Figure of a bear made of wood. Wooden pyramid small polar bear

Wooden pyramid"Polar Bear" C555 is a good option as a child's first pyramid. The wooden pyramid is made in classic style- wooden base and round elements different sizes(from smallest to largest). To a small child It’s easier to grasp round elements, so at the initial stage it will be easier for him to master the pyramid. Assembling a pyramid is a very useful activity: during the game, coordination of movements and perseverance develop. The child masters the concept of “less is more” and develops logical thinking. The details of the pyramid are painted in pleasant colors.

Wooden toys from the manufacturer Solnyshko are characterized by high quality, for the production of toys, the highest quality wood is used, so the wooden pyramid Mishka C555 is of high quality and safety.

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“From the material presented you will learn how you can carve a “bear” from wood with your own hands, or some other animal that will decorate the interior of your house or apartment. In Rus', since ancient times, our ancestors cut wood from wood, both their houses “Izba” and furniture, kitchen utensils, children’s toys, as well as all kinds of animal figurines.

The favorite hero of Russian fairy tales is naturally the bear, he embodies strength and kindness, but often the authors make fun of his greed and clubfoot, this is all just out of love for the clubfooted bear. Woodcarvers also like to portray Mikhail Potapych, because the image is very strong and embodies the soul and kindness of the Russian people.

Wood carvers mainly use soft wood species (linden, aspen) for their work because they are quite easy to process and do not subsequently crack, and also have fewer knots than, for example, “pine”.

The material for this article was kindly provided by the Bogorodsk woodcarver Oleg Pyankov.


  1. soft wood (linden)
  2. stain


  1. hacksaw
  2. set of chisels
  3. bit
  4. brush
  5. cutter
  6. construction pencil

The process of creating a bear from wood

And so, the first thing you should do is select a suitable piece of wood (linden) without knots or chips, and the wood should also be well dried. Next, the author cuts off the size he needs (it’s different in each case, it all depends on your preference for size) And the image and outline of the future bear is applied to the blank, just like this. Then, using a hacksaw and a hatchet, the master begins to saw and cut through the image of clubfoot Michal Potapych in the wood. And now the main contours and outlines are already visible, then the master again applies the image to the resulting workpiece. But then the author works exclusively with chisels; first there is rough processing with a wide chisel, because it is necessary to remove a lot of excess wood. With each subsequent step, the workpiece becomes thinner, and accordingly the tool is used with a smaller cutting part. Again the master draws the outlines of the bear's face. That's it, we can say that the jewelry work has gone further and here everything depends on the artistic skills of the author. With a thin chisel and cutter they draw small details in the bear's facial expressions and that's what actually happens. To give the resulting product a noble appearance, it should be coated with stain, and then, once the coating dries, apply a couple of layers of varnish. Well, here is the finished version of the master’s work. Here the author added a bunch of bagels to the bear’s paws “for extra flavor.” As you can see, the master did it quite simply, of course, many years of daily work and experience take an effect, but if you wish, you can learn) You already have a sample! If you liked the material, come to our group

First, we’ll make a figure from plasticine - it’s easier to work with, change shapes, sizes and proportions.

Also, guidelines can be drawings from different angles. And the simplest thing is real photographs of the necessary forms.

We scale the figure of the bear onto the log. The chosen material is linden.

For roughing, an ax and impact chisels are used - straight and semicircular.

In our case, the diameter of the log is not enough - we increase the material for the front paws.

We adjust the board (also linden or similar in density - important!) and glue it together using clamps and screws.

For the claws we also glue on the plastic, taking into account that there will be fish in the paws.

We apply wool and fit the fish under its paws and claws.

Cover the first layer with stain. This prevents the material from cracking (our log closer to the core is partially dry - about 14% moisture content).

We are finalizing small details.

After thoroughly sanding the first layer, taking into account the natural color, apply a second layer of stain.

Sand again with coarse-grained sandpaper, then with fine-grained sandpaper.


In our composition, another character is a fish. It’s a little easier here; using the plasticine sketch as a guide, we prepare the blank. Material - linden

The bear family (Ursidae) includes the largest of modern land predators. Most taxonomists believe that there are currently eight species of bears on Earth (they are in turn divided into many different subspecies), belonging to three different branches.

