Domestic psychologists. Outstanding psychologists and their contribution to the development of science - abstract

Latest update: 22/03/2015

A Review of Prominent Thinkers in Psychology

The breadth and diversity of psychology can be seen by looking at some of the most famous thinkers. While every theorist may have been part of the most important philosophical school, each brought a unique contribution and new perspectives for the development of psychology as a science.

A study that appeared in July 2002 « » created a ranking of the 99 most influential psychologists. The ranking was based primarily on three factors: frequency of citations in journals, in textbook introductory citations, and survey results. 1,725 ​​American Association members psychologists.

10 Influential Thinkers in Psychology

The following list provides an overview of the 10 psychologists from this survey. These people are not only some of the most famous thinkers in the field of psychology, they also played important roles in the history of psychology and made important contributions to our understanding of human behavior. This list is not an attempt to determine who was the most influential or which schools of thought were the best. Instead, this list provides insight into some of the theoretical perspectives that influence not only psychology, but also the cultural environment in which we live.

In a 2002 study ranking the 99 most prominent psychologists of the 20th century, he topped the list. Skinner made an enormous contribution to the development and promotion of behaviorism. Therapy methods based on his theories are still widely used today, including behavior modification techniques.

When people think of psychology, many tend to think of Freud. His work supports the view that not everyone mental illness have physiological causes, and he also offered evidence that cultural differences influence psychology and behavior. His works and writings contributed to our understanding of personality, clinical psychology, human development, and pathopsychology.

The work is considered part of the cognitive revolution in psychology that began in the late 1960s. His social learning theory emphasized the importance of observational learning, imitation and modeling. “Learning will be extremely difficult, not to say dangerous, if people have to rely only on the results of their own actions to understand what they should do. ” Bandura explained in his book Social Learning Theory.

The work of Jean Piaget has had a profound influence on psychology, especially in our understanding of children's intellectual development. His research contributed to the growth of developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, genetic epistemology, and educational reform. Albert Einstein once described Piaget's observations regarding children's intellectual growth and thought processes as a discovery "So simple that only a genius could have thought of it."

Carl Rogers emphasized human potential, which had a huge impact on psychology and education. He became one of the most important humanistic thinkers. As his daughter Natalie Rogers writes, he was “He treated people with compassion and understanding in life, and lived out his democratic ideals in his work as a teacher, writer and therapist.”

Psychologist and philosopher William James is often called the father of American psychology. His 1,200-page text, Principles of Psychology, became a classic on the subject, and his teachings and writings helped establish psychology as a science. In addition, James contributed to functionalism, pragmatism, and influenced many psychology students during his 35-year teaching career.

Erik Erikson's psychosociological developmental stage theory helped spark interest and research in the field of human development across the lifespan. The psychologist expanded the theory by examining development across the lifespan, including events in childhood, adulthood, and old age.

He was a Russian physiologist, whose research influenced the development of such a direction in psychology as behaviorism. Pavlov's experimental methods helped move psychology away from introspection and subjective assessments towards objective measurement of behavior.

Even though each of the psychological theorists presented here was likely guided by the ideas of a particular dominant school, they all made individual, invaluable contributions to the development of psychology.
The magazine was published in July 2002 "Review of General Psychology", which presented a ranking of the 99 most influential psychologists. The rankings were based on three main factors: frequency of citations in journals, frequency of citations in textbook introductions, and results from a survey of 1,725 ​​members of the American Psychological Association.

10 Influential Psychological Thinkers

The list below presents 10 psychologists who, according to the survey results, are considered the most influential. These people are the most famous psychological thinkers who played important roles in the history of psychology and through their work expanded the understanding of human behavior. This list is not an attempt to determine who was the most influential or which school of thought was the best. The list provides insight into certain theoretical perspectives that have influenced not only psychology but our culture as a whole.

1. B. F. Skinner

In a 2002 study, B. F. Skinner topped the list of the 99 most prominent psychologists of the 20th century. Skinner's staunch behaviorism made him a dominant figure in psychology, and therapies based on his theories are widely used today, including in fields such as economics.


When people think about psychology, they remember the name Freud. In his work, he maintained the belief that not all mental illnesses have physiological causes. Freud also offered evidence that people's psychology and behavior are influenced by their cultural differences. The work and writings of Sigmund Freud contributed to a deeper understanding of personality, the development of clinical psychology, human potential and pathopsychology.

3. Albert Bandura

Bandura's work represents part of the cognitive revolution in psychology that began in the late 1960s. He emphasized the importance of social theory of learning through observation, imitation and modeling. “Learning would be extremely difficult, if not dangerous, if people relied solely on the results of their own actions.” In his book "Theory social learning", 1977, the author systematically sets out reasonable assumptions that human behavior is governed by complex interactions of external and internal factors: social processes have no less influence on behavior than cognitive ones.


