A simple recipe for delicious vanilla cupcakes at home, step by step with photos. How to make the perfect cupcakes

  • Flour and sugar - a glass each,
  • Butter – 100 g,
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • Milk – 100 ml,
  • Baking powder – 1 sachet (can be replaced with 0.5 tsp soda),
  • Vanilla, cinnamon - to taste,
  • Chocolate bar for filling - optional.

Cooking process:

Cupcake dough is very similar to biscuit dough, but there is still a difference. In the biscuit, we first beat the eggs and sugar until foamy. But in cupcakes, butter and sugar are first creamed, and then the rest of the ingredients are added.

So, soft (not melted!) butter needs to be ground with sugar to form a paste.

Add eggs, cinnamon and vanilla, stir.

Mix flour with baking powder (soda) and add it to total mass, stir. At this stage, you can add flavorings (cinnamon or vanilla) to the flour, as well as cocoa if you are preparing chocolate dough. Pour in the milk in a thin stream, while continuously stirring the dough. You should get a homogeneous consistency.

Fill paper molds literally 2/3 full with dough, place a small piece of chocolate in the center and immediately place in a preheated oven. If you fill the molds to the brim, the dough will “escape” from them during baking and the paper form will be damaged. Cupcakes are baked for about 15-20 minutes. gas oven. An electric oven will take a little longer. The baking process and readiness of the cupcakes also depends on the size of the molds. We check by piercing a toothpick or a wooden stick. If it is dry and there is no dough on it, the baking is ready.

How to make cupcakes in a slow cooker

When for some reason there is no oven in the apartment, well, anything can happen in life, a multicooker will come to the rescue. Knead the dough according to the principle described above. We also put it into the molds, not forgetting about the filling volume.

Place paper or silicone molds in the cold bowl of the multicooker, close the lid and cook on the “baking” program.

How long does it take to bake? Since we preheat the oven in advance and use a cold slow cooker, the cooking time will be 40 minutes. The error is plus or minus 5 minutes, it all depends on the power of your multi-pan.

How to decorate

We must decorate the finished baked goods. Beautiful multi-colored mastic or cream caps are business card cupcakes. In addition to the cream, you can use homemade glaze and various confectionery toppings. We described how to make elastic mastic with condensed milk at home in one of the cake recipes on our website, but we won’t focus on this. You can go to the recipe itself and study everything in detail there if you like this type of decoration.

We will clearly show in the photo several design options. This universal option Suitable for almost any holiday:

And this way you can congratulate the family on christenings, name days or the baby’s birthday.

Below is the recipe for the cupcake cream.

Protein cream “wet meringue”

The recipe is worthy of attention. Holds its shape well, shiny, bright (especially when using food coloring), with a pleasant sourness, not cloyingly sweet. Raw whipped whites are heat-treated, so it can also be given to children (provided that your child is not allergic to chicken protein).

Ingredients for protein cream:

  • 4 chicken squirrels,
  • 200 g granulated sugar,
  • Crystalline citric acid - on the tip of a knife,
  • Food coloring - optional.

Making cream from whites

Separate the whites from the yolks. By the way, you can make good food from proteins custard without flour. Beat the egg whites and sugar with a mixer for 2-3 minutes. Then continue to beat in a water bath for 10 minutes, remove from the bath and beat for another minute so that the cream cools. At this point you can add coloring.

White cream without dyes looks very impressive!

How to beautifully decorate New Year's cupcakes with protein cream according to this recipe, you can clearly see in this photo.

Cupcake “Herringbone”:

The protein custard has green food coloring added to it, the top is decorated with colorful confetti sprinkles, and the top is decorated with a fondant star.

In the main photo, this Christmas tree is decorated with a miniature Santa Claus made of mastic (finished figurine).

By the way, blue spruces also look very original!

  • The oven must be preheated to the desired temperature before baking.
  • Carefully read the instructions on the packaging for the molds; some of them must be greased with butter. If you add cocoa powder to the dough, you will get chocolate cupcakes.
  • If you have little experience in baking, then you can start with the basic recipe, but the next step should definitely be preparing cupcakes with filling, it can be chocolate, berry, banana, etc.
  • Protein cream can be applied to hot muffins, but any cream or sour cream cannot. Wait for the cupcakes to cool.
  • If you don’t have time to fuss with cream or glaze, buy ready-made ones in a bag and prepare according to the instructions on the package.

