How to do speech therapy exercises correctly. Purr to your health! Simple speech therapy exercises for producing the sound R

1. "Smile"

Keep your lips stretched out in a smile. The teeth are not visible.

2. "Fence"

Smile (teeth visible). Keep your lips in this position.

3. "Chick"

4. “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”

Open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say “five-five-five...”.

5. "Spatula"

Place a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip.

6. "Tube"

Open your mouth, stick out your wide tongue and bend its side edges up.

7. "Let's lick our lips"

Open your mouth. Slowly, without lifting your tongue, lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.

8. "Let's brush our teeth"

“Brush” the lower teeth from the inside with the tip of your tongue (from left to right, from top to bottom). The lower jaw is motionless.

9. "Watch"

Stretch your lips into a smile. Open your mouth slightly. Using the tip of your narrow tongue, alternately touch the corners of your mouth.

10. "Snake"

Open your mouth. Push the narrow tongue forward and put it back into the mouth. Do not touch lips and teeth.

11. "Nut"

Close your mouth, press your tense tongue against one cheek, then the other.

12. "Put the ball into the goal"

Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and smoothly, with the sound F, blow out a cotton ball lying on the table between two cubes. The cheeks should not puff out.

13. "Pussy is angry"

Open your mouth. Place the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth. Lift your tongue up. The back of the tongue should be arched, like a cat's back when she is angry.

Everyone is familiar and understands the traditional types of gymnastics, consisting of various exercises for the arms, legs, and back. We train them to develop gross motor skills so that their muscles become stronger and their bodies become more agile and faster.

Why do you need to train your tongue, because it has no bones? This organ is the main one for our speech, so it also needs special exercises. The development and strengthening of its muscles allows you to accurately and clearly pronounce all words and sounds, making speech clearer and more understandable.

Articulation gymnastics is necessary for children to develop sound pronunciation skills

Articulatory gymnastics - what is it?

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus - increasing mobility and developing motor skills of the lips, tongue, cheeks, frenulum, which is required for the correct reproduction of sounds. The goal of articulatory gymnastics classes is to practice the movements of all the organs listed above and bring them to automaticity in the required positions.

For good diction and pronunciation, a child needs strong lips and tongue that can easily change their position. It is to achieve this that it is necessary to engage in articulatory gymnastics with him, performing special exercises and playing speech therapy games.

Often, speech defects and insufficiently clear diction become an obstacle to a child’s full communication with peers, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state. You can reduce the likelihood of such problems in children with the help of articulatory gymnastics, which should be started as early as possible. For children aged 2–4 years, it will help them quickly learn to pronounce all sounds correctly; for children aged 5–7 years, it will correct and reduce speech defects.

You can do tongue exercises with a speech therapist or at home in front of a mirror.

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You can do articulation gymnastics with your child on your own, but you should periodically be examined by a speech therapist, starting from 1.5 to 2 years (see also:). By the age of 4, it is already quite clear what sounds the baby has problems pronouncing. It happens that at the age of five they go away on their own, but only a specialist can correctly assess the development of speech in a child and determine how appropriate it is for his age (more details in the article:). It is he who should be responsible for correcting the child’s pronunciation if there are problems. Based on individual characteristics, the doctor will prescribe a special set of exercises, explain how to perform them correctly and demonstrate this with his own example.

Almost every kindergarten There is a speech therapist, so they also do articulation gymnastics with the kids. He not only conducts regular inspections, but also, starting from 5 summer age, deals with defects by conducting lessons for speech development. However, these activities are often not enough; if there are severe problems, you will need to regularly perform all the necessary exercises at home.

You should start doing the exercises in front of a mirror - this way the child will be able to observe the movements of the lips and tongue. Unlike adults, in whom all movements are performed automatically, the baby needs a visual display of all his actions during classes to develop the necessary skills.

The goal of gymnastics is to make the tongue strong and mobile and teach it to take the positions necessary for pronounced sounds.