The works of Jean Piaget affect the understanding of children's intellectual development in the field of psychology. Jean Piaget's research helped develop developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, genetic epistemology and the emergence of reforms in education. Albert Einstein once called Piaget's observations of children's intellectual development and thought processes a discovery "so simple that only a genius could have thought of it."

5. Carl Rogers

Carl Rogers emphasized the importance of human potential in psychology and education. Carl Rogers became one of the most important humanistic thinkers, known for the eponymous direction in therapy “Rogers therapy,” which he himself called person-oriented psychotherapy. As his daughter Natalie Rogers describes, he was “a model of compassion and democratic ideals in life and in his work as an educator, writer and therapist.”

6. William James

Psychologist and philosopher William James is often called the father of American psychology. His 1,200-page book, Principles of Psychology, has become a classic. His teachings and writings helped the development of psychology as a science. In addition, James contributed to the development of functionalism, pragmatism, and served as an example for many psychology students during his 35-year teaching career.

Theory age development Erika Eriksona helped create a vibrant interest in the study of human development. As a follower of ego psychology, Erikson expanded psychoanalytic theory by exploring personality development: events in early childhood, in mature age and in old age.

8. Ivan Pavlov

Ivan Pavlov - Russian physiologist, research conditioned reflexes which helped the formation and development of such a direction as behaviorism in psychology. Pavlov's experimental methods helped scientists move away from self-analysis and subjective assessments and move toward objective measurement of behavior in psychology.

Levin is called the father of modern social psychology thanks to his pioneering works in which he used scientific methods and experiments to study social behavior. Lewin was a seminal theorist who, through his lasting impact on psychology, became one of the preeminent psychologists of the 20th century.

10. Readers' Choice

Eugene Garfield (in 1977) and Haggbloom (in 2002), when publishing their rating lists, left the last item on the list empty in order to allow the reader to independently choose the psychologist who, in the reader’s opinion, should be included in this list.


The article mentions 9 of the most talented geniuses of psychology, without whom this science would not be so useful to society.

Psychology - this is, perhaps, the only science that allows you to at least slightly lift the curtain over the mysterious world of your own soul (from non-medical sciences, of course). Therefore, its modern rapid development does not surprise anyone, because the current conditions of progress and computerization have simply driven many into a dead end with their hasty and hectic rhythm.

And since numerous ratings and top lists have now become especially fashionable, it would be unfair not to mention the 9 most famous psychologists in the world who have done a lot for the development of psychology as a science.

So, B.F. Skinner tops this rating , which at one time helped behaviorism develop almost to its current state. It is thanks to this person that they are now widely used in the world. effective methods behavior modification therapies.

In second place of this top is the famous one. It was this man who is considered the founder of psychoanalysis, and only this scientist was the first to prove that cultural and social differences greatly influence the development of personality and the formation of basic character traits.

Albert Bandura deservedly received third place , because his works and psychological developments are considered an integral part of all cognitive psychology. This specialist spends the lion's share of his life and professional activity devoted to the study of learning as a necessary social phenomenon.

Fourth place occupied by the psychologist who made a significant contribution to the development of child psychology. Jean Piaget Almost all my life I studied the development of children's intelligence and the influence of such characteristics on later adult life. The research of this psychologist also brought a lot of benefit to such areas of mental science as: genetic epistemology, cognitive psychology and prenatal psychology.

In fifth place you can see Carl Rogers , who was distinguished by his special humanism and promotion of democratic ideas of psychology. In his numerous writings, Rogers emphasized human spiritual and intellectual potential, which made him the outstanding thinker of his time.

Next comes the father of American psychology, William James , who worked as a social teacher for 35 years. This man brought a lot of valuable things to modern pragmatism, and also helped to develop functionalism as a separate movement in psychology.

The seventh place of honor is occupied by Erik Erikson , whose works on the stages of psychosociological development helped scientists more adequately assess not only the events of adult life, but also incidents early childhood and late old age. This psychologist sincerely believed that each personality does not stop developing, right up to old age, which earned him the respect and veneration of many generations.

Ivan Pavlov is resting in eighth place. The same Pavlov who worked hard for the development of behaviorism. The same scientist at one time helped to significantly move psychology as a science away from subjective introspection to a completely objective method of measuring behavior.

And the last, ninth place of this psychological top is occupied by Kurt Lewin , the father of modern social psychology. It is Levin who is considered the most brilliant theorist, who was able to prove all his innovative theories in action and open the eyes of many scientists to the true state of affairs in social psychology.

This list includes only those scientists who devoted their entire lives to the study and development of social and other psychology for the benefit of their generation and all the following.

The world knew about psychology, or the science of the soul, back in ancient times. That's when it was born. Over the years, this science has been changed, developed, and supplemented.

