Where does sequoia grow? Sequoia: description, care and planting, propagation, use in the garden, photo What a sequoia tree looks like.

Evergreen sequoia wood has high strength. It does not rot for a long time and can withstand lateral loads, making it suitable for a variety of purposes, including sawing. Giant sequoia wood is lighter and more fragile, so it is not used as lumber.

It is quite easy to process such wood, however, due to its softness and possible splitting during drilling and shaping, as well as planing and profiling, work must be carried out with great care.

Thanks to excellent wood and rapid growth trees, sequoia is specially grown in forestry. Light and dense, it is not subject to rotting and insect attacks. Redwood wood is widely used for both construction and carpentry material. This wood is used to make furniture, sleepers, telegraph poles, railway cars, paper and tiles. The absence of odor makes it possible to use it in tobacco and food industry. It is used to produce boxes and crates for cigars and tobacco, barrels for storing honey and molasses.

IN lately The construction of houses from sequoia timber, which is ideal for any wooden buildings, is gaining momentum. This structure will appeal to connoisseurs of comfort and convenience. Houses made from sequoia timber are characterized by high environmental safety, aesthetic appeal and a multifunctional, thoughtful layout.

A huge advantage of this material is the presence of oils in it, which protect the wood from rotting. Products made from Californian sequoia will decorate any room, as it is most popular in the manufacture of furniture.

Due to these qualities, sequoia wood is an ideal material for roofing shingles and exterior finishing of buildings. It is also used for the manufacture of racks and profile products for interior decoration. The wood is used to produce plywood and decorative veneer. The thick bark is used to make fiber boards and filter materials.

Use of sequoia

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plants
Super department: Gymnosperms
Department: Conifers
Class: Conifers
Order: Pine
Family: Cypress
Subfamily: Sequoideae
Latin name
Sequoia Endl. (1847),nom. cons.

Sequoia evergreen

Sequoia sempervirens ( D.Don) Endl.

Biostability and durability make sequoia wood an ideal material for the manufacture of wooden pipes, gutters and trays, tanks, vats, roofing shingles, and for the external cladding of buildings. It is also used on coffins, stands and profile products for interior decoration. The wood is used in the production of plywood. The thick bark serves as raw material for fiber boards and filter materials.

It is easy to work with, but due to its softness and possible splintering, care must be taken when drilling, chiseling and shaping, as well as planing and profiling. To reduce fiber crushing, it is necessary to sharpen the cutting edges sharply and remove waste in a timely manner.

Sequoia varieties

  • Architectural varieties of sequoia are used where appearance must maintain compliance with design requirements long after the project is completed. This quality wood can be supplied either dry or undried. Unsurpassed in beauty and durability, it is best choice for precise and tight assembly of intricate or rigorous design projects.
  • Clean Sound(Clear All Heart) - The best variety. Can be oven dried, air dried or without drying. Careful observance of geometry, absence of defects on the front side.
  • Clean(Clear) - Similar in quality to Clear Sound, but may contain some sapwood. Ideal for visible parts of ground structures.
  • Yadrovaya B(Heart B) - Contains a limited number of knots and other defects not acceptable in the highest grades. Used in the same way as Pure Sound.
  • Grade B(B Grade) - Similar in characteristics to Sound B, but may contain sapwood. It is used similarly to Clean - for decking, garden structures and other above-ground structures.
  • Construction/Deck Sound(Construction Heart / Deck Heart) - All heartwood varieties contain knots. They are recommended for use near the ground surface, as supports, beams and decks.
  • Construction/Deck Regular(Construction Common / Deck Common) - Contains knots and a mixture of heartwood and sapwood. Recommended for above-ground structures such as fences, benches or verandas.
  • Trading Yadrovaya(Merchantable Heart) - The cheapest of the pure core grades, it tolerates slightly larger and worse knots than construction grades, as well as hairline cracks, small end cracks and a number of manufacturing defects.
  • Trading(Merchantable) - Same characteristics as Merchant Sound, but may contain sapwood. Suitable for fences, trellises and other applications not in contact with the ground.
  • Garden varieties redwoods Best suited for outdoor use. Their variable texture and knot pattern allow them to be successfully combined with other natural materials. Garden grades can be supplied dried or dry and are usually supplied as edged timber, ranging from 6 meters in length to short trims used for borders and parapets.

