What do you dream about a future pregnancy? Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream

Despite centuries of experience in studying the nature of sleep, the interpretation of dreams remains very vague. After all, the same images, seen by different sleeping people in different scenes, can have not only different, but sometimes completely opposite meanings. At the same time, long-term observations and analysis of images arising in dreams made it possible to identify some patterns.

Dreams meaning pregnancy - special group night images that combine an infinite number of variations of what was seen, but have a special difference from other dreams: almost always a woman wakes up after such a dream with a clear feeling that she will soon become pregnant.

What can you dream about pregnancy?

For one person, a dream about a gypsy promises trouble and deception, while for another it promises sudden monetary gain. Therefore, if you dreamed of a fish, this does not mean at all that there will be a new addition to the family. But this probability is very high, because this is perhaps the most often fulfilled sign. However, great value have dream details.

You almost certainly dream of a fish as a sign of pregnancy if you catch it with your own hands, especially if with your bare hands. With the imminent news of conception, dreams end in which a woman acquires fish in any way: buys it at the market or in a store, or receives it as a gift. Moreover, in this case, the gender of the person from whom you receive the fish often indicates the gender of the unborn child.

Eating fish in a dream can also have exactly this meaning, especially if you eat it with your spouse, and it is fresh and tasty.

Seeing fish in an aquarium, pond, pool, river - most likely foreshadows an imminent addition to the family. Dolphins appearing in dreams have the same meaning. Other variations - frog, leech (from messages on forums).

A bad dream is to lose your catch, drop the fish from your hands, see it rotten, stale, dead. All these images are symbolic and can mean termination or fading of pregnancy.

What do you dream about pregnancy, besides fish?

It should be understood that the dream of a fish in each individual case may have a different interpretation, which has nothing to do with the conception and birth of children. Yes, in a variety of ways different dream books There are also the following interpretations of this image: profit (in business, money, love, relationships), intrigue, postponing things or a long process of something (frozen), obstacles from ill-wishers (smoked), fun time with friends (dried), love affairs (fish head), etc., etc.

But other symbols that appear in night visions can also portend pregnancy. Of course, each of them also has many meanings and interpretations. But centuries-old experience shows that these images very often visit the dreams of girls, who soon afterwards learn the good news of pregnancy:

  • Water. This image competes with the fish and perhaps even wins. After all, fish are most often dreamed of in water. From time immemorial, water symbolizes the birth of a new life, and therefore women who swim or bathe in clean water in dreams are almost always either already pregnant or will become so soon. A continuous body of water, an ocean, sea, lake, river, stream, swimming pool, bathtub, or even just a handful of water with which you wash your face in a dream very likely indicates the birth of a new life within you. The main thing is that the water must be clean, fresh, and transparent. Variations of plots are very diverse: watching the surf, walking along sea ​​coast, wade or swim across the river, plunge into the waves or simply get your feet wet.
  • Stork. There is no need to say much about this image. In everyday life, in folk art, in beliefs, and in night visions, this bird is associated with the appearance of children in a family.
  • Children. It’s so banal - without intrigues and puzzles, without hints and codes, children first come into the lives of their parents first in a dream: either they are given birth, or given as a gift, or thrown in, but the woman in the dream gets a baby. Moreover, she can see not only a newborn or a baby, but also an already grown child, knowing in a dream that this is her child. They can play together, take a walk, spend their leisure time reading or drawing, ride a carousel, etc. Try to remember this image: the child’s gender, facial features, hair color or other differences. It may seem incredible, but such dreams often come true. Moreover, sometimes mothers feel like they are experiencing déjà vu: as if they had already experienced a certain moment in their lives associated with their own child. Scientists do not rule out that it was his mother who saw him in a dream before or during pregnancy. Meanwhile, if a woman who is already pregnant sees her own childbirth in a dream (and this happens very, very often), then such visions cannot be perceived as a projection for the future: this is nothing more than excitement about the future, even if you are not at all, as you think, don't worry. But all kinds of children's accessories - soft toys, dolls, cars, cribs, strollers, swings, etc., “flickering” in a dream, can also transparently hint at your situation.
  • News about pregnancy. IN real life We usually find out about our interesting situation first with the help of tests, then in the gynecologist's office or ultrasound. But in a dream bring good news maybe anyone, and even no one knows who. A woman simply hears an address to herself that she is pregnant, or that she will soon have a daughter, and sometimes even instructions are given about the name of the unborn child or she is notified exact date childbirth You may not remember anything else, just a phrase heard from a person known or unknown to you. But this is often enough to wake up with a completely new feeling and premonition.
  • Eggs. They are embryos, bird embryos. We, of course, do not think about this when we see them in a dream, but in life the fact is confirmed quite often: buying, carrying, receiving from someone, seeing or simply having an egg or several with you means that you will soon find out about the presence of yourself a belly-eater. Accordingly, breaking an egg in a dream may not be possible. good sign.
  • Mushrooms. Mushroom spores symbolize male fertility, and the mushrooms themselves are a reward for patience and waiting. Therefore, it is believed that a woman who has long dreamed of a child and is diligently trying to conceive one dreams of a mushroom during pregnancy.
  • Fruits, including fruit trees. These can be any fruits, berries and even vegetables that the dreaming woman plucks from a tree, collects from bushes or from the ground, buys at the market, serves on the table, carries in a basket or bag, holds in her hands, takes as a treat or eats, steals or grows. But most often, for some reason, apples, apricots, pomegranates, tomatoes, and nuts are symbols of female fertility in dreams.
  • Animals, insects. As a rule, these are small birds and animals - chickens, kittens, puppies, mice, hares. Very often - spiders weaving webs or falling on the head. They can be not only real, but also toys. Also not excluded big animals. Bears, chickens and ducks - almost anything living creature. In such dreams, you often have to give birth to an animal or hunt it. In general, a wide variety of stories.
  • Round objects. They symbolize the mother's womb. It could be a watermelon, cabbage, or a ball. Often a woman sees an “embryo” (in the form of a bean, a bead) placed in a “womb” (jar, pot).
  • Unity with my husband. You may dream or just feel yourself spending time with your loved one. You simply understand that you are nearby, together, and you very clearly feel that you feel good and pleasant. Complete calm, harmony, mutual understanding and feeling of each other - almost a heavenly idyll. Yes, the surrounding landscapes also accompany this feeling. It could be a walk in the park or the seashore, or a pleasant trip to colorful places. And often a couple in love is accompanied by some other living creature (bird, animal).

