7 year cycle in astrology. Cycles of Jupiter and Saturn: changing jobs on time

From day to day, from year to year, from century to century, the planets move along their trajectories. Astronomers have proven that the planets move in elliptical orbits and are not around the Earth at all, which often reproaches astrology for its geocentric system. An ellipse or a circle is not so important when we talk about cycles, i.e. about some time intervals characterizing “getting back to square one”. In the case of planets, we are talking about returning to the position that the planet occupied at a certain point in time. For each of us, this most important position is the natal position (natal - in Latin - “relating to birth”), that is, recorded at the moment of birth.

And indeed, it does not matter whether the planets move in a circle or in any other way. This movement can be 1) predicted, 2) recorded at a specific moment in time. With a certain error, and yet it is possible. Thanks to modern computer programs, it is possible to calculate the positions of the planets at any time in the past and in the future. That is, determining the natal position will not be difficult for us now.

Let's return to cycles. The insignificance of the curvature of the orbit and the center of the coordinate system is manifested in the third - in the closedness of both the circle and the ellipse. Yes, to be honest, even a square or a triangle. Moving along a closed line, the point will return to the position from which it left at the beginning of observation. Therefore, it is not so important what shape the orbit is, how many sectors it is divided into - 12, 13, 64 or 360. What matters is how long it will take until the planet goes all the way and returns to the beginning of the path.

When the planet returns in the position that she occupied at the time of birth, in astrology they say that a person experiences a corresponding Return. Moments of return in astrology are given great importance; there is even a practice of interpreting the moments of the exact return of the planet to its natal position, but this is not about that now.

Let's calculate the duration of complete cycles of each of the planets and do it in years, because it is in years that we calculate our age and we remember it instantly. Calculating your life expectancy in months is already a task in several steps...

Let's start with the Moon. Moon returns to its original position in 27 days and 8 hours. This is the fastest cycle, everyone has their own, therefore, living in society, we almost never observe these cycles.

Sun, Mercury and Venus go through a cycle in a year. Pre-birthday depression. It doesn’t happen to everyone, again, because birthdays are traditionally celebrated from year to year. Including so that depression goes unnoticed. ;)

Mars completes the cycle in 1 year 10 months. In turn, it is the first planet that is external to the Earth's orbit and exceeds the cycle of the Sun. The sun is a symbol of individuality, the center of life, and Mars symbolizes that which is beyond the individual. It begins the group of outer planets, although it is similar in size to Mercury and Venus, the inner planets. The return of Mars means the beginning of a new cycle of relationships with your environment, with the manifestation of your personality outside. Mars is 2 months short of a whole cycle of 2 years, so the 6th cycle ends not at 12 years, but at 11. This strengthens all years that are multiples of 11: 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, etc. At 11 years old we move to high school, where studies and workload are organized completely differently. At 22, we receive a bachelor's degree and start working. That is modern system education is built around the Mars cycle, the cycle of empowerment...

Jupiter goes around the zodiac in 11.86 (almost 12) years, each in about a year. This is the well-known eastern zodiac circle. Eastern culture is built around the Jupiter cycle, keeping within itself deep philosophy and the strict social hierarchy that this planet symbolizes. In a person’s life, the influence of Jupiter is smoothed out by the Solar cycle, but 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 years are key years when you can delve deeper into understanding the secrets of the world and combining all parts of your picture of the world into a single picture.

Saturn returns to its natal position every 29.5 years, and this cycle is not blurred by any other planets. Saturn has been for centuries the last planet, known to man, symbolically closing the visible, accessible Universe. Beyond Saturn there is something that goes beyond the traditional way of life, something that can disrupt it - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, planets suprasocial, governing the life not of a person, but of society and humanity. The cycle of Uranus is 84 years, being in each sign for approximately 7 years. Neptune is 165 years old, approximately 14 years in each sign. Pluto travels around the zodiac in 248 years, but is uneven in each sign. That is Everyone will experience at least one Saturn return, perhaps even twice, but not everyone will live to see the return of Uranus.
The main themes of Saturn's return are living through the impossibility of returning time, youth, and people. Understanding that death is inevitable and it is unknown when it will come. Rethinking the whole world as something that you have to say goodbye to and from which you can get something else before the connection is lost, and the physical shell becomes completely unusable or receives disorders incompatible with life.

Returns of planets are often not experienced as strongly as squares and oppositions, but I will write a separate note about this. The summary of this article is as follows:

Astrology studies what is common to all people age characteristics, based on the cycles of the planets.

Cycle duration inner planets(Sun, Mercury, Venus) - 1 year. Outer planets: Mars - almost 2 years, Jupiter - 12 years, Saturn - 29.5 years, Uranus - 84 years, Neptune - 165 years, Pluto - 248 years.

The returns of the planets reflect the beginning of a new round of human life, a new stage in building his relationships with the world.

At certain ages a person goes through the influence of the corresponding planets. The events described by these planets are common to all people - they happen to everyone at the same age. In every person's life there is special years which are very important. Thanks to astrology, we know something more about age that everyone knows. These special ages are ruled by one of the planets. The great benefit of this topic is that we learn how to celebrate which birthday, so that the planet ruled by a given age fully manifests its positive influence.

The 1st cycle is called the 7 Seven-year cycle. This is an astrological cycle - the shortest cycle, a multiple of 7 years.
He emphasizes how important it is in a person's life when he turns 7 years old - his childhood ends and the second stage of life begins. This cycle is the happiest, because 7 is the happiest, most successful number. These are all ages that are multiples of 7, namely 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84 and so on, you need to add 7. These are the ages of luck.
7 years is the seven-year cycle of the White Moon, our guardian angel. Every 7 years, the White Moon (a fictitious point in the sky) returns to the place where it was at the time of a person’s birth. Even if something bad happens, our guardian angel helps us and smoothes out unpleasant moments. The White Moon helps us most actively in the area that corresponds to the horoscope house where it is located.
These are very happy ages. During these years, every person has the right to count on good luck and luck. On birthdays, when the age is a multiple of 7, it is necessary that the person arrange a birthday according to his wishes.
The White Moon is very kind - there should not be a drop of coercion or violence here, and if a person doesn’t want to celebrate, don’t, then he will lay down a good positive rhythm not only for the year of the White Moon itself, but also for the next 7 years.

