who was sitting in the back seat, miraculously survived, but ended up in jail. More than three months have passed since the death of Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan. Daughter of Legislative Assembly vice-speaker Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident: “My husband left me after his death

In another publication, Anastasia said that she loves her sister Veronica, but her husband Vyacheslav does not. The girl claimed that he was a despot and a domestic tyrant. In the same way, Soltan stated, their dead mother thought.

The victim of the tragedy begged her relative to give her the keys to her parents’ apartment and money to start an independent life. Anastasia dreamed of being back in an environment familiar from childhood. Apparently, Veronica was afraid that the visit of the victim of the tragedy to this place could have an extremely negative impact on her well-being, so she was in no hurry to fulfill her sister’s wishes.

However, on November 23, one day before the sad incident, Anastasia still ended up at her parents’ house. Then the girl wrote a post in which she outlined her plans for the future. Soltan claimed that she never received the money that her father’s acquaintances gave her. Anastasia was forced to live from hand to mouth, she did not even have normal winter shoes. The victim of the tragedy openly admitted that it was not easy for her to be in her father and mother’s apartment.

The ballerina made another scandalous statement. Anastasia Volochkova quite sharply commented on the news that the administration Bolshoi Theater It was decided not to allow children under ten years of age to attend evening performances. Earlier, one of the visitors to the Bolshoi Theater said that she and her children were not allowed to attend the original performance of “Swan Lake,” which raised questions and public outrage. Anastasia also did not remain silent and in an interview with the 360 ​​TV channel she said that the performances of the Bolshoi Theater are especially popular among certain “elite comrades.”

After the death of Pavel Soltan, the couple quickly divorced. Nastya was the initiator of the divorce. After the escape, Anastasia Soltan went to see her friend, then went to the legislative assembly. After this, Veronica Soltan’s husband gave Anastasia the keys, but warned the employees

The channel's employees left the girl alone in the apartment - despite the warning that she Anastasia Soltan's parents died in a car accident on August 15, 2016. Soltan himself and his wife Svetlana were killed. Anastasia - them youngest daughter- survived, although she received

“At first it was hard, I was waiting for my parents, but now it’s good, with Lunka (the family’s dog - Ed.) we are sitting in their room. It smells like mom and dad... Veronica used to ask what I wanted as a gift, and I answered that it was nothing. And now I want gold chain with the letter S. This will be my amulet. I would like to go to a cafe in a dress and sit with good people, but I was isolated... A million rubles were given to me at the funeral service for treatment and for life, everyone saw it, from my father’s friends (I won’t list who), this money never reached me. It's not a shame anymore because of the money. It’s a shame that the parents are horrified by what’s happening now, how they left their kittens,” wrote Anastasia.

Apparently, Soltan did not stay in prison for long. good mood. After some time, the heavy thoughts returned to her again. Perhaps the environment of her parents’ apartment really had a negative impact on her, as her sister feared. It is also known that in mid-November Anastasia already tried to commit suicide.

“On November 16, Nastya made a demonstrative suicide attempt. And she was taken to psychiatric hospital. We spent several days working with her. Then she was released for rehabilitation. Unfortunately, it turned out that Nastya was mentally ill. She needs help. And it's not just about grief. But Nastya has a chance to successfully adapt, firstly, by physically recovering and, secondly, by setting healthy boundaries for Nastya, which she greatly violates. This is what Veronica and Slava were guilty of. And here’s the reaction... But even this does not give the right to behave like this, Nastya, stop,” wrote a friend of the girl a few hours before her death.

With dad ❤

A photo posted by Anastasia Plotnikova (Soltan) (@anastasiia_solt) on Aug 2, 2016 at 7:40am PDT

The ex-husband of Anastasia Soltan explained why he left her before his death.
Several days have passed since the death of the daughter of the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, who died in an accident. Journalists contacted ex-husband Anastasia by Alexey Plotnikov, politician and member of the A Just Russia party. The man revealed the reasons why he decided to break up with his lover. 1 out of 4 slides © provided: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan and Alexey Plotnikov 2 of 4 slides © Provided: Hearst Shkulev Media LLC Anastasia Soltan 3 of 4 slides Shkulev Media LLC After the accident Anastasia Soltan restarted

On the night of November 24-25, the daughter of the deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan, 22-year-old Anastasia, committed suicide - the girl jumped out of the window in her parents’ apartment. What was the reason for this rash act is unknown, but Nastya’s relatives believe that she could not come to terms with the death of her parents, who died in an accident in August of this year.

Anastasia’s divorce from her husband, municipal council deputy Alexei Plotnikov, also played an important role in the tragedy. In an interview with, Soltan’s ex-husband said that she acted wrongly when she decided to divorce him.


“For the last nine days I’ve been asking Nastya, saying that it’s already the moment when we need to focus on business. But, unfortunately, Nastya did not support me at this moment. And I came to her on September 19, when the elections had already taken place. To talk: that's it, I'm here now. But at that moment the dialogue did not work out at all; Anastasia was sure that she had been abandoned. It was a difficult conversation that led nowhere,” said Alexey.

