In which forests are mushrooms found? When to collect porcini mushrooms

Acquaintance with porcini mushrooms begins in... childhood. After all, it is White mushroom They are most often depicted in children's books, and in fairy tales the “old boletus” helps lost travelers in the forest. Boletus - one of the names of the porcini mushroom - just speaks of its place of growth.

The porcini mushroom is the king among other mushrooms. Because it is the most delicious, the healthiest, the most...

The very fact that the porcini mushroom does not change its color even when dried, remains white even in the form of mushroom powder, puts it at the highest level among other mushrooms.

And it’s not without reason that mushroom pickers, both experienced and beginners, dream of returning from a mushroom hunt with a bag full of porcini mushrooms.

But the white mushroom is cunning! Despite the fact that it is found everywhere - from the Volga to Far East, goes to the North, wedged almost into the Arctic latitudes, not everyone manages to find it.

Where to look for porcini mushroom

Its very name - boletus, birch, oak - indicates that the porcini mushroom grows in forests: pine, birch, oak, spruce. But not in every one, but only in those where there are old-time trees no younger than fifty years old. So it will be problematic to find a mushroom in a young spruce forest or birch grove.

Porcini mushrooms do not grow densely. But if you come across a mushroom, you need to look for its friends and comrades.

White mushroom loves sunny places, so it can be found at the edge of the forest, clearings, among mighty trees, but with open crowns so that it gets as much light as possible.

The porcini mushroom grows on various soils - clayey, sandy, poor in humus, but these mushrooms do not grow on peat soil.

The porcini mushroom loves to grow among grass, lichens, ferns, and moss, but the porcini mushroom does not grow in dense forests or tall grass. But it is often found where the grass cover is interrupted by paths or where cattle are often driven. But on trampled soil without vegetation, this fungus is found in isolated cases.

White mushroom loves wet soils, but not swampy. Loves warmth, but cannot stand heat. Therefore, during frequent rains, it moves to drier elevations, and on hot, dry days it huddles closer to the trees, in the shade. The porcini mushroom grows well during periods when the temperature is between 10-18°C, but during frosts the mushrooms disappear completely, although the mycelium itself remains viable in both intense heat and bitter frost.

Experienced mushroom pickers also pay attention to secondary signs by which they can determine whether there is a boletus mushroom in the immediate environment or not. A phenological indicator of the presence of porcini mushrooms are... fly agaric mushrooms. And also valui and nigella. If here and there these mushrooms peek out from the grass, then it means that a porcini mushroom is somewhere nearby.

When does the porcini mushroom grow?

The porcini mushroom, however, like the others, grows in “waves”, or as they call it in mycology – layers.

The first layer of mushrooms appears when the rye begins to ear. Approximately in June. Such mushrooms are called “spikelets”.

Early July a second layer of porcini mushrooms appears, which are called “stubbers”. It falls during the grain harvest.

The third layer of porcini mushrooms is for autumn - at the time of leaf fall. It is called “deciduous”.

All three periods of the appearance of porcini mushrooms are active in lowland forests. In high-mountain forests, the richest harvest of porcini mushrooms is in August.

IN northern forests The porcini mushroom grows small, with a cap up to 5 cm in diameter.

IN middle lane Porcini mushroom caps range from 3 to 20 cm in diameter. But there are truly giant mushrooms, the weight of which reaches 3 kg. Once, near Vladimir, they found a white mushroom weighing 6 kg, and the cap of which was 46 cm in diameter!

But such huge mushrooms, of course, are wormy and cannot be collected.

What novice mushroom pickers should know

In the forests there are inedible and even poisonous mushrooms, which are very similar to porcini mushrooms. Therefore you need to know obvious signs differences between porcini mushrooms and inedible ones.

Healthy and aromatic. It got its name thanks to its cap, which does not change color even after drying. The mushroom remains white, although other species gradually turn black.