How to eat a cupcake:
1. Choose a small cupcake that has more frosting than the others.
2. Remove part of the paper mold,
3. Take a bite.
4. Then try only the cream.
5. Repeat all over again as soon as there is nothing left from the first cupcake.

(from the Runet)

It won’t be difficult for a person, even someone who did poorly at school, to translate the word “cupcake” into Russian. Cup (cup) - cup, cake (cake) - cupcake. A cupcake the size of a cup is what a cupcake is. The fashion for bright sweets has taken over the whole world. And it all started in America in 1828, when a recipe for small cupcakes decorated with a top of cream was mentioned in the cookbook of E. Leslie, famous in the West. Over time it formed classic recipe, called “quarter” because it consisted of four ingredients: 1 cup. butter, 2 stacks. sugar, 3 cups. flour, 4 eggs.

In America, cupcake baking is treated with almost the same reverence as in Russia Easter cake. In no case should butter be replaced with margarine, the freshest eggs should be used, finely ground sugar, and all kinds of fillers, of which there is no limit - the most best quality, and all in order to end up with tender, melt-in-your-mouth delicacies. Decorating cupcakes is a separate topic. A cream hat or frosting with marzipan figures, thematic drawings or funny abstract patterns, chocolate, hearts, faces, butterflies and even miniature “teddy” bears made from cookies - all this variety will turn the head of any sweet tooth! Cupcakes are the perfect treat for an office party or buffet. Multi-tiered “cakes” made from cupcakes look no less elegant than monumental structures made from sponge cake and cream, and they are a pleasure to eat - they do not require dishes or cutlery and do not need to be cut.

With the arrival of microwave ovens in our kitchens, cupcakes began to be prepared again in the old-fashioned way - in mugs! Pour the dough into a suitable mug and set to bake at maximum power; 3-5 minutes is usually enough. But we'll talk about baking cupcakes in the oven. For baking cupcakes, special metal molds with a non-stick coating are designed so that the cupcakes can be removed from the molds without much difficulty. Silicone molds are much more convenient in this regard. Well, if we talk about the classics of the genre, then real cupcakes need to be baked in corrugated paper molds, which are inserted into denser ones (metal or silicone). Paper molds are also preferable because the cupcakes stay fresh longer in them, while the molds themselves become an additional decoration for the cupcakes and make their consumption more hygienic. The molds must be greased with oil and filled with dough to no more than ⅔ of the volume. At first glance, the dough for cupcakes is not much different from the dough for muffins, with the only difference being that muffins can be not only sweet, but also fresh and even salty, but cupcakes can never be. A cupcake is a mini cake, and that's it.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar
3 eggs,

½ cup milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract.

Beat the butter, powdered sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating each time. Add half the amount of flour and milk, stir thoroughly, then add the remaining milk and flour. Grease the baking pans with oil and fill ⅔ full with the mixture. Bake at 180ºC for 15-17 minutes. After baking, keep the cupcakes in the pans for a couple of minutes, then remove from the pans and cool on a wire rack. Decorate with cream.

2 stacks self-raising flour,
¾ stack. powdered sugar
¾ stack. milk,
125 g butter,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla.
For decoration:
1 ½ cups powdered sugar
1 - 1 ½ tbsp. water,
pink food coloring,
“Petit Bon” or “M&M”s candies - for decoration.

Mix the sifted flour and caster sugar in a bowl and make a well. Pour in the milk, melted butter, eggs and vanilla and stir until smooth. Place in prepared pans and bake at 200ºC for 12-15 minutes. Leave in pans for 5 minutes, then cool on a wire rack. To make the glaze, sift the powdered sugar into a bowl, add the coloring and mix. Add water little by little, stirring constantly, until you get a smooth, shiny mass.
Spread the frosting onto the cupcakes and arrange the candies into patterns.

150 g flour,
2 tbsp. cocoa powder,
1 des.l. baking powder,
¼ tsp. salt,
1 egg
40 g powdered sugar,
120 ml milk,
50 g butter,
50 g dark chocolate.
65 g dark chocolate,
24 maraschino cherries,
powdered sugar.

