Igor kaputa was imprisoned for what. Irina Allegrova's ex-husband almost died in prison

When going to a maximum security colony for the first time to visit her brother in October of this year, Galina Kapusta was afraid to see a broken man with a dull look.

“But Igor’s eyes were clean and clear,” she tells StarHit. – The face is beautiful, noble, intelligent, as if a brother is not behind bars
spent this year... Not every person is able to endure such hell! He said: “Galya, I was severely beaten here...”

Someone else's relatives

The former husband of the “empress” of the national stage Irina Allegrova, 53-year-old Igor Kapusta, is serving a sentence in Leningrad region for transporting drugs. In the summer of 2012, he was stopped on the highway by a traffic police squad; Igor was driving a car that he asked from a friend. During inspection
2 kg of hashish were found. Cabbage was immediately arrested. A year later, in the summer of 2013, he was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Older sister Galina does not believe that her brother is a criminal. He thinks he just took the blame on himself - on one of the dates he whispered to her: “It was necessary...”

– If you only knew what you had to go through this year! – Galina admits to StarHit. – They even threatened to “rip my head off” if I continued to talk about our lawlessness judicial system. But how can I remain silent?! After all, Igor’s ribs were broken in the colony! They organized something like a “dedication”. They brought eight convicts to the colony, five were severely beaten - just like that, Igor was one of them. His ribs are now fused together incorrectly, they hurt, he coughs terribly, his pancreatitis has worsened, and veins have popped out in his legs. I pray to God that he survives...

As Galina says, her brother’s problems began while he was still in pre-trial detention: beatings, crowding in the cell, stuffiness...

“You know, while the investigation was going on, all this year, he could have waited for the court’s decision at home, and not in his cell,” she continues. “During the investigation, he would have been released on bail if someone had vouched for him.” Of course, the first thing I did was call Ira Allegrova, after all, he’s not a stranger to her
Human! But she replied: “No, I won’t help,” and hung up. I was shocked. Yes, Ira and Igor broke up a long time ago, but for me they are still a couple.

Footage from the wedding of Irina and Igor in 1994 was included in the video “Wedding Flowers” ​​// Photo: Press services archives

Allegrova and Kapusta lived together for eight years // Photo: Press service archives

Now the singer doesn’t even want to hear about her ex-husband // Photo: Press service archives

After all, they got married in 1994 - and until now they remain husband and wife before God...

Igor’s sister recalls that Irina fell in love with him first - a dancer in the group, eight years younger than her, he had a girlfriend at the time.

“My brother took care of Ira, loved, looked after. He was generally a golden husband: he cooked and did the cleaning. Didn't disdain any homework. We
same ordinary people, unspoiled. Ira's dad respected Igor very much. Once he told his daughter: “You won’t find a better man than this. You are two halves of the same apple." You could say blessed. I personally heard these words. He died two weeks after their wedding. On that
It was my brother who had a difficult period next to Ira.

Then Allegrova began to go on tour again, and Igor, as his sister recalls, at the request of his wife, left work and began building their country house.

– Ira and Igor really wanted a child together. She was only 41 years old when they got together. But she has concerts, tours, nervous tension...

Now Allegrova says that her husband was a gigolo with her. But is this true? If Igor wanted to make money off of her, he would have taken her not to church, but to the registry office. He would get married officially, and then sue for part of the property... They spent eight years together, but in recent years the relationship went wrong. Igor didn’t like that Ira held long gatherings with friends in their house. The last quarrel happened on tour in America, during another feast. Ira laughed at him in front of everyone: “Igor decided to become my director! What does he understand? This humiliated him: he is a man! Ira may be a star, but she is a woman, especially an eastern one, who must respect her husband. I’m sad that she left Igor without a profession, completely subjugated him, and then deprived him of everything.

I won't leave my brother

After breaking up with Allegrova, Kapusta did not disappear: he opened a company. Two years later I met Vera.

