Google what anchovies are. What is anchovy, what are its benefits and harms, how to eat it? Where are they found and how are they caught?

Anchovy belongs to the pelagic genus sea ​​fish, anchovy family. In total, there are 8 varieties of anchovies, which are found in different seas almost all over the world. Thus, anchovies living in the Azov, Black Seas and Kerch Strait, also called anchovy.

This is a schooling fish, and they live only a short distance from the coastal zone. They cannot be found on the open sea or ocean.

In the warm season, they migrate north and swim near the surface of the sea. Closer to winter, they swim towards the south and can descend to a depth of up to 400 meters. The temperature of the water in which anchovies always live varies from 6 to 22 degrees.

Over the course of a year, they swim from their overwintering places to places where they breed and fatten. This fish from the herring order spawns in the coldest months of the year. This period begins in October and ends in March.

Anchovies play an important role in the food chain of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. They feed on the main predatory fish that live in their neighborhood. This fish is an excellent food for sharks, halibut, mackerel, beluga, salmon, etc. Dolphins and squid also feed on anchovies.

Off the coast of Chile and Peru, anchovies are food for gulls, cormorants, and gannets. Due to the large number of fish living in this area, the number of these birds is quite large. And, perhaps, in these places there are more birds feeding on anchovies than in any other habitat.

It is very difficult not to notice the places where anchovies swim. During the winter migration period, fish swim in large schools and fly on the surface of the sea at the same time. large number gulls and petrels.

As for the number of subspecies, anchovies here are at the level of small deep sea fish, since they do not differ in great variety, but total number individuals living in all seas are clearly superior to most of all living fish.

In addition, the number of anchovies that live in the coastal zone directly affects the number of pelicans living nearby and their diet, which consists mainly of this tasty and nutritious fish. California browns direct to that proof.

Anchovies also differ in the shape of the eggs they lay. While other fish have mostly spherical caviar, anchovy caviar does not look like an ellipse or a drop.

People also love this fish as it is very tasty and nutritious. Anchovies, due to the fact that they live on sea ​​coasts contain many nutrients important and necessary for humans. In stores, anchovies are most often sold in canned in jars or in salted-dried form.

This fish has great value for fishermen. Since this is great for catching with anchovies big fish, How sea ​​bass and tuna.

What does anchovy look like?

It looks like a rather small herring-shaped fish. The length generally reaches 15 cm, sometimes 23 cm. It grows very quickly in the first two years of life and by the end of the 2nd year it can reach 10-11 cm. Then the growth process proceeds much more slowly. It has a gray-blue color. Some species have a green color with a blue tint.

You can also find anchovies that will have a silvery sheen stripe that runs down the sides. The head is small and slightly flattened on the sides. The mouth is big. In the mouth on the upper and lower jaws of anchovies sharp teeth. Middle age The age this fish reaches is 3-4 years.

The largest individuals can reach 40 cm. But this already applies to a specific genus - Koilia anchovies. They swim off the coasts of Indonesia, India, southern Japan and China.

What does anchovy eat?

Since the fish itself is small in size and swims in schools, food for it should always be in large quantities and relatively small. That's why The anchovy feeds on small planktonic crustaceans and fish eggs.

In order to get food, anchovies almost always swim with their mouths open, so the likelihood of swallowing a large amount of food increases significantly.


Distinguish the following types anchovies:

  • European anchovy. Or the more familiar anchovy to us. Lives in the Azov-Black Sea waters;
  • Japanese anchovy. Found off the coast of Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk;
  • Cape anchovy. Swims at South Africa in Atlantic waters;
  • California anchovy;
  • Peruvian anchovy;
  • silver anchovies. Found only on the east coast of America;
  • Argentinean anchovy.

Where to catch anchovy?

Anchovies live where the water temperature is quite moderate. Therefore, it is not found in seas where the water is too warm or too cold. It can sometimes be found in river mouths where the water will be slightly brackish and dirty.

A lot of anchovies live in the Mediterranean Sea. They are also often caught off the coast of Italy, France, Sicily and Spain. In the Atlantic waters of Europe, as well as in the southern part of Norway, you can also find your own type of anchovy.