It is noteworthy that dreams symbolizing a woman’s pregnancy are not always seen by her personally. Often this honor falls to the future father. But also prophetic dreams are visited by a woman’s close people: sister, mother, friend. And there is never any confusion: the actions taking place in a dream clearly indicate who the egg or fish seen is intended for.

What dreams do you have about pregnancy?

It is necessary to evaluate any dream mainly emotionally. If it didn’t touch you at all, then there’s no point in remembering the details of such a dream. But if you woke up with an exciting feeling, it definitely means something. And here we should analyze the content of what we saw.

Of all the most common variations, it is necessary to note one more category of dreams foreshadowing pregnancy, in which a woman makes a decision or is faced with a choice about a purchase: for example, she buys a dress in a store. Remember what color new thing you chose - blue or red?..

All the images described are very symbolic. Along with them, other symbols may appear. But here's what's interesting. It was noticed that dreams foreshadowing pregnancy, despite the huge variety of pictures and plots, have one very bright common feature- emotional coloring. Such dreams are always accompanied by positive emotions, pleasant feelings, feelings of joy, happiness, and bliss. It can be quite abstract paintings(for example, a clear night sky, densely dotted with bright stars), but contemplating them gives great pleasure.

In addition, a woman almost always wakes up with a clear understanding that it was a “dream in hand.” Even if there were no reasons to suspect pregnancy before, after such a dream there is almost no doubt about what happened.

But here we cannot help but talk about the situation when a woman desperately and unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant begins to perceive what she wants as reality: she notices signs of a non-existent pregnancy, and, among other things, incorrectly interprets dreams that (very likely) she imposes on herself.

If you are not obsessed with the thought of conceiving a child, but suddenly woke up with a very clear feeling that this has happened or will happen soon, then such a dream can most likely be considered prophetic. But, of course, it is impossible to say about this for sure.

Not all of us believe in dreams. And in each individual case, you need to be able to correctly decipher what you see. But women's intuition can be difficult to deceive...

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

The interpretation of dreams is a field of knowledge that has been expanded throughout history by scientists, writers, and religious figures, using folklore, myths, and the results of research in physiology and psychology. The ability of our brain to process information on a subconscious level, the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-healing remain unexplored, and a scientific breakthrough in this area is only expected.

The natural process of childbirth, despite the development of perinatal medicine, keeps many secrets that defy rational prognosis. Symbolic signs that appear in dreams reflect the psycho-emotional state of the parents and are of particular interest not only to those who are passionate about mysticism.

What dreams can indicate an imminent pregnancy?

Dreams foreshadowing pregnancy may be inspired by a concentrated desire to see them or daytime thoughts about the possibility of becoming parents, but this element of self-hypnosis does not negate the possibility of foresight. Another category is “strange” dreams with unexpected and unfamiliar symbolism, which amaze with realism and colorfulness.

Signs of the appearance of offspring may appear long before conception, then you need to understand that the birth of a child may be delayed in time, but this will be the first most important event in the future. It happens that a dream reveals more unknown fact conception or reinforces its primary symptoms.

Men and women anticipate the birth of a child differently due to the division of social roles. The harbinger dream is experienced by a woman in an atmosphere of peace and satisfaction, while men experience confusion, anxiety, and restlessness in the same scenes.

Scenes are considered a separate category of dreams happy love, regardless of whether the dream was of a spouse or just a sexual partner. When harmony, happiness and contentment are felt in a dream, the likelihood of conceiving a child in real life increases.

The state of pregnancy in a dream is very rarely an omen, while actions related to establishing the fact of pregnancy can be repeated in life. For example, if a woman’s period is late in a dream, or she takes a pregnancy test with a positive result, this may indicate that conception has already occurred or is about to occur.

Dream about fish

Fish is an ancient and global mystical symbol that personifies the mystery of the origin of humanity, feminine, mysteries of healing and reproduction. This image is found both in canonized teachings and in the folklore of peoples living on all continents.

The great expert on the subconscious, Sigmund Freud, believed that a small fish in a dream symbolizes sperm, and a larger one symbolizes a child. In his opinion, dreams about fish may reflect a desire to see what is hidden.

