What leeches can treat? Ecological groups of leeches and their relationship to environmental factors. Qualitative signs of a healthy leech.

Literature review

1. Systematic position found types of leeches

2. Structure and life cycle leeches

3. Ecological groups of leeches and their relationship to factors environment.

4. Geographical location, habitat, settlement, natural enemies and practical significance of the found types of leeches.

5. Species diversity of leeches in the Moscow region.

Systematic position of leeches. External and internal


External taxonomy

Type Annelids(Annelida), Lamarck

Subtype/Superclass/Class Belted (Clitellata)*

Class (Subclass) Leeches (Hirudinea)* Lamarck

*IN different options Classifications of the type of annelids are considered different versions taxa of the groups Belted and Leeches, which is why different names for the ranks of these groups arise. V.N. Beklemishev (1964) proposed considering the Poyaskov group as a superclass that unites leeches, oligochaetes and brachiobdellids, contrasting it with the Bespoyaskov superclass, which includes echiurids and polychaetes. Other authors believe that the Poyaskovs should be considered a class, and all groups previously considered classes should be distinguished as subclasses. In the traditional classification, there is no Poyaskov group, and annelids are divided directly into polychaetes, oligochaetes and leeches, without any indication of the convergence of any of these two groups.

Internal taxonomy

Subclass (Infraclass**) True leeches (Euhirudinea)

Order Proboscis leeches (Rhynchobdellidae), Blanchard

Family Snail leeches (Glossiphoniidae=Clepsine), Vaillant

Species Six-eyed clepsin (Glossiphonia complanata), L

Order Proboscis leeches (Arhynchobdellidae), Blanchard

Family Pharyngeal leeches (Herpobdellidae=Erpobdellidae)

Species Small eight-eyed false horse leech (Erpobdella=Herpobdella octoculata), L.

Family Jaw leeches*** (Gnathobdellidae=Hirudinea)

Species Greater false horse leech (Haemopis sanguisuga), L.

**Due to the difficulty in determining the rank of the Leech taxon, the concept of the taxa True Leeches and Ancient Leeches also varies. Traditionally, they are considered subclasses of the class Hirudinea, but since Hirudinea sometimes acquires the rank of a subclass (see above), these groups can be considered infraclasses; it has also been proposed to separate the subclass Ancient leeches with a single species of Acantobdella into a separate subclass from the group of leeches, although this option is controversial.

In a number of works, for example, “Faunistic analysis of leeches of Piedmont Dagestan” (authors: Aliev Sh. K. and Magomedov M. A.), the family Gnathobdellidae is divided into the families Hirudinea and Haemopidae, and the term Gnathobdellidae itself as a taxon is not mentioned, but nowhere in the literature such a position is not supported or mentioned.

The structure and life cycle of leeches


The body inside consists of 60-75% muscles (when opening an individual, it is clear that they are very well attached to the integumentary tissue), which is the largest percentage for invertebrates. The integumentary tissues are covered with a thick layer of permanent cuticle. The intestines are branched, the stomach is absent. Circulatory system closed, there is no heart, the blood contains the red pigment hemoglobin, in some it is replaced by green chlorocruorin. Excretory system expressed by metanephridia. The reproductive system is well developed, all species are hermaphrodites (bisexual), some species (for example, Snail leeches) reproduce by throwing germ cells out, and some (for example, Haemopidae) have special copulatory organs in the form of long soft tubes that carry germ cells. After the death of an individual, the copulatory organs come out. The nervous system is well developed, there is a ganglion in each segment, and at the anterior end there is a brain - a particularly large ganglion. Abdominal nerve trunk. There are eyes, but vision is practically not developed - leeches only distinguish the degree of illumination, and even then inaccurately. Well developed sense of touch. The sense of smell and hearing are basically absent. The chemical sense is developed.

Life cycle.

Leeches lay eggs in special cocoons (and many glossiphonids carry eggs on their abdomen, caring for their offspring). When hatching, the leech is already very similar to an adult, since the development of leeches is direct, without a trochophore. Over time, it only slightly increases in size, without changing significantly (except in cubs reproductive system undeveloped). Puberty occurs almost immediately after birth. Leeches live from 2-3 to 10 or more years, after which they die. Since the body of a leech consists entirely of soft tissues (except that some species have chitinous jaws, and Helobdella has a chitinous plate on its back), as a result of which the body quickly decomposes.

Ecological groups of leeches and their relationship to environmental factors.

All types of leeches encountered live exclusively in freshwater environments; they cannot survive in salt water conditions. Individuals that are thrown out or crawl onto land usually do not live long. The exception is H. sanguisuga, which is capable of spending a long period of time on land. Only the same H. sanguisuga settle on bare substrate without rocks or trees, although they prefer places with snags. G. complanata and E. (H.) octoculata are occasionally found under tree species, but clearly prefer stones, and are completely absent in open areas. In principle, organisms are either distributed throughout the Paleoarctic or are generally cosmopolitan. Rare species not among them. All 3 species are very unpretentious to conditions aquatic environment, which is why they are distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the surveyed area, almost regardless of surrounding factors. Despite this, leeches, according to many researchers, are indicators of the environment. Among them, according to the work “Eidecology of the hirudofauna of the Ulyanovsk region” (Klimina O. M.), there are a-mesosaprobes and P-mesosaprobes, that is, indicator species of a clean and polluted environment, respectively. Glossiphonia should be an indicator of a clean environment, while Erpobdella and Haemopis are indicators of a polluted environment. But the results of our research to some extent refute this theory, since both Glossiphonia and Erpobdella were found on an area of ​​1 m2 under the same stone, despite the supposed indication of opposite conditions. It is possible that in the territory of the research conducted by O. M. Klimina there were some unnoticed differences in the conditions of the habitats of these species.

