Zhanna Friske: last days before death. Zhanna Friske: last photos before death Death of Zhanna Friske last photos

The latest photos of Zhanna Friske’s illness show that the singer has gained weight and is left with almost no hair.

Natalya, sister of Zhanna Friske:“They went shopping with my mother, she lost consciousness. Mom thought maybe it was postpartum syndrome. And then they went to the beach, she went swimming and mom said: I’m looking, and she keeps throwing her head back and almost drowned.”

Vladimir Friske:“I was just in Dubai, and my wife called me and said: something is really bad for her, headaches, she closes the windows all the time and sleeps, sleeps, sleeps. Then, he says, his legs began to give way. I started calling: quickly see the doctor, let’s see the doctor.”

She was the first to hear the doctors' stunning verdict common law husband Dmitry Shepelev. This was hidden from my father for two months, because he weak heart. But this could not go on forever.

A week before her death, the 40-year-old pop diva, who suffered from brain cancer, stopped recognizing her relatives, and spent the last two days in an unconscious state.

Relatives discovered the singer's body on her bed on the evening of June 15, but only an hour and a half later they gathered strength and called doctors, who pronounced the patient dead.

More than a year has passed since Zhanna Friske passed away, but people who are not indifferent to the tragedy still cannot forget the singer and her courageous fight against cancer. One of the artist’s loyal fans put forward a sensational version of the cause of the star’s brain tumor. The man claims that Zhanna’s severe beating, which happened to her several years before her death, could have led to the disease.

As reported by Express newspaper» a fan of the singer Valery Sergeev, Zhanna Friske fell ill with cancer for a reason. The man says that long before the star was given a terrible diagnosis, she was severely beaten and robbed. This happened in 1999 or 2000, when Zhanna was still a member of the “Brilliant” team: the girl had just started earning good money and bought her first apartment and a foreign car.

Returning home in the evening, Friske became the victim of an attack by several attackers. Unknown persons inflicted severe injuries on the girl, which led to a concussion and long rehabilitation in the hospital. Fan Valery Sergeev notes that it was from then on that Zhanna began to suffer from severe headaches and migraines, and doctors even then warned the artist about the likelihood of a brain tumor.

In addition, Sergeev said that the attack on the star was not just an unfortunate coincidence. He says that Friske suspected one of the “Brilliant” participants, who was always jealous of her success, of being involved in the beating. However, the girl did not advertise her thoughts and shared her fears only with her closest people, fearing for her life.

Journalists turned to ex-“Brilliant” Irina Lukyanova with comments, but she only waved away the press representatives.« I think you've dug too deep! Yes, there was such a story when Zhanna was attacked. But it happened a long time ago, before 2000. Do you really think that someone could have told her then that she would develop a tumor in 2013?! Well what are you talking about! And I didn’t hear about any suspicions Zhanna had about the involvement of any of the “Brilliant” people in the attack. She herself did not cover this attack anywhere. And we didn’t discuss it in the group. Nobody relished the details:« Well, Zhannochka, you wrote a statement to law enforcement agencies? How's your head? What did the doctors say?». This story went like this for us. bad dream and was happily forgotten. It was just hooliganism, vandalism and robbery. Why do you even bring up this topic after the person leaves? Do you want to shake your finger at the criminals and say:« Don't attack people! Otherwise they may develop a brain tumor and die» ? ", said the girl.

Let us remind you that everything is still not so smooth in the relationship between Zhanna Friske’s common-law husband and her family. The artist’s relatives believe that Dmitry Shepelev used forged documents even during the singer’s lifetime.

Published 06/17/15 17:10

Meanwhile, Joseph Kobzon is confident that the American nanovaccine extended Zhanna Friske’s life by two years.

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LifeNews journalists obtained video footage of Zhanna Friske, filmed in Hamburg, Germany in October 2013. According to the publication, the footage appeared in the editorial office several months before the first reports about the singer’s terrible illness were published in the media.

Zhanna Friske's struggle with a severe form of brain cancer began in the famous German clinic Eppendorf, where the artist arrived accompanied by her mother, husband and son, who lived in the hotel at intkbbach hospital.

Dmitry Shepelev took his common-law wife to procedures. At that moment she could no longer walk on her own. In video footage that appeared on the Internet after visiting the clinic, Zhanna Friske takes a walk accompanied by her one year old son Plato, who is being carried in a stroller by the singer's mother.

Zhanna Friske during illness in Hamburg VIDEO

At that time, only those closest to her circle knew about Zhanna Friske’s health problems, while the first reports of the artist’s fatal illness appeared in the media on January 15, 2015.

Treatment of Zhanna Friske with a nanovaccine in the USA extended the artist’s life by 2 years

Let us remember that after Hamburg, Zhanna Friske was treated in the USA, where doctors influenced cancer cells using a unique nanovaccine that stimulates the immune system.

