Pros and cons of the zodiac sign (each of the twelve). Bad Libra Character Traits

Libra must understand that a person's beauty is not on the outside, but on the inside, and the same can be said about yourself. Libras must learn to accept themselves as they are. Try to be honest with yourself. You have both bad and good points, but it's hard to see your bad sides. Libra needs to face the truth, because no one is perfect. Libras need a lot of emotional support, especially when you're feeling down.

Libras are incredibly selfish and vain. You prefer to surround yourself with rich things and love to flirt and manipulate to get what you want. It is difficult for you to help others. Libras love to be worshiped and loved by everyone. Harmony and security are very important to Libra. You must be careful not to scare off your loved ones with your high demands on others. Libra will do anything to get what they want, and most of all you love to be adored and praised! For Libras to be happy they need admiration, love and someone who cares about them. You love to pamper yourself and you spend a lot of time and energy to earn money. Your clothes, your appearance and the pleasures in life are also important to you.

Libra must admit that the world is cruel. You have to have the courage to let go of a little more unnecessary stuff. Libras tend to think so much that they can get lost in their own thoughts. Try writing down what you're thinking so your brain can rest.

Libra has many friends, but they can lose them because... They love to receive everything, but they are in no hurry to give. Libras are deceitful, cunning and insightful people. Your friends are mainly those who will give you success in life. Libras combine business and pleasure well. But when friends need help, Libra is not so willing to help. Your behavior will make you lose your friends and life becomes lonely for you.

Libras love to flirt, but they don't like it when their partner does the same. Libra's intense jealousy will manifest itself immediately. You are fickle, which makes it difficult to have a relationship with you. Libra can easily cheat on their partner, and because... hard to resist charming appearance Libra, then betrayal can be very frequent. Libras love to receive more than they love to give, and this applies to everything.

Libras have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. You may miss out on a lot of what life has to offer. Libra loves to have high status. You like to buy expensive trinkets and then show them off. Libras spend money well, but mostly on themselves. If you own your own business, make sure you have a reputable accountant who takes care of your finances. Otherwise, you may turn your business into bankruptcy.

Negative qualities of Libra

Does not know how to say “no”, the need for approval from others, flirtatious, can be unemotional, superficial, unreliable, indecisive, sarcastic, cunning, vain, demanding, inattentive, likes to control everything and everyone, domineering, insidious.

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Libras are representatives of a very interesting and extraordinary zodiac. The characteristics of nature, the pros and cons of Libra are determined by the influence of the planets and the very constellation under which it was a man is born. These people are distinguished by special charisma and a specific inner worldview.

The main advantages of the Libra character

Libras know how to make an impression and stay in the memory for a long time. long time. They have a developed sense of tact, they are diplomats by nature, but they often have to doubt something. However, these doubts are a banal desire for inner harmony and self-development.

Libras are by nature very gentle, sophisticated and romantic individuals. They strive to have them inner world completely consistent with the outside. They try to harmonize the space, they adapt easily, but they like to adjust everything to suit themselves.

These people are almost always responsible, it is important for them to be valued, and their own authority is important to them. Representatives of this zodiac sign make every possible effort to get attention, but, in fact, they don’t need it, because... they are often attractive not only externally, but also internally.

They are very selective. Libras will never communicate with people they don’t like or who negatively affect their psycho-emotional state. They have developed intuition, which helps them anticipate something.

Representatives of this sign belong to the category of people who love and value themselves very much - this is undoubtedly a plus for Libra, but for many others the manifestation of Libra’s selfishness simply exceeds all expectations. However, Libras are always reliable partners in any life situation.

The main disadvantages of the Libra character

In fact, the pros and cons of Libra are interconnected. What is their basic advantage can immediately become their serious disadvantage. These people are able to think analytically, they carefully think through and weigh everything - this, of course, is a plus for Libra. This is an excellent quality at work, and in the context of family.

But this same quality leads to the fact that they often doubt, reconsider their point of view and can manifest themselves as very indecisive individuals. This is already a minus for Libra, which poisons their life. In general, Libras are quite suspicious, and such “slowness,” which does not give them the opportunity to make decisions impulsively, usually hinders them.

It's not easy for Libras to find a partner because... their demands are almost always too high. They can think for a long time ideal images, and it takes even longer to look for them. But they are supporters of being found, and they have already chosen.

Libra is the bridge between the rationalism of Virgo and the passion of Scorpio, hence the eternal fluctuations between the desired and the right, between the decent and the exciting, between the majestic and the soulful. Libra's aspirations are aimed at finding harmony and balance between the most contradictory phenomena. Like all representatives air element, they are intelligent, educated, intelligent. But their charm is limitless, and their smiles are irresistible.

The most attractive trait is charm.

They are elegant, have innate empathy - they feel and understand people well, they know how to get their interlocutor talking and listen to him. Libras often make excellent psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. The sociability of representatives of the sign, their ability to analyze information, makes them good entrepreneurs who build their business on an understanding of the current situation and numerous personal connections in society.