The waters of India, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippine Islands are home to the largest number of species and genera of anchovies. Sometimes the number of anchovy genera caught off these coasts reaches 10.

IN winter months The anchovy living in the Black Sea is becoming less active and can only be found in some coastal areas. During this period, it can sink to a depth of up to 80 m.

Most anchovies live off the coast of Peru and Northern Chile. This is where the Peruvian anchovy is caught. This is due to the fact that coastal zone These countries are distinguished by a large amount of phytoplankton living in it, and this is the main food of anchovies. It is also no coincidence that phytoplankton is found there in such quantities.

A favorable environment is created for it, since water saturated with elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon salts rises from the very depths.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates her appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

How to catch anchovy?

Anchovies are now caught mainly for sale and in fairly large quantities. But the amount of fish caught per year will soon be significantly reduced and an ordinary fisherman will no longer be able to catch it, since a fine will be introduced for this. Anchovies are caught mainly with purse seines.

Fishing vessels most often use purse seines, cast nets and fixed seines to catch anchovies. Pelagic trawls are also used.

Of all the fish that are caught for subsequent trade, anchovies occupy the least last place. Back in the 70s, the catch of this fish per year was 14 million tons. Of this entire volume, the Peruvian anchovy has the largest population. But today it is not on the shelves in Russia.

Now you can buy mainly European anchovy, which lives in our seas, such as the Azov and Black seas. Japan, Vietnam and Korea also bring us their own types of anchovies.


Anchovies are very delicious fish, and during the period when her feeding period ends, she becomes quite fat. So her fat percentage can reach 22-23%. As a rule, such a fat one can be caught in the fall. This feature distinguishes the Azov anchovy.

It is for this composition that people value anchovies very much. It is small, has its own pleasant taste, after special processing, and also saturates it with natural fats, so necessary for humans.

Mostly anchovies of such types as European and Japanese come to our tables. All other types of fish serve completely different purposes. Thus, almost all fish caught from the Peruvian anchovy species are used for production fishmeal.

Fishmeal is used in these and other countries as livestock feed and is also a good fertilizer for crops grown in the fields. Tropical anchovies are caught in small quantities, so all this fish is mainly sold to local residents.

Most Californian, tropical and Japanese anchovies are used as bait for larger fish. So, in order to catch tuna, fishermen throw anchovies into places where tuna swims. large quantities. For this they use special nets.

As soon as a large fish approaches the vessel and begins to greedily absorb its bait, fishermen throw a spoon into these places. The tuna, busy eating anchovies, quite easily swallows the hook and is caught by fishermen.

The value of this fish was appreciated back in ancient times. Back then, anchovies were used to prepare spicy and sour sauces or salted and served to the table. Today, this fish is most common as a delicacy in France and Italy.

It is from European anchovy that you can prepare quite a lot of delicious dishes.

“What kind of anchovies?” — this is roughly the question some housewife asks herself when she comes across an unfamiliar ingredient in a recipe. Indeed, the word seems to have been heard, but not everyone is familiar with the product itself. In fact, anchovies are a fish that goes by another name that is much more recognizable to Russian ears - anchovy. Not a very distant relative of the herring, the anchovy is small in stature - no more than 20 centimeters from head to tail. It would seem, why bother with a garden?

But this fish is notable for the fact that, unlike its larger marine counterparts, anchovy is usually used as... a seasoning.

The magic of anchovy

By itself, having a rather unassuming taste, after salting in the form of a fillet, the anchovy is literally transformed - the sharp, piquant, and at the same time recognizable aroma that anchovies give to dishes has made them a favorite ingredient in many cuisines. Thus, anchovies are used in the preparation of sauces - from the most ancient garum sauce, which was an ancient Roman analogue, to the more modern Worcestershire, they are added to salads (some in Caesar, which is good without anchovies, but they are more appropriate in other salads , such as), baked goods, appetizers and main courses.

The magic of the anchovy is that it can completely dissolve in some dishes, completely disappearing from sight and leaving only the taste. As you might initially think, anchovy does not have a fishy smell, so it can rather be compared to a spicy and salty seasoning. Actually, both anchovies that are sold in salt and those that rest in oil are salted - but if it’s better to shake it off, and in some cases, when you don’t need an excess of it, even wash it off, then you can easily find oil from the anchovies use by adding small doses to dishes you cook with anchovies.