“For eight months Zhanna was treated in America, we communicated regularly on Skype. Zhanna often told me: - “Otar, it’s easy for me with you. You make a joke, and your soul immediately feels better!” The treatment was very expensive,” Zhanna Friske’s friend, journalist Otar Kushanashvili, told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

As journalists found out, one injection of such a nanovaccine cost Zhanna Friske’s family about 150 thousand dollars.

However, the famous domestic performer Joseph Kobzon is confident that it was this method of treatment that extended the artist’s life by an invaluable two years.

“This is doping. The vaccine extended her life for some time and stopped the growth of cancer cells. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to cure this disease,” he complained, noting that he himself is a cancer patient.

“The two most dangerous cancers are brain cancer and pancreatic cancer. They are incurable: neither in America, nor in Russia, anywhere in the world,” said the artist.

In 2015, Russian show business experienced a terrible event and lost one of the most talented artists of our time. At the age of 40 after long struggle with terrible disease passed away from life famous singer, wife and mother, Zhanna Friske. Her death has probably become the most discussed topic in the domestic media. The public is trying to understand why Zhanna Friske died and how it happened. Every day after the singer’s death, this event became overgrown with new, sometimes even scandalous, facts.

For fans, this woman was a subject of admiration, and for her family - loving mother and wife. Of course, after the artist’s death, a number of different questions remained. For example, the audience was interested in how and at what time Zhanna Friske died. The public favorite died on the evening of June 15, 2015. At that time she was 40 years old, the woman did not live until her next birthday only a few weeks. At the time of death, her father, mother, friend and colleague were with the artist, as well as sister Natalia. The singer’s husband and son were abroad at that moment.

Causes of death

The question of why Zhanna Friske died remains relevant. In reality, there is nothing criminal in the artist’s death. The singer died due to a brain tumor, which was discovered 2 years before the terrible event. Back in early 2014, in one of his interviews, Zhanna’s common-law husband, Dmitry Shepelev, told the press about the disease diagnosed in his wife after giving birth. Friske learned about her illness in the fall of 2013, after which she immediately began treatment.

After information about an inoperable tumor diagnosed in Zhanna surfaced in the media, Channel One announced a fundraiser for therapy. In just a few days, they managed to collect 68 million rubles. This money turned out to be even a lot - the singer personally transferred the remaining funds to children suffering from oncology. The money raised allowed Friska to travel to the USA and China for treatment. Upon returning to her homeland, Zhanna went to the Baltic states, where she underwent a rehabilitation course.

After recovery, Friske began to see again, got rid of extra pounds gained during chemotherapy, and even got up with wheelchair. The artist said that she was much better and thanked everyone who helped her. However, soon misfortune overtook the Friske family - Zhanna’s condition deteriorated sharply, she became almost completely blind.

The singer’s father, Vladimir Kopylov, attended several television shows after his daughter’s death. In one of the episodes, he talked about how Zhanna Friske died. According to him, the celebrity died very quietly and calmly. Relatives knew about the impending disaster a few days before Zhanna’s death - doctors from China who came to visit the artist warned about this. IN last days the singer suffered because high temperature and incredibly severe pain that was hard to endure. Before her death, Friske stopped recognizing her family. The tragic event occurred on the night of June 15-16 - Zhanna’s breathing stopped.

Information about the death of a celebrity hit the press the very next morning. All printed publications published articles on the pages of newspapers and magazines in memory of a wonderful person and an excellent artist. Friends and colleagues on the stage considered it their duty to leave messages of condolences on social networks for Zhanna’s relatives.

Biography of the star

The future singer was born on July 8, 1974 in the capital of Russia. At school I was fond of acrobatics, ballet, rhythmic gymnastics and ballroom dancing. After graduating from school, I entered the journalism department. True, she never completed her studies.

In 1995, famous producers Shlykov and Grozny organized one of the first domestic women's groups, which was called "Brilliant". At first, Zhanna was the artistic director of the group, and then became a soloist along with Irina Lukyanova and Olga Orlova.


In 2003, the future celebrity got into an extreme reality show called " The Last Hero"and reached the very end. Returning to the capital, Zhanna decided to leave the team and start solo career. Friska was helped in this by the group’s producer, Andrei Grozny. The star released her first solo album in 2005 - it featured many songs that later became real hits.

In addition to performing on stage and recording songs, Friske starred in various cinematic works. So, the first project with Zhanna’s participation was the film “Night Watch”. Star's partners film set were famous actors: Khabensky, Markova, Verzhbitsky. This was followed by several more works: “Day Watch”, “New Year’s Matchmakers”, “Who Am I”, “What Men Are Talking About” and “Odnoklassniki. Call for Luck”. Fans of the singer and film critics highly appreciated her acting abilities. In 2006, Friske received a prestigious award in the category “Best Actress” at the Russian MTV festival.

Personal life

The beautiful, sexy, talented artist was credited with many scandalous novels. However, for real important men there wasn't much in the singer's life. Journalists confidently call Friske's first boyfriend Ilya Mitelman, a businessman from Chelyabinsk. The couple's relationship lasted for several years, and reporters did not stop writing about upcoming wedding. But, as they say, it didn’t work out - Zhanna and Ilya separated.

