Actress Elena Zakharova: tragic episodes of her personal life. Elena Zakharova: life after death Anna Maria Mamontova daughter of Elena Zakharova

Elena Zakharova is known to the public as wonderful actress theater and cinema. Having achieved recognition and popularity in Russian world cinema, she decided not to stop there. Many viewers remember Elena as one of the brightest participants in the television shows “Stars on Ice” and “Empire”. Zakharova was also a member of the jury in the “Battle of Psychics” (season ten).

Elena Zakharova is considered truly strong woman. After the death of her first daughter, she did not act or appear in public for a year. Thanks to her parents and her beloved work, Elena found strength in herself, and is now a beloved woman and a wonderful mother of her second daughter, who was born quite recently.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Zakharova

As a child, Lena was fond of ballet and could achieve some success in this industry. However, the love for sweets was greater than the passion for this species art, so after studying at a ballet school for some time, the actress decided to quit classes and found another hobby she liked.

Many people wonder what her height, weight, age is? How old is Elena Zakharova now? current issue, because she looks beautiful. She was forty-two years old. Height – 165 centimeters. Weight – 52 kilograms. Elena's figure allows her to wear beautiful dresses and look luxurious, despite the fact that she was pregnant twice.

Biography and personal life of Elena Zakharova

The biography and personal life of Elena Zakharova from birth to this day takes place in Moscow. Future actress was born into a family that was far from the world of art and everything connected with it. My parents had their own business related to tourism.

Despite her apparent fragility, the girl grew up as an active child and loved amusement rides. She rode them every day, since their apartment was located near the amusement park. Elena’s mother, Natalya Georgievna, decided to send the girl to dance classes. From the age of six, Lena performed at various events with the Buratino ensemble. Then, as mentioned above, there was an attempt to make her a ballerina, but it was unsuccessful due to the girl’s love for sweets.

The school curriculum was easy for Elena, although she singled out among the subjects foreign languages and literature. Going into eighth grade, Elena became seriously interested in theater. From that moment on, she took part in all school productions, while simultaneously attending all kinds of additional clubs. It was then that Zakharova decided that she wanted to become a famous actress.

The first attempt to enter drama school was unsuccessful. Then Elena, on the advice of her parents, began to prepare for admission to VGIK, while simultaneously attending various castings for fashion models.

A year later, she tried again and entered the Shchukin School. After studying for four years, Elena received a certificate in 1997. She began playing at the Moon Theater, although she was accepted into the troupe only twelve months later. Elena has shown herself to be an excellent actress; she is often invited to play in various theaters. She enjoys the productions and willingly agrees to the roles that are offered to her.

Filmography: films starring Elena Zakharova

Filmography: films starring Elena Zakharova are always warmly received by both viewers and film critics. She played her very first film role while still a schoolgirl, thanks to a prank on her classmates. They called her, supposedly from the film studio, and invited her to audition. When Elena came there, she attracted the attention of one of the directors, and he offered to play her the role of the princess’s friend.

The actress’s filmography begins with the film “Shelter of Comedians.” For the sake of the role of one of the main characters, Elena had to make some sacrifices - radically change her hair color and often skip classes at Shchuk. However, it was worth it - directors noticed her and began to invite her to film films and TV series.

The series “The Fifth Corner”, in which Elena played the girl Anya, brought her the love and recognition of television viewers.

You can’t ignore the series “Kadetstvo”, which raised Zakharova to a new level of popularity. Filming took place in the city of Tver, in a real Suvorov military school. The actress carefully studied the life of the cadets from the inside and was delighted. In one of the interviews, the girl admitted that in modern world sometimes there is a lack of qualities that are taught in school: honor, dignity and nobility. This film was liked by millions of people, and the directors decided to make a sequel. Naturally, Elena also took part in the role of Polina, the ethics teacher.

Among his later works, films such as “I Believe It or Not,” “Juna,” “Pearls,” “Householder” and “I Will Love You, May I?” stand out.

Number of roles played by Elena Zakharova’s number in films has long exceeded seventy and continues to grow, which makes the actress’s fans incredibly happy.

Family and children of Elena Zakharova

The family and children of Elena Zakharova are a very discussed topic in the press. The fact is that considerable blows of fate fell on the shoulders of this fragile woman. IN at a young age Lena was popular with guys, but she never considered herself a beauty. However, in the actress’s life there were still several young people whom she herself sometimes remembers.