And there are a great many such dishes, here are just a few examples.

Cooking with anchovies

If you are preparing a salad dressing, puree the anchovies in a blender or mortar with the addition of lemon juice or vinegar and dried herbs, and you will get a nice sauce that goes equally well with meat ingredients, eggs, and croutons - in much the same way, by the way, you can prepare a marinade for meat that you plan to bake. For hot sauces and main dishes, add anchovies at the very beginning, when you fry onions, garlic and other vegetables, and within a few minutes the anchovy fillets will dissolve without a trace.

They eat anchovies and pure form or on sandwiches - they are especially good on porous bread fried until golden brown. The Spanish region of Cantabria has been more successful in the production of anchovies than others - from there, real giants by anchovy standards are transported throughout Spain, which are very tasty in themselves, but some chefs additionally marinate them with herbs, spices and even fruits.

Finally, everyone has seen olives stuffed with anchovies - these are sometimes sold in supermarkets next to regular ones. But the anchovies themselves seem to be less common.

This raises a logical question - where to buy anchovies, and is it possible to replace them with something? The idea of ​​​​replacing anchovies with herring, although it is on the surface, has a significant flaw. Anchovies, as we have already found out, owe their taste mainly not to their relationship with herring, but to a special salting method, so it is unlikely that such a replacement, or rather substitution, will have any culinary meaning.

Therefore, we go to a large supermarket - in some of them you can get hold of the coveted jar of anchovies, which are sold in oil or salt. The main thing is to look properly, because anchovies, whatever one may say, are not an essential item, so usually the jars are not in the most visible place. Another option is grocery stores that are attached to restaurants: if you have an Italian restaurant in mind with such a store, they will probably have anchovies there, and at a price affordable for ordinary mortals.

Anchovy- a small (up to 20 cm) silvery fish that inhabits coastal waters both hemispheres. Interestingly, there are so many anchovies in the World Ocean that total mass Of all individuals, they occupy first place among fish on Earth. There are 8 types of anchovies, and one of them, namely the European anchovy, turns out to be well known to us, but under a different name - anchovy.

There is such a thing as “anchovy salting”: immediately after catching the fish, they are placed in a spicy brine for several days, then sprinkled with coarse salt, put into barrels and kept in them for four whole months. It is in this way that anchovies are prepared and used to give a special taste, smell, and the necessary saltiness to many dishes. Suffice it to recall the famous French salad “Niçoise” or the equally famous Italian pizza"Four Seasons" What about Worcestershire sauce?!

Today, buying a jar of anchovies is not difficult: they are sold in almost all large stores. But be careful when choosing - a completely different fish may be hiding under the name anchovy. For example, sprat.

What to look for when purchasing

1. Real anchovies are quite expensive.

3. We will find the next difference when we open the jar we have already purchased. During the salting process, anchovy fillet acquires a characteristic red-pink color. The sprat meat remains white. Sometimes they try to tint it by adding something red to the oil or spicy brine, such as paprika or wine vinegar, but if the color changes, it is only on the outside, and the inside of the fillet is still light.

4. Anchovy meat is denser than sprat, but at the same time it is more tender. Anchovy is a very fatty fish, which is why it is delicious. In addition, the same “anchovy salting” gives the fish a special piquancy and a specific smell.

Site materials -

“What are anchovies?” - this is roughly the question some housewife asks herself when she comes across an unfamiliar ingredient in a recipe. Indeed, the word seems to have been heard, but not everyone is familiar with the product itself. In fact, anchovies are a fish that goes by another name that is much more recognizable to Russian ears - anchovy. Not a very distant relative of the herring, the anchovy is small in stature - no more than 20 centimeters from head to tail, it would seem, why bother with a garden? But this fish is notable for the fact that, unlike its larger marine counterparts, anchovy is usually used as a seasoning.