Nutritional and taste qualities are excellent. From the article you will learn everything about porcini mushrooms: when to collect them, where they grow, how to distinguish them from inedible ones.

Description of white mushroom

Almost every summer mushroom pickers rejoice at the harvest. How nice it is to look for mushrooms and enjoy fresh mushrooms at the same time clean air. The porcini mushroom is in great demand. Every person who specializes in this matter knows when to collect it. There is an opinion that the porcini mushroom is from the boletus genus.

The diameter of the cap is most often 25 cm. Sometimes it reaches 27 and even 30 cm. It all depends on the species. Once the cap begins to grow, it looks like a hemisphere. Gradually becomes flatter and drier. The color of the porcini mushroom is varied. Depending on the habitat. As mushroom pickers say, it depends on how much light hits the mushroom. It can be either white or dark brown. That is, the lighter the area, the darker the mushroom.

The length of the stem can be 15, 20 and even 25 cm. The thickness of the mushroom varies. At first its leg is thin, over time it becomes cylindrical in shape and reaches 10 cm.

The mushroom has a tube on which small pores are clearly visible. As it grows, its color changes. At first it is light white, then yellowish, and when ripe it turns green. At the very break of the stem, the color does not change from the cap. This is the white mushroom. You need to know when to collect it. After all, you can’t eat it green and overripe.

Benefits of porcini mushroom

This product contains carotene, vitamin B, C, D and riboflavin. It is these vitamins that help strengthen nails, hair, skin and the entire body. The high content of sulfur and polysaccharides helps with cancer.

Porcini mushroom contains a lot of lecithin, which helps treat atherosclerosis and increase hemoglobin. It contains a lot of protein, which gradually disappears when fried. That is why it is recommended to use dried mushrooms. They are better absorbed in the body.

The carbohydrates found in porcini mushrooms support and strengthen the immune system and protect against a variety of viruses. Therefore, it is recommended to use them as often as possible. However, mushrooms are difficult food for the stomach. Try to use them dried in soups. Read the article about where porcini mushrooms grow and when to collect them.

Harm of porcini mushrooms

People often use toxic substances, without even knowing it. Any mushrooms that grow near the highway or in polluted places are strong natural sorbents. They absorb all toxic substances. Therefore, to maintain your health, you need to look for porcini mushrooms in clean places. When to collect and where, we will tell you further.

Doctors prohibit giving mushrooms to children. If there is poisoning, it is almost impossible to save the child.

The child's body cannot cope with the fungal chitinous shell, since it does not have enough necessary enzymes to digest food. Especially mushrooms.


Many people do not know where porcini mushrooms grow. Wet and rainy conditions are best for them. Where there is horsetail, it is impossible to find porcini mushrooms in the forest.

Most often, this delicacy is found near fly agaric mushrooms. In which forests do porcini mushrooms grow? Experienced mushroom pickers can answer this question. They are often located near rivers or streams. Mushrooms love not only moisture, but also warmth. In hot weather, they hide under bushes and grass, and in the fall, on the contrary, they look for open places so that the sun can warm them.

Mushroom pickers have an idea in which forests porcini mushrooms grow. After all, they can’t be found everywhere. Pine forests or birch groves are famous for porcini mushrooms. In these places they grow not alone, but in families. Therefore, if you find at least one mushroom, do not go far, there are probably more nearby.

All forests, coniferous, pine or deciduous, are famous for porcini mushrooms. However, only in old places. Young forests cannot boast of an abundance of this glorious delicacy.

Now you understand in which forests porcini mushrooms grow, and you can go looking for them without any problems.

Where to pick porcini mushrooms in the Moscow region

This wonderful delicacy does not grow in every forest. This territory is located in the direction from Moscow to the West. It is there that there are forests with high humidity and all conditions for the growth of porcini mushrooms.

This is in the Ruzsky or Shakhovsky districts. If you go north from Moscow, then you can turn to the suburb of Taldom.