An eight-year cycle and all ages are multiples of 8. This is the cycle of Venus. Venus in astrology is responsible for love and money. They are really very strongly connected - the one who pays more loves more. Doesn't necessarily pay in cash, although Venus is the planet of cash. Payment can be care, attention, deeds, time, gifts, and so on.
Every 8 years we are under the influence of Venus, the planet of love, beauty and wealth. These are years of a person’s monetary success, years of intensifying the theme of love and relationships, years of pleasant events.
At the age of 8, a child feels something like love for the first time. Until he is 8 years old, of course, he loves his mother and father and grandmother and his favorite bear, and monkey, etc. but this happens unconsciously. At the age of 8, for the first time, a little person begins to realize that he feels something for someone. All anniversaries of Venus, all ages divisible by 8 - 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88 and so on - it’s like Carlson, there should be not a birthday, but a jam day - there should be There will be a large cake, preferably decorated with flowers, pink or green cream. Pink and green are the colors of Venus, and sweets are carbohydrates - also Venus. It is customary to decorate a cake with candles on an anniversary. But this is from fortune telling. You need to be careful with candles. Because there is a metaphysical meaning here, and it will not be very good if a person does not blow out all the candles. A candle is a serious symbol, as it is associated with various rituals - religious, fortune-telling, magical. At the age of 8, for the first time, we begin to understand feelings - this is all rudimentary, but when Venus comes for the 2nd time, at 16, it will appear here in all its glory. And at 16 years old - this is the purest and romantic love. Venus will continue to exist, but pure love It won’t work out there - our life will already be burdened with something or someone and there will be no time for Venus. 16 years is a wonderful age of love. And Venus made sure that by this moment the hormonal changes were almost complete. That is, this is the age when, in principle, the creature became an adult. The next time Venus will come at 24 years old, but another planet will also come there. Further, some ages will begin to intersect with each other. And there are ages where there is not one, but even 2 or 3 cycles. 16 and 32 years old are pure Venus, so if it didn’t work out at 16, it should definitely work out at 32. But this is just a question of priorities. Venus is love and money, and it gives depending on a person’s aspirations, mainly giving him one thing. And if at 32 years old you concentrate on your financial aspirations, that’s great, but then you don’t have to complain that you’re unlucky in love. Or if at 32 you are lucky in love, then you don’t have to complain that you don’t have the money. She will give, but in any case, one of two things - what you choose yourself.
40 years is also Venus in pure form, but the 40th anniversary cannot be celebrated - it is a kind of analogue of the 40th day after death. 40 years can be celebrated, but in a narrow home circle, without arranging magnificent anniversaries. In other years there must be cake. Venus loves not only cake, she loves everything aesthetic, everything beautiful and cute. Therefore, before sitting down to a big cake, it would be nice to give flowers to the hero of the day; you can also give money and chocolate. Special hopes were placed on the years of Venus related to childbirth.

9 years - the cycle of the Black Moon. The Black Moon (Lilith, a fictitious point in the sky) carries temptation for a person. And if the White Moon shows all the brightest things that are in us, then the Black Moon shows all the darkest things that are in us, and sometimes it comes out into the white light. All ages divisible by 9 years 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81 and so on are considered the ages of the Black Moon, and in people, even in those who are not considered Black Moon, but normal or light, what awakens - these are black moon manifestations. This is the meanness that lives inside a person, and there are times when something like this comes out, and this happens at the age of the Black Moon. This is age fallen angel. What the temptation will be will be shown by the zodiac sign and the house where Lilith is located in the horoscope. Not everyone experiences the Black Moon. It is more likely to manifest itself in those who have it aspects other planets in their natal chart. A person can first feel its influence at the age of 9. This is a dangerous age for a child, and parents need to closely monitor their child’s behavior. For the first time before the age of 9, especially at 7, children are like angels - all pure, children who do not know anything negative, vice, etc. and for the first time this dark thing splashes there, at the bottom of the soul - it first appears at the age of 9. And at the age of 9, some things begin that parents begin to worry about. Often it is at this age that children begin to lie, steal, cheat, betray, and parents think, maybe he learned from other children, spied in the yard. In fact, I didn’t peek, it’s just that the time has come, and it’s starting to come out. If the Black Moon awakens in a child at the age of 9, then every 9 years it will affect him negative influence. But if at the age of 9 the child is still under the supervision of adults, then at the age of 18 the person becomes more or less independent and the influence of Lilith can be detrimental. At this age, its influence coincides with the riot of the body’s hormones, and it is difficult for a person to control the manifestations of the Black Moon in himself.
At the age of 18, the Black Moon shows all its negativity to the fullest, and this is the army, where there is hazing, girls do not wait for guys from the army and early abortions.
For the third time, the black Moon comes at 27 years old - here observations show that it is calmer. This year passes without any special incidents, but betrayals are still possible, some sadism and betrayal towards partners may be present, as well as the possibility of falling into debauchery and debauchery.
The most dangerous manifestations of Lilith are at 36 and 45 years old.

Manifestations of Lilith at 36 years old.
Why is this age so dangerous? He wouldn't be so dangerous if he was just the Black Moon. Here 2 cycles intersect, and any intersections always complicate age. This is the Jupiter cycle of 12 years and the Black Moon cycle of 9 years. Jupiter is a great happiness and gives a good life. This is dizziness from success and an overestimation of one’s role in world history. Sometimes a large overestimation does not mean overestimation, but an overestimation. The Black Moon inspires Jupiter: “How great you are, how much you have achieved!” And at 36 years old a person loses ground under his feet. In his fantasies, he is already in a completely different place and is almost crowned. Overestimation sets in, and if you don’t pull yourself together and stay in reality, the consequences, against the backdrop of a good life, can be the most catastrophic. At this age, a person tends to overestimate himself, his strengths and capabilities, which can lead to sad consequences in his career and personal life. Let's remember Princess Diana, who died at the age of 36 because she overestimated what she was allowed to do. She fell in love with a billionaire, planned to have a child with him and convert to Islam. Naturally, the “top” of England would never accept this. Diana did not understand the limits of what was permissible, and as a result, she paid for it with her life.

The next age when the Black Moon comes is 45 years. The folk ditty at 45 - the woman’s berry again, only this berry has a worm and it goes “for mushrooms”. At this age, there is a special craving for adultery - for an affair on the side. A woman experiences a hormonal surge, and a strong desire to feel attractive and sexy again pushes her to search for a man who is ready to appreciate her feminine qualities, because her relationship with her husband has long become boring and gray. The age of 36 is marked by hormonal changes and the desire to achieve some forbidden pleasure. At this age, it is advisable to hold on to the berry, because later, the berry will not be left at the broken trough. A very dangerous age - the age of temptation and seduction.
But there are examples of the positive influence of the Black Moon. The Black Moon helps those who have completely sunk, who have reached the end of their rope and come to terms with it, and when there is nothing left to do but go into transition and beg for alms, the Black Moon lends a helping hand. This is the last fatal turn that the Black Moon makes in a person’s life. In the future, its influence is no longer so significant.

