Military unmanned aircraft. Hypersonic aircraft are being created in the Russian Federation to overcome

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B non-pilot aircraft, or UAVs, in international practice are designated by the English abbreviation UAV ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Currently, the range of this type of system is quite diverse and is becoming increasingly widespread. The article provides the main directions of development and classification of UAVs marine purposes. The publication completes a series of articles about uninhabited military systems in service with modern navies of foreign countries.

Main directions of UAV development

The use of military UAVs over the sea is carried out both from ships and from ground strongholds. Foreign experts have identified the following directions for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles:

  • Flexibility: Among military UAVs, only some are designed to perform exclusively maritime missions. Most drones designed to operate over sea are also suitable for use over land by modifying the payload or drive system if necessary. With the exception of battery-powered models, most military maritime UAVs use military aviation fuel, and in some cases, optionally, also marine diesel fuel.
  • autonomy: in principle, each UAV can be controlled remotely. The prevailing direction of development, however, is the development of autonomously operating systems. First of all, large UAVs with significant flight duration must complete their mission by landing independently at the take-off airfield.
  • the use of squads, or groups (swarm tactics): in some scenarios, hundreds of small or micro UAVs must independently communicate with each other in order to carry out coordinated tasks. The use of UAV squads is intended to overload and overcome the enemy’s defense system.
  • interaction of different types of systems: UAVs will be mainly used in combination with manned systems ( Manned/Un-Manned Teaming - MUM-T). For example, a manned aircraft, in order to detect and capture a target, sends a UAV forward as a reconnaissance tool. Subsequently, the aircraft pilot hits the target with a remote weapon without entering the enemy’s air defense coverage area. Another option is the mutual autonomous or semi-autonomous operation of UAVs with ground, surface or underwater uninhabited systems ( Un-Manned / Un-Manned Teaming, UM-UM-T).
  • globalization: besides the United States, China is considered the most active country in the development, production and export of UAVs. According to some estimates, Beijing will become the leading exporter of military UAVs from 2025. However, there are a growing number of countries around the world producing military or dual-use UAVs. In particular, transnational projects in Europe are becoming increasingly important.

Classification of UAVs can be carried out mainly according to two parameters: according to their main purpose or according to size and combat effectiveness (performance). Below are examples of adopted and promising military UAVs.

By task

The most important tasks for maritime unmanned systems are still reconnaissance and monitoring tasks ( Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance - ISR). These are supplemented by armed missions and other activities to support the Navy.

Reconnaissance UAVs

The use of small and medium-sized UAVs aboard warships as tactical reconnaissance aircraft is growing worldwide. One helicopter hangar can accommodate up to three medium-sized UAVs. When used alternately, they can guarantee virtually continuous monitoring.

The model “Campcopter S-100” is considered especially successful ( CamcopterS-100) company "Schiebel" (Schiebel, Austria). This UAV has been tested and adopted by the navies of nine countries since 2007.

The Camcopter S-100, with a weight of 200 kg, provides a 6-hour flight duration, which can be increased to 10 hours with the help of additional fuel tanks. The standard payload set includes electro-optical infrared sensors ( EO/IR). It is possible to complement them with one SAR radar (synthetic aperture radar) for land and sea surveillance. It is also noted that the UAV, in principle, can be armed with light multi-purpose missiles such as LMM ( Lightweight Multirole Missile). The missiles are manufactured by the French company Thales and are designed to destroy light sea and air targets.

MQ-8B Fae Scout unmanned helicopter project ( Fire Scout, Fire Scout) launched by the US Navy in 2009. The device weighs 940 kg. Operationally, the MQ-8 system includes one control console (located on a manned helicopter or ship) and up to three UAVs.

The MQ-8B is primarily intended for use on destroyers, frigates and LCS ships ( Littoral Combat Ship). One vehicle has a flight duration of up to 8 hours and is capable of conducting reconnaissance and surveillance within a radius of 110 nautical miles from the carrier ship. The payload capacity is 270 kg. Sensory equipment The MQ-8B model includes a laser target detection device.

Target designation data can be transmitted to ships or aircraft in real time. This parameter was tested on August 22, 2017 in the waters off the island. Guam. According to the assignment, one MQ-8B UAV controlled the targeting of the Harpoon anti-ship missile fired from the ship. As explained by Rear Admiral Don GABRIELSON, commander of the 73rd task force of the US Navy ( Task Force 73), this ability is especially valuable in the waters of island archipelagos, where warships rarely have direct visual contact with their targets.

In addition to EO/IR sensors, SAR radar can be installed to detect and track air and sea targets. Additional payload modules also provide alternative uses for the MQ-8B. UAV applications include relaying communications signals, reconnaissance of sea mines and submarines, control of laser-guided missiles, and detection of radioactive, biological and chemical warfare agents.

Combat use of military UAVs

Various countries are striving to perform missions similar to a fighter-bomber using unmanned systems. Thus, in 2016, the multinational European concept aircraft nEUROn completed its first flight test in the French Navy. First of all, the suitability of the model, manufactured using stealth technology, was tested for performing tasks over the sea. In particular, the drone landed on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier participating in the tests.

Both the French Navy and the Royal Navy are seeking to acquire a combat stealth UAV suitable for deployment on an aircraft carrier. It is likely that this ability will be implemented in the joint project of the future unmanned aircraft combat system being developed by Paris and London ( Future Combat Air System, FCAS). As BAE chief technology officer Nigel WHITEHEAD said in September 2017, FCAS could enter service around 2030 and will be used in conjunction with manned aircraft.

According to Western experts, the Chinese Armed Forces have moved significantly ahead in the combat UAV sector. Developed by Aviation Industry Corporation China, the Lijian aircraft ( Lijian, Sharp Sword) is considered the first unmanned stealth aircraft outside the NATO zone.

The payload inside the vehicle is estimated to be two tons. The ten-meter jet aircraft has a wingspan of 14 m. The aircraft is designed for covert surveillance of enemy warships and inflicting primary destruction on important targets covered by an air defense belt. By such targets, analysts understand American and Japanese ships or military bases. It is assumed that development of a carrier-based version of the UAV is underway.

Chinese unofficial sources report that the model will be put into operation by 2020. According to Western estimates, this period is quite optimistic, given the fact that the Lijian made its first flight only in 2013.

Professional magazine Jane reported in July 2017 about a secret Chinese project designated as CH-T1. The 5.8 m long unmanned aerial vehicle has stealth-like properties and is designed to fly over the sea at an altitude of one meter. This is believed to allow the UAV to remain undetected and ensure it can get within 10 nautical miles of the ship. With a total drone weight of 3000 kg, the payload weight is estimated at one ton. It is assumed that it may consist of anti-ship missiles or torpedoes. Detailed information the serial readiness of the project is unknown.

