How to surprise a child on the morning of his birthday. What surprise to give a child for his birthday

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of the blog about gifts and congratulations. Today I want to discuss with you New Year's surprises for children. Namely, talk about the tradition of making advent calendars for children on the eve of the holidays. In my opinion, this cool idea allows you to get maximum emotions and memories from the expected events.

Surprises for children waiting for the holiday

An Advent calendar is a selection of small surprises for each day, prepared a certain number of days before its occurrence. Every day the child opens a package or box with a number corresponding to this day and... rejoices. Moreover. The joy of children, most often, does not depend so much on filling the Advent calendar. Surprises for children are, of course, important, but higher value has an atmosphere of expectation and anticipation of the holiday.

Let's look at the two most important types of advent calendars that parents prepare for their children.

Adevant Birthday Calendar

Can you imagine, there are such wonderful mothers who have enough strength not only to organize a child’s birthday, prepare gifts and entertainment program, holiday decoration and invitations to guests.

Year after year, they make the child’s holidays unforgettable, turning birthdays into entire “holiday months.” That is, they prepare a birthday advent calendar for a month before the start of the holiday. And on each of the 30 days before the birthday, the baby receives a small and pleasant surprise.

You know how children wait for their birthday. And small gifts like these help brighten up the agonizing days of waiting and enhance the impressions and joy many times over.
Read about children's birthday gifts.

New Year's advent calendars

But more often than not, parents prepare New Year’s advent calendars for their children. Firstly, because the tradition came to us from the West. It is there that it has long been customary to prepare Advent calendars of this format. And secondly, New Year- the most favorite holiday of children and parents. Therefore, I would like to extend this magical time a little in such a pleasant way.

There are a huge number of types of New Year's Advent calendars. And all because there is no limit to the creative fanaticism of parents. In preparing a calendar, you can easily combine your childhood desires, creative ideas and existing skills.

And, most importantly, it is not at all necessary to do something complicated and expensive to implement. If you don’t have a lot of time, but have a desire to please, you can make a very simple Advent calendar from scrap materials.

You can read about New Year's gifts for children in.

Filling the advent calendar: what's inside?

Many parents are tormented by the question: what should be inside the advent calendar?

And here again there are no ready-made recipes. Sweets and cookies are suitable. small toys and small surprises for children from stationery, balloons, and even just creative tasks that the child needs to complete on the eve of the holiday.

What tasks can be written in the New Year's advent calendar?

  • Decorate the Christmas tree
  • Write a letter to Santa Claus
  • Hang Christmas garlands
  • Write greeting cards for grandparents
  • Draw pictures as New Year's gifts for loved ones
  • Learn a New Year's poem

And many other simple but enjoyable tasks to prepare for the holiday.
Using my daughter as an example, I can say for sure: she is as interested in completing tasks as she is in receiving gifts.

In general, if you like the idea, you can prepare surprises for children, create your own unique advent calendars and extend the holidays for your kids and yourself :)

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Probably the most long-awaited birthday in the family is the birthday of our beloved children. We, parents, always try to make this day in a child’s life bright and filled with surprises. And while your child is still very small, it is easy to surprise him even with any little things. The main thing is that these things are done with love. And now we will show you one very simple, but incredibly cute idea for a gift for your beloved daughter or son. Believe me, such a surprise will make the baby very happy. This surprise can also be made part of your main gift. In general, look.

It will be like a big postcard.

So, you will need:

  • big box;
  • helium balloons;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • gold adhesive tape or bright tape.

First, buy a bunch of helium balloons (or inflate them yourself, if possible). Multi-colored balls will look better and brighter. The bundle must be tied to one common knot. But there is another option: if you want the balls to scatter when the baby opens the box, the balls do not need to be tied in one knot.

Glue all these balls with gold ribbon or beautiful tape to the bottom of the box.

In principle, this is the main feature of this surprise. Then all you have to do is prepare a greeting card, which you also put in the box. You can also put a gift there. And when everything is ready, glue the top of the box with a small piece of tape or adhesive tape.

The box itself can be decorated as desired.