“To be honest, he didn’t love her as much as Ira,” says Galina. “Vera eventually left him, although she gave birth to a daughter, Sasha. The girl lives with her grandparents.

On the day when Igor was arrested, he was just on his way to see a girl, now she is 8 years old.

“The investigator, having studied all the circumstances, wrote a petition to reduce the term,” continues the sister. - There were so many positive characteristics! However, the court did not take them into account. The one who wanted to imprison Igor achieved his goal.

His son Stas is trying to keep Kapusta’s company afloat. And Galina is now fighting for her brother’s parole, looking for money
for lawyers. And he brings him “deliveries” to the colony, in bags weighing 20 kg, frozen dumplings, eggs, sausage, cheese, fish, potatoes...

“I will fight, I will do everything I can,” she assures. – If I have to, I’ll get into any debt – it doesn’t matter. But I won’t leave my brother, I won’t abandon him.
I’m only worried that Ira seems to have erased Igor from her life. I don’t understand: why? Why? What did he do wrong to her? I would be in her place
helped him. After all, with her name and fame it’s worth nothing...

Igor Kapusta is a dancer who has his own business. As soon as he turned 18, he decided to try an independent life away from his parents and their care. Igor Kapusta went to Tashkent to dance in the theater, but he immediately had to join the army. He returned married, with his own son, but later became single. He decided not to return to ballet. But thanks to the support of his sister, Igor went to the St. Petersburg Music Hall, where he was able to travel around the world in 6 years. On stage he gave his best and gave many concerts. Igor worked a lot, he had almost no free time. Then he began dancing in the fairly popular group “Retsial”. There Igor met Irina Allegrova.

At the time when Irina Allegrova began recruiting people into her group, she met Igor. She distinguished him from others, saw in him good qualities. They began an affair. At first they met secretly and did everything so that no one knew about their relationship. Then the couple stopped hiding their feelings. A little later, Igor moved into the singer’s house. He tried his best to take care of Irina and help her. Later they began to get married in church, and under other people's names. A couple of weeks after the wedding, Irina’s father passed away.

She was in a depressed mood for a long time. Igor supported her in difficult times and she continued her work with positive attitude. Irina Allegrova’s daughter named Lala could not accept her stepfather. Their relationship was not going very well, which made Igor very worried. He made many attempts to get close to her, but it never worked. Lala absolutely did not want Igor and Irina to live together.

But despite this, the couple’s relationship became better and better every day. The couple went everywhere together. Igor didn’t care what they would say about him. The couple loved each other very much. But at one point, their relationship began to deteriorate. They stopped understanding each other, which is why Igor packed his things and left his wife’s house for rented apartment. Thanks to their unofficial marriage, they did not have to divide property. They lived only 5 years together, but then divorced.

The reason the couple separated was Igor’s betrayal. They haven't communicated for 10 years. Igor Kapusta stands out among others for his nobility and intelligence. He later married a woman named Vera and they had a daughter, Alexandra. He also has a son from his first marriage, Stanislav. The former spouses still fondly remember their relationship and their trip to Europe. However, Irina Allegrova still harbors a grudge against ex-spouse because of betrayal. Igor made an attempt to save at least friendly relations With ex-wife. He came to her house, but the guard did not let him in.


Igor Kapusta in St. Petersburg had 15 cellular terminals. He also worked in a dance group.


Igor Kapusta graduated from the Vaganova Ballet School, which is located in St. Petersburg.


In 2012, Igor was sent to prison. His sister named Galina helped him and also supported him. He served 5 years in prison. He was released in 2017. This situation had a bad impact on Igor. His health deteriorated sharply.


Igor had very serious problems with health. He began to develop lung disease. His sister helped him in every possible way. He was in the hospital for three months. They fought for the dancer's life best doctors. Medicines for Igor are expensive. After a full recovery, he planned to go into business. Igor had his own enterprise, which then fell into disrepair. Later, he planned to live with his sister and her husband.