Bears are found on all continents except Africa, Australia and Antarctica. Three species of bears - spectacled, sloth and Malayan - live in the tropics, but the center of origin of the bear family is in the Northern Hemisphere. Long ago, the brown bear was also found in the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa.

Bears are predominantly inhabitants various types forests and woodlands. One type - polar bear– inhabits arctic deserts and ice.

Most likely ancestors modern bears there were small predators that lived 25 million years ago (subfamily Agriotheriinae). Most ancient representative of this group, Ursavus elmensis, had long tail and looked like a raccoon, but the animals are more late period already resembled modern bears both in size and appearance. This group gave rise to three modern subfamilies. The giant panda was the first to separate from the common trunk, then the real bears (Ursus and its relatives) and spectacled bears (Tremarctos) separated.

Depending on the species, the body length of a predator can vary from 1 to 3 meters; the weight of individual polar and brown bears can reach up to 1000 kg. Males are much larger than females.

Bears have a heavy, awkward build. To support the large mass, their hind limbs are plantigrade (when walking, the entire sole is pressed to the ground). This also allows them to rise and stand freely on their hind legs. The structure of the front paws is different different types bears - from plantigrade to semidigital (the back of the foot is partially raised above the ground). All species have five toes on each paw, equipped with curved, non-retractable claws.

The skull of bears is massive, larger than that of other predators; facial section medium length or shortened (especially in spectacled bears). Wide molars with flat chewing surfaces and rounded canines are well adapted for crushing and grinding plant foods. Polar bears are exclusively carnivores, which is why their teeth are sharper. Depending on the species, bears have 40-42 teeth.

Bears' fur is thick and long; The color is usually dark, monochromatic, from brown to black (as an exception, white or contrasting two-color), sometimes with a light pattern on the head and chest. The tail is very short; ears are small, round; the lips are large and very mobile.

Polar bears and most brown bears of the New World do not climb trees, only European browns and all other species climb trees where they feed or sleep, but they still prefer to spend most of their time on the ground. For tree-climbing predatory animals, bears have amazing features– their tails are too short and facial whiskers are completely absent.

Most species of bears are non-specialized omnivores that feed on berries, nuts, shoots, rhizomes and leaves of plants, as well as meat, fish and insects. They have an excellent sense of smell, color vision And good memory, which allows them to remember places rich in food. It should be noted that bears do not digest plant food very well, since their gastrointestinal tract does not contain symbiotic microorganisms capable of decomposing fiber (these bacteria are found in the stomach of ruminants). That's why vegetable fibers and the berries are excreted from the body almost undigested.

Photos and descriptions of modern bear species

Now let’s take a closer look at each of the eight species of bears.

The brown bear or common bear (Ursus arctos) is a typical representative of the bear family; found in Russia, Canada and Alaska. Prefers to settle in old forest areas, avoids wide open spaces, but can also live at an altitude of up to 5000 meters above sea level, where there are no longer forests. Habitats are usually confined to freshwater bodies of water.

The brown bear is a large animal: its body length is 1.5-2.8 m, its height at the shoulders is up to 1.5 m. Males weigh from 60 to 800 kg. The weight of adult predators varies depending on the time of year and geographic habitat. The smallest one is a pika eater from the mountains Central Asia, and the largest are Kodiak from Alaska and Kamchatka.

The photo shows a brown bear in all its glory.

Polar bear

Polar bear ( Ursus maritimus) is the largest of the modern representatives of the family. Its body length is 2-2.5 m, height at the withers is about 1.5 m, body weight is on average 350–450 kg, but there are also giants with a body weight of more than 500 kg.

Distributed on the Arctic coast of the North Arctic Ocean, in Northern Canada.

The color of the fur is pure white, often yellowish due to contamination with fat, especially in summer period. The fur is thick and warm, but the main warming function is played by a thick layer of subcutaneous fat.

The polar bear is the only member of the family that lives exclusively on a meat diet. He hunts young walruses, ringed seals, sea ​​hares, beluga whales and narwhals.

In the photo polar bear with cubs. The female usually gives birth to two cubs once every 3 years. You can read more about polar bears in the article.

black bear

The black bear or baribal (Ursus americanus) is found in Canada, Northern Mexico, the USA, except the central part of the Great Plains. Lives in dense forests, bushes, and also in more open areas.

