Dasha is a friend of Galina, Brezhnev's great-granddaughter. Last confession: Brezhnev's granddaughter died

Born into the family of the daughter of the USSR Secretary General Galina Brezhneva and circus artist Evgenia Milaeva. They named her in honor of her grandmother, Leonid Ilyich’s wife Victoria Brezhneva. While mom and dad were touring with the circus, Vika was raised by her grandparents - she lived with the Brezhnevs in the country.

Victoria Filippova died in a small apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, without telling anyone about her problems. Brezhnev's granddaughter lived modestly, as a hermit, and did not give interviews. But shortly before her death, she decided to confess - today it was aired in the “Let Them Talk” program. Victoria Filippova spoke about relationships with relatives and admitted why she sent her mother Galina and only daughter Galina to psychiatric hospital.

About grandfather

From the time I was 7 months old, I lived with my grandparents in the country. Grandfather was a very affectionate person. If he had not held this difficult post and had not devoted all his time to work, then he would constantly take care of his grandchildren... I don’t like it when they say “ last days Leonid Ilyich." He just fell asleep - and he was gone. And the day before was cheerful, like on all other days. I remember how on that last evening he wanted to listen to the record, I sat down on the bed next to him, and we listened to songs of the war years for a very long time. I kissed him good night and he went to bed. This morning he didn't wake up...

About mom

Victoria Filippova said that Leonid Ilyich ended the relationship between her mother Galina and Igor Kio. Galina Brezhneva, without filing a divorce from her husband (Victoria’s father), flew to honeymoon in Sochi with Igor Kio.

This was not love - nonsense! It happens to everyone in life. “Love is a very strong word for this story,” Filippova said about her mother’s affair with Kio. - Mom loved only two people: my father and Maris Eduardovich Liepa... Mom was a smart woman until she started drinking. This happened early, when she began a relationship with Maris Eduardovich Liepa, she began to allow herself to drink alcohol in small doses. He didn't like it very much. Things didn’t work out for them because Maris Eduardovich had no intention of leaving the family. Mom had real relationships and feelings with two men - my dad and Liepa. Mom was ideal wife in front of my father: she cooked and cleaned herself. There was not a single housekeeper then. She did all the housework herself because my father ordered it so...

Shortly before her death, Victoria Filippova decided to have a frank conversation in the “Let Them Talk” program. Photo: CHANNEL ONE

Then mom drank. She drank very hard. Something had to be done about this, otherwise it would have ended badly. I sent her to a mental hospital - I couldn’t let her die under the fence. She didn’t want to live with me, but it was impossible to force her. They called me to the house where she lived and said - take her away from here or we will evict her. She was not alone for a day - all the time her friends were in the apartment, who flew in from everywhere and visited strangers, from the street... That's why they disappeared, the jewelry was stolen...

When asked whether Victoria loved her mother Galina Brezhneva, she answered this way a few weeks before her death: “I loved my children's performance about her. Mom and I were strangers and different people, we rarely saw each other. I had a different life."

About my daughter

Victoria Filippova told how their family was persecuted during Gorbachev’s times.

I exchanged my apartment for two small ones: for myself and my daughter, I did not receive my part of the money. This was the “Gorbachev era”. And no one stood up. Why were we, our grandchildren, poisoned? We were not involved in politics, we didn’t rob the country, “we didn’t drink the rivers.” We have fallen under the millstone of politics. They poisoned us, and with us, our children. For example, my Galya was not accepted into the Komsomol, we were thrown out of all clinics, everywhere. In the end, I was laid off and kicked out of Goskomizdat. When Boris Nikolaevich came, it became easier...

For some time, the daughter of Victoria Filippova lived on the street - in the summer she spent the night on playgrounds, in the winter - in hallways. The mother placed her daughter Galina (the girl was named after Galina Brezhneva) in a psychiatric hospital. She said that there were indications for this.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina and her mother Victoria. Photo: CHANNEL ONE

IN recent years mother and daughter reconciled. Shortly before her death, Victoria Filippova gave her daughter five thousand rubles for New Year... Victoria Filippova had no grandchildren - her only daughter did not give birth to heirs. Brezhnev’s granddaughter hid her diagnosis from everyone close to her.

Which will be discussed in this article is a woman with incredible tragic fate. Being the favorite of her famous great-grandfather, she early years grew up in love and luxury. Those around her, looking at Galochka, were convinced that she was destined for a happy future. They had no idea how wrong they were. Instead of a prosperous life, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter was destined to learn from her own experience what betrayal of her own mother, poverty and a psychiatric hospital were.