According to our results, any species can live together, except that a large number of H. sanguisuga individuals cannot coexist with other species, since on the site where H. sanguisuga was found in the place of permanent residence and breeding (cubs were found), there are no other species at all species, although in sites with similar conditions both other species are possible. As it turned out, this is due to the fact that these species do not tolerate competition - the stronger Haemopis destroys most of the food in the vicinity of its territory, in addition, H. sanguisuga often feeds on smaller leeches, as a result of which these species, which are much smaller in size than Haemopis, do not settle near a predator.

Geographical location, habitat, settlement, natural enemies and practical significance of the found types of leeches

As already mentioned, 3 species were found in the river - Glossiphonia complanata, Haemopis sanguisuga and Erpobdella octoculata. All of them live everywhere in the Paleoarctic, the upper limit of their habitat is in the tundra, and the lower limit is basically absent, as a clear division of conditions where a species can exist and where it cannot. They live in both mountainous areas and lowlands; both in standing water and in fast-flowing rivers; both in deep lakes up to Lake Baikal, and in small streams.

They disperse both purposefully with the aim of spreading and occupying a larger niche, which will provide large reserves of resources for the species, and accidentally, both due to abiotic factors (for example, floods) and due to biotic factors (mainly anthropogenic).

Practical significance People have been interested in leeches for many centuries. Since all the species found are predators, use them as a species capable of medical care difficult, but possible: drugs and prophylactic agents are now being actively developed from substances produced by leeches (for example, hirudin, which prevents blood clotting).

Except medical value, leeches have ecological significance as indicators of the environment, although complete information on this issue is insufficient to assess the level of environmental pollution based on leeches.

Species diversity of leeches in the Moscow region

Due to the lack of work on leeches carried out in the Moscow region, there is no complete list of all possible types of leeches in the Moscow region. At the same time, it is reliably known that in Central Russia, in addition to the 3 discovered species, Hirudo medicinalis is found (extremely rare in the Moscow region); in the Ulyanovsk, Samara regions and in the Urals Helobdella stagnalis, Piscicola geometra, Protoclepsis tessulata, Hemiclepsis marginata, Erpobdella nigricolis were also found; in the region of Eastern Kazakhstan, in addition to these species, unidentified Alboglossiphonia (sp.) and Theromyzon tessulatum were found; Caspiobdella fadejewi, Haementeria costata, Limnatis nilotica, Limnatis turkestanica were also found in the fauna of Foothill Dagestan and the Caspian Sea. Among them, the last 6 definitely cannot be found in the Moscow region due to their habitat in warmer layers, the possibility of P. tessulata living is also doubtful, the remaining 4 are possible.

Related information.

The leech has many amazing qualities. It's hard to imagine, but this little worm has a sense of smell, taste and touch, and also detects heat and light.

The leech is by nature a hermaphrodite, that is, it has characteristics of both sexes. When leeches meet, they fertilize each other.

The leech lives only in fresh water. She can be found in large quantities in reservoirs of Central and Southern Europe and Asia Minor. Under natural conditions, leeches feed on the blood of animals that come to drink.

Not every leech can heal a person. Of the more than 400 species of leeches found in nature, only one species is used in medical practice. This is a medical leech. This species has two subspecies - pharmaceutical (Hirudina officinalis) and medicinal (Hirudina medicinalis) leeches. Both subspecies are used for medicinal purposes. In order to understand this issue and distinguish a useful leech from the rest, it is not at all necessary to know the characteristics of these animals, much less go to reservoirs with a net. Medicinal leeches must be purchased only in pharmacies, and they must also have a license, like any medicine.

Leeches that are used in medicinal purposes, have not been caught in swamps and ponds for a long time. They are grown in special biofactories under artificial conditions under the careful supervision of biologists. This is necessary so that the leeches are sterile and cannot become a source of infection for the people who use them.

Medical leech

A medical leech is a special, purebred leech, sharply different from a pond leech. It is grown precisely to serve a person just once. The leech is used as a disposable syringe, which is absolutely sterile. After the procedure, the leech is killed. It is believed that she could now be potentially dangerous, since she was dealing with a sick person, and therefore with sick blood. Sterilizing a leech is a very troublesome task.

However, there is one circumstance in defense of the leech. Her saliva contains a powerful bactericidal substance that kills germs in the blood. Therefore, the leech disinfects its food and cannot itself be a source of infection. But you cannot be sure that this substance will cope with any bacteria that may enter the leech’s body, for example, with the blood of infected animals (if it is a pond leech). This is why it is easier to grow a new sterile leech than to take the risk of using an old one. This blood-sucking creature pays with its life for such economic benefits and our health.

The most valuable thing about a medicinal leech is its secretion, which is released with saliva. Leech saliva contains more than a hundred biologically active substances containing the entire periodic table. Therefore, the effect of a leech on a person can replace any medicine prepared chemically and therefore having a lot of side effects. During treatment with leeches, all biologically active substances enter the blood and have a beneficial effect on our organs, systems and well-being. At the same time, leech secretion is completely harmless, because it is used in minimal doses and strictly when necessary.