You won’t spend much time creating such a surprise, but how much joy it will bring to the child! Just imagine the moment when your baby opens an ordinary box...


Working as a wizard is easy and pleasant. It is doubly pleasant to evoke children's delight and surprise. Of course, gifts can also be given just like that: buy a doll, a kinder surprise or a bottle of soap bubbles on the way and hand them at home with the words: “This is for you.” But how great it is when children's faces light up with delight unexpected surprise And non-standard way its presentation. How can you surprise a child and make the presentation of a gift memorable?


On small pieces of paper you need to draw recognizable interior items of your home (about 10-15 cards for one quest). The first, which depicts, for example, a poster with the alphabet, is given to the child.

Having carefully searched and found the corner of the second card behind the alphabet, the child sees the following picture on it: a table lamp in the children's room. A third card is revealed under the lamp. And so on: from room to room, from card to card. In the very last place A hidden gift awaits the baby.


Many parents put Christmas gifts under the tree, and another way to surprise your child is to put a gift under the pillow. It’s such a magical feeling: in the middle of the night or immediately after waking up, you can feel a pleasantly rustling bundle under your pillow.


Children always look forward to a special cake on their birthday.

What if you celebrate 3.5 years or 5.5 years with a symbolic half of the cake? Such an unusual congratulation, which most often no one expects, will never be forgotten.


This surprise can be a good option for birthday entertainment. Or you can, armed with a map prepared in advance and key tasks hidden ahead of time, go on a treasure hunt in the forest, park or your own garden.

The tasks can be complicated or very simple: jump on one leg 10 times, count how much 8+7 is, guess which fairy tale the striped cap or onion with a face drawn on it is from.


You can play hide and seek with a gift both on a holiday and without a calendar reason, when you invite your child to find new book or a tray of strawberries, which a familiar forest bunny gave him.


Balloons are always a win-win and uplifting option. Decorate a doorway or ceiling with them, throw a lot of balls into the room while the child is sleeping.

Waking up in the morning, the birthday person will immediately feel the presence of the holiday. And a day that begins with joy always promises to be amazing.


If you are leaving your child for several days, leave a set of things prepared in advance for each day of your absence that the child can occupy himself with.

Attach a note with instructions, and so every day you will be virtually present and remind you of yourself. Take advantage of the fact that children love to unwrap gifts and wrap each surprise in bright packaging.


The traditional Catholic calendar with little surprises for every day can be adapted not only for Christmas or New Year, but also for a birthday or the beginning of the summer holidays.

An option for such a calendar could be envelopes on the wall, in which cards with a surprise are prepared for each day of the week preceding the upcoming event: a trip to an amusement park, a trip to a pizzeria, or a note with pleasant, kind words.


Everyone loves to receive letters and parcels. What if we arrange delivery as a surprise? You can negotiate with a friend who, pretending to be a courier, will deliver the box directly into the hands of the little recipient. Or you can send the item by real mail, with a stamp and receipt. What will be inside, you decide for yourself.

One of the options that guarantees the effect of surprise and joy is a bunch balloons, which is well attached with tape to the bottom of a capacious box and, when opened, flies up like a multi-colored cloud, but does not fly away anywhere, but only pleases the little birthday boy. Such a surprise is never forgotten.


Usually this entertainment is realized in great friendly company, when the hosts of the party hide a whole nut or pitted prunes in the cake in advance.

When the cake is cut into pieces, it becomes clear who got the nut or dried fruit and which of the guests is the lucky one. You can also prepare several nuts. Let there be more lucky ones!


Of course, this is more of a way to entertain the fussy. So the parents manage to turn bread, tomato, cheese and olives into a bird sandwich from the game “ Angry birds"or fry an egg in a mold shaped like a flower or a star.


While traveling, send a card addressed to the child to your home address. When you return, it will be a pleasant surprise to receive it a few days later.


We all remember the rare days when our parents managed to leave work early or take a day off, and they suddenly appeared before quiet time and took us home or for a walk. This was one of the highest happinesses.


This is an idea for spring. As soon as the leaves bloom on the trees in the spring, children begin to wonder when the apples, plums and cherries will grow enough to eat.