Non-conflicting. They try to ensure that the atmosphere around is lively, orderly and serene. Libra is able to settle all sorts of disagreements and tensions through diplomatic methods. In order to avoid unpleasant scenes, those born under the sign of Libra are able to suppress their own feelings.

Libra's long hesitation before making any decision creates the illusion of their uncertainty and the ability to convince them. But this impression is extremely erroneous, since being a cardinal male sign Libra will become unwavering and consistent once a decision is made. It is possible to impose your opinion on them only in one case - it will coincide with their own. Moreover, they will deviate from bickering and disputes, they will simply act as they see fit.

Libra is a sign of partnership. They strive to establish contacts with other people. They prefer to work in a team rather than alone; love team sports; trying to start a family. But in any type of interaction - love or friendship - they expect admiration from the partner, full recognition of merit, recognition of authority. They are sensitive to compliments, especially if they are refined and non-standard. Overt flattery is less effective, but it is better than nothing.

The inner world of Libra is closed. They will be the life of the party, but very few are honored with close friendship. This state of affairs continues in marriage: a Libra partner can live his whole life calmly and without conflicts, but never truly get to know his other half.

The main advantages of Libra

They are elegant, have innate empathy - they feel and understand people well, they know how to get their interlocutor talking and listen to him.

They have a sense of style and taste. Libras are somehow related to art and are involved in it. They are tactful and well-mannered, striving to please everyone.

They treat children well and devote a lot of time to their education.

Libra's commercial projects are quite successful; they are not left without a means of earning a decent living.

The main disadvantages of Libra

Libra pays a lot of attention appearance: from the rule “they meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their mind,” they observe only the first part.

It’s easy and simple to communicate with Libra, but at the moment when their friendly support is most needed, they calmly go somewhere about their business.

They are lazy, talkative, easily get carried away by projects and just as easily abandon them in favor of something more exciting. They don't like to exert themselves.

Libra man

An aesthetic understanding of beauty and intuitive characteristics make Libras artists, writers, composers, singers and actors. These qualities promise happiness, but everything depends on whether they find a spiritual accomplice in life - this is an extremely important matter, even a duty. The Libra man is always waiting for that magical meeting that will make his life complete.

But such qualities by no means make Libra a weak opponent, even when they already possess them. Their independence is unshakable, although they express this softly and imperceptibly. They always have a clear idea of ​​the type of person they are looking for.

The Libra man diligently avoids any kind of excitement. It is difficult for a woman to provoke him into a quarrel, because he does not even want to seem reckless. He will take all steps to remove the conflict issue from the agenda.

Libra woman

Any woman born under this sign is a victim of opposing forces: she experiences physical satisfaction from sex with great intensity, but is psychologically unable to either enjoy or approve of it. She treats seduction as one of the arts.

She doesn’t like to talk about sexual topics, so her partner is forced to decide everything on his own. And his choice may be rejected depending on her momentary mood.

The most big enemy The Libra woman is herself: she cannot stand excessive tenderness, sentimentality, delicacy - she does not feel this atmosphere. After a stormy night, he may act as if nothing had happened.

Libra child

He never throws a tantrum and behaves in an exemplary manner in the presence of strangers. And even in the circle of loved ones, a pleasant expression and smile never leaves his face.

The patron of Libra is the planet Venus, thanks to which this zodiac sign has a significant number of superiorities and advantages compared to other zodiac signs.

To the number positive qualities all weights should be attributed to:

  • Ability to balance feelings and emotions. Despite the fact that most of the time Libra is susceptible to doubt and cannot make clear decisions, however, regarding its internal behavior, this sign tries to maintain balance. Libra, like no other sign, always tries to remain balanced and restrain their more negative emotions in front of other people.
  • Having a gift like art. Thanks to the many abilities that nature has endowed Libra with, representatives of this zodiac sign, as a rule, have great creative success in any field of art. If Libras manage to find themselves in one creative field or another, they will be ready to sacrifice their strength and time as much as possible in order to become the best among others.
  • People like the ability. Representatives of this zodiac sign very easily manage to find an approach to people absolutely different characters. Thanks to their openness and sociability, Libras can win over even the most fastidious and daring people.
  • Ability to resolve conflicts. Due to the fact that Libras are peacemakers by nature, this sign The zodiac is not characterized by a feeling of war, struggle and other manifestations of negative emotions.
  • Beauty, sophistication, sense of style. All for the same reason that Venus is the patroness of Libra; representatives of this sign have beauty, grace, and can also subtly sense the sense of beauty.
  • Sensitivity, ability to empathize. This advantage of Libra very often backfires on them. Considering constant readiness to completely surrender and empathize with your interlocutor, quite often they use Libra, shifting all their problems and difficulties onto them.
  • Love for animals. Libra, like no other zodiac sign, knows how to love and properly care for animals. Quite often, representatives of this sign have several pets at once.
  • Having a clear mind, the ability to carry on a conversation with dignity even in the most complex topics. Thanks to this quality of Libra, representatives of this sign are very interesting interlocutors, with whom you can have a discussion almost without ceasing.
  • Developed intuition. If Libras fully trust their sense of intuition, having this gift will certainly help them in life.

