Mikhail Vinovonov about staged tests in the battle of psychics. The use of psychics in solving crimes A mistake that costs three lives

It is safe to say that all kinds of shamans and healers have been involved in uncovering atrocities since ancient times. But this process continued with the advent of applied science in the mid-19th century, studying the patterns of committing and solving crimes - criminology.

Quite naturally, representatives of science took up arms against psychics.

“All these tricks of fortune-tellers and clairvoyants not only do not help the conduct of the criminal investigation, but discredit the authority of criminal justice and increase hidden crime due to constant fraud and deception,” the then famous German criminologist Hans Schneikert was angry in 1924.

In Russia, the craze for mysticism and the emergence of various psychics, sorcerers, magicians, fortune tellers, necromancers, warlocks and other “people with superpowers” ​​occurred in the late 80s - early 90s. At the same time, calls were made loudly to involve them in the investigation of crimes.

Even at the end of the USSR, such attempts were made at the official level. Even today, with the request “a psychic solved a crime,” search engines return many fresh examples of cooperation between forensics and extrasensory perception.

Is it worth mentioning the TV shows broadcast all over the world in which psychics act as detectives?

The famous exposer of psychics and mystics Harry Houdini (real name Erich Weiss)

As recently as October, the head of the criminalistics department of the State Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Krasnoyarsk region Artem Krotov admitted that along with the achievements modern technologies To investigate crimes, his department resorts to the help of psychics.

As an example, he cited the high-profile murder of a woman. Based on a picture from a smartphone seized from the deceased’s partner, the psychic named the approximate crime scene. However, his guess strangely coincided with the assumptions of the investigators.

Perhaps the most famous psychiatrist-criminologist in Russia, head of the Center for Legal and psychological assistance V extreme situations Mikhail Vinogradov shares extrasensory perception and “services in the field of magic, witchcraft, love spells.” He is convinced that psychics can find missing people and really help in solving crimes.

Vinogradov also claims “that all the intelligence services in the world are studying the possibilities of using people’s hypersensitive abilities in the interests of the state. At the same time, political and military intelligence different countries not only study the possibilities of extrasensory perception, but also have long used its most powerful representatives to solve both departmental and government problems.”

With the caveat that the conclusions of psychics “are advisory in nature, are a version of the crime and require confirmation by a carefully collected evidence base.”

Forensic psychiatrist, head of the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance in Extreme Situations Mikhail Vinogradov

To ordinary people, however, the data from the special services is unknown, and even if something is disclosed, it is not possible to verify the accuracy of this information. But the results of studies that are conducted openly, as a rule, do not speak in favor of psychics.

So, in the 50s, the following experiment was carried out in the Netherlands: psychics were shown photographs and objects and asked to talk about the crimes associated with them.

However, not all of these things were related to crime. Researchers described the benefits of psychic participation as “negligible.”

In the late 70s, representatives International Association Police chiefs (International Association of Chiefs of Police) invited 12 psychics and asked them to study four sealed envelopes with evidence from four different crimes (two solved, two not).

Subsequently, the envelopes were allowed to be opened and further explanations given. It is noteworthy that neither the psychics nor the experimenters knew anything about the crimes or the contents of the envelopes.

For the first known crime, psychics correctly named, on average, 4 circumstances out of 21 known (type of crime, gender of the victim, crime scene, suspect, etc.). For the second, the average score was 1.8 out of 33.

Some people argue that you don’t have to be born a psychic, you can become one.

In 2003-2005, Russian lawyer and criminologist Nikolai Kitaev collected information about contacts law enforcement agencies with psychics from 63 regions of Russia.

In 16 subjects, operatives or relatives of killed/missing persons actually turned to psychics. And “in not a single case (!) was information obtained that would allow it to be successfully used in operational search and investigative actions.”

English researchers Richard Weissman and Donald West, having conducted a study in 1996, also did not find any convincing evidence that the involvement of psychics in the investigation of crimes is in any way justified.

A group of Moscow psychologists in the mid-90s last century conducted a survey of 800 people who considered themselves “healers” and “psychics.”

A quarter of them suffered from psychosis or were in a borderline state, 50% were mentally healthy, but 18% of them admitted that they were driven by mercantile or ambitious aspirations. And only one percent of those participating in the study showed a complex of all the necessary qualities.

It's about about the ability to treat people, and not to demonstrate the phenomena of telepathy or clairvoyance, such “phenomena” were not found, writes Nikolai Kitaev in his work “Psychics and Shamans in Crime Investigation.”

In conclusion, we will give one more remarkable fact. Since the late 1970s, illusionist and scientific skeptic James Randi has offered rewards to anyone who can demonstrate psychic, paranormal, or supernatural abilities under laboratory controlled conditions.

In 1996, he even established a special fund, and since 2002 (after an anonymous donation), the prize amount has been $1 million.