So that the wait for the harvest is not painful, arrange a country surprise. While the kids are sleeping, decorate any tree or shrub with candy on strings or cookies wrapped in transparent packaging on ribbons. The kids will be surprised when, running out into the garden, they notice the treats blooming overnight.


One such surprise is described in the book “ Happy girl growing" by Nina Shnirman. In one of the episodes, my mother suggested that little Nina accompany her dad to the station on his next business trip to Leningrad. And when in the train compartment the conductor began to announce “seeing off to leave the carriages,” the parents admitted that they had prepared a surprise for their daughter, and that they would go to Leningrad together. What a delight! Of course, for such a large-scale and grandiose surprise in every sense, parents must be confident in the child’s positive reaction and that he has no other plans. In this case, you can turn off your usual road home without warning and go to the river bank to launch sky lanterns. Or instead of a planned trip to the store, go to your favorite ice cream parlor. Or wake up your baby in the morning with your suitcases ready and announce that from today kindergarten is canceled because you are all going to the seaside together.

The most wonderful and magical holiday in childhood for kids is their birthday. They wait for him, count the days and constantly pester their parents with questions about what they will get. And moms and dads are already starting to worry and rack their brains about how to surprise their child. But you can capture a child’s imagination not only with a gift, you can make your child’s entire birthday unique, bright and joyful. You need to try so that nothing can upset your child on his birthday. The main task of parents is to create an unusual and festive atmosphere.

Waking up on your birthday

Of course, you can simply give your child a gift with words of congratulations, but it’s better to give him a holiday for the whole day. Your reward will be admiration, delight and childish glee! It's very nice to be a "wizard"!

Surprises should begin from the very moment you wake up. After putting your child to bed early the night before, start decorating his bedroom festively. Tape as many balloons as possible around the room, hang a “Happy Birthday!” banner on the door, and then do whatever your imagination tells you. The first surprise came, and this is just the beginning of the day. How many of them will still be ahead!

It would be great if you came up with an original way to give gifts. Having received a portion of kisses and congratulations from the parents in the morning, the child goes to the bathroom. Just imagine his surprise and joy when he sees a new towel with his name embroidered or a portrait printed on it. The baby will be even more delighted when, looking at the mirror, he reads a funny congratulation written for him or opens the closet to take clothes, and balloons fly out towards him.

Gift for a child's birthday

You will find out what gift your child wants to receive for his birthday long before the celebration. Circumstances and financial situation they don’t always allow you to fulfill a child’s whim. But the gift must be selected taking into account the characteristics of the child’s character, trying not to deceive his expectations and taking into account his tastes. A child will not be too happy about an interesting and expensive book if he prefers cycling or roller skating to reading. A set of brushes and paints will most likely upset someone who likes to kick a ball.

At the same time, try to awaken your child's desire for a new hobby, for example, by giving him a telescope or tennis rackets. For girls a good gift will become a crochet hook and yarn, and especially children's sewing machine. Who knows, maybe this gift will serve as the first step to purchasing future profession. The gift must match the child's character. Although traditional gifts will also be good: for girls - dolls, beautiful outfits, handbags, for boys - cars, robots, weapons. But you just need to give such gifts from the heart and with love.

The most the best gift could be a birthday spent with you. Carefully think through the program of the day, choose the places where you would like to go with the birthday person. You can find out from the hero of the occasion how he would like to spend the holiday. This could be going to the cinema, to the stadium, a walk to the park to feed the ducks on the pond, or going to the skating rink together. A visit to a cafe at the end of a busy day will be just the thing.

We welcome guests

While waiting for guests, decorate the room with colorful balloons of various shapes, posters with comic congratulations, all kinds of garlands. The more elegantly the room is decorated, the more elevated the mood of those present at the holiday will be. Buy funny paper caps for the guests themselves. To dispel the atmosphere of wariness and alienation among guests, conduct with them:

  • quizzes;
  • competitions;
  • games.

Small theatrical performances or magic tricks can also be performed.