Experienced ecologists believe that it is impossible to collect porcini mushrooms in the Khimki forest or Lyubertsy. These areas are considered polluted, and the conditions in them are unfavorable for porcini mushrooms. Even if they are edible, they can be poisonous only because they have absorbed all the harmful substances.

Now you know where to pick porcini mushrooms in the Moscow region, and it won’t be difficult for you to sort out clean and polluted areas. Most often, the harvest for this wonderful delicacy is large, the main thing is not to make a mistake in it and not to pick a poisonous one.

When to pick porcini mushrooms

In spring and winter, you don’t have to look for this delicacy. It will be impossible to find them anyway. No one can say for sure in what month porcini mushrooms are harvested. They usually appear in June and their season lasts until October. If summer began earlier, in April or May, and the air humidity is high, then the first porcini mushrooms can be found. However, if autumn is frosty and cold weather sets in early, then do not expect it in October.

They grow very quickly. From a small one, weighing 3 grams, in a week it becomes about 200-250 grams. Very often you can meet giants that reach 700 grams. As many years of practice have shown, the smaller the mushroom, the better it is absorbed by the body. That is, a very small one is not suitable, since it is not ripe. Perfect option for consumption from 100 gr. up to 300 gr. In too large mushrooms There is a lot of fiber, so it is difficult for the human body to absorb them.

A very useful white mushroom. When to collect it, decide for yourself. However, it is always worth remembering that summer is the optimal time for harvesting. Porcini mushrooms are very popular with worms and insects. Therefore, in the fall you need to try to find a good and undamaged product.

The difference between a false mushroom and a real one

Very often people collect the wrong product that they need. Everything happens out of ignorance. Therefore, they confuse the false white mushroom with the real one. They are found equally under deciduous or coniferous trees. They look almost identical.

The first misconception of people is that the inedible false porcini mushroom grows separately. It can be seen in a warm, illuminated clearing or forest edge. The false mushroom often overlaps with the real one.

The first difference is the terrible bitter taste. The false mushroom is not classified as poisonous, so more experienced people try a very small piece. A very bitter taste immediately appears.

If you are afraid to try the mushroom during collection, then heat treatment will help you. When fried or boiled, the bitter taste becomes unbearable.

Be careful because in the pulp false mushroom There are toxic substances that gradually poison the body. With constant use, the liver and its performance are destroyed, and even cirrhosis can develop.

Symptoms of poisoning

You already know what a porcini mushroom is, when to collect it and where. However, it is necessary to understand what symptoms occur during poisoning and what to do in this case. As practice has shown, the first signs appear no later than two hours after consumption.

In case of poisoning, nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea occur. The temperature rises to almost 40 degrees, and the hands and feet become very cold and chills begin. In some cases, hallucinations are noticeable.

At the first signs of poisoning, you need to take activated charcoal and drink as much as possible cold water and strong chilled tea. In the meantime, you need to call a doctor or ambulance. Only with proper and timely treatment does a person have the opportunity to recover within three days.

With the onset of mushroom season, hunters for these gifts rush into the forests. Some people prefer redheads; Some people prefer boletus or russula, boletus or boletus, but almost everyone wants to find porcini mushroom. Therefore, all mushroom pickers want to know how to properly look for the places where porcini mushrooms grow and by what signs they can be identified.

It is important to understand and be able to determine the time when the mycelium is ready to produce the greatest harvest, how to properly look for porcini mushrooms so that the search is crowned with success.

Before deciding where to collect porcini mushrooms, you should understand what this trophy looks like quiet hunt. There are several main versions, but they all agree on one thing: this mushroom is popularly called white because it does not change its color when processed. In nature, mushrooms are called boletus mushrooms, and they grow mainly in colonies.

Experts say that their appearance directly depends on where this porcini mushroom grows.