Features of sleeping with fish - harbingers of pregnancy:

  • the fish must swim in the water, the type of reservoir and terrain is not important, it can be a bucket, an aquarium, a pond, a river, an ocean;
  • the water should be clean and clear, and the fish should be seen with your own eyes, and not just assumed that they are there;
  • the process of observation should be pleasant, the prophetic sign is reinforced if you manage to catch a fish and hold it in your hands, feeling the fluttering;
  • the purpose and motives in a dream can be different: a fishing trip, a chance find, a walk in nature, that is, the background of the dream does not matter;
  • You don’t have to catch a fish in a dream, you can come into contact with it, say something, smile;
  • the sign is reinforced if the fish splashes and jumps out of the water;
  • passive contemplation may mean that conception has already occurred, while active contact is a prediction;
  • the dream can also come to the future father if he sees a lot of fish and perceives them as a good catch or catches them;
  • women close to the expectant mother, mother, sister or friend, may also have such a dream;
  • some interpretations note that the fish must be alive; in the case of a dead fish, the interpretation will be different, and the dream will become a prediction of material profit;
  • the dream foretells offspring even when there is no water in the plot, but there is a live fish in the hands, which was found, received as a gift or bought;
  • if in a dream you were able to distinguish the type of fish, then you can do an additional search in dream books to determine the gender of the unborn child.

The plot of the prophetic dream, echoing the Russian fairy tale about the goldfish and the adventures of Emelya, suggests positive emotions- admiration, surprise, joy. Fish can be caught not only with your hands, but also with a fishing rod or net. Buying live fish is another option, and here it becomes possible to guess the gender of the child, which will match the gender of the seller. Two fish caught or purchased signify the birth of twins. Favorable sign Any contact with a living fish is considered - it can bite, caress, ride on its back, talk.

Another symbol favorable to conception is delicious fried fish on the table. The prediction is reinforced if the future parents eat it. Dreaming of caviar can also be a harbinger of pregnancy. In the old days, it was believed that missing a fish meant miscarriage, but modern developments in medicine force one to reconsider this statement.

Water in a dream

The water element symbolizes life, so the quality of water and the sensations associated with it are important for interpreting dream symbols. Features of sleep predicting pregnancy:

  • a crystal clear stream or stream, unusually clear and calm water surface;
  • possible presence of living creatures - fish, plants, turtles, crabs, etc.;
  • positive emotions and direct contact with the elements: diving, washing, wading across the river;
  • a supporting detail can be looking at the bottom.

Interpretation water element in the context of pregnancy is possible only if the birth of a child is planned in the family and is perceived as a condition of personal happiness. Unpleasant dreams associated with water reflect existing problems and troubles that are temporary.

Storks and cabbage

It is difficult to say how the relationship between these symbols and the birth of a child appeared. The stork among all nations is a symbol of happiness and good sign not only for pregnancy, but also for marriage. If he came in a dream, it means a favorable period has come for love and conception. A swan can act as a stork in a dream. The exception is when the bird lunges or bites.

Cabbage in a dream can play a sign of pregnancy only in a certain situation, when it is part of a bright landscape, for example, when you see a cabbage field on a clear sunny day. In other, especially everyday conditions (cooking, cutting, eating, unexpected appearance), the prediction does not work.


This is another direct hint about an addition to the family. Spouses and their parents can see dreams. What exactly is collected - vegetables, cereals, fruits - does not matter. The omen is reinforced if:

  • plants bear fruit that feel like they were grown with their own hands;
  • the harvest is unusually abundant;
  • the collected items are placed in baskets, boxes, chests or other containers.

Mushrooms in a dream

A forest seen in a dream can itself be a good sign for women and men if they enjoy beauty and take advantage of natural benefits. Mushrooms under a tree or at the edge of the forest, especially when collected with enthusiasm, reinforce the signs of upcoming sex and conception.

A mushroom in any form hints at reproduction; the interpretation depends on who saw the dream. He predicts a happy ending for couples who are struggling with infertility. For those who are not in a couple or do not plan to replenish, the mushroom sends a warning about accidental, unforeseen conception.

Some types of fruits

Fruits portend replenishment only in women's dreams. The leading place in symbolism, as one might expect, belongs to the apple. Biblical fruits gathered in the hem clearly indicate imminent pregnancy the one who sees the dream, regardless of her status and expectations. About possible romantic relationships, which will lead to the birth of a child, is evidenced by a blooming orchard.

Other harbingers of motherhood are cherries, cherries, lemons, apricots. The prognosis depends on what exactly is a woman’s cherished desire, which she may not even be aware of. Picking, purchasing or any other actions with these fruits indicate readiness and opportunity to become pregnant.

The pomegranate tree and fruit symbolize the birth of a new life. Picking a fruit, buying it or receiving it as a gift is a good sign of an imminent and successful pregnancy, but if you see pomegranate seeds, the meaning of the dream changes.

Little children

A dream in which children appear can have many interpretations, but when childless people dream family idyll with your own children - there is a possibility that this is a direct vision of the future. Signs of pregnancy may be contained in a dream where there are children if:

  • there is a process of playing, caring, raising or patronizing a child, which is accompanied by a feeling of happiness or anxiety;
  • the child is brought or brought into the house by a relative, a good friend, or is found unexpectedly, like a foundling;
  • with or without a child, but with a hint of presence, you dream of characteristic attributes: toys, swings, strollers, care items and clothes;
  • the same dream is repeated several times with minor changes.

