OKVED subject to licensing. Why do you need a license for an individual entrepreneur?

Licensed activities in 2018 | List by OKVED codes

What types of activities are subject to licensing in 2018? Here is a list.

It is not always possible to immediately begin real activities. Some areas of business require special permission from the state - a license for a specific area. The license confirms that the licensee has the necessary technical base and qualified personnel to carry out the chosen direction.

The main law, which specifies the licensed types of activities of 2018, is Law No. 99-FZ of 05/04/2011. But besides this, there is also a list of laws, each of which regulates a separate licensed line of business.

Law number (No.-ФЗ)Directions subject to licensing
171 from 11/22/1995Production and circulation of alcohol
7 from 02/07/2011Clearing activities
4015-1 dated November 27, 1992Insurance activities
395-1 dated 12/02/1990Activities of credit institutions
325 from 11/21/2011Bidding
75 from 05/07/1998Activities of non-state pension funds
39 from 04/22/1996Professional activity in the securities market
5663-1 dated 08/20/1993Space activities
5485-1 dated 07/21/1993Protection of state secrets
170 from 11/21/1995Activities in nuclear energy

In addition to these federal laws, which include a list of activities subject to licensing, there are by-laws at the level of Government resolutions. They indicate licensing requirements, without which a permit will not be issued.

Licensing of certain types of activities is entrusted to authorized government agencies. You can find out which structure is responsible for issuing the permit you need from Government Decree No. 957 of November 21, 2011. So, educational license issued by Rosobrnadzor, for medical and pharmaceutical activities by Roszdravnadzor, and for transportation by Rostransnadzor.

In 2018, work without such permission, if necessary, is punishable according to articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses RF:

  • Article 14.1 - a fine of 4 to 5 thousand rubles per manager and from 40 to 50 thousand rubles for the organization itself (with possible confiscation of products, production tools and raw materials);
  • Article 14.1.2 (special norm for activities in the field of transport) - 50 thousand rubles for a manager and 400 thousand rubles for an LLC;
  • Article 14.1.3 (for management apartment buildings) – from 50 to 100 thousand rubles per official and from 150 to 250 thousand rubles per legal entity;
  • Article 14.1.3 (conducting gambling) - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles per manager and from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles per organization with confiscation of gaming equipment.

The sanctions are quite serious, so it’s worth figuring out whether licensing for legal entities is required in your case.

What types of activities require permission?

And now specifically - what areas are subject to licensing in 2018? In the table above, we have already indicated licensed types of activities, each of which is regulated by a separate law.

But the largest list of business areas for which a license is required is given in Law No. 99-FZ of 05/04/2011. There are 51 items in total, but some of them can be combined into one direction:

  • Activities in the field of information and telecommunication systems, encryption tools.
  • Activities related to special technical means designed to secretly obtain information, as well as to identify it.
  • Development and production of means of protecting confidential information, activities to protect confidential information.
  • Production and sale of counterfeit-proof printed products.
  • Production, testing, repair of aircraft.
  • Activities related to weapons, ammunition, military equipment.
  • Operation of fire and explosion hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities.
  • Fire fighting, installation, maintenance, repair of equipment fire safety.
  • Production medicines and medical equipment.
  • Trafficking in narcotic and psychotropic substances.
  • Activities in the field of pathogen use infectious diseases and GMOs.
  • Transportation of passengers and cargo by road, rail, water, sea, air transport.
  • Loading and unloading activities and towing of vehicles.
  • Collection, transportation, neutralization of waste of I - IV hazard classes.
  • Organization and conduct of gambling.
  • Private security and detective activities.
  • Procurement, storage, processing, sale of scrap metal.
  • Employment of Russian citizens outside the Russian Federation.
  • Communication services, television and radio broadcasting.
  • Production of copies of audiovisual works, computer programs, databases, phonograms on any media.
  • Use of sources of ionizing radiation.
  • Educational activities.
  • Geodetic and cartographic activities, surveying work.
  • Activities in the field of hydrometeorology and geophysics.
  • Medical and pharmaceutical activities.
  • Preservation of cultural heritage sites.
  • Industrial safety examination.
  • Activities related to explosive materials for industrial use.
  • Management of apartment buildings.