By itself, having a rather unpretentious taste, after salting the anchovy is literally transformed - the sharp, piquant, and at the same time recognizable aroma that anchovies give to dishes has made them a favorite ingredient in many cuisines. Thus, anchovies are used in the preparation of sauces - from the most ancient Garum sauce to the more modern Worcestershire sauce, added to salads (some in Caesar, but it is good without anchovies, which are more appropriate in other salads, say, Niçoise ), baked goods, appetizers and main courses. Probably everyone has seen olives with the addition of anchovies - these are sold in supermarkets next to regular ones. But for some reason the anchovies themselves are sold less often.

This raises a logical question - where to buy anchovies, and is it possible to replace them with something? Let's say, the ever-memorable Mrs. Chekalova suggested replacing them with herring, believing this replacement to be available to all residents middle zone. This is so, but anchovies, as we have already found out, owe their taste not mainly to their relationship with herring, but to a special salting method, so it is unlikely that such a replacement, or rather, substitution, will have any culinary meaning. Therefore, we go to a large supermarket - although not in every one, but in some places you can get hold of a treasured jar of anchovies, which are sold in oil or salt. Another option is grocery stores that are attached to restaurants: if you have an Italian restaurant in mind with such a store, they will probably have anchovies there, and at a price affordable for ordinary mortals.

Finally - direct purchases (not to be confused with direct sales, it’s the other way around!). Recently I was reprimanded that no one would run around in search of a single ingredient, but there is no need to run around - just find out where these anchovies are, say, in a restaurant, check with them for the supplier’s contacts, contact and... in general, you understand, the language will take you to Kyiv, but there is also the Internet.

In a word, anchovy is not an overseas delicacy, but just another ingredient that will make your table more interesting, varied and healthy. Don't be afraid to use anchovies in your everyday cooking, and stay healthy.

Anchovies (deviating from the recipe).

- 500 g small anchovy (anchovy),
- 3-4 tbsp plain table salt (even better large sea),
- 1-2 cloves of garlic (optional without it),
- 100-150 ml of good olive oil.

Gut the fish well, wash it, remove the heads and separate the fillets from the bones. Place in a cup, sprinkle with salt and let stand for 2-4 hours at room temperature. After this, rinse well in running water and dry paper towel. Connect olive oil with crushed garlic and a pinch of red pepper. Transfer the anchovy into a jar, add oil and then store in the refrigerator. After just a couple of hours, you can eat the fish. I don’t know how long you can store it in the refrigerator, mine lasted a week. Very tasty with boiled potatoes.

Anchovies(lat. Engraulis) - a genus of pelagic marine fish from the anchovy family ( Engraulidae).


The anchovy genus includes 8 very closely related species that inhabit the coastal temperate waters of both hemispheres:

  • European anchovy, or anchovy, ( Engraulis encrasicolus);
  • Japanese anchovy ( Engraulis japonicus);
  • cape anchovy ( Engraulis capensis listen)) lives in the Atlantic waters of South Africa;
  • Australian anchovy ( Engraulis australis) - along the southern coasts of Australia and New Zealand;
  • California anchovy ( Engraulis mordax),
  • Peruvian anchovy ( Engraulis ringens),
  • silver anchovy ( Engraulis eurystole) - along east coast USA,
  • Argentinean anchovy ( Engraulis anchoita).

All anchovies live at some distance from the coast, never leaving the open ocean; found at water temperatures from 6 to 22 °C. They perform daily (vertical) and seasonal migrations. Maximum length anchovies do not exceed 20 cm, but the number of these schooling fish is very large. In terms of the total mass of all individuals, they occupy first place among fish, and in terms of the number of specimens they are second only to some small deep-sea fish, in particular Cyclothone. All anchovies are planktivores and play an important role in marine trophic chains, in turn serving as food for predatory fish, dolphins, squids and seabirds. Fertility - 20-30 thousand eggs.


Anchovies are one of the the most important groups commercial fish. In - gg. their annual catch reached 12-14 million tons, of which 11-13 million tons were Peruvian anchovies. In the 1980s Due to overfishing and unfavorable climate change, stocks of this species decreased, but by the 1990s. have almost recovered to their previous volume. European and Japanese anchovies also play a significant role in the fishery. Tropical species have only local commercial significance. Anchovies are caught mainly with purse seines.

