Dream interpretation cold house. Dream Interpretation: cold

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Cold

  • Coldness may mean that you do not give free rein to your feelings and withdraw into yourself. If this is true, start doing things that will warm you and bring you love.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Cold

  • Chills, cold in a dream - damage or fear that has to be experienced.
  • To be in a glacier is slander.
  • To freeze something is a loss of strength.
  • Freezing in a dream means a cold begins.
  • Seeing yourself freezing means the end of need.

Dream Interpretation: New family dream book

Why do you dream about Cold?

  • A dream in which you suffer from cold warns you to be more attentive to your affairs. People who are negative towards you can harm you. Plus, if you don't do your due diligence, you'll be putting your health at risk.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Seeing Cold in a dream

  • If you dream that you are cold and uncomfortable, it means that in reality everything will be the other way around. You will be surrounded by warmth and comfort, the love of friends and loved ones. And even if some difficulties arise along your way. You will easily overcome them.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Cold

  • Suffering from cold in a dream is a warning that you should carefully look after your affairs. People who are hostile to you can harm you. In addition, there is a threat to your health if you are not more careful.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing Cold in a dream

  • to health.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Cold?

  • If in a dream you feel cold, then in reality you must be extremely vigilant to prevent ill-wishers from interfering in your affairs. Also watch your health.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Cold

  • To freeze - they will stop loving you, they will be cold to you;
  • Know that it has gotten colder - cool relationships await you at work or in educational institution(school, university, etc.);
  • Wrapping yourself up in clothes, keeping warm - the attitude towards you will become warmer, everything will be settled.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Cold

  • To feel is to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic dream book Danilova

Why do you dream about Cold?

  • If you dream that you are cold, the dream warns that you should take care of changes in your relationship, otherwise your partner will lose interest in you. If in a dream you see a frozen person, it means that in reality someone will try to “warm up” on your chest. Seeing someone frozen to death in a dream means a quick and mutually desired breakup. A cold wind or frost portends you gossip from envious people, which can disrupt the well-being of your relationship with your loved one.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 best dream books: Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, eastern women's dream book, folk dream book beliefs and signs (folklore), Hasse's dream book, modern dream book, dream book catch phrases, dream book of lovers, vintage French dream book, children's dream book, Jung's dream book, Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa), Russian dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Sivananda's Vedic dream book, Veles's dream book, women's dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, new family dream book, Wanderer's dream book, Assyrian dream book, Yellow Emperor's dream book, medieval dream book of Daniel, Nostradamus' dream book , Solomon's dream book, and others.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Cold in a dream according to 16 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Cold” symbol from 16 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Feeling the cold means creating a comfortable life; to luxury.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Cold - emotional cold, frigidity, impotence. The desire to forget. Loneliness and exaltation.

Family dream book

A dream in which you suffer from a cold- warns you to be more attentive to your affairs. People who are negative towards you can harm you. Plus, if you don't do your due diligence, you'll be putting your health at risk.

Slavic dream book

Cold - to the end of a love affair.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Cold?

Feeling cold in a dream- means that in reality you must carefully monitor the progress of your affairs, as enemies seek to harm you. Your health is also at risk.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Cold - may mean that you do not give vent to your feelings and withdraw into yourself. If this is true, start doing things that will warm you and bring you love.

Dream book for a bitch

Cold - be attentive and focused on service.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Unpleasant feeling of cold in a dream- this is a reflection of your disappointment. It seems that in reality you are experiencing a strong resentment. At the same time, the dream suggests that the cause of your troubles may be your own coldness and callousness. Try to show warmth and, perhaps, your troubles will go away on their own.

If the cold in a dream does not cause you any unpleasant emotions or if, feeling the cold, you experience a feeling of relief- this dream says that in reality you are too emotional and suffer from your own ardor. Try to show restraint in resolving some issue or communicating with others, and you will succeed.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Cold in a dream?

Feeling the cold means taking care of your health.

Miller's Dream Book

Suffering from cold in a dream- a warning to keep a close eye on your affairs. People who are hostile to you can harm you. In addition, there is a threat to your health if you are not more careful.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Cold in a dream?

If you felt cold in a dream- health problems will arise in reality.

Cold, piercing wind- means confused love relationship and aggravation of the family situation.

Cold iron - portends jealousy and suspicion, which can take on threatening proportions and lead to mental illness.

Find yourself in a cold dungeon- to loss of property.

Pouring yourself cold water - upset relationships with friends.

Drink cold drinks- to disappointment.