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On May 15, 2018, Igor Kapusta died in a St. Petersburg hospital. Former dancer, in the 2000s he was engaged in business until he went to prison on charges of drug trafficking. The man spent five years in the colony.

His ex-wife all this time she continued to sing on the stage: even if Irina Allegrova was worried about what happened to Kapusta, outwardly she did not make it clear. Known for its strong character, one day Irina simply crossed out of her life the man she had married before God.


They met in the early 90s, when another turning point occurred in Allegrova’s life. She broke up with her third husband, Vladimir Dubovitsky, and began solo career and intended to remain “solo” in life - they were too disappointing previous relationships. But a meeting with Igor Kapusta changed everything.

The dancer came to join Allegrova’s team together with his girlfriend Tanya. Both have performed together for a long time, managed to work with Alla Pugacheva, live abroad and return to Moscow. Tanya did not approve of the idea of ​​“being a backup dancer for her aunt,” but Igor persuaded her. Allegrova was not “aunt” in those years, but the age difference with Kapusta was indeed impressive - a whole nine years. After several concerts, Igor realized that the singer distinguished him and Tanya from other dancers: while others lived in a hotel, Irina accommodated them in her apartment and had long heart-to-heart conversations.

Once in St. Petersburg, when Tanya spent the night with her parents, Allegrova called Igor to her place. It was clear to both of them why - only Cabbage, according to him, hoped that having received what she deserved, the singer would calm down. And in the end he lost peace.

The first night together was followed by others, and Irina began to show feelings for her colleague in public, not embarrassed even by Tanya. At first she endured it, and then decided to take a desperate step: in the presence of Igor, she faked suicide, pretending that she had swallowed pills. When the doctor exposed the girl, Kapusta became furious and ran out of the house. Allegrova’s “nine” stood at the entrance: she was worried why he had not been in touch for a long time, and decided to go to her lover’s house. Since then, Cabbage began to live with her, and in memory of that evening the song “The Thief” appeared.


They lived happily for several months, not worrying too much about what people said. They talked a lot: about the fact that Kapusta had found himself a “rich girl”, and about the fact that for Allegrova this was a misalliance. She simply enjoyed every happy minute with her beloved, who helped her forget about her for a while. terrible tragedy: It was at this time that her beloved father was dying of cancer.

Igor quickly found him common language. When Alexander Grigorievich was allowed to go home from the hospital for a while, they talked a lot and joked. It seemed to the old man that his daughter had finally met a man with whom she would be happy. To please his “father-in-law,” Igor invited Irina to get married - and she agreed. The ceremony took place on May 8, 1994. Footage of their wedding ceremony was later included in Allegrova’s video “Wedding Flowers”: they show the sincere, genuine feelings of the lovers.

Kapusta did not aspire to join the registry office - he believed that a ritual before God was more important than a civil one. And besides, I considered this additional evidence that there were no material assets he doesn’t need Allegrova. Only many years later it would become clear that she was still waiting for an official proposal and a stamp in her passport from him. Two weeks after their wedding, Irina Allegrova’s father died. For several months she could not find the strength to get up on stage again - but Kapusta insisted that she needed to work. And then, almost by force, he took her on vacation to Europe, during which the singer again felt a taste for life.

After returning to Moscow, he came up with a new goal for her: building a country house. Irina happily accepted the idea, and then entrusted her husband with the management of the project. She herself had to continue to tour - and this was the beginning of their gradual separation from each other. “I volunteered to do economic activity, wanted to make Ira’s life easier. And as a result, he began to lose her. Ira toured a lot, was very tired, and there were still a lot of well-wishers, they whispered from all sides: you’re falling off your feet, you’re earning money, but yours is kicking ass, enjoying a wonderful country life,” Igor himself explained in frank interview"Seven days." The man denied cheating on his wife, of which he was accused. Be that as it may, he left their house in the fall of 2000 - Allegrova did not hold him back. After the death of her mother, her family began to consist of her daughter Lala and grandson Sasha.