Refueling drones

Initially, at the turn of 2020, the US Navy planned to begin introducing carrier-based unmanned combat aircraft. However, after several years of conceptual studies in 2016, the Navy command decided to first adopt the MQ-25A Stingray jet unmanned tanker ( Stingray, Skat). Secondary tasks for this UAV include reconnaissance flights and use as a communications relay.

The design contract will be awarded to four competing companies in 2018. The start of serial development is expected in the mid-2020s. Six Stingrays are planned to be integrated into each of the US Navy's carrier aviation squadrons. One MQ-25A UAV should support up to six F/A-18 fighters. This will increase their effective combat range from 450 to 700 nautical miles.

Classification of UAVs by size and performance

Small and micro drones

According to Western experts, small unmanned aerial vehicles are best suited for operational use as part of a detachment. The US Navy tested the concept of low-cost UAV swarm technology in 2016 ( Low Cost WAV Swarming Technology, LOCUST).

Nine devices of the Coyote model ( Coyote) of the Raytheon company (USA), after a rapid sequential launch from a rocket launcher, completed a planned autonomous reconnaissance mission. During its implementation, the UAVs coordinated among themselves the direction of flight, the formation of the swarm's battle formation, and the distance between the vehicles.

The installation used for starting is capable of starting within 40 seconds. up to 30 UAVs. At the same time, the drone is 0.9 m in length and weighs nine kilograms. The Coyote's flight time and range are about two hours and 110 nautical miles, respectively. It is assumed that such units could be used in the future to conduct offensive operations. In particular, similar UAVs equipped with small explosive charges could destroy sensors or on-board weapons of enemy ships and boats.

Another option is the Fulmar system ( Fulmar) from Thales. The UAV has a take-off weight of 20 kg, a length of 1.2 m and a wingspan of three meters.

According to publications, despite its small size, Fulmar shows significant operational performance. Mission completion time is up to 12 hours. Combat range is 500 nautical miles. The ability to conduct video surveillance of targets at a distance of up to 55 nautical miles. The device is suitable for flights at wind speeds of up to 70 km per hour.

The flight is carried out by choice, either in fully automatic mode or using remote control. Like many small sea-based UAVs, the Fulmar is launched by a catapult, and after the end of the mission it is received by a network deployed on the deck of the ship. The main tasks of the model are to conduct reconnaissance and work as a relay for organizing communications. It is reported that combat use"Fulmar" is not yet envisaged.

The main advantage of small UAVs is the ability to use them without lengthy preliminary preparation. In particular, Fulmar is ready for use within 20 minutes. Micro UAVs launch even faster. For this reason, in 2016, US Navy Lieutenant Commander Christopher KIETHLEY proposed having miniature helicopters on all ships and submarines. After the “man overboard” signal, the task of these UAVs should be to immediately search for the missing person while the ship was making a turn. The US Pacific Fleet is currently studying the implementation of this concept.

Medium sized UAV

Medium-sized unmanned aerial vehicles are usually used directly from a carrier ship. For example, a 760 kg unmanned helicopter VSR700 produced by the Eabas concern ( Airbus). Flight tests of the model are scheduled for 2018. The start of mass production is possible in 2019. It is expected that the UAV will initially be acquired for frigates of the French Navy.

The payload, with a total weight of 250 kg, includes EO/IR sensors and radar. Additional elements may include a sonar buoy for searching for submarines or life rafts. The duration of a combat mission is up to 10 hours. As advantages of its model, Airbus emphasizes its higher performance compared to the S-100 and lower price compared to the MQ-8.

Jet UAVs are also available in this size category. According to the Fars news agency, the Iranian drone "Sadek 1" launching from land ( Sadegh 1) reaches supersonic speed. The flight altitude during the mission is 7,700 m. In addition to reconnaissance equipment, the UAV also carries two air-to-air missiles. It is noted that this particular UAV, put into service in 2014, often provokes US Navy ships and aircraft in the Persian Gulf.

Large unmanned aerial vehicles

This category of UAVs includes devices that, taking into account the dimensions of the fuselage, weight and bearing surface of the wing, are similar to manned vehicles. Moreover, the wingspan of drones is often much larger than that of manned aircraft. The largest UAVs, as a rule, have the most long range, altitude, and flight duration.

  • medium-altitude with long flight duration ( Medium Altitude/Long Endurance, MALE);
  • high altitude with long flight duration ( High Altitude/Long Endurance, HALE).

At the same time, both classes of UAVs, even if they are used as maritime systems, are used mainly from ground airfields due to their size.

Unmanned maritime reconnaissance US Navy MQ-4C "Triton" ( Triton) has a practical mission ceiling of 16,000 m and, therefore, belongs to the HALE class. With a take-off weight of 14,600 kg and a wingspan of 40 m, the MQ-4C is considered one of the largest maritime UAVs. Its range of application is 2000 nautical miles. According to information published in a US Navy press release, during a 24-hour mission, one UAV covers an area of ​​2.7 million square meters. miles. This roughly corresponds to the area Mediterranean Sea, including coastal areas.

Compared to the MQ-4C, the Italian Piaggio P.1HH Hammerhead UAV belongs to the MALE class. In fact, this 6,000 kg, 15.6 m wingspan UAV is a derivative of the P180 Avanti II executive aircraft. P.1HH.

Two turboprop engines allow you to develop maximum speed 395 knots (730 km per hour). At a speed of 135 knots (about 250 km per hour), the UAV is ready to conduct 16-hour loitering at an altitude of 13,800 m. The maximum flight range is 4,400 nautical miles. Normal combat radius is 1500 nautical miles.

The unmanned aircraft is designed to perform reconnaissance missions over land or sea (monitoring coastal waters or open ocean). Although flight tests are still underway, United United Arab Emirates Eight cars have already been ordered. The Italian Armed Forces are also showing some interest.

Impact use of unmanned systems of the MALE and HALE classes is possible. Thus, according to the project management, in 2017 the Chinese drone CH-5 (MALE) reached the stage of serial production. Western experts question this fact, since the drone made its first long-distance flight only in 2015.

The glider has a length of 11 m, a wingspan of 21 m. Its configuration is similar to the American MQ-9 Reaper UAV ( Reaper, Reaper). As Chinese military expert Wang QIANG said in July 2017, the model will play a significant role in maritime security and intelligence.

The UAV provides an estimated operational ceiling of 7,000 m and can accommodate up to 16 air-to-ground weapons (payload capacity - 600 kg). The combat radius, according to various sources, ranges from 1,200 to 4,000 nautical miles. Jane Magazine, quoting the Chinese officials, reports that the CH-5, depending on the engine, can remain airborne for 39 to 60 hours. According to the manufacturer, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), coordinated control of several CH-5s is possible.