  1. Birch mushroom is different in that it can grow singly or in groups. They often grow in birch forests and are distinguished by the fact that the cap is white or light yellow in color, and the leg is pale brown. Unlike other species, this mushroom can be distinguished by a characteristic light mesh near the cap.
  2. The oak species is large in size and is located mainly near oak plantings. The stem of this mushroom has a coffee tint or other light brown tones and a velvety skin. A brown mesh covers the entire stem of the mushroom.
  3. The pine species differs from others in its bright color and impressive size: the cap reaches up to 20 cm in diameter and has a red wine color. The leg is painted olive color, covered with a red mesh.

Depending on the forest in which porcini mushrooms grow, their appearance changes. Experienced mushroom pickers also know how to correctly determine the beginning mushroom season and hunting specifically for this variety.

The porcini mushroom itself is a capricious species. Its qualitative and quantitative growth requires special conditions that take into account its increased sensitivity to meteorological changes and other climatic parameters. Loves this one little king shade and moisture, is suspicious of direct sun rays and drought.

Time and location of boletus mushrooms

Borovik has rightfully taken the position of king of mushrooms and, like a real titled person, does not like to attract attention to himself. Perhaps this is why the answer to the question of where to look for them has many variations, except for one: never look for porcini mushrooms in open, steppe areas.

  1. Boletuses grow on almost all continents, with the only exceptions being Australia and Antarctica. This king especially prefers areas where there are mosses, lichens, loamy or sandy soils.
  2. In a pine, spruce or birch forest, the porcini mushroom is a frequent resident, especially if it old forest. In addition, in these places, boletus mushrooms mainly grow not singly, but in entire colonies, which attracts experienced mushroom pickers who want to collect whole baskets of forest gifts.
  3. Ecologists argue that the more remote the forest area is from settlements, the greater the likelihood of encountering a good fungus that has not absorbed toxic waste and chemical decomposition products. You can safely eat such gifts without fear of harming your health.

Spruce and pine trees, under which last year's and the year before last's needles lie in a thick carpet, often serve as an indicator that porcini mushrooms grow in this particular forest.

When is the best time to collect boletus mushrooms?

Even children know that spring and winter are absolutely unsuitable seasons for quiet hunting. That is why experienced mushroom pickers are looking forward to the summer, when they can pick mushrooms after the first warm, rainy days.

The answer to the question of when to collect porcini mushrooms depends on the area in which the hunter is going to do it. There is no definite answer, but, according to many years of observations, it was concluded that in June this type of vegetable protein is already present in the forests.

  1. An indicator that boletus mushrooms can already be found in the forests is, first of all, the weather. After warm rains against the backdrop of stable warmth, you can safely go wandering through the forests, since the king of mushrooms is most likely already waiting for the first amateur mushroom pickers.
  2. IN autumn time You can also find such mushrooms, but the likelihood that they will be edible is too low. Such gifts grow very quickly; in 10 days they can outgrow their taste. In addition to humans, this mushroom is also favored by ants, worms and other insects, which is why it quickly becomes damaged by them and, accordingly, unsuitable for food.
  3. If the street is consistently humid and warm weather, then this mushroom is in the forests from June to October, provided there are no early frosts. But the best time to collect boletus mushrooms is July and August, when summer rains give way to warm, hot days.

In dry summers, they look for this mushroom closer to the trees, where they hide in the shade from the scorching arid rays of the sun. During the wet summer season, on the contrary, it willingly grows in open areas, as it loves moisture, air and cloudy weather.

Collection rules

In order to be guaranteed to get a delicious forest trophy, it is important to follow the basic rules of collection. It is not enough to simply understand where it is best to look for boletus; it is also worth knowing and taking into account the time of day when this can be done productively and efficiently.