Plotnikov assures that he tried to help Anastasia overcome her grief, but she only pushed him away. The deputy said that he had difficult relationship with Nastya’s sister Veronica, who turned the deceased against her husband. As a result, according to Alexey, when he retired, Veronica simply could not cope with the enormous responsibility that she had taken upon herself. Plotnikov is sure that he ex-wife really committed suicide because she could not bear the pain of losing loved ones.

On August 14, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly Pavel Soltan crashed on the Scandinavia highway - his Toyota collided head-on with a Mercedes. Pavel Mikhailovich's wife Svetlana also died in the accident. Their youngest daughter Anastasia, who was sitting in the back seat, miraculously survived.

According to the preliminary version, the driver of the Mercedes was to blame for the accident - it was he who drove into the oncoming lane. At the same time, Soltan’s car was converted for manual control - even in his youth, the deputy lost his legs and hands.

21-year-old Anastasia Soltan suffered several serious fractures, including a fractured pelvis. Nastya is still in the hospital and will remain there at least until the end of September.

Along with the loss of her parents, she also experiences another drama: discord with her husband. Nastya herself, however, speaks more harshly: they say, my husband used me for the sake of... elections to the State Duma!


Anastasia Soltan and Alexey Plotnikov can still be considered newlyweds - they visited the registry office quite recently. June 5 - in a couple of weeks it would have been four months since the wedding.

The wedding was gorgeous. The bride in a sophisticated white dress with a train, the groom in a strict blue suit, the magnificent interiors of the 2nd Wedding Palace on Furshtatskaya, photo shoot at Winter Palace, a banquet in an expensive restaurant... Dozens of friends and relatives, but the main thing is that she is next to Nastya dear mother and dad.

And the day before, the family had another celebration, even a double one: Pavel Mikhailovich and Alexey had a birthday on the same day - June 4th.

By luck, the two most important men There are birthdays in my life today! I wanted to congratulate them again and say that I love them very much and value them! – Nastya Soltan wrote on her page on the VKontakte network.

Could she imagine how her life would change after just three months? Her beloved dad died, her beloved husband forgot about her.

And this is not journalistic gossip at all. Anastasia Soltan speaks frankly about her drama.

Alexey left me alone in the hospital. “He betrayed me,” she said on September 8 on her social network page.


Her statement came as a shock even to close friends. Many even thought that Anastasia’s account had been hacked.

After all, for many acquaintances the Plotnikovs were perfect couple. Wedding ring for the price of cars, gifts, hugs, travel together... Only life sometimes has little in common with beautiful pictures.

People are known both in sorrow and in joy. Our family could not survive the grief. My husband has elections now, and this is the most important thing,” the young wife complains to her subscribers.

According to her, Alexei now has no time for her.

Sometimes I call him and beg him to come, but he says that he has work, period,” writes Nastya. - Many people asked me if I was sure that he loved me? I answered yes. But now I don't know.


Alexey Plotnikov also spends a lot of time on social networks. Photos follow one another: he was presented with a memorial sign in Donetsk people's republic, so he received certificates of a candidate for deputy, then he passed a lie detector test, gave an interview on a radio station, ate fish soup at a city festival... And not a single photo with his wife. It's as if she doesn't exist at all.

Plotnikov ran for the Legislative Assembly and the State Duma for the first time from A Just Russia.

The last photo with Anastasia was taken on July 9, but it also looks more like a tribute to the classic election campaign scenario. The couple attended the city holiday of Family, Love and Fidelity, took several beautiful pictures for social networks and gave an interview to the federal channel.

Nastya Soltan does not get out of bed yet. Which means she needs a nurse. Alexey doesn’t want to spend the night in the hospital.

It pains me very much that with a healthy husband, a stranger will look after me. I understand that it’s my own fault, I trusted this man,” Nastya cries.


Of course, it is impossible to say that Anastasia was left alone. Visits her almost every day older sister Veronica, friends and relatives do not forget.

Nastya, as she admits, at first did not want to tell anyone about the disagreement with Alexei. But in the Soltan family, it seems, dissatisfaction with the new relative has been brewing for a long time.

If it weren’t for our parents, Lesha Plotnikova would never have been exposed to the elections,” Veronika Soltan supports her sister. “The parents helped him, thinking that he would be a support for their daughter. They were sorely mistaken about this man.

The grief of Veronica and Anastasia is understandable. Another question: why these revelations?

My dad even asked that Lesha be included in the list of candidates for deputy,” Nastya writes for some reason.

According to her, her husband used both her and her father to get into big politics.

Alexey himself told Komsomolskaya Pravda: there is no talk of any divorce.

On the emotional side, Nastya is at a loss, because she has always been close to her parents, and now they are gone, Plotnikov explains to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - The tragedy is that our misfortune occurred during the election campaign. IN at the moment I, of course, need to maintain composure for the sake of my wife and take care of the future. I am responsible for her and for the people who depend on my work.