...In 2011, Igor Kapusta publicly announced his desire to see Irina again in order to talk about their relationship again. She didn't react at all. A year later, the man was convicted of transporting drugs. Allegrova sent him parcels and packages to the colony a couple of times, but did not come for visits. Church marriages are considered eternal, so their romance remained “unfinished” until May 15, 2018. On this day, Igor Kapusta, who had undermined his health in the colony, died of pneumonia.

They say about Irina Allegrova that she is from the category of those women who change husbands like gloves. She actually married several times, but she never managed to build family happiness. Maybe because she considered bitchiness to be one of the most valuable female qualities. You can’t even throw out the words from her song: “All of us women are bitches...”. More than 15 years have passed since Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta separated, but the singer still cannot forgive him, so deep is this wound. This marriage was her fourth.

Igor Kapusta: biography, personal life

The singer was not immediately able to comment on her divorce. Only after a little time had passed, passions and resentments had gradually subsided, did the empress of the pop stage open the curtain of her boudoir a little.

When they met, Irina was 44 years old, and Igor was 35. Many of their friends and acquaintances initially predicted that their marriage was doomed, since Igor Kapusta was an ordinary dancer, and Irina was a popular soloist who attracted full houses in such huge halls as "Olympic". But love is evil. Allegrova forgot about everything next to him, she thought that finally a real fairy tale had entered her life.

And what's surprising is this strong woman I didn’t doubt my chosen one for a minute, otherwise I wouldn’t have married him in 1993. Irina hurried with this event, since her father was very ill, and she wanted him to quickly see her as a happy married woman. Cabbage immediately found a common language with him. Two weeks after the wedding, her father died. Because of all this haste and difficult events, Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta never made it to the registry office. They got married using someone else's passports, which they took from friends.


Igor Kapusta, whose biography is little known, enveloped his wife with sincere care and love, tried to help her in everything, especially since she was very worried about the illness of her beloved father. Igor tried to be close all this time, took Irina and her daughter Lala to the hospital, then quit his job and devoted himself entirely to building a country house in Vatutinki. He really wanted to build a warm family nest for the two of them, and maybe for three. Irina wanted to give birth, but she couldn’t.

However, the ballet dancer could not get used to the status of his wife, because he perfectly understood who he was and who she was. Irina did not deny the rumors that he was her sponsor, although this was not true. No, Irina did not intend to make her husband a sponsor or director. Show business is not for everyone, but she tried to guide him along the line of development own business, but talent is also needed here, and Igor did not strive for this.

Destroyed Nest

After eight years of marriage, the star’s marriage gradually began to crack at the seams. And they played in this main role not only Igor’s constant betrayals - fame and money became a real test for him, which broke him. After all, be that as it may, he came to everything ready, so he quickly became proud, began to show off, get carried away with alcohol and change cars one after another, then his mistresses appeared.

Quarrels began in the house, at first Irina even thought about quitting the stage and sitting at home in the hope that relationships in the family would finally improve, but this required money, and only her solo concerts brought it.


One day, watching the life of her mother and Igor crumble, Lala wrote her a letter. Irina found it very cruel and insulting; there was a big quarrel, although it lasted for two weeks. But soon Allegrova realized how right her daughter was, although for a long time she did not want to delve into pressing family problems.

Having thus seen the light, she sharply changed her attitude towards her husband and decided to say goodbye to Cabbage. The singer’s mother and daughter were only glad of their separation, because in recent years, besides Irina herself, everyone around her began to suffer. And she began to look for calm in a glass of alcohol. But then I was able to find the strength to start a new life.


