Correctly thread the upper thread of the sewing machine. Mechanical engineering rules for threading the upper and lower threads of a sewing machine

teacher of Russian language and literature MOU

“Lyceum No. 1”, Chamzinka village, Republic of Mordovia

Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna

History of the story

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"


introduce students to the history of the creation of Leo Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”,

remember the terms “story”, “episode”, “plot” and “composition”,

help students understand the humanistic focus of the story

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy -

writer, public figure, teacher

In 1859, Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana, helped establish 20 more in the surrounding area, and this activity fascinated him very much.

In 1871, he began to compile the “ABC” - a school manual for teaching children reading, writing and arithmetic.

The book opens alphabetically; each of the letters is illustrated by a picture: “A” - watermelon, “B” - barrel, “P” - fish.

The second part of "The ABC" is a series short stories of a moralizing nature. You all remember “The Parable of the Liar,” which tells the story of a boy who deceived the shepherds three times. When the herd he was protecting was actually attacked by wolves, cries for help turned out to be useless: no one believed the young liar.

History of the story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Story The story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” was written for ABC, which the writer published in 1872.


The writer made sure that in his “ABC”, as he said, everything was “beautiful, short, simple and, most importantly, clear.” At the heart of the story real case which happened to the writer himself during his service in the Caucasus.

History of the story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

In the middle of the 19th century, a heavy, bloody war was going on in the Caucasus. Tsar Nicholas I sent his troops to conquer the Caucasian lands. The mountain peoples who lived there stubbornly resisted the tsarist troops. On steep mountain roads, in forests and gorges, at river crossings, the mountaineers set up ambushes and took Russian soldiers and officers prisoner. Russian convoys moved from one fortress to another under heavy guard.

L.N. Tolstoy at that time was on military service in the Caucasian Army, participated in the hostilities of Russian troops.

History of the story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Once, having traveled far from his detachment, Leo Tolstoy was almost captured. The writer was rescued from trouble by his companion and friend, the Chechen Sado.

Shortly before this incident, Sado bought a young horse, which turned out to be a good racer. L.N. Tolstoy praised the horse, and Sado, according to Caucasian custom, gave him his horse. And so, when the Chechens began to overtake his friends, Tolstoy could easily get away from them on a fast horse, but for nothing in the world would he agree to abandon his comrade in trouble.

History of the story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Sado had a gun, but it turned out to be unloaded. However, he menacingly aimed his gun at the approaching pursuers and shouted at them. The mountaineers wanted to take Sado and the Russian officer prisoner alive and therefore did not shoot.

They were especially angry at their fellow tribesman Sado, who was friends with the Russians. Pursued by the Chechens, Tolstoy and Sado approached the Grozny fortress; a sentry saw the chase and raised the alarm. Mounted Cossacks immediately appeared from the fortress. The Chechens turned back and rushed off into the mountains.

History of the story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Later, L.N. Tolstoy became acquainted with the “Memoirs of a Caucasian Officer” published in the magazine “Russkiy Vestnik”, the author of which was Colonel of the Cuirassier Regiment Fyodor Fedorovich Tornau. The author reports under what circumstances he was captured by the mountaineers, how the woman who loved him tried to help him local girl Aslan Koz, why his first escape attempt was unsuccessful and how he managed to free himself from captivity.

Tolstoy used these memories for his story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus."

History of the story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

After reading the title, guess what the story will be about?

The plot of the story is simple:

two Russian officers are captured, one was able to escape, the other was not able to .

History of the story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Who is the Caucasian prisoner?

Caucasian prisoner -

a person held captive by Caucasians in the Caucasus.

Guess why L.N. Tolstoy gives the title to the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, and not “prisoners”?

Two officers are captured, but only one of them was truly “captured.” Another officer managed to free himself, and it is he who is the hero of Tolstoy’s story.

Plot and composition of the story

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Working with terms

a short narrative work that tells about one or more episodes in a person's life.

Story - This…

Episode - This…

depiction of a single event with a beginning and an end.

chain of events occurring in a work.

Plot - This…

Composition - This…

construction of a work, arrangement of parts and episodes in a meaningful sequence.

List the elements of the composition.


Development of action.