Adults, when pronouncing sounds, do so without thinking about the position of the tongue, the position of the lips, or breathing. To a child who is just mastering their correct pronunciation, all these moments seem quite difficult and incomprehensible. The lips and tongue obey him with great difficulty, constantly trying to take a more comfortable, but not always correct, position.

You can make classes easier and more interesting for your child by turning boring and incomprehensible exercises into fun games and stories about the adventures of language, accompanied by poems and riddles. Invite him to imagine that his tongue lives in its own house (mouth), where it hides behind a high fence (teeth). He goes to bed, looks out the window, goes for a walk, turns into a kitten or a horse, rides on a steamboat - so you can imagine any exercise as an exciting game and a whole story about his life.

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of articulatory gymnastics for children. It is comparable to the role morning exercises and provides similar action on the facial muscles - strengthens them, improves blood circulation in them, develops mobility and flexibility. Daily implementation of the recommended complex will allow you to consolidate existing skills and acquire new ones, devoting 5 minutes to exercise several times a day and repeating each exercise from 4 to 8 times.

It is possible that performing some exercises may be difficult even for you. In this case, do them together with your child, do not hesitate to admit to him your difficulties. Be patient and remain calm and at some point you will succeed. Pictures depicting each articulation exercise or special speech therapy training videos can help you achieve it.

Exercises and games

Playing with the tongue is one of the first lessons in articulatory gymnastics. Parents need to read the text of the fairy tale about the tongue and show the necessary movements. First the child repeats them, the next time he shows them himself.

Below are examples of exercises with brief instructions included in the main complex for the development of articulatory motor skills in young children preschool age. All tasks should be performed 4 – 8 times, dynamic ones – doing 2 – 6 repetitions, for static ones – stay in the indicated position for 3 – 5 seconds. Before each repetition, give your child some time to rest and relax the muscles of the face and tongue.

Universal complex

  • “Delicious honey” - do the following movements - open your mouth and swipe upper lip with a pointed tongue, first in one direction, then in the other direction. During execution, we control the chin - it should remain static.
  • “Needle” - open your mouth and stick out your tense tongue, trying to give it a pointed shape. We fix the position for a few seconds.
  • “Swing” - to perform it, we open our mouth wide and place a calm tongue on the lower lip, then either raise it to the upper lip or lower it down.
  • “The kitten is lapping milk” - open your mouth and stick out your tongue, then make several lapping movements.
  • “Shovel” - to perform this exercise, you need to open your mouth and place a relaxed tongue on your lower lip. We stay in this position for some time.
  • “Pendulum” - open your mouth slightly and stretch your lips in a smile, after which you stick out your pointed tongue and touch the corners of your lips with its tip one by one. During execution, we control the position of the chin - it should remain static, and the tongue - it should not slide over the lips.
  • “Bridge” - we open our mouth and rest the tip of the tongue against the teeth from below from the inside. We fix the position and slowly close our mouth without relaxing our tongue.
  • “Window” - slowly open your mouth and then close it.
  • “Nut” - without opening our mouth, we alternately press our tense tongue against the walls of our cheeks.
  • “Smile” is done as follows: the corners of the lips are stretched in a smile, so that the teeth become visible, and then smoothly return to their original position.
  • “Proboscis” - we stretch our lips forward, as if we want to kiss someone, hold them in this position, then slowly return them to their original position.
  • “Hamster” - closing your mouth, puffing out your cheeks and holding in this position.
  • “Cup” - open the mouth, then place it on the lower lip soft tongue, bend its sides up and slowly lift it in this state to the upper arch.