The nature of the action of this healer - leech - is unique. Medicinal beer is a very sensitive organism. It recognizes a diseased organ in a special way and accurately finds biologically active points corresponding to this organ. Therefore, leeches are not only a therapeutic, but also a diagnostic tool. Many doctors allow leeches to determine the location of the bites themselves, using them to compare their diagnosis with the “leech diagnosis.” This is why hirudotherapy is successfully used in any field of medicine for wide range diseases.

Another interesting characteristic feature of the leech is its cleanliness. The human body must be very clean and free of foreign odors, only then the leech will stick to it.

Interestingly, the leech is very scrupulous about bad habits person. She will never treat a drunk patient and ignores a heavy smoker who smells of tobacco. And if the patient has not washed for a long time, the leech will immediately crawl away, no matter how hungry it is. These natural healers are very picky!

Leech structure

The leech is an annelid worm, the length of which reaches an average of 12 to 15 cm. It has a greenish color on the back with orange stripes and black dots. The medicinal leech lives in fresh water bodies of Central and Southern Europe and Asia Minor. Feeds on blood large mammals entering the water during a watering hole.

The leech is a digestive tube covered with sensitive skin. The leech breathes through the skin, and the skin protects it from external irritants. The skin performs another function - it is the sense organ of the leech. The leech has a very developed muscular system, which consists of circular muscles that cover the entire body of the leech and form its suckers, longitudinal muscles that stretch along the body, and dorso-abdominal muscles located from the back to the abdomen. This structure of the muscular system allows the leech to be very mobile and make a wide variety of quick movements.

The medicinal leech has five pairs of eyes on its head, and in its mouth there are three jaws with chitinous teeth, of which there are about 260 pieces. With their help, the leech cuts the skin to a depth of 1.5-2 mm and sucks blood in a volume of 5-15 ml, the same amount flows out from the bite site over the next 3-24 hours. This is explained by the fact that the secretion of leech saliva envelops the walls of the affected vessels, as a result of which the blood loses its ability to clot. But such bleeding is absolutely harmless to human health and is easily tolerated by the patient. There are usually 5-7 individuals per session. Even one session of hirudotherapy is very healing, since a whole complex of biologically active substances and enzymes enters the human blood, which cause anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant effects, reduce the likelihood of blood clots, improve blood microcirculation, and also activate the human immune system.

The leech's oral cavity extends into the pharynx, which has thick muscular walls that act as a pump to pump out blood.

The leech's stomach is an intestine with 10 pairs of lateral processes. The length of the stomach occupies 2/3 of the length of the leech's body and can hold from 5 to 15 ml of blood. And what is especially important: the leech’s intestines contain special bacteria that disinfect harmful substances, so the leech’s saliva is always sterile. Therefore, medicinal leech is actively used for thrombophlebitis, hypertension, pre-stroke conditions and other diseases. Due to the fact that the leech stimulates blood circulation in the tissues, affects the walls of blood vessels and increases the oxygen saturation of the blood, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

How to distinguish a real medical leech from a fake one?

They are not medical: leeches are single-colored, without stripes on the back. Also, take a close look at the form and other external signs leeches. It should not be covered with hairs, have a cylindrical body shape and a blunt head. A real medicinal leech is smooth, almost flat, with a sharp head.

Therapeutic effects of leeches

The mechanism of the therapeutic effect of leeches is very multifaceted, so the effect itself occurs in a complex. Bloodletting gives a kind of boost to the body's immune system. Thanks to this, there is an influx of “fresh” blood and renewal of the entire body, in which healing processes are launched. In addition, a small loss of blood lowers blood pressure. And the special substance hirudin, which prevents blood clotting, stimulates blood supply to all organs. But this is not all the functions of leech saliva. Let us consider each type of therapeutic effect of leech in detail.

So, the therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy consists of several factors: reflex, mechanical and biological.

Reflex action

This action consists in the fact that the leech bites through the skin only in biologically active points, which are also called acupuncture points. These points are used in acupuncture. They are inextricably linked with all organs and systems. By influencing certain points, the doctor starts the process of self-healing of the organ, enhancing its energy. The mechanism of the reflex action of leeches is exactly the same as in acupuncture. In addition, leeches themselves feel the points that need to be influenced, that is, they choose the bite sites. Thanks to this, even a person who does not know acupuncture can apply leeches. But it’s better, of course, if this medical manipulation conducted by a doctor.

Mechanical action

It consists in the fact that after a leech bite, lymph with an admixture of capillary blood continues to ooze under the influence of hirudin and destabilase injected with saliva. Due to the long flow of lymph (from 5 to 24 hours), mechanical irritation of the lymph nodes occurs and their production of natural protective cells - lymphocytes - is stimulated. This leads to increased local and general immunity. In addition, local blood flow is unloaded, which promotes blood renewal and greater blood flow to the diseased organ.

Biological effect

This is the most valuable and most important effect, which is provided by the leech saliva itself, which contains a huge amount useful substances. The most valuable of them: hirudin, destabilase complex, bdellins, aeglins, hyaluronidase, antibacterial and analgesic substances.

Hirudin– the most studied leech hormone. It slows down blood clotting and flushes blood clots out of blood vessels, preventing thrombus formation. Hirudin is the best remedy in the treatment and prevention of intravascular coagulation syndrome.

Hyaluronidase– an enzyme that is found in the venoms of snakes, spiders, extracts of human testes and in some bacteria. This substance is necessary for the fertilization process, so hirudotherapy successfully copes with problems such as infertility.

Bdellins– trypsin and plasmin inhibitors.

