Reproduction of chinchillas. Breeding chinchillas at home: mating pairs It’s worth remembering

In comparison with other representatives of rodents, when breeding chinchillas it is possible to get one or two cubs, much less often - three or four. At the same time, young females have a lower birth rate than adults. When breeding these cute creatures, both polygamous and monogamous couples are used. The latter method is most suitable for chinchillas, which after giving birth are not aggressive towards each other and can live together for a very long time.


Before mating, you need to know how to choose the right chinchilla for mating. It is also necessary to take into account the age category of the mating partners. Female chinchillas reach puberty between 6 and 9 months.

It is recommended to select a male that is a couple of months older. For a female that is older than 12 months, on the contrary, a male should be selected several months younger. However, these are only minor conditions and are often not paid attention to.

When forming a pair the following must be taken into account:

  • animals must have similar breeding characteristics;
  • have a good and reliable pedigree;
  • have good health;
  • have a similar fur structure and color;
  • It is forbidden to create a pair of related animals (up to 3rd generation).

For the offspring to be viable, the male and female must have good health. You should not mate obese or, on the contrary, emaciated animals.

When breeding chinchillas, livestock breeders additionally advise checking how the animals treat each other. For this purpose, they must first be placed in separate cells, placing them side by side. This way the chinchillas will get used to it a little. After this, you can try to place the male with the female. If they do not conflict, then the transplant was completed successfully.

It is noteworthy that the females of these pets are more aggressive, more powerful and larger than the males. If quarrels initially arise between the animals, then it is better to separate them from each other and look for other individuals for mating.

Often the easiest way to create a couple is from animals young . Such chinchillas adapt to each other’s presence much easier and faster. When they reach puberty, they can be used to breed offspring.

Mating of chinchillas at home occurs most actively from the beginning of November to the beginning of May. When ready to reproduce, the behavior of the animals changes noticeably. For example, a male may constantly run after a female, wag his tiny tail and snort loudly. The female exhibits the following signs::

  • anxiety;
  • loss of appetite;
  • scattering food around the cage, etc.

The rut of these animals is carried out every 40−45 days. Its duration is from 2 to 8 days. At the same time, the female accepts the “courtship” of the male, lifting her butt during estrus, stretching out in front of him. This is how she demonstrates to the opposite sex her readiness for fertilization. At this time, you can start breeding animals.

Pregnancy of animals

Gestation of chinchilla cubs can last from 100 to 120 days. It can be extremely difficult for novice breeders to determine that a female chinchilla is in position, since at first her appearance and behavior change slightly.

After a while the animal begins gain weight rapidly and consume much more food. At this time, her diet needs to be supplemented to the maximum and the frequency of feeding increased.

During pregnancy, chinchillas need to be fed foods high in minerals and vitamins. For drinking by rodents It is recommended to add special drugs purchased at a pet store. After about two months, the nipples turn pink and swell.

During this period, the animal must be handled with the utmost care and attention. When childbirth is imminent, you should not pick up the animal too often and disturb it. Before the birth of the cubs, the female constantly lies on her side and tries to make as few movements as possible.

In some cases, she may be bothered by noises and excessively sudden body movements near the cage. This should not be allowed, since the stress experienced can cause the female to kill her own offspring after giving birth.

In the cage of a future mother in labor must always be clean. The rodent's drinking bowl must always contain fresh and clean water. It is advisable to provide a massive house for future babies. Its design should be such that the female does not turn it over. IN winter time Additionally, you should look at the heating.

Features of childbirth

A few hours before the birth of small rodents, the female lies on her side and rests. At this time, you need to take the bathing suit out of the cage. In addition, it is advisable to remove the male for a while, since the female may show aggression towards him.

The birth process is often starts early in the morning or late at night. If you want to look at this, then it is better to observe it as unnoticed as possible for the female. During childbirth, the female stretches out, moans and turns around moaning.

Childbirth in these rodents is often quick and easy. However, if this process lasts more than 8 hours, then you need to call an experienced veterinarian.

Care of offspring

The body weight of newly born animals varies from 30 to 75 g and is directly dependent on the feeding of the female during pregnancy, heredity and the number of individuals in the litter.

If chinchillas are born to term, they are born with already developed teeth, formed hair and functional vision. In addition, they can already move on their own. A week after birth, the babies are already starting to try food. The female feeds the offspring breast milk from one and a half to two and a half months.