Put food in the refrigerator- you will lose peace due to problems with children.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing someone frozen to death in a dream- to a quick and mutually desired break. A cold wind or frost portends you gossip from envious people, which can disrupt the well-being of your relationship with your loved one.

Video: Why do you dream about Cold?


Did you dream about Cold, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Cold in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello Tatyana! Today, on the night from Thursday to Friday, I had a terrible dream. Help me figure it out. I see that I am going home. Relatives should come. I know that the house is a mess, but it doesn’t bother me very much. And suddenly I find myself in a house in the village that no longer exists. I used to live there with my grandmother. She is no longer alive. I go into the house and everything is tidy and clean. The tracks from the floor were removed and the floor was washed. I go into another room and there my mother is lying on the bed, she is alive. And I understand that my grandmother should be here too. I turn my head and it looks like she’s lying on the sofa with her head covered. But I don't see her. And suddenly I find myself in the kitchen and trying to hold the door from someone. My grandmother seems to be helping me, giving me something to prop the door with, but nothing fits. Mom suggests for some reason (I don’t remember) to go to her house. And suddenly darkness falls on the street. But you can see the light from the lantern on the pole. And shadows of the living dead (zombies) appear outside the window. They move like in a movie. I don't see them, only the shadow. And I begin to feel a terrible otherworldly cold. This is where I woke up. The body was frozen with horror. The blood froze in my veins. Thank you in advance.

    I dreamed that I was going to the sea. But when I arrived, I realized that I was in my own village. It was autumn. I went into the house. And there I was met by my grandmother, who died. She took my hand and said that I needed to sleep. She laid her on the bed and lay down next to her. And she told me something for a very long time (I don’t remember what). I wanted to leave, but she held me back by force. Then I saw her cat, who lived with me for some time (now she has also died)... (she was sleeping on the next bed and didn’t even turn around). Then my grandfather (who also died) came and asked my grandmother “how are you feeling”?... and left... My grandmother didn’t let me go for a long time and before she fell asleep, she said “I’ll explain everything to you later”... I ran out of at home, and not far from the house I saw a man who was either playing with a dog, or the dog was biting him... I started screaming, calling for help... but to no avail... I felt a feeling of strong fear... and 2 dogs attacked me (that is, one bit behind my jacket, the other one just barked)… and I woke up…

    Since I arrived from the camp, every night I dream that I am freezing in my sleep. Even after I started covering myself with a warm blanket. And I arrived on August 29. After waking up, I felt like I was not having a good sleep, negative. I started to have trouble sleeping.

    I have a dream during the day, as if I was at my grandmother’s house. And she had a huge blizzard, a blizzard of snow in her apartment and a terrible cold... I decided to run away, first I ran into the room and tried to close myself, but the wind didn’t allow me to do this, then I decided to leave her apartment altogether and woke up standing on the threshold

    Hello! I woke up from the cold at night. I thought that the balcony door in the other room had opened and there was a draft. I didn’t feel like getting up to close it, and after 3 minutes I fell asleep. I dreamed about a lot of things that I thought about in the last day or two. In the morning I got up and went to check the balcony, it turned out everything was closed! I felt uneasy, it was really cold, like a draft!

    It was 2 years ago, I was still pregnant. In a dream, I walk into a familiar entrance, and it’s dark there. A little light shines on the walls of the entrance and I see them painted green. I start to run into the darkness, and I myself think, “There must be a door there,” I thought and hoped so. On the right side, in the dim light, I notice an old unshaven man sitting on his haunches, with one eye in the middle like a Cyclops, sitting and smoking. I immediately thought that I had probably gone out into the entrance to smoke, but I noticed how long I was running, but there were no doors. Not very frightened, she swung her foot at him as she ran, but her foot went through him. I thought it was a ghost. I run further into the darkness. The light disappears, I feel that the exit is behind me, but for some reason I run and hope that I will reach the door, and there should be light there. I begin to hear the ringing in my ears from my own heels, how hard my heels are knocking on the wooden floor of the entrance and there is a rumble of echo from the knocking. Ears begin to hurt. The sound becomes louder and it becomes cold and generally dark, neither the walls nor the floor can be seen. I begin to feel the cold wind and drops or splashes of water on my face, my face is freezing. I start running as fast as I can, hoping to knock down the door (which I think about and hope is there) with a battering ram! But suddenly I seem to start flying at speed head first and the wind with drops of water in my face and it’s very cold! So I suddenly wake up lying on my back with my head raised from the pillow. I was afraid that I would die in my sleep!