Eglins– substances needed by the body suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and emphysema. Eglins act in such a way that they prevent further damage to the joints and lungs, curing existing pathology. Eglins penetrate into the blood and, combining with other components, prevent the process of tissue degradation. This property allows the use of leeches in the treatment of skin diseases and injuries, and surgical treatment.

In addition to saliva secretion, the symbiont bacterium Aeromonas hydrophilia contained in the intestinal canal of the medicinal leech, which provides a bacteriostatic effect, has a healing effect.

So, we list all the types of therapeutic effects of leech on the human body:





Hypotensive (more precisely, normotensive);



Restoration of microcirculation;


Restoration of neuromuscular impulse transmission;

General reflex;

Restoring the permeability of the vascular wall;




A leech bite is often much more effective than a medicinal injection. The fact is that when the drug is injected, the medicinal substances are distributed evenly throughout the body, and the leech acts only on the diseased organ. The affected area contains 70–80% of all biologically active substances introduced by a leech into the patient’s blood.

A hirudotherapy session lasts from 40 minutes to one hour. You should not remove the leeches; they themselves determine the end of the session. Depending on the complexity of the disease, treatment requires 5 to 10 sessions 1–3 times a week.

Hirudotherapy can be used as an independent method of treatment, or can be combined with other methods of naturopathy, most often with herbal medicine, as well as with homeopathy and physiotherapy. This combination is determined by the doctor depending on the nature of the disease, the patient’s condition and the characteristic features of his body.

How does a leech work?

With the help of sharp jaws, the leech bites the skin to a depth of 1.5–2 mm and sucks blood in a volume of 5–15 ml. The same amount of blood flows from the bite site subsequently (over the next 3-24 hours). This is explained by the fact that leech saliva contains hirudin, which prevents blood clotting. There is no need to stop the bleeding. During one treatment session, 5 to 7 leeches are usually applied.

The medical leech itself chooses the site of the bite - the warmest area, the richest in blood. Here it discovers biologically active points through which it affects blood vessels and internal organs and human systems.

Gradually, as the leech becomes saturated, it noticeably increases in size. The volume of blood she drinks is 3–5 times her own own weight, that is, it can be up to 15 ml. Feeding on blood, the leech injects its healing saliva - a unique balanced complex of biologically active substances - into the site of the bite, that is, into the bloodstream of the vessel. Almost immediately after a leech bite, its therapeutic effect begins. The valuable substances of saliva, under the influence of its special enzymes, quickly penetrate into the tissues. And already 20 minutes after removing the leech, the components of its secretion are carried through the bloodstream throughout the body.

A leech bite resembles a mosquito bite or nettle sting. Then a purely mechanical unloading of the blood flow occurs, that is, the person practically does not feel how the leech sucks blood. The blood itself flows into her mouth and stomach. Having had enough, the leech disappears on its own, and blood (mainly lymph) continues to flow out in a very thin stream. Over a period of 3 to 24 hours, it can leak out as much as the leech drank, that is, about 12–15 ml. In total, a person loses no more than 30 ml of capillary blood along with lymph from one leech. This process is also healing, so it cannot be stopped. Such a small loss of blood triggers the mechanism of stimulating the immune system and eliminating swelling.

The likelihood of people becoming infected through leeches during hirudotherapy sessions is virtually eliminated. Leeches are bred in special biofactories using the cupping method and kept in sterile conditions. Leeches feed on verified animal blood. Leeches ready for sale are checked and certified. After treatment, leeches are destroyed and not used again.

Independent use of leeches

You can choose different ways to treat the disease: take pills, be treated with herbs, use physiotherapy or turn to hirudotherapy. Each method has its pros and cons. But treatment with leeches stands out from the general list of treatment methods in that there are many more advantages than disadvantages. And the disadvantages themselves consist only in the presence of a small number of contraindications, which are quite rare. Therefore, today there are more and more adherents of hirudotherapy. A serious problem is the choice of a qualified hirudotherapist - such specialists can only be found in large cities, in large clinics or specialized hospitals. Leeches are much easier to acquire.

A doctor using this method must have an excellent knowledge of human anatomy and find an individual approach to each patient, taking into account his diseases, physical and mental condition. It is the doctor who determines how many sessions the patient will need and how many leeches to place during each session.

However, the procedure for installing a leech is quite simple, so you can use leeches yourself, but subject to certain conditions.

Firstly, before self-treatment leeches, you should still consult a specialist. Remember the contraindications to hirudotherapy: although there are few of them, they are very serious. In addition, it is necessary to agree on the number of leeches and procedures. And remember that moderation is good in everything. Your state of health will tell you when to stop the procedures, of which there should be no more than ten.

Secondly, only an experienced specialist should install leeches on the mucous membranes and genitals - doing this yourself is extremely dangerous!

Thirdly, you can apply leeches to diseased organs only if you know exactly your diagnosis and the location of the diseased organ. You can take a different route: put the leech on its back and give it the right to choose the desired point. Rest assured, the leech will not make a mistake.

Since the leech is living creature, then it has its own characteristics. A leech may refuse to treat you, that is, to suck on you, if the weather changes that day, magnetic storms or other jumps in bioritomes, to which leeches are very sensitive. In addition, leeches do not like to eat at night, so hirudotherapy sessions are carried out only in the morning and during the day, or at least not late in the evening.

How to apply a leech at home

So, you purchased leeches at the pharmacy. They should be stored in a jar of tap water, the neck of which is covered with gauze, in a bright place at a temperature of 10–15 °C. The water should be changed daily. Only healthy and hungry leeches that move quickly in the water are suitable for treatment. Limp, with nodules, and with an adhesive surface, leeches are not suitable for consumption.