Useful tables

List of largest Giant Sequoias by wood volume.
Tree name Location Height Diameter (m) Circumference (m)
General Sharman Grove of the Giant Forest 84.0 m 11,1 32,3
General Grant General Grant Grove 82.1 m 11,4 33,8
President Grove of the Giant Forest 74.2 m 10 29,3
Lincoln Grove of the Giant Forest 79.1 m 10,5 31,3
Stagg Alder Creek Grove 73.9 m 11,6 34,2
Bul Talking Pool Grove 82.0 m 12,00 35,6
Genesis Mountain Lodge Grove 78.1 m 9,3 27,2
Franklin Grove of the Giant Forest 69.3 m 10,2 29,4
King Arthur Garfield Grove 82.9 m 11,1 32,8
James Monroe Grove of the Giant Forest 76.4 m 9,9 29
Robert Lee General Grant Grove 77.5 m 9,6 27,8
John Adams Grove of the Giant Forest 77.3 m 9,1 26,4
Giant Ishi Kennedy Grove 74.9 m 11,2 33,1
Column Grove of the Giant Forest 75.8 m 10 29,3
The road up Mountain Lodge Grove 75.3 m 9 26,1
Euclid Mountain Lodge Grove 84.2 m 9,1 26,4
Washington Mariposa Grove 72.8 m 10,3 29,9
General Pershing Grove of the Giant Forest 74.9 m 9,8 28,8
Diamond Eightwell Mill Grove 88.3 m 10,2 30,1
Eden Mountain Lodge Grove 76.3 m 10,1 29,7
Roosevelt Redwood Mountain Grove 78.9 m 8,8 25,5
J. Nelder Nelder's Grove 82.2 m 9,7 28,3
"AD" (Common Era) Eightwell Mill Grove 74.5 m 10,6 31,2
Michael Hart Redwood Mountain Grove 85.2 m 8,3 23,9
Giant Grizzly Mariposa Grove 64.8 m 10 29,2
Home Sequoia Grove of the Giant Forest 68.9 m 9,8 28,6
Matthewsla Mountain Lodge Grove 64.5 m 10,3 30,2
Great Goshawk Freeman Creek Grove 88.7 m 9,7 28,5
Hamilton Grove of the Giant Forest 73.8 m 9 26,2
Dean Eightwell Mill Grove 82.8 m 10,4 31
Beautiful Black Mountain Blackrock Grove 79.9 m 8,4 24,2
Giant Saddles Grove Saddle 67.5 m 11,3 33,4
Allen Russell Mountain Lodge Grove 78.2 m 8,8 25,4
Cleveland Grove of the Giant Forest 77.6 m 8,8 25,4
Dalton Grove Muir 84.8 m 8,4 24,2
Louis Ejassis State Calaveras Park 80.1 m 10,5 30,9
Nir Ed Grove of the Giant Forest 78.4 m 8,7 25,2
Evans Kennedy Grove 71.3 m 8,5 24,6
Three Girths of Jack Mountain Lodge Grove 74.3 m 9 26,1
Patriarch Grove McIntyre 84.1 m 8 23,1
Red Chief Longmeadow Grove 75.6 m 8,8 25,6
Guardian Grove of the Giant Forest 79.4 m 8,7 25,1
Bull Buck Nelder's Grove 74.9 m 10,6 31,2
Next to Lack-willed Grove McIntyre 77.7 m 8,3 24
Weak-willed Goliath Grove McIntyre 84.9 m 7,6 21,7
Candelabra Grove Saddle 69.5 m 8,1 23,3
Bannister Freeman Creek Grove 61.3 m 11 32,5
Ghost Grove Saddle 59.3 m 10,2 30

- (Sequoia), genus of evergreens coniferous trees family taxodiaceae. Unity, species S. evergreen (S. sempervirens). It is one of the tallest trees (reaches a height of 110-112 m and a diameter of 6-10 m). St. lives 3000 years. Grows in the mountains of California and South. Oregon... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