While breastfeeding the babies, the mother loses weight sharply, so her nutrition should be complete. She can prepare special mixtures. In addition, it is advisable to supplement the diet with milk. The first 2-3 weeks are considered the most difficult for babies. The room temperature must be maintained at least 20 degrees. Offspring can be separated from a female at the age of 2 months. The weight of the cubs at this time can vary from 200 to 260 g.

Sometimes the mother refuses to feed the chinchillas. In that case you need to feed them yourself. For this purpose, it is better to buy special mixtures and use syringes without a needle or pipettes.

Chinchillas should not be fertilized too often. Of course, a female can give birth three times a year, but the offspring in this situation will be very weak or even non-viable.

When breeding any animal at home, it is very important to follow some rules. Today our topic will be the reproduction of chinchillas, because... This question is of great interest to those who have decided to acquire a furry animal. The video presented on our page will help you gain a deeper understanding of the topic. So, chinchilla.

There are a huge number of chinchilla breeds in the world. This:

  • Albino;
  • White recessive;
  • White dominant;
  • Pink and white;
  • Beige dominant;
  • Agouti;
  • Foggy;
  • Motley, etc.

Despite all the differences in appearance furry animals, they have one thing in common - the process of reproduction. What is special that we should know?

Interestingly, female chinchillas reach sexual maturity at 8 months of age, and males reach sexual maturity a couple of months earlier. During this period, the animal already weighs about 500-600 grams. Their sexual activity can last up to 12 years. On average, a healthy female can give birth to 2 or even 3 litters in 1 year, in which from one to five cubs are born.

It is imperative to keep the male at home separately from the female during her pregnancy. You should also not constantly force the animal to bring new babies, this can weaken the animal. After all, in natural environment the female leads only 2-3 times a year, this is the natural norm for this species. On average, pregnancy lasts about 110 days. Interestingly, animals retain the ability to reproduce up to 12-13 years, provided proper nutrition and content.

Small chinchillas are born fully sighted, with small teeth and hair. Almost a couple of days after birth, they are already able to eat all the food offered to them. By the age of two months they are separated from the female. At this time, the weight of small individuals ranges from 200 to 300 grams. They grow up to a year, then their weight is already 450-500 grams. However, there are individuals that do not gain weight so quickly and are fully formed only by two to three years of age.

If you decide to breed chinchillas yourself at home, you must choose the strongest and most beautiful individuals. After all, as you know, beautiful parents do not have ugly children. It is better that these are animals with thick and fluffy hair, of the same breed. It is better to mate animals from different families, do not allow closely related relationships. It is very important when breeding chinchillas at home that the weight of a healthy individual is not less than 500 grams. Then the female will be able to bear offspring well, and strong and active offspring will be born.

It is also necessary to know that hunting in females is cyclical and lasts 40-41 days. Average duration its from two to five days. It is not difficult to determine the hunting behavior of a representative species. She becomes more active, she may lose interest in food, chaos is happening in her cage these days, she throws everything away. By external signs it is also not difficult to see the onset of desire: her external genitalia swell and acquire a pinkish tint. You can see more about this important period in our video.


Because The chinchilla is a nocturnal resident, so the animal most often mates at night. It is very difficult to trace the process itself at home. To do this, you will have to keep watch near the cage all night long, waiting for the cherished 2-3 seconds of intercourse. It's best to look for an alternative. To do this, you release the female into the male’s cage in advance on the day of her hunt. In the morning, observe the condition of the cell. If you find a lot of tattered wool, be sure that an “act of love” has taken place. Immediately place the female in her cage and monitor her weight. If over the next two weeks she gains 30-50 grams, then she is definitely pregnant. During this period, you need to increase the dose of food and make it more varied.

After two months of pregnancy, the female’s nipples gradually begin to swell and her belly increases slightly in size. Increase the amount of vitamins - they are so necessary for the animal during this period! We will talk about the nutrition of a pregnant female separately.

Before birth, you need to take the bathing suit with sand out of the cage and put more fresh hay in the nest. The female gives birth on her own, she does not need help in this, as some believe. Usually the birth process itself occurs at 6-9 am.