Leeches can “work” only once. After using the leech, throw it away. Usually five leeches are placed; in advanced stages of the disease, seven leeches can be placed. To enhance the effect, leeches are placed on acupuncture points used in reflexology. But if you have never encountered acupuncture, then you can place the leeches arbitrarily - they themselves will choose the most suitable places. strong impact on the body.

Leeches are placed on the heart (to cleanse blood vessels), liver (to cleanse the liver), on limbs (for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins), behind the ears (for atherosclerosis and heart failure), on the back of the head (for hypertension and for general cleansing of blood vessels), on back (for general cleansing of blood vessels). You should not place leeches in places where there are distracting veins (eyelids, temples, scrotum).

Do not be alarmed by the sensations that may occur while sucking on a leech - this is normal. You may feel a slight burning sensation, like an ant bite, and even severe itching, especially if the leech is placed in an area where the skin is thin. These discomfort pass in a couple of minutes. After the skin is punctured, a characteristic mark of small leech teeth remains on it.

In the first ten minutes, the leech releases its saliva into the wound, containing about one hundred and fifty healing substances. At this time, the blood becomes homogeneous, that is, homogeneous, due to the dissolution of small cholesterol plaques and blood clots. Next, the leech begins to suck blood, continuing to secrete saliva, but in smaller quantities.

One leech sucks up to 5-10 ml of blood. When the leech fills its stomach, it will fall off on its own. But if the exposure is incomplete, it is carefully removed.

Rules for placing leeches

Before placing leeches, you need to stock up on the following supplies:

Healthy, mobile leeches;

A jar of clean water;

Beaker or test tube;

Sterile tray with sterile dressing material;

A bottle of hydrogen peroxide;

Glucose ampoule or sweetened water;

A jar of salt water to place the leech after removal.

This procedure is best done with an assistant. If you place leeches on another person, do it in this order.

1. Lay the person comfortably on a bed or sofa.

2. Expose the area of ​​the body where leeches should be placed. If there is hair, it needs to be shaved.

3. Rinse the skin well with warm water and wipe dry.

4. Moisten the skin with sweet water or glucose for better suction of the leech.

5. Grab the leech by the tail end with tweezers and place it in the test tube.

6. Apply the test tube to the desired place on the skin.

7. Wait until the leech attaches itself. Once sucked, it will fall off the skin on its own.

8. Remove the leech and place it in a jar of salted water, then flush it down the drain.

9. Place a sterile napkin on the places where leeches are sucked. After the procedure, microbleeding is possible for 6-24 hours, so a bulky bandage is required, which should be removed only the next day.

10. If there is severe bleeding, a pressure bandage must be applied to the wounds.

11. If you need to remove the leech earlier, moisten the skin under it with salted water.

12. Leech can only be used once!

It is necessary to monitor the person’s well-being during the application of leeches and for some time after the end of the procedure. It is strictly forbidden to tear off a leech by force, as it can cause significant bleeding.

You can reapply leeches only after 5–6 days.


At the sites where leeches were placed, skin itching around the wound may appear after the procedure. It is necessary to lubricate the skin around the wound with a mixture of ammonia and petroleum jelly in equal quantities. The itching will go away.

Purchase and storage of leeches

Leeches should only be purchased in special stores and pharmacies. They sell certified medicinal leeches grown in biofactories. These leeches are under control from the moment they are born, so they are a guarantee of effective and safe treatment. Wild leeches should never be used, because it is impossible to know what the leech ate and what kind of infections it is a source of. Despite the fact that the leech has a unique set of disinfectants, it is impossible to test it for the entire range of infections found in the world. Therefore, you should not take risks, especially since buying a leech is not a problem today.

Leeches are sold in glass jars with clean water in which they live. Such water must be maintained constantly. The water should be well settled and at room temperature, and the jar itself should be in a room with an air temperature of +8 to +20 °C. Sudden changes in air or water temperature are detrimental to leeches. Leeches do not like strong odors; upon contact with odorous substances, they get sick and die. They can go without food for six months, so all this time you only need to change the water and feed the leeches with sugar syrup, which they love very much.

When purchasing leeches, monitor their condition. A healthy leech is active: it swims, resists when someone touches it or tries to put it in a bubble. It is extremely interesting to monitor leeches, because they are living barometers. In clear weather, leeches crawl onto the walls of the jar in which they live, and in bad weather they stay under water.

It is quite difficult to classify this organism based on morphological characteristics. External structure leeches (the photo below shows it) resembles that of slugs, which are representatives of mollusks. Leeches are actually annelids.

External structure of a leech

The maximum length of this worm reaches 15 cm. The body structure of the leech is characterized by the presence of suckers, which are located at both ends of the body. The ventral side is always flat, and the dorsal side has a convex shape.

Leeches are attached to the substrate with one or the other suction cup. In this way they carry out “stepping” movements. Leeches - excellent swimmers. Thanks to the wave-like bending of their body, they can cover considerable distances.

Where do leeches live?

The structural features of leeches and the way they feed determine the habitat for this. They prefer fresh water bodies: swamps, lakes, small rivers and even puddles. One of necessary conditions for leeches it is cleanliness. They breathe oxygen dissolved in water. It penetrates into the body through the integument of the animal. And this process occurs most productively in clean water.

Some species live on land. They burrow into damp soil, clay, and moss. But without the presence of water, their life is impossible, since they are unadapted to breathing atmospheric air.


Currently, taxonomists know 400 species of leeches. The most common of them are terrestrial, fish, and false horse. But out of all the variety, only one species has medicinal properties. This is a medicinal leech.