Miller's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about cold:

Suffering from cold in a dream is a warning that you should carefully look after your affairs. People who are hostile to you can harm you. In addition, there is a threat to your health if you are not more careful.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing cold in a dream means:

feel - take care of health.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream with cold is interpreted in the dream book as:

Suffering from the cold - carefully monitor your affairs, people who are hostile to you can harm you, there is a threat to your health if you do not become more careful.
Also see


English dream book

Sleeping with cold means:

If you dream that you are cold and uncomfortable, it means that in reality everything will be the other way around. You will be surrounded by warmth and comfort, the love of friends and loved ones. And even if some difficulties arise on your way. You will easily overcome them.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep cold:

Wanderer's Dream Book

Cold in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Cold as a sensation in the body - to recovery, improvement of life situation; but something cold - alienation, disagreement.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Cold in a dream from Psychoanalytic dream book

Cold - emotional coldness, frigidity, impotence. The desire to forget. Loneliness and exaltation.

Dream book alphabetically

Cold in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

If you felt cold in a dream, health problems will arise in reality. A cold, piercing wind means complicated love relationships and a complicated situation in the family. A cold iron portends jealousy and suspicion, which can take on threatening proportions and lead to mental illness.

Finding yourself in a cold dungeon means loss of property. Dousing yourself with cold water means upsetting relationships with friends. Drinking cold drinks is a disappointment. Putting food in the refrigerator means you will lose peace due to problems with your children.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Cold in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Experiencing cold - a dream means temporary cooling in a relationship with a loved one.

Imagine that the sun has come out and the cold has gone away. You are warm and comfortable again.

Dream book of the 20th century

Cold in a dream from 20th century dream book

An unpleasant feeling of cold in a dream: this is a reflection of your disappointment. It seems that in reality you are experiencing strong resentment.

At the same time, the dream suggests that the cause of your troubles may be your own coldness and callousness. Try to show warmth and, perhaps, your troubles will go away on their own.

If the cold does not cause you unpleasant emotions or if, feeling the cold, you experience a feeling of relief: this dream says that in reality you are too emotional and suffer from your own ardor. Try to show restraint in resolving some issue or communicating with others, and you will succeed.

Rommel's Dream Book

Cold in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

Feeling cold in a dream means:

a) health.

B) a frivolous attitude to business.

B) a premonition of ill health.

D) breakup of a love relationship.

Newest dream book

Cold in a dream from Newest dream book

You should not drink alcohol, sleep is a warning.

Feeling the cold means creating a comfortable life.

Cold means luxury.

Cold- you should not drink alcohol, sleep is a warning.
Feel the cold- to create a comfortable life; to luxury.
Newest dream book

A dream in which you suffer from a cold- warns you to be more attentive to your affairs. People who are negative towards you can harm you. Plus, if you don't do your due diligence, you'll be putting your health at risk.
Family dream book

Feeling cold in a dream- means that in reality you must carefully monitor the progress of your affairs, as enemies seek to harm you. Your health is also at risk.
Modern dream book

Unpleasant feeling of cold in a dream- this is a reflection of your disappointment. It seems that in reality you are experiencing a strong resentment. At the same time, the dream suggests that the cause of your troubles may be your own coldness and callousness. Try to show warmth and, perhaps, your troubles will go away on their own.
If the cold in a dream does not cause you any unpleasant emotions or if, feeling the cold, you experience a feeling of relief, this dream says that in reality you are too emotional and suffer from your own ardor. Try to show restraint in resolving some issue or communicating with others, and you will succeed.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

feel the cold- take care of health.
Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

If you felt cold in a dream- health problems will arise in reality.
Cold, piercing wind- means complicated love relationships and a complicated situation in the family.
Cold iron- portends jealousy and suspicion, which can take on threatening proportions and lead to mental disorder.
Find yourself in a cold dungeon- to loss of property.
Douse yourself with cold water- upset relationships with friends.
Drink cold drinks- to disappointment.
Put food in the refrigerator- you will lose peace due to problems with children.
Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you are very cold in your sleep- this is a sign that you need to be more attentive to your affairs and health: your ill-wishers can take advantage of your detachment and weakness.
Dream Interpretation modern woman

Cold- symbolizes your depressed state, dissatisfaction with both yourself and your sexual partner. You recognize the need for change, but you lack the strength and determination to do so.
Freud's Dream Book

Freeze from the cold- they will stop loving you, they will be cold towards you.
Know it's getting colder- cool relationships await you at work or at an educational institution (school, university, etc.)
Wrap yourself up in clothes to stay warm- the attitude towards you will become warmer, everything will work out.
Esoteric dream book