The politician gave us this comment back at last week. On September 19, it became known that Plotnikov lost the elections to the Legislative Assembly. He also did not get into the State Duma.


Alexey Plotnikov assured “KP”: he achieved everything in life himself.

My nomination to the Legislative Assembly was approved even before communicating with Nastya, and I never spoke about my personal life. And the fact that I am a candidate for the State Duma took place according to the quota of the youth organization of our party,” says Plotnikov.

Meanwhile, the conflict in the Soltan family is gaining momentum. Evil tongues say that she opposed Alexey eldest daughter politics Veronica. It has already reached the point of domestic disputes.

Immediately after the death of Pavel Mikhailovich, the relationship between Alexei and Veronica became cool, and then direct aggression began, one of the friends of the young politician Gleb Kryukov told Komsomolskaya Pravda. – Lesha and Nastya lived in her parents’ apartment near the Akademicheskaya metro station, there were four rooms there. But after the funeral, Veronica and her husband changed the locks in the apartment. Lesha was actually evicted from the apartment.

One of the emotional messages from Anastasia Soltan. Photo: Website screenshot

Why would Veronica Soltan declare war on her own sister's husband?

Veronica and her husband have three children and their own apartment is under mortgage, the contracts for her husband’s business are closed... An apartment worth 15 million is at stake. Having quarreled Lesha and Nastya, Veronica takes her sister into this apartment, and a year later buys her a one-room apartment. And she herself remains in the apartment,” Gleb Kryukov puts forward his version.

According to the declaration of income and property, Pavel Soltan had only ¼ share of the apartment, the area of ​​which is 87 square meters. The same amount belonged to his wife Svetlana. Actually, the remaining two shares belong to their daughters. Not even 40 days have passed since the death of the spouses, but their inheritance no longer gives anyone peace.

And the happiness that Nastya Soltan so carefully broadcast on social networks crumbled to dust. Did it exist at all?

We asked Veronica Soltan to comment on the situation, but have not yet received a response.

The death of Pavel Soltan: a human and political tragedy - Interestant Magazine - website

The death of Pavel Soltan: a human and political tragedy

Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly crashed in a terrible accident near St. Petersburg

14.08.16 memory

Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, one of the most prominent St. Petersburg politicians Pavel Soltan died in a car accident that happened this evening on the highway between Pargolovo and Ogonki. There was a collision between two cars, one of which contained Pavel Soltan, his wife and daughter. Soltan died on the spot from his injuries. His wife in in serious condition hospitalized at the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. Dzhanelidze. The daughter is in moderate condition and was also hospitalized.

The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Vyacheslav Makarov, is at the scene of Soltan’s death.

Makarov left immediately upon receiving information about the accident.

Investigative authorities are investigating the circumstances of the collision between two cars. Judging by the footage from the scene of the tragedy, the collision was almost head-on.

Vyacheslav Makarov said that it is necessary to find out all the circumstances of this accident:

“Law enforcement agencies must conduct a thorough investigation into what happened. Those responsible for this tragedy must be brought to justice.”

According to preliminary data, Pavel Soltan is not the culprit of the accident - his car was moving in its own lane.

Everyone in the other car - the driver and two passengers (a woman with a one-year-old child) - hospitalized. The condition of the driver and his passenger is assessed as serious. The child is in a state of moderate severity. The death of Pavel Soltan is not only human tragedy, but also political. In the current election campaign, Pavel Mikhailovich was a candidate for deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the sixth convocation from “A Just Russia” in the 14th district of the Kalininsky district. No one doubted his victory, since Soltan enjoyed unconditional trust among voters.

Pavel Mikhailovich Soltan. Curriculum Vitae

Since 1972 he lived in Grazhdanka.

In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after. V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) (LETI), in 2003 received the second higher education at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University.

From 1984 to 1998 he worked as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics.

Since 1998 - deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Voters four times in a row trusted Pavel Mikhailovich to represent their interests in the city parliament.

He was a member of the Coordination Council for Disabled People under the Governor of St. Petersburg, a member of the Council for Disabled People under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, and a member of the board of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the Government of St. Petersburg.

In 2014, he was awarded the Badge of Honor “For his special contribution to the development of St. Petersburg.”

In 2015, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, for active legislative activity and many years of conscientious work, he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Winner of a diploma from the Golden Pelican charity movement in the Person of the Year category. Awarded the gold medal of the Special Olympic Order "Honor and Nobility". Awarded the Honorary Silver Order of Public Recognition.

Pavel Soltan was disabled with prosthetic hands. The car he was driving had special equipment.

The editors of Interestant expresses condolences to the family and friends of Pavel Mikhailovich Soltan.


Photo "Interpress"

We have decided not to publish scary photos from the scene of an accident, which was replicated by other media. Instead, we publish photographs of deputy Pavel Soltan taken at the Legislative Assembly over the past seventeen years. This is how we will all remember Pavel Mikhailovich - alive.


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