The structure of a medicinal leech has its own characteristic features. Thanks to this, this species is easy to distinguish from “non-medicinal”. Her body dark green. On the dorsal side, which is darker, narrow orange stripes are clearly visible. Their extensions contain black spots irregular shape, the number of which varies widely.

The integument of the medicinal leech is smooth. They do not have hairs, bristles or other outgrowths. The body is flattened in the dorsal-abdominal region, almost flat. It consists of 33 segments. The number of rings is small - up to five. The front sucker serves for nutrition. The back one is much larger. It is used to attach to the substrate and move.

The integument is represented by the cuticle. This substance is inextensible. Therefore, the growth process is accompanied by periodic molting.

Internal structure of a leech

The active movement of these annelids is possible thanks to the developed muscular system. It is represented by four layers of fibers. Thanks to the external ones, blood is swallowed. Movement in space is provided by diagonal and deep longitudinal layers. Contraction of the body is the result of the work of the dorso-abdominal muscles. The outside of the fibers is covered with a dense layer of connective tissue.

The structure of the leech is characterized by increased sensitivity of the integument. She is capable of perceiving a whole range of sensations: changes in temperature and pressure, influence chemicals. There are five pairs of eyes on the head. They consist of pigmented light-sensitive cells. Thanks to such a variety of receptors, leeches easily navigate in space, find food and respond to changes in the environment.

The nervous system of annelids is of the ganglion type. It consists of an abdominal chain, which forms a knot in each ring of the body. From here, nerve fibers extend to each organ.

The digestive system is through-type. It begins with the mouth opening with jaws, passes into the muscular stomach and intestines, which opens outward through the anus. This includes numerous nephridia. Urine excretion occurs through nephropores. Symbiotic bacteria constantly live in the stomach of leeches. They have bactericidal properties, keep the sucked blood liquid, and digest it.

All leeches are hermaphrodites. This means that each individual produces male and female gametes. Despite this feature, these animals are incapable of self-fertilization. A new organism develops as a result of the mating of two individuals.

Useful properties

In medicine, the structure of the leech and its practical application is studied by a separate science - hirudology. The beneficial properties of this organism have been known since ancient times. Back in the 5th century BC, the ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates described them in his works.

The widespread use of leeches for medicinal purposes was facilitated by the “bad blood” theory. It dominated in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. In this regard, the method of bloodletting was widely used. Doctors used tens of millions of leeches a year for this purpose.

Over time, this theory was found to be erroneous. The use of leeches has practically ceased. And only in the 19th century their beneficial properties were scientifically substantiated.

What is hirudin

The therapeutic effect of leeches was officially confirmed by the English scientist John Haycraft. In the blood of these rings he found chemical compound, which has an anticoagulant effect. It is to prevent blood clotting and the formation of blood clots.

The substance hirudin has these properties. He stands out in salivary glands ah leeches and is a natural heparin. In nature, it is also found in bee venom and some types of snake venom. Currently, artificially synthesized hirudin has been created. However, compared to natural, its effectiveness is several times lower.

By chemical nature, this substance is a polypeptide chain, which consists of amino acid residues. It stops the activity of the enzyme thrombin, thereby stopping blood clotting.

The action of hirudin also extends to the blood, which is in digestive system leeches. It can be stored for a long time in special dilated intestines. If necessary, this can continue for up to six months. Therefore, the leech can feed again after a long period of time.

Mechanism of action

Leech bites stimulate the human immune system. How is this possible? Hirudin causes the secretion of blood lymph. As a result, the lymph nodes become irritated and lymphocytes begin to be released. These are blood cells that have a protective effect - they increase local and general immunity.

The body perceives this situation as a threat. Therefore, its protective functions are mobilized. The ability of phagocytic cells to digest foreign microorganisms increases sharply.

Hirudotherapy is used to reduce and normalize blood pressure. Moreover, the result lasts for several days.

The ability of leeches to break down lipids is also widely used, which significantly reduces the manifestation of signs of atherosclerosis. This activity is used as a means to combat cellulite.

But the importance of leeches is especially great in the fight against blood clots. This is explained by the fact that hirudin interrupts some links in the process of their formation. But if blood clots have already formed, this substance helps to gradually dissolve them. As a result, vascular patency is normalized.

As a result

The leech, the structure of which we examined in our article, is a representative of the annelids type. The habitat of these animals is fresh water bodies and wet soils. Leeches have long been used for medicinal purposes. Their salivary glands contain a special substance - hirudin. Its main property is to prevent blood clotting and the formation of blood clots inside blood vessels.

Animals of the Leech class have the following characteristics:

The body is flattened in the dorso-ventral direction;

Presence of oral and posterior suckers;

The absence of bristles on the integument of the body, which is represented by an inextensible cuticle;

All representatives are hermaphrodites with a direct type of development;

All more people are interested in an alternative treatment that has been known since ancient times - hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches does not require the use of medications, but the effect can be significant.

We will talk about how a treatment session is carried out and what diseases can be treated in this article.

The effect of leeches on the body

The varied composition of leech saliva ensures the benefits of leech treatment at home. The following elements found in saliva have a complex effect on the body:

  • hirudin is involved in improving blood circulation and has an analgesic effect;
  • apyrase is effective in the fight against atherosclerotic plaques;
  • destabilase has a positive effect on thrombus formation processes;
  • hyaluronidase is involved in the resorption of scars;
  • thanks to eglins, the inflammatory process in tissues is reduced;
  • Bradykinins have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Organizing a hirudotherapy session

To ensure better contact of the leech with the human body, on the eve of the session you should avoid taking a bath with soap that has a strong aroma, and you should not use deodorants.