Some animals

Interpretation of dreams in the context of clarifying the question of possible pregnancy depends not on what kind of animal you dreamed about, but on the actions and sensations in the dream. It is also important that the plot of the dream unfolds in an unusual setting. So, for example, it will be prophetic if a city woman in several generations ends up in a poultry yard, where she will be the mistress. A man's partner may become pregnant after he goes hunting in a dream, tracking down animals.

The plots of dreams with our smaller brothers hint at an imminent replenishment, moreover, the characters can be both real and toy:

  • found baby animals that are taken to warm, feed, cure;
  • animals and birds, especially their offspring, show trust and favor, come running, fly in and come into direct contact;
  • unexpectedly pleasant communication with mice and other rodents, as well as poultry;
  • animals or their cubs (especially bears) act out funny scenes;
  • two or more identical animals can predict multiple pregnancies.

Probably more than one grandmother passed on an old folk sign to her granddaughter: I dreamed of a fish - wait for the offspring. And by offspring, of course, we meant the birth of a baby.

So the fish became a classic symbol of impending pregnancy. Is it true that fish dream of pregnancy and does such a message from the world of dreams always come just shortly before such an event?

What kind of fish should you dream about?

Some psychologists are inclined to think that women, dreaming of becoming mothers and knowing about this interpretation of dreams involving fish, involuntarily tune in, as if programming their dream.

After all, it is known that Often things done or thought out during the day are projected onto dreams. However, the attitude is different: before, dream books unanimously gave them exactly this meaning. Or they promised profit, which in principle is equivalent to the concept of “offspring.”

There was, however, a condition: the fish had to be alive, swim in clear water, or – when cooked – fresh and tasty.

The plots of such dreams are very diverse: women fish, buy, give to each other, manage to hold two slipping fish in their hands at once, which is regarded as a prediction of the birth of twins.

In the course of a dream related to the purchase of fish, interpreters suggest remembering who was selling the product - a man or a woman. It seems to sometimes suggest what gender a child may be born.

The gender of the unborn baby is also predicted by the type of fish. The birth of a boy is promised by the purchase of carp, tench or crucian carp, and girls are “managed” by pike, catfish, and perch.

Dreams foreshadowing pregnancy can be dreamed not only by the interested person, but also by her family and friends, and even more so by her husband. A rich catch from fishing, a pond literally teeming with fish - these are hints at the imminent role of the father.

Udilova’s dream book considers fish in an esoteric sense, interpreting it as a sign of salvation and goodness, and considers the point of view with a harbinger of imminent parental joys to be erroneous. News, travel, success, bright novels and much more - anything, but not a prophecy about pregnancy!

From carp to shark

“Fish” dreams that promise the birth of a baby are not limited to just one type of fish. Dream books claim that most often carp acts as a symbol of pregnancy, but there are others - from pike all the way to shark.

As for the last predator, she should not be “tied” to dreams on the eve of pregnancy. They have a different “specialization”, associated with both pleasant and, most often, painful moments. None of the dream books speaks of it as a harbinger of the birth of a new life.

But a cute mammal, which is, can portend happiness and fun events in the family, therefore it is often considered a sign of an upcoming pregnancy.

What else can you dream about pregnancy?

A fish seen in a dream is a classic harbinger that a woman will soon become a mother. But life experience shows that this is not the only “predictor”. What do you dream about pregnancy, besides fish?

Oh, what a watermelon we have!..

“I’ve heard so many interpretations about how someone was predicted to be pregnant in a dream, but still, it seems to me that everyone has their own experience. My grandmother, for example, claimed that all five experiences of motherhood were predicted by fish: either she caught it, then she ate it, then her husband brought it back from fishing.

A I like it a hundred times different fish I dreamed - and at least something! But when I saw in a dream that my husband was buying a huge watermelon from a car at the market and with the words: “This is for you!” - He hands it to me, but I can barely lift it. A couple of weeks later I found out about the long-awaited pregnancy.

Watermelon predicted the same situation for my closest friend, only a little later. Two days after this dream, she bought a test and found out about her condition.”

Ksenia, 24 years old.

Experts believe it refers more to an individual hint.

Some women either see this big berry, or eat it, or someone gives it to them, or even steal a watermelon from a melon plant, and after this dream they learn about pregnancy.

And since this is far from an isolated fact, a watermelon seen in a dream can be considered a harbinger of imminent motherhood.

All these stories equally apply to other fruits - tomatoes, beans, nuts. This also includes harvesting - both grain and vegetables - cucumbers and the same tomatoes. Often the first sign notifying about an upcoming pregnancy are apples, although dream books traditionally interpret them as a symbol of the appearance of friends and joyful excitement.

Are babies found in cabbage or are they brought by storks?

“It’s a sunny, sunny day, and I’m walking through a huge cabbage field. It seemed to me that there could never be so much cabbage at once. I walk, step over the heads of cabbage, and then bend down and literally twist one of them from the stalk. And the cabbage is so strong and crispy, you just want to bite into it.

I hug her tightly to me and anticipate how I will now cut off a piece from her and gnaw... I told my mother, she smiled mysteriously, but said nothing. The next night the dream was repeated exactly the same! It was then that my mother said that she had a dream before I was born.

To be honest, I didn’t plan the pregnancy somehow, but I listened to my mother’s words, and so what? “Very soon I felt all the characteristic signs.”

Vera, 21 years old.

It’s interesting that cabbage is rarely associated with future childbirth, but Yuri Longo’s dream book clearly interprets it: if this image appears in a dream of a recent bride, it means new life has already begun: are children found in cabbage?