No one can prove James Randi's psychic abilities under laboratory control conditions

During this time, none of the magicians, sorcerers, shamans, magi, druids, fortune tellers, dowsers and other clairvoyants scattered around the world was able to win this prize.

And such famous personalities, like the Israeli psychic Uri Geller, who allegedly knows how to bend spoons with his gaze, the French homeopath Jacques Benveniste, the American spiritualist Gary Schwartz and the psychic Sylvia Brown completely refused to participate in testing.

In the center of Moscow, in one of the quiet side streets, there is an inconspicuous mansion. There is no sign or any designation at the entrance.

One day at about 5-6 pm, several people gathered there, on the second floor of the mansion at the end of the corridor, in Colonel W.’s office. In addition to the colonel himself and his two employees, there were three civilians here: tall man middle-aged and two women. The colonel showed the visitors several photographs. One of the women took the photo and began to look at it, the other, without looking, put it face down in front of her. The man did not take it, making a dismissive gesture with his hand.

As you can see,” the colonel began, “in front of you is a photo cliché for printing money.” At the same time, very large bills. I know that as a rule you do not ask questions, but if you did, I could hardly tell you more than what I have already said.

“I see the shore,” the man said.

Winter,” one of the women inserted.

The man nodded. Then two women spoke, clarifying each other. Then the man again. Gradually, acquiring more and more details, the picture emerged.

Evening, winter. No, more like night. But it’s not too late... Yes, it’s not night yet, but it’s already dark, it gets dark early. It’s already the moon... I don’t see the moon... I seem to see it, but it’s not clear. I rather see light in the snow. In my opinion, lunar... Yes, exactly on the snow... The shore is deserted. A house on a slope, higher than the shore... There is nothing nearby, just one house. I can see the house clearly. Wooden, rustic, four windows. There is no light in the windows... Yes, there is no light. Fence. Most likely, the picket fence is new. Or recently painted. No color visible, it's dark. But recently painted...

It was like a slow motion movie. Then they saw two people leave the house, a man and a woman. Then the time itself began to be clarified: between eleven and twelve in the evening. A man and a woman were carrying a bag, a heavy bag. They carried it with difficulty. Having reached the shore, we walked along it and crossed onto the ice. The ice is not strong. It crackles underneath them. In one place the ice is broken and there is water. They throw the contents of the bag there. Splash. Dark water. Shallow. They're going back.

As it turned out later, this is exactly what happened. Once the money was made "for three lives", they resisted the temptation of many counterfeiters to continue this until they were caught. Was it possible to hide the ends more reliably than by throwing unnecessary clichés into the water off a remote shore? This matter, most likely, would never have even surfaced if they had bothered to walk at least a few more meters further from the shore. In the same place where they threw the contents of the bag, in the summer, when the river became shallow, the bottom appeared, and the children found the cliche. They brought them home for their children's needs, but soon the heavy lead plates ended up in the safe of criminal investigation investigators, confused and having no idea where or who to look for. It was then, when all possibilities were tried in vain, then these three were invited to that inconspicuous mansion, where they had already happened to be on other similar occasions.

As before, no one, except for a few people who were already working with them, knew who these people were or why they were invited to the colonel’s office. Even the investigators who directly investigated this case were not told where or how the information was obtained. detailed information, which made it possible to find the criminals.

Those who threw the cliché under the ice almost a year ago, dark night, themselves, as it turned out, lived hundreds of kilometers from the crime scene. Those gathered in the colonel's office first named the region - Siberia, and then the city - Irkutsk.

The picture went, went, went. I see an old house with columns. Near the factory, some kind of factory. Fence. Entrance to the factory. Gates. The house has a cast iron balcony.

“The picture is gone” for one of the women. When she fell silent, another immediately continued.

I see the house. Gray or dirty yellow, old, renovated a long time ago. Ladder. One railing is torn off, the left one. Second floor…

The place where the criminals lived, and even the description of their appearance, turned out to be so accurate that the operatives, having easily established where such a house was located, could only go up to the second floor and ring the doorbell.

This case is far from the only one solved solely with the help of those who were endowed with the rare and inexplicable gift of direct knowledge, or insight.

When the operatives and the investigator arrived at the scene of the murder, they had absolutely no idea where to begin the case. No one saw the killer, he left neither a fingerprint nor the slightest trace that could lead to him. Among the few items included in the case was a piece of paper with a few words on it. Obviously, a fragment of a letter. It was not possible to establish who wrote what was written. Although small, there was a chance that this piece of paper fell from the killer's pocket. But even if this is so, then what of it? This piece of paper, being in the hands of even the most experienced criminologist, did not lead anywhere. But not in the hands of a clairvoyant.

At the beginning, “a picture appeared” in which the clairvoyants saw a person. They described him. Then they were able to tell about the apartment, house, street where he lived. And finally, a city in Siberia, thousands of miles from the crime scene, was named.