Kapusta left Irina in September, before that he stopped at home, picked up a couple of sweaters and a toothbrush, got into the car and drove away. When they were just starting to live, he warned Irina that if things didn’t work out for them, just as he came with a toothbrush, he would leave with it. Thus, it was as if he had prophesied trouble for himself. Unable to bear the parting, Allegrova was the first to call and wanted to talk to him, but his offended manhood did not want this, and after a while he began to look for a meeting with her, but nothing came of this either.

In 2001, Kapusta completely changed his social circle, started doing business, got married, and had a daughter, Sasha. Then he became a grandfather: his son from his first marriage, Stanislav, who lives in Moscow, had a daughter.

Let's go back in time. Igor Kapusta: biography, date of birth

There is very little biographical information about Cabbage. All that is known for certain is that he graduated from the St. Petersburg Vaganova Ballet School. At the age of 18, Igor Kapusta (date of birth is also unknown) decided to try an independent life, free from parental care. He went to Tashkent to dance leading roles at the Chelyabinsk Theater, but from there he was almost immediately drafted into the army. He returned to civilian life already married and with a small son, but very quickly became single again.

Igor's cabbage returned to form, and then his sister Galya brought him to the St. Petersburg Music Hall, with which he later traveled the whole world for six years. When he turned 26, he fell in love with a Muscovite Katya, with whom he began dancing in the famous musical dance group “Recital”. And then Evgeny Boldin (Pugacheva’s then-husband) sent them to tour Greece.

At that time, Kapusta was already in love with an artist from their ballet, Tatyana Kleptseva (nicknamed Klepa). They lived in Greece for several years, and when they arrived in the USSR, chaos and perestroika had already reigned here, the country became completely different. She and Tatyana rented an apartment in the Chertanovo area and began looking for work.

The most intriguing thing was that at that very moment Allegrova did not share the stage with Viktor Saltykov. She left, slamming the door, and began to urgently recruit her group. This is how Kapusta and Klepa ended up working with Allegrova. And then it started spinning and away. The “Empress” immediately noticed a handsome, sexy and brutal guy. Soon Klepa found out that Igor was cheating on her, and not with anyone, but with the boss herself. And then she went to work for Kirkorov, and Kapusta moved to Allegrova, who at that time lived with her daughter Lala on the first floor in a two-room apartment, and her parents lived on the second floor.


In the fall of 2012, St. Petersburg police found two kilograms of hashish during a search in Igor Kapusta’s car. For drug possession, 52-year-old Igor Kapusta went to prison for 6 years. Accustomed to luxury at the expense of others, he suddenly wanted to prove to everyone, and especially to Irina, that he was worth something. However, he chose for himself a very dangerous criminal path of earning easy money by distributing drugs, which brought him to jail.

For a long time, he and nine other prisoners were kept in a cell measuring 9 square meters. m. U former artist pancreatitis, varicose veins and a severe cough appeared, and then a heart attack occurred, and he was immediately sent to the hospital, where he was near death for three months. His sister Galya told about this. Igor’s relatives tried to pity Irina and asked her for help, but she made it clear that she would not interfere in this matter. That was the end of it.

Instead of an afterword

Cabbage Igor, in spite of everything, always stood out among others, according to Irina, with his intelligence and nobility, which at one time bribed her. He really loved her, and she really loved him, but for some reason fate separated them. They did not get along in character; pride, jealousy and passion got in the way. No drama - no plot. However, it can be noted that they were an extraordinary, beautiful and very passionate couple, who were envied by many at one time.

Igor Kapusta was given drugs by his business partner

Ex-husband Irina ALLEGROVOY - 52-year-old Igor KAPUSTA was detained in June last year: the police found about 2 kg of hashish in the car he was driving. That day, Igor’s Jaguar was in a car service center, and he had to drive a friend’s car. It was there that the bag of drugs was found. As a result, Kapusta was sentenced to six years. His sister Galina does not give comments to anyone, but for us, who was the first to write about this misfortune, she made an exception.