My first love happened immediately after graduating from school. These were touching and romantic meetings. The lover turned out to be a young man, almost four years older than Lena. However, the reason for the breakup was completely different. The guy did not share Zakharova’s passion for the theater and gave a categorical ultimatum: either him or admission to a theater school. Thus, he made a fatal mistake, since Elena was already “living and raving” about the theater. The choice was obvious.

The second person who managed to attract the attention of the aspiring actress was the guy Egor. They were introduced by a mutual friend. This time the relationship between the young people lasted about seven years. But even here, because of Elena’s profession, their connection did not develop into anything more than just dating. After the actress went on another shoot without Yegor’s consent, the couple broke up completely.

Only in 2010, at the opening of a film festival, fate brings Elena together with businessman Mamontov. He will later become the legal husband of the actress. Soon, the couple had a girl, but died in infancy.

Elena Zakharova gave birth to her second child in 2015 - this news excited all her fans. They were very worried about the actress and her peace of mind, after the tragedy happened with the first girl. However, all this turned out to be untrue - Elena simply dropped a phrase in one of her interviews about how pleasant it is to be a mother, and the journalists understood everything in their own way and twisted it as it was convenient for them.

Daughter of Elena Zakharova - Anna-Maria Mamontova

Elena Zakharova’s daughter, Anna-Maria Mamontova, was born twelve months after her parents’ wedding. Whose idea it was to give the girl a double name is unknown. Anna-Maria was a welcome child. The parents couldn't believe their luck. Especially before the birth of the baby, Elena and Sergey bought real estate on one of the Miami islands to vacation there with the whole family.

Unfortunately, the tragedy with the child occurred when the girl was eight months old. According to the actress, they were already ready to fly to France to spend the weekend there. However, Anna-Maria's temperature rose sharply, and they decided to stay home.

Since Elena Igorevna is a media personality, she was unable to hide the grief that happened in her family from all-knowing journalists. “Elena Zakharova - daughter”, “Funeral - photo”, “What happened?” The Internet was flooded with such headlines after it became known that the actress’s little daughter died in hospital. The child died due to acute viral infection. Doctors put Anna-Maria into an artificial coma to continue intensive treatment. The girl died without ever waking up from her coma.

The funeral of Elena Zakharova’s daughter was filmed by cameramen from various TV channels; several programs were aired that were dedicated to the actress and her grief.

Elena Zakharova's ex-husband - Sergei Mamontov

Elena Zakharova's ex-husband, Sergei Mamontov, became for the actress the person for whom she nevertheless refused to participate in the filming of an American film. Instead, she spent time with her lover and, inspired, flew to the set of another movie.

The romance of the young people developed very rapidly and soon Elena moved to live with Mamontov. They got married, and a year later a child was born.

They rejoiced and got used to their new status as parents. The couple had no idea that a terrible tragedy would soon occur in the family, which would completely change their lives.

Due to the incorrect initial diagnosis of doctors, the daughter of Elena and Sergei dies at eight months. Mamontov is grieving the loss of his daughter. However, instead of trying to survive this grief together with his wife, he invites Elena to live separately from each other. The actress moves out of her husband's apartment, rents wedding ring and no longer tries to see Mamontov. Sergey, in turn, is almost constantly on business trips, and appears in Russia less and less often.

Elena Zakharova is pregnant with her first child. When will she give birth?

Elena Zakharova is pregnant with her first child. When will she give birth? This information was of interest to the actress’s immediate circle, because after the wedding with Sergei Mamontov, everyone was waiting for news about the birth of the baby. In 2011, their family actually grew by one member. A girl was born, who was given the name Anna-Maria. However, before the parents had time to fully enjoy this happiness, the child dies from an acute viral infection. Elena was able to talk about her grief only four years after the tragedy happened.

After the incident, the actress closed the topic concerning her personal life to everyone. Therefore, when she appeared at the film festival in a loose-fitting dress, those around her were surprised to note her noticeably rounded figure and made an assumption about the actress’s second pregnancy.

Elena Zakharova gave birth to her second child - 2017 was a year of surprises for journalists and admirers of the star’s talent. After all, no one knows the father of the child; Elena did not comment on her pregnancy in any way.

Elena also keeps the name of her second daughter a secret. After past mistakes, she tries not to advertise the details of her personal life. Although fans want to know what the child’s name was, who her father is, whether they live together, at the same time, they understand the actress’s feelings and try not to bother too much with questions.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Zakharova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Elena Zakharova, like VKontakte, contain information not only about creative career actress, and also details of the personal life of this amazing woman.