Childhood and adolescence

Galina Mikhailovna Filippova was born in Moscow on March 14, 1973. Her mother was the granddaughter of USSR Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev, Victoria Evgenievna Milaeva. The baby's father was banker Mikhail Filippov. When the girl was 5 years old, her parents divorced. Soon she had a stepfather, Gennady Varakuta. He treated the girl very well and raised her as if she were his real daughter. For some time, Victoria lived with her new husband in love and harmony, but years later they began to have problems that led to divorce.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina early childhood was surrounded by care and affection. At home, her personal nanny Nina Ivanovna looked after her. Galya studied at an elite Moscow school with an English bias, after graduating she entered the philological department of Moscow State University. Her classmates and classmates remembered her as a capricious and capricious young lady.


After receiving a diploma higher education Her stepfather got Galina to work as a secretary in one of the Moscow companies. The girl quickly got tired of answering phone calls, maintaining documentation and making coffee for her boss. She went to work without much zeal, and when the company began cutting staff, she quit.

Personal life

Until the age of 25, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter remained unmarried. The girl's biography changed after her mother found her a groom through a wedding agency. young man his name was Oleg Dubinsky, he worked as an engineer and, according to Victoria Evgenievna, was quite suitable for her daughter. Galina did not resist her mother’s will and agreed to get married. The wedding of Leonid Ilyich’s great-granddaughter took place in 1998 and took place without much luxury.

The young couple's life together did not work out from the very beginning, and a year after the wedding they filed for divorce. But the relationship between Galina and Oleg did not end there. Soon after the separation, they reconciled and lived for another 4 years in a civil marriage. Unfortunately, the woman never managed to know maternal happiness. Tired of regular quarrels, the couple decided to finally break up. After this, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter Galina was left alone. From her marriage to Dubinsky, she only received a stamp in her passport. Oleg was much luckier: living together with a close relative of the former Secretary General of the USSR brought him a promotion, a dacha and a personal car.

First treatment in a psychiatric hospital

Having finally separated from her husband, Galya Filippova returned to her mother. Because of life's vicissitudes she started drinking, which Victoria Evgenievna really didn’t like. To rid her daughter of her addiction, her mother sent her for treatment to the Kashchenko Psychiatric Hospital. So Galya, at the age of 28, found herself in an institution for the mentally ill for the first time. While she was undergoing treatment, Victoria Evgenievna became entangled in real estate transactions and was left without two expensive apartments that belonged to her. Finding herself without a roof over her head, she went to live with her fiancé in the Moscow region. During the entire time that Galya was being treated, her mother never visited her.

Homeless life

After leaving the hospital, Leonid Ilyich’s great-granddaughter turned out to be of no use to anyone. Left without an apartment, she began to wander. For almost a year, Filippova wandered around the Moscow gateways, getting food for herself in garbage cans. In the summer she lived behind the garages not far from Tretyakov Gallery. IN winter time Galina spent the night in wooden houses for children located in the courtyards.

Second time in Kashchenko

The woman's appearance changed beyond recognition. Emaciated, without teeth, with her head shaved bald (to prevent lice), she bore little resemblance to the spoiled girl she once was. At the age of 33, homeless Galina came into the entrance of her house to warm herself. ex-husband. The mother-in-law did not recognize the sleeping person staircase homeless woman's daughter-in-law and called her ambulance. The arriving paramedics again took the woman to Kashchenko.

At first, none of the doctors believed that Galina Filippova standing in front of them was Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter. Only after she gave the head of the department telephone number her nanny and she recognized her as her pupil, her attitude towards the woman changed. It was clear that she had nothing to do in a psychiatric hospital, but the doctors understood that the unfortunate woman had nowhere to go, so they allowed her to stay with them for a while. Galya swept, washed floors, and helped serve lunches. All the medical staff treated her well, but no one could keep the woman in the hospital permanently. In order not to condemn the unfortunate woman to a homeless life, the manager helped her register her disability and placed her in a boarding school for mentally ill people.

For the second time, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter Galina spent 7 years in a mental hospital. The biography of this woman became known to the public only 2 years ago, when presenter Andrei Malakhov spoke about her in his program “Let Them Talk.” During all the time that Galya was homeless and in a mental hospital, her mother did not remember her. The woman wrote letters to her and begged her to take her home, but all her requests remained unanswered. Her own father, banker Mikhail Filippov, who lives in Malta, also did not want to help his daughter. After breaking up with Victoria, the man married again, and the fate of his daughter from his first marriage worried him little. The only person The one who remembered Gala was her old nanny. From her, the great-granddaughter of the Secretary General of the USSR occasionally received letters and parcels with gifts.