  1. You should come for mushrooms after sunrise, since at this time of day they are most visible and practically do not hide from the hunter.
  2. Particular care should be taken to inspect the soil with admixtures of sand and loam, and non-flooded areas.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to small specimens with a cap diameter of no more than 4 cm. It is believed that this species is the most optimal for consumption, moreover, insects do not have time to penetrate it and do not spoil it from the inside.
  4. The found mushroom is cut off carefully, avoiding damage to the mycelium. In the absence of a cutting tool, it is allowed to carefully twist the mushroom.
  5. The trophy is examined and cleaned of possible pests if it is not possible to immediately select whole mushrooms.
  6. If the trophy has a small or standard leg, then it is placed in the basket with the cap down. Mushrooms with long stems should be carefully placed on their sides.
  7. It is not advisable to take specimens that are too large and overripe for processing; it is better to leave them on the ground.
  8. Healthy boletus mushrooms are not afraid of frost, so small and strong mushrooms can be taken even after the first frost.

Collected mushrooms require processing within the next ten hours, otherwise they will lose some of the beneficial and taste qualities.

When collecting boletus mushrooms, it is also important to take into account the fact that in nature there is Not edible mushroom called false white. This species differs from its healthy brother in its strong bitterness, so experienced mushroom pickers not only know how to distinguish it by appearance, but also due to strong bitterness.

Mushroom pickers also advise that when collecting boletus mushrooms, take into account the peculiarities of the local fauna: this mushroom willingly coexists with blueberries, lingonberries, and heather. It does not ignore porcini mushrooms and anthills, but at the same time has an absolutely negative attitude towards ravines. Therefore, when searching for the king of mushrooms, it is recommended to safely avoid ravines.

The porcini mushroom has long been considered the king among all mushrooms. People call it differently: boletus, cow-cow, cow-shed, bear-crawler, pechura, cow, belovik. Even when there are a lot of different mushrooms in the forest, each mushroom picker tries to collect as many boletus mushrooms as possible into his basket. This edible mushroom is so popular due to its irresistible appearance and excellent taste.

The stocky, strong king of the forest, the porcini mushroom, has a velvety, brown cap. It grows in spruce forests and pine forests. The mushroom has a chestnut-brown cap. The flesh of the cap is strong and has a pleasant smell. Its shape is round and convex; when broken, it retains its shape over time. White color. The mushroom cap is spongy below and smooth on top. In a young boletus, the tubular layer of the cap is white, in a mature one it is yellowish. The diameter of the cap is 25 cm. The leg is strong and thick. Near the ground it is often wider than in the upper part and has a light, thin mesh. In mushrooms that grow in shaded areas it is long. The thickness of the leg reaches 10cm, and the height is on average 12cm. The weight of a porcini mushroom is 200 g, but giants weighing up to 7 kg are found in nature.

Where does the king of mushrooms grow and when is the best time to go hunting for it? You can go to the forest for boletus from the beginning of June until mid-September. It is during these months after the rain that a “wave” of boletus growth occurs. The porcini mushroom is not always visible to the mushroom picker. It often hides in mosses, behind decaying brushwood or in fallen leaves.

Boletus loves to grow next to pine, birch, spruce, oak, beech and hornbeam. It can be found in birch forests and even near juniper thickets.

Porcini mushrooms prefer to grow when it is warm and humid. It can often be found in a lighted place on a sun-warmed lawn, in a sparse forest, on old paths overgrown with grass, on the edge, near clearings.

Having seen a porcini mushroom and taken it into a basket, do not rush to go far from this place. Look around carefully and see if there are any other boletus mushrooms nearby. Porcini mushrooms always grow in families. Sometimes in pine forests up to 19 porcini mushrooms were found in one place. In birch groves they sometimes form a family of 5–40 pieces.

In addition to trees, there are other noticeable details in nature that indicate the close proximity of the porcini mushroom. Red fly agaric, anthills and white grass are the most noticeable companions of the boletus mushroom.
Thus, having some knowledge, you can significantly increase the efficiency of searching for porcini mushrooms.

Elena Pozdnyakova

The porcini mushroom in the forest is undoubtedly the king of mushrooms, which is the most desirable find of an avid mushroom picker. It belongs to the tubular species of the Boletaceae family. Forest handsome man can be found throughout Europe. There are about 18 subspecies of this variety. In order not to miss the time to collect porcini mushrooms, you need to know what they look like and where they grow. Advice from experienced mushroom pickers will help you stock up on mushrooms for the winter.