Story composition

"Prisoner of the Caucasus"

The action takes place in the 19th century in the Caucasus. There is a war between the Russians and the highlanders. Initial introduction to the characters



Development of action:




Fill out the table after reading the work.

I wish you to read the story carefully

L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”





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“L.N. Tolstoy. A story about a writer. "Prisoner of the Caucasus." The historical basis and plot of the story."

Literature lesson summary

Class: 5a

Date: 1.12.2016

Subject: L.N. Tolstoy. A story about a writer. "Prisoner of the Caucasus." Historical background and plot of the story.

Teacher's goals : introduce the biography of the great Russian writer, interest students in his work; tell the story of the creation of the work, talk about the events reflected in the story; explain the meaning of the genre definition “story-true” and main idea works.

Planned results of studying the topic:

Subject Skills : know content of the work read; be able to perceive and analyze text, determine genre literary work, formulate the idea, the problems of the work, characterize the hero.

Metasubject UUD (universal learning activities):

Personal: has a positive attitude towards learning, cognitive activity, acquires new knowledge and skills, improves existing ones.

Regulatory: accepts and saves the learning task; plans (in collaboration with teacher and classmates or independently) necessary actions, operations, operating according to plan.

Cognitive: understands information presented in pictorial, schematic, model form, uses sign-symbolic means to solve various educational problems.

Communication: builds small monologue statements, carries out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

Lesson progress

The diversity of this man has always surprised the world.

I. A. Bunin

I. Introductory speech about the life and work of the writer(textbook, pp. 229-230).

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate. Here he spent most of his life. Home, surrounding nature, communication with peasants had a huge influence on the future writer. “Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. Without Yasnaya Polyana I might see more clearly general laws, necessary for my fatherland, but I will not love it to the point of addiction,” wrote L. N. Tolstoy.

Yasnaya Polyana passed to the Tolstoys from the Volkonsky princes. The estate was given as a dowry to the writer’s mother, Maria Nikolaevna (Volkonskaya). Tolstoy's father, Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, was a representative of a noble but poor noble family. He served in the army, but poor health and poor financial condition forced him to resign. He got married and started farming at Yasnaya Polyana. What the writer valued most in his father was his love of education and his humane attitude towards the peasants. (No one was ever physically punished at the estate.)

The family had five children: Nikolai, Dmitry, Sergei, Lev and Maria.

Lev Nikolaevich did not remember his mother: she passed away early, the boy was one and a half years old. Tatyana Alexandrova Ergolskaya, a distant relative of the Tolstoys, was involved in raising the children. She treated the children well, surrounded them with care, affection, and warmth.

Servants for children were taken from serfs. Proximity to people of the “low strata” played a big role in moral development future writer.

WITH early years Tolstoy perceived beauty subtly native nature: fields during grain harvest, birch trees in spring, dark forest. He loved animals, especially horses, and rode horses well into his old age. The writer called his childhood the happiest time of his life.

In 1837 the family moved to Moscow. Six months later, my father died in Tula. Another year and a half later, the grandmother dies, followed by her aunt, father’s sister, Baroness Osten-Sacken, who was the children’s guardian. After these misfortunes, another sister of Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy, Pelageya Ilyinichna Yushkova, took custody of the orphans. In 1841, she moved all the children to her home in Kazan.

All the children of the family, growing up, entered Kazan University. In 1844, Lev Nikolaevich first entered the Faculty of Oriental Languages, but a year later he transferred to the Faculty of Law. Not satisfied with his university studies, in 1847 Tolstoy submitted a request for expulsion and left for Yasnaya Polyana.

In May 1851 he left for the Caucasus, to active army, where his brother Nikolai served as an artillery officer. Participated in battles.

The writer lived a long time interesting life. Tolstoy died in November 1910.

II. A conversation about previously read works of L.N. Tolstoy for children.

Students briefly retell the works, talk about their favorite characters (stories “Shark”, “Jump”, “Bulka”, “On the Fire” and others).

III. Introduction to the articles in the textbook: “From the history of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “From the memoirs of F. F. Tornau” (textbook, 230-231).

A message about the genre definition of the work “true story”: the term “story” is understood as any small narrative work. The word “true” makes it possible to understand that the events actually happened. It is easy to guess that the events described had a real basis. Thus, a rare genre form is born - the “true story”.