How can you determine that a female is about to give birth? There are several important symptoms in an animal by which you can determine this:

  • Swelling and significant increase in the size of the external genitalia;
  • Sagging abdomen, somewhat sunken sides, slightly protruding hips;
  • Swelling of the nipples and their enlargement;
  • Constant stretching of the female;
  • Sleeping on your side;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Restlessness, squeaking;
  • Sweat on nose;
  • The appearance of cloudy vaginal discharge.

According to these characteristic features you will be able to determine the approach of birth and prepare the cell for the emergence of new life.

As we have already said, young animals are born sighted, toothy and with little hair. They move around the cage perfectly. Therefore, make sure that their home is properly equipped in advance. If the cage is made of mesh, you need to think about how to prevent chinchillas from getting between the bars; remove all dangerous objects.

The female produces milk on the first to third days after lambing. However, be very careful here. If you see newborns sitting in a cage with their heads down and not being active. Perhaps the reason for this behavior is the mother’s lack of milk and it is urgently necessary to transfer the animals to artificial feeding. The weight of babies at birth is 30-40 grams. To prevent animals from feeling dehydrated, it is better to actively water them every 2-3 hours for the first few weeks.

Also try to pause for the female, give her a little rest from the young. Place him in a separate cage for a few hours a day or let him out for a short walk under supervision.

The lactation period for chinchillas is about two months. During this period, the young animals grow actively and can completely switch to self-catering. Around this time, the young generation can be placed in a separate cage.

You also need to know that breeding chinchillas at home can be not only monogamous, but also polygamous. Those. You can mate one male with several females.

This topic deserves special attention. Because from the correct and balanced nutrition A pregnant chinchilla depends not only on its health, but also on the development of the future younger generation. The diet should include the following products:

  • Pelleted or extruded feed;
  • High-quality dried and absolutely dry hay;
  • Pure still water;
  • Green herbs such as dandelion, sorrel, plantain, yarrow, nettle, burdock, strawberry leaves. However, you should not give your chinchilla only succulent food, because... she may begin to have problems with the digestive system;
  • Leaves of trees such as poplar, willow, oak, aspen, juniper, pine, birch, etc.;
  • Strawberry, strawberry, rosehip, green tea leaves;
  • Dried hawthorn, rose hips, blueberries, raisins and other dried fruits;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Sprouted cereal grains;
  • Chopped hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, walnut, apricot kernels;
  • Extruded treats, chocolate, etc.

It is very important that succulent food, such as leaves and branches of plants, grasses, does not exceed a quarter of the total daily diet of a pregnant chinchilla.

Some give animals half a tablet of calcium gluconate in the second phase of pregnancy, when the fetus and bone tissue of the young are actively forming.

Reproduction of chinchillas is a very interesting business that requires maximum attention from you, compliance with the rules of feeding, caring for the animal, and in some cases, active non-interference. Raise a chinchilla with us.

If you have been keeping chinchillas at home for a long time, if you feel that you have acquired sufficient experience in caring for these animals, then you may want to start breeding them. However, before you do this serious work, you will have to study new aspects of your pets' lives, their genetics. Mating chinchillas must be approached thoughtfully, soberly assessing your capabilities and prospects in this field.

Conditions necessary for breeding chinchillas

1. Definition goals, for which you are going to increase the number of animals.

2. Ability to understand breeds and colors chinchillas Availability basic knowledge on their maintenance and cultivation.

3. Sufficient area of ​​the apartment to accommodate additional cages with young animals after mating chinchillas.

4. Availability of free time for caring for pets, cleaning cages and going to the vet.

5. Financial opportunities, allowing you to purchase additional chinchillas for mating, high-quality food, special sand, cages, toys, and medicines.

6. Availability in your locality doctor, specializing in the treatment of chinchillas.

7. Sales market animals or the opportunity to place them in good hands for free.

8. Meet good people breeders, able to provide all the information about the pedigree of chinchillas and their breed.

Mating chinchillas

The first stage of chinchilla breeding is acquaintance two individuals or their “seating”.

If you have recently acquired a mating partner, then you must wait forty days. quarantine, during which the animal will calm down and get used to its new home and environment. Also during this time the animal may develop infectious diseases or lichen, which are a contraindication to mating chinchillas.

Allowed for reproduction completely healthy animals that have reached one year of age and are not closely related. Placing animals that are too young (they reach sexual maturity at 3 months) can lead to the birth of weak offspring with developmental problems. It is important that the female’s weight is not less than 500 g. Otherwise, she will not have enough strength

When chinchillas mate, it is usually the females who show aggression. Therefore, it is better to introduce animals in a male's cage or on neutral territory. It would be even better to keep the animals’ cages nearby for a while so that the male and female animals get used to each other’s smell.