Examples of exercises to strengthen the tongue

Teaching the sounds “s”, “s”, “z”, “z”

When pronouncing these sounds correctly, you need to stretch your lips a little in a smile, so that the teeth are slightly visible, and the tongue rests on the teeth in front, with the edges touching the chewing teeth. With this position, a groove is formed along the tongue, and when inhaled air passes through it, it creates a whistling noise. You can feel its movement by raising your hand to your mouth. The following exercises will help improve articulation and learn the correct pronunciation of these sounds:

  • “Whistles” - we stretch our lips in a smile, hide our tongue underneath our teeth and try to whistle.
  • “Blow the cotton wool out of your palm” - stretch your lips in a smile and place a calm tongue on your lower lip, sticking it out slightly. We inhale and exhale as if we were trying to blow something away.

Correct pronunciation of the sounds “sh”, “zh”

When pronouncing hissing sounds, the mouth should be kept slightly open, the lips should be rounded, and the end of the tongue should be raised to the upper arch, touching it with the edges of the chewing teeth from above. In this position, a small cup-shaped recess appears under the tongue, through which air passes as you exhale. You can feel its movement by raising your hand to your mouth.

Exercise " Delicious jam»

In parallel with training the articulatory apparatus, it is necessary to work with the child on identifying various hissing and whistling sounds by ear. This can be done in a playful way - for example, an adult pronounces this or that sound, after which he begins to pronounce various words. Having heard a word with a hidden sound, the baby must show it to an adult - for example, with a clap. The following exercises will help you learn to pronounce these sounds correctly:

  • “Delicious jam” - open your mouth, stretch your lips in a smile and run your tongue 2-3 times along the upper lip, licking it.
  • “Blow the cotton off your nose” - put a little cotton on the tip of the tongue. We put it in a “cup”, lift the cotton wool up with it, and blow it off as we exhale.
  • “Putting the tongue to sleep” – placing a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.

Learning the sounds “ch”, “sch”

Practicing these sounds can begin only when the child has learned to pronounce dull hissing sounds. The following exercises are suitable for this:

  • “The chick is calling its mother” - slightly open your mouth and place the relaxed tongue on your lower lip. We pronounce the sound “five-five-five”, touching the tongue with our lips.
  • Holding a wide relaxed tongue - open your mouth and maintain the position for 10 seconds.

The exercise is necessary for the sounds: Р, Рь, Ж, Ш, Шч, С, Сь, Ть, Дь, Ц

When performing the exercises, it is important to keep your tongue and lips relaxed and carefully control your breathing, avoiding holding it. We repeat each exercise 3 – 6 times.

Learning the sounds "l" and "l"

  • “Painter” - slightly open your mouth and stretch your lips in a smile and move your tense tongue along the upper arch.
  • “The steamer is humming” - open your mouth slightly and stretch your lips, as if smiling. We hold the tip of the tongue between our teeth, exhale and say “y-y-y” - if done correctly, you will hear a sound reminiscent of “l”.
  • “Inflating our cheeks” - we hold the tip of the tongue with our teeth and exhale air, inflating our cheeks. If the exercise is performed correctly, then the air should flow smoothly around the tongue.

Exercise "Steamboat"

Correct pronunciation of the sound "r"

Pronunciation of this sound most often causes difficulties, since it is trembling and front-lingual. Many parents themselves do not always distinguish it from a similar vibrational throat sound. The following exercises will help you develop its accurate pronunciation.

Each loving mother I want her baby to quickly be able to pronounce sounds correctly and speak coherently. To develop a child’s speech, it is very important to constantly have conversations with him and pronounce words without distortion. However, this is not enough for the development of the child’s articulatory apparatus.

With language exercises, parents will help the baby quickly learn to pronounce sounds and words correctly. Regular and short-term classes will give the child an advantage over their peers, and give adults another reason for joy and pride.

Speech therapy gymnastics allows you to:

  • get rid of sluggish speech (the so-called “porridge in the mouth”);
  • improve blood supply to the tongue;
  • develop the baby’s speech apparatus not by months, but by days;
  • identify physiological disorders at an early stage;
  • save the child from ridicule from peers due to speech impediments.