SEQUOIA- or WELLINGTONIA tree from the family. cypress, grows in the north. America: some reach 300 feet. height, trunk circumference 94 feet. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. sequoia (named after the Indian leader... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

SEQUOIA- a genus of coniferous trees of the Taxodiaceae family. The only species of sequoia is evergreen, height St. 100 m, diameter 6 11 m. Natural plantings only in the mountains of California and South. Oregon (USA). Cultivated for light and durable wood(use... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

sequoia- sequoiadendron, wellingtonia Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sequoia noun, number of synonyms: 3 wellingtonia (5) ... Dictionary of synonyms

SEQUOIA- SEQUOIA, and, female. A giant relict coniferous tree native to California. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

SEQUOIA- genus coniferous plants from the family Taxodiaceae. It is known in fossil form from the Late Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous; It develops widely in the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. Nowadays it is preserved only in California. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Under … Geological encyclopedia

Sequoia- (Sequoyah) (1760(70?) 1843), educator of the Cherokee people, who created an alphabet of 85 characters for the language of his tribe. The alphabet is also known as talking leaves. The date of its adoption is considered to be 1821. Later he took the name George Gist,... ... World history

Sequoia- Giant sequoia. National Park Yosemite, California, USA. SEQUOIA, a genus of coniferous trees (family Taxodiaceae). The only type of sequoia is evergreen, height over 100 m, diameter 6 11 m. It grows in the mountains along the west coast of the USA... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

SEQUOIA- (Sequoia), a genus of evergreen coniferous trees of the Taxodiaceae family. The only species of evergreen sequoia (S. sempervirens) is considered a symbol of California. These are the tallest trees in the world, also famous for their beautiful, straight-layered,... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

Sequoia- (Sequoia), national park in California (USA). Created in 1890 on the square. 163.1 thousand hectares for the protection of the unique landscapes of the Sierra Nevada mountains, incl. 32 groves of giant sequoia. More than 70 species of mammals and 120 birds live. Forms a single protected... ... Geographical encyclopedia


  • Book: manual / operating instructions for the TOYOTA SEQUOIA navigation system (TOYOTA SEQUOIA) from 2008 release. Detailed description navigation system for Toyota Sequoia cars, production began in 2008... Buy for 2465 rubles
  • Book: manual/instructions for operation and maintenance of TOYOTA SEQUOIA (TOYOTA SEQUOIA) petrol from 2008 release. This manual has already become a handy book for many Toyota Sequoia owners, since it is addressed specifically to car enthusiasts. The publication does not contain repair instructions, but contains high-quality…

The only species of the genus is the red or evergreen sequoia. Is a symbol American state California. Known throughout the world for its gigantic size and rot-resistant wood.

Sequoia is considered the tallest tree on the planet. It belongs to the genus of coniferous plants, which means it is also one of the most ancient plants.

During excavations, it was found that the first sequoias appeared on earth approximately 208 million years ago and occupied vast areas in the northern hemisphere.

Nowadays, sequoia grows freely throughout the state of California. This tree is not widespread because it needs a lot of water for normal growth, so it does not go far from the ocean coast.

On at the moment The current record for the tallest tree is 115.5 meters.

This plant was first discovered in coastal zone Pacific Ocean. For the color of its wood, sequoia received the first name “mahogany”, which is still known today. A little later, this plant was bred into a separate species.

Due to the excellent qualities of its wood, sequoia gained wide popularity and began to be used for the manufacture of various products.

Sequoia has a conical crown, the branches are located horizontally or slightly inclined downwards. The thickness of the bark is very large and can reach 30 cm, fibrous, relatively soft, the color is red-brown immediately after removal, and fades over time.

The root system is shallow and consists of lateral roots. The leaf size does not exceed 20-30 mm in length. They have a flat and elongated shape in young trees.

Sequoia care

Decorative sequoia is very demanding on the amount of moisture in the soil; it is necessary to constantly monitor its level. Dry soil is very harmful to the plant.

Throughout its entire life, decorative sequoia needs mineral fertilizers. You need to monitor the lighting level; on a hot day, the plant can absorb large number water, so it needs to be watered regularly.

Sequoia propagation

Initially, sequoia did not grow in our climate, but thanks to the efforts of landscapers and dendrologists, species resistant to cool climates appeared. Sequoia can be propagated by sprouting very small seeds.