Exists a large number of types of mushrooms, but the most popular and common ones include:

  • oak;
  • spruce;
  • birch;
  • pine.

Oak boletus

Oak specimens include boletus with a brownish, brown and grayish tint to the cap, which can be covered with white cracks. In diameter it ranges from 8 to 25 centimeters. Initially, the tubes on it are white, then they become yellowish-greenish.

The leg is approximately 20 centimeters. It is loose, with a noticeable mesh pattern.

Boletus collection takes place in the summer and autumn months. It bears fruit in layers. This earliest subspecies appears at the end of the spring month.

It is important to note that the oak specimen is similar to the gall fungus. The latter grows in coniferous forests. On its leg there is a black mesh with pink tubes.

Boletus has medicinal properties. It is used in the treatment of:

  • disrupted metabolic process;
  • weakness after illness;
  • digestion.

Spruce subspecies

This species has a convex, sometimes depressed cap. Its skin is velvety, wrinkled, shiny and sticky in wet weather. The edge of the cap often has an acute-angled shape. Its shade is brown, brick red. The tubes are spacious and can be easily separated from the hat. Initially they have a white, grayish color, and by maturity they have a yellowish, olive color.

Growing specimens with thick flesh. Further, it is spongy, with a white color, a pleasant mushroom aroma and taste.

The pedicle is 20 cm high with a tophi downwards. Its color is white, brown.

This subspecies bears fruit in 2 stages. First individually in last days May. Next heavy cover in mid-June.

This specimen is similar to other types of porcini mushrooms (however, spruce mushrooms are more healing than oak ones). Of the unusable specimens, it is similar to gall mushroom.

Pine boletus

It has a fleshy convex cap. Its skin is smooth and velvety, and sticky in wet weather. Boletus has a brownish-red, dark brown, purple, greenish, and bluish color. Its edge is often light. Initially, the tubular layer is white, then yellow, olive-yellow. The white flesh is reddish-purple under the skin. The taste and smell of the mushroom are characteristically mushroom.

The leg has a maximum height of 12 cm. It is thick, fleshy, thickened towards the base. Its color is light brown, yellowish. The leg is covered with a thin red mesh.

The pine subspecies can easily be confused with the bitter inedible gall specimen, which has a black mesh on the leg, a pink tubular layer.


The forests in which porcini mushrooms grow are very diverse. This is explained by the fact that some of the subspecies have mutually beneficial contact with various trees. That's why they live where there are trees. In this case, the place where the porcini mushroom grows must have specific soil, characteristic thermal and humid conditions. Hence it is clear that the forest beauty will not grow wherever it has to. You need to look for it in special forests.

Coniferous forests

This is the most characteristic landscape where the named specimens grow. Are located coniferous forests in the northern hemisphere of the planet.

Pine forests

In this area you can find pine porcini mushrooms, which come into contact with pine (less often this happens with spruce and deciduous trees). Their distinctive feature are a sickly brown cap and a leg, which can sometimes have a brown tint.

This mushroom likes to grow in sandy or loamy soil. It should not be very moisturized. That is, this subspecies avoids swamps and damp lowlands, preferring dry forest areas. It can also be found in mountainous areas. Apparently, there are suitable conditions for growth there for the fungus.

You can determine the location where boletus mushrooms grow by digging the soil in the forest with a shovel and identifying grains of sand under the half-rotted litter, as well as relying on the main landmark. These are cushions of moss or lichen. Instances are often found in these places, especially when there are small clearings in the trees that are better warmed by the sun compared to other surrounding areas.

Mushrooms are also located on the outskirts of clearings, clearings, and along the sides of forest paths.


Spruce porcini mushrooms grow in this forest. In appearance it is difficult to distinguish it from the pine subspecies, although the color of the spruce boletus cap is less saturated. It belongs to the type species and is a true porcini mushroom.