OKVED codes for obtaining a license

When registering a limited liability company, the applicant indicates in form P11001 what types of activities according to OKVED codes it will carry out. In 2018, digital codes must comply with the all-Russian Classifier OKVED-2.

Select during registration legal entity You can have an unlimited number of OKVED codes, and you can add them later. Is it necessary to obtain permission after indicating the licensed type of activity in applications R11001 (R13001, R14001) and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

The mere indication of OKVED codes that correspond to one of the licensed types of activity does not oblige you to obtain permission if in reality you have not started this business.

However, there is some risk that inspectors will try to fine the company if it is engaged in some similar area. The problem is that the description of the licensed line of business and its characteristics in the OKVED Classifier do not always coincide.

For example, OKVED does not contain the term “confidential information” or “information protection”, while Law No. 99-FZ of 05/04/2011 contains four licensed types of activities in this area. But in the Classifier there are completely different directions:

  • Computer development software (62.01)
  • Advisory activities and work in the field computer technology (62.02)
  • Data processing activities, provision of information hosting services and related activities (63.11).

When carrying out real activities using these OKVED codes, you may or may not have access to confidential information. In such ambiguous cases, only licensing authorities will be able to answer the question of whether an LLC needs a license after analyzing the specific situation. It is advisable that the received response from the department be given in writing, which will to some extent protect against a possible fine.

If we talk about types of activities that do not raise doubts about the need for their licensing, then it is impossible to name one OKVED code that fully characterizes the licensed line of business.

For example, pharmaceutical activities for which a license must be obtained include the manufacture medicines, their storage, transportation, release, as well as wholesale and retail trade medicines.

In OKVED-2 we will find the following codes corresponding to pharmaceutical activities:

  • 21.20 - production of medicines and materials used for medical purposes;
  • 46.46 - wholesale trade in pharmaceutical products;
  • 47.73 - retail sale of medicines in specialized stores.

The same analysis and selection of codes should be carried out for other licensed areas. You can do this yourself or seek help from registrar lawyers. In some cases, their consultations on the selection of OKVED codes are

Types of activities subject to licensing - 2017 according to OKVED,represented by several dozen positions. In what sources of law are they recorded? How can you find compliance with them in OKVED and why is this necessary?

Why know which OKVED documents correspond to licensed types of activities?

Strictly speaking, the presence of OKVED codes for a company that correlate with the licensed activity is, in general, not a condition for obtaining a license. License applications generally require only the substantive type of activity to be indicated (or this is implied by the structure of the application itself). What the company has registered OKVED codes, the licensing authorities may not check.

But this criterion is important from the point of view of subsequent checks. If a company’s Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains a licensed OKVED, but it does not have the corresponding permit, then during a state inspection the company may be fined on the basis that, for one reason or another, the inspectors will consider that the organization is actually engaged in a licensed type of activity.

Thus, in the interests of a legal entity that does not plan to engage in licensing activities, ensure that there are no OKVED license codes in your entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The easiest way to identify them is to compare current types of activities according to OKVED, which are in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or which the company intends to enter into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for example, upon state registration), with the types of activities subject to licensing, focusing on their essence.

To do this, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the list of licensed types of activities in the Russian Federation.

About what negative consequences for a taxpayer, it may be possible to identify inaccurate data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, read the article .