UAV families

Increasingly, so-called “UAV families” are emerging from specialized models that complement each other. An example is the series “Rustom” ( Rustom, Warrior), which is being developed by the Indian Armed Forces Research and Development Directorate.

The Rustom 1 class MALE unmanned vehicle is 5 m long and has a wingspan of 8 m. Its payload capacity is 95 kg, its service ceiling is 7,900 m, and its flight duration is 12 hours.

Model Rustom H is a HALE class UAV. The device has a length of 9.5 m, a wingspan of 20.6 m. Payload of 350 kg. Service ceiling – 10,600 m. Flight duration – 24 hours. Currently, the reconnaissance Rustom 2 is being developed on the basis of the Rustom H. It is reported that the Indian Navy will initially acquire 25 units different versions Rustom.

More complex is India's Ghatak project to develop an unmanned stealth fighter-bomber. A 1:1 scale non-flying model is currently being created. This model will be used to test the drone's radar signature, as well as the effectiveness of its radar reflection.

India is receiving technical support for the project from France. However, the Indian Ministry of Defense emphasizes that we're talking about on the development of a completely domestic project. The time of the first flight of the delta-shaped prototype with a take-off weight of 15 tons is currently not determined.

Based on materials from MarineForum magazine

In recent years there has been large number publications on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to solve topographic problems. This interest is largely due to their ease of operation, efficiency, relatively low cost, efficiency, etc. The listed qualities and the availability of effective software automatic processing aerial photography materials (including the selection of necessary points) open up the possibility of widespread use of software and hardware for unmanned aircraft in the practice of engineering and geodetic surveys.

In this issue, with a review of technical means of unmanned aircraft, we open a series of publications about the capabilities of UAVs and the experience of using them in field and desk work.

D.P. INOZEMTSEV, project manager, PLAZ LLC, Saint Petersburg


Part 1. Review of technical means


Unmanned aerial vehicles appeared in connection with the need to effectively solve military problems - tactical reconnaissance, delivery of military weapons (bombs, torpedoes, etc.) to their destination, combat control, etc. And it is no coincidence that their first use is considered to be the delivery of bombs by Austrian troops to a besieged Venice with help balloons in 1849. A powerful impetus for the development of UAVs was the emergence of radio telegraphs and aviation, which made it possible to significantly improve their autonomy and controllability.

Thus, in 1898, Nikola Tesla developed and demonstrated a miniature radio-controlled vessel, and already in 1910, the American military engineer Charles Kettering proposed, built and tested several models of unmanned aerial vehicles. In 1933, the first UAV was developed in Great Britain.

reusable, and the radio-controlled target created on its basis was used in the Royal Navy of Great Britain until 1943.

The research of German scientists was several decades ahead of their time, giving the world a jet engine and the V-1 cruise missile in the 1940s as the first unmanned aerial vehicle used in real combat operations.

In the USSR, in the 1930–1940s, aircraft designer Nikitin developed a torpedo bomber-glider of the “flying wing” type, and by the early 40s, a project for an unmanned flying torpedo with a flight range of 100 kilometers and above was prepared, but these developments did not turn into real designs.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, interest in UAVs increased significantly, and since the 1960s, their widespread use has been noted to solve non-military problems.

In general, the history of UAVs can be divided into four time stages:

1.1849 – beginning of the twentieth century - attempts and experimental experiments to create UAVs, the formation of the theoretical foundations of aerodynamics, flight theory and aircraft calculations in the works of scientists.

2. Beginning of the twentieth century - 1945 - development of military UAVs (projectile aircraft with a short range and flight duration).

3.1945–1960 - a period of expansion of the classification of UAVs by purpose and their creation primarily for reconnaissance operations.

4.1960 - present day - expansion of the classification and improvement of UAVs, the beginning of mass use for solving non-military problems.


It is well known that aerial photography, as a type of remote sensing of the Earth (ERS), is the most productive method of collecting spatial information, the basis for creating topographic plans and maps, creating three-dimensional models of relief and terrain. Aerial photography is carried out both from manned aircraft - airplanes, airships, trikes and balloons, and from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Unmanned aerial vehicles, like manned ones, are of airplane and helicopter types (helicopters and multicopters are aircraft with four or more rotors with main rotors). Currently in Russia there is no generally accepted classification of aircraft-type UAVs. Missiles.

Ru together with the portal UAV.RU offers modern classification Aircraft-type UAV, developed based on the approaches of the UAV International organization, but taking into account the specifics and situation of the domestic market (classes) (Table 1):

Short-range micro- and mini-UAVs. The class of miniature ultra-light and lightweight devices and complexes based on them with a take-off weight of up to 5 kilograms began to appear in Russia relatively recently, but already quite

widely represented. Such UAVs are intended for individual operational use at short ranges at a distance of up to 25–40 kilometers. They are easy to operate and transport, they are foldable and positioned as “portable”; they are launched using a catapult or from the hand. These include: Geoscan 101, Geoscan 201, 101ZALA 421-11, ZALA 421-08, ZALA 421-12, T23 “Aileron”, T25, “Aileron-3”, “Gamayun-3”, “Irkut-2M”, “ Istra-10",

“BROTHER”, “Curl”, “Inspector 101”, “Inspector 201”, “Inspector 301”, etc.

Lightweight short-range UAVs. This class includes slightly larger aircraft - with a take-off weight from 5 to 50 kilograms. Their range is within 10–120 kilometers.

Among them: Geoscan 300, “GRANT”, ZALA 421-04, Orlan-10, PteroSM, PteroE5, T10, “Eleron-10”, “Gamayun-10”, “Irkut-10”,

T92 “Lotos”, T90 (T90-11), T21, T24, “Tipchak” UAV-05, UAV-07, UAV-08.

Lightweight, medium-range UAVs. A number of domestic models can be classified as this class of UAVs. Their weight varies between 50–100 kilograms. These include: T92M "Chibis", ZALA 421-09,

“Dozor-2”, “Dozor-4”, “Pchela-1T”.

Medium UAVs. The take-off weight of medium-sized UAVs ranges from 100 to 300 kilograms. They are intended for use at ranges of 150–1000 kilometers. In this class: M850 “Astra”, “Binom”, La-225 “Komar”, T04, E22M “Berta”, “Berkut”, “Irkut-200”.

Medium-heavy UAVs. This class has a range similar to the previous class of UAVs, but has a slightly larger take-off weight - from 300 to 500 kilograms.

This class should include: “Hummingbird”, “Dunham”, “Dan-Baruk”, “Stork” (“Yulia”), “Dozor-3”.

Heavy UAVs with medium range. This class includes UAVs with a flight weight of 500 kilograms or more, designed for use at medium ranges of 70–300 kilometers. In the heavy class are the following: Tu-243 “Flight-D”, Tu-300, “Irkut-850”, “Nart” (A-03).