They made a huge contribution to this psychologists, who researched inner world person. They wrote many treatises, articles and books, on the pages of which they told the world something new, something that changed their view of many things.

In this material the site presents to your attention the names the most famous psychologists in the world, whose quotes are often found in books, magazines and newspapers. These are the people who became famous throughout the world for their discoveries and scientific views.

Sigmund Freud - the most famous psychologist in the world, who founded psychoanalysis

Many of you have probably heard about this great Austrian psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and neurologist. It was his inquisitiveness in understanding human nature and his insightful mind that prompted him to the following idea: the cause of a nervous disorder lies in a whole complex of conscious and unconscious processes that closely interact with each other.

Therefore, the most influential psychologist in the world created psychoanalysis - a specific method of treatment mental disorders, which brought Freud worldwide recognition.

The essence of Freud's psychoanalysis is as follows: the patient ceases to control his thoughts and says the first thing that comes to his mind through associations, fantasies and dreams.

Based on all this, the analyst makes a conclusion about what unconscious conflicts led to the problem. The specialist then interprets it to the patient to find ways to solve the problem.

This innovative method of treating mental disorders had a huge impact on medicine, psychology, anthropology, sociology, literature, and art of the 20th century.

Despite the fact that it was and is still criticized in scientific circles, it is widely used in our time.

Abraham Harold Maslow - author of the pyramid of human needs

Abraham Harold Maslow is also one of the world's most influential psychologists. The American psychologist founded humanistic psychology, according to which a person, from birth, strives for self-improvement, creativity and self-sufficiency.

In other words, a person is the creator of his own life, having freedom of choice and development of lifestyle, unless physical or social influences interfere.

Among the scientific works of the world famous thinker special attention deserves " Maslow's pyramid" It consists of special diagrams reflecting a person’s needs, which the psychologist has distributed in increasing order.

They are presented in the following picture:

The author explains this distribution by the fact that while a person experiences physiological needs, he cannot experience needs that are actually high level. Maslow's pyramid today it is widely used in economics.

Viktor Emil Frankl - founder of logotherapy

It is no coincidence that Viktor Emil Frankl is included in the list of the most famous psychologists in the world. After all, being also a psychiatrist and also a philosopher, he created the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy.

Among the most popular scientific works of the thinker, the work “Man in Search of Meaning” should be highlighted. It was this monograph that became the impetus for the development of logotherapy - a new method of psychotherapy.

According to it, a person’s desire to find and realize his meaning in life in the world is the primary motivating force.

The main task of logotherapy, which Frankl created, is to help a person make his past, present and future more meaningful, thus saving him from neurosis.

Frankl called the suppression of this need existential frustration. This psychological condition often leads to mental and neurotic disorders.

Alois Alzheimer - psychiatrist who studied pathologies of the nervous system

The name of the German psychiatrist and neurologist is probably known to many of you. After all, it names a well-known mental disorder, accompanied by impaired memory, attention, performance and disorientation in space. Namely, Alzheimer's disease.

The neurologist devoted his entire life to the study of various pathologies. nervous system. In his articles he covered the following topics: like schizophrenia, brain atrophy, alcoholic psychosis, epilepsy and much more.

The works of the German psychiatrist are still widely used throughout the world today. Thus, in order to diagnose Alzheimer's disease, the same diagnostic methods are used that a neurologist used back in 1906.

Dale Carnegie - the most famous psychologist in the world, guru of human relationships

American educational psychologist, Dale Carnegie wanted to become a teacher in order to stand out and achieve recognition, because in his youth he was ashamed of his appearance and poverty.

Therefore, he decided to try his hand at public speaking. Devoting himself entirely to training and practicing his speech, he achieves his goal and begins his activity by teaching performing arts and rhetoric.

Then he creates his own institute oratory And human relations, where he teaches everyone the communication skills that he created himself.

Dale Carnegie was not only a famous teacher, psychologist, motivational speaker and lecturer, but also a writer. His book How to Win Friends and Influence People was published in 1936 and became a worldwide bestseller. The author is in it in clear language, based on real-life examples, explains to readers what needs to be done to gain respect, recognition and popularity.

Of course, there are many more influential world psychologists. But we did not focus on each of them. But they only singled out those individuals whose names everyone should know.

After all, their works are truly valuable, since they changed the lives of many people. They contain information that every person can use to solve a particular problem. difficult situation, acquiring valuable life skills, improving relationships with others, and also in order to fill your existence with meaning.

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Psychology as an independent science was known back in ancient antiquity. It was there that it arose and was born. Over the years, this science has repeatedly changed, developed and been supplemented or refuted by many psychologists around the world. But, nevertheless, psychology is relevant and is developing as a science to this day. Throughout the centuries, psychology has included a huge number of scientific works, treatises, articles, books, and the most famous scientists, who, as a result, have been mentioned more than once as the most famous psychologists in the world. All these psychologists made a huge contribution to the development of psychology in general, and at each of its individual stages. They were able to open newest directions in this industry, and they managed to tell the world about something new, never known before. Today, in this article, we tried to bring them all together and introduce you to the most famous representatives of this science.