Disadvantages of Libra

Libra, like any other zodiac sign, has its drawbacks, which include:

  • Mood variability, inability to act immediately. Representatives of this zodiac sign themselves observe these negative qualities, but due to their nature they cannot do anything about them.
  • Low level of stress tolerance. Despite the fact that Libras are non-conflict people, this sign is very prone to constant nervous breakdowns and regular depression.
  • Libras have a poor understanding of people. Quite often, Libras are inclined to believe that the world is filled only with kind and good people, for this reason, many negative personalities manage to gain trust in Libra and use them to their advantage.
  • Having a sense of self-sacrifice. Considering the great dedication of Libra even to the smallest things, representatives of this sign may invest in vain large number effort into a completely hopeless business or not worth it people.
  • Addiction to bad habits. Despite the fact that by nature representatives of the sign Libra are usually endowed with good health, however, having tried at least once any bad habit, Libras tend to become hostage to their desires.

In general, it can be argued that the number of advantages and disadvantages of a given sign can be distributed in equal quantities on both sides of the scale.

However, it is worth noting that, despite some negative qualities of Libra, the main thing that these people have is kindness and a clear mind, which many other zodiac signs cannot boast of.

Something good

Libra is handsome and charming. He - best way make all your girlfriends envy you. Just don’t try to make him an athlete. It is impossible to drive Libra into the gym - grunting and sweating men are not the society in which he dreams of being.

Libra is smart. He grasps knowledge, news and gossip instantly and on the fly. As a rule, he really high level intelligence. However, given his reluctance to work, this is not of much use.

Libra is fair. He doesn’t understand people or the motives of their behavior, but he doesn’t like quarrels. Therefore, he is always ready to help with advice and reconcile the warring parties. And he himself is not inclined to break the rules and break laws, so in business matters, as a rule, he is honest.

Libra is comfortable. It's calm and pleasant to be with him. He will both cheer you up and entertain you. He will not be capricious, make scenes and provoke quarrels (they upset his fragile inner balance). He hates open aggression and competition, knows how to listen and will not spill your secrets. Even if he doesn't like you, he will do his best to make sure you never know it. He is not averse to providing a small favor or even helping, if it does not require much labor, and he can even lend you money if he has it. True, in most cases he cannot help in any way, and he has no money. Don’t even try to throw your problems onto his shoulders - being a savior is not his hobby.

Libra is a gourmet and esthete, appreciates art, knows good wines, and knows the best restaurants in the city. You can consult him on what to wear, what to read, what exhibition to go to. He is in no hurry, he is always ready to join in good company. Stays until the end at one party, and then smoothly flows onto another. Everyone is always welcome to him, he is an ideal companion for a pleasant pastime, especially if someone else takes on the financial support of the vacation.

What's the catch?

All the good things inherent in Libra manifest themselves when they are in harmony. At other times, Libra is a quiet horror. They are capable of becoming irritated for no reason, being mischievous, angry, cursing the whole world and in every possible way pecking out the brains of their neighbors. But then the bowls will level out, and everything will return to normal. True, then the balance will be lost again, and so on ad infinitum. Libras almost never manage to regulate all aspects of their life. When everything is fine at work, expect trouble in your personal life; when your personal life gets better, it turns out that finances are singing romances, etc.

They do not have too much vital energy, so periods of frantic activity and enviable performance are regularly replaced by apathy and hopeless laziness. At such moments, Libra tends to lie on the sofa, stare dumbly at one point, or get lost in virtual reality. There is no point in trying to pull them out of this state - you may stumble upon outright rudeness. Once their batteries are recharged, both their liveliness and charm will return.

If you decide to join your life with him, be prepared for the fact that about half the time your Libra will be a completely unbearable, unbalanced egoist, and only the second half - a bunny and a darling.

Libra will never get into your soul - he is not interested there, and is not capable of sympathy and empathy. Emotional intimacy with Libra is like a sincere conversation with a Chinese vase - it won’t work, even if it kills you. But Libra is very good at using other people’s emotions to achieve what they want. Ardent and passionate people risk becoming sixes in the soft paws of Libra.

Extract a specific answer from him specific question(especially if this is a serious issue) is almost impossible. Not because he is encrypted, because he himself does not know what he wants, and besides, he is afraid of responsibility like the plague. Will avoid acceptance important decisions, sincerely hoping that everything will somehow resolve itself. As a result, everything, of course, resolves itself, but often according to the most unfavorable scenario for Libra.

Libras are unstable people, and therefore completely unreliable. They will set you up - they won’t even notice, because they are not friendly with reality, and they are worried about their own momentary moods much more than all the problems of the world. In personal relationships, the picture is approximately the same. Libras do not consider it necessary to abandon a new novel just because they have not yet completed three old ones.