Sift flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt into one bowl. In another bowl, whisk together the egg, sugar, milk and melted butter. Take a sieve and sift the dry ingredients directly into the bowl with the egg-butter mixture. Then quickly, literally within 15 seconds, stir the mixture, add the grated chocolate and also stir as quickly as possible. Divide the dough into 24 miniature molds and bake at 200ºC for 10 minutes. Then let sit in the pans for 5 minutes and cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate over a double boiler, pour it over each cupcake and place a cherry on top. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

200 g sour cream,
1 stack Sahara,
100 g butter,
2 stacks flour,
3 eggs,
2 tsp baking powder,
100 g raisins,

Beat eggs with sugar, butter, sour cream and vanilla. Gradually add flour and baking powder in small portions and stir the batter. Dry the pre-soaked raisins and add to the dough. Pour the dough into greased molds, filling them ⅔ full, and place in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 20 minutes. Brush cooled cupcakes with frosting and sprinkle with colored sugar.

1 ½ cups flour,
½ tsp. ground cinnamon,
½ tsp. soda,
¾ stack. brown sugar,
¾ stack. vegetable oil,
3 eggs,
½ cup chopped pecans (or walnuts)
300 g bananas,
150 g pineapple,
powdered sugar.

Sift the flour, cinnamon and baking soda into a bowl, add the sugar and make a well in the centre. Pour in the oil, lightly beaten eggs, mashed bananas, finely chopped pineapple and chopped nuts and stir. Place in molds and bake at 180ºC for 20-25 minutes. Decorate with any cream.

125 g butter,
155 g powdered sugar,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla essence,
200g self-raising flour
50 g cocoa powder,
185 ml milk,
16 bears made from cookies.
400 g concentrated milk,
1 tbsp. liquid honey,
30 g butter.

Beat softened butter and sugar until white using a mixer. Add the eggs one at a time, beating the mixture each time. Add vanilla, flour and cocoa and stir until smooth. Place the dough in greased molds and bake at 180ºC for 15 minutes. Cool in the pans for 5 minutes, then remove the cupcakes from the pans and cool on a wire rack. Meanwhile, pour the milk, honey and butter into a saucepan and place it over low heat. Bring to a boil, stirring, and cook the caramel. Cool slightly, pour over the cupcakes and place the bears on top.


125 g butter,
165 g powdered sugar,
3 bananas,
2 eggs,
1 tsp vanilla extract,
300g self-raising flour
45 g coconut flakes,
100 g dark chocolate,
powdered sugar for dusting (or colored glaze for decoration).


Beat the butter, powdered sugar, bananas, eggs and vanilla with a mixer until smooth. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, coconut and grated chocolate, add the banana mixture and stir. Place in molds and bake at 200ºC for 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Dust with powdered sugar or decorate with icing.

200 g cottage cheese,
200 g sugar,
200 g flour,
150 g butter,
3 eggs,
1 packet of baking powder.

200 g soft cream cheese,
powdered sugar to taste,
cocoa powder - for coloring.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Beat eggs with sugar, add cottage cheese, melted butter and flour with baking powder. Stir until smooth and place in greased molds. Bake at 180ºC for 20-25 minutes. Cool. To make the frosting, beat the cream cheese with powdered sugar, color with cocoa powder and pipe on top of the cupcakes.

250 ml heavy cream,
450 g dark chocolate,
5 eggs
165 g powdered sugar,
150 g flour,
1 tbsp. cocoa powder,
½ tsp. baking powder,
colored sugar - for decoration.
Chocolate sauce:
100 g dark chocolate,
80 ml 10% cream.


Mix the cream and grated chocolate in a saucepan and melt in a water bath, stirring so that the chocolate does not curdle. Let cool slightly. Beat the sugar and eggs with a mixer until white and the mass doubles. Slowly add the chocolate mixture and stir. Sift flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into a bowl and mix into chocolate mixture. Divide the dough into the molds, filling them ⅔ full, and bake at 180ºC for 15-20 minutes. For the sauce, grate the chocolate into a saucepan, place it over simmering water so that the bottom does not touch the water, and melt while stirring. Drizzle the tops of the cupcakes with chocolate and sprinkle with colorful sugar. If you don't have sugar, use colored coconut.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar
3 eggs,
2 ½ cups self-raising flour,
½ cup milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract,
250 g marshmallows,
½ cup diced almonds,
½ cup coconut flakes,
500 g milk chocolate.

Prepare cupcakes according to the basic recipe and cool. Place chopped marshmallows, almonds and coconut flakes in a saucepan. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and pour in the nut mixture. Stir and pile onto cupcakes. Place in the refrigerator to let the chocolate harden.