With tongue exercises you can achieve correct pronunciation and individual sounds, and their groups. To start sessions, it is not at all necessary to demand unusual perseverance from the child and force him to see a specialist. Even a couple of minutes of proper “antics” a day can bear fruit. While changing clothes, snort, click and purse your lips together with your baby. On the one hand, he will have fun doing routine things. On the other hand, such innocent pranks will help develop his speech apparatus.

Basic rules of tongue gymnastics

Like any set of exercises, speech gymnastics brings results only if it is correct and regular.

To develop the articulation ability of children, you should follow the following rules:

  • Classes should last no more than 10 minutes, as the baby gets tired quickly. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time, so parents need to be patient and undemanding.
  • Let your child monitor the position of his tongue using a mirror.
  • Turn your classes into another fun gaming activity. Do not focus on the importance of speech gymnastics, do not bore your child with boring explanations and do not force him to hold his tongue in one position for more than 10 seconds.
  • Choose a calm pace for your activities. You shouldn’t rush your baby, but at the same time, don’t let your child be lazy.
  • Make sure you perform tongue exercises accurately so that classes do not turn into meaningless antics in front of the mirror.

If exercises for the development of the speech apparatus are given to the baby with great effort, then do not be zealous, but contact a speech therapist.

Types of articulation gymnastics

From an early age, parents should pay attention to the development of the child’s speech, namely, performing articulatory gymnastics. Speech therapy training can be static or dynamic. The first group of classes assumes that the tongue “freezes” in one position. When performing dynamic exercises, all organs of the speech apparatus are involved. Only regular and correct repetition of articulation gymnastics for children will have an effect.

Static exercises:

  • “Chick” - the child opens his mouth wide, like a chick whose mother will put a treat there. The tongue lies in a relaxed position in the oral cavity.
  • “Spatula” - the baby opens his mouth wide and places his tongue on the lower lip in a relaxed state. It is important to ensure that there is no tension in the child’s actions when performing this exercise.
  • “Cup” - the baby opens his mouth wide and lifts the side edges of the tongue so that they do not touch the teeth.
  • “Tube” - the child closes his lips and stretches them as far as possible in front of him.
  • “Mushroom” - the little student places his tongue against the roof of his mouth and opens his mouth as wide as possible.
  • “Slide” - the baby opens his mouth wide. The tip of the tongue should rest against the lower incisors.

When performing static exercises, it is important not only to fix the organ of the speech apparatus in the correct position. The occupied position must be held for 5-10 seconds. Performing dynamic exercises is accompanied by counting. An adult must ensure that the baby changes the position of the tongue and other speech organs in a timely manner and copes with tasks without difficulties.

  • “Clock” - the child opens his mouth slightly and shows his smile, and then makes his tongue narrow and tries to reach the corner of his mouth with its tip.
  • “Swing” - the baby opens his mouth and stretches his tongue to his chin and nose.
  • “Candy” - the child closes his lips and alternately sticks his tongue into the left and right cheek. From the outside it should look like he's hiding a lollipop. Be sure to show your child the correct tongue position.
  • “Horse” - the baby places his tongue against the roof of his mouth, clicking loudly and distinctly.
  • “Painter” - the child opens his mouth wide and with the wide tip of his tongue, like a brush, moves from left to right from the upper incisors to the soft palate.

These simple exercises adults can do this with their little ones anywhere, even without the help of a speech therapist. But if some task causes difficulties for the child, then you should not refuse to consult a specialist.

Articulation exercises will be interesting for children who have just turned 2 years old, kindergarteners aged 4, and preschoolers aged 5.

Language gymnastics: interesting and fun

Parents should turn speech development training into an exciting game. Feel free to get creative. For example, promise that you will treat your baby with a candy if he shows how it can be hidden behind his cheek. Cover your baby's nose with chocolate or jam and ask him to lick the treat with his tongue. Promise to play your favorite game with your child after the “antics.”