For a year now, Igor Kapusta’s sister Galina has been living in two cities: she has a house and family in St. Petersburg, and her brother is on trial in Moscow. All worries fell on her shoulders - in fact, she was the only one who did not abandon Igor in difficult times. Galina went to all the courts, went on dates with her brother, and communicates with lawyers.
- Galina Dmitrievna, information has been spread on the Internet that your brother was sentenced to six years...
- My brother and I have been going through these circles of hell from the very beginning and will go through them to the end. At first, Igor was accused of all charges related to drugs - acquisition, storage, and sale. But in the end they left only one article - “Transportation narcotic drugs" My lawyers and I considered the verdict unfair and filed an appeal.
Until recently, Igor was kept in solitary confinement in Sailor's Silence. Everything there is very strict - for a long time they only allowed one date, I was on it with Stas, Igor’s son from his first marriage. I saw my brother and didn’t recognize him - he quickly lost 15 kilograms from stress. “My health is melting before my eyes: my eyesight is falling, an inguinal hernia has popped out, I’m thinking with horror about my teeth,” Igoresha admitted to me.

During the year spent in prison dungeons... Photo: izkolonii.ru

And at the end of June, Igor was unexpectedly transferred to special detention center No. 5. There they began to cruelly mock him. He was placed in a cell with inveterate repeat offenders. Igor was beaten every day, the “godfather” assigned him a place under the bed - there he lay for several days. They didn’t let him out, they kicked him and didn’t let him sleep. Information quickly spread throughout the pre-trial detention center that he was Allegrova’s husband, a businessman, so his cellmates began to threaten that they would “let him go” or kill him if he did not give them money. When I found out about this, I turned to the prison authorities, but they pretended that there was nothing like this. And after a few sleepless nights Igor was brought to trial. He looked terrible! He rushed to me: “Galya, do everything, but transfer me to another cell, otherwise they will destroy me!” In the end, I managed to get my brother transferred to the Volokolamsk pre-trial detention center.

Now Igor is in a pre-trial detention center in Volokolamsk, not far from where he was detained,” continues Galina Kapusta. - The conditions there are not the best, but he endures. I know that my brother did not violate anything, but he was caught at the scene of the “crime” - he will still have to answer. But will the people who slandered and framed him be able to live with a clear conscience?

Who are these people?
- These are Igor’s business colleagues. My brother was selling sausages and pates, and he also had 15 mobile payment terminals in St. Petersburg. Last year, a major deal was concluded between him and his partner. But this man wanted to take all the money for himself, so he needed to remove Igor. Now it is clear that this man broke Igor’s Jaguar on purpose. He said: “Ride mine!” Riding in the car with Igor was his wife Vera - she was also threatened with prison. The brother could not leave his seven-year-old daughter Sasha without a mother, so he took all the blame on himself. But since the drugs were found in a car belonging to Igor’s business partner, he did not remain free for long.

What do the lawyers say?
- We spent a lot of time and money on one dishonest lawyer. A lawyer we know volunteered to help, but demanded 2.5 million rubles. For this money, he promised to get Igor out in a couple of days. We didn't have that kind of money, but he got something. However, he deceived us - he wanted to buy an apartment at our expense, while he understood that Igor’s case was unpromising. Now Igor’s influential friend recommended good lawyers- they are doing everything possible to reduce the period.
According to Express Gazeta, Igor Kapusta’s influential friend is Irina Allegrova, who has been married to him for seven years.

Keep in mind
* Irina Allegrova’s first husband was the father of her daughter Lala, basketball player Georgy Tairov.
* The second husband, Vladimir Blekher, also visited places not so remote - he was imprisoned for currency fraud. IN Soviet times this was a serious article. Irina quickly filed for divorce to avoid falling out of favor with the authorities.
* Soon the singer married for the third time - to musician Vladimir Dubovitsky.
* Igor Kapusta became the fourth husband of the artist. Even the wedding did not save the couple from divorce.