On life path Anything happened to Elena: the loss of a child, the departure of a beloved man. Nevertheless, it was thanks to the work and love of her fans that Zakharova found the strength not to break down, to survive this dark streak and move on.

The popularity of Elena Zakharova is growing day by day. She continues to act in films and is a sought-after theater actress. In addition, she often appears as a guest on television shows and participates in show programs.

Elena Igorevna Zakharova. Born on November 2, 1975 in Moscow. Russian actress theater and cinema.

Father - Igor Mikhailovich.

Mother - Natalya Georgievna.

They lived next to Sokolniki Park. From the age of six she danced in the pop and choreographic ensemble “Buratino” at the AZLK Palace of Culture. Then, at the age of eight, her mother sent her to classical ballet, although she studied there for a short time.

From the age of ten I danced on stage and even then I saw myself as an actress. “As a child, I was told that I was an actress, that I had artistry,” she said. In addition, while still a schoolgirl, she played the princess’s girlfriend in a fairy tale film.

After school I entered several theater universities at once. I chose the theater school named after B.V. Shchukin, who graduated in 1997, course of Evgeniy Simonov.

In 1998 she was accepted into the Moon Theater under the direction of Sergei Prokhanov.

She was involved in performances by the Luna Theater, the LeCour Theater Agency, the Art Partner XXI Theater Agency, etc. Among the theatrical works of Elena Rosemary ("Tender is the Night") and Alexandrina ("The Journey of Amateurs") at the Luna Theater, Mashenka ("Nabokov. Mashenka") at the Theater Company of Sergei Vinogradov, Mashenka ("The Sage") and Ophelia ("Hamlet") at the Studio Theater directed by Oleg Tabakov.

In 1999, she was awarded the Seagull theater prize for her role as Ophelia in the production of Hamlet directed by Peter Stein.

In her second year at the Shchukin School, she played the role of Vicky in Alexander Alexandrov’s film “Shelter of Comedians.” Then there were several more roles in films and TV series. And the actress became widely recognizable after the release of the television series "Fifth Corner"(2001), in which she played student Anya - her character becomes a stumbling block in the relationship of old college friends.

More great love Elena Zakharova received viewers after the release of the popular series "Kadetstvo", in which she played in all seasons. Her heroine, a teacher of ethics and aesthetics Polina Sergeevna Olkhovskaya, starts an affair with her student.

The series was filmed in Tver - in the real Suvorov Military School. Therefore, Elena studied the life of Suvorovites from the inside and was greatly impressed by what she saw. “I believe that studying at the Suvorov Military School gives these guys a lot. This is the 21st century, and such concepts as honor, dignity, nobility, unfortunately, have begun to be forgotten. And at the school, the guys learn not only to walk in front and give honor , but also to respect loved ones, to be responsible for their words and actions. Children enter Suvorovskoe at an age when their character is just beginning to take shape. It is important who at this moment will influence the formation of their personality. Suvorov School in this case, it’s an excellent school of life,” she said.

Elena Zakharova in the TV series "Kadetstvo"

In 2012, a film with her participation was released “To Russia for love!”. Her heroine is Maria, an actress. A famous director has been in love with her for many years, and she is married to a narcissistic and pragmatic womanizer.

In the film "God has his own plans" played Nastya Svetlova - 35-year-old surrogate mother with experience. During the birth of her fifth child, she is injured and loses the opportunity to have children. This happens just at the very moment when she finally decides to have her own child.

In the romantic comedy by Pavel Sisarenko "Love in a Million" she plays a girl with an unsettled personal life, who considers it her primary duty to help her friend: she gives her advice, because of which she always ends up in ridiculous situations.

Worked in the project "Woman on the Edge"- a sequel to the famous Argentine series about female killers. Her heroine becomes a reluctant killer.

In the picture "Mom Detective" For the first time in her life she had to perform stunt tricks. In particular, in one of the scenes she had to push a man out from under falling scaffolding.

In April 2016, the comedy was released "Babonki", in which she played main role- Kati. Her heroine lives in the Russian outback. The dream of Katya’s entire life is Vlad Stashevsky and she and her friends are developing a plan to kidnap the artist.

Elena Zakharova in the TV series "Babonki"

Elena Zakharova has repeatedly participated in TV shows on central television channels: 2006 - Stars on Ice, 2009 - Dancing with the Stars, 2012 - Battle of Psychics (Ukraine, was a member of the jury).