The value of anchovies as a fishery object is largely determined by the high fat content of these fish. Thus, Azov anchovy in the fall after the end of feeding contains 23-28% fat. Taste qualities these fish are very high. Even in ancient times, Mediterranean anchovies were highly valued for salting and for making garum sauce; In Japan and Korea, anchovies are traditionally eaten. However, anchovies are not eaten everywhere. Almost all of the Peruvian anchovy catch, for example, is used to make fishmeal to feed livestock and fertilize fields. Many tropical anchovies, as well as Japanese and Californian anchovies, are used as food for farmed fish species and as bait for the tuna fishery.

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  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Excerpt characterizing Anchovies

- What... what have they brought us to! - Kutuzov suddenly said in an excited voice, obviously having clearly imagined, from the story of Prince Andrei, the situation in which Russia was. “Give me time, give me time,” he added with an angry expression on his face and, obviously not wanting to continue this conversation that worried him, said: “I called you to keep you with me.”
“I thank your lordship,” answered Prince Andrey, “but I’m afraid that I’m no longer fit for headquarters,” he said with a smile, which Kutuzov noticed. Kutuzov looked at him questioningly. “And most importantly,” added Prince Andrei, “I got used to the regiment, fell in love with the officers, and the people, it seems, loved me.” I would be sorry to leave the regiment. If I refuse the honor of being with you, then believe me...
An intelligent, kind and at the same time subtly mocking expression shone on Kutuzov’s plump face. He interrupted Bolkonsky:
– I’m sorry, I would need you; but you're right, you're right. This is not where we need people. There are always many advisers, but no people. The regiments wouldn’t be the same if all the advisers served there in regiments like you. “I remember you from Austerlitz... I remember, I remember, I remember you with the banner,” said Kutuzov, and a joyful color rushed into Prince Andrei’s face at this memory. Kutuzov pulled him by the hand, offering his cheek, and again Prince Andrei saw tears in the old man’s eyes. Although Prince Andrei knew that Kutuzov was weak to tears and that he was now especially caressing him and feeling sorry for him out of a desire to show sympathy for his loss, Prince Andrei was both joyful and flattered by this memory of Austerlitz.
- Go with God on your way. I know your path is a path of honor. – He paused. “I felt sorry for you in Bukarest: I should have sent you.” - And, changing the conversation, Kutuzov began to talk about Turkish war and the imprisoned world. “Yes, they reproached me a lot,” said Kutuzov, “both for the war and for the peace... but everything came on time.” Tout vient a point a celui qui sait attendre. [Everything comes on time for someone who knows how to wait.] And there were no fewer advisers there than here... - he continued, returning to the advisers who apparently occupied him. - Oh, advisers, advisers! - he said. If we had listened to everyone, we would not have concluded peace there, in Turkey, and we would not have ended the war. Everything is quick, but quick things take a long time. If Kamensky had not died, he would have disappeared. He stormed the fortress with thirty thousand. Taking a fortress is not difficult, but winning a campaign is difficult. And for this you don’t need to storm and attack, but you need patience and time. Kamensky sent soldiers to Rushchuk, and I sent them alone (patience and time) and took more fortresses than Kamensky, and forced the Turks to eat horse meat. – He shook his head. - And the French will be there too! “Believe my word,” said Kutuzov, inspired, hitting himself on the chest, “they will eat my horse meat!” “And again his eyes began to blur with tears.
- However, before the battle will have to be accepted? - said Prince Andrei.
- It will have to be, if everyone wants it, there is nothing to do... But, my dear: there is nothing stronger than those two warriors, patience and time; they will do everything, but the advisers n "entendent pas de cette oreille, voila le mal. [They don’t hear with this ear - that’s what’s bad.] Some want, others don’t want. What to do? - he asked, apparently expecting an answer. “Yes, what do you tell me to do?” he repeated, and his eyes sparkled with a deep, intelligent expression. “I’ll tell you what to do,” he said, since Prince Andrei still did not answer. “I’ll tell you what to do.” what am I doing. Dans le doute, mon cher,” he paused, “abstiens toi, [In doubt, my dear, refrain.],” he said with emphasis.