What types of business activities are licensed in the Russian Federation

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 12 of the Law “On Licensing...” dated May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ, obtaining a license is mandatory for carrying out 49 types of activities (out of 51 points given in the text of the law, 2 have lost force). Conventionally, they can be classified into the following main groups:

  1. Production and sale of information security software, provision of services in this area.
  2. Production and sale of technical means for secretly obtaining information.
  3. Production of printed products that are protected from counterfeiting.
  4. Production of aviation equipment.
  5. Production, sale, maintenance of weapons, military equipment, ammunition.
  6. Storage and destruction of chemical weapons and waste.
  7. Carrying out operations at chemically hazardous, as well as explosion- and fire-hazardous industrial facilities within the framework of the circulation of explosives.
  8. Activities to ensure fire safety.
  9. Production and maintenance of medical equipment.
  10. Carrying out legal drug trafficking.
  11. Activities of laboratories for the study of microorganisms (infectious, genetically modified).
  12. Providing services for the transportation of passengers, delivery of goods by various modes of transport.
  13. Providing services for loading and unloading dangerous goods at various types transport.
  14. Providing towing services via sea transport.
  15. Organization of gambling.
  16. Activities of security and detective services.
  17. Processing and sale of scrap metals.
  18. Employment of Russian citizens abroad.
  19. Providing telecommunications services, organizing broadcasting.
  20. Making copies of intellectual property on various media.
  21. Working with radiation sources.
  22. Provision of educational services.
  23. Carrying out geodetic, cartographic and surveying works.
  24. Activities in the field of hydrometeorology.
  25. Activities in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals.
  26. Activities to preserve cultural heritage objects created by the peoples of the Russian Federation.
  27. Providing industrial safety assessment services.
  28. Management of multi-apartment buildings on a commercial basis.

The business owner’s task is to compare the current OKVED codes with those established for types of activities that are to one degree or another similar to the licensed types of activities we listed above.

To do this, you need to refer to the primary source - the OKVED classifier. The nuance is that there are several of them in the Russian Federation. Which ones should you contact?

Which OKVED should a company use?

Until 2017, there were 3 lists of OKVED codes in force in the Russian Federation:

  • OK 029-2001;
  • OK 029-2007;
  • OK 029-2014.

The first OKVED was introduced on November 6, 2001 instead of such classifiers as OKONKH and OKDP, which are not used today in legal relations related to obtaining a license.

Classifier OK 029-2007 was introduced on January 1, 2008, but its entry into force, firstly, did not cancel the legal force of OK 029-2001, and secondly, its effect began to extend to a narrow range of legal relations related mainly to the collection economic statistics.

The OK 029-2014 classifier has been used as a valid OKVED source since January 31, 2014. From July 11, 2016, it began to be used to reflect the corresponding codes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs when registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 24, 2016 No. GD-4-14/11306@). Since the beginning of 2017, this classifier has become the only one operating in the Russian Federation. The validity of all other similar directories has been canceled (Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st).

Thus, in 2017, it is necessary to look for compliance of licensed types of activities with those types of activities that are prescribed in the OK 029-2014 classifier.

Note that, along with turning to the primary source - the OKVED classifier - significant assistance in solving the problem under consideration can be provided by using the provisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 584. It contains lists of types of activities that businesses must notify the state about, and many of them (for example, information technology, working with explosives) coincide with those licensed. At the same time, the OKVED codes are also indicated for them in Resolution No. 584.

Therefore, to compare current types of activities with licensed ones, you can also use the list recorded in Resolution No. 584.

But it is often impossible to do without contacting the official OKVED classifier. Let's study the nuances of its use.

How to compare the OKVED code with the licensed activity

In the structure of the list OK 029-2014, types of activities are combined into sections and within each section are divided into classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups and types. Sections are marked in Latin letters, and each of the smaller registers has a digital designation.

The OKVED code is formed from a set of digital designations of registers separated by dots. Searching for a code corresponding to a specific type of activity in the classifier is quite simple, since it is based on its correlation with the name of a specific section and, in descending order, with the name of each smaller register.

Let's look at several examples of finding compliance of OKVED codes with licensed types of activities.