Business card Elena's hair is red. “I have my own hair color, natural. Now, however, my hair is a little faded, but I don’t want to dye it. I understand that you need to be careful with your hair from your youth. When I just started my career as an actress, I often had my hair curled with curling irons, always with a hairdryer they were laid, and then they had to be restored to their former beauty,” said the actress.

Elena Zakharova in the program "Alone with Everyone"

Elena Zakharova's height: 164 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Zakharova:

Lived civil marriage with businessman Sergei Mamontov, general director Systematic Software Solutions, which deals with Internet technologies.

They first appeared in public together in May 2010 on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival.

On November 2, 2011, eight-month-old Anna-Maria died from an acute viral infection. A week before the girl’s death, Zakharova noticed her daughter had a high temperature. At first, the actress thought it was a common childhood cold, but the temperature did not subside and she called an ambulance. The baby was taken to the intensive care unit of Moscow Hospital No. 2, where doctors fought for her life for six days, but were unable to save the child.

Almost immediately after the tragedy, Elena and Sergei broke up.

In December 2017 it became known that.

Filmography of Elena Zakharova:

1995 - Shelter of Comedians - Vika
1996 - A film about you (short)
1997 - New Year's story - bride
1997 - Old songs about the main thing 2 - flower seller
1998 - Mu-mu
1998 - Stop (short film) - She
1998 - Trapped Judge - Hillary
2000 - Simple truths - Olya
2001 - Doctors - Nina
2001 - Fifth Corner - Anya
2001 - Truckers - Julia
2001 - Holiday romance
2001 - Poisons, or World history poisoning - actress at the Volkov Theater
2001 - Beard with glasses and warthog
2001 - On the corner, at the Patriarch's 2 - secretary Mila
2001 - Master of the Empire - Lena Kalinina
2002 - Main roles - Lyalya Chapalova
2002 - Adventures of a Magician - Nastya Potapova
2002 - Lady for a Day - Louise
2002 - Spartak and Kalashnikov - Oksana
2002 - Eureka
2003 - Tartarin from Tarascon - Marie
2003 - Amapola - Irina
2003 - Operational pseudonym - Katya
2004 - Opera. Homicide Chronicles - Zoya
2004 - Boys of Steel - Julia
2004 - Ashes of "Phoenix" - Ksenia
2004 - Red Moon
2004 - Gift of Fate
2004 - Words and music - Karina
2005 - Saga of the ancient Bulgars. The Legend of Olga the Saint - Appak
2005 - Secret Guard - Marina
2005 - Two at the Christmas tree, not counting the dog - Sasha’s friend
2005 - Groom for Barbie - Nelechka
2005 - Operational pseudonym 2. Code of Return - Katya
2006 - Return Vera - Vera Reshetnikova, figure skater
2006 - Point
2006 - Kadetstvo - Polina Sergeevna Olkhovskaya
2006 - Paradise - Vika
2006 - Parisians - Nastya Zabavnikova
2006 - Who's the boss? - episode (uncredited)
2006 - Under Ursa Major- episode (uncredited)
2007 - Law of the Hare - Tuzlukova Natalya Olegovna, captain
2007 - Chasing an Angel - Lenochka Fomina
2007 - Law and Order. Criminal intent - 1 - Oksana (uncredited)
2007 - Kadetstvo 2 - Polina Sergeevna Olkhovskaya
2007 - Kadetstvo 3 - Polina Sergeevna Olkhovskaya
2007 - Silent - Makhova Masha
2007 - Travelers - passenger
2007 - Matchmaker - Vika
2007 - Sculptor of Death - Galya, Margolin’s mistress
2007 - Successful exchange - Dasha
2008 - Golden Key - Vera Golubeva
2008 - Ermolovs - Tonya Ermolova in her youth
2008 - And yet I love... - episode
2008 - Hand for Happiness - Dusya
2008 - Photographer - Dasha
2008 - The Jester and Venus - Margarita the Movie Star
2008 - I know how to become happy! - Kate
2009 - Under the Lanterns (short film)
2009 - The Princess and the Beggar Woman - Inga Sentsova, Alena Krymova
2009 - Kremlin cadets - Polina Sergeevna Olkhovskaya
2009 - Quiet Pines - Lena
2009 - Autumn Flowers - Leda Nizhina in her youth
2010 - The Krapivin case - Veresaev’s daughter
2010 - Seraphim the Beautiful - Ira Dolgova
2010 - When the lilac blooms - Tanya, Lena’s friend
2011 - Run - Julia
2011 - Steep Banks - Zhanna Kalinkina
2012 - Sheriff 2 - Zhanna Yurievna
2012 - Shores - Marina, Kiryanov’s wife
2012 - To Russia for love! - Maria
2012 - God has his own plans - Nastya Svetlova
2013 - Someone loses, and someone finds - Lucy, ex-wife Klima
2013 - Lednikov - Anna Yuryevna Razumovskaya
2013-2014 - Women on the brink - Shurochka Nikitkova
2013 - Love in a Million - Ira
2013 - Unexpected love will come - Vera
2013 - Detective Mom - Katya
2014 - Temptation - Ekaterina (Katie) Tonskaya
2014 - Where you are - Nastya Fedorova
2014 - The Art of Winning (Youth of the Nations) (was not completed)
2015 - Babonki - Katya
2015 - I Believe It or Not - Tamara Grigorieva
2015 - The art of winning
2015 - Juna - Olga
2015 - Holiday of disobedience - Margarita’s mother
2016 - From first to last word- Alisa, Dolgov's wife
2016 - Woman with lilies - Sveta, anesthesiologist
2016 - Pearls - Irina