Zhanna's next relationship began in 2005. This time the beauty's chosen one was the popular hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. But this novel was not successful for Friske either - the athlete was constantly accused of having affairs on the side.

Then another athlete appeared in the singer’s life - figure skater Vitaly Novikov, with whom Zhanna performed on the show." Ice age"But this romance did not end with a wedding.

But the relationship with famous artist Dmitry Shepelev fulfilled Friske’s cherished dream: the accomplished singer finally gave birth to a child. In 2013, Zhanna became a mother - the couple named their son Plato.

Last year

The singer spent the last months of her life in her country house in the Moscow region. At this time, next to Zhanna were her parents, close friends, common-law husband and son, who at that time had just turned 2 years old. According to Friske's sister, her death came as a real surprise to the whole family. Until the last moment they believed that she would recover and return to normal life.

On the evening of June 15, when Zhanna Friske died, her parents, sister and friends were next to her. In the morning, all printed publications in Moscow expressed grief over the loss of the singer on the pages of magazines and newspapers. By this time, it was no longer a secret to anyone why Zhanna Friske died. The star's funeral took place on June 18 at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery. The ceremony took place in a narrow circle, without the press.

After a long illness she passed away famous singer Zhanna Friske. For a long period of time she struggled with a terrible disease - brain cancer.

Media reports that Zhanna was unconscious for the last two days before her death. A week ago, the artist stopped recognizing her relatives.

Zhanna was found by her relatives without signs of life yesterday evening, June 15, in a country house. Ambulance, who arrived on call, pronounced death.

Information about the death of Zhanna Friske was confirmed by her father. Vladimir Borisovich said that “yes, this is so.”

Let us recall that in 2013 Zhanna Friske was diagnosed with a brain tumor - glioblastoma. The singer passed away at the age of 41.

Photo © RIA Novosti. Ilya Pitalev

Friske's husband commented on the singer's death

Zhanna Friske during a photo shoot at the Millionaire Fair 2005 exhibition

The common-law husband of singer Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Shepelev, thanked everyone who provided material and spiritual support to Zhanna, who had been struggling with a serious illness for 1.5 years. He wrote about this on his Facebook.

“We always repeated: “Happiness loves silence.” I remain true to these words, because Zhanna remains for me an absolute, pure, unique happiness... I know for sure that we could not cope without you. I want to thank everyone: who donated money for Zhanna’s treatment, prayed for her health, simply thought about her, wished her happiness and strength. I want you to know: these two years are largely your fault. Thank you,” Shepelev wrote.

In the last months of Friske’s life, doctors and a nurse abandoned her

The singer's sister and mother independently looked after Zhanna for six months until her death.

Doctors and a nurse abandoned the dying Zhanna Friske several months before the tragedy. The singer’s sister Natalya told LifeNews about this. According to her, doctors recorded a significant deterioration in Zhanna’s condition six months ago and accepted the fact that they could no longer help her.

Over the past five months, Zhannochka’s condition has worsened, she was often unconscious, all the doctors abandoned her, the sister complained. - Only my mother and I looked after Zhanna. But before that, my mother never trusted anyone to take medications - she did everything herself.

According to her, the last of those who literally ran away from dying singer, became a nurse who was recommended to the Friske family in one of the Moscow hospitals. The woman not only refused to help the artist’s loved ones, but also almost killed Jeanne herself.

She seemed wonderful and sensitive to us, but after spending only one night in the house, she simply turned around and left. And she left Zhanna alone. Mom saw this when Zhanna was lying face down on the pillow and almost suffocated, Natalya recalls.

Let us remind you that Zhanna Friske died in her house near Moscow on Monday, June 15, at 22:30. Only an hour and a half after this, her friend Olga Orlova, finally realizing that Zhanna was no longer there, called an ambulance. Arriving doctors confirmed the death of the artist.

Dmitry Shepelev: Zhanna was absolute and pure happiness for me

Zhanna Friske's common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev on his Facebook page thanked everyone who has been with the singer lately.

The common-law husband of singer Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Shepelev, published a post on his Facebook page in which he talked about two recent years difficult struggle with his beloved’s illness and thanked everyone who helped Zhanna during this difficult time. This is Shepelev's first public statement after Friske's death.

We always repeated: “Happiness loves silence.” I remain true to these words, because Zhanna remains absolute for me...

Posted by Dmitry Shepelev on June 16, 2015
- We always repeated: “Happiness loves silence.” I remain true to these words, because Zhanna remains for me absolute, pure, unique happiness. We didn't give up and fought to win. They say that 2 years in such a situation is a long time. But, of course, for us this is very little... - Shepelev wrote.

The artist's common-law husband thanked everyone who helped Zhanna and her family in the fight against the disease - both financially and with prayers and kind words. According to Dmitry Shepelev, now he is going to focus on helping those who, like Friske, are fighting for their lives and health to the end and do not give up.