In accordance with sub. 1. clause 1 art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ, a license is required for the production and sale of cryptographic information security tools. OKVED OK 029-2014 does not contain the terms “cryptography” or “encryption”. But there is class 26 “Production of computers, electronic and optical products”, which also includes activities such as the production of information security means, the creation of information and telecommunication systems protected using information security means. This class includes group 26.20 “Production of computers and peripheral equipment”, which contains subgroup 26.20.4, which includes activities for the production of information security tools, as well as information and telecommunication systems protected using information security tools. This gives reason to admit this type licensed activities.

The activity of detecting devices that are designed to secretly obtain data has a fairly close correspondence to OKVED codes. This activity is licensed in accordance with subsection. 3 p. 1 art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ. It's about about the code of group 80.20 “Security systems activities”, allocated in class 80 “Security and investigation activities”.

In the case of sub. 8 clause 1 art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ licenses the development and sale of military equipment. In this case, it is legitimate to talk about the correlation with it of several OKVED codes according to the OK 029-2014 list. Namely:

  • 25.40 (for activities related to the production of weapons and ammunition);
  • 30.11 (construction of ships, including military ones);
  • 30.30 (aircraft release);
  • 20.51 (production of explosives);
  • 84.22 (activities in the field of military security).

Thus, comparing OKVED codes and licensed types of activities is a completely solvable issue, even taking into account the fact that in the structure of the OK 029-2014 list, the codes do not always clearly correspond to the types of activities that are recorded in the provisions of Law No. 99-FZ. Many OKVED codes at least do not contradict the specifics of the business segment to which the licensed type of activity belongs. And this may become a reason for classifying the type of activity of the taxpayer who has chosen such OKVED as licensed.


Species economic activity in the Russian Federation, requiring a license, are established by the provisions of paragraph 1. Art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ. For a taxpayer who does not intend to engage similar types activities, during the initial registration or making adjustments to the registration data, you must avoid the appearance in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of OKVED codes corresponding to the licensed types of activities, otherwise, during the inspection, a fine may be issued for the lack of a license.

It is necessary to compare licensed types of activities with those types for which codes are defined in the list of OK 029-2014.

Before starting any business, you should first study legislative framework. Knowledge of laws and regulations will allow you to submit all reports in a timely manner and avoid many problems with regulatory authorities.

One of the important aspects of conducting any entrepreneurial activity is licensing. This issue is regulated by Federal Law 129-FZ of 08.08.2001 “On licensing of certain types of activities”. It sets out the basic licensing rules.

Licensing is essentially a confirmation of the right of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to engage in one or another type of activity. Those types of activities that may cause harm to the health or life of citizens, their legitimate interests, or the cultural heritage and security of the country are subject to licensing.

Getting a license is not very difficult. It is necessary to collect a complete package of documents in a timely manner and submit an application to the appropriate authority. Before obtaining a license, you must clearly define for yourself what types of activities will be carried out by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

Why do you need a license?

In addition to the types of activities for which a license is required, there are also those for which only a permit is sufficient. There are also a number of activities that are not subject to licensing at all.

However, if the type of activity has at least one of these characteristics, a license will most likely be required. These include:

  • the possibility of causing harm to people, their rights and health;
  • the possibility of causing harm to the environment;
  • the possibility of causing harm to the state, defense;
  • activities are related to the cultural heritage of the country.

Only after obtaining a license can you begin to engage in such activities.

All species subject to licensing can be divided into several groups. Since on at the moment There are more than five hundred such types of activities, their classification can help organize this information.