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Photo gallery: The most famous psychologists in the world

So, we present to your attention a list of the most famous psychologists in the world who were able to revolutionize the entire understanding of psychology. After all, these famous psychologists have repeatedly proven that this science is part of their lives.

Let's fix it according to Freud.

Sigmund Freud, aka Sigismund Shlomo Freud, is the first psychologist we decided to tell you about. Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in the city of Freiberg, Austria-Hungary, now Příbor, Czech Republic. He is known throughout the world as the famous Austrian neurologist who became the founder of the so-called psychoanalytic school with a therapeutic inclination. Sigmud is the "father" of the theory that everything nervous disorders human beings occur due to a number of unconscious and conscious processes that interact very closely with each other.

Vladimir Lvovich Levi, psychologist-poet.

Doctor of Medical Sciences and Psychologist Vladimir Lvovich Levi born on November 18, 1938 in Moscow, where he still lives. After graduation medical institute for a long time worked as an ambulance doctor. Then he moved to the position of psychotherapist and became an honorary employee of the Institute of Psychiatry. Vladimir Levi became the first founder of such a new direction in the science of psychology as suicidology. This direction included a full and detailed study of suicides and psychological state people who are suicidal. During his entire work in psychiatry, Levy published 60 scientific papers.

In addition to psychology, Vladimir is interested in poetry. Therefore, it was not in vain that in 1974 he became an honorary member of the Writers' Union. Levi's most popular books are “The Art of Being Yourself”, “Conversation in Letters”, and the three-volume book “Confession of a Hypnotist”. And in 2000, his personal collection of poems entitled “Strike Out Profile” saw the light of day.

Abraham Harold Maslow and his name in psychology

Abraham Harold Maslow is an American psychologist who became the honorary founder of humanistic psychology. His famous scientific works include such a concept as “Maslow’s Pyramid”. This pyramid includes special diagrams that represent the most common human needs. It is this theory that has found its direct application in economics.

Viktor Emil Frankl: Australian psychologists in science

Famous Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist Victor Emil Frankl born March 26, 1905 in Vienna. In the world, his name is associated not only with psychology, but also with philosophy, as well as the creation of the Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy. Most Popular scientific works Frankl's works include Man's Search for Meaning. This work became the basis for the development of a new method of psychotherapy called logotherapy. This method includes a person’s desire to realize his meaning in life in the existing external world. Logotherapy can make human existence more meaningful.

Boris Ananyev - the pride of Soviet psychology

Boris Gerasimovich Ananyev born in 1907 in Vladikavkaz. Ananyev was included in the list of “famous psychologists of the world” for a reason. He became the first and honorary founder of the scientific school of psychologists in St. Petersburg. Such famous psychologists as A. Kovalev, B. Lomov and many others became students of this school and, accordingly, of Ananyev himself.

It was in St. Petersburg, on the house where Boris Ananyev lived, that a memorial plaque was installed in his honor.

Ernst Heinrich Weber - famous psychologist of all eras

Brother of the famous physicist Wilhelm Weber, German psychophysiologist and part-time anatomist Ernst Heinrich Weber was born on June 24, 1795 in Leipzig, Germany. This psychologist is responsible for much advanced scientific work on anatomy, sensitivity and physiology. The most popular of them are works that involve the study of the senses. All of Weber's works formed the basis for the development of psychophysics and experimental psychology.

Hakob Pogosovich Nazaretyan and mass psychology

Famous Russian specialist in cultural anthropology and psychology mass behavior Hakob Pogosovich Nazaretyan born on May 5, 1948 in Baku. Nazaretyan is the author huge number publications that talk about the theory of social development. In addition, the psychologist became the founder of hypotheses about the techno-humanitarian balance, which is compared with the development of culture and technical progress.

Victor Ovcharenko, the pride of Russian psychology

Victor Ivanovich Ovcharenko born on February 5, 1943 in the city of Melekess, Ulyanovsk region. Ovcharenko represents legendary personality in the development of psychology. Ovcharenko has a huge number of scientific titles and significant works that have made a huge contribution to psychology as a science. The main theme of Ovcharenko’s work was the study of sociological psychologism, as well as problems related to personality and interpersonal relationships generally.

In 1996, the psychologist proposed for the first time from a scientific point of view to revise the periodization of the entire history of Russian psychoanalysis. In addition to all of the above, Ovcharenko was repeatedly called the best psychologist, and his famous works have been published more than once in well-known scientific collections far beyond the borders of Russia.