If you dream that you are frozen- the dream warns that you should take care of changes in your relationship, otherwise your partner will lose interest in you.
If in a dream you see a frozen person- this means that in reality someone will try to “warm up” on your chest.
Seeing someone frozen to death in a dream- to a quick and mutually desired break. A cold wind or frost portends you gossip from envious people, which can disrupt the well-being of your relationship with your loved one.
Erotic dream book

Cold- may mean that you do not give vent to your feelings and withdraw into yourself. If this is true, start doing things that will warm you and bring you love.
Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Suffering from cold in a dream- a warning to keep a close eye on your affairs. People who are hostile to you can harm you. In addition, there is a threat to your health if you are not more careful.
Miller's Dream Book

Cold- be attentive and focused on service.
Dream book for a bitch

Cold as a sensation in the body- to recovery, improvement of life situation; but something cold- alienation, disagreement.
Dream Book of the Wanderer

Cold- emotional coldness, frigidity, impotence. The desire to forget. Loneliness and exaltation.
Psychoanalytic dream book

Cold- to end a love affair.
Slavic dream book

You felt the cold - be careful, your opponents have already taken the liberty of how best to stab you in the back.
Online dream book

Dream interpretation cold

It happens that in a dream we feel cold. If you are simply physically cold to sleep, then interpreters advise not to pay attention to such visions. Periodically, there are no apparent reasons for visions about cold.

What to expect in the future?

Why do you dream about cold? If you are not physically cold, then dream predictors advise you to understand this vision.

Freeze in your sleep

Predictions of interpreters

If you decide to find out what exactly the dream promises you, then you should start with what the most popular dream interpreters will say. Then you can simply select the prediction you need or combine several together.

Interpreter of Simon the Canaanite

When you feel cold in a dream, it means in reality you should take care of your health. Perhaps the body has been giving certain signs for a long time that went unnoticed.

Esoteric dream book

Did you dream about the cold? This means that in reality your significant other will stop loving you, you will be very disappointed in this person.

If you know in night vision that it is getting colder, you will be treated coldly in your work group, or your friends will boycott you.

If you managed to find warm clothes and stay warm, you will be treated much better. Don't worry, everything will work out.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

Feeling in a dream that it is getting colder

This source takes a different look at what cold means in dreams. The dreamer should decide how he felt the cold:

  • you felt an unreasonable cold - soon everything will get better, your health will also improve;
  • it’s cold because you are standing next to something or holding something cold - you will face misunderstandings of the people around you and disagreements with them.

Psychoanalytic dream book

In night vision you are cold - in reality you are mentally exhausted, you feel frigid. For men, such a dream can even mean imminent impotence.

Also, such a plot may mean that the dreamer is trying to forget something, to get away from problems. Or the person is too lonely, he feels that he does not belong to the world around him.

Erotic interpreter

Dreaming of a freezing man

What does he think? this dream book, cold in a dream means that it is time for you to take care of your feelings and your behavior. Soon your significant other may suddenly lose interest in you.

To see in a vision how another person is freezing - in reality, no one will need your help. He will literally try to warm up thanks to you.

In a dream, you met a man who froze to death - a breakup will soon occur, but it will be mutual.

After visions in which you felt cold or frost, you can safely expect slander from envious people. There may already be unpleasant gossip about you, you just need to be more careful.

If you don't pay attention to them, your relationship with your loved one may suffer greatly.

Women's dream book

Feeling cold in a dream is the first sign that you should take care of your health. You may also soon lose someone close to you.

Coolness in a dream symbolizes dissatisfaction with relationships

Now, according to ill-wishers, you are weak and helpless, believe me, they will not disdain to take advantage of this.

What Gustav Miller says

In night vision, the cold is very unpleasant, do you experience physical suffering? Then you should pay more attention to what is happening with your finances. There is someone next to you who wishes you harm. This person will try to ruin you.

Why do you still dream about cold? Miller believed that you may have health problems, so keep a close eye on him.

If a person is mentally frozen

Often dream interpreters view visions of cold as a statement that the sleeping person is not doing well in his personal life. He literally feels cold in his soul, and his heart has turned to stone.

Now you lack emotionality, you have closed yourself off and don’t want to feel anything. It is possible that you were simply very offended, or circumstances developed in such a way that you simply do not want to trust anyone.

Winter and cold are dreamed of by those people who are very disappointed in love or have experienced betrayal loved one. In this case, you want to be alone, you are afraid of relationships with other people.

A terrible cold that penetrates to the bones means general dissatisfaction with life; the terrible events that happened recently have not yet allowed you to come to your senses.