So, licensed types of activities include:

  • activities related to the processing, release and distribution of any information security tools. The same activities include the production and maintenance of encryption devices, as well as the distribution of these devices or ensuring data protection;
  • everything that can be attributed to the field of aviation - design, production, production, maintenance. This area also includes actions with military equipment;
  • production, sale or servicing of any type of weapon;
  • working with explosive or chemical substances hazardous substances that can be used as a result of production;
  • activities related to firefighting. In this case, the only exception will be voluntary assistance in extinguishing fires by other organizations;
  • activities for the maintenance and installation of fire safety equipment in government, commercial or residential premises;
  • work with medicines, especially with narcotic and psychotropic substances. This group also includes activities related to the production and maintenance of medical equipment;
  • activities related to genetic engineering;
  • activities related to the transportation of passengers or cargo by air, water or rail;
  • transportation of passengers in a vehicle with a capacity of more than eight seats;
  • activities related to the disposal or storage of waste hazardous to life or health;
  • activities related to the maintenance and organization of gambling, as well as betting;
  • security activities, as well as the activities of private detectives;
  • activities related to working with ferrous or non-ferrous metal, its processing, storage, transportation, sales;
  • activities related to the employment of citizens outside the Russian Federation;
  • communication services, work with audio or video products;
  • educational activities;
  • activities related to space exploration;
  • working with maps of national importance; activities related to hydrometeorology;
  • carrying out examinations in production;
  • working with explosive materials.

In a word, those types of activities are subject to licensing, the results of which may be dangerous to others or cause any harm. Licensed types of activities are disclosed in more detail in Art. 12 Federal Law"On licensing of certain types of activities."

Before starting work, it is necessary to clarify whether the chosen type of activity is subject to compulsory licensing.

How to get a license

Depending on the type of activity, the procedure for obtaining a license may differ. So, for some types you just need to write an application, for others you need to collect quite impressive packages of documents. For example, to obtain a license to operate a pharmaceutical company, you must go through two stages. First of all, a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion is obtained. Only with this certificate can you obtain a license.

The easiest way to obtain a license is to contact a lawyer. They will do everything right and in the shortest possible time.

To date, find out information about the list necessary documents You can obtain a license from many law firms. They can also help with collecting, checking documents and submitting them to the appropriate authorities. Of course, this is a paid service. In this case, you should decide what is more profitable - to spend time collecting information and a package of documents or to pay for the services of lawyers.

If you obtain a license yourself, you should contact the licensing authority. A certificate of registration must be submitted along with the application. individual as an individual entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneurs), as well as a certificate of registration with tax authority and a receipt for payment of the license fee. The remaining list of documents is determined by the type of activity for which a license is obtained.

A license means written permission to carry out a certain activity. An exhaustive list of types of business that require a license to engage in is given in the Federal Law “On Licensing”. In addition to businessmen, fishermen and hunters should also obtain written permission to catch certain fish or animals. The term licensing is also mentioned in patent law, here it means the permission of the copyright holder to use his invention.

Types of businesses subject to licensing

Engagement in certain businesses is only possible with written permission. In 2016, the following types of business are subject to licensing:

It should be noted that some areas of business, for example, educational activities, can only be carried out by legal entities. Certain types of business that are subject to licensing are regulated by special regulations. These include the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.

What requirements must the applicant meet?

A license is issued based on an application from an interested person. Copies must be attached to the application constituent documents. The specific list of required documents depends on the type of activity that the applicant plans to engage in and is determined by a number of legislative acts. Thus, to obtain permission to open a medical institution, you must submit the following documents:

  • confirming the right of ownership or temporary use of the premises of the future center;
  • employment contracts with employees with specialized education and work experience of at least five years;
  • documents confirming the presence necessary tools, equipment and technology.

The package of documents can be submitted to the licensing authority in person or sent by mail by registered mail. You can also now send your application to email, certifying the authenticity of the documents with an electronic signature.

The licensing authority is given forty-five days to study the package of documents submitted by the applicant. The decision to issue a permit or refuse is made within three days after completion of the verification of the applicant’s compliance with the licensing conditions. In any case, it is formalized by a written order signed by the manager.

Within three days after the relevant decision is made, it is sent to the applicant by registered mail. If the issue was resolved positively, then a license is attached to it. Refusal to issue a permit must be motivated and contain references to the documents that served as the basis for making such a decision.