For a year and a half, Zhanna Friske tried to defeat brain cancer - she was given a terrible diagnosis in early 2014. After lengthy treatment in clinics in Germany and the USA, the singer and her family moved to the Baltic states. In the summer of 2014, Friske began to recover: her vision, partially lost due to the tumor, began to return, she noticeably lost weight, stood on her feet and could move around without a wheelchair. Nevertheless, doctors warned that after radiation therapy, Friske may experience complications - post-radiation changes in the brain.

Many stars of Russian show business and friends of the singer expressed their condolences. Among those who until the last moment kept in touch with Friske, who, due to illness, tried to lead an almost reclusive lifestyle, was her colleague and close friend Dmitry Nagiev. Singer and composer Dmitry Malikov called the words from their last song with Friske prophetic.

The singer, according to her father, will be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in the capital.

Zhanna Friske's son will not be brought to the funeral, fearing for his psyche

The singer's sister Natalya Friske told LifeNews that family council decided to leave two-year-old Plato in Bulgaria.

The son of Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev will not be brought to his mother’s funeral, so as not to traumatize the psyche of the two-year-old baby. The singer’s sister told LifeNews about this.

According to her, Shepelev himself will return to Moscow on the first flight to accompany his wife to last path. Earlier it became known that Zhanna Friske would be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Dima left for Bulgaria with a heavy heart, and as soon as he found out about what had happened, he was going to take the first flight here. They will most likely leave the child there so that he does not see this,” Natalya said.

Now the singer’s relatives and friends are puzzled not only by preparations for the farewell ceremony with Zhanna, but also by resolving issues regarding future fate little Plato. According to Natalya, his father will raise the boy.

I hope that we will see our nephew on weekends,” said Natalya Friske.

Let us remind you that Zhanna Friske died in her house near Moscow on Monday, June 15, at 22:30. Only an hour and a half after this, her friend Olga Orlova, finally realizing that Zhanna was no longer there, called an ambulance. Arriving doctors confirmed the death of the artist.

For a year and a half, Zhanna Friske tried to defeat brain cancer - she was given a terrible diagnosis in early 2014. After lengthy treatment in clinics in Germany and the USA, the singer and her family moved to the Baltic states. In the summer of 2014, Friske began to recover: her vision, partially lost due to the tumor, began to return, she noticeably lost weight, stood on her feet and could move around without a wheelchair. Nevertheless, doctors warned that after radiation therapy, Friske may experience complications - post-radiation changes in the brain.

IN recent months Zhanna Friske lived in Moscow in a country house with her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev and little son Platon.

Zhanna Friske spent three months before her death in a coma

The father of the popular Russian singer who died the day before, Vladimir Friske, said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda radio that Zhanna Friske spent the last three months in a coma. According to him, the singer’s family has told no one all this time. this fact didn't report.

Shortly before her death, the media write, Zhanna Friske stopped recognizing her loved ones. In recent days, the family has not left the singer: doctors have already predicted the imminent end. At the time of death, her parents, sister Natalia and close friend- ex-soloist of the group “Brilliant” Olga Orlova.

Zhanna Platon's son and her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev were not nearby at the time of death. The father and child are in Bulgaria.

“The child must stay with his father. If he gives it to us, allows us to raise him, we will help, naturally... He will not be left without anyone,” says the singer’s father, Vladimir Friske.

The singer's funeral is scheduled for Thursday, June 18. Zhanna will most likely be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in the Balashikha district of the Moscow region.

Let us recall that Zhanna Friske’s serious illness became known in January 2014. She was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Viewers collected more than 60 million rubles to help the singer, but she donated some of it to help children suffering from cancer.

Zhanna Friske gained fame as a member of the group "Brilliant", then she began a solo career. She starred in the films “Night Watch”, “Day Watch” and “What Men Talk About”.

Malikov called the words from their last song with Friske prophetic

The famous singer and composer Dmitry Malikov recalled working with Zhanna Friske on a song, which became one of the last in the singer’s career.

Relatives and friends, colleagues and fans of Zhanna Friske mourn the death of the singer. Everyone who cared about the popular performer is trying to support her family in this tragic moment and share their memories of Zhanne as a kind and decent person.

Zhanna Friske recorded one of her last songs as a duet with Dmitry Malikov. It contained the words: “Snow falls quietly on the palm of your hand and melts, it’s not easy for me now, I miss you so much.” As the singer noted, it was these lines that became prophetic, because after that duet the connection between the artists was severed.

I can’t say that Zhanna was my close friend. But I was lucky enough to meet her on the same stage many times, and Zhanna recorded one of her last songs as a duet with me, this was a year and a half ago. The song is very light and danceable, with the words: “Snow falls quietly on the palm of your hand and melts, it’s not easy for me now, I miss you so much.” These are very touching words in a sense, they became prophetic, because then she left for America, there was a very difficult birth, her illness began, and since then we have lost contact. But the song remains, lives on and is liked by many. “I’m now on tour in the north, and when I woke up and opened the news, this news, of course, shocked and shocked me,” Malikov said.