Unexpected help

It is unknown how Galina Filippova’s fate would have developed further if circus performers Alexander and Natalya Milaev had not found out about her misadventures - stepbrother and sister of Victoria Evgenievna. They lived in the USA for many years and had no idea what fate befell their niece. Returning to Russia, the Milaevs decided to help Galina. They ensured that Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter underwent psychiatric examinations, as a result of which she was declared fully sane and capable. Relatives helped the woman get new documents and began to look for good people who could provide her with housing.

Dear gift

In order for her niece to have her own apartment, Natalya Milaeva agreed to appear on television, where she talked about tragic life Galinas all over the country. Her efforts were crowned with success: there were wealthy people whom she touched living history great-granddaughters of Brezhnev. They bought Filippova a one-room apartment in Zvenigorod, near Moscow, where she moved in 2014. The problem for the woman remains finding a job, because she doesn’t know how to do anything. However, as Galina said in one of her few interviews, she is ready to work even as a cleaner, because the pension of 14 thousand rubles, which the state pays her, is only enough to pay utilities, cigarettes and coffee.

Many people are interested in how old Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter is now? In the spring of 2015, Galina turned 42 years old. She is still young enough to arrange her personal life. However, Filippova herself is in no hurry to look for a husband. She values ​​her apartment and is afraid that her new husband will leave her homeless again. Galina is glad that her life has improved, and now she knows for sure that this world is not without good people.

At the beginning of this year, sad news came: on the eve of Christmas, Leonid Brezhnev’s granddaughter Victoria Filippova (Milaeva) died. The woman was 65 years old and was diagnosed with fourth last stage cancer. Victoria was the beloved granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich...Watch the episode of the program Let Them Talk - The Last Confession: Brezhnev’s granddaughter died 01/09/2018

Victoria Filippova was born into the family of the daughter of USSR Secretary General Galina Brezhneva and circus artist Evgeny Milaev. She received her name in honor of her grandmother, Leonid Ilyich’s wife Victoria Brezhneva. While mom and dad were touring with the circus, little Vika spent all her time with her grandparents. It was not customary to talk or write about Brezhnev’s children and grandchildren in newspapers. They were called celestials.

Let them talk - Last confession: Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria Filippova died

In this episode of Let Them Talk - The Last Confession: Brezhnev’s granddaughter has died. Victoria Filippova's mother Galina Brezhneva was constantly credited with having affairs with the most prominent Soviet men. Only she could then easily get all the jewelry from Jewelry Trade and attend social parties, visit expensive restaurants and drive foreign cars. However, after the death of Galina Brezhneva, the granddaughter of the Secretary General found herself on the sidelines of life...

Various rumors began to circulate about Victoria Filippova: supposedly the granddaughter of the General Secretary put her mother and then her daughter in a psychiatric hospital. But, of course, only she herself knew the truth. Did Victoria feel that this interview would be her last in her life? On the program “Let Them Talk” - memories of Leonid Brezhnev’s granddaughter:

— I remember my grandfather’s funeral. But I don’t like it when they say “the last days of Leonid Ilyich.” He just fell asleep and was gone. And the day before he was the same as always - he was normal and cheerful, like on all other days. I remember how that evening he wanted to listen to a record: songs of the war years. I sat down next to him and we listened to songs for a long time. I kissed him goodnight and he went to bed. This morning he didn't wake up...

“I was never offended by watching my grandfather being parodied on TV.” But overall, the very atmosphere of it all was unpleasant. People, figuratively speaking, spat at us and tried to quickly push us into a dark corner, sprinkle them with earth, so as not to leave any memories of him.

Brezhnev's granddaughter died: Victoria Filippova and her last confession in “Let Them Talk”

In the talk show studio Let Them Talk (episode “Last Confession: Brezhnev’s granddaughter died”) Victoria Filippova openly and in detail talks about her famous grandfather and life during his reign:

— At that time, all Politburo families lived the same way. Leonid Ilyich was a golden grandfather...he was wonderful and charming person. If he had not held this difficult post and devoted all his time to this, he would have constantly taken care of his grandchildren. He was very kind to us.

- In fact, they were my mom and dad: my grandfather and grandmother. My parents toured all the time. They didn’t take me with them, but my grandfather wouldn’t have given me away. When Leonid Ilyich died, I was at the funeral, despite the fact that there were other rumors about it.

During exclusive interview I had to interrupt the conversation more than once, since Victoria Filippova was in poor condition and had difficulty speaking. But the desire to speak out overpowered the pain and weakness. Victoria Evgenievna answered the presenter’s question about her attitude towards her mother Galina Brezhneva and daughter Galina Filippova:

- I'm not mad at my mother. Life just happened that way. As for my daughter, she has become completely different now and we constantly keep in touch.