Advice! If the licensing authority violates specified deadlines or, in the opinion of the applicant, illegally refused to issue a permit, then the applicant has the right to challenge his actions in court.

License validity period

Licenses issued in the field of entrepreneurship, as a rule, are unlimited. Sometimes temporary permits are issued, which clearly indicate the period of their validity. The company has the right to begin relevant activities the very next day after receiving permits.

If the enterprise has been reorganized, the permit automatically loses its validity. In this case, the applicant will have to re-register. The issuance of a new document is also required when the entrepreneur changes his data.

Attention! The license covers the entire territory of the country. But if it was issued regional structure the relevant institution, then the permission will no longer be available legal force within another subject of the Federation. In this case, the organization must obtain written confirmation from the licensing authority of the validity of the issued permits.

Where to apply to obtain a license

There is no single licensing body. Applications are reviewed by several institutions, a list of which is presented in the Decree. Russian government No. 957. The choice of institution is determined by the direction of activity that the applicant plans to engage in. Thus, a license to open a detective agency is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and an entrepreneur interested in opening a pharmacy kiosk must obtain permission from Roszdravnadzor.

It should be noted that activities carried out on the basis of a license are strictly controlled by the state. Therefore, a businessman needs to be prepared to conduct both scheduled and unscheduled inspections. And if serious violations are revealed, the license is withdrawn, and the enterprise no longer has the right to engage in relevant activities.

About licensing: video

In this article we will tell you what types of activities you need to obtain a license for in 2018, and what the consequences of working without such a permit are, if it is required by law.

A license is permission from authorized government bodies to carry out certain types of activities.

Features of activities requiring a license

The areas of business subject to licensing were not chosen randomly. They all require special technical specifications, qualified personnel or may adversely affect the life and health of people, environment, cultural heritage. Among the licensed areas of business, there are also those that are associated with large financial flows (banks, credit organizations, securities market).

Not all licensed types of activities are available to individual entrepreneurs. The laws do not explain why this is so, but it is known that the state treats individual entrepreneurs as business babies. For entrepreneurs, fines are several times lower, and tax benefits more. But, for example, licenses for the production and sale of strong alcohol will not be given to individual entrepreneurs. The maximum that will be allowed to sell alcohol is .

What activities require a license?

The largest list of licensed species is contained in Law No. 99-FZ of 05/04/2011, but besides it, there are several other laws, each of which regulates a separate area.

For example, the issuance of a license for the production and circulation of alcohol is controlled by Law No. 171 of November 22, 1995, for the activities of credit organizations - No. 395-1 of December 2, 1990, and for holding auctions - No. 325 of November 21, 2011.

List of licensed activities in 2018:

  • Freight and passenger transportation by road (except for taxi activities), rail, water, sea, air transport
  • Loading and unloading and towing of vehicles
  • Security and detective (detective) activities
  • Education of children and adults
  • Production of medicines and medical equipment
  • Activities in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals
  • Production and sale of alcohol
  • Clearing and insurance activities
  • Activities of credit institutions and non-state pension funds
  • Trades and professional activity on the securities market
  • Activities in the field of space and nuclear energy
  • Activities to protect state secrets
  • Activities related to encryption and special technical means for secretly obtaining information, protection of confidential information
  • Activities in the field of information and telecommunication systems
  • Communication services, television broadcasting, radio broadcasting
  • Production and sale of special printed products protected from counterfeiting
  • Production, testing, repair of aircraft
  • Activities related to weapons, ammunition, military equipment
  • Legal trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances
  • Conducting gambling through bookmakers and sweepstakes
  • Procurement, storage, processing, sale of scrap metal
  • Management of apartment buildings
  • Industrial safety examination
  • Operation of production facilities increased danger(explosion, fire and chemical hazards)
  • Neutralization, collection, transportation of waste belonging to hazard classes I - IV
  • Activities related to industrial explosives
  • Activities related to the use of ionizing radiation sources
  • Fire fighting, installation, repair and maintenance of fire safety equipment
  • Use of infectious disease agents and GMOs
  • Employment of Russian citizens abroad
  • Production of copies of audiovisual works, computer programs, databases, phonograms on any media
  • Geodetic and cartographic activities, hydrometeorology and geophysics, surveying work
  • Preservation of cultural heritage sites.