When boarding your pets, never leave them alone, as introductions can escalate into a violent fight, leading to injury and death of opponents. Be prepared to intervene immediately and separate fighters.

If the chinchilla mating process went according to plan, this sight will cause you tenderness. The animals will sit like lovers, gently scratch each other and even sleep in an embrace. The process of conceiving babies can last several days. It is important that the animals remain under your control. Their mood can suddenly change, love can develop into conflict.

It is better to house chinchillas in the morning so that they have time to get used to each other before the onset of evening activity. It’s best to start getting to know the animals with a joint reception. sand bath. The procedure will mix their smells and bring the newlyweds closer together faster.

The mating cage must have shelter house, where the male can hide if the female begins to show aggression. The planting area must be two feeders.

If mating does not go well, do not shout or hit the animals in any way, trying to reason with them. This will not make sense and will cause stress in the animals, from which they will not even

  • Subclass: Theria Parker et Haswell, 1879= Viviparous mammals, true animals
  • Infraclass: Eutheria, Placentalia Gill, 1872= Placental, higher animals
  • Squad: Rodentia Bowdich, 1821 = Rodents
  • Family: Chinchillidae Thomas, 1896 = Chinchillas
  • Species: Chinchilla brevicaudata Waterhouse, 1848 = Short-tailed chinchilla
  • Species: Chinchilla laniger Molina, 1782 = Chinchilla
  • Chinchilla breeding

    Chinchillas reach sexual maturity at approximately 6-8 months of age. Sexually mature females can bear offspring two to three times a year. Although it is better for a female chinchilla to rest for at least six months after giving birth. To do this, it is necessary to place the male in another cage a few days before the birth or on the day of birth, so that he cannot re-coat the female, who, on the first day after giving birth, again comes into heat and therefore can become pregnant.

    For reproduction, it is important to choose the right pair. Some experts believe that during the initial selection of pairs, young females should be paired with a male of any age, but older, and young males should be paired only with females older than their age. All this is desirable, but not necessary, but compliance with this rule allows you to get healthier offspring.

    When selecting couples, another condition is important - namely, the relationship between partners. Therefore, before mating, it is advisable to determine how the relationship of the male and female with each other develops. To do this, it is recommended to introduce them in advance and keep them in the same cage. In case of prolonged mutual aggression and intransigence, one of the partners must be replaced with a new candidate. Young animals that are kept together for a long time have the least problems and mate best. Chinchillas living alone for a long time are not always willing to accept strangers into their territory, where they feel like masters. Therefore, it is better to introduce chinchillas on neutral territory.

    The mating season for chinchillas is weak and can sometimes last from February-March until November. During this period, animals are very active, especially males. They constantly chase the female, while making rather loud snorting sounds. In female chinchillas, the duration of the sexual cycle, according to various authors, can vary from a minimum of 28 days to 3-4 months. And successful mating of a female is possible only within three days, when she is actively in heat and vaginal secretions begin to be released from the opened vagina. In addition, in female chinchillas ready for mating, the external genitalia become more visible, swell and turn pink.

    The peak of sexual activity of animals occurs precisely at this time. The behavior of chinchillas changes noticeably, they become more active and playful. The male can even pursue the female during the day, chasing her around the cage, wagging his tail and making snorting sounds.

    As a result, the male's courtship ends with mating, which most often occurs at night. After successful fertilization, the female develops a vaginal plug approximately 12 hours after mating, which subsequently prevents repeated matings.

    Pregnancy in chinchillas lasts approximately 105-120 days, but the average is 111 days. During pregnancy, the female needs increased and varied nutrition; she does not like unnecessary anxiety and fuss at this time. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, it is better to separate the male from the female, and in order to protect the female chinchilla from unnecessary worries and stress and preserve the offspring, the nest must be darkened (for example, covered with a dark blanket).

    The diet of a pregnant female chinchilla must additionally include a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals (in particular calcium gluconate), as well as greens (nettle leaves, dandelions, etc.), rose hips, hawthorn, etc.