Black bear sizes vary depending on geographical location and season. In the northern and eastern regions of its range, the baribal is larger. Their body length varies from 1.2 to 1.9 meters, height at the withers - from 0.7 to 1 meter.

The photo shows a black bear on a tree. The ability to climb trees is vital for baribals - here they feed and hide in case of danger.

The Himalayan or white-breasted bear (Ursus thibetanus) is found from Iran to Southeast Asia, in Northern China, Primorye, Japan and Taiwan. Prefers to live in forests temperate zone, subtropics and tropics.

Body length is 1.2-1.9 meters, weight of males is 60-200 kg, females are 40-140 kg. Because of its long fur, the Himalayan bear appears much larger than it actually is. The coat is black with a white V-shaped mark on the chest, another mark is on the chin; There is a collar of long wool around the neck. Apparently, the collar plays a role in protection from predators, because this species has always coexisted next to the tiger.

The white-breasted bear is an excellent tree climber and often builds something resembling a nest by bending branches to the trunk.

The Himalayan bear is a rare, vulnerable species. For 3 thousand years now, people have been hunting it for its paws and gall bladder (dried bile is used in traditional Chinese medicine).

Lifespan Himalayan bear up to 25 years in nature and up to 37 years in captivity.

Malayan bear

The Malayan bear or biruang (Helarctos malayanus) is the smallest species of bear, sometimes called the “dog bear”. Due to their small size and friendly disposition, Buriangs are often kept in captivity as pets in Asia. Their body length does not exceed 140 cm, they weigh 27-65 kilograms. Malayan bears have short, black fur with a white, orange, or dark yellow crescent-shaped chest marking.

Malayan bears are found in Southeast Asia and Eastern India. Their life is closely connected with trees, where they often sleep in specially built nests. They feed mainly on various fruits, but if such food is not enough, they switch to insects.

Malayan bears are diurnal. They breed at any time of the year, and the duration of pregnancy varies greatly (from 3 to 8 months).

In captivity, the Malayan bear can live up to 33 years.

The sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) lives in India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. Found mainly in lowland forests and steppes.

Body length – 1.4-1.9 meters, weight – 80-190 kg. The sponge's coat is long, thick, black with a white spot on the chest. Its claws are slightly curved, its palate is wide, and its lips are elongated (this is how it got its name). These devices help the sloth fish dig up and suck up termites, which make up a significant part of its diet. And it received its generic name (Melursus) for special love to honey: he often climbs trees and is ready to endure bee stings just to feast on honeycombs. In addition to termites, other various insects and honey, the sloth fish eats berries with pleasure.

The sloth fish has long fur, which is quite surprising for a species living in the tropical forest. Apparently, it plays the same role as the loose clothing worn by people living in hot climates.

The sloth bear is a vulnerable species. In captivity, life expectancy is up to 34 years.

Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) Lives in the Andes from eastern Venezuela to the border of Bolivia and Argentina. Found in a wide variety of biotypes: mountainous and humid tropical forests, alpine meadows and even in deserts.

Body length – 1.3-2.0 meters, weight – 100-200 kg. The coat is black with a creamy white bib-like marking on the chin, neck, and chest; there are white markings of various shapes around the eyes (hence the name bear).

The spectacled bear is a rather slender animal. Despite its relatively large size, it is agile and climbs trees well, where it gets food and builds resting nests from branches and twigs.

The diet of spectacled bears varies in different habitats, but food predominates everywhere plant origin(fruits, bamboo, cacti, etc.). They also enter fields of grain crops and corn, which greatly annoys farmers.

In captivity, the spectacled bear lives up to 39 years.

Giant panda

Giant panda or bamboo bear ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is found in Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu provinces of central and western China. Prefers cool, damp bamboo forests at an altitude of 1500-3400 meters above sea level.

The height of a giant panda at the withers is 70-80 cm, weight is 100-150 kg. The fur of the bamboo bear is black and white (the circles around the eyes, the area around the nose, the front and back legs and shoulders are black, everything else is white).

The diet consists primarily of bamboo; occasionally pandas eat onions various plants, cereals, insects and rodents.

In the wild, a panda usually lives up to 20 years, in captivity - up to 30 years.

Today, enormous efforts have been made to preserve the giant panda, however, despite the most stringent ban, the animals still become victims of poachers. They also fall into traps set for other animals. Read more about giant panda read .

What types of bears are the most dangerous?