Help your baby to use a spatula desired position language. When performing the task for the first time, there may be tension, but after several repetitions the child’s actions will be meaningful and easy. Don't forget to do both static and dynamic exercises. They give the desired effect only in combination.

If after regularly completing tasks you still notice weak points in the child’s speech, then consult a speech therapist.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for cheeks and lips

To develop speech, you need not only to train your language. To increase letter coverage, it is important to pay extra attention to the lips and cheeks. Basic exercises articulatory gymnastics:

  • The baby bites, pats and rubs his cheeks as if they had just been beaten by frost.
  • "Fed hamster." The child puffs out his cheeks and then releases the air from them. When performing this exercise does not cause any particular problems, it is worth complicating it. Ask your baby to puff out his cheeks one at a time.
  • "Shrimp". Invite your baby to forcefully suck in his cheeks. Don't forget to show an example.
  • "Blown Ball." The baby puffs out his cheeks, and then lightly pats them with his palms to release the air noisily.

To develop the articulatory apparatus, parents need to constantly work with their child. The above exercises can occupy your baby’s attention when you are standing in line to see a therapist, traveling on public transport, or going home with preschool. While walking, ask your child to repeat the sounds he hears: a song on a bell, the sound of a passing motorcycle, a dog barking, and so on. If short-term speech therapy exercises are performed regularly, your treasure will quickly learn coherent and meaningful speech. Show all exercises by your own example and do not scold your child at the moment of failure, so as not to discourage them from following your instructions. If you start studying with a two-year-old child, then by the age of 4 he will be able to clearly and clearly recite all the poems at matinees.

The ability to speak is a magnificent skill bestowed upon man. In order for your baby to pronounce words clearly, you need to make an effort and spare no time for development. competent speech. The support and attention of parents is something without which harmonious development personality is simply impossible. Patient mentoring and regular repetition of exercises to train the tongue and the entire articulation apparatus will allow the baby to please his parents with his successes.

From an early age, a child, with the help of an adult, can complete speech training tasks. At the same time, it is very important to observe the “golden mean”: take the exercises seriously, but, at the same time, do not demand the impossible from the baby.

Exercises for clarity of speech are supported individually for each person and can be:

  • static – holding articulatory poses for fifteen seconds;
  • dynamic - repeating rhythmic movements six times to develop the speech apparatus;
  • strengthening exercises for training individual sounds.

These exercises are intended to eliminate various speech defects, improving diction, eliminating stuttering, developing speech technique.

The effectiveness of classes will be noticeable only if regular implementation of a comprehensive program. Some cases require sessions with a speech therapist, but mostly parents can cope with this kind of task themselves.

Speech defects:

  • aphonia or dysphonia– phonation disorder, pathological changes voice apparatus;
  • tachylaliafast pace speeches;
  • bradyllalia– slow pace of speech;
  • stuttering– disturbance of the rhythm, smoothness and tempo of speech, due to muscle spasms of the speech apparatus;
  • dyslalia– phonetic defects;
  • rhinolalia– defect in sound pronunciation and voice timbre;
  • dysarthria– impaired pronunciation due to malfunction of the nerve endings connecting the central nervous system with the speech apparatus;
  • alalia– underdevelopment or complete absence speech in a child associated with damage to the speech areas of the brain;
  • aphasia– partial or complete loss of speech that occurs after local damage to brain cells.

It is quite difficult to determine these types of speech defects on your own, so if you have the slightest suspicion that one of them is occurring, you should consult a doctor and undergo the appropriate treatment.

Three times a day for four minutes you need to repeat a certain set of exercises. The main thing is correct execution and the desire to learn, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for a positive result.

If all norms and rules are observed, the effect of the exercises occurs within a month. Classes with a speech therapist give results much faster.

Thus, it follows the slightest If you suspect the presence of defects, contact a speech therapist, because advanced problems are very difficult to eliminate.