The attachment points must be processed. This is done immediately before the procedure. You should shave off the hair and wash the skin with warm water and odorless soap. You need to wipe the skin with special cotton wool swabs.

The skin at the sites of future attachment must be treated with a glucose solution. The leech is then placed in a test tube. Her tail should point downwards. The test tube is applied to an area of ​​the body.

When the leech has attached itself, the test tube is removed, and a piece of cotton wool is applied to the tail to prevent attachment by a second sucker.

The session continues until the worm detaches on its own after complete saturation. This can happen an hour after the start of the procedure. To detach the leech, apply cotton wool with alcohol to it. After this, using tweezers, you need to place it in a container and fill it with a special solution.

The worm is used only once.

The effect of treatment with leeches is significant, but it is important to monitor the condition of the wounds. Immediately after the session, they are covered with a bandage of cotton wool and gauze. Bleeding may continue for 24 hours. In this case, the bandage needs to be changed. A day later, the wounds are treated with iodine and covered with a bandage for several days.

If the bleeding does not go away, then it is necessary to treat the wound with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and cover it with a bandage for several days.

Indications and contraindications for treatment with leeches

With the help of hirudotherapy you can get rid of problems such as:

  • heart disease and vascular problems;
  • problems in the field of gynecology and urology;
  • gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders;
  • ENT diseases and eye diseases;
  • abnormalities of the thyroid gland and nervous system;
  • problems with the spine and joint disorders.

Also, with the help of such treatment, you can normalize the immune system and improve the health of the body as a whole. This confirms the enormous benefits that a person receives from hirudotherapy.

At the same time, you should consult your doctor before starting procedures. It is better not to participate in such sessions if there are bleeding disorders, severe anemia, bleeding and allergic reactions, or cachexia.

Also, 12-15 hours after the third procedure, the patient may experience itching, swelling, and an increase in temperature. Lymph nodes may also enlarge, and health may worsen, which is typical for 80-85% of people. These are normal phenomena that are the result of the immune system.

The therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy

Leech therapy has a positive effect on many diseases, but their use in different cases is individual.

Treatment of cardiovascular disorders

Of particular importance in general therapy is the treatment of blood vessels with leeches. They are used to combat diseases such as atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, ischemic stroke, hypertension, thrombosis, etc. They also produce a preventive effect by cleansing the circulatory system.

With their help, you can normalize metabolic processes and remove harmful substances and toxins. The location of leeches on the body is determined by the doctor based on research results.

Prevention of varicose veins

If you have varicose veins, then treatment should begin as soon as possible. But the procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who can correctly determine the scheme where to place the leech.

As a rule, worms are placed according to the principle of a chessboard. They cannot be placed on a vein or nodes. It should be placed at a distance of 2 to 10 cm from the vein.

Thanks to blood thinning, blood clots are dissolved, itching and irritation go away. The walls of blood vessels are also strengthened.

Use in gynecology

Leeches can be an effective remedy in the fight against infertility, which is caused by endometriosis, adhesions, inflammation, etc.

The woman is recovering hormonal background, immune system, blood circulation. This helps to improve reproductive function.

Treatment of joints and spine

Hirudotherapy can help eliminate many spinal problems. Leeches are also effective in treating arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, and joint problems. There is an improvement in blood circulation and the elimination of congestion and spasms. Patients can get rid of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, headaches and insomnia.

We talked about the main positive properties of hirudotherapy and the effect it has on the human body. However, before starting a course of treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Photo of the leech treatment process

Treatment with leeches is the oldest method of treating many, often completely diverse, diseases. Despite the fact that this method of treatment belongs to the methods of alternative medicine, its unique medicinal properties recognized as official medicine. The popular name of these organisms, “living pharmacy,” speaks about this effect on humans.

Did you know? Leech is full-fledged medical device, and this fact has been recognized since 1990.

The body of the medicinal leech is smooth and elongated, reaching a length of 3 to 13 cm and a width of 1 cm, and is slightly flat in the abdominal region.

The body structure is ringed, like an earthworm, but less segmented. The body can be black, dark green or gray, brown-red with contrasting body color stripes of yellow, red or black.

The anterior and posterior ends of the body have suckers:

  • the front one is designed for attaching (suction) to objects; the mouth is located in the center of it. In the mouth opening there are three serrated plates designed to break the integrity of the skin and suck out blood;
  • the back one is designed to attach the body when moving.

These organisms have male and female sexual characteristics and are hermaphrodites, but for reproduction (laying eggs) they need the participation of a second individual.

There is no point in looking for medical specimens on wide sale - this is not a mass-produced product, although some pharmacies sell them. It is recommended to use these organisms under the guidance of a specialist in working with leeches (hirudotherapist) in a medical institution.
This approach will help avoid purchasing " poor quality goods", because Unscrupulous scammers, under the guise of medical supplies, supply ordinary “river” ones.

Important! Ordinary freshwater (or river) leeches do not benefit the human body.

Supplies for hirudotherapy sessions are made from special biofactories where leeches are grown under sterile conditions. Such cultivation makes them safe and “tame,” which greatly simplifies the work of health workers with them.

The safety of the procedures performed will be indicated by the immediate disposal of organisms by a healthcare worker immediately after use.