11 years is the cycle of the Sun. Every 11 years a person climbs to some peak. This is the age of honor, respect, recognition. It’s as if a person becomes a star, people’s attention is drawn to him, everyone talks about him. The age of renewal and spiritual transformation. Years of life 0-1, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, etc. The position of the Sun in the house of the horoscope will show in which area of ​​life the peak will be reached.
The solar cycle is associated with periods of solar activity. The full cycle of all stages of solar activity takes 11 years; in the 12th year everything starts all over again. A child is born, and the first, most eventful year of his life gets used to the solar activity that takes place at that time. He remembers these energies and begins to associate them with his rapid development. When, after 11 years, these same energies come again, a person “recognizes” them, and this gives a powerful impetus to development, as if forcing a person to live this year with the same intensity with which he lived the very first year of his life.
When a child turns 11 years old, he gains energy to adapt to changed conditions. The familiar solar energy turns on - and suddenly something in the person speaks: “Hey, the world has changed, it’s time to adapt again.”
The personality changes (because the sun is “responsible”, first of all, for the personality), and then changes are attracted in all areas of life. For example: at the age of 22, a girl began to realize that something was wrong in her relationship with her husband. “I’m no longer the person who will be happy with Vasya.” They will most likely go their separate ways in the next six months. Another example: at 22, a young man understands that the education he once chose at the age of 17 no longer interests him, because he has changed as a person. “I’m no longer interested in philology, now my personality is such that I want to do something else.” Having comprehended all this and switched his attention to new (non-philological) values, he will begin to actually do something else, for example, breeding cacti (perhaps at first at the hobby level). It is approximately according to this principle that changes in our personality lead to changes in the world around us.
During the Sun cycle, a person becomes very sensitive and helps to determine priorities, because what, for example, the mind describes as “right” suddenly becomes simply boring - and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, on the Sun cycle, we usually free ourselves from that in life that no longer “turns us on”, that is energetically felt as “wrong” and “not fulfilling”. Attention automatically switches to what is interesting - just like in children, who in the first year of life rarely do anything that they are bored or don’t want to do (they learn this skill much later).
If a person does not want change, but continues to cling to the old, then he may be able to preserve it with gigantic efforts (the Sun in this regard is much softer than, for example, Saturn, which does not let go until changes occur ), but it definitely won’t bring you joy anymore, so it’s better to change it while the energy comes to it, and treat your interests and desires consciously, with love and respect. In addition, each cycle of personality (Sun), ideally, teaches us self-confidence - “I trust my desires and my right to live an interesting and fulfilling life, to be myself.”

12 years is the cycle of Jupiter. At ages divisible by 12, these are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, you need to wait for everything and to the maximum, because Jupiter is the planet of "Great Happiness", the planet " Good luck", planet of kings. The influence of Jupiter on a person is considered one of the most beneficial.
Conditions in the years of Jupiter: a feeling of one’s power, strength, prosperity, satisfaction and confidence.
The happiest ages can be called 24 years and 48 years old - the ages when two cycles coincide - Venus and Jupiter, the two happiest planets in astrology. Only at 24 years old is the influence of Venus, the planet of “Small Happiness” - happiness in personal life, more felt, and at 48 - the influence of Jupiter, the planet of "Great Happiness" - happiness in public life, public recognition. 60 years - the coincidence of the cycles of Jupiter and Saturn - can be called the age of summing up. Of course, life does not end there, but enough has already been lived so that we can take stock of what we have lived.

18.6 years is the cycle of the Lunar Nodes. The Lunar Nodes answer the question - “Why are you here? What should you do and what should you not do? The North Node shows us what we need to strive for, who we should become in this life, or be born in the future. The South Node is what we need to run away from, who we were and this has been developed by us in our past incarnation and must be processed. Rare people live according to the North Node (difficult to change), because... Living in Yuzhny is much easier (the past is calling). Ages divisible by 18 and a half years are the ages of karmic checks. The Lunar Nodes check whether a person lives correctly, whether he follows his karmic task. If a person lives correctly, the test goes smoothly. If a person lives incorrectly, the Nodes make a negative decision - and the person experiences troubles that can last a long time, several years. The first test occurs at 18.6 years old - not too strict, because... Usually by this age a person has not yet had time to do anything significant. Further checks occur at 37, 56, 74, etc. On the eve of the test, the South Node begins to attract a person more and more, and one needs to have great willpower to resist this temptation.

29.5 years is the Saturn cycle. For the first time, a person feels the influence of Saturn at 29.5 - 30 years old - this is a feeling of all the heaviness, cruelty and severity of life. For those who live according to the Saturn principle - the principle of limitations - it will be easier during this period. The horoscope house where it is located will tell you what exactly a person should limit himself to. You need to try to have fewer attachments and desires.

50 years is the Chiron cycle. Chiron is the planet of strangeness, duality and paradox. For those who have an evil character in their horoscope, it is not advisable to celebrate their 50th anniversary, because... the celebration can end in quarrels, ridiculous gifts and situations, the anniversary can turn into a farce that everyone will laugh at.

84 years is the Uranus cycle. In some cases, a half-rotation of Uranus appears - 42 years. Since Uranus is also the planet of divorces and breakups, many at this age take on a mistress/lover or leave the family altogether. Most often this happens to men. They even came up with a name for this phenomenon: “the seventh anniversary of the revolt of married people.” The algorithm of actions of men is as follows - they announce their departure, leave their wife (sometimes friends, work) and go to a young girl. A person's whole life is ruined. During the first years, these men live happily with their new partner, but then symptoms of physical exhaustion appear, because... Life with a young lady requires a lot of strength. As a result, most often this union breaks up and the man tries to return to his family. Previously, this syndrome was not as widespread as it is now (apparently, this is due to the entry into a new era - the era of Aquarius, ruled by Uranus).

How to smooth out the negative impact of planetary cycles?

It is important to know how to properly celebrate a birthday in the years of certain cycles.

Let's start with the fact that the tradition of putting candles on a birthday cake is categorically unacceptable, because... Symbolically, this is like a magical procedure for blowing out the fire of one's own life. Birthday cake with candles can only be used in childhood. If you are presented with such a cake, ask the guests to blow out the candles themselves - they will not suffer from this.

You can't celebrate your 40th anniversary. Symbolically, 40 years correspond to 40 days. Giving the birthday person a gift on this day is also undesirable. It's better to do this a little later.

It is better to celebrate the age corresponding to the White Moon cycle by making maximum use of white attributes.

The age of the Venus cycle is in pink and green colors, in beauty and harmony, with music, sweets, flowers.

The age of the Black Moon is to be celebrated in black clothes, avoid ambiguity.

The age of the Sun is to be celebrated in a pompous, chic manner, and by giving gold items.

The age of Jupiter should be noted widely, so that the table is bursting with treats. Invite a lot of guests. It is better to give the birthday boy something spiritual (depending on his interests).