The information that investigators received helped them eventually gather evidence, and the killer, confident that no one would ever find him, was brought to justice.

Another case. Investigators from Smolensk turned to Lyudmila K., endowed with the gift of such direct knowledge. Two women disappeared - an accountant and a cashier. They disappeared after receiving a significant amount of cash from the bank, intended for payment of salaries. Whether they became the prey of criminals or went on the run themselves - according to none of these versions, the investigation did not have the slightest clue.

“I asked to show me their photos,” says Lyudmila K. “Well, then?” At first glance, it is clear that they are not alive. There is not even any doubt. It was necessary to find where they were buried. I looked at the map of Smolensk. They weren't there. Then they brought me very detailed map outskirts of the city. Here I “saw” them. Marked a place on the river bank. She said that they were buried shallowly, about half a meter. The search team went to the place I indicated and immediately found them. They were buried really shallowly, as I said. Who did it? I “saw” this man and described him. She gave a verbal portrait, as they say in such cases. This is a man, I said, with power, driving a car, I described it. Very skilled in matters of law and justice. He was close to one of the victims. He conspired with her to commit a crime. But instead of killing one, he killed both. This is what he intended to do from the very beginning, it was not an impulsive act. Then they called me from Smolensk. The killer was arrested. What he showed confirmed my words. This man turned out to be the city prosecutor.

Lyudmila K. is not the only one who can tell by looking at a photo whether a person is alive or not. Other clairvoyants can also do this, although they find it difficult to explain how this knowledge comes to them.

“Seers”, “poets” - it is no coincidence that these words stand side by side. In the years when the very word “clairvoyant” was unpopular in our country and nothing was known about this gift of theirs, Anna Akhmatova wrote:

When a person dies

His portraits change.

The eyes look different and the lips

They smile with a different smile.

I noticed this when I returned

From the funeral of a poet.

And since then I checked often,

And my guess was confirmed.

However, this knowledge, the feeling of an elusive change that occurs with the portrait, has one peculiarity. Lyudmila K. talked about this. One day a military pilot disappeared in Moscow. His father and family contacted her the day after he disappeared. She looked at the photo. “He’s alive,” she said and added that something happened to him, his whole body seemed to have abrasions or wounds. She even indicated where to look for him - in a small forest, near Belaya Dacha. The police and relatives went there. One can imagine the father's despair and horror when his son was actually found there, but killed.

I always take such things very close to my heart and I experienced them with my father. - Lyudmila K. continues. - But I was also mixed with this, I would say, professionally: why was I so mistaken? I looked at the portrait again and saw that the person in it was alive. True, I noticed that the photo seemed to be fading. I watched for several days and saw how something that I felt on him seemed to fade. On the third day it faded almost completely, but was still there. And it went out completely on the 9th day. Then I checked it many times with other photographs. With photographs of other people. This was confirmed. 3 days and 9 days. But only for those who died a violent death, who were killed. Those who simply passed away did not have this. Their photographs immediately fade. I don’t know, I don’t presume to judge why this is so. But that's what happens.

After the airing of a series of television programs called “Battle of Psychics.” However, as it turned out, domestic law enforcement officers have long resorted to the help of clairvoyants when solving particularly serious and complicated crimes.

Give Themis to the clairvoyants!

IN recent years It has become fashionable to resort to the help of various kinds of psychics, magicians, and fortune tellers. People flock to them in droves, trying to recover from serious illnesses, find a missing relative, or convict their other half of treason. Skeptics grin wryly, while police officers secretly use this kind of service. And to no avail.

As a rule, law enforcement officers resort to the secret help of psychics when the investigation reaches a dead end. And they believe that sometimes clairvoyants are able to indicate the place of burial of corpses, determine more accurately than a lie detector whether a person is lying or telling the truth, explain the mechanism of committing a murder and explain the motives that guided the killer.

In addition, the so-called witness memory activation method is widely used. Its essence is that a valuable eyewitness to events is immersed in a state of hypnosis and the memories are “rewinded” for the period of interest. At this moment, the subject can the smallest details describe the color of the criminal’s hair and eyes, the inscriptions on his clothes, and so on, which even a person with a trained memory cannot do in a normal state. Modern criminology knows many criminal cases solved with the help of psychics. Here are some of them.

This creepy story occurred in Yekaterinburg on March 31, 2010. A motorist hit and killed a 9-year-old girl, after which he threw the child's body off the hood and left the scene. They searched for the killer in the mysterious black foreign car for several days. No one knew his name, what he looked like, or his car number. There was only one clue - a black Toyota Camry.

It wasn't just the police who were looking for the driver. Caring motorists chased foreign cars with similar characteristics. For the first time in the history of the Sverdlovsk police, drivers themselves brought their cars to the traffic police for inspection, and citizens called the duty station and told about suspicious foreign cars with dents. After an unsuccessful search, the killer was put on the federal wanted list. A reward has been announced for the head of the killer driver. In the end, the local police chief turned to... a psychic.