In the above dream, according to other versions, one more indication of pregnancy is visible - a sunny, clear day.

The dream in which a young woman sees a stork is deciphered in a similar way. It is probably not without reason that in folklore this bird brings babies to families. By the way, a man can see a stork in a dream with the same warning, which means he is ready for procreation.

Chickens, ducks and what other animals do you dream of being pregnant?

Let us give another example of a “non-standard” interpretation of a dream.

“For several nights in a row I dreamed of a real poultry yard - led by ducks and ducklings. All this got underfoot, bawled and quacked.

In the morning I was perplexed: I am a hereditary city dweller and I have never seen so many poultry in my life, where did this come from? I don’t remember in which of the dream books that I “dug up” I discovered that seeing ducks means pregnancy! Moreover, it’s as if a girl should be born.

Some time passed, and I seemed to have forgotten about these “bird” dreams, and then suddenly the dream returned again! True, with slightly different variations. I had already entered the chicken coop and collected eggs from the nests. When I found out that I was pregnant, it was already eight weeks..."

Ekaterina, 28 years old.

Ducks and chickens seen in a dream sometimes also become harbingers of motherhood- as symbols of the mother’s care for the chickens.

In the described case, the dreamer also saw what dream books say is definitely a sign of pregnancy - a sign of the birth of life. It doesn’t matter how many eggs there were in the dream - one or a dozen.

Only a broken egg will be a bad omen - the expectant mother may have difficulty carrying a child.

Quite understandable discrepancies in different dream books regarding the symbolism of a particular object, creature or phenomenon give rise to controversy and doubt. For example, some clearly consider dreams involving small children to be a harbinger of illness, while others predict an early pregnancy. Let's try to figure it out.

What do the kitten and puppy symbolize?

A very real basis is a dream in which a sleeping woman picks up small stray animals on the street.

Psychologists added their word here: they say, in this case the subconscious turns on when a woman wants to take care of, caress, feed someone. In this way, the body makes it clear that it is ready to take care of the unborn child.

It is interpreted in an interesting way in modern dream books the image of a dreamed kitten or kittens. "Classical" interpretation similar dream talks about minor problems and household chores. But some young women dreamed of a kitten on the eve of pregnancy, and they tend to consider it a “predictor” of this condition.

“Complex” may suggest that problems and troubles are associated specifically with upcoming motherhood.

Oh, water, where are you going?

What should you dream about pregnancy? The personification of life, cradle, motherhood is water, therefore, it is believed that seeing her in a dream may indicate an existing or possible pregnancy in the near future.

The dreamer can enjoy the view of the most transparent water, through which all the pebbles at the bottom are visible, she can wade through clean water or wash herself with – again, clean – water. All these are signs of an interesting situation nearby.

If clean water in any body of water - from an aquarium to the sea - a man sees, then his dream will tell you that he will soon become a father.

Cloudy, dirty water may not be a good sign. If the birth of a baby is planned, then it is possible that the woman is in danger due to work-related stress or quarrels with the future young father. Everything is still fixable, because the water is constantly flowing. Perhaps it is worth changing something in life.

One - fungus, two - fungus

They are considered by dream books from two points of view, but both of them promise early motherhood. The first believe that since mushroom spores are a reproductive organ, then in a dream they signify active sex life, inevitably ending in conception.

According to the second opinion, mushrooms seen in a dream are, as it were, a symbol - a reward for patience for those girls who dreamed of a child, but to conceive one for a long time it didn't work out.

When is menstruation a sign of pregnancy?

In dreams, a situation that is the opposite of the real one can often be played out. In life, girls who are afraid of getting pregnant wait with trepidation for the onset of the next one. In a dream, the opposite is true: if the dreamer is looking forward to this moment, then it is believed that she is dreaming of the birth of a baby.

In such a case, one must be able to distinguish where we're talking about about predicting the future joy of motherhood, and where - just the continuation of latent girlish fears during the day.

Fruit and berry “still life”

Dreams in which a woman buys berries or fruits can signal an imminent addition to the family.– cherries or cherries, lemons or watermelons.

Each of those who saw such a dream can evaluate it in their own way: for some it is a prediction about the fulfillment of a cherished desire, for others it is a warning about a possible “getting pregnant.”

In conclusion: what kind of dreams should there be?

As we see, in addition to traditional and, as it turns out, controversial fish, a variety of objects and creatures can be predictors of pregnancy. You can also mention various rodents and wild animals, all kinds of children's accessories such as strollers, cribs, cradles.

Also, various types of light can serve as a symbol - sunlight, in night windows, at the end of a tunnel. Dream books teach you to focus on your worldview and vision of reality, since each person is individual and there is simply no general recipe for everyone.

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Comments to What dreams do you have about pregnancy: fish and other things?

    Galina 10.30.2017 13:24

    Koshka0301 10.30.2017 15:50

    Tatyana 10/31/2017 12:41

    Lena 10/31/2017 14:59

    Ekaterina 10/31/2017 18:53

    Anna 10/31/2017 19:36

    Victoria 10/31/2017 19:57

    Yulia 05/22/2018 18:10

    • Irina 05/22/2018 21:11

      Zoya 05/22/2018 22:25

      Natasha 05/23/2018 13:49

      Ksyukha 07/13/2018 09:58

      • Galina 07/22/2018 23:26

        Natalya 07/23/2018 08:40

        Tatyana,21 07.24.2018 15:11

        • Galina

For a long time, people have treated dreams as a gift from the gods, symbols from another world. Shamans and healers tried to interpret their meaning. Stories about prophetic predictions in dreams come from time immemorial.