Each planet has its own micro- and macrocycle. And this data can also be used to predict certain events in the life of the native.

The forecast is made taking into account the lords (co-rulers) of houses and planets in houses. It is also worth noting that events in the sphere of life governed by a particular planet, within the macrocycles of personal and social planets and microcycles of trans-Saturn planets, can occur 3-4 months before or after the exact passage of the cycle. When interpreting the cycles of fast planets in the horoscope - the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Chiron, as well as fictitious points - Lilith and Selene - macrocycles are of paramount importance. Although microcycles also play a role. When interpreting the cycles of the social planets - Jupiter and Saturn - both macro- and microcycles are equally significant. For the trans-Saturn planets - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Proserpina - microcycles are of paramount importance. In this case, macrocycles have practically no effect on human life, but they are important when considering mundan maps.

Macrocycle of the Sun- 11 years old.
Microcycle of the Sun— 365 days and 6 hours.
In areas influenced by the Sun, significant events will occur every 11 years: at 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, etc.
Moreover, relatively important events The weeks immediately before and after your birthday will be marked.

Macrocycle of the Moon- 19 years old.
Microcycle of the Moon— 27.33 days.
In areas influenced by the Moon, significant events will occur every 19 years: at 19, 38, 57, 76, etc.
In addition, relatively important events will mark the days when the Moon falls in the native's Moon sign.

Macrocycle of Mercury- 17.34 years old.
Mercury microcycle— 88 days.
In areas influenced by Mercury, significant events will occur every 17.34 years: approximately at 17.5, 35, 52, 69.5, etc.
In addition, relatively important events will be marked every three months.

Macrocycle of Venus- 8 years old.
Venus microcycle- 225 and 227 days.
In areas influenced by Venus, significant events will occur every 8 years: on 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, etc.
In addition, relatively important events will mark 9-month periods.

Macrocycles of Mars two: 13 and 15 years old. Women are more affected by a 13-year cycle, while men are affected by a 15-year cycle.
Microcycle of Mars- 687 days.
In areas influenced by Mars, significant events will occur every 13/15 years: at 13/15, 26/30, 39/45, 52/60, etc.
In addition, periods of about 2.5 years will be marked by relatively important events.

Microcycle Chiron— 2.2 years
Chiron macrocycle— 50.7 years
In areas influenced by Chiron, significant events will occur every 50.7 years, i.e. at about 50-51 years old.
In addition, periods around 2.2 years will be marked by relatively important events.

Jupiter microcycle- 3 years 18 days.
Macrocycle of Jupiter— 11.86 years
In areas influenced by Jupiter, significant events will occur every 3 years and 11.8 years: around the ages of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 23.5, 26.5, 29.5, 32.5, 35.5, 38.5, 41.5, 44.5, 47, 50, 53, 56, 59, etc.

Saturn Microcycle— 4 years 7 months.
Macrocycle of Saturn— 29.5 years
In areas influenced by Saturn, significant events will occur every 4.5 years and 29.5 years: around the ages of 4.5, 9, 14.5, 19.5, 24, 29.5, 34, 39, 43.5, 48, 54, 59, 63, 5, etc.

Uranus has two microcycles— 1.7 years and 6 years 289 days.
Macrocycle of Uranus— 84.1 years
In areas influenced by Uranus, significant events will occur every 6.8 years: around the age of 7, 13.5, 20.5, 27, 34, 41, 47.5, 54.5, 61, etc.
In addition, periods of about 1.7 years will be marked by relatively important events.

Neptune microcycle - 4.7 and 12.5 years.
Neptune macrocycle- 164.5 years.
In areas influenced by Neptune, significant events will occur every 4.7 and 12.5 years: around the ages of 5, 9.5, 12.5, 14, 19, 23.5, 25, 28, 33, 37.5, 42, 46, 50, 55, 59 etc.

Pluto microcycle- 6.5 and 10 years.
Macrocycle— 248 years
In areas influenced by Pluto, significant events will occur every 6.5 and 10 years: at 6.5, 10, 13, 19.5, 20, 26, 30, 32.5, 39, 40, 45.5, 50, 52, 58.5, 60, etc. .p.

Microcycle of Proserpina— 65 years old
Macrocycle of Proserpina— 665 years
In areas influenced by Proserpina, significant events will occur at the age of 65.

Microcil Lilith— 9 months
Macrocycle Lilith— 9 years
In areas influenced by Lilith, significant events will occur every 9 years at the ages of 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 53, 62, etc.
In addition, periods of about 9 months will be marked by relatively important events.

Selena microcycle— 7 months
Selena macrocycle— 7 years
In areas influenced by Selena, significant events will occur every 7 years at the ages of 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, etc.
In addition, periods of about 7 months will be marked by relatively important events.

Microcycle of the Lunar Nodes— 1.5 years
Macrocycle of the Lunar Nodes— 18.6 years
In areas influenced by the nodes, significant events will occur every 18.6 years at the age of 18.5, 37, etc.
In addition, periods of about 1.5 years will be marked by relatively important events.

Cyclicity is the basis for the existence and development of not only humans, but also any living organisms, phenomena, processes. For example, day follows night, and after spring always comes summer. The most important life stages for all people are age crises. According to astrology, the duration and characteristics of age-related crises in a person’s life directly depend on planetary cycles. The cycles of the higher planets are considered the most significant. They are able to provide significant influence on the fate of people.

Planetary cycles and associated age crises

Each planet is located at a certain distance from the Sun. The further it is from the indicated Star, the slower it rotates and the more significant its influence on the path of people’s lives. When compiling a natal chart and identifying crises for a person, astrologers always take his date of birth as a starting point. It is considered as an instantaneous time slice from which the countdown begins life cycle.

Of the planets that can have a significant impact on the fate of people, experts single out the planets with the longest orbital periods - these are Saturn and the three higher planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. During age crises associated with the designated planets, serious transformations, revolutionary changes, and updates in life are observed in people’s lives. various fields(finance, love, health, career, etc.). Also listed higher planets play an important role in the formation and development of karma.


Orbits the Sun in approximately 29.5 years. Accordingly, the aspect of square (90º) by transiting Saturn to its original position in the natal chart is formed at approximately 7.4 years of life, and the opposition (180º) - at 14.8 years. The planet rules everything related to restrictions. The age crisis caused by Saturn is often characterized by tests of fortitude, hard work, obligations, imposed situations and circumstances, debts, and obstacles in achieving something.

Saturn calls on a person to strengthen his own spirit through overcoming obstacles and various difficulties, personal self-development through awareness and acceptance of his secret aspirations, psychological complexes and prohibitions, hidden desires and inner nature. Many astrologers call Saturn the “planet of spiritual warriors.” After all, without working through it carefully, it is impossible to find true freedom.