The clairvoyant was shown photographs from the scene of the accident and fragments of a black bumper that were found there. He said where the car was located - in Serov (where it was found). In addition, the psychic named the numbers of the car number - 871, although he made a mistake in their sequence. The real license plate of the Toyota that was found at the Serov car service center is O718EM.

24-year-old resident of Serov Artem Makhanek fell into the hands of police on the evening of April 5 on Mamin-Sibiryak Street. Artyom was stopped not far from a lawyer’s office, where he had already entered into an agreement with a defense lawyer. The guy knew that sooner or later he would be found, and was preparing for “doomsday.” He confessed to the murder of the girl on the spot.

Not without the help of psychics, such a high-profile case as the bombing of the Moscow Nevsky Express train on August 13, 2007, when an electric locomotive and 12 cars derailed, was solved. The crime was solved by putting one of the witnesses into a hypnotic state. As it turned out, the terrorists used one of the defendants in the case in secret. He claimed that he was simply driving a car with explosives from Moscow to Malaya Vishera, knowing nothing about the terrible cargo. The man could not remember the road, because he did not know either Moscow or the route to St. Petersburg. Law enforcement officers obtained voluntary consent from this person to the memory activation procedure, and after immersing himself in a hypnotic state, he completely reproduced the entire route. But what was most valuable was that the man remembered the people he met in Malaya Vishera and to whom he gave the car. He was even able to reproduce the license plates of two of their cars. The witness, who was allegedly used in the dark, turned out to be a relative of one of the suspects and later in court exercised the right not to testify against him. However, the court accepted the testimony of the witness, given under hypnosis, as admissible evidence - this happened for the first time in the history of Russian legal proceedings. As a result, two suspects were sentenced to long prison terms.

Our people also believe in predictors

Several years ago, Russian psychics helped solve the murder of law enforcement officers committed on the Moscow-Serpukhov commuter train. Two policemen Kirill Vafin and Vyacheslav Druzhin, who were accompanying the train, were found killed in the vestibule between the 3rd and 4th cars at night, when the train was almost empty.

A specialist in an unconventional field of knowledge gave the operatives many trump cards - he described in detail the appearance of the attackers, their place permanent residence and, most importantly, special signs. The parapsychologist suggested what kind of tattoos were on the bodies of the criminals (one of the killers had rare drawing in the form of a knife and a spider). After this, employees of the homicide department of the railway police brilliantly implemented the operational information and detained the criminal duo in Belgorod.

A similar criminal story, which was not without the participation of a psychic, occurred several years ago in Crimea. On January 31, 2010, on the peninsula, three young men killed a retired senior police warrant officer, who worked part-time as a taxi driver. At night in Simferopol, two drunken young men approached a taxi driver and asked him to take them to the village of Mazanka. The clients said that they did not have money with them, they would pay upon arrival, they could give two as collateral mobile phones. The driver agreed. On one of the streets of Mazanka, passengers asked to stop the car and began to beat the taxi driver. Some villagers saw the fight but decided not to intervene. The criminals took 200 hryvnia from the taxi driver, a mobile phone broken during the fight, and documents, including a police veteran’s ID card. When they saw the document, they were confused. One of them turned to a friend by phone for advice. He ordered them to go to him in the Nizhnegorsky region. The young people put the taxi driver in the back seat and an hour later they were with a friend. He suggested killing the retired policeman and selling his Volga or dismantling it for parts. The beaten man was told that they would take him to the hospital. Having driven off-road towards Azov, the car skidded. The man tried to escape, but the monsters caught him and strangled him. The killer's car was abandoned at the crime scene.

Police officers, having received a message about the disappearance of a former colleague, immediately joined the search and found a witness, a taxi driver, who saw the passengers boarding on that ill-fated day. In Mazanka, people were identified as eyewitnesses to the beating of the victim. But then the investigation reached a dead end. And then the Crimean police turned for help to local psychics, who unequivocally stated that the taxi driver was killed and the car should be looked for between the Nizhnegorsky and Sovetsky districts, even indicating the place where it was parked. Thanks to the tip clairvoyant crime managed to uncover and the killers were arrested.

Psychics also intervened in the investigation of the murder of a Crimean biker in 2011. The body of 40-year-old Alexander Pyatnichko, nicknamed Lobo, was found 800 meters from the Evpatoria-Mirnoe highway, in an abandoned sewer of a wastewater treatment plant. The biker was decapitated and gunshot wounds were found on his body. Incredibly, two days before this, the Crimean psychic Pavel Lyundishev predicted a terrible discovery: “They will find him! I'm sure of it. Dead and headless, in the mud." The psychic stated that Alexander’s head was presented to the customer as proof of what had been done. The psychic also noted that Lobo was killed because of his business, the performer had long since left the peninsula, but the customer was local, from Crimea.