These seeds are stored in cones. One cone can contain from 150 to 200 seeds. After lengthy experiments, an adult sequoia began to withstand frosts from 18 to 20 degrees.

Vegetative propagation is also possible: by grafting and cuttings. The viability of the redwood tree has been improved over thousands of years.

This tree can easily sprout shoots from an old stump or send out hundreds of shoots from a fallen trunk. Such a rapid renewal became possible thanks to the awakening of dormant buds.

Sequoia planting

Sequoias should be planted in a nutrient substrate; it is advisable to use growth stimulants. It is possible, but not necessary, to lay a layer of coarse sand at the bottom of the planting hole. Young specimens need to be covered for the winter or grown in greenhouses.

Sequoia planting can be done in the spring, from April to May. The plant is very sensitive to transplants, so it is advisable to keep the earth ball on the roots and perform all actions in a short period of time.

Use of sequoia in the garden

Because the sequoia is large, it is often used as a tapeworm in parks. It is not recommended to plant in small areas. Decorative forms of sequoia are often used for bonsai gardens.

Video “Sequoia – the largest tree in the world”

Sequoia (lat. Sequoia) is one of the largest and most ancient trees on Earth. These woody plants of the Cypress family can grow up to 76 meters (25-story building), and individual sequoia specimens reach a height of more than 110 m. The maximum age is more than three and a half thousand years. Their diameter at the level of the human chest is 9 meters.

Giant sequoias are a subspecies of cypress. The sight of these huge trees, whose trunks and crowns go tens of meters into the air, involuntarily evokes admiration...

The oldest currently known sequoias are more than 3.5 thousand years old.

Average height trees is about 60 meters, but there are also entire groves over 90 meters high. Today, about fifty sequoias are known whose height exceeds the 105-meter mark

The tallest currently known tree on our planet is the Hyperion sequoia, which grows in Redwood National Park near San Francisco. The height of this giant is 115.5 meters

There is an interesting subspecies of sequoias - sequoiadendrons, characterized by a smaller height but a larger diameter of trunks. The most voluminous sequoia in the world belongs to this subspecies, the 83.8-meter General Sherman, whose base diameter is 11.1 meters and trunk girth is 31.3 meters. The volume of the tree is 1487 cubic meters

The wood of these trees is inedible for forest pests, and the very thick bark (up to 30 cm in places) acts as a heat shield and protects the tree from fire during fires. This explains why long life sequoia.

Redwoods are also very resistant to moisture-related rot. It is not uncommon for cases when, when drilling wells in the bosom of streams, a sequoia trunk, undamaged by moisture and time, was discovered that had lain there for thousands of years.

Sequoia grows extremely quickly, here are a couple of illustrative examples: one tree reached a diameter of 2.1 meters in 108 years, and the yield of secondary forest from one hectare per year was almost 30 cubic meters of wood.

There is a tunnel through a fallen sequoia tree in California's Sequoia National Park.

It is usually difficult to imagine the real scale from a photograph, so there are several photographs in which there are people - to make it easier to compare sizes

Interesting facts about Sequoia:

Trees over 60 m high are very common, many are higher than 90 m.

The most tall sequoia, named Hyperion, was discovered in the summer of 2006 by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor in Redwood National Park north of San Francisco. The tree is 115.5 meters (379.1 ft) tall. Researchers said woodpecker damage to the tree at the top prevented the sequoia from reaching a height of 115.8 meters (380 feet).

The previous record holder of a currently growing tree was "Stratospheric Giant", growing in the Humboldt Redwoods Park in California. In August 2000, the tree's height was 112.34 m, previously in 2002 it was 112.56 m, and as of 2010 its height is 113.11 m (371.1 ft).

Before Hyperion, the tallest tree of all time was the Dyerville Giant, also in Humboldt Redwoods Park. The height was measured after its fall in March 1991 and was 113.4 meters. The age was estimated to be about 1600 years.

15 currently growing trees have a height of more than 110 m, and 47 trees have a height of more than 105 m.

Some claim that the height of the sequoia tree felled in 1912 was 115.8 m.