200 g butter,
1 stack powdered sugar
3 eggs,
2 ½ cups self-raising flour,
¼ cup milk,
1 tsp vanilla extract.
For the glaze:
3 oranges,
2 ½ cups powdered sugar.


Remove the zest from the oranges and squeeze out the juice. Add the zest of 2 oranges and ¼ cup to the cupcake batter. orange juice along with ¼ cup. milk. Bake the cupcakes in small pans and let them cool. For the glaze, mix powdered sugar, orange zest and ¼ cup. orange juice and stir thoroughly until a homogeneous smooth mass is obtained. Spoon frosting onto cupcakes and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

3.5 stacks flour,
500 g pumpkin puree,
1 tsp salt,
3 tsp baking powder,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
½ tsp. ground cloves,
½ tsp. ground nutmeg,
½ tsp. ground allspice,
2.5 stacks Sahara,
½ cup brown sugar,
1 stack vegetable oil,
4 eggs.

For the glaze:
1 stack powdered sugar
1-2 tbsp. milk.

Sift dry ingredients into a bowl and stir. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar, add vegetable oil And pumpkin puree. Then add the flour mixture and stir until smooth. Place the dough in the molds, filling them no more than ⅔ full, as the dough rises well. Place in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 20-25 minutes. Check readiness wooden stick. Mix powdered sugar and milk until smooth and shiny and pour over cooled cupcakes. Ready-made cupcakes can be sprinkled with lemon or orange zest.


1 stack grated carrots,
¾ stack. Sahara,
2 eggs,
1 tsp ground cinnamon,
1 tsp vanilla,
½ tsp. salt,
¾ stack. raisins,
¾ stack. nuts,
1 stack vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. baking powder.

Lightly beat the eggs with sugar. Sift flour and dry ingredients, combine with eggs and mix until smooth. Divide the batter into greased pans and bake the cupcakes. To decorate, use buttercream and place a rose on the cupcakes.

You can easily trust the children to decorate cupcakes, especially if you are preparing small treats for a children's party. Colored sugar, colored coconut flakes, cake toppings or small colored dragees can be an excellent palette for children's fantasies. If you are preparing a treat for adults, you will have to awaken the talent of an artist in small forms: cupcakes, decorated in a simple style or, on the contrary, are real cream bouquets, will decorate any holiday table.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Kapeyki are mini-cakes with a variety of flavors. We have collected recipes for the most delicious and beautiful cakes for you.

Chief Editor

Autumn is the time for creative experiments in the kitchen too! After all, on weekends it’s so nice to spend the whole day at home, creating all sorts of goodies.

Cupcakes - “cupcake in a mug” - are a wonderful option for serving a delicious mini-cake decorated with cream and icing. There are enough such cakes for everyone - so you can safely invite guests for tea.

Need to:

flour 300 gr
baking powder 1.5 tablespoon
soda 1.5 teaspoon
salt 1.5 teaspoon
egg 2 pcs
sugar 200 gr
vanilla extract 2 teaspoons
vegetable oil ml
kefir 150 ml 1/2 buttermilk

powdered sugar 100 gr
Mascarpone cheese 200 gr
fresh berries

How to cook:

1. Mix flour, baking powder, salt.
2. Beat the eggs with a mixer, add sugar, beat again.
3. Add vanilla extract and vegetable oil to the egg mixture.
4. Add half the flour mixture and half the kefir, beat.
5. Then beat another half of the flour mixture and kefir with a mixer,
6. Transfer the dough into paper molds ¾ full.
7. Bake at 180C for 15 minutes.
8. For the cream, beat Mascarpone and powdered sugar. Decorate cooled cupcakes with it and place berries on top.

Need to:

sugar 150 gr
flour 400 gr
salt teaspoon
egg 2 pcs
vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
Ryazhenka 200 gr
soda 1.5 teaspoon
vinegar 1.5 teaspoon
pecans 150 gr

butter 100 gr
Mascarpone cheese 300 gr
powdered sugar 100 gr
vanilla extract teaspoon

How to cook:

1. Beat sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, fermented baked milk, vanilla extract with a mixer.
2. Add flour and salt. Quench the baking soda with vinegar and add to the dough. Mix.
3. Add pecans to the dough.
4. Fill paper molds ¾ full, bake for 20 minutes at 180C.
5. For the cream, beat Mascarpone, soft butter, powder and vanilla extract. Decorate cooled cupcakes with it.