A year later, the psychic’s words were confirmed - law enforcement officers followed the killer and found out that he was hiding abroad. The identity of the criminal has been established, but the police have not yet been able to detain him.

Our police also turned to a clairvoyant in 2004, when they were investigating the case of a Crimean woman who ordered a murder own husband. By the way, it was possible to catch the criminal only after 8 years.

Aelita M. worked as a restaurant administrator in the village New World, which is near Sudak. Her husband was a wealthy and non-greedy man - Aelita would have lived with him in peace and harmony, but fate decreed otherwise. In the spring of 2004, Aelita was relaxing in one of the sanatoriums of the South Coast, where she met a young man from Lugansk, who had previously served in the Berkut police unit. And a holiday romance began between these two, which grew into passion. And everything would be fine, but the unwanted husband interfered with the development of the relationship. As they say, the third is superfluous. And then Aelita persuaded her lover to kill her husband.

In mid-July of the same year, after a feast in a restaurant in the New World, a Berkut officer attacked Aelita’s husband and killed him, after which he left Crimea. Aelita herself reported to the police about the murder of her husband. The case was resonant, the progress of the investigation was controlled by Nikolai Fedoryan, a well-known law enforcement officer on the peninsula, who was then the head of the Sudak city police department. Nikolai Aurelovich admitted that when at some point the matter reached a dead end, the detectives decided to turn to a local clairvoyant. The woman described in detail the crime, as well as the killer and the customer.

Soon the killer-lover was detained in the Lugansk region. He immediately confessed to everything. In the cell, the man opened his veins and wrote a suicide note in blood, in which he blamed Aelita for what happened. The customer herself managed to escape literally from under the noses of law enforcement officers. How she did this still remains a mystery. At first, the woman hid in the vicinity of Sudak, and then secretly left for Russia.

For several years, Aelita hid from justice in a certain Russian village, and in 2008 she moved to Ukraine and settled in Kharkov, where on January 7 last year she was detained by law enforcement officers.

Then the head Investigative Committee Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin said that hypnotists helped in solving the case of the bombing of the Nevsky Express train. This is the first time that representatives of the Russian special services have made such a sensational admission. However, according to NI, over the past fifty years, security forces have been actively, but secretly collaborating with people with hypnotic and extrasensory abilities. Novye Izvestia tried to find out what crimes investigators “mobilized” people with supernatural abilities to solve.

Parapsychology and the possibilities of hypnotic influence on humans have been of interest to representatives of special services and security forces since the beginning of the last century. There was a real hunt for people with psychic abilities in the Soviet Union. For example, it is known that Stalin had special laboratories, and astrologers and hypnologists were sought out for him throughout the country. But even after the death of the tyrant, the special services did not forget about people with unique capabilities.

Under the hypnosis of recruitment

“This was in 1982. “I just served in the army,” recalls Gennady Goncharov, head of the Moscow School of Hypnosis, in an interview with NI. – People from the KGB strongly recommended that I cooperate with them. They promised an apartment in Moscow and promotion. I was told that I would be part of a delegation to participate in negotiations or attend conferences, recognizing people who were amenable to hypnosis and influencing them. I think it was about intelligence activities." Goncharov then preferred the stage to this work, where he performed psychological experiments for many years.

The fate of the psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov, who connected his life with the special services, turned out differently. He studied the possibilities of personality prognosis at the Department of Psychiatry of the First Medical Institute. After his works on this topic were published, people in gray gabardine raincoats came to Vinogradov and asked: “Can you really predict the reliability of a person?” He replied that he could. “We have a request for you,” the men got down to business. – There will soon be a buffet at the embassy, ​​at which there will be a discussion of the purchase of new drugs in Soviet Union. “You couldn’t look at some of the embassy staff and tell who was an intelligence officer and who wasn’t.” “I agreed,” Mr. Vinogradov admits to NI. “I looked,” he said. Coincidence. Then they invited me to another embassy.”

During his career in the authorities, our interlocutor met colleagues who could make even more surprising predictions. “Forty years ago, in one of the closed research institutes, a psychic worked who forecast the development of US weapons,” says Mikhail Vinogradov. - He gave tips for military intelligence. I sat in my office, worked, then went to management and told them. When he made a forecast for the first time, the director of the institute called me to him and asked whether it was worth listening to the words of the psychic or, perhaps, sending him to Kashchenko? I advised giving the clairvoyant a chance. He said that he knows that one of the countries is developing new look weapons. He explained that he had seen a picture on this topic. The agents checked the information and confirmed it.”

See through the ground

Psychics are still recruited today. According to experts, the information system works like clockwork: as soon as a person appears on the horizon who really has supernatural abilities, he is invited for an interview. Then the abilities of such people are tested in practice. Candidates are brought, for example, to the forest where a plane once crashed. They ask: “What happened here”? Someone starts telling fairy tales: there was a rape, a murder. Those who have the ability get to the point: they say that here the sky met the earth, the plane fell.