Speech technique

Speech technique exercises help a child find his voice, but this requires daily effort and effort.

  1. Breathing exercise. Take a comfortable position, inhale through your nose, filling your stomach and chest with air. We also exhale through the nose, repeating the movements 5 – 7 times.
  2. Breath holding exercise. Breathing is performed according to the technique of the first exercise. Only with a three second delay.
  3. Moo. We take in full lungs of air and exhale we pronounce any children's rhyme, sing vowel sounds, sharply release air with the sound “HAAAA” or pronounce tongue twisters.

In any case, this technique gives results, honing your speech technique over time.

Improving diction

Speech diction is very important factor Therefore, it should be developed from early childhood.

A five-minute exercise consisting of ten exercises is capable of short time turn a moo into articulate speech, almost effortlessly.

Some tips for doing the exercise:

  • lower the lower jaw down and move it left and right, forward and backward. Movements should be careful and smooth;
  • We take the starting position, put our hands on our chest. We lean forward, pronouncing drawn-out and prolonged vowel sounds as we exhale. The voice should be of low timbre, this factor is very important;
  • smile with your mouth open and move your tongue from one corner of your mouth to the other. The jaw and lips should be motionless, and the tongue should not touch the lips;
  • we smile with our mouth open and lick our lips with our tongue, watch for the smoothness of movements and the immobility of the jaw;
  • with closed lips, lick the inside of your teeth. First the upper jaw, then the lower jaw. We do the exercise slowly, counting the teeth in order. We also monitor the immobility of the lips and jaw;
  • With our mouth open, we try to reach the nose and beard with our tongue, one by one. We make sure that the tongue does not narrow and does not touch the lips and teeth;
  • With the mouth open, we reach with the tongue the alveoli located behind the lower teeth and the tubercles of the palate. We monitor the immobility of the jaw and lips.

By doing exercises, a child will improve his diction, and with it he will work out the timbre of his voice, thanks to which in the future he will be able to influence people with the help of his voice, which is due to the increased susceptibility of certain vocal frequencies.

Correcting speech defects

Often, as a result of lisp and incorrect pronunciation of words by adults, the child develops speech defects.

The most susceptible age for the development of such phenomena is children from two to five years old, since during this period children begin to learn to translate their thoughts into words.

Exercises to correct the pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, as well as “r” and “l”:

  • tube– close our lips, then stretch them out in the form of a tube as far as possible;
  • Cup– open your mouth wide and try to give your tongue the shape of a cup, sticking it far forward;
  • Drum- open your mouth and try to hit the tongue behind upper teeth across the palate, pronouncing the sound “d”;
  • Brush– open your mouth and run your tongue over your teeth from above and below;
  • Jam– smile with an open mouth, licking with outstretched tongue upper lip.

The main thing is to correctly establish the type of defect and correctly and timely perform the prescribed exercises, then the result will not take long to arrive. Even very severe cases undergo visible changes after sessions for half a year.

Eliminating stuttering

Stuttering is a speech defect that is not so easy to work with.

That is why before classes you should do exercises to develop speech breathing and try to create a playful atmosphere in which the child will be relaxed.

Don’t rush to get results, the main thing is not to stop studying, and as a thank you for your efforts, your baby will say goodbye to this illness and develop his speech.

  • Fun carousels– walk with your child in a circle and say at each step the words: “We are riding on a merry carousel opa-opa - pa-pa, tati-tati-ta-ta”;
  • Happy chickens– jump on the left and on right leg take turns and repeat: “Clap-clap top-top!” Uf-uff, af-af! Tap-tap, tap-tap! Tap-tap, chick-tap!”;
  • Conductor– make rhythmic movements with your hands and chant words and syllables together with your baby.

It should be noted that the principle of working with children and adults is the same, the only difference is that they are developed for children game forms, but for adults this is not required.