Need to:

egg 2 pcs
250 g flour
100 g ground almonds into flour
200 g sugar
soft butter 120 g
honey 2 tablespoons
lemon zest 15 g
lemon juice 2 tablespoons

almond petals

How to cook:

1. Beat sugar and butter with a mixer.
2. Add eggs, mix.
3. Add lemon zest, lemon juice, honey, beat.
4. Separately mix flour and ground almonds. Add to the dough.
5. Mix all ingredients.
6. Place the dough in paper molds ¾ full. Place raspberries on top and press in a little.
7. Bake for 18-20 minutes at 180C.
8. Cool, sprinkle with almond petals.

Need to:

flour 130 gr
ground almonds 50 gr
baking powder 1.5 teaspoon
salt 0.2 teaspoon
cinnamon 0.5 teaspoon
butter 150 gr
brown sugar 90 gr
honey or maple syrup 100 g
vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
egg 2 pcs
pear 2 pcs

How to cook:

1. Melt butter in a saucepan until Brown, strain and cool.
2. Mix flour, almonds, baking powder, salt in a bowl.
3. In another bowl, whisk together brown sugar, honey or maple syrup, eggs, and vanilla extract. Add butter, beat.
4. Mix ingredients together from two bowls.
5. Finely chop the pears and add to the dough.
6. Pour the dough into paper molds ¾ full, bake for 20 minutes at 180C.

Need to:

butter 230 gr
sugar 150 gr
brown sugar 150 gr
egg 4 pcs
dark chocolate 2 bars
kefir 200 gr
vanilla extract teaspoon
flour 200 gr
soda teaspoon

cream 30% 100 ml
dark chocolate chips or drops 130 g

How to cook:

1. Using a mixer, beat soft butter, sugar, eggs.
2. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath, add to the dough, stir.
3. Add 100 grams of kefir, soda, flour. Mix. Add the rest of the kefir. Mix.
4. Pour the dough into paper molds ¾ full, bake for 20 minutes at 180C.
5. For chocolate ganache Boil the cream, melt the chocolate in it, stir. Cool, and then cover the droplets with it.

Enjoy your tea!

Hi all!
In this post, in my opinion, I will answer the most popular questions on my Instagram, as soon as I post a photo of cupcakes. I prepared this material for the winter issue of Russian Foodie and I was kindly allowed to post this article here, on the pages of my website.

Despite the apparent simplicity of cupcakes, many, when preparing them for the first time, are faced with a number of questions and difficulties. Most of all, of course, there are questions about the cream. Which is the most faithful and, I’m not afraid of this word, perfect recipe cream? So that it keeps its shape, lies flat and doesn’t let you down at the most crucial moment? Which attachment is best to use? How to use it? And many other questions to which today I will try to give comprehensive answers.

Let's start with the most basic thing, without which our cupcake would not exist. No cupcake base. Below is the most basic recipe for vanilla cupcakes. It is very versatile and you can make some substitutions and it will work every time. new recipe. For example, add lemon zest and blueberries for lemon blueberry cupcakes. Or replace a couple of tablespoons of flour with the same number of tablespoons of cocoa. Add nuts, berries or fruits. Space for your imagination.

I would be grateful for the mark #website when publishing your photos on social networks.


Ingredients: for 12 pcs.


  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (or extract)
  • 100 g sifted flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 75 g heavy cream (33-35%)

Ingredients for cream:

  • 100 g butter room temperature
  • 120 g powdered sugar
  • 80 g cream cheese
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • a couple of drops of gel dye


Preparing the cupcake base:

  1. Beat butter at room temperature with sugar for several minutes (depending on the power of your mixer) until the sugar has dissolved as much as possible.
  2. Add two eggs and vanilla sugar one at a time. Beat thoroughly.
  3. Sift the flour with baking powder and add to the dough. Mix.
  4. Add cream, mix again and ready dough Place in muffin tin. For convenience, put paper capsules in the mold, and put the dough in it to fill 2/3 of the mold.
  5. Place the cupcake base in an oven preheated to 180C for 20-25 minutes and bake until done. Check readiness with a wooden skewer or toothpick. Ready-made cupcakes should be allowed to cool completely before decorating them with frosting.