The second place in height after sequoia is occupied by Douglas fir (Menzies' pseudo-tsuga). The tallest living Menzies pseudohemlock, 'Doerner Fir' (formerly known as 'Brummit fir') is 99.4 m tall.

In 2004, the journal Nature wrote that the maximum theoretical height of a redwood tree (or any other tree) is limited to 122-130 meters due to gravity and friction between water and the pores of the wood through which it oozes.

The most voluminous tree among the red woods is "Del Norte Titan" (English) Russian. The volume of this sequoia is estimated at 1044.7 m³, height - 93.57 m, and diameter - 7.22 m. Among all growing There are only 15 giant sequoias (sequoiadendrons) trees on Earth that are more massive than him. Sequoias are somewhat shorter, but they have a thicker trunk than redwoods. Thus, the volume of the largest specimen of the sequoia dendron “General Sherman” is 1487 m³.

The history of the name of the sequoia tree is quite interesting. This big tree first called California pine or mammoth tree, since the ends of the branches bent upward, resembled the fangs of mammoths. In 1859, the Swedish botanist Linnaeus decided to name this huge tree in honor of the English commander Wellington. The new name “Wellingtonia enormous” did not exist for long. The Americans decided that such a significant plant should bear their name national hero- George Washington. After which the tree received the name “huge Washingtonian”.

Disputes over what should be the best name for this tree continued. After some time, it finally got its name - sequoia, in honor of the leader of one of the Indian tribes - Sequoia, it was he who led the liberation struggle against foreign invaders for many years. Some people still call this tree "mammoth".

Scientific classification:

Department: Conifers

Class: Conifers

Order: Pine

Family: Cypressaceae

Subfamily: Sequoioideae

Genus: Sequoia (lat. Sequoia)

Sequoia(lat. Sequoia) - a genus of trees of the Cypress family, growing on the Pacific coast North America. We have all heard about sequoias more than once, both in natural history lessons at school and on TV. But few people can imagine what these huge trees actually look like and where they grow. No less surprising is that sequoias are also different types. We saw these amazing giants for the first time during our independent tour. It turns out that the sequoia tree is also the symbol of the state of California. And in this article we will introduce you to these largest trees in the world (not to be confused with baobabs!).

Types of sequoia

Redwoods are evergreen trees that belong to the cypress family. We already saw it when we drove along the 17-mile road. There are three species of sequoia trees known throughout the world, two of which grow in the United States:

  • Coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) - grows on the coast of California in the USA;
  • giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) - distributed in the Sierra Nevada region;
  • Metasequoia (Metasequoia) - grows in China.

And only giant sequoiadendron is widely known in the world under the name sequoia. Coastal is called mahogany, or redwood (Redwood). These two species are the largest trees in the world. The coast sequoia is the tallest tree, and the giant sequoia is the most voluminous. The Chinese metasequoia is not surprising at all with its size.

Tall sequoia in the photo

Characteristics of sequoia tree species:

Sequoia speciesCoastal (Redwood)GiganticMetasequoia
Where does it growCoast of California, USASierra Nevada Mountains in California, USAWubei and Sichuan Provinces, China
Heightup to 115 metersup to 95 metersup to 40 meters
Barrel diameterup to 6.5 metersup to 12 metersup to 2.5 meters
Weightup to 720 tonsup to 1200 tons-
Ageup to 2000 yearsup to 3200 yearsup to 600 years
ReproductionSeeds or shootsSeedsSeeds

Sequoia Redwood ( Sequoia sempervirens)

Tree redwood found only on the Pacific Coast in Northern California and Oregon. Nowhere else in the world is this species (Evergreen Sequoia, Red Sequoia) not growing. Redwood is rightfully considered tallest tree in the world on planet Earth and reaches a height of 115 meters. About 50 currently growing redwoods have a height of more than 100 meters. The trunk thickness reaches 6.5 meters. There are specimens of redwood sequoia that are between 1,500 and 2,000 years old.