According to Malikov, he learned news about Zhanna Friske’s health from her friend and former partner in “Brilliant” Olga Orlova. The singer believed until the last moment that Zhanna would recover.

During her illness, we did not keep in touch, but I always learned about her condition from Olga Orlova. In the last few weeks and months, I lost track of her, and it seemed to me that the situation was getting better, but everything turned out the opposite,” said Dmitry.

Let us remind you that information about the death of Zhanna Friske appeared on the night from Monday to Tuesday. For a year and a half, the singer struggled with a terrible disease, but still failed to defeat brain cancer. The singer spent her last days unconscious in her house near Moscow. Many celebrities expressed their condolences Russian show business and friends of the singer. Zhanna Friske, according to her father, will be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in the capital.

Life lessons from Zhanna Friske: “A woman should always be loved. We are blown away without love"

Life lessons from Zhanna Friske: “A woman should always be loved. We are blown away without love"

“Komsomolskaya Pravda” has collected the most memorable quotes from the ex-soloist of “Brilliant”
Yesterday the singer passed away and incredibly beautiful woman Zhanna Friske. The artist stubbornly fought cancer for more than a year, but the disease turned out to be stronger. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” has collected the most memorable quotes from the ex-soloist of “Brilliant”, which form the lessons of her life.

Getting naked is getting harder and harder every year.
These people drink water from a puddle, not from a spring.
When they once asked me - don’t you think that your songs are degrading young people, I answered: but they smile. They will not take out knives and go cut someone on the street.
Women shouldn't be ashamed of their beauty
Jewelry and heels are a girl's best friend
If there is trust, this is an ideal relationship
They used to say subtly: “She has dimples on her thighs.”
Everything needs to be approached with humor. Including to yourself
A lot of complexes can be acquired “thanks” to the stage
I think that the most sexy men- far from handsome
For me, human and sexual relationships are two different things.
Is it possible to remain indifferent to the opportunity to test yourself?
Journalists make up everything about my personal life. And I'm upset.
A sense of humor and a correct sense of reality help out in any situation.
I change every day and am grateful for every wrinkle that is on my face.
A woman should always be loved. If no one loves her, she is zero. We are blown away without love.
I can’t go out into the street dressed casually, not because of publicity, but because I respect myself.
No amount of cosmetology will help if you are dissatisfied with your life, if you are unhappy, if you are angry.
Yes, I suffered from male meanness. And yet I think: you need to forgive. Negative emotions destructive.
You can sit for hours in the hairdresser, get Botox, but all the troubles will still be on your face.
We've eaten so much crap together that we simply have nothing to share. I learned a lot while working at Blestyashchiye.
I don't calculate anything. And I can’t - I got a bad grade in math. So I trust solely my intuition.
For some reason, men are either afraid of me or think that I am some kind of unearthly creature. And I'm an ordinary, run-of-the-mill woman.
If a man demands that a woman be a perfect picture, I would advise you to think: do you need such a man?
Loving people should not fetter each other with mutual claims, force each other to account for: what, where; put in a dependent position.
Sometimes you go into a restaurant and there are women sitting with rings on their hands, but they don’t have happy eyes. I don't want it that way. I believe that I will find my true soul mate.
I don't want to put my personal life on public display. I have my little “house” in which I take refuge. Only close people are allowed to enter.
To love, to treat with understanding, to see a woman as a person, a person, to treat her soul with respect - this is what can lead to a truly strong union.
Every stage of life is beautiful. And I find a certain charm in facial wrinkles. These “correct” wrinkles from smiles and emotions give our faces life.
A man can be absolutely ugly, but at the same time so unusual, so natural, so smart, so interesting in conversation, so able to present himself.
I saw it once in a restaurant. Two fat, flabby men are sitting, and one says to the other: “Can you imagine, she has cellulite on her thighs.” I wanted to slap him on the head.
“What should a beautiful woman sing about? About what's in her once again abandoned, everyone around is a scoundrel and she's tearing her hair out? This is funny. It still turns out to be love songs. Well, a beautiful woman can’t sing about the hungry children of Nicaragua. I try to take into account the artist's character. Zhanna is like that, and carelessness is closest to her.”

Three mysteries of the death of Zhanna Friske

Details of the death of singer Zhanna Friske are still known from relatives and friends only in the most general outline- Zhanna’s father and friends are in a state of shock. However, what is known also raises questions.

Several months in a coma at home

Zhanna, according to her father Vladimir Borisovich, died in her parents’ house in an elite village in the Balashikha area - the singer returned there after treatment in the USA. Zhanna's father, in an interview with MK, said that his daughter had been in a coma for the last three months, but they did not want to take her to any hospital. How did this become possible?

Vladimir Borisovich explained this by saying that the doctors, understanding Zhanna’s serious condition, did not want her to die in their medical institution. But why did the family agree to this? How can a person in a coma stay at home? After all, to maintain life we ​​need special devices, a lot of medicines... At the Balashikha Cancer Center they told us that they had not received any requests from Zhanna’s relatives.