The astrological symbol of Saturn represents two figures fused together - the Cross and the Moon. The first figure, in addition to being a Christian symbol, also represents inner harmony and life balance. And the Moon rules emotions, intuition, feelings, desires for stability and security. Therefore, it is so important that during periods of Saturnian age crises, a person can easily achieve harmony between the material and spiritual worlds.


The planet of independence and the desire for freedom. When its energies come into play, a person is driven by the desire to change his own life, to try something new, unknown. Uranus circles the Sun within 84 years. The classic square is 21 years old, the second square is 63 years old, the opposition is 42 years old. The influence of Uranus on fate in certain areas is always swift and sudden.

For understanding, we can give the following example: let’s say the natal chart clearly defines the presence of a major aspect between Venus and Uranus. In this case, the astrologer will suggest that at the age of 42 and 21 years in a person’s life, an age crisis can be initiated by events related to the breakdown of relationships that he values.

42 years is one of the traditional age crises, which consists of two quadratures (21 years each). Since Uranus is the opposite of the Sun, during particularly difficult periods of transit, people suffering from heart pathologies may experience characteristic chest pain and deterioration in overall health.


The period of revolution of this planet around the main celestial body - the Sun - is 165 years. Considering that people don’t live that long, throughout their entire life journey a person has the opportunity to encounter the Neptunian crisis cycle once, or at most twice. As a rule, this age crisis occurs between 40 and 41 years and 80-82 years.

The main manifestations of this period can be considered:

  • chronic fatigue, both physically and emotionally;
  • spiritual torment and search;
  • desire for self-development and strengthening of fortitude;
  • suffering from loss of life guidelines;
  • the desire to be alone (sometimes isolation from society is forced, due to certain circumstances);
  • dissatisfaction with your current situation.

The signs listed above are most clearly manifested in representatives of such zodiac signs as Sagittarius and Pisces. The areas of life in which these manifestations will occur can be determined by studying the natal chart. It is important to take into account the location of the planet in all houses.


This is the most distant planet from the Sun, which revolves around it for 248 years. Due to the long period of Pluto’s revolution, we can say for sure that a person can face a plutonic crisis no more than twice in his life. As a rule, experts attach great importance to the age crisis at 61-62 years old, caused by the formation of a square by transit Pluto to its natal position. The chances of a person surviving the age limit of 122 years, after which the opposition begins to influence - the second crisis aspect, are negligible.

Age-related crises associated with the transit of Pluto contribute to the emergence in a person of desires to transform familiar reality. If a person does not resist this inner desire, he can easily consign to oblivion everything that is obsolete, unnecessary, and outdated for him. The planet is considered a transformer. It is often compared to a “sewage machine”, which is designed to free up living space for something new.

The scale of changes in life during a crisis will depend on the degree of power of the influence of Pluto located in the natal chart.

The main age-related crises of a person and their brief characteristics

7-7.5 years– an important period of formation, comprehension of the basics of discipline and self-control.

14-15 years old- a powerful crisis that implies awareness of the exit from childhood.

20.5-22.5 years– a youth crisis, in developmental psychology it is called the crisis of 21 years. The question of self-realization arises acutely. This is a rather painful period in emotional terms, characterized by comprehension of the prospects for future adult life and what a person did not have time to learn during the previous crisis.

27-28 years old- search for yourself, your main life destiny. Contradiction of aspirations: on the one hand, a person wants to leave all hardships in the past, on the other, his inner self resists this.

29-30 years old– this period, like many age-related crises occurring at the turn of decades, is mainly associated with social aspects. By the age of 30, many people strive to implement some strategic plans and create a reliable foundation for prosperity in the future. And when a person turns 30, looking back, he seems to ask himself the question: “What have I been able to achieve?”

37-38 years old– understanding the goals and life tasks that a person has set for himself. The desire to achieve what you want by bringing into reality everything that was previously planned.

42-45 years old– midlife crisis and the presence of all the internal experiences associated with it. A person can feel spiritual emptiness, anxiety for the future, the painfulness of one’s own existence. Most people undergo a reassessment of values ​​and correction of life guidelines.

46-47 years old– an important period when people are given time to rest from fulfilling their karmic goals and objectives, as well as paying off debts according to the formed karma.

56-58 years old– the phase of testing, checking, so to speak, for strength. Life can create obstacles in the form of unexpected problems and circumstances. It is important to react to them correctly, not to panic and try to overcome them through prudence, patience and determination.

59-60 years old– a period associated mainly with summing up the results, realizing what was achieved and what tasks could not be completed.

63 years old– the first crisis of old age. It can be characterized by a loss of interest in work, deterioration of health, and a decrease in the level of vitality.

65 years old– rethinking the results of fulfilling karmic tasks. A person clearly feels that life will no longer give him time to achieve these goals and pay off karmic debts.

74 years old- a difficult morally period when a person may feel physical imperfection, fatigue, malaise, and loneliness. Many people feel guilty about what they could have done but didn’t do.

83-84 years- a period that can proceed in different ways. Someone becomes despondent from unfulfilled desires and goals not achieved on time, someone comes to humility with their current situation in life, some continue to strive to fulfill their karmic tasks to the end.

88-89 years old- a period that personifies farewell to the world of the living. A person, as it were, draws a line, reviewing his entire life and analyzes what has been achieved. This crisis also symbolizes resignation to thoughts about the inevitability of the transition from life to eternity.

Periods of age-related crises, when transit planets in the natal chart make difficult aspects to themselves, are always accompanied by difficulties in psychological terms. The situation is aggravated by the fact that these periods are, as a rule, protracted, since the planets are not only slow, but are also often in retrograde motion.

Each person experiences age-related crises in their own way. For some, these temporary periods are especially acute, and some people practically do not feel their influence on their own thoughts, feelings, emotions and life in general.

Astrology is universal knowledge . It is based on the understanding of ongoing events as elements of a single cycle of development of a phenomenon. Astrological methodology is very diverse, and most of its methods require accurate calculations based on data from the natal chart and its time development. Most often, in astrological practice, it is these calculation methods of forecasting that are necessary.

However, there are a number of counseling situations for which it is sufficient to simply understand what stage of the client's life cycle the client is at. This is where it comes to the rescue . It allows you to imagine life as an integral cycle, which has its own characteristic periods, points of decline and rise. Knowing them, you can even make predictions - but in a very special “key” - philosophical, psychological, esoteric, while accurate forecasting methods are mainly aimed at predicting events (that is causal plane of existence). The abstract, philosophical side of the issue can, of course, be revealed in precise methods, but there it is “obscured” by the stormy bustle of material events. If a person is interested in discerning the extremely general patterns of his existence, it is reasonable to turn to age astrology.