Experts are sure: in each country there are no more than twenty strong psychics who are of interest to security forces. The state resorts to the help of this twenty when it is impossible to cope with any problem using traditional methods. Thus, according to Gennady Goncharov, the special services turned to psychics to solve the terrorist attack at the Moscow metro station Avtozavodskaya in 2004. “All the information received from them was analyzed, and I know that in this way it was possible to identify one of the criminals who was related to this terrorist attack,” explains the hypnotist.

Mr. Goncharov calls one of the promising areas that psychics could engage in... the search for mineral deposits and underground water sources. Highly sensitive people work from a map and allow them to narrow down the search area. Then, using their information, detailed exploration of the subsoil can be carried out.

Experts note that psychics successfully manage to find missing people, and during earthquakes show whether there are survivors under the rubble. In addition, they help the police in identifying maniacs. For example, the famous announcer Viktor Balashov had psychic abilities, and he was often approached with requests to find missing loved ones. “I remember how after one of the concerts a woman came up to Balashov and told about her trouble,” recalls Gennady Goncharov. “Her daughter has disappeared. Balashov advised her to go to a neighboring town. That’s where her daughter was found.”

Mikhail Vinogradov, who also has psychic abilities, has repeatedly managed to help investigators catch criminals. He told NI that he had recently indicated the approximate location of the Zlatoust maniac, who had been wanted since April 2. Then the bodies of two murdered schoolgirls were discovered in the cemetery. The maniac was arrested on April 12. Based on Vinogradov’s tip, they managed to detain the Barnaul maniac, and also find the bodies of six girls he killed.

However, it is impossible to say that psychics work miracles. For example, the same Mikhail Vinogradov has been searching for boys abducted by sectarians near Ufa for eight years. The grandmothers took the children to a sports camp, and since then the grandchildren have disappeared. Only recently have psychics helped trace the missing.

On the investigator's couch

If the search by psychics for missing persons and fugitive criminals is a controversial, but relatively safe measure, then the use of hypnosis during an investigation is a completely different story.

There is still no clear opinion among experts why, at his recent press conference, the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, said that during the investigation of the case of the Nevsky Express bombing, witnesses were refreshed their memory using hypnosis. Some believe that the head of the RF IC simply revealed an open secret, made public something that many had already known about for a long time. Others suspect that Bastrykin wanted to show how “cool” his department is and how it can solve complex crimes. Moreover, according to the estimates of the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, in recent years the number of unsolved crimes has exceeded 16 million. And in 2007, more than half of all crimes committed remained unsolved. These numbers had to be contrasted with something truly “extraordinary.”

In any case, the official recognition that the investigation uses the services of hypnologists has caused a real crisis. The problem is that there is still no legislative framework. Moreover, as candidate of legal sciences Nikolai Kitaev writes, “ Russian legislation contains an express prohibition on the use of hypnosis for any purpose other than medical.”

Meanwhile, NI came into possession of a brochure published in 1999 entitled “Manual for Investigators.

Investigation of crimes of increased public danger,” a separate chapter of which is devoted to “obtaining information through hypnosis.” “This method does not in any way degrade human dignity,” the manual says. “Moreover, it is used exclusively with the consent of the subject. According to the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, out of 237 employees surveyed using a special questionnaire, 183 employees from 14 regions of Russia answered positively to the question about the admissibility of using hypnosis, 38 respondents found it difficult to answer. And 16 expressed skepticism towards this method.”

The head of the Main Department of Criminalistics of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Yuri Lekanov, also told NI that hypnosis is used and quite effectively, whose full interview can be read in one of the upcoming issues of our newspaper. “For example, police colonel Alexey Skrypnikov, who masters the art of hypnosis, helped great help to our investigators in Perm region. For several years in different cities acted serial killer. It seems that the criminal’s handwriting was similar, but his appearance, according to witnesses, did not match,” says Yuri Lekanov. – Skrypnikov conducted hypno-reproduction sessions. He was able to detail the memories of each of the witnesses and create a portrait of the killer. Soon the criminal was detained.”

A mistake costing three lives

Experts compare the mechanism of hypnosis (hypnoreproduction) to the way a housewife peels an onion. By putting the witness into a light trance, the hypnologist “layer by layer” makes him remember those details that have gone into the subconscious. The hypno-reproduction session is filmed on audio and video tape. The doctor asks the witness about all his illnesses, and if there are contraindications to hypnosis, then it is not performed. This is, of course, ideal. But no one except the investigators and the hypnotist knows how everything actually happens. And the latter, no matter what representatives of the prosecutor’s office say, is not independent of the investigation: he either works in these structures or is constantly invited from the outside. So, it’s still “ours”. However, hypnotists are reluctant to go to the prosecutor's office: the salaries of employees are not commensurate with income from private practice.