IV. ReadingIand IIstory chapters(textbook, pp. 232-241).


1. Why is the story called “Prisoner of the Caucasus”?

2. Who was named in the story “ captive of the Caucasus»?

3. Name the reason that forced Zhilin to set off on his journey.

4. What was the danger of the path?

5. What made Zhilin and Kostylin break away from the guards and go forward?

6. How did the heroes agree to behave when leaving the convoy, and how did they behave when they met the mountaineers?

7. Tell us about how Zhilin and Kostylin were captured.

8. How was the fate of Zhilin and then Kostylin in captivity determined?

9. What makes Zhilin bargain and give the wrong address?

Mechanical Science Tests

1. Determine the sequence for threading the upper thread:
a) raise the needle to the upper position;
b) pass the thread through the thread take-up slot;
c) insert the thread between the washers of the upper thread tension regulator, then into the spring loop;
d) place the thread behind the thread take-up hook on the front board;
e) insert the thread into the eye of the needle from the thread take-up side;
e) place the thread take-up in the upper position;
g) place the thread behind the thread take-up hook on the needle holder;
h) place the spool on the upper spool pin;
i) insert the thread into the eye of the thread take-up.

Answer: a, h, b, c, i, d, g, e, f.

2. Determine the filling sequence bobbin thread:
a) bring the ends of both threads back under the foot;
b) insert the bobbin case into the shuttle device;
c) bring the bottom thread up through the hole in the needle plate;
d) insert a bobbin with thread wound into the bobbin case;
d) thread the thread under the lower thread tension spring.

Answer: d, d, b, c, a.

3. Determine the sequence of winding threads on the bobbin:
a) put the spool of thread on the lower spool pin and pull the thread through the clamping device;
b) manually wind several turns onto the bobbin;
c) press the rubber wheel of the winder to the rim of the flywheel;
d) turn on the machine for working speed;
e) cut the thread and remove the bobbin from the winder;
f) put the winder into operation using the flywheel, the thread should lie tightly and in even rows;
g) put the machine in a non-working position;
h) put the bobbin on the winder.

Answer: g, a, b, h, c, f, d, d.

4. On the platform of the sewing machine there is:
a) retractable plate;
b) lower thread tension regulator;
c) fabric drive rack;
d) front board;
d) winder.

Answer: a; V.

5. The shuttle device is located:
a) on the sleeve stand;
b) on the platform;
c) under the platform.

Answer: c.

6. On a manual sewing machine, the following is superfluous:
a) pedal;
b) flywheel;
c) pen.

Answer: a.

7. The manual sewing machine does not include:
a) flywheel;
b) stitch regulator;
c) thread take-up;
d) front board;
e) electric motor;
e) needle plate.

Answer: d.

8. Sewing machine drives include:
a) manual;
b) combined;
c) foot;
d) universal;
d) electric drive.

Answer: a; V; d.

9. A household sewing machine has controls:
a) stitch length;
b) stitch width;
c) zigzag width;
d) upper thread tension regulator.

Answer: a; V; G.

10. When a weak stitch is formed, the reason is:
a) excessive tension on both threads;
b) insufficient tension of the upper thread;
c) insufficient tension of the lower thread;
d) insufficient tension of both threads.

Answer: Mr.

11. The machine needle device does not include:
a) rod;
b) flat flask;
c) flat;
d) tip;
e) short groove.

Answer: b; G.

12. The foot drive does not have:
a) pedals;
b) drive belt;
c) handles;
d) flywheel.

Answer: c.

Threading the upper thread into the needle is done almost the same in all machines. Therefore, the rules for threading a 22-A class machine are described below.

When threading the upper thread, the thread take-up lever is placed in the uppermost position (Fig. 98). The spool of thread is placed on a special holder and the thread is passed into the guide 1, then the thread on the right side is inserted between the plates of the tension regulator 2 and placed behind the spring 3 located on top of the regulator.

After this, the thread is tucked behind the thread guide square 4, passed up through the thread guard 5 and passed from right to left through the eye of the thread take-up 6. From the thread take-up, the thread is directed into thread guides 7 and 8 located on the front board, and passed through the thread guide under the needle holder 9, then threaded from left to right into the eye of the needle 10. Lightly pulling the end of the thread, unwind 8-10 cm of thread from the spool and bring the end under foot 11 (Fig. 98).