Buddha's future parents had no children for many years. Before the long-awaited pregnancy, the mother dreamed of a beautiful white elephant. The birth of the Prophet Muhammad was predicted by many omens. His grandfather saw in a dream a silver chain linking heaven and earth, which then turned into a green magnificent tree.

Sigmund Freud argued that dreams come from the past, but reveal information about the future. What dreams do you have about pregnancy? Is it possible to see and predict the future? interesting situation and the birth of a baby in dreams? The experience accumulated over centuries and women's intuition allow us to believe in such a possibility.

Dreams foreshadowing pregnancy

The creators of dream books often explain the signs they see in different ways. Many nations have their own symbols of fertility and childbirth, which differ significantly among representatives of different nationalities. In Slavic culture there are visions that from ancient times promise a new addition to the family. Examples of dreams that came true were passed down from generation to generation and formed the basis for their interpretation.

Astrologers and people interested in mystical sciences claim that astral body The expectant mother changes even before conception. Therefore, some women in their dreams can see signs of the birth of a new life. This is a coincidence or an unexplored side of phenomena; to believe the interpretations or not is the individual choice of each person. Let's consider the most famous signs, symbols and characters. Seen in a dream, they are, according to generally accepted statements, reliable signs of pregnancy. Is it worth figuring out what a woman dreams about before pregnancy?

Fish. The most popular messenger of future motherhood. It is noteworthy that the baby’s father can also see a dream about an unborn child. So, a rich catch, quite possibly, means early fatherhood. For a woman, a sure sign of an upcoming pregnancy from time immemorial has been a dream about a fresh, live fish. Seeing or touching clean water, an aquarium, a swimming pool is an omen of conceiving a baby. If you catch a fish with your hands, it has always been considered a good sign to hold on to it and not let it go - this is what expectant mothers dream about before pregnancy.

Eat fried food with gusto delicious fish also dreams of an interesting situation. It is important to rely on your intuition and remember the details of your visions. Many expectant mothers of twins have dreamed of a pair of fry or fish. It happened that a woman in a dream bought fish, caviar, and soon found out about her pregnancy. Dream characters that are vividly etched into consciousness can suggest, for example, the gender of the baby.

According to popular belief, carp, crucian carp, pike perch, and tench are dreams that mean pregnancy with a boy. Pike, rudd, goldfish, verkhovodka predict a daughter. When interpreting dreams, the following are of great importance: the mood of the vision, emotions, and details. It’s good if it’s a living, pleasant, bright feeling of spiritual warmth and comfort. In many cultures, seeing a dolphin, stroking it, hugging it also meant an upcoming joyful event.

Clean water. The origin of life occurred in this element. Water is the cradle of life. Folk signs They consider dreams of swimming in calm, clear and unclouded waters to be sure signs of impending childbirth. Swim in beautiful lake or a cozy lagoon, swimming in a pool in a dream for pregnancy, going through quiet river wade, wash with clean water - such dreams often mean the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. It is also considered favorable to see freshwater pearls, white swans.

Animals. Little cute animals: kittens, puppies, hares, birds that cuddle and ask to be held have long foreshadowed the appearance of a baby. In some dream books, a duck or chicken is a dream that predicts pregnancy with a girl. If you dream of an egg, it is considered bad omen break it, drop it.

The stork is also a symbol of future motherhood. To a partner, such a dream showed readiness for fatherhood. Doesn't have special significance who had prophetic dreams: to the expectant mother or her immediate family. Often, it is the relatives who are the first to see the coming changes; that’s why they dreamed of birds before pregnancy.

Fruits, mushrooms. The birth of a new life refers to picking mushrooms, berries or apples seen in a dream. The famous sorcerer Yuri Longo called cabbage seen in a dream a faithful messenger of future offspring. Tomatoes are a sign of pregnancy when a girl sees large red tomatoes in her dream. IN Ancient Greece The pomegranate was considered a symbol of fertility. Today, many peoples believe that seeing this fruit in dreams is a sign of an upcoming favorable conception.

A dream in which a woman tastefully feasts on fruits or berries tells about future motherhood. The vision about a ripe watermelon, fruits, and seeds has the same meaning. Buying cherries, cherries, and lemons may signal the onset of an unwanted pregnancy. Cucumbers dream of pregnancy, especially when you eat them. They are a symbol male power. This means that you should be especially careful in the following days. You also dream of strawberries for pregnancy; by consuming this fruit in a dream, you will experience the heights of pleasure, passion and, ultimately, the onset of pregnancy.

Family. A peaceful idyll with a partner in a dream: romantic dinner, a pleasant pastime, walks and travel together speak of psychological readiness become parents. A good state of mind and a wonderful mood from communicating with your chosen one serve as a sign of possible conception. Most likely, these visions are a projection of the baby’s reality and expectations.

Children. The interpretation of such dreams is very diverse. Most often, dream books say that these visions represent troubles and difficulties that end in a favorable outcome. For gypsies, a dream about a boy is a sure sign of a successful turn in business and personal affairs. In Muslim countries, this dream is also considered a happy omen.

Some adults dream about their future babies. You may not believe this, but many mothers claim that they saw their children before conception, saw some fragments from future life, baby's facial features. They walked hand in hand, played, talked, and saw the sex of the baby's future. It is considered favorable for couples who cannot conceive and bear a child for a long time to see in a dream how someone brings or gives a baby to the family.