So, what is the essence of this system? The fact is that the cycles of various astrological quantities (planets, nodes) are examined in detail and combined with each other, forming the characteristics of various periods of life. As a result, each year (or several years) has its own characteristics that are common to all people, regardless of their natal charts. This is, of course, unacceptable for predicting events, but for understanding many spiritual problems, on the contrary, it is useful, since what comes to the fore are not individual, not purely personal phenomena, but what unites people into a single social family. In addition, some socio-psychological patterns that are not at all obvious from an accurate event analysis emerge more clearly.

Age astrology is based on the well-known esoteric principle of development - in a spiral. It implies that the object never returns to the past moment of development, but moves forward all the time (up an imaginary spiral), but at each turn (after a certain time), the structure of events becomes similar to what took place in the previous turn. In other words, history will never repeat itself exactly, but analogies in current phenomena can amaze people with blatant “coincidences” with the facts of the past.

The cycle of the planet is presented in the form of a spiral; it is divided into parts corresponding to energy aspects - trine, sextile, square, opposition. Each of these aspects carries both an esoteric and a purely eventful meaning, for example, the trine denotes maximum favorability in resolving problems governed by a given planet, and the opposition is a personality crisis associated with the difficulties of implementing the principles of the planet.

One of the components of age astrology is a system of symbolic control of planets during different periods of a person’s life. It is as follows: the planets rule the age periods in the following sequence:

Moon - from birth to 7 years;

Mercury - from 7 to 14;

Venus - from 14 to 21;

Sun - from 22 to 35;

Mars - from 36 to 48;

Jupiter - from 48 to 62;

Saturn - from 63 to 77;

Uranus - from 77 to 84;

Neptune - over 84 years old.

What do these planetary periods mean? First of all, they point to the esoteric, philosophical essence of certain years of life, to those spiritual or ideological problems that a person will inevitably have to face, regardless of the specifics of the constellations of his natal chart.

Let's consider the distribution of problems by age periods in detail

Age of the Moon (from birth to 7 years)

At this time, the child is forced to solve problems of adaptation to the world around him in a variety of aspects - physical, intellectual, spiritual, social. The moon symbolizes this comprehensive adaptation. In addition, this is the period of the child’s most intense communication with his parents and the time of maximum dependence on them. During the period of the Moon, the corresponding personal qualities intensively develop: fantasy, intuition, foresight, a sense of danger, various physiological instincts, a sense of family, the instinct to protect property, basic paradigms of social behavior and much more.

With the optimal formation of events at the age of the Moon, the child turns out to be a completely full-fledged person with his own integral worldview, capable of defending his rights and adapting to society.

In the worst case, a person does not acquire any significant socialization skills during the first seven years of his life, and remains completely spiritually and intellectually dependent on the environment that raised him; no protective “shell” against destructive external influences he has not created it.

Age of Mercury (7 - 14 years)

Mercury is responsible for processing information, including primary learning. It is at the age of seven that it should begin, since during the age of the Moon the child’s psyche is gradually preparing for his entry into social processes (taking place in any educational institution). At the age of Mercury, all mental processes intensify and proceed extremely intensely and quickly. This time must be used for active learning, both in an educational institution and independently or at home, as well as for establishing active contacts with others.

In the positive course of this age, the teenager develops significant erudition and information processing skills. During these seven years, a person must learn to receive information from external sources, learn to think and, of course, communicate with others, although so far only mental level - exchanging intellectual information.

If during the time corresponding to the age of Mercury, socialization proceeded with failures and problems, the formation of isolation is likely, the intellect turns out to be “on a meager information ration”, training did not lead to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for modern life. In none of the subsequent planetary periods will there be an opportunity to study so intensively, process information, and contact the environment.

Age of Venus (14 - 21 years)

This time, given the qualities of Venus, is optimal for establishing informal and even non-verbal contacts with others. The age of Venus is a time of socialization, based primarily on a person’s awareness of his sensuality and sexuality. Under the influence of Venus, all physiological sensations become aggravated, the teenager begins to be interested in aesthetics, and the need to dress beautifully appears. The intellectual side of life loses its sharpness in these years, but the sharpness of sensory signals and non-verbal information increases. The main thing at this age is to please others and receive psychological “strokes” (approval) from them.

If the age of Venus progresses successfully, young man communication skills are developed with members of the opposite sex, especially with peers; sexual experience and one’s own aesthetic ideas appear.

In the worst case, the age of Venus does not contain any impressions of sexual or aesthetic communication, and the young man develops infantilism (as a result of maintaining stereotypes of the age of Mercury) or a difficult, complex, withdrawn character.

Age of the Sun (22 - 35 years)

During this period, by the way, longer than the previous three, a person gets the opportunity to creatively reveal his individuality at the most different levels. He becomes - like the Sun - bright, attractive, creative abilities find their material embodiment. The “lowest” level of creativity is physical, mainly manifested in sexual activity and the birth of children; it could be sporting achievements or transformation of your body; finally, it is precisely this age that is characteristic of the beginning of artistic, aesthetic or scientific creativity. People generally create their most striking achievements precisely during the passage of the age of the Sun. A feeling of fullness of life appears and steadily grows, teenage complexes and childhood grievances become a thing of the past.

In the best case, during the “time of the Sun” a person becomes more generous, learns to approach life more calmly, tolerantly, and balancedly; feels like a full-fledged being, possessing a full range of capabilities.

When the age of the Sun progresses unfavorably, disappointments in oneself and others increase; creative plans fail; self-esteem tends to zero, and life seems more and more colorless and meaningless. A number of individuals with exceptionally weak energetic and psychological status at the end of this age interval tend towards total pessimism or even suicide.

Age of Mars (36 - 48 years)

Mars symbolizes activity, drive, determination. At this age, people usually come to the need to fight to achieve career heights or recognition of their creative viability. This is the most aggressive time, the time of great achievements, the thirst for victory over opponents, in any case - struggle: maybe a struggle with yourself, with your shortcomings. During the reign of Mars, creative manifestations for many individuals are somewhat reduced compared to the age of the Sun, but penetrating power and persuasiveness increase.

During this period, the “sunny” complacency and benevolent attitude towards the future disappear (“I still have everything ahead!”, which is relevant for the age of the Sun), and an understanding of the limited time comes (“life passes, we must seize every opportunity,” “ Time is running out!”). As a result of the dominance of such attitudes, the rhythm of life accelerates, the formation of events reaches its maximum intensity throughout life. Another Martian analogue—sexuality, libido—is also growing in volume. The age of Mars gives record "adventures", but mainly for those who were not able to realize their potential during the age of Venus. Now the search for pleasure becomes especially cynical and irreconcilable, mixed with a growing tendency towards violence (without which not a single Martian “action” is complete).