Heavy UAVs with long flight duration. This category of unmanned aerial vehicles is quite in demand abroad, which includes the American UAVs Predator, Reaper, GlobalHawk, Israeli Heron, Heron TP. There are practically no samples in Russia: Zond-3M, Zond-2, Zond-1, unmanned aviation systems Sukhoi (“BasS”), within the framework of which a robotic aviation complex (RAC) is being created.

Unmanned combat aircraft (UCA). Currently, work is actively underway around the world to create promising UAVs that have the ability to carry weapons on board and are designed to attack ground and surface stationary and mobile targets in the face of strong opposition from enemy air defense forces. They are characterized by a range of about 1,500 kilometers and a weight of 1,500 kilograms.

Today in Russia there are two projects presented in the BBS class: “Proryv-U”, “Scat”.

In practice, UAVs weighing up to 10–15 kilograms (micro-, mini-UAVs and light UAVs) are usually used for aerial photography. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the take-off weight of a UAV, the complexity of its development increases and, accordingly, the cost, but the reliability and safety of operation decreases. The fact is that when landing a UAV, energy E = mv2 / 2 is released, and the greater the mass of the vehicle m, the greater its landing speed v, that is, the energy released during landing grows very quickly with increasing mass. And this energy can damage both the UAV itself and property on the ground.

An unmanned helicopter and a multicopter do not have this drawback. Theoretically, such a device can be landed at an arbitrarily low speed of approach to the Earth. However, unmanned helicopters are too expensive, and copters are not yet capable of flying over long distances, and are used only for shooting local objects (individual buildings and structures).

Rice. 1. UAV Mavinci SIRIUS Fig. 2. UAV Geoscan 101


The superiority of UAVs over manned aircraft is, first of all, the cost of work, as well as a significant reduction in the number of routine operations. The very absence of a person on board the aircraft greatly simplifies the preparatory activities for aerial photography.

Firstly, you don’t need an airfield, even the most primitive one. Unmanned aerial vehicles are launched either by hand or using a special take-off device - a catapult.

Secondly, especially when using an electric propulsion circuit, there is no need for qualified technical assistance to maintain the aircraft, and measures to ensure safety at the work site are not so complex.

Thirdly, the inter-regulatory period of operation of a UAV is absent or much longer than that of a manned aircraft.

This circumstance is of great importance when operating an aerial photography complex in remote areas of our country. As a rule, the field season for aerial photography is short; every fine day must be used for surveying.


two main UAV layout schemes: classical (according to the “fuselage + wings + tail” scheme), which includes, for example, the Orlan-10 UAV, Mavinci SIRIUS (Fig. 1), etc., and the “flying wing”, which includes include Geoscan101 (Fig. 2), Gatewing X100, Trimble UX5, etc.

The main parts of an unmanned aerial photography system are: body, engine, on-board control system (autopilot), ground control system (GCS) and aerial photography equipment.

The UAV body is made of lightweight plastic (such as carbon fiber or Kevlar) to protect expensive camera equipment and controls and navigation, and its wings are made of plastic or extruded polystyrene foam (EPP). This material is lightweight, quite durable and does not break upon impact. A deformed EPP part can often be restored using improvised means.

A lightweight UAV with a parachute landing can withstand several hundred flights without repair, which usually includes replacing wings, fuselage elements, etc. Manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of parts of the body that are subject to wear, so that the user’s costs for maintaining the UAV in working order are minimal.

It should be noted that the most expensive elements of the aerial photography complex are the ground control system, avionics, software, - are not subject to wear at all.

The UAV's power plant can be gasoline or electric. Moreover, a gasoline engine will provide a much longer flight, since gasoline, per kilogram, stores 10–15 times more energy than can be stored in the best battery. However, such a power plant is complex, less reliable and requires considerable time to prepare the UAV for launch. In addition, an unmanned aerial vehicle with gasoline engine It is extremely difficult to transport to the work site by plane. Finally, it requires highly qualified operators. Therefore, it makes sense to use a gasoline UAV only in cases where a very long flight duration is required - for continuous monitoring, for examining particularly remote objects.

An electric propulsion system, on the contrary, is very undemanding in terms of the qualification level of the operating personnel. Modern batteries can provide a continuous flight duration of over four hours. Servicing an electric motor is not difficult at all. Mostly this is only protection from moisture and dirt, as well as checking the voltage of the on-board network, which is carried out from the ground control system. The batteries are charged from the on-board network of the accompanying vehicle or from an autonomous electric generator. The brushless electric motor of a UAV has virtually no wear and tear.

The autopilot - with an inertial system (Fig. 3) - is the most important control element of the UAV.

The autopilot weighs only 20–30 grams. But this is a very complex product. In addition to a powerful processor, the autopilot contains many sensors - a three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer (and sometimes a magnetometer), GLO-NAS/GPS receiver, pressure sensor, airspeed sensor. With these devices, an unmanned aerial vehicle will be able to fly strictly on a given course.

Rice. 3. AutopilotMicropilot

The UAV has a radio modem necessary for downloading the flight mission, transmitting telemetric data about the flight and the current location at the work site to the ground control system.

Ground control system

(NSU) is a tablet computer or laptop equipped with a modem for communication with the UAV. An important part of the NCS is software for planning a flight mission and displaying the progress of its implementation.

As a rule, a flight mission is compiled automatically, according to a given contour of an area object or nodal points of a linear object. In addition, it is possible to design flight routes based on the required flight altitude and the required resolution of photographs on the ground. To automatically maintain a given flight altitude, it is possible to take into account a digital terrain model in common formats in the flight mission.

During the flight, the position of the UAV and the contours of the photographs taken are displayed on the cartographic background of the NSU monitor. During the flight, the operator has the opportunity to quickly redirect the UAV to another landing area and even quickly land the drone using the “red” button of the ground control system. Upon command from the NCS, other auxiliary operations can be planned, for example, parachute release.

In addition to providing navigation and flight support, the autopilot must control the camera to take pictures at a given frame interval (as soon as the UAV has flown the required distance from the previous photographing center). If the pre-calculated frame interval is not maintained stably, you have to adjust the shutter response time so that even with a tailwind, the longitudinal overlap is sufficient.

The autopilot must register the coordinates of the photographing centers of the GLONASS/GPS geodetic satellite receiver so that the automatic image processing program can quickly build a model and tie it to the terrain. The required accuracy in determining the coordinates of photographing centers depends on the technical specifications for performing aerial photography work.

Aerial photography equipment is installed on a UAV depending on its class and purpose of use.

Micro- and mini-UAVs are equipped with compact digital cameras, equipped with interchangeable lenses with constant focal length(without zoom or zoom device) weighing 300–500 grams. SONY NEX-7 cameras are currently used as such cameras.

with a 24.3 MP matrix, CANON600D 18.5 MP matrix and the like. The shutter is controlled and the signal from the shutter is transmitted to the satellite receiver using standard or slightly modified electrical connectors of the camera.