Preparation of cream:

Now let's move on to the most interesting part. To the cream. I'm convinced that best cream for cupcakes, which will lie beautifully and evenly and withstand any travel and temperature, will contain butter! I know that many are trying to avoid butter in cream recipes, guided by childhood memories of Soviet oil roses on cakes. But here everything is completely different. First, we will add cream cheese to the butter, which will hide the obvious taste of the butter. And, secondly, let's choose best oil what is sold in your store. Perhaps the quality of the oil is the guarantee that everything will turn out great! It should be greasy and should not separate when at room temperature. Before preparing the cream, it is better to remove the cream cheese and butter from the refrigerator at the same time so that they are at approximately the same temperature.

  1. Beat the butter until high speed mixer for a few minutes. During this time, the oil should become lighter and fluffier.
  2. Sift the powder thoroughly and add it all at once to the oil. And beat for 3-4 minutes maximum speed mixer. As soon as we add the powder, the butter will gather into lumps, but literally after a few seconds all the lumps will be visible and will be whipped into cream. The longer you beat the powder and butter, the lighter your cream will be. It is very important to take your time so that your cream does not have a yellowish tint.
  3. Add vanilla extract and cream cheese and beat again, but this time not for so long. Just until the mixture is well mixed.
  4. The cream is ready. Now you need to transfer it into a pastry bag with a nozzle and decorate the cupcakes.

In this article you will find everything about how to bake cupcakes - delicate American cakes - muffins: who invented them, what is included in their composition and how to cook cupcakes correctly.

How to bake Cupcakes - secrets and cooking rules

The basis for making cupcakes is a very simple dough recipe.

And thanks to the variety of existing options for decorating these baked goods, you can make a dessert for every taste.

Cupcake is the American name for a cupcake. A small-sized cake, intended for consumption by one person, baked in thin paper or an aluminum baking dish. Often contains various elements of confectionery decorations. Wikipedia

Preparing such a cake does not take much time and in just an hour you can make many cakes with a variety of flavors and fillings.

Cupcakes are also known as fairy cake - “fairy cake”

Cupcakes - The history of the recipe

These small original cupcakes are a traditional American dessert that dates back to 1796.

Cupcake - from the word cup. They are often confused with muffins and cupcakes, but they have a completely different dough

It was then that recipes for making these cupcakes, which were recommended to be baked in cup tins, first appeared in cookbooks.

IN English speaking countries Cupcakes are often served for birthdays.

They are also ideal for birthdays, weddings, any children's party or just drinking tea.

Cupcakes - cooking features, how to make dough, cream, decorations

It is quite simple to prepare this pastry at home; you use dough made with milk and eggs with various flavoring additives.

The inside of the cake is often filled with caramel, chocolate or berries.

Like muffins, it is baked in small molds, however, the main difference from others is similar types baking is considered a high creamy top.


The diameter of the cupcakes is 5-6 cm, and the weight is 65 grams. However, it is worth remembering that this is a fairly high-calorie dish, the calorie content is 230-330 kcal.

The cakes are served in paper molds to maintain freshness.

In addition, such packaging looks more beautiful and original.

Making a traditional version of this dish with your own hands is easy and even a novice pastry chef can handle it.

Cupcake batter - main ingredients

The cupcake base consists of:

  • flour 330.0
  • baking powder 25.0
  • eggs – 4 pcs + 2 yolks
  • milk – 140 ml
  • butter 250.0
  • sugar 400.0

You can also add to the dough:

  • For chocolate cupcakes – 50.0 cocoa powder without sugar
  • For berries: fresh berries – 30.0
  • For oranges - instead of milk, 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice and 2 tbsp zest
  • For nuts – 120.0 nut butter

How to make cupcake batter

The main stages are:

  1. In a blender, beat sugar and butter.
  2. Continuing to beat in, add the eggs and yolks one at a time.
  3. Separately combine all dry ingredients and add to the dough in parts.
  4. Lastly, pour in the milk and mix everything well.

The consistency of the cupcake dough should be similar to liquid sour cream.

You can put filling inside the cupcakes.

The filling for cupcakes can be very varied, it all depends on your own preferences.

An original muffin made with banana or chocolate filling. Also, any fruits, berries, caramel, cottage cheese are used as filling.

How and in what to bake cupcakes?

Typically, cupcakes are baked in a cupcake pan that is placed in a cupcake pan.

Fill each paper basket with about two-thirds of the dough and place it in the mold cavity.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180C for 15 minutes until the cupcakes rise!