The information obtained by the hypnologist is formalized as information obtained operationally. And it cannot be evidence in the case. This is also stated in the aforementioned “Manual”: “Hypnoreproduction can be erroneous. Therefore, it can be used as the basis for any decision in a criminal case only if it is confirmed by other evidence.”

Independent experts are convinced: you should not widely use hypnosis in investigative practice and build conclusions on the data obtained - the probability of error is too high. “There are people who take on other people’s crimes for the sake of fame. In addition, working with the accused can be complicated by the bias of the hypnologist, his desire to instill in the subject the need to solve the crime,” notes Mikhail Vinogradov. For his part, retired Moscow City Court judge Sergei Pashin clarified in a conversation with NI: “No investigative actions using hypnosis can be considered legal. No one can guarantee that changes will not occur in the consciousness of the subject. In addition, after being treated with hypnosis, a person can sincerely believe what he said under its influence.”

As a senior investigator for special important matters at the USSR Prosecutor General's Office, lawyer Vladimir Kalinichenko investigated the murder of KGB major Afanasyev in Moscow, at the Zhdanovskaya (now Vykhino) metro station. “Then a suspicion arose that the persons involved in this case - three policemen - were also involved in the disappearance in 1980 of the family of the head of the KGB encryption department Viktor Sheinov,” says Mr. Kalinichenko. “They confessed to this crime too. But the bodies were not found. And the trio were sentenced to death. The day before the execution, Yuri Andropov gave instructions to inject them with psychotropic drugs and interrogate them under hypnosis. They again confirmed their testimony... And in 1990, Viktor Sheinov showed up in the USA. It turned out that he was a CIA agent. Knowing that he was suspected of treason, Sheinov fled to America with his family. They say that they took him out on the ambassador’s plane...”


German intelligence services claim that they have not resorted to the services of psychics since the end of World War II. However, the situation may change in the near future. The point is that throughout Western Europe More and more cases of theft of money and valuables using hypnotic influence on victims are being recorded. In all German police stations there is a not entirely clear television image of either an Indian or a North African who managed to clean out several banks, first in Italy and then in Germany. According to operational information, the robber convinces the cashiers to give him money with one pass of his hand, while the ladies could not remember how the robbery took place. It was possible to restore the memory of the victims only when another medium was invited for interrogation. Due to a new dangerous trend best forces The police of Germany, Italy and France recently conducted an experiment to stage a “hypnotic robbery” of several bars and shops in these countries. In all cases, except one, the cashiers silently handed over the proceeds, and then could not confirm it. Now the EU legislators are faced with the question of more actively than before involving specialists with extrasensory abilities in the investigation of certain types of crimes.

Sergey ZOLOVKIN, Berlin

Not a TV show, not a made-up plot from a movie: the story that happened in Krasnoyarsk is absolutely real. Psychics helped solve the murder, and sent the killers to prison. The uniqueness of the story is also that the role of people with superpowers was confirmed in exclusive interview"Komsomolskaya Pravda" in Sledkom.

Successful lawyer

Only an hour's drive from Krasnoyarsk, and like another planet, is the small city of Divnogorsk. “Wooden” streets, among which there are rare high-rise buildings. The doors are wide open. And people easily go outside in slippers, as if they were going into another room. Lives here ordinary family: Viktor Vasilchenko (he works as a security guard at the plant) and his wife Lyudmila. And also psychic Natalya Sannikova, who helped find the killers of their son, Alexander Samoilov *.

...At 27, Alexander Samoilov was a successful lawyer. Competent, tenacious, he took on hopeless cases, and... won. Things were going well: he got married and had a son. To earn more money, he became a realtor. He spun around, but didn’t forget his own. I was constantly in Divnogorsk. But not from the mother - from the stepfather and his new wife Lyudmila.

I raised him from the age of one and a half as if he were my own. “When he married his mother Elena,” the 63-year-old man awkwardly dabs his eyes. -Mathematician, chess player, smart girl. I haven’t spoken to my own mother for two years. He took care of all his notebooks, from 1st grade until the end of the institute. But Elena threw them out; the basement was damp. Sasha dreamed of showing them to his children, so he was offended. Like a sin family life didn't work out either. Divorced my wife. He was in touch with us every day. And suddenly Sasha disappeared - no call, no text, nothing. How was it not...

Helped everyone

Seeing how her husband was being tormented, Lyudmila advised: “Vitya, would you go to Natalya Andreevna?” The whole city came to this woman with their troubles. The psychic helped everyone she could.

“How I came to this,” Natalya explained. - I had big losses: one year my mother died, followed by her father, then her daughter. I was later diagnosed with a massive brain tumor. And I turned to healers for help. Six months later, the doctors said: you don’t have any tumor, we were mistaken! And I decided that I needed to undergo training. She started at the age of 53, studied for 5 years. People went...