    If during the first two months of pregnancy the female gains weight slowly, then during the last third of pregnancy the development of the fetus proceeds very quickly, which is reflected in the female’s significant weight gain. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, females prefer to sleep on their side. Around the end of the ninth week of pregnancy, the female's nipples become very swollen, which indicates an imminent birth.

    Chinchillas are amazingly perky and cute animals. It’s hard to remain indifferent when looking at a small, touching face with a long mustache, black button eyes and a curled, upturned tail.

    IN recent years representatives of this family of rodents have gained incredible popularity among our compatriots. Chinchillas at home are unpretentious in feeding and keeping, they need very little living space, and the positive feeling gained from daily interaction with them is difficult to convey in words.

    Where did they come from

    The homeland of chinchillas is mountain ranges South America. There they settle in caves and burrows, appearing outside only at nightfall.

    According to legend, the rodents got their name from the name of the Chinchil tribe of Indians, who were dressed in soft and fluffy fur. It was because of their stunning fur coats that the animals were practically exterminated.

    Hunters were interested not only in skins. There is fragmentary information that chinchilla meat was used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

    Chinchilla hunting did not stop with the disappearance of the Chinchil Indians. Spanish conquistadors Having entered South American soil in the 16th century, they were fascinated by the fur of these animals. Fur coats, coats, and collars were a huge success, and thousands of chinchillas were caught to meet demand. The barbaric extermination of the species continued for several hundred years.

    Ultimately, rodents fell into the category of rare, endangered animals. Now they are listed in the Red Book and are protected by law.

    Breeding chinchillas in captivity

    The chinchilla was first domesticated in 1895. This was done by Francisco Irrazaval, who lived in Santiago at that time. In the very first year of being kept in captivity, the animals gave birth to offspring and subsequently continued to actively reproduce.

    Chinchilla breeding has become profitable business already in the middle of the 20th century. Thousands of farms opened across the United States and Canada. Then rodents began to be recommended as cute pets that would not cause unnecessary trouble. In advertising they were called "fur balls" or "fur balls". And the average price of animals was

    Furry namesakes

    The amazingly beautiful fur of these small fluffy rodents captivates everyone who has ever picked them up. All thanks to the unique structure of the hairline. About 70 hairs grow from each bulb located on the skin of an animal. The wool is so thick that not a single insect is able to settle in it.

    This unique fact even charmed cat lovers. About twenty years ago, the silver chinchilla breed was developed as a variety of short-haired British cats.

    The namesakes of our cute rodents are extraordinarily beautiful. Cats have white fur, with slight blackening at the tips, and the head, tips of the paws, side, back and tail of the animal are covered with a black veil. Among their feline counterparts, they stand out for their truly royal appearance.

    In addition, the British chinchilla has an unusually kind and flexible character. These cats survive very well own loneliness. And if necessary, they can become an excellent “interlocutor” for their owner. Each “meow” uttered by these cats is endowed with special intonations and deep meaning.

    Everyone who has at least once gotten to know these cats better has fallen in love with them once and for all. Every year everything larger number fans are attracted to this amazing cat breed.

    Just a couple of minutes alone with a Briton - and everyone will confidently say: this is an amazing cat breed.

    Chinchilla: how to behave with a rodent

    Before buying a chinchilla, carefully read the list of prohibitions regarding your pet:

    • Do not wash animals in water. Chinchillas “bathe” in special sand (zeolite) or volcanic dust.
    • You cannot house chinchillas in small cages made to fit the size of other (smaller) rodents.
    • Constantly squeezing chinchillas has a very bad effect on the condition of their fur.
    • Do not let your rodent wander around the apartment on its own; its curiosity can lead to tragedy.
    • Never feed chinchillas formulas intended for other rodents.
    • Do not leave your rodent in a room with a temperature above 25 degrees - overheating is guaranteed to lead to heatstroke.
    • You can't walk your chinchilla outside. There the animal can become infected dangerous infections. In addition, leashes and harnesses will irreversibly damage the coat.
    • On at the moment The immune system of chinchillas has not been sufficiently studied, therefore preventive vaccination of these rodents is not carried out.
    • Parents and their offspring can live together for no more than four months; violation of this prohibition can lead to mating within the family.
    • You should not feed animals grass and leaves collected along roads and in parks. This can lead to very serious poisoning and, as a result, death.

    Chinchilla at home

    Reviews from rodent owners about their cute pets are always only positive. A person receives great emotional uplift, enthusiasm and tenderness from communicating with these animals.