Durable but soft redwood bark

Giant Sequoiadendron ( Sequoiadendron giganteum)

Another type of sequoia is giant sequoiadendron(also known as Giant Sequoia, Wellingtnia or Mammoth Tree), native to the western Sierra Nevada of California, at an altitude of 1500-2000 meters. This type of tree got its name because of its gigantic size. And although the height of their tallest trees does not exceed 95 meters, the thickness of the trunk can reach 12 meters. The oldest representative growing today is about 3,200 years old. Currently, only about 30 groves of giant sequoias remain.

Interesting fact. According to some reports, the breeding period of the giant sequoia begins when it reaches an age of about 400 years. A mandatory concomitant factor for sequoia to produce offspring is high temperature. Here's what we know about forest fires and their benefits for redwoods:

  • Forest fires do not cause significant damage to mature trees;
  • Sequoia bark, which absorbs moisture from the air like a sponge, is quite resistant to fire;
  • However, the heat generated by burning the forest floor is best suited for the buds to open and the sequoia seeds to fall to the ground and germinate in soil that is saturated with minerals after burning;
  • In addition, a forest thinned by fire makes it possible sunlight break through the dense canopy of trees and creates conditions for the growth of young sequoia.

Watch a video about giant sequoias and their dependence on forest fires:

Metasequoia ( Metasequoia)

But there is another type of sequoia in the world - Metasequoia glyptostrobioides, which grows in Wubei and Sichuan provinces in China, but these trees are quite normal in size. This type of sequoia is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book. They are found very rarely, and only on mountain slopes in remote areas of Chinese provinces. That is, they are not accessible to the average tourist. But the American redwood and giant sequoias can be seen both from the window of a car, and you can take a walk along forest paths in a grove among majestic trees.

When we traveled around the USA by car during our trip, we spent a lot of time getting to know the largest trees in the world. So, let's figure out where to go if you want to get to know the coastal and giant sequoias in the USA.

Interesting fact

The thickness of the trunk of the giant sequoia reaches 12 meters in diameter. This is enough to fit a whole house or a highway inside it!

Coastal Redwood Redwoods

Natural conditions in the national parks of Northern California, where does sequoia grow, are ideal for these giant trees. Redwood can be seen in the following parks and environmental protection zones USA:

  • (Redwood national and state parks) includes several state parks that can be accessed for a fee. If you're on the highway and just driving north, you don't have to pay for it. And if you get off the highway to take a walk, an Annual pass to national parks is valid throughout the entire territory, except for the state parks - Del Norte Coastal Redwood State Park and Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park - where you have to pay separately.
  • Muir National Monument (Muir wood National Monument) near San Francisco. An annual national park pass is valid here.
  • If you're traveling north in California by car from San Francisco, you might also want to stop by Humboldt State Park (Humboldt Redwoods state park) and on Avenue of the Giants (Avenue of the giants), the fee is separate. There you can drive your car through a tree for $5 ( Shrine Drive-thru tree).

Redwoods are the tallest trees in the world

Redwood Highway

Highway 101 is even called "Mahogany Highway" (Redwood highway) in honor of its main attraction. You can just drive along the highway and admire the redwood trees growing on its sides. And here the redwood grows without protection national parks. AND knowledgeable people they will travel not only along the 101 road, but also along the road, which also bears the proud name redwood highway. And it seemed to me personally that the trees here are more beautiful and the track is prettier. And it’s even more pleasant that you are driving, and the sequoias themselves are growing around, that it even becomes inconvenient that people have carved a road into the rock and disturbed the tranquility of nature. So, Redwood Highway is:

  • Route 101 in Northern California from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to Crescent City;
  • running parallel to it Avenue of the Giants in the Humboldt State Park area;
  • Route 199 in Oregon.

Humbolt Park Map (Avenue of the Giants)

Giant sequoias

The giant sequoia grows in the state of California, USA, in the Sierra Nevada mountains, and to admire these trees you can visit three national parks:

  • (Giant forest) in Sequoia National Park ( Sequoia national park). The entire park consists of giant sequoia trees, and tourists are especially fond of the famous tree, for which there is a whole queue. This is the largest and heaviest tree in the world. Its height is 84 meters, its trunk circumference at the ground exceeds 31 meters, its volume is about 1500 m 3, and its weight is estimated at 1900 tons!
  • General Grant's Grove (Grant grove) in Kings Canyon National Park ( Kings canyon national park) - This small area is located next to Sequoia Park and is easily accessible, unlike the rest of Kings Canyon.
  • Mariposa Grove (Mariposa grove) in Yosemite National Park ( Yosemite national park). Here the giant sequoias are presented in all their splendor!