The benefits of hirudotherapy sessions depend not only on the ongoing process of bloodletting, but also on the contents of the salivary glands of leeches, the composition of which is unique and invaluable. At the moment of biting the skin and in the process of consuming blood, biologically active substances contained in saliva enter the human body. Among these substances, the most useful:

  • anticoagulant hirudin, which prevents blood clotting. In addition to thinning, it helps cleanse the blood of blood clots and blood clots;
  • the enzyme hyaluronidase, which increases the permeability of tissues and blood vessels to incoming active substances;

Did you know?Leeches are afraid of noise; excitement from high vibrations depletes and weakens their body, which can lead to their death.

  • enzyme destabilase, helping to reduce inflammatory processes in the body;
  • enzyme asperase, which helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. This effect accelerates metabolic processes in the body, which promotes weight loss.

In one session, each leech consumes from 15 to 20 ml of blood, and no more than 7 individuals are used. As a result, the volume of blood in the human body decreases, but at the same time the supply of oxygen and nutrients increases.

Also, hirudotherapy is often compared to acupuncture sessions. The thing is that leeches stick only to biologically active points (acupuncture) on the body, which is comparable to the effect of punctures. This positive influence on the body also occurs in modern alternative medicine.

Indications for treatment are disturbances in the functioning of the body associated with:

  • with a metabolic failure to normalize it;
  • with violations in endocrine system to resolve it and receive normal indicators analyses;
  • with diseases of the spine to improve physiological norms and increase the amplitude of actions;
  • with disorders in the hematopoietic system, in particular, to reduce the likelihood of blood clots;
  • with diseases of the genitourinary area, to obtain a positive treatment result.

In addition, it is possible to use hirudotherapy sessions as a preventative measure to rejuvenate the body and maintain energy balance.

The mechanism of action of a leech is that enzymes and other active substances contained in the saliva of a leech, in the process of saturation, enter the human body and spread to nearby tissues and organs, where they begin their effect.
A feature of this mechanism is the fact that biologically active substances begin to act in the place where it is needed.

Hirudotherapy as additional method Treatments are prescribed for diseases:

  • in the field of gynecology for the treatment chronic inflammation appendages, endometriosis, cystitis, infertility;
  • in the field of dermatology for the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic skin manifestations, acne and acne;

  • in the field of cardiology and neurology for coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • in the field of endocrinology, especially in diabetes mellitus;
  • in the field of urology for the treatment of renal colic, hemorrhoids, prostatitis;
  • in the field of ophthalmology for the treatment of glaucoma and keratitis;
  • in the field of phlebology for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • in the field of rheumatology for the treatment of rheumatic carditis, arthritis, hernias and other diseases of the spine.

It is impossible to list all the diseases that a leech can cure, because... medicinal and side effects depend on the characteristics of each person’s body.

Important! The same leech, when used by different people, will not transmit possible infections and diseases from one person to another because the blood she consumes cannot get back into the wound.

Contraindications for treatment

Despite the overall positive effect on a person and his body, hirudotherapy has some contraindications. Sessions cannot be held:

  • for chronic hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • with diagnosed hemophilia;
  • with anemia (anemia);
  • after a stroke or heart attack;
  • for cancer in severe forms;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with individual intolerance.

You should not start using leeches at home without prior preparation. It is recommended to obtain in advance necessary information about the rules for setting up with a specialist, because The process of hirudotherapy has its own characteristics.

To conduct home hirudotherapy sessions you will need:

  • leeches;
  • a jar of water where well-fed individuals will be placed;
  • tweezers;
  • a test tube or small glass vessel with a narrow neck for placing individuals there before staging;
  • dressings (cotton swabs, bandages);
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Did you know? Blood consumed by a leech can remain in its digestive organs for more than 3 months without coagulating and without signs of rotting.

Despite the fact that leeches can feel active biological points on the body, you can adjust the placement location, but with prior consultation with a specialist. Each disease for which they are used has its own area for treatment.

The process of hirudotherapy occurs in the following order:

  1. the area of ​​the body where the leeches will be applied must be thoroughly rubbed, warming it up in this way;
  2. The leech, taken by the tail with tweezers, is placed in a glass vessel and applied to the skin in the required place. The vessel does not need to be removed immediately, but should be held on the body a little so that the leech attaches tightly;
  3. The session lasts until the leech is satiated and falls off on its own. Such an individual must be immediately placed in a jar of water. There is another way to conduct a session, when the leech is given the opportunity to suction well, but the process of its saturation is interrupted forcibly by applying a tampon soaked in salt water or iodine solution to the back. This method has a positive effect, and blood loss is not allowed;
  4. A clean napkin, a cotton swab and a bandage are applied to the bite site. on the first day, a certain amount of blood may be released from the wound;

Important! If there is excessive bleeding at the site of the bite, an additional bandage is applied, but the first bandage applied should not be removed, even if it is completely soaked in blood.

Scope of application for applying leeches for certain diseases:

  • in the chest area- for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases;
  • in the area of ​​the liver- for diabetes;
  • at the bottom of the legs- for the treatment of varicose veins;
  • in the occipital region of the head- for the treatment of hypertension;
  • along the spine- for the treatment of osteochondrosis and hernias;
  • in the lower abdomen- for the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases.

It is necessary to install leeches at intervals of 5-6 days, while it is important to use no more than 5-7 individuals in one session.

Leeches are unique organisms that can benefit humans by simply consuming their blood. For treatment sessions, only the view is used medical leeches, which may differ somewhat in their external manifestations, although this does not make them positive qualities do not decrease. And do not forget that it is still better to entrust the procedure to a specialist.