A - machine head; B - foot rod; 1-11 - threading procedure 13 - needle plate of the upper thread; 12 - thread.

Winding thread onto a bobbin produced using an automatic winder (Fig. 99), the base of which is attached to the work table against the flywheel 2. A frame 8 is connected to the base 7, through which the spindle 3 passes. At the left end of the spindle there is a grooved wheel 4, located exactly opposite the belt 11 and put on the flywheel 2.

: 1 - machine stand; 2 - flywheel; 3 - spindle; 4 - wheel; 5 - latch; 6 - latch tongue; 7 - base; 8 - frame; 9 - thread tension regulator; 10 - bobbin; 11 - drive belt; 12 - thread.

A bobbin 10 is put on the right end of the spindle. The thread 12 from the bobbin is tucked into the tension regulator 9 and its end is wound around the bobbin 10 several times. After this, the worker moves the winder frame away from himself so that the spindle pulley is pressed against the drive belt 11. The winder is placed under the frame a special latch 5, while the latch tongue 6 is located between the walls of the bobbin, and the winder is locked in the working position.

To wind the bobbin, turn on the machine. Belt 9 drives the flywheel and the winder spindle with a bobbin attached to it. Since the thread is tucked into the plates of the regulator 9, it moves with a certain tension, and the latch tongue 6 lays it in even rows on the bobbin.

When the thread is wound on the bobbin in the required quantity, it deflects the tongue 6 of the latch 5 and removes the latch from under the frame, that is, it turns off the winder.

Threading the bobbin thread in cars 22-A and class 4 PMZ is almost the same. When threading and installing the bobbin case in a 22-A class machine (Fig. 100), bobbin 2 with wound thread 3 is taken right hand so that when unwinding the thread unwinds from the bobbin from left to right; Cap 1 is taken with the left hand and held so that the slot 4 for the thread is located on top. The bobbin is placed in the cap, and the end of the thread is passed through the slot in the bobbin case.

At the same time, the thread is brought under the spring 5, which regulates its tension.

The thread from the bobbin is wound from right to left, as shown by the arrow in Fig. 100.

: 1 - cap; 2 - bobbin; 3 - thread; 4 - slot in the bobbin case; 5 - spring.

After threading the bobbin into the cap, you need to pull the thread by the end to check the correct threading and the degree of its tension.

When installing the cap in place, turn the handwheel so that the needle bar is in its highest position, then use the fingers of your left hand to open the latch lever (Fig. 101), put the cap with the bobbin on the pin of the holder, push it inside the holder and check whether it is locked well cap, after lowering the latch lever.

I - installation and removal of the bobbin case; II - technique of pulling out the lower thread.

After installing the cap in place, bring the bottom thread to the top of the needle plate. To do this, hold the end of the upper thread 3 with the fingers of your left hand, and turn the flywheel with your right hand so that the lower and upper threads are intertwined, then, pulling thread 3 up (Fig. 101.11), pull up the lower thread 4 through the eye of the needle plate 5. Ends both threads are brought under foot 6 (Fig. 101, 11).

Adjusting thread tension. High-quality stitches and seams can only be achieved if the tension of the upper and lower threads is correctly adjusted.

Depending on the thickness of the fabric, the number of threads and the type of work performed, the thread tension should be greater or less.

Adjusting the tension of the upper thread. To adjust the tension of the upper thread, use the tension regulator attached to the head of the machine (Fig. 102). The regulator consists of two plates 1, put on a pin 2; The plates are pressed against each other using a spring 3.

I - upper thread tension regulator; II - bobbin case: 1 - two plates: 2 - hairpin; 3 - spring; 4 - nut; 5 - thread; 6 - leaf spring; 7 - cap; 8 - screw; 9 - screwdriver.

When threading the machine, the thread is inserted between the plates, which clamp it. To change the thread tension, you need to increase or decrease the spring pressure. A nut 4 is screwed onto the stud 2; Rotating the nut clockwise increases the spring pressure on the plates. If you need to reduce the thread tension, then turn the nut counterclockwise.

The tension of the upper thread must be adjusted with the presser foot lowered.