Speech development exercises: video

Look short video about exercise: articulatory gymnastics - Jam

Some children suffer from speech impairments; their forms can be quite different, from simple to severe, those that require urgent intervention or are not yet firmly established. In this case, you will need speech therapist lessons at home to correct speech disorders. Of course, severe forms should be corrected by a professional speech therapist. Many parents, in order not to injure their children, invite a speech therapist to their home. Some, on the contrary, take their little ones to specially equipped rooms, believing that this sets the right mood small child. What you do depends on your capabilities and preferences.

The tasks of a speech therapist in lessons to correct speech disorders.

1. Speech therapist lessons: sound pronunciation correction

There are several stages of correcting sound pronunciation.

  • preparation, at this stage all attention is paid to exercises to develop articulatory organs;

    For correct setting children's speech, it is very important to use articulatory gymnastics. Tongue training will help you quickly learn clear speech

  • sound production;
  • mastering and practicing sound pronunciation.
  • 2. Development of phonemic awareness with a speech therapist

    Phonemes are various sounds speeches. Children must learn to distinguish similar-sounding syllables and words by ear.

    To check how your baby is doing with this, ask him to repeat after you certain sets of words and sounds. For example: pa-ba-pa, tu-doo-tu, la-ra-la, hop - cop - fop, day - shadow - laziness and others.

    If the baby copes with this task, then everything is fine.

    A book with a speech therapy bias that helps automate sounds S, Z and C. The experienced author is a teacher and speech therapist and ideally selects activities for teaching these sounds.

    We learn to correctly pronounce the sounds Ch and Sh. Interesting tongue twisters in pictures will help your baby master these sounds.

    Together with the book, we learn to distinguish between the sounds Ш and Ж. Interesting rhymes and simple sayings will quickly help you master difficult sounds

    3. We learn with a speech therapist to form the syllabic structure of a word

    Kids should learn to pronounce words correctly; they should not rearrange letters in words, exclude them or add new ones, i.e. violate the structure of a word. Practice pronunciation with your child difficult words, such as: veterinarian, policeman, terrarium etc.

    4. Speech therapist lessons: increasing vocabulary and developing grammatical structure of speech

    By the age of five, a child is able to speak in fairly complex phrases, while competently constructing case constructions and using genders. IN vocabulary crumbs - five-year-olds about 3000 - 4000 words.

    5. Lessons with a speech therapist: training in writing stories and the ability to retell

    Shortened exhalation is the most common phenomenon in speech disorders. The following exercise will help you.

    "Up the stairs"

    It’s good if you have a children’s piano or a regular one at hand, this will help you in completing the task. If not, don’t despair, trust your intuition and hearing. You will have to pronounce vowel sounds, as if following notes, moving up and down. Moreover, you need to try to make sure you have enough breath for as long as possible. Ultimately, it would be great if the baby could sing all 10 letters in one breath.

    So, moving up, we sing: a, o, y, s, i, e, e, yu, i. And now the same thing, but the direction of intonation is down, from the ladder. The voice will become deeper and the breath will become longer.

    The sound is divided into “narrow” and “wide”. The first, as if squeezed out in a narrow stream, is scanty. And the second one is wide, it fills the space.

    To train the second type of sound, do the following exercise: sit comfortably with your baby so that nothing bothers him, let him take 2 deep breaths and exhales. Palm right hand place it on his chest, and place your left palm under the diaphragm and begin to sing the previously used vowels on one note. You need to ensure that the baby sings them in one exhalation, starting with three and increasing to 10, and smoothly, without interruption and without dropping the sounds.

    Experts say that doing these two exercises every day for six months will lead to an increase in lung capacity, voice, and reduce ARVI.

    You see how important speech therapist lessons are at home! But don’t overdo it so as not to damage the baby’s ligaments. And if your baby has it, then a speech therapist can also cure this.

    You need to practice speech therapy at home, then the book “Home Speech Therapist” will help you master well-known methods of producing sounds.