According to one version, there is a universal field of knowledge from which psychics, fortune-tellers and seers draw information about the future. Perhaps dreams are a way to expand the corridors of time and space when consciousness penetrates into the future. Then the “déjà vu” effect becomes clear. It seems that the event has already happened, but in fact it was a dream a long time ago. Many people have encountered this interesting phenomenon, so it should not be categorically denied.

Buying clothes. Many women tried on new clothes in their sleep before becoming pregnant. They say that the color of clothing matters. Blue and blue shades promise a boy, and pink and red – a girl. A dream in which a woman receives clothes as a gift has the same meaning. When you remember the details of visions, you can use inner voice and intuition, to understand their hidden meaning.

Pregnancy. Dreams about a close friend’s pregnancy can indeed predict an interesting situation for her. Sigmund Freud spoke about this in his work “The Interpretation of Dreams.”

Seeing yourself with a rounded tummy means an addition to the family, only if the woman is confident in her partner and expects a miracle. Otherwise, the girl will be deceived by a hypocritical and unreliable chosen one. A similar interpretation is found in Vanga’s dream book, if a woman dreams of being pregnant, she really expects pregnancy.

See in many sources unknown woman in position means a pleasant surprise or an unexpected gift. This dream is a sign of imminent joy, the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

What dreams do you have about pregnancy other than fish? It should be understood that you can dream about fish in any other circumstances except pregnancy. This can be either financial success or a slowdown in any business. You just need to remember in what circumstances you saw this dream.

Other items and characters. The following dreams are also considered popular harbingers of future offspring:

  • beautiful views of nature;
  • watching animals, hunting;
  • small objects in containers, for example, a bead in a box;
  • otherworldly voice or light source;
  • birth in animals.

Planting and caring for fruit trees is another well-known symbol of the arrival of a baby in the family. Dreaming of grapes indicates pregnancy; it is also a symbol of masculine strength and rebirth. Some expectant mothers had a scary dream about a spider weaving a web. The praying mantis dreams of pregnancy, among other things. The appearance of this insect in a dream promises a change in position in better side. Visions associated with a baby - a vest, a rattle, a stroller, a swing - are considered by some peoples to be a sure sign of upcoming troubles.

Should you believe in dreams that foretell pregnancy?

Many great and influential people: Alexander the Great, Peter I, M.V. Lomonosov and others believed in the predictive power of prophetic dreams. They described the events that came true that followed such dreams. It happened that women from generation to generation dreamed of the same visions before conception. But is it worth blindly believing in dreams about pregnancy?

In a woman’s body, during and after conception, serious hormonal changes occur, emotional state. Feelings of drowsiness, mood swings, anxieties and fears may accompany the expectant mother during this period of time. It is not without reason that the first signs of pregnancy include sleep, which becomes restless and superficial or, conversely, deep and prolonged.

Unpleasant dreams and nightmares can only indicate deeply hidden feelings and anxiety. That's why negative thoughts needs to be driven away. Believe in good dreams and omens. They will give bright hopes and emotions that are priceless for the health of the baby and mother. After all, faith, according to folk wisdom, moves mountains. For a pregnant woman, a positive attitude and confidence that everything will go great are important.

Sleep is a person’s natural state of rest. This physiological process puts the brain into a state of minimal activity, allowing the entire body to rest. Basically, in dreams we experience recently happened events or our hidden desires. And here, Not everyone knows what they dream about pregnancy and they can’t always make out the signs being sent. Let's try to figure out who and what comes to pregnant women in their dreams.

Should we believe or not the warning signs of pregnancy?

Opinions are quite different and no one can say unequivocally whether one should believe in dreams foreshadowing pregnancy. After all, if you look at it, dreams are a mirror image of the subconscious. And it stores:

  • all kinds of fears;
  • subconscious beliefs;
  • hidden desires;
  • immodest fantasies.

All this manifests itself in a dream in an incomprehensible form. Many women, having learned that they are pregnant, remember that on the eve of this event they actually dreamed of certain harbingers, which we will discuss below.

Fish is considered to be a harbinger of a joyful event called pregnancy, but not all women see it. And many people claim that they dream about fish before their periods. Therefore, it should not be argued that the sign of pregnancy in a dream - a fish - should be interpreted unambiguously as pregnancy.

It should also be noted that signs and symbols are interpreted differently in different dream books. Therefore, when highlighting the harbingers of pregnancy that come in dreams, we took into account the reviews of already happy mothers.

What kind of prediction dreams can an expectant mother see?

What do you dream about pregnancy? Prediction dreams are rare, and only 3% of people living on our planet can see them. Experts say that a prophetic dream is previously recorded information, postponed by our brain “for later.” Therefore, it is generally accepted that it is the subconscious readiness of a female person to become a mother, plus interruptions in hormonal levels during pregnancy, that prompt brain activity to “give secret signs” in a dream. It is not easy to recognize what dreams indicate pregnancy and what are just simple pictures that pop up in the subconscious.

A classic of the genre - dreaming of fish!

The sign of pregnancy, Pisces, is the most popular. It is this that is considered a harbinger of pregnancy, but the main thing is to correctly interpret all the signs that you dream about. In various dream books, dreamed fish are explained as profit, meeting love, exposing a traitor, etc.