Lightweight short-range UAVs are equipped with SLR cameras with a large photosensitive element, for example CanonEOS5D (sensor size 36×24 mm), NikonD800 (matrix 36.8 MP (sensor size 35.9×24 mm)), Pentax645D (CCD sensor 44x33 mm, 40 MP matrix) and the like, weighing 1.0–1.5 kilograms.

Rice. 4. Layout of aerial photographs (blue rectangles with number signatures)


According to the requirements of the document “Basic provisions for aerial photography performed to create and update topographic maps and plans" GKINP-09-32-80 the carrier of aerial photography equipment must extremely accurately follow the design position of aerial photography routes, maintain a given level (photographing height), and ensure compliance with the maximum deviations in camera orientation angles - tilt, roll, pitch. In addition, navigation equipment must provide the exact time of operation of the photo shutter and determine the coordinates of photographing centers.

The equipment integrated into the autopilot was indicated above: a microbarometer, an airspeed sensor, an inertial system, and navigation satellite equipment. Based on the tests carried out (in particular, the Geoscan101 UAV), the following deviations of the actual shooting parameters from the specified ones were established:

UAV deviations from the route axis are in the range of 5–10 meters;

Photography height deviations are in the range of 5–10 meters;

Fluctuation in photographing heights of adjacent images - no more

The “herringbones” that appear during flight (reversals of images in the horizontal plane) are processed by an automated photogrammetric processing system without noticeable negative consequences.

Photographic equipment installed on a UAV allows you to obtain digital images of the area with a resolution of better than 3 centimeters per pixel. The use of short-, medium-, and long-focal photographic lenses is determined by the nature of the resulting finished materials: be it a relief model or an orthomosaic. All calculations are made in the same way as in “large” aerial photography.

The use of a dual-frequency GLO-NASS/GPS satellite geodetic system to determine the coordinates of image centers allows, in the process of post-processing, to obtain the coordinates of photographing centers with an accuracy of better than 5 centimeters, and the use of the PPP (PrecisePoint Positioning) method allows one to determine the coordinates of image centers without the use of base stations or at a significant distance from them.

The final processing of aerial photography materials can serve as an objective criterion for assessing the quality of the work performed. To illustrate, we can consider the data on assessing the accuracy of photogrammetric processing of aerial photography materials from a UAV, performed in the PhotoScan software (manufactured by Agisoſt, St. Petersburg) according to control points (Table 2).

Point numbers

Errors along coordinate axes, m

Abs, pix


(ΔD)2= ΔХ2+ ΔY2+ ΔZ2


In the world, and in lately and in Russia, unmanned aerial vehicles are used in geodetic surveys during construction, for drawing up cadastral plans of industrial facilities, transport infrastructure, settlements, summer cottages, in surveying to determine the volume of mine workings and dumps, when taking into account the movement of bulk cargo in quarries, ports, mining and processing plants, to create maps, plans and 3D models of cities and enterprises.

3. Tseplyaeva T.P., Morozova O.V. Stages of development of unmanned aerial vehicles. M., “Open information and computer integrated technologies”, No. 42, 2009.


I want to say right away that it is difficult to believe in this, almost impossible, the stereotype is to blame for everything, but I will try to present this clearly and justify it with specific tests.

My article is intended for people associated with aviation or those who are interested in aviation.

In 2000, an idea arose about the trajectory of a mechanical blade moving in a circle with a turn on its axis. As shown in Fig.1.

And so imagine, the blade (1), (flat rectangular plate, side view) rotating in a circle (3) rotates on its axis (2) in a certain dependence, by 2 degrees of rotation along the circle, 1 degree of rotation on its axis (2) . As a result, we have the trajectory of the blade (1) shown in Fig. 1. Now imagine that the blade is in a fluid, in air or water, with this movement the following happens: moving in one direction (5) around the circle, the blade has maximum resistance to the fluid, and moving in the other direction (4) around the circle, has minimal resistance to fluid.

This is the principle of operation of the propulsion device; all that remains is to invent a mechanism that executes the trajectory of the blade. This is what I did from 2000 to 2013. The mechanism was called VRK, which stands for rotating deployable wing. IN this description wing, blade, and plate have the same meaning.

I created my own workshop and started creating, tried different options, and around 2004-2005 I got the following result.

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

I made a simulator to test the lifting force of the lifting rocket, Fig. 2. The VRK is made of three blades, the blades along the inner perimeter have a stretched red raincoat fabric, the purpose of the simulator is to overcome the force of gravity of 4 kg. Fig.3. I attached the steelyard to the VRK shaft. Result Fig.4:

Rice. 4

The simulator easily lifted this load, there was a report on local television, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Bira, these are stills from this report. Then I added speed and adjusted it to 7 kg, the simulator lifted this load too, after that I tried to add more speed, but the mechanism could not stand it. Therefore, I can judge the experiment by this result, although it is not final, but in numbers it looks like this:

The clip shows a simulator for testing the lifting force of a lifting rocket. The horizontal structure is hinged on legs, with a rotary control valve installed on one side and a drive on the other. Drive – el. motor 0.75 kW, electric efficiency engine 0.75%, that is, in fact the engine produces 0.75 * 0.75 = 0.5625 kW, we know that 1 hp = 0.7355 kW.

Before turning on the simulator, I weigh the VRK shaft with a steelyard; the weight is 4 kg. This can be seen from the clip, after the report I changed the gear ratio, added speed and added weight, as a result the simulator lifted 7 kilograms, then when the weight and speed increased, it could not stand it. Let's return to the calculations after the fact, if 0.5625 kW lifts 7 kg, then 1 hp = 0.7355 kW will lift 0.7355 kW/0.5625 kW = 1.3 and 7 * 1.3 = 9.1 kg.

During testing, the VRK propulsion unit showed a vertical lift force of 9.1 kg per horsepower. For example, a helicopter has half the lifting force. (I compare technical specifications helicopters, where the maximum take-off weight per engine power is 3.5-4 kg/per 1 hp, for an airplane it is 8 kg/per 1 hp). I would like to note that this is not the final result; for testing, the lifting force must be made in the factory and on a stand with precision instruments to determine the lifting force.

The propeller of the VRK, has technical feasibility, change the direction of the driving force by 360 degrees, this allows you to take off vertically and switch to horizontal movement. In this article I do not dwell on this issue; this is set out in my patents.

Received 2 patents for VRK Fig.5, Fig.6, but today they are not valid for non-payment. But all the information for creating a VRK is not contained in patents.

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Rice. 6

Now the most difficult thing is that everyone has a stereotype about existing aircraft, these are airplanes and helicopters (I am not taking examples of jet-powered aircraft or rockets).