Bears are often spoken of as aggressive and dangerous animals. Indeed, their strength and size allow them to easily cope with a person, but the tendency of bears to attack people is greatly exaggerated.

Only polar bears, being true predators, are perhaps the only representatives of the family that actually sometimes perceive a person as prey, while tracking him down according to all the rules of hunting. Their attacks are caused by hunger, not fear. It is polar bears that are considered the most dangerous to humans. However, not many people live near polar bears, and people, knowing who they might have to deal with, always carry weapons with them.

In second place in terms of danger to humans are brown bears, but their aggressiveness largely depends on geographical location habitat. Grizzlies in the center of the American continent, as well as bears living in Siberia, are truly dangerous. This is especially true for mother bears who protect their cubs, or animals who defend their prey. IN eastern regions In Europe there are more aggressive individuals. But in general, all bears, like other wild animals, try not to get in the way of humans and, if possible, avoid meeting them.

American black bears, especially those that live near humans, often frighten people, but very rarely cause them any harm.

Spectacled bears are very cautious and are absolutely not aggressive towards humans, but it happens that they attack livestock.

Among Asian bears only giant panda- a true vegetarian, and naturally does not pose any danger to humans.

Malayan bears often frighten local residents. If they are accidentally disturbed, they usually rear up, let out a furious roar and make a sharp lunge towards the enemy, but they rarely actually attack.

Himalayan bears and sloth bears, which often have to fight off large cats, are more likely to attack than flee. Many people believe that sloth bears are more dangerous than tigers.

Literature: Mammals: Complete illustrated encyclopedia /Translated from English/ Book. I. Predatory, marine mammals, primates, tupayas, woolly wings. / Ed. D. MacDonald. – M: “Omega”, - 2007.

You should start making three-dimensional figures with your own hands only after familiarizing yourself with the rest of the techniques and techniques of carving. A particularly popular theme for creating wooden sculptures is the image of a bear.

Carved Bear Wooden Sculpture Design

This mighty master Since ancient times, forests have inspired craftsmen to create. It can be said that no animal appears so often in carved art as the bear.

The choice of wood for work largely depends on the size of the carved figure. So, for making a small figurine of a bear, large branches and small logs can be useful. The main thing is that the material is free of damage, cracks and signs of rotting. For large sculptures, thick, massive logs are chosen.

Experienced woodcarvers recommend that beginners use rectangular blocks. It is easier to transfer the image onto the block and the spatial perception of the future sculpture will be better. As for wood species, the most common are:

Wood for carving must be well dried - no more than 15% humidity. Products made from material with high humidity will begin to crack and warp when dry. Dry the workpieces better at home, in a warm place, wrapped in polyethylene.

Although beginners are advised to start with soft wood, its structure is much easier to cut through with an imprecise motion than harder varieties. Therefore, in some cases it is more convenient to use harder wood. Equally important in carving is a convenient, high-quality and well-sharpened tool. You will need the following set:

DIY carved bear sculpture

So, inspiration and a suitable image of the future sculpture have been found, and the tools have been sharpened, which means you can start making a carved bear with your own hands.

The main stages of creating a sculpture from wood

To make a sculpture of a bear or any other three-dimensional figure, perform the following steps:

How to carve a bear's head

Since the head and muzzle of a bear is the most difficult part to carve, before creating a full-fledged sculpture, it is better to practice a little and carve the head of the animal separately.

Example of step-by-step cutting of a bear

Bear sculpture

Creation principles carved sculpture bear will differ little from the basic recommendations for creating three-dimensional compositions. The sketch is transferred to wood, and the bear is cut out in several stages - from rough finishing to detailing small features.

A rough finish on a large sculpture can be done with a chainsaw. The space between the legs must be cut out with an adze. Sometimes it makes sense not to cut down the bear's legs until the detailed work on the upper part of the animal has been done. This way, the stop will be more reliable and there is no risk of breaking the legs of the workpiece.

Some craftsmen polish the figurine before detailed work, and only after that the fur and small parts of the sculpture are shaped.

This method is faster than lengthy rounding of parts with cutters and chisels. The only drawback is that the tool becomes dull faster on a polished surface.

Making carved items with your own hands requires experience. In this form applied arts mastery and full understanding of the process can only come with time. Although, once you have mastered the basic carving techniques, it will not be difficult to carve a decorative bear sculpture for your garden or interior.