Viktor Vasilchenko also once knocked on his neighbor’s door: “Natalya Andreevna, would you like to see what’s wrong with your son?” She sat me down, tuned in, and took a look. And then - like a blow to the head: “Go to the police, he’s lying dead!”

One of the few childhood photographs of Sasha left with his stepfather Photo: from the family archive

Killed by my best friend

After meeting with the “seer” there was no doubt, Victor rushed to the police. At first they laughed at him: “The guy is young, he’s been on a spree, he’ll come back. Who did you believe? They’ll tell you this for the sake of money.”

“She didn’t take a penny from me,” Viktor Ivanovich argued. - Help, we need to look!

We checked the most different versions, - recalls Ivan Soprun, head of the second investigative department of the first department for the investigation of particularly important cases. – We made telephone details. And the first suspects appeared in the case - Andrei Zharov and Vladimir Bronnikov. Samoilov was the last to call them.

Zharov was taken at home, Bronnikov in Moscow. They did not deny it.

Sentenced in correspondence

During interrogations, a friend of the missing Alexander, Vladimir Bronnikov, explained: he knew that Samoilov had money, says Ivan Soprun. – Saved up on legal matters. Then he suggested to his friend, Zharov, to kill Samoilov, take everything (money, car) and divide it between two.

Zharov is an orphan: no family, he did odd jobs. Before this, there was no crime against them, but here... They shook hands and sketched out a plan. Bronnikov convinced Samoilov to go with him to another city, supposedly to earn extra money by reselling wood. On the way, they picked up a representative of the seller - Zharov played his role.

We left in the evening, in the dark. Soon Sasha asked to take over at the wheel, stretched out in the back seat, and immediately fell asleep.

...Then, slowing down, the friends took up their phones. They typed messages, showed each other on the screens and erased them. They were terrified of waking Samoilov - he had an air pistol with him.

“Come on, we can’t wait any longer,” Bronnikov insisted. “I would try it myself first!” - the accomplice snapped. Then Zharov grabbed a hammer - he had been holding it under his jacket since Krasnoyarsk.

Hid in a rock above the Yenisei

After the first blow, the guy jumped up: “What are you doing?” the psychic said even before the killers were interrogated. - And they killed him - he was sleepy.

It’s amazing: when Bronnikov and Zharov gave their testimony, everything came together, almost word for word.

In a rocky place near the river along the highway, where the Yenisei makes a sharp turn, they found a deep crevice. They put the corpse there and threw stones at it.

They raked money out of Samoilov’s bag - 305 thousand. Having taken most of the money, Bronnikov fled to Moscow. And Zharov got a car. A buyer was quickly found for it.

Body in an ice sarcophagus

In conversations with the investigator, the suspects laid out everything, but they themselves could not find the place where Sasha was “buried.” And this is precisely one of the most important pieces of evidence, without which it is impossible to prove guilt in court.

Well, somewhere around here,” they hesitated, pointing to an area several hundred meters away. “Everything is covered in snow, you won’t even remember!”

And then the psychic came to the rescue again Natalya Sannikova.

“I immediately said: you won’t find your son soon, when the ice melts,” she explains. “You don’t have to look now, it’s useless.” The picture suited me: some mountains, a tree on a hill. Below him is a body, pinned by stones in the ice.

“You won’t find it soon,” Viktor Ivanovich did not want to put up with this. Together with his wife, he personally traveled around familiar rivers - Manu, Yenisei, Kacha, and looked for a similar place. Nothing!

The “seer” herself could not go on the search. She was no longer the same years old, she was approaching 60. She suggested it to a psychic friend, Elena. She just turned 25. The young, productive girl simply amazed the investigators.

Only she was able to indicate the place where the criminals hid the body,” explains Ivan Soprun.

Once at the approximately indicated place, she confidently said where to go. I've never made a mistake.

Alas: the rocks are too icy. It turned out to be impossible to get to the crevice where the body lay.

The psychic indicated the exact coordinates, and the SOBR group blew up a block of ice with a TNT charge. But it has not yet been possible to remove it all; Sasha remains in the ice sarcophagus.

Every word came true

He was found in May, when everything had melted, in the very place that psychics described. The fisherman was fishing there and suddenly noticed: between the rock and the gorge there was a mound of stones. And the nose and forehead stick out from there. A few hours later, the relatives identified the body - it was Alexander Samoilov.

The court sentenced Bronnikov to 12 years in a maximum security colony, Zharov to 11. The first was the instigator, and he beat him more. This is a friend!

When everything is exhausted traditional ways and the possibilities of investigation, we turn to non-traditional ones,” sums up Ivan Soprun. – This time the psychics helped us a lot. Let's face it: these people turned out to be extremely effective!

P. S. As for psychics, Natalya Andreevna no longer practices. He says it's time to retire. Lena also retired. She got married and devoted herself to her family. Now she works as a teacher and raises children. It is impossible to combine the life of a psychic with ordinary female happiness, her family explained to us. So Elena made her choice.