In the best case, after the age of Mars, a person manages to achieve high level socialization, in particular, personal independence and respect for one’s person. They listen to his opinion, and generally treat him with caution - he is a very “serious” person.

In the worst case scenario, disappointment in one’s abilities develops, self-pity and indulgence based on constant defeats in business gain strength. Over these 12 years, a person gradually slides into complete self-indulgence and no longer believes in his capabilities, relying on the negative experience of fighting for his interests; “skeptical pessimism” dominates, impotence or frigidity develops at the physiological level, and premature old age sets in.

Age of Jupiter (48 - 62 years)

This is the age when a person finally finds success - in the broadest sense of the word. It is usually expressed in some solidity, solidity in the eyes of others. And, of course, this is success social, and that's why he seems objective. The person imagines that he really has achieved a lot and now has the right to “rest on his laurels.” At the age of Jupiter, almost everyone reaches their social ceiling and clearly understands this: someone becomes the president of the country, someone the head of the company, someone gains fame as a creative figure, someone finally becomes simply an “honored employee” of their enterprise . During the reign of Jupiter, the main thing for a person is his status, how he is perceived in the system of traditional coordinates.

Jupiter inclines to teach, pass on experience, lead, and also - given the ideological nature of this planet - go into politics. Naturally, most famous politicians “bloom” precisely at the age of Jupiter. This age is also associated with an improvement in financial situation, when children have already grown up and began to earn money on their own, and it is possible to satisfy long-standing desires and realize childhood dreams - to go on a long journey, buy a new one - a solid one! - a car, buy a dacha, etc. The struggles of the age of Mars are over, and all that remains is to enjoy life with the money earned by accumulated and recognized authority.

The optimal option for using the age of Jupiter is the growth of pedagogical activity, which aims to convey the accumulated experience, and to convey it in an original, creative way and, of course, not for the sake of self-affirmation over students. This age, at best, inclines toward charity, complacency, and broad gestures: a person already has everything he needs, and it’s nice to give the excess to those in need.

Another option positive work at the age of Jupiter - spiritual leadership in society, that is, consciously accepting the burden of responsibility for the moral state of society. At best, the “Jupiterian” has a “heartache” for all people, and there is no escape from the need to make their lives better. But, naturally, this option is available to a few, and even those most often simply declare Jupiterian values, but in reality they are simply vulgarly lining their pockets according to the principle of Mars.

In the worst case, all personal development ceases at this time, and the individual calms down forever with creative searches and a thirst for knowledge - they come to an end. After this, for several years, intellectual degradation sets in and all mental processes are reduced only to repetition and chewing of the past. At the same time, spirituality “falls”, previously obvious moral guidelines are lost, the desire to teach is stifled and calls for violent actions over juniors or students.

Age of Saturn (63 - 77 years)

Already based on the chronological sequence of ages of the planets, it is clear that this age interval is critical. It is associated with the onset of old age and, in this case, a natural summing up of the path traveled. A person entering the age of Saturn more or less suddenly realizes that “all the best is behind us” and this circumstance creates a depressing emotional background of life, exacerbating the already painful “breakthrough” into old age.

In general, the age of Saturn is associated with the strengthening of various restrictions imposed by circumstances on the individual. They are associated with both deterioration of health and certain social status“respectable person”, “pensioner” or simply “old man”. Feeling his status, yesterday a person still full of strength quickly bends to the ground, grows old and begins to behave helplessly. Increasingly, at the age of Saturn, you have to hear from others and tell yourself “you can’t”: you can’t eat a lot of sweets - “sugar” will go through the roof, you can’t sunbathe, run, etc.

Naturally, all these (and many other) restrictions exist only for those who perceive the principles of Saturn negatively - as a curse hanging over humanity. An individual who adequately or positively sees the principles of Saturn at this time feels light and joyful, since summing up the results brings satisfaction, the state of health does not worry beyond measure, and a frenzied pursuit of pleasure has never been necessary for him.

At best, the age of Saturn gives a person the opportunity to stand out as a formal leader, that is, a truly wise leader for whom it is not power that is valuable, but real benefit from her. Such a person finally received a positive assessment from society and found himself in demand, albeit at an advanced age. Saturn always gives rewards to those who work hard and know how to patiently wait in the wings. So, the true purpose of this age gap is formal leadership for the benefit of society.

In an unfavorable version of development, the age of Saturn turns out to be the last for a person, and a short time after its onset, chronic ailments worsen, and “new” diseases also overcome. The person has nothing to offer to others, and they also see no point in supporting him, except, of course, for the stock phrases that “everything will be fine.” The result is disappointing thoughts about a life lived “wrongly,” loneliness, apathy, and slow and painful decline.

Age of Uranus (77 - 84 years)

This is an age to which few live in our time, and this poses the problem of being chosen, being marked. This is precisely what Uranus accentuates, symbolizing originality, genius, and distinction. The age of Uranus is very difficult to implement constructively, since it is associated with such specific activities as advanced science and the occult. These spheres of activity, subordinate to Uranus, await those who have not been broken by the storms of life and who are still capable of intellectual feats and great insights.

Uranus is a planet that denies the material, and therefore anyone who is at the age of Uranus loses many of the material incentives and desires that are familiar to him. Accordingly, someone who has devoted his entire life to the pursuit of material goods and pleasures will experience extremely severe discomfort during the reign of Uranus: you can “work out a little” on retirement, your health allows even less - why live? Most people of this age answer this question - at least subconsciously - in the negative and gradually disappear from the scene, not seeing any incentive to live.

Those whose intellectual faculties have not fallen asleep and who have something to say in science, on the contrary, acquire a power that they have never felt before - the power of free flight of thought. Previously, they were hampered by material circumstances and debt to loved ones, but now there is time to focus on knowledge of the world: money has already been earned and there is enough for bread, grandchildren have been brought up, earthly desires have receded. In this version of using the age of Uranus, a person gains unshakable calm, a clear, detached view of things and the demand for his mental resources.

Neptune's age (over 84 years)

An absolute minority of the population survives until this time. The age of Neptune - the age of extreme old age - is the most difficult to use effectively. The fact is that Neptune is associated with higher intuition, prophetic gift and direct comprehension of the world around us without the filter of the rational mind. Only selected individuals are capable of this, whose spiritual purity allowed them to pass by the problems of other ages without loss. Material things at this time become even less significant for the individual than in the previous age of Uranus; the intellect also “loses ground”, losing speed of reactions.

The most positive use of Neptune's time is spiritual practices, meditation and, of course, playing the role of Guru, esoteric teacher. Such a teacher is completely detached from everyday and social problems, infinitely kind to his students, but does not indulge their selfish inclinations and sense of self-importance. A person of Neptune’s age performs the function of a link between the unknowable boundless universe and the limited social existence of humanity; he transmits to the latter intimate information for improvement.