VRK - having an advantage over a propeller such as higher driving force and changing the direction of movement by 360 degrees, allows you to create completely new aircraft for various purposes that will take off vertically from any site and smoothly transition into horizontal movement.

In terms of complexity of production, aircraft with propeller-propelled propellers are no more complicated than a car; the purpose of aircraft can be very different:

  • Individual, put it on your back, and flew like a bird;
  • Family type of transport, for 4-5 people, Fig. 7;
  • Municipal transport: ambulance, police, administration, fire, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc., Fig. 7;
  • Airbuses for peripheral and intercity traffic, Fig. 8;
  • An aircraft taking off vertically on a propeller, switching to jet engines, Fig. 9;
  • And any aircraft for all kinds of tasks.

Rice. 7

Rice. 8

Rice. 9

Their appearance and the principle of flight are difficult to perceive. In addition to aircraft, the propeller can be used as a propulsion device for swimming vehicles, but we do not touch on this topic here.

VRK is a whole area that I can’t cope with alone, I would like to hope that this area will be needed in Russia.

Having received the result in 2004-2005, I was inspired and hoped that I would quickly convey my thoughts to the specialists, but until this happened, all the years I have been making new versions of the propeller control system, using different kinematic schemes, but the test result was negative. In 2011, repeated the 2004-2005 version, el. the engine was turned on via an inverter, this ensured soft start The VRK, however, the VRK mechanism was made from materials available to me according to a simplified version, so I can’t give the maximum load, I adjusted it to 2 kg.

I slowly raise the engine speed. engine, as a result the airborne rocket launcher exhibits a silent, smooth takeoff.

Full clip of the latest challenge:

On this optimistic note, I bid you farewell.

Sincerely, Kokhochev Anatoly Alekseevich.

It is unlikely that robots will ever completely replace humans in those areas of activity that require rapid adoption of non-standard decisions, such as in peaceful life, and in battle. However, the development of drones in the last nine years has become fashion trend military aircraft industry. Many militarily leading countries are mass producing UAVs. Russia has not yet managed not only to take its traditional leadership position in the field of weapons design, but also to overcome the gap in this segment of defense technologies. However, work in this direction is underway.

Motivation for UAV development

The first results of using unmanned aircraft appeared back in the forties, however, the technology of that time was more consistent with the concept of an “aircraft-projectile”. Cruise missile"Fau" could fly in one direction with its own course control system, built on the inertial-gyroscopic principle.

In the 50s and 60s Soviet systems Air defense reached high level efficiency, and began to pose a serious danger to aircraft probable enemy in the event of a real confrontation. The wars in Vietnam and the Middle East caused real panic among US and Israeli pilots. Cases of refusals to carry out combat missions in areas covered by anti-aircraft systems Soviet made. Ultimately, the reluctance to put the lives of pilots at mortal risk prompted design companies to look for a way out.

Start of practical application

The first country to use unmanned aircraft was Israel. In 1982, during the conflict with Syria (Bekaa Valley), reconnaissance aircraft operating in robotic mode appeared in the sky. With their help, the Israelis managed to detect battle formations Enemy air defense, which made it possible to launch a missile strike on them.

The first drones were intended exclusively for reconnaissance flights over “hot” territories. Currently, attack drones are also used, which have weapons and ammunition on board and directly carry out bomb and missile attacks on suspected enemy positions.

The United States has the largest number of them, where Predators and other types of combat aircraft are mass-produced.

Application experience military aviation in the modern period, in particular the operation to pacify the South Ossetian conflict in 2008, has shown that Russia also needs UAVs. Conducting heavy reconnaissance in the face of enemy air defense is risky and leads to unjustified losses. As it turned out, there are certain shortcomings in this area.


The dominant modern idea today is the opinion that Russia needs attack UAVs to a lesser extent than reconnaissance ones. You can strike the enemy with fire using a variety of means, including high-precision tactical missiles and artillery. Much more important is information about the deployment of his forces and correct target designation. As American experience has shown, the use of drones directly for shelling and bombing leads to numerous mistakes, the death of civilians and their own soldiers. This does not exclude a complete abandonment of strike models, but only reveals a promising direction along which new Russian UAVs will be developed in the near future. It would seem that the country that just recently occupied a leading position in the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles is doomed to success today. Back in the first half of the 60s, aircraft were created that flew in automatic mode: La-17R (1963), Tu-123 (1964) and others. The leadership remained in the 70s and 80s. However, in the nineties, the technological gap became obvious, and an attempt to eliminate it in the last decade, accompanied by the expenditure of five billion rubles, did not give the expected result.

Current situation

At the moment, the most promising UAVs in Russia are represented by the following main models:

In practice, the only serial UAVs in Russia are now represented by the complex artillery reconnaissance"Tipchak", capable of performing a narrowly defined range of combat missions related to target designation. The agreement between Oboronprom and IAI for large-scale assembly of Israeli drones, signed in 2010, can be viewed as a temporary measure that does not ensure the development of Russian technologies, but only covers a gap in the range of domestic defense production.

Some promising models can be reviewed individually as part of publicly available information.


Take-off weight is one ton, which is not so little for a drone. The design development is carried out by the Transas company, and flight tests of prototypes are currently underway. The layout, V-shaped tail, wide wing, takeoff and landing method (aircraft), and general characteristics approximately correspond to those of the currently most common American Predator. The Russian UAV "Inokhodets" will be able to carry a variety of equipment allowing for reconnaissance at any time of the day, aerial photography and telecommunications support. It is assumed that it will be possible to produce shock, reconnaissance and civil modifications.


The main model is reconnaissance; it is equipped with video and photo cameras, a thermal imager and other recording equipment. Attack UAVs can also be produced on the basis of a heavy airframe. Russia needs Dozor-600 more as a universal platform for testing technologies for the production of more powerful drones, but the launch of this particular drone into mass production cannot be ruled out either. The project is currently under development. The date of the first flight was 2009, at the same time the sample was presented at the MAKS international exhibition. Designed by Transas.


It can be assumed that at the moment the largest attack UAVs in Russia are Altair, developed by the Sokol Design Bureau. The project also has another name - “Altius-M”. The take-off weight of these drones is five tons, it will be built by the Kazan Gorbunov Aviation Plant, part of Joint stock company"Tupolev". The cost of the contract concluded with the Ministry of Defense is approximately one billion rubles. It is also known that these new Russian UAVs have dimensions comparable to those of an interceptor aircraft:

  • length - 11,600 mm;
  • wingspan - 28,500 mm;
  • tail span - 6,000 mm.

The power of two screw aviation diesel engines is 1000 hp. With. These Russian reconnaissance and attack UAVs will be able to stay in the air for up to two days, covering a distance of 10 thousand kilometers. Little is known about electronic equipment; one can only guess about its capabilities.