According to unconfirmed information, not long ago Zhanna was seen together with her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev for a walk in the park. However, passers-by could recognize each other...

Why was the ambulance called so late and who was next to Zhanna?

According to media reports, Zhanna died at half past ten in the evening on Monday, June 15. An ambulance was called to the house in Balashikha only after midnight - and it is said that it was not Zhanna’s relatives who called it, but her close friend Olga Orlova.

When we called Olga Orlova, she said that she could find the strength to tell the sad details only after her friend’s funeral.

— Why didn’t you call an ambulance right away? - we asked Olga.

- I’m not ready to answer you right now...

“The only thing Olga explained was that Zhanna did not have a nurse.

According to Zhanna’s sister, Natalya Friske, cited by Lifenews, a private nurse was hired to care for Zhanna, but she... ran away. Natalya herself and the singer’s mother looked after her sister. Why were the doctors called only almost three hours after Zhanna died? Was anyone with her at the time of her death? There are no answers to these questions yet.

The common-law husband and father of Zhanna Platon’s child, Dmitry Shepelev, was in Bulgaria with his son when Friske died, having flown there the day before the tragic event. Those around Friske said that it was impossible to leave, knowing about his wife’s critical condition.

Zhanna’s parents are ready to raise her son Platon, but Vladimir Borisovich made a reservation in a conversation with us: this will happen if he and his wife “are trusted with the child.”

Dmitry Shepelev must fly to his wife’s funeral, but he will leave Plato in Bulgaria, said Natalya Friske. And in the future it is my father who intends to study Plato. Does this mean that there are internal conflicts in Jeanne's family? God grant that this turns out not to be the case...

Olga Orlova: “Now I’m organizing a funeral, and I’m in so much pain that I can’t explain anything”

Zhanna Friske's closest friend, who took all possible part in saving the singer, cannot hold back her tears.

There are no indifferent people either among the singer’s colleagues or all those who sincerely believed in her recovery. Everyone who deeply sympathized with Zhanna Friske at the stage of treatment and struggle for life today speaks and writes about her, thereby expressing their general grief over what happened.

Despite this, the media began to circulate information that two days before the singer’s death, her husband Dmitry Shepelev left with their child for Bulgaria, allegedly leaving his wife.

With the question of why the TV presenter left, we turned to our closest friend Zhanna Friske, who was next to her all this time, trying to save her:

Olga Orlova, friend of Zhanna Friske: “I’m in too much pain, I can’t talk”

— The funeral will take place on Thursday, I will announce the exact time and details later. Now I’m organizing a funeral, and I’m in so much pain that I can’t explain anything, sorry! - Olga could not hold back her tears...

Meanwhile, a growing number of celebrities are expressing condolences over Jeanne’s passing:

xenia_sobchak: Many years ago. At Kinotavr, by the way. She was beautiful and kind. RiP

anilorak: My condolences to the family of a wonderful man..Zhanna Friske..What a pity...Blessed memory..

guzeeva_larisa: Dear Zhannochka! Eternal memory! Condolences to family and friends.

Oleggazmanov: Sad news.

I didn’t believe that life would end.

That someday the end will come.

And your star will fall from the sky,

Leaving a crown of constellations... Farewell, Zhanna!

ann_semenovich: I was lucky enough to know you and work together, I was lucky enough to listen to your wise advice as an older friend and laugh in unison? So wise, kind and deep people there are very few in the world and when they leave this world it becomes very sad! Eternal memory and an easy road home to the Kingdom of God?

anitatsoy: Zhanna, may you rest in peace. Dear family, please accept my sincere condolences. Zhanna, goodbye.

prigozhin_iosif: Sad news knocked on the window today. The cheerful and beautiful, kind and friendly, interesting and unenvious, strong and independent Zhanna Friske has passed away. Sincere condolences to her family, friends and fans. We will miss her.

valeriya_rus: Strong, kind, smart, beautiful, cheerful... My heart is in tatters. We remember, we love.

bledans: Today he goes without stopping terrible rain. According to legend, the sky is crying, and with it a huge number of people who have lost the sun today. Sunny - Zhannochka! She always glowed, smiled and gave warmth to everyone who was nearby. We saw each other at the New Year's children's performance and I was so happy that everything was fine! But... sometimes even the strongest can’t! You fought until the end! You are the best! You will always be an example for me, of course and a standard female beauty! Honey, we won't forget you!

denisklyaver: So early and unfair…..Goodbye Dear Zhannochka……….We mourn……….

lopyrevavika: You never know what will happen tomorrow...and we so often waste precious minutes of our lives on all sorts of nonsense, not realizing that this thin thread can break at any moment. And that’s it...you will never again be able to tell a person how dear he is to you or just take his hand and be silent. Appreciate and love each other here and now, so that later you don’t regret that you didn’t have time to say or do something very important! r.i.p. Zhanna... I wish my friends and family strength to survive this tragedy? Kingdom of Heaven.

Victoriabonya: I don’t want to believe, it’s painful to realize, it’s hard to find words... We all hoped and believed... Rest in peace, Zhanna... May you rest in peace...