Elena Zakharova survived terrible tragedy- buried her tiny daughter. And now six years later, the actress is preparing to become a mother again...

No happy “me and my belly” photos, no shopping trips looking for adorable onesies and comfy strollers, no debating what to name the baby. Elena Zakharova carefully disguised her pregnancy throughout the entire period. I didn't want any questions. I didn't want congratulations. I didn't want memories...


Elena Zakharova had no luck in her personal life for a long time. All her friends had been married for a long time, and her relationships with men quickly faded away. Perhaps they were scared away by the discrepancy between external and internal.

Fragile, miniature Elena with a lush, weightless cloud of hair and a gentle, innocent look is the owner of a steely character and a “commanding” voice. The suitors all tried to tame her - to make her cook borscht and porridge at home. But, running into a firm refusal, they instantly evaporated.

Zakharova was 35 when she became pregnant. None of those around him had taken the romance with businessman Sergei Mamontov seriously before - he met the actress by chance at some festival, Lena did not advertise her relationship with him, and did not make plans.

Pregnancy changed everything. Sergei, although he didn’t ask her to marry him, considering the stamp in the passport to be nonsense, took a step forward - he brought Zakharova to live with him.

Daughter Masha was born. With a six-month-old baby, the parents flew to Italy in the summer. They arranged a wonderful family photo session for a glossy magazine. And just a couple of months later, one of the girl’s photographs, taken during those sunny days, was already standing at her coffin...

We were at home, Mashenka got up high temperature, they called a doctor,” Elena recalls. - The paid ambulance doctor made the wrong diagnosis. The temperature did not drop all night. The ambulance arrived again, the doctors immediately took my daughter to intensive care, for a long time they could not determine what virus she had, then they put her into an artificial coma, from which she did not come out...

Eight-month-old Masha died from meningococcal infection at the end of October 2011.


On the ninth day after her daughter’s death, Elena went to work. I went to the set and started rehearsing for the play. Then many condemned her. And three days later there was another blow: Sergei decided that they needed to break up.

He simply said that we needed to live separately, told me to pack my things and leave,” says Zakharova. “I don’t remember how I even breathed then.” But I understand that work saved me. Should I have sat at home and died slowly?..

My friends pulled me out. They came and almost forcibly took me out of the house. They said: “You can’t sit at home alone, come with us.” I am grateful to them, they are right. You cannot revel in your grief, much less demonstrate it to other people. Dejection is a terrible sin. The way I am alone with myself, my tears, my suffering is very personal.

Lena behaved in such a way that there was no gossip behind her back. They discussed everything: that a month later she was already starring in New Year’s projects, beaming with a smile, and that she was going out into the world, and that she was changing her outfits. Zakharova did not talk about personal matters with anyone, and did not cry to her friends. I went to church almost every day. I stood in front of the icons for hours. After talking with the priest, even for a second, it became easier.

Faith in God and that someday everyone will be together, so to speak, helped me the most,” says Elena. - It’s very scary what I experienced. I don’t wish this on anyone, God forbid. But the Lord gives trials within a person’s strength. He does not give more than a person can bear, no matter how scary it may sound...

"Pray for her"

Immersed in work, she seemed to have given up on herself - no more personal life. But two years ago, the paparazzi were surprised to recognize Elena Zakharova as a flirtatious woman leaving an expensive restaurant in an embrace with a man.