Other types

Other Russian UAVs are also in promising development, for example, the aforementioned “Okhotnik”, an unmanned heavy drone that is also capable of performing various functions, both information and reconnaissance and strike-assault. In addition, there is also diversity in the principle of the device. UAVs come in both airplane and helicopter types. A large number of rotors provides the ability to effectively maneuver and hover over an object of interest, producing high-quality photography. Information can be quickly transmitted over encrypted communication channels or accumulated in the built-in memory of the equipment. UAV control can be algorithmic-software, remote or combined, in which the return to the base is carried out automatically in case of loss of control.

Apparently, unmanned Russian vehicles will soon be neither qualitatively nor quantitatively inferior to foreign models.

Fifth-generation fighters have not yet become full-fledged weapons of war, and heated discussions are already flaring up about the sixth generation of winged machines. It is still difficult to describe in detail the appearance of the latter, but some trends are already obvious.

Generation Conflict

The issue of generations of winged aircraft is debatable; there is often no clear line between them. The fifth generation, which has managed to set its teeth on edge, is characterized, first of all, by stealth, supersonic cruising speed and super-maneuverability, as well as integration into a unified information and command system.

But no matter how advanced fifth-generation aviation systems are, they have one weak link: people. It is believed that the combat potential of a fighter today is hampered by the limitations of the human body and mind. That is why there is reason to argue that sixth-generation cars can become completely unmanned and will be capable of speed and maneuverability that designers of past years never dreamed of.

airplanes of the future

However, this seemingly obvious thesis is only partly true. The fact is that neither enormous speed nor outstanding maneuverability can save aircraft from anti-aircraft missiles. Over the past decades, air defense systems have made a big leap forward, and now almost the only salvation from them is stealth.

On the other hand, the use of stealth technologies often leads to a deterioration in flight characteristics, and always to a sharp increase in the cost of the aircraft. The price difference is especially noticeable for unmanned systems. For example, the RQ-4 Global Hawk reconnaissance UAV costs $140 million, while promising American devices built using stealth technology will cost several times more. Therefore, the question of whether the sixth generation fighter will be unmanned largely lies in the economic plane.

According to leading experts, such an aircraft should exist in both manned and unmanned versions, and the manned version can be used as a leader for a small flight, including several unmanned vehicles. But why turn a fighter into a drone control center? Isn’t it easier to do it from the ground? The problem is that UAVs are not yet fully autonomous, and sending signals from several thousand kilometers away means delays. In modern air combat, where everything is decided by fractions of seconds, such a delay is like death. In addition, in a serious conflict, both sides will actively use all kinds of jammers: at such moments it is better to stay close to their drones.

airplanes of the future

airplanes of the future

It is believed that the appearance of the next generation of combat vehicles will be very different from the previous ones: even more inconspicuous, they should gain even greater flight capabilities. If fifth-generation vehicles can perform complex maneuvers at subsonic speeds, then the sixth generation should do this already at supersonic speed, and in afterburner gain hypersonic speed (exceeding Mach 5 - about 6 thousand km/h).

Otherwise, sixth-generation cars will not be fundamentally different from the fifth or fourth generation, with two pluses. They will learn to interact even more widely with land or sea units. The weapons will become even more long-range, which will make it possible to operate hundreds of kilometers from the affected area anti-aircraft missile systems enemy. The gigantic price of combat vehicles will not allow the creation of highly specialized aircraft; fighters will only expand their versatility by learning to use the entire range of existing weapons.

The sixth generation will not soon supplant the fifth. Even generation four plus fighters will serve for many more decades, and aircraft such as the PAK FA will remain in service until the 2050s. The modernization potential of modern fighters is very great, and sixth-generation technologies will first find their application on machines of the previous generation.

Perhaps, in addition to the adjustable bombs and missiles we are accustomed to, we will also add laser weapon. Thus, the US Air Force plans to equip the sixth generation with several types of laser systems. Low-power – for disabling enemy sensors, medium-power – for destroying missiles. Finally, powerful lasers will have to hit enemy aircraft and disable ground equipment. But in order to seriously talk about this, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the power source, increase the power and reduce the price of laser systems.

airplanes of the future


With a request to clarify the question of what the sixth generation fighters will look like, we turned to a senior lecturer at the National Aerospace University. N. E. Zhukovsky to Pavel Solyanik. “The challenges facing fighter aircraft designers have not changed,” he explained. – One of the main aspects is more powerful engines. They should allow the development of supersonic cruising speed without the use of afterburner. In addition, they must be economical and allow flight at high altitudes. Maintainability is another important area in the creation of new combat vehicles. There is an opinion that sixth generation fighters will be hypersonic. Indeed, now there are hypersonic aircraft, but they all exist only in the form of experimental models. As you know, the difference between an experimental and a production device is very, very great.”

The Americans came up with the idea of ​​dividing jet fighters into generations, but not everyone agrees with their methodology. For example, the Swedes classify their Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighter as the fifth generation. They believe that the latest generation should include all fighters that can operate within a single information field.

We asked the same question to the producer, QA manager, aviation documentation specialist at Eagle Dynamics, which develops military flight simulators, including for the US Air Force, Andrey Chizh. “In the United States, the “face” of the sixth generation fighter is already being determined,” he said. – Basic and fundamental difference from existing cars is that the sixth generation will most likely be unmanned. The absence of a person on board solves many problems at once, starting with physiological limitations human body on overload and flight duration, and ending with moral and ethical problems of the possible death of the pilot.”

airplanes of the future

“With the end of the Cold War, the rate of change of aircraft generations slowed down greatly,” added Andrei Chizh. – If in the middle of the 20th century the change of generation took place in 10-15 years, then the fourth generation of fighters served for 30-40 years. The fifth generation, according to some forecasts, will last more than 50 years. During this time, combat artificial intelligence technologies will advance far forward, which will make it possible to create unmanned vehicles more efficient than manned ones. Already today, promising UAVs such as the X-47, which are designed for reconnaissance and strike operations without human intervention, are being tested. They, with certain reservations, can be considered the first swallows of a new generation. The first prototypes of such fighters will probably appear in the 2020-2030s of our century. Most likely in the USA.

Bald Eagle

As you can guess from the title, we will talk about American developments. Indeed, it was the Americans who came closest to understanding what a sixth generation fighter should be like.

The US Navy is very interested in such an aircraft. The US Navy currently operates more than 450 modern F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighters and about 400 other modifications of the F/A-18. In the foreseeable future, a carrier-based modification of the F-35, the F35C, will be added to them. But the hornets' resource is not unlimited, and the F-35 program has been harshly criticized for being too expensive and not very effective.

airplanes of the future

Paradoxically, the Pentagon’s most expensive project, the newest F-35 fighter, does not formally belong to the fifth generation. It is believed that a fifth-generation fighter should be able to fly at supersonic speeds without using afterburner and have super maneuverability. The F-35 fighter is not capable of this. In addition, the aircraft is inferior to many fourth-generation aircraft in terms of thrust-to-weight ratio.