Zhanna Friske's father announced the date and place of farewell to the singer

Farewell to singer Zhanna Friske, who passed away tonight, will take place tomorrow in Moscow at Crocus City Hall. The funeral is scheduled for June 18, the singer will be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. Her father Vladimir Friske spoke about this.

LifeNews for the first time publishes footage of the beginning of Friske’s treatment in Hamburg. Sorry it didn't help.

The channel has a video in which the singer and her family go to the clinic.

Exclusive footage from Hamburg appeared at the disposal of the editors 2-3 months before the first reports about Zhanna Friske’s illness appeared in the press. The video was filmed in October 2013, the year the singer and her family first crossed the threshold of one of the leading European clinics. A couple of months before this, the singer stopped appearing in public and posting current photographs on social networks, but colleagues and fans thought that the young mother was recovering from childbirth and was raising her growing son.

At this time, no one except her closest friends and relatives knew about the singer’s problems. On January 15, 2014, the media published the first reports about the singer’s illness. On January 20, family and relatives confirmed in a statement on the singer’s official website that Zhanna was seriously ill.

After Hamburg, the singer's treatment continued at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Zhanna was ready for any treatment methods, even experiments. Doctors reassure: radiation therapy should help. And indeed, the disease is susceptible. The long-awaited word is remission.

Soon, to continue rehabilitation, Friske and her family moved to the Baltic states. It seemed that she was on the mend: the singer began to regain her vision, partially lost due to the tumor, she noticeably lost weight, stood on her feet and could move around without a wheelchair. However, doctors warned that after radiation therapy, Zhanna could experience complications - post-radiation changes in the brain. And so it happened. The disease has returned. No treatment helped anymore.

Friske struggled with a brain tumor for almost two years, and for the last three months she no longer regained consciousness. Zhanna died in her house near Moscow on Monday, June 15, at 22:30. For a year and a half, she tried to defeat brain cancer - she was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis in early 2014. However, as LifeNews learned, Zhanna Friske’s treating doctors said that she was brought to die at a cancer center in Moscow. Even then, Friske became blind and was in extreme in serious condition. Doctors told investigators that the council refused Zhanna Friske treatment due to high risks.

The singer’s husband, Dmitry Shepelev, according to LifeNews, left Zhanna Friske two days before her death and went to Bulgaria, taking his son Plato with him. Doctors warned him that he might not see his wife alive, but Dmitry still flew abroad.

In the LifeNews studio, Otar Kushanashvili expressed condolences to the family of Zhanna Friske and paid tribute to Olga Orlova, the singer’s friend, who remained with her until the last minute. Otar Kushanashvili is sure that Zhanna always, even knowing about her incurable illness, remained the embodiment of love for life solely for the sake of her son Plato, her husband and family.

Moscow says goodbye to Zhanna Friske

A long line of fans of the singer formed near the Crocus City Hall concert hall, many of them holding flowers.

Farewell to singer Zhanna Friske, who died at the age of 41, is taking place in the Moscow Crocus City Hall concert hall.

The coffin was placed in the hall of the concert hall. There are vases with flowers and wreaths around the coffin. Music plays, and photographs and footage from the singer’s videos are shown on the screen. Jeanne's relatives are near the coffin.

Singers Olga Orlova, Anna Semenovich, Diana Gurtskaya, Ksenia Novikova, singers Dmitry Malikov, Igor Nikolaev, Sergey Lazarev, Mitya Fomin, trainer Edgard Zapashny and many others came to say goodbye to Zhanna Friske.

Hundreds of people have already said goodbye to the singer, they are coming in an endless stream. The tables in front of the coffin are littered with flowers. The farewell will last until 20.00.

About three thousand people came to say goodbye to Zhanna Friske

In Moscow, at least 3 thousand people came to say goodbye to singer Zhanna Friske. TASS reports this.

Famous Russian singer Zhanna Friske died on the night of June 16 at the age of 41 due to brain cancer.

Dmitry Shepelev: “I proposed to Zhanna. And we wanted to get married!”

>The popular TV presenter, the father of the singer’s child, told KP about the last days of the woman he loved.

“Zhanna remains an absolute, pure, unique happiness for me,” her common-law husband, the famous TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, wrote in his blog after the death of Zhanna Friske.

For two years, Dima, together with Zhanna’s relatives, fought for her life. Alas, the miracle that everyone so wanted to believe in did not happen.

Dmitry Shepelev was not present at the farewell ceremony for Zhanna. At these moments, Dima was with their two-year-old son Plato in Bulgaria, where he left shortly before Zhanna left.

The Komsomolskaya Pravda website managed to talk with Dmitry when he flew to Moscow to say goodbye to the woman he loved and the mother of his son at the funeral.

“I was waiting for my father to arrive to look after Plato.”

— Dima, we bring you condolences from the journalists and readers of KP.

- Thank you. Thank you.

— Your fans are wondering why you weren’t at the farewell ceremony for Zhanna today?