She broke her hermit’s lifestyle and decided to tell Let them tell the whole truth: about her daughter, mother, beloved grandfather. At the end of the broadcast, you will see Victoria Filippova’s relatives and friends: after the death of the granddaughter of the USSR Secretary General, Evgeny and Natalya Milaev, daughter Galina Filippova came to the program to talk about what Victoria Evgenievna was like. Watch online for free the episode Let Them Talk - The Last Confession: Brezhnev’s granddaughter (Victoria Filippova) died, broadcast on January 09, 2018 (01/09/2018).

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On January 6, Leonid Brezhnev’s granddaughter Victoria Filippova died of cancer. She left behind a daughter, Galina, who was treated for some time in a mental hospital, after which she complained about the lack of an apartment and registration. However, now the great-granddaughter of the USSR Secretary General has finally resolved the housing issue - she now has real estate in the Moscow region. Galina rents out an apartment.

Many people remember that Brezhnev’s daughter, Galina Leonidovna, had a lot of jewelry. Now no one knows where all the untold wealth that belonged to the heirs of the head of a huge state went.

Dmitry Borisov in the “Let Them Talk” program showed an interview that Victoria Filippova gave shortly before her death. She recalled that after exchanging an apartment on Granatny Lane - for two small ones - she was supposed to receive large monetary compensation, but the amount for the exchange was not paid.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina is worried about the inheritance that rightfully belongs to her. Now she is 44 years old, she is not going to get married, or have children, due to her difficult financial situation.

“I’m worried about a lot of things, not only in connection with the inheritance, but also with my property situation,” the woman said.

Now Galina doesn’t know where her grandmother’s jewelry went. Her mother’s half-sister Natalya Milaeva admitted that Brezhnev’s daughter adored jewelry.

“I don’t know about money, but she loved jewelry, our father bought it, but I don’t know where it went,” the woman said.

As it turned out, after Victoria Filippova’s funeral, relatives began to discuss where the real estate that belonged to her could have gone. They counted at least four apartments, two of which were in the center of Moscow. The family of Brezhnev’s granddaughter remembered that she had housing on Novinsky Boulevard - a five-room apartment. One day a woman came there, and it turned out that strangers had been living there for a long time.

Also, Galina Leonidovna’s relatives suggested that her addiction to alcoholic drinks it didn't just appear out of nowhere.

“A lot of people got involved, soldered and made one. We found a little weakness and started doing our own thing, apartments, everything we could squeeze out, but she was trouble-free,” says Alexander Milaev.

Relatives also remembered that jewelry was stored in a special case at Brezhnev’s famous dacha, which suddenly disappeared. If Galina finds the jewelry, she will receive a fabulous inheritance.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina, whose biography will be discussed in this article, is a woman with an incredibly tragic fate. Being the favorite of her famous great-grandfather, she grew up in love and luxury from an early age. Those around her, looking at Galochka, were convinced that she was destined for a happy future. They had no idea how wrong they were. Instead of a prosperous life, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter was destined to learn from her own experience what betrayal of her own mother, poverty and a psychiatric hospital were.

Childhood and adolescence

Galina Mikhailovna Filippova was born in Moscow on March 14, 1973. Her mother was the granddaughter of USSR Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev, Victoria Evgenievna Milaeva. The baby's father was banker Mikhail Filippov. When the girl was 5 years old, her parents divorced. Soon she had a stepfather, Gennady Varakuta. He treated the girl very well and raised her as if she were his real daughter. For some time, Victoria lived with her new husband in love and harmony, but years later they began to have problems that led to divorce.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina was surrounded by care and affection from early childhood. At home, her personal nanny Nina Ivanovna looked after her. Galya studied at an elite Moscow school with an English bias, after graduating she entered the philological department of Moscow State University. Her classmates and classmates remembered her as a capricious and capricious young lady.


After receiving a diploma of higher education, her stepfather got Galina to work as a secretary in one of the Moscow companies. The girl quickly got tired of answering phone calls, maintaining documentation and making coffee for her boss. She went to work without much zeal, and when the company began cutting staff, she quit.

Personal life

Until the age of 25, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter remained unmarried. The girl's biography changed after her mother found her a groom through a wedding agency. The young man’s name was Oleg Dubinsky, he worked as an engineer and, according to Victoria Evgenievna, was quite suitable for her daughter. Galina did not resist her mother’s will and agreed to get married. The wedding of Leonid Ilyich’s great-granddaughter took place in 1998 and took place without much luxury.