She was seen later in this restaurant more than once. And all with the same satellite, which was quickly declassified. Again a businessman, three years younger than Elena. Rich and handsome. The only negative is that he has been married for a long time and firmly. And will there still be a divorce? big question. But this is hardly the most important thing for the actress now. The main thing is that now she will have her own family again, albeit just the two of them with the baby.

Lena is now very important stage in life,” rejoices Sergei Prokhanov, artistic director of the Moon Theater, where Zakharova works. “We as a team congratulate her and pray that everything will be fine...


Once upon a time, together with the graceful, fragile and, it seemed, so cheerful, Boris Korchevnikov starred in the TV series “Kadetstvo”. Despite the resounding success in her career, she became a truly unhappy person. Elena always dreamed of being an actress, a mother, and a wife. However for a long time she met men who family happiness They asked for an exorbitant price for her - to leave her profession. It seemed that the one she dreamed of appeared in Zakharova’s life. Businessman Sergei Mamontov accepted both her and her profession, and when she told him that they would have a child, he surrounded him with care. The trials that befell her could have broken any woman, but not Elena Zakharova. The news of the death of her eight-month-old daughter shocked everyone. One test was followed by others: Sergei left Elena eleven days after the tragedy, and his mother accused her of PR at the expense of the child’s death. Fans of the actress were happy to learn that a few months ago she gave birth to a daughter. How did it happen that this woman had such a difficult fate?

The actress recently gave birth to a daughter. With tears in her eyes, she talks about “her little happiness,” which she has been begging for for several years. Motherhood for an actress is a gift from God. When she lost her first child, she feared that she would no longer be a mother. The actress doesn’t know a city where she hasn’t gone to a temple, where she hasn’t prayed or asked. She thought that it means “the time has not yet come, and she has not met the right person". And she also believes that it is “children choose us.” And she tells everyone that they should never despair.

Elena found out about her second pregnancy while on tour. Then she was in Cyprus with the play "Mata Hari". It was on the night of the Annunciation. The child's father was in shock. He even asked Elena if she was joking.

After the tragedy that happened in her life, Elena plunged into work. True, she couldn’t forget herself, and it was impossible. Long shoots provided an opportunity to get distracted. Everyone on the set supported her and helped her a lot. She is also grateful to her Mashenka, who was with her for only a short time. Zakharova believes that for some reason her daughter had to leave her. “At the cost of her life, she separated me from that family. If she had not left, something could have happened to me,” adds Elena. For several months she dreamed every night of her husband leaving Lena in such a situation. scary moment. If he had come back and apologized then, she probably would have forgiven him. Less than forty days after the child’s death, the husband’s parents told Zakharova that she must take all her daughter’s things from the apartment, because they would be renting it out.

Elena does not hold a grudge against her first husband, Sergei Mamontov. She is glad that he recently got married. And he wants a child to be born into his family as soon as possible.

How did Elena cope with the death of her daughter? Who supported her during this period? Was she afraid to start a new relationship? And how long did she wait for “her happiness”? The answers are in the program.

42-year-old actress Elena Zakharova, as colleagues note, has a pretty appearance and a gentle disposition. However, there were many truly scary moments in the life of a celebrity.

Elena shares tragedies from her personal life

She voiced some of them in Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of a Man.” It was one of the most emotionally difficult broadcasts.

Elena experienced the worst tragedy for a woman - the death of her own child. Her 8-month-old Mashenka died from a severe infectious disease.

Elena Zakharova with her husband Sergei Mamontov

The child's father and at that time husband of the star, businessman Sergei Mamontov, kicked her out of the house, and his family accused the actress of PR.

After the program, Elena continued the topic on her Instagram. The girl noted that she was glad to meet Boris Korchevnikov and Alexander Golovin (they starred together in the series “Kadetstvo”), but during the broadcast she recalled episodes of her life that she would prefer to forget forever.

Boris Korchevnikov and Alexander Golovin with Elena

Zakharova found the strength to start her life again. The actress met new love, gave birth to a daughter at the end of last year and is getting married. She hides her chosen one from the public, as well as her child.

The public doesn't even know the girl's name. Elena answers all questions: “Thank you, everything is fine. My daughter is healthy and growing quickly.”

Photo: Instagram @lenazaharova57

Fans are sympathetic to Zakharova’s desire to protect people close to her from intrusive public attention.