Most often, individual entrepreneurs from this list choose cargo transportation, passenger transportation, medical and educational activities, private investigator. The remaining licensed activities in 2018 require either the organizational and legal form of a legal entity or large financial investments.

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Responsibility for lack of a license

Failure to comply with licensing laws is administrative offense, which for individual entrepreneurs is punishable in accordance with the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation/

Fines for working without a license

  • 14.1 (2) – from 4 to 5 thousand rubles with possible confiscation of manufactured products, production tools and raw materials (activity without a license);
  • 14.1 (3) – from 3 to 3 thousand rubles (failure to comply with the necessary licensing requirements);
  • 14.1 (4) – from 4 to 8 thousand rubles ( gross violation license terms).

Special fines for a license in the field of transport under Article 14.1.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation are much higher:

  • lack of a license - 100 thousand rubles with confiscation of the vehicle;
  • violation of the terms of the issued license - 20 thousand rubles;
  • gross violation of the terms of the issued license - 75 thousand rubles.

Although the amount of penalties for individual entrepreneurs is several times lower than for LLCs, but criminal liability does not differ depending on the legal form. It occurs when income is received or damage is caused to the state or citizens in the amount of 2.25 million rubles (Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

OKVED codes and license

The applicant informs about what kind of business the individual entrepreneur will engage in when registering with tax office. To designate specific types of activities, digital codes according to OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities) are used.

It is impossible to compare the list by OKVED codes with types of activities subject to licensing in Russia. The fact is that licensed areas are broader than a specific OKVED code.

How to determine whether OKVED is subject to licensing

For example, if you select educational activity, then the following codes from OKVED-2 will correspond to it:

  • 85.11: Preschool education
  • 85.12: General primary education
  • 85.13: Basic general education
  • 85.14: General secondary education
  • 85.21: Secondary vocational education
  • 85.22: Higher education
  • 85.23: Training of highly qualified personnel
  • 85.30: Professional training
  • 85.41: Additional education for children and adults
  • 85.42: Additional professional education

Moreover, these are only four-digit codes, and if we take into account five-digit and six-digit codes, there will be even more of them. And if we take pharmaceutical activities, then this concept includes the sale of medicines, their storage, and the manufacture of medicines according to prescriptions.

The mere indication in form P21001 of OKVED codes corresponding to the licensed direction does not oblige one to obtain a license. Only if an entrepreneur starts real activities, it is necessary to contact the licensing authority in advance.

However, some inspectors, and sometimes banks, are interested in whether you have a license if the corresponding OKVED codes are indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. If you are not yet planning to work under a license, then for your own peace of mind it is not at all necessary to enter these codes in advance when registering an individual entrepreneur. You can always serve them later.

How to obtain an individual entrepreneur license

Licensing of certain types of activities is entrusted to authorized state bodies. You can find out which agency you need to apply for a license from Government Decree No. 957 of November 21, 2011.

We provide information on the most popular licensing areas among individual entrepreneurs in the table.

Each authorized body has its own official website, where you can find contacts of regional divisions and all necessary information to obtain a license.

If, as an individual entrepreneur, you plan to engage only in licensed activities, then first study the licensing requirements. For example, to obtain permission to transport passengers by road, you must have:

  • Transport equipped with GLONASS equipment;
  • Premises and equipment for vehicle maintenance and repair;
  • Drivers who have the necessary qualifications, work experience, and have passed a medical examination;
  • A specialist for pre-trip medical examination of drivers or an agreement concluded with medical organization for its implementation, etc.