The young couple's life together did not work out from the very beginning, and a year after the wedding they filed for divorce. But the relationship between Galina and Oleg did not end there. They soon reconciled and lived for another 4 years. Unfortunately, the woman never managed to know maternal happiness. Tired of regular quarrels, the couple decided to finally break up. After this, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter Galina was left alone. From her marriage to Dubinsky, she only received a stamp in her passport. Oleg was much luckier: living together with a close relative of the former Secretary General of the USSR brought him a promotion, a dacha and a personal car.

First treatment in a psychiatric hospital

Having finally separated from her husband, Galya Filippova returned to her mother. Because of life's ups and downs, she began to drink, which Victoria Evgenievna really did not like. To rid her daughter of her addiction, her mother sent her for treatment to the Kashchenko Psychiatric Hospital. So Galya, at the age of 28, found herself in an institution for the mentally ill for the first time. While she was undergoing treatment, Victoria Evgenievna became entangled in real estate transactions and was left without two expensive apartments that belonged to her. Finding herself without a roof over her head, she went to live with her fiancé in the Moscow region. During the entire time that Galya was being treated, her mother never visited her.

Homeless life

After leaving the hospital, Leonid Ilyich’s great-granddaughter turned out to be of no use to anyone. Left without an apartment, she began to wander. For almost a year, Filippova wandered around the Moscow gateways, getting food for herself in garbage cans. In the summer she lived behind garages not far from the Tretyakov Gallery. In winter, Galina spent the night in wooden houses for children located in the courtyards.

Second time in Kashchenko

The woman's appearance changed beyond recognition. Emaciated, without teeth, with her head shaved bald (to prevent lice), she bore little resemblance to the spoiled girl she once was. At 33 years old, homeless Galina went to warm herself in the entrance of her ex-husband’s house. The mother-in-law did not recognize her daughter-in-law in the homeless woman sleeping on the staircase and called an ambulance for her. The arriving paramedics again took the woman to Kashchenko.

At first, none of the doctors believed that Galina Filippova standing in front of them was Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter. Only after she gave the head of the department the telephone number of her nanny and she recognized her as her pupil, did the attitude towards the woman change. It was clear that she had nothing to do in a psychiatric hospital, but the doctors understood that the unfortunate woman had nowhere to go, so they allowed her to stay with them for a while. Galya swept, washed floors, and helped serve lunches. All the medical staff treated her well, but no one could keep the woman in the hospital permanently. In order not to condemn the unfortunate woman to a homeless life, the manager helped her register for disability and placed her in a boarding school for mentally ill people.

For the second time, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter Galina spent 7 years in a mental hospital. The biography of this woman became known to the public only 2 years ago, when presenter Andrei Malakhov spoke about her in his program “Let Them Talk.” During all the time that Galya was homeless and in a mental hospital, her mother did not remember her. The woman wrote letters to her and begged her to take her home, but all her requests remained unanswered. Neither did her own father, banker Mikhail Filippov, who lives in Malta, want to help his daughter. After breaking up with Victoria, the man married again, and the fate of his daughter from his first marriage worried him little. The only person who remembered Gala was her old nanny. From her, the great-granddaughter of the Secretary General of the USSR occasionally received letters and parcels with gifts.

Unexpected help

It is unknown how Galina Filippova’s fate would have developed if circus performers Alexander and Natalya Milaev, Victoria Evgenievna’s half-brother and sister, had not found out about her misadventures. They lived in the USA for many years and had no idea what fate befell their niece. Returning to Russia, the Milaevs decided to help Galina. They ensured that Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter underwent psychiatric examinations, as a result of which she was declared fully sane and capable. Relatives helped the woman obtain new documents and began to look for kind people who could provide her with housing.

Dear gift

In order for her niece to have her own apartment, Natalya Milaeva agreed to appear on television, where she spoke about Galina’s tragic life to the whole country. Her efforts were crowned with success: wealthy people were found who were touched by the story of Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter. They bought Filippova a one-room apartment in Zvenigorod, near Moscow, where she moved in 2014. The problem for the woman remains finding a job, because she doesn’t know how to do anything. However, as Galina said in one of her few interviews, she is ready to work even as a cleaner, because the pension of 14 thousand rubles, which the state pays her, is only enough to pay for utilities, cigarettes and coffee.

Many people are interested in how old Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter is now? In the spring of 2015, Galina turned 42 years old. She is still young enough to arrange her personal life. However, Filippova herself is in no hurry to look for a husband. She values ​​her apartment and is afraid that her new husband will leave her homeless again. Galina is glad that her life has improved, and now she knows for sure that this world is not without good people.

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