    Here are just some of the reasons why chinchillas are so loved:

    • Chinchillas at home do not require difficult care and high maintenance costs.
    • They do not need to prepare food separately; rodents eat dry mixtures of dried fruits and several types of grains.
    • If you care for them properly, rodents will live quite a long time (about 20 years), and married couples chinchillas will breed regularly.
    • Rodents rarely get sick and have no unpleasant odor.
    • The animals are cheerful, playful, they can be tamed and even taught simple commands.

    Many will ask: “Don’t they have any shortcomings?” Of course there is, because no one is perfect! However, there are very few of them:

    • With the onset of darkness, all chinchillas become active (like all animals leading night look life). They can make noise almost all night, interfering with the restful sleep of their owners. Moreover, if you want to play with a cute animal, you will have to do this closer to midnight.
    • Chinchillas are extremely nosy and curious. At the slightest opportunity, they try to escape from the cage and rush to explore the territory. At the same time they are very fast. Catching a rodent if it doesn't want to is not so easy. Therefore, owners should carefully ensure that the cage door is always locked.
    • Animals are very demanding on climate. They can't stand it high humidity air and sudden temperature changes. Therefore, to keep a chinchilla at home in the southern regions, the room with the cage must be equipped with air conditioning.

    We buy a chinchilla

    Just ten years ago, buying a chinchilla was quite problematic. Rodents were bred for sale by a few specialists, and their prices were extremely high. However, they are now sold in most pet stores and are available to everyone.

    When choosing a furry friend, you need to be extremely careful. You should only buy chinchillas that have been properly cared for. Otherwise, the animal will have to be treated after purchase.

    Pick up the rodent and examine it. Pay attention to how well-fed the animal is. To do this, feel all parts of the body, and also examine the quality of the coat.

    Never buy a skinny animal. The coat should not be dull or fallen out in fragments. Sedentary rodents with signs of obesity should also not be purchased.

    The animal's eyes can indicate the presence of health problems. Purulent discharge is a sure sign of a bacterial infection in the body. However, this statement is true when both eyes are affected. If only one is soured, most likely this is a consequence of mechanical damage from sand, or the animal was in a draft and was simply blown through.

    A healthy rodent should be active and react sharply to the approach of a stranger. His coat is shiny, smooth and close to the body.

    Shared accommodation

    Animals that live alone require a lot of attention from their owners. They love company and without proper care they become very sad.

    Chinchillas feel much more comfortable at home when living in pairs. And it is not necessary to move a boy and a girl together. Chinchillas are very fertile. The owners of such a family will automatically take care of numerous furry babies. Therefore, if you are not ready for such a turn of events, think about buying a same-sex company.

    Furry family

    Puberty in chinchillas occurs at the age of 6-7 months. From this moment on, they can be planted without fear.

    The issue of breeding animals must be taken extremely seriously. In chinchilla families, there is total matriarchy. Therefore, never put a male in an already inhabited cage of a female. She is guaranteed to beat him and throw him away.

    It is advisable that the boy be older than his girlfriend. This will help him feel more confident.

    Before ending up in the same territory, future spouses need to get to know each other at a distance. To do this, cages with animals are placed next to each other and give them the opportunity to get used to each other’s smell. Only after this can they be planted, but under the close attention of the owner.

    If everything is done correctly, breeding chinchillas at home will take place without any difficulties.

    Waiting for the kids

    The gestation period for chinchillas lasts 100-115 days. In the first stages, it is quite difficult to determine whether the “lady” is really pregnant. The embryos are small and it is impossible to feel them. The easiest way is to detect the moment of mating itself. At the eighth week of pregnancy expectant mother This will serve as a sure sign of an imminent addition to the family.

    Birth of a new life

    Chinchillas usually give birth in the first half of the day. Most often, the female does not need anyone's help. Babies are born quickly. They are already covered with fur, their eyes are open, and their mouths have a full set of teeth.

    After giving birth, the mother eats the placenta. It contains everything useful substances, necessary for the body chinchillas during breastfeeding.

    It is simply impossible to hold a chinchilla in your hands, play with it for at least a couple of minutes and not fall in love with this exotic rodent. They are ideal pets, the best furry friends for children.

    And if, after reading about all the benefits of keeping these animals, you have not yet made a decision, go to the pet store right now and look into the little black eyes. The answer will come by itself!