Where does sequoia grow?

Sequoia trees grow on . And when we were traveling by car national parks America, we visited several parks in the state of California, where we saw coastal and giant sequoias in all their glory:

  • Redwood National Park about which they wrote. This is where coast redwoods grow in their most natural environment;
  • We rode with great pleasure in both California and Oregon;
  • As for the giant sequoia, we visited all three places where they grow: in the park, in Kings Canyon and in;
  • But we didn't get there humbolt park, because in the evening we were in a hurry to come to Eureka and rushed along the highway with the breeze and did not stop at the Avenue of the Giants. Nevertheless, the evening drive turned out to be very inspiring, and we took many photos from the car window. You can see them in the post about the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Point Reyes and.

Sequoias with a tunnel in the trunk for cars and pedestrians

In January 2017, it became known that the most famous sequoia with a tunnel in the trunk—Pioneer Cabin Tree. This giant sequoia tree in the United States became famous for its tunnel in the trunk through which a car could drive. A tree that grew in Calaveras Big Trees State Park was toppled by a violent storm, making worldwide news and sparking unprecedented interest in redwoods.

The original tunnel at the base of this giant sequoia was made in the late 1980s at the request of the owner of the Murphys Hotel. It was a tourist attraction, because people of that time were incredibly interested in walking and even driving through the trunk, and then telling all their friends about it. That's it more people found out about it interesting place and they increasingly came to the park and stayed at the hotel.

This particular tree was chosen for cutting the tunnel due to the fact that it already had a huge scar from forest fire. To be fair, it must be said that the idea of ​​a tunnel was not new and, according to the hotel owner’s idea, this sequoia tree was supposed to compete with the already well-known Wawona tree in Yosemite's Wawona Tree Park in the USA, in which the tunnel was made much earlier, in 1881, in order to attract as many visitors to the park as possible. And although the Wawona sequoia in Mariposa Grove stood for much less time (only until February 1969), some older Americans still remember the road tunnel in it.

Interesting fact: The sequoia with a tunnel that fell on January 8, 2017 was not the only one in California. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the western United States it was very fashionable to make such tunnels in giant trees in order to attract everyone's attention and develop automobile tourism. After all, it was possible not only to walk or ride a bicycle through it, but also to drive a car inside the sequoia. However, this trend caused irreparable damage to nature and was quickly stopped.

More than a century has passed since then, and almost all the trees with car tunnels have collapsed. The giant sequoia Pioneer Cabin Tree was the last of its kind, and now it too has fallen. However, it is still possible to find a couple of giant sequoias with pedestrian tunnels on the West Coast of the United States and three coastal sequoias with vehicle tunnels.

Tunnels in giant sequoias:

  • California Tunnel Tree in Mariposa Grove (Yosemite National Park). The tunnel was built in 1895 so that a horse-drawn carriage could pass through this giant sequoia. Today, the tunnel can only be walked or cycled.
  • Dead Tunnel Tree in Tulumne Grove, also in Yosemite National Park. This was the very first growing giant sequoia through which a tunnel was made (previously, tunnels had already been made in fallen tree trunks).

Tunnels for vehicles in the coastal redwoods:

  • Chandelier Tree(Chandelier Tree) is the most famous tunnel tree in the United States, located in the Drive-Thru Tree Park in Leggett, California, USA. Its height is 96 meters. The tunnel was made in the late 30s of the 20th century, its width is 1.8 m and its height is 2.06 m. Anyone can drive through the sequoia in a car and take a photo of their car inside the tree for 5 US dollars. See the website for all the details and directions.
  • Two other coast redwoods with tunnels grow along US 101 in northern California in Klamath(Klamath) and Myers Flat(Myers Flat).

Sequoia on a map of the USA


  • blue color - coastal redwood grows here
  • orange - places where you can see giant sequoias
  • purple color - attractions in parks with redwoods - beautiful coastlines, lagoons, places for watching deer or whales

Come and admire the largest trees in the world!