Spruce boletuses grow in the same conditions as pine boletuses, differing only in their affinity for spruce trees. They also like loamy, sandy, non-waterlogged soil with a bed of moss and lichen.

Deciduous forests

Square deciduous forests quite large, although there are much fewer of them compared to conifers. They are more developed in the southern part, and are rare in the north.

Birch forests

Birch boletus is also called spikelet. It received this name because it appeared around the time of rye harvesting.

This subspecies has a lighter cap compared to the previous 2 specimens. It can be found almost everywhere. Of course, the boletus avoids swampy areas and peat bogs. It is the most common mushroom. Kolosovik can be found in any birch forest at the edge, at the boundaries between areas, in open and overgrown areas.

Signs that make it easy to identify the presence of boletus in a birch forest:

  1. Tussocks of white grass.
  2. Neighboring mushrooms are red fly agaric, chanterelle. They accompany the birch boletus and bear fruit at almost the same time.


This area is not entirely typical of the Urals. At the same time, in the southwest you can find small areas of oak forests where porcini mushrooms grow between the oak trees.

However, some scientists believe that this independent species mushroom. It is called bronze boletus. It has a dark-colored cap. It happens that it has a black tint with a mold-like coating. The French call this mushroom the head of a black man.

This subspecies grows in warm forests and prefers southern regions. Occasionally it can be found in mountainous areas, but often it is absent there.

Elm forests

There are such forests as elm forests. No specific category of porcini mushroom that would prefer these particular forests was identified. However, in rare cases there are different types pine and spruce boletuses, sometimes a birch variety is found.

Mixed forests

In these forests you can come across large clearings of porcini mushrooms. Why exactly in them is unknown. There are only guesses about possible better conditions mixed forests. Or the reason depends on the original undergrowth.

Often in mixed forests birch grows. Therefore, the largest variety of boletus is the birch boletus. It is possible that thanks to this tree the productivity of this type of mushroom occurs.

Important information! It has been noted that the chance of finding large concentrations of mushrooms is higher in older forests compared to virgin, primeval forests.

When to collect mushrooms

When planning to go into the forest, it is worth having an idea of ​​when to collect porcini mushrooms and where they grow. Since the required temperature for the growth of such trophies is kept in summer months, then it is during this period that they need to be collected.

The more often temperature thresholds and changes in humidity occur, the weaker the fruiting bodies of fungi develop.

To the good ones climatic conditions include:

  • short thunderstorms;
  • warm foggy nights.

You need to start collecting porcini mushrooms before the sun will rise, since at this hour they are more noticeable. You need to walk slowly, carefully scanning the area.

The optimal time for collection is a week after the rain. The mushroom needs to grow.

If summer time wet, boletus mushrooms will appear far from trees (these are dry, well-warmed hills, clearings, edges). During dry seasons, mushrooms will hide under trees where there is dried grass that retains moisture well.

It is believed that mushroom growth is noticeable where morels grow.

How to collect forest gifts

In order not to harm nature, boletus mushrooms should be collected correctly. You need to carefully make the cut as close to the ground as possible so as not to destroy the mushroom area. They are also twisted out of the soil.

Having turned or cut off the find, it must be cleaned so that the specimens lying nearby do not get dirty.

Place the found mushrooms with their caps down. If the boletus has a long leg, it should be placed on its side. It is necessary to collect only good specimens, without worms and rot.

If the boletus is overripe or unfamiliar, it is better to leave it untouched. You can't trample them.

Product usefulness

The porcini mushroom is considered one of the valuable, useful tubular specimens. The nutritional value One kilogram of dried product replaces 3 kilograms of meat. It is better to eat them dried, since in this form the taste is better revealed.

Boletus mushrooms are also pickled, boiled, and fried. However, the product prepared using these methods will not differ from other tubular ones (for example, if you take boletus). Borovik in fresh does not smell, but the dried mushroom emits a unique aroma.