Adjusting the bobbin thread tension. The degree of tension of the lower thread depends on the force with which it is clamped between the spring 6 and the wall of the bobbin case 1 (Fig. 102, II). To change the pressing force of the spring, there is a screw 8 on it, with the help of which the spring pressure on the thread is increased or decreased, that is, the thread tension.

A tightly stretched bobbin thread will not intertwine with the top thread in the middle of the fabrics being sewn, but will sit on the surface of the bottom fabric. And vice versa, if top thread too tight, it will sit on the surface of the top fabric.

Stitch length adjustment. The stitch length is set depending on the purpose of the stitch and the type of fabric. In a 22-A class machine, the stitch length is changed using the switch lever and the adjuster screw (Fig. 103). Shift lever 1 is located at the bottom of the machine sleeve. Screw 2 of the regulator fixes the position of this lever. On the end surface of the adjuster screw head there is a scale with divisions from 1 to 5 mm, between which there are intermediate divisions.

: 1 - lever; 2 - screw.

The numbers on the head of the screw indicate the stitch length in millimeters. The longest stitch length is 5 mm. To reduce the stitch length, the switch lever is lowered down and placed in the middle position.

The head of the adjuster screw must be turned clockwise until the number or corresponding division characterizing the stitch size is opposite the locking pin protruding from the sleeve; then the lever is lowered, and under the action of a spring located inside the machine sleeve, it takes the corresponding position.

To increase the stitch length, turn the adjuster screw counterclockwise without moving the lever. In order for the machine to sew in the opposite direction, that is, for the fabric to move towards the worker, you need to lower the switch lever all the way down. The set stitch length will not change.

The fabric feeding direction can be changed at any time while the machine is running.

MAOU "Gymnasium "Novoskul" of the city of Veliky Novgorod

Topic: “Sewing machine. Procedure for threading the lower and upper threads"

Teacher: Vasilyeva Elena Alekseevna


    Introduce the rules for threading the upper and lower threads

    Learn to thread the upper and lower threads

    Cultivate neatness

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: sewing machine, bobbin case, bobbin, thread, scissors, scraps of fabric

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Lesson topic message

2. Testing the knowledge learned in the last lesson:

Work along the chain: 1 – reads the name of the part

2 – shows this part on a sewing machine


The purpose of this part is discussed here.

3. Safety instructions when working on a sewing machine

Safety rules when working on a sewing machine:

    Sit straight on a chair in front of the sewing machine, at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from the edge of the table

    When working on a sewing machine, tuck hair under a scarf and fasten the buttons on the sleeve cuffs.

    Ensure correct hand position

    Keep needles and pins only in the pincushion

    If the needle breaks, find the broken parts and give them to the teacher

    There should be no foreign objects on the machine platform

    Do not leave the scissors open on the platform, pass them holding them by the closed blades, rings forward

4. Learning new material:

Upper threading:

The top thread is the thread that goes from the spool to the eye of the needle. Before threading, it is necessary to check that the presser foot is raised and the thread take-up lever is in the upper position (rotate the hand wheel to set the needle and the thread take-up lever to the uppermost position).

1. Place the spool of thread on the rod

2. Pass the thread through the upper thread guide

3. We lay the thread between the washers of the upper thread tension regulator (we bring the thread up through the hook of the fixed washer of the regulator, then through the compensation spring and into the thread take-up hole)

4. We pass the thread through the two lower thread guides and thread it into the eye of the needle from the side of the long groove.

Threading the bobbin thread:

The bobbin case is designed to place the bobbin and thread in the hook.

Before you start threading the lower thread, you need to check the quality of winding the thread on the bobbin: the threads should be wound evenly and tightly.

1. Take the bobbin case into left hand and insert a bobbin with thread into it.

2. Pull the thread through the slot under the pressure spring, and then through the slot at the end of the spring

3. Pull the thread and check that the bobbin rotates freely and the thread comes out of the bobbin case with a slight force

Installing the bobbin case:

We take the latch and bend it all the way, then put the bobbin case on the shuttle spindle. The installation pin must fit into the corresponding groove in the shuttle mechanism plate. Then release the latch, pressing the bobbin case until it clicks.

5. Practical work"Threading the upper and lower thread"

Work in pairs.

After work, students write down the threading algorithm in a notebook.

6. Summing up the lesson.

Grading. Analysis typical mistakes. Recording homework.