Since ancient times, a live fish dreamed of by a girl or woman of childbearing age foreshadowed “offspring,” that is, profit in the form of a fetus. The main condition was to see live fish, but where and how (catch, buy, watch) is no longer so important. It was also noted that the boy dreams of:

  1. carp;
  2. carp;
  3. crucian carp

And the girl says:

  1. pike;
  2. killer whale.

Even caviar can mean an early conception. Correct interpretation can tell not only about the sex of the child, but also about the course of pregnancy and the number of children.
Officially, cases were recorded when a man had a prophetic dream with a fish, and subsequently it turned out that his wife was pregnant.

When you really want to, then you dream: what does it mean to see children in a dream?

Probably everyone knows that little boys dream of troubles, and girls - of surprise. But how can dreams of children notify you of pregnancy? According to dream books, seeing the following pictures in a dream foretells imminent motherhood.

  1. Walk with your baby by the hand down the street.
  2. Play catch-up and other games related to chasing each other.
  3. Have fun, tickle, swing both in your arms and on a swing.
  4. Accept a child as a gift from your husband or find him on the street.
  5. Seeing yourself pregnant and giving birth to a newborn.

All actions occur with a heightened experience of emotions - this is due to growth hormonal levels. Very often, mothers who have seen such harbingers in life experience “déjà vu,” since the lost moment in the dream (except for the husband’s gift) occurs in real life.

Dreams with children contain a rather deep subtext and carry many clues that indicate a boy or a girl, the time of birth (winter, summer) and more. For example, choosing clothes for your baby by color, red/blue, indicates the gender of the child.

Our smaller brothers are animals!

If you dream about animals, then quite often in a short period of time a woman learns about her situation. Mostly, the replenishment of animal babies (puppies, kittens) is foreshadowed. Although dream books write that such dreams are associated with minor worries, in young girls these worries arise with the onset of pregnancy.

These rules also apply to birds with eggs. Seeing a stork means expecting a gift in the form of a baby. It is not for nothing that this bird brings newborns into the house. A man who dreams of a stork is already ready for fatherhood and his parental instinct has awakened.

Eggs - to profit, which is regarded as a replenishment. If the eggs are broken, then it is quite possible that the gestation process may be interrupted.

Water is a symbol of life!

Our great-grandmothers also said that:

  • to see clean water is for good, profit, health;
  • swim in muddy or dirty water- to losses, illnesses, losses.

Because water is the personification of life, natural renewal processes, the cradle of all living things. Motherhood is associated with water, since the child lives inside the mother in aquatic environment. Many people associate water with pregnancy, since there is often a fish swimming in clean water, which is the main harbinger of an early conception.

It may be that the father has a prophetic dream related to water, but here it is necessary to make a reservation - avid fishermen constantly dream about clean water and a huge catch.

Water can be dreamed of as a sea, a river, and sometimes in an aquarium or glass. The question still remains open, because it is very difficult to consider water as a symbol of conception.

An idyll in the family – a child is “on the doorstep”!

Usually such dreams occur to couples who do not yet have children. A dream filled with harmony, care, and love may carry news of an imminent pregnancy. The dream conveys not only the relationship between loving friend friend people, but also harmony with the surrounding world, beautiful nature, measured life. At such moments of sleep, the sleeper is filled with positive energy. Conception is indicated by a persistent joyful feeling of the presence of a third participant - this could be a child, animals, or even a teddy bear.

What do you dream about pregnancy?? Symbols and signs that will surprise!

Usually associated with the imminent arrival of a baby are dreams that evoke thoughts about a newborn. Since every woman has “her own cockroaches” in her head, then there are symbols that directly or somehow indirectly indicate possible conception, so many. We will present the most popular ones in our opinion, since in dream books, every fifth sign is, in one way or another, associated with pregnancy.

1. Cabbage. For representatives of the fairer sex who have recently gotten married, such a sign indicates that conception has already taken place.

2. Dolphin. Of course, you can call it a fish and not explain anything else, but this is a mammal that “came” to prophetic dream, brings happiness and fun. What can make a woman happier than having a child?

3. Place the nails in a box. Such actions indicate the birth of something new within you. Therefore, such a dream may indicate conception.

4. Pick mushrooms. This sign is interpreted from two positions:

  • firstly, a long search for mushrooms will be crowned with success. So the long-awaited pregnancy will come;
  • secondly, fungal spores are associated with active sexual life, and sooner or later it will lead to conception.

5. Voice from the underworld. For some reason, such dreams are considered prophetic. Someone in light clothes, very often, a deceased relative comes to the expectant mother and talks about the joy of conception, which will happen soon or has already happened.

6. Menstruation. As they say, what you dream must be perceived in reverse. So, seeing your period in a dream means adding to your family.

7. Items with a round shape. Such dreams are called “round”; objects with this shape are usually small. You may dream of peas and beans, which symbolize the “embryo” placed in the “womb” of the mother, which in a dream looks like a jar or box.

8. Spider weaving a web. It symbolizes nesting, which usually begins after two stripes on the test.

9. Seeing two paired, identical objects means getting twins. These items can be different - from two chickens to two bicycles.

10. Apples. It is impossible to directly connect this fruit and pregnancy. It’s just that many women, when asked what they dreamed about pregnancy, answered – apples.

There are no universal dreams that foretell pregnancy. When interpreting the signs and harbingers of pregnancy, an individual approach to each dream is very important.

Author of the publication: Margarita Ignatova