The kids will really like the game of words and rhymes; it’s even better if they compose a congratulatory poem for the hero of the occasion. The “Mirror” quiz will cause no less delight: for this, the child must repeat the movements of his friend in a mirror image or copy his characteristic habit of making faces. Organize a competition on three legs: partners tie up two adjacent ones, so the two of you on three legs need to be able to get ahead of your opponents. There are also plenty of quizzes and competitions that can and should be used during the celebration.

Having chosen several simple tricks on the Internet and practiced them, show them to the children, and ask them to guess what the secret of the trick is. Just don't forget to demonstrate the solution. There will be no end to the delight, especially if one of the children can repeat one of the tricks.

Having prepared simple costumes and scenery in advance, set up a home theater. Fairy tales such as “Turnip”, “Teremok” or “Kolobok”, in which almost everyone invited can take part, will completely melt the ice and wariness among children. All these activities will ensure your success, and the fun and excitement will not leave the party until the very end.

Children's party finale

And now it's time to bring in the birthday cake. Draw the curtains, turn off the lights, light the candles in the cake and bring in. Having made a wish and blown out the lit candles, the child will be extremely happy, because these few magical minutes belong only to him!

Nowadays, the life of most children is too boring and monotonous. It always contains only responsibility and different types activities. For example, upon returning from school, children must complete homework, visit a sports section, etc. And thus the months fly by quite quickly and monotonously, nothing exciting, inspiring or really funny happens. To inspire you, we present 10 really fun, but at the same time very easy ways to surprise your children, make them smile, laugh, any time, on any day convenient for you.

Hiding the photo

Place in their box for school breakfast a very funny picture of you or a photo of their dad, basically any person they love very much. Tip: Your childhood photos will bring real smiles and surprise.

We invite the fairy

Make up a story about a magical fairy or interesting creature, which allegedly visits your home. And, so to speak, transform yourself into him and leave funny notes and exciting messages for your children and family from this creature in all corners. These can be jokes, educational moments, riddles, etc.

Reverse day

Make the so-called reverse day. There will be a walk in the morning, serve dinner for breakfast, and start the meal first with dessert. Put your shirt on backwards. Tell " Good night" instead of " Good morning"when the kids first wake up, etc. It's a fun game and they'll be laughing at it all day.

Stocking up on balloons

When you prepare their bath or make their bed, first inflate a few balloons and place them there. They will be interested in swimming among them and “swimming away” to the kingdom of Morpheus in their surroundings.

Learn to draw funny faces

Draw funny faces on post-it notes, write funny notes and place them in unexpected places: on a pillow, in clothing drawers, on plates, on the keyboard, etc.

Have a great day

Tell them that you have a strange feeling that this day will be very lucky and will bring success. Then place a few sparkly pennies (or anything else that symbolizes good luck and prosperity in your family) in unexpected places, like inside their shoes, on their doorsteps, or on their car seats. Or even in the refrigerator.

Surprise at home

Arrange a surprise for them somewhere near the house. For example, display your child's name using pebbles, soft toys, and balls. Or do it with berries and chocolate on their plates. Joy is guaranteed!

Hiding the surprise

Try baking something delicious, like a banana cake, and hide a little surprise inside - something like a small porcelain or plastic trinket. The one who gets this piece with a surprise inside can be the so-called king or queen for the entire next day. Recommendation: You should already have a crown ready so that they can be crowned right away.

Turning a child into a royal person

Address your child as “you” and treat him like a queen (or king) throughout the day from the moment he wakes up, and fulfill all reasonable wishes, and this can be done with a bow. The child will be surprised and feel happy and truly special.

Special Birthday

Prepare your child some kind of trophy from something that he really likes. It could be various sweets, jelly, marshmallows or fruit. Tell him it's a gift for, say, his 2593rd birthday. He will be surprised, he will be very pleased.

These are funny ideas on how to make your children smile, how to surprise them with the most... in an unusual way! This is accessible to everyone, does not require much time or effort, and the result will stun you; happy children's faces will be the best reward for your efforts.

Have you ever surprised your children in such an unexpected way? I wish you creative thoughts, a great mood and irrepressible imagination!