“A few hours ago I was with our child in Bulgaria. And he waited for his grandfather, my father, to come to us at the first opportunity in order to keep an eye on Plato and not leave him alone with the nanny.

The child must be supervised. This is very important for us.

As soon as my father arrived, this happened several hours ago, I immediately

flew to Moscow. Yesterday there was a ceremony for Jeanne's fans. Public ceremony. Today it is much more intimate: liturgy, funeral service and burial. This morning I will be with my beloved woman.

— And they also discussed on the Internet why you flew to Bulgaria on the eve of Zhanna’s departure. I take it because of my son? So that Plato would not be present at last minutes moms?

“It was known a month ago that I would take the child to the sea.” Tickets were purchased and visas were issued. During this time we understood that anything could happen. But none of the doctors, neither in Russia, nor in Germany, nor in America, from those with whom I consulted, could say when trouble might happen. It was clear that Zhanna was in critical condition, but no one could predict anything.

This could go on for days, weeks, months. And, of course, no one made any plans. It's all in the family... Let me speak on behalf of the whole family. We agree on the main thing: the child should not suffer. And, if possible, the child should have a full summer. Therefore, we knew in advance that on the 14th, on Sunday, he would fly away to rest.

And you must understand, I spent these two years with Zhanna, without leaving... And I followed her everywhere she was. Because I knew that my loved one needed support. And the fact that this happened due to this, I will say, is nothing other than a monstrous coincidence of circumstances; there is no other way to call it. Of course, if I had a choice, I would want to be with her at these moments. The fact that this happened within 24 hours after we left with the child is nothing more than a coincidence. On the other hand, I am calm for my son and am very glad that all these tragic events pass him by. I don't think it's right for him to be there.

“You have to fight even if it’s a game with death”

— The trouble that came to your house is familiar to many. For example, my aunt also died from a similar disease. And there are many such tragedies in the families of KP readers. The question arises: is it really impossible to be cured in Russia, but only abroad there are these miraculous vaccines that can prolong the life of our loved ones for some period of time...

— Russian doctors do a great job. And first of all, I would like to thank the dozens of Russian doctors who were responsive to us. Many people helped us absolutely free of charge.

And they did a lot for our family. More than they should have.

Therefore, first of all, I must say words of gratitude. There are some circumstances that ordinary doctors cannot change. A much more serious question is what treatment is available in Russia...

And, believe me, the treatment that exists now can help a lot of people. But Russian doctors are not omnipotent. There are technologies that, unfortunately, are not available to Russia. For example, only in America. Or in Israel.

This is also no secret. That's why we face the circumstances we face. You can get treatment in Russia. The most important thing is to fight. From the very beginning to the very end. Even if it's a game with death, in my opinion.

— Yesterday there was a very warm farewell ceremony. And it seemed to many that Zhanna saw all the fans who came to say goodbye to her. It is difficult to talk about Zhanna in the past tense. Tell me, did she want to return to the stage? What plans did she have?

- You know, our son has always been a priority for us. This is undoubtedly the most important thing that happened in my life and hers. Therefore, the most important thing we talked about, the most important thing for us, is how we will raise our child. This is exactly what she dreamed about. And that’s exactly what she was talking about. I think that this is much stronger, much greater happiness than going on stage. Although, of course, performing made her happy, because she was born for this.

“The memory of a loved one is the strongest motivation”

- And you wanted to get married, as far as I understand...

- We discussed this. I proposed to her.

— In an interview with KP, you once said that sometimes it’s not you, but Zhanna who supports you and finds wise words. Did she say something about a possible departure or was the topic never brought up?

- No, we never discussed this.

— I know that you are now planning to open an information fund for people who, like Zhanna, are struggling with this serious diagnosis, brain cancer. Are you doing this in memory of Zhanna?

Zhanna Friske's husband: I'll probably regret it for the rest of my life

Farewell to Zhanna Friske took place in Moscow on June 17
MOSCOW, June 18, 2015, 07:03 - REGNUM Dmitry Shepelev, the common-law husband of Zhanna Friske, told at the Burgas airport (Bulgaria) why he was not at Crocus City Hall, where a farewell to the singer took place on June 17.

According to him, he had to wait in Bulgaria for the arrival of his father, grandfather Plato, who was supposed to stay with the 2-year-old boy. After that, he was only able to get tickets for the evening flight. At the same time, he denied claims that even before departure he knew that Zhanna would die in the coming days: a trip to the sea with Plato was planned a month ago.

“I will probably regret for the rest of my life that this coincided. There can be no question of any escape or the fact that I took the child from Zhanna,” Shepelev told Super.

According to Shepelev, on June 18 the most important events for the family and for him: liturgy, funeral service, funeral.

Zhanna Friske died on the evening of June 15 at her parents' house in the Moscow region. The singer's father said that she had been in a coma for the last three months.

Red roses and a funeral cortege - Zhanna Friske was seen off on her last journey

Singer Zhanna Friske, who died at the age of 41 long illness, was buried on Thursday at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in Balashikha near Moscow.