With those who lived to the age of Neptune, but did not discover the potential for spiritual growth and cognition, the following happens: the intellect finally degrades, the physical body rapidly deteriorates, and, as a result, a descent into childhood with its terry “physiological” egoism, helplessness and unconsciousness is guaranteed. Such people wait for death as a way to get rid of such a “humiliating” state, passing away slowly, gradually, painfully. The latter is especially evident in the fact that they become a burden to loved ones and completely useless to others.

Neptune, at its worst, creates a life devoid of any meaning and any incentives - simply an existence outside of time and outside of awareness.

At the age of Neptune, the classification of ages ends: there is nowhere to go further - they don’t live that long! - and even if a person lived, say, to 110 years old, all the same - his age is ruled by Neptune.

The general pattern of changing ages of planets: the “older” the age, the fewer people they live to see it; the more complex the problems a person faces, the higher the responsibility for the correctness of their solution, the stronger the spiritual loneliness.

Another direction of age astrology is the analysis of planetary cycles. They, too, like planetary ages, are universal for all people. The planetary cycle denotes the stages of development of the principles corresponding to the planet in question in the life of an individual.

In general, the cycle consists of the following elements:

  • The starting point, that is, the position of the planet in radix.
  • The first square of a transit planet to its original position is the first crisis, forcing a person to comprehend the principles of the planet and implement them in his life. If this does not happen, then further stages of the cycle become more and more painful.
  • The first trine to the starting point determines the prospects for success in the implementation of planetary principles - much turns out to be possible, good luck comes, self-confidence increases, and much of what previously seemed unattainable is realized.
  • The planet's opposition to itself. This is the decisive stage of the cycle - its most intense point, when “the question is posed bluntly” - either the principles of the planet are realized and it gives a result of one quality or another, or - in the absence of awareness - severe crisis phenomena arise, from which the individual’s self-esteem mainly suffers. Dramatic changes in behavior are possible, dictated by the principles of a given planet.
  • The second trine to the initial position of the planet is already serious achievements symbolized by it; this is success, but not “accidental”, as it seemed in the case of the first trigon, but natural, deserved and therefore calmly perceived by the individual.
  • The second square is nothing more than a personality test for strength in matters dedicated to a given planet. A person is already “considered” mature, experienced in these matters, and he is “asked”; he has to experience difficulties in certain matters, but - again - the difficulties are natural and understandable.
  • Finally, the last element of the cycle is the return of the planet to its starting point - or simply -return of the planet. The cycle always ends with a reassessment of values ​​and an analysis of what has been done for it. In many cases, such revaluation can be extremely painful, since the individual feels that he has done little and indulges in reflection and other psychological “suffering.” In a number of cases, completing the cycle gives results deserved by hard work and the person finally experiencessatisfaction from what was done.

If revaluation and reorientation are accomplished, then the next cycle of a given planet provides new opportunities for personal development, if not, then in subsequent quadratures and oppositions the difficulties multiply, and one cannot even dream of any development. Life in this case flows by inertia; trigons do not give anything new, and squares and oppositions pose insurmountable obstacles. As a result, a person is locked into the narrowest understanding of himself as a purely everyday being and incapable of any accomplishments. Life is painted in increasingly gray tones and loses value.

Here is, in general, basic information about the course of the planet’s cycle.

Let's consider the influential cycles of the planets. These include the cycles of the higher and social planets, as well as transits of the lunar nodes. The cycles of personal planets are so short that they do not pose or reveal any serious problems - these are only minor incidents, insignificant against the backdrop of major affairs and fundamental personality psychology.

The shortest cycle of those that makes sense to consider is that of Jupiter (11.89 years).

The first square and trine of Jupiter are not very significant and apparently indicate the first stages of a child’s education: his problems and successes. But the opposition, which occurs at the age of 6, is already an important aspect - it determines the degree of readiness of a person to collide with society and active learning, that is, the degree of readiness for school and the age of Mercury. The second square and trine in this initial cycle of Jupiter symbolize school problems and features social adaptation teenager - he learns to live in society, gets into trouble (on a quadrature), enjoys attention to himself (on a trine). Finally, Jupiter returns around 12 years of age. What does it mean?

Firstly, testing the ability to learn, to perceive information about the world. Secondly, at this time various school educational achievements are likely, for example, a diploma, victory at an Olympiad, elevation to a school position, good grades, etc. At this time, the teenager needs to be oriented toward setting new goals, much more ambitious than in past period(starting from 7 years old). The worst thing is if the child plans to rest on the laurels of his school success in the near future - then severe disappointments await him in the future. This is the main danger of the first return of Jupiter.

In the second cycle of Jupiter, attention is drawn to the opposition, which occurs for about 18 years. Learning moves to a different stage, where there are no longer daily lessons and daily control, but self-discipline is required. This is a test for the presence of an independent thirst for knowledge and development of one’s personality. At this time, there are usually more problems than successes, and the choice of the future path is quite tough. Those who do not choose the path of studying at a university are unlikely to be able to return to it later - for them this road will be closed, since esotericism claims that any choice is given to a person only once.

Around the age of 24, Jupiter returns to its natal place for the second time. This is the time to take stock of learning and education; some even manage to write their PhD dissertation by this point. The period is perceived as exceptionally successful - the problems of youth with its worries and anxieties about one’s place in society are behind us, maturity has not yet arrived, and there are no serious obstacles to creative development. Often the second return of Jupiter brings to an end a person’s free, single (or unmarried) life, and he marries, that is, begins a new cycle of social activity, symbolized by Jupiter.

At about 29.5 - 30 years, Jupiter becomes in opposition to itself. This indicates some crisis in the social life of the individual. It is associated with the “insufficient” (in the eyes of a person) speed of his movement upward, to the heights, to the intended goals. It seems to him that those around him have become completely rigid and are absolutely not ready to accept his brilliant ideas and appreciate their author. In general, there are a lot of ideas, there is also plenty of energy, but there is a lack of results and social harmony.

For the third time, Jupiter visits its place in the natal chart around 35.5 - 36 years. He sums up the previous twelve years of independent life - without teachers and pressure from authorities. A person is forced to take stock of how his youth went, at what level his creative development is - what he managed to do, and - most importantly from the position of Jupiter - how society perceives a person’s achievements. In the worst case, there may be significant disappointment and a search for fundamentally new ways of social adaptation, perhaps far from traditional ones - that is, marginal, anarchic. In the best case, at this age a cycle of new achievements is laid, aimed at strengthening authority and gaining higher positions in the social hierarchy; creative revelation occurred during the last cycle, so the task is set strengthening, consolidation or even conquests recognition for existing and future creative results.