Especially for the American fleet, Boeing developed the concept of the sixth generation carrier-based fighter F/A-XX. Sometimes this program is also called Next Generation Air Dominance. In the future, the F/A-XX will be part of the aviation group of Gerald Ford-class aircraft carriers, which will begin service in 2015. F/A-XX fighters can be used to gain air superiority, destroy mobile and stationary ground targets, and also destroy enemy ships.

The appearance of the sixth generation fighter was presented to the public in 2008, during the San Diego Air Show. It is created using a “tailless” aerodynamic design: there is no vertical tail, and the wing shape resembles the wings of the stealthy F-22 and F-35. If you believe the Americans that in terms of frontal stealth the F-22 can be compared to an insect, then we should believe that the F/A-XX will become even more invisible. It will be almost impossible to detect such an aircraft with outdated radar.

In the image, the F/A-XX appears as a two-seater aircraft, which indirectly confirms the idea that it is used to control a UAV. In the future, a second pilot will most likely not be needed to carry out standard combat missions. But for coordinating the actions of drones built on the F/A-XX base, the operator is very useful. The developers believe that the unmanned version will be able to stay in the air for up to 50 hours.

The gigantic weight of the F/A-XX leaves a strange impression. It’s hard to imagine how a huge 45-ton “monster” soars into the sky from the deck of an aircraft carrier. On the other hand, an increase total mass fighters have been a trend in recent decades, and this issue is being resolved by installing more powerful engines. For example, the empty weight of the F-22A is even greater than the weight of the rather heavy Su-27 (19,700 kg versus 16,300 kg for the Su-27P), but the thrust-to-weight ratio - the ratio of engine power to the weight of the aircraft - is better in the F-22A.

airplanes of the future

At the first stage, the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, the most powerful of the existing ones, can be used for the F/A‑XX: in afterburner it is capable of developing thrust up to 19,500 kgf. The F-35 is currently equipped with it, but unlike them, the F/A-XX will have two F135 engines. The F/A-XX fighter could become operational around 2025-2030, but to seriously talk about full-fledged development, the American fleet needs to find at least $40 billion.

In addition to the F/A-XX project, there is another sixth-generation concept from Boeing - the F-X. As far as one can judge, it involves the creation of a fighter not for the fleet, but within the framework of the requirements of the US Air Force. Such an aircraft will have to replace the F-22A Raptor in the Air Force. The head of the Boeing Phantom Works division, Darryl Davis, said that new fighter will fly faster than the F-35 and will be able to reach supersonic cruising speed. The F-X's air intakes are located at the top of the fuselage - a rather unusual solution for a fighter aircraft. So far, the concept is being developed only at the expense of Boeing itself: in recent years, the Pentagon has been allocating money for new developments without much zeal. In addition to creating two different combat vehicles, a version of a single fighter for the US Air Force and Navy is being developed.

As one might expect, another powerful corporation, Lockheed Martin, has joined the arms race. Its vision for the sixth generation differs from Boeing's projects. The LM concept looks somewhat more traditional: the aircraft is made using an integrated aerodynamic design and is in many ways similar to the YF-23. It will gradually replace the F-22A after the 2030s. There is almost no information on the new project; it doesn’t even have a name yet. But it is clear that Lockheed Martin will put special emphasis on reducing the aircraft's radar signature. The company's employees have extensive experience in this area, because the stealth fighters F-22A and F-35 are their development.

airplanes of the future

Technology demonstrators

The Europeans approached the issue of a new generation in an original way: they abandoned the fifth and immediately moved on to creating the sixth. Dassault nEUROn became a kind of test for new generation technologies. A reconnaissance and strike drone made using stealth technology first saw the sky in 2012. The device is subsonic and can reach a maximum speed of Mach 0.8. The experimental UAV will not go into production, but will allow us to test a number of technologies that will form the basis of real sixth-generation machines. But even if a new generation aircraft is created in Europe, it is naive to believe that it will be able to compete with American fighters. Still, it is quite difficult to step over an entire generation and remain on par with leading manufacturers.

China is currently busy developing fifth-generation fighters J-20 and J-31 and is also not averse to dreaming up the theme of the aircraft of the future. In 2013, the Chinese Lijian stealth strike drone flew, the technologies of which will ensure this very future. Lijian can carry a payload weighing up to 2 tons, and its flight range reaches 4 thousand km. You can be completely confident that Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation and Shenyang will soon come close to the appearance of the new aircraft.

airplanes of the future

Japan has also expressed a desire to acquire a sixth generation. The fighter will be created based on the experience gained from testing the experimental ATD-X device. The development of the sixth generation will be carried out jointly with the Americans. The ATD-X project itself is sometimes called a fifth-generation prototype, but this, as far as can be judged, is incorrect. ATD-X is not a prototype, but a demonstrator of future technologies.

How are things going in Russia?

In order to maintain its status as a great power, Russia needs to focus on new technologies. The development of a sixth-generation fighter is included in the plans of the Russian leadership, but exactly when it will begin is unknown. The fifth generation fighter T-50 PAK FA is seen as an important link in the chain leading to new aircraft. Much of what will be used on the sixth generation vehicle is planned to be developed on the PAK FA.

Last year, former commander-in-chief of the Russian Air Force Pyotr Deinekin said that Russian specialists are already working on the appearance of the new combat vehicle - the sixth generation fighter will probably be unmanned. But it will hardly be possible to create it faster than the Americans. While Russia successfully competes with the United States in the field of manned military aviation, it lags very noticeably behind in terms of drones. UAV testing dates are constantly being postponed, and the tests themselves often end in failure.

airplanes of the future

True, honored test pilot Sergei Bogdan believes that there is no need to rush things, just as manned aviation should not be written off. Moreover, in his opinion, the first sixth-generation fighter will appear only in fifteen years, and during this time a lot can change.

Although the situation with the development of unmanned technologies in Russia is difficult, they still do not stand still. The most ambitious domestic project in this area is the stealthy Skat UAV, the technology of which may someday form the basis of a sixth-generation fighter. The reconnaissance and strike drone was developed by the MiG Design Bureau and presented at the MAKS-2007 air show. Alas, the vehicle shown was just a mock-up, and further development of the Stingray was frozen.

In conclusion, we note that now any confident forecasts regarding the sixth generation are premature. Most likely, sixth-generation fighters will inherit a lot from the fifth, and in addition to this, they will become unmanned. A more predictable option is that unmanned and manned versions of the new fighters will coexist. At least at the first stage.