The happiest names for girls: list and interesting facts. What names for girls and boys are considered lucky?

A name is something that is given to a person once and for the rest of his life. Many parents expecting the birth of a baby know the names they will give to their children long before they see a couple of lines on the test. Others have doubts until the very birth, and some do not even know what name to give the baby after his birth. Of course, each family will have to make their own choice, but it would be a good idea to learn about the meanings of names and their influence on a person. Let's clarify which names are considered lucky for girls and, of course, for boys.

The happiest names for girls

Most astrologers and psychologists agree that the happiest female name- "Elena". Girls with such names most often have an easy fate. They manage to build a career and personal life with ease. Helena is usually easy to find mutual language with other people, become loved and respected.

Also among the lucky names is the name “Natalia”. Owners of this name are distinguished by self-confidence; they easily defend their point of view. Therefore, they can withstand various difficulties.

Once popular name"Tatiana" can also bring good luck. Girls with this name go through life with a positive attitude. And even different life difficulties do not affect their mood, which allows them to solve problems with ease.

Another famous female name “Irina” radiates the energy of activity and determination. Owners of this name are capable of achieving remarkable success both on the personal front and on the career ladder. Irina sets clear goals for herself and is able to actively achieve them.

More good names for girls, happy ones are Olga and Ekaterina.

Many psychologists are sure that wonderful name the girl's name will be "Olga". Girls with this name have characteristics that allow them to be loved and achieve financial well-being. Olgas are able to be guided by the arguments of reason, but at the same time they have remarkable intuition. This is precisely why they become winners in different situations.

Among the lucky names is the name “Ekaterina”. Owners of this name are characterized by common sense and know how to achieve their goals no matter what. They are ambitious, active and very positive, which gives them the opportunity to always remain on top.

What names are considered lucky for boys?

Astrologers and psychologists say that the happiest and strong name the boy's name will be "Alexander". Men named by this name are the concentration of strength - both physical and moral. They are distinguished by courage, self-confidence, a sharp mind and, often, authority. Alexandras are able to achieve their goals and become leaders.

Many psychologists are sure that a classic name will be a wonderful name for a boy. Russian name"Ivan." It is not for nothing that the owners of such a name in all Slavic fairy tales become winners and achieve prosperity. IN modern world Ivans usually have an easy-going and non-conflict character; they say that fate itself protects them from all sorts of troubles.

Another lucky name is famous name"Nikolai." It has been noticed that the owners of this name are particularly strong and firm. They are able to save face and withstand blows even in rather difficult life situations. Nikolai has prudence and assertiveness, they confidently achieve their goals.

Also lucky names for boys are “Alexey” and “Anatoly”. It has been noticed that men with these names have special strength, both physical and moral. Alexeys are distinguished by highly developed intuition, activity and will. In addition, they are quite creative individuals.
And Anatolias have special tenacity, perseverance and balance. They are clear about their goals and know how to achieve them.

Astrologers say that good names for boys, happy ones, are “Oleg” and “Mikhail”. According to such experts, owners of such names often miraculously avoid trouble. They have especially strong heavenly protectors, and it is noticed that it is as if someone is constantly guiding them on the right path. But at the same time, Mikhails tend to fall under the influence of their loved ones, and become narcissistic.
And Olegs are quite intolerant, they always have their own point of view and can feel “above” those around them. They are also characterized by pedantry, which when proper education becomes a plus - concentration, accuracy and consistency.

Another great name for a boy would be the name “Igor”. It sounds especially euphonious and gives its owner perseverance. This helps Igors overcome all obstacles and difficulties in life with ease.

How to choose the happiest name for your child?

When thinking about what to name your baby, listen to your soul. You should not choose among pretentious names, rare ones, or taken from other languages. It is unlikely that they will be able to make your child truly happy. In addition, psychologists have come to the conclusion that children with such names often encounter conflicts at school, and in adulthood they may decide to change their name.

Also remember that for a baby to grow up happy, a name alone is not enough. It is also necessary to create an optimal atmosphere for happiness, and only parents can do this.

As soon as parents find out about the upcoming addition, they immediately have a dispute over the name of the child. After all, every parent wants to give their child one of their favorite names. It is very difficult to come to an agreement on the issue of choosing a name; in this regard, it is very easy for Muslims, where only the head of the family has the right to give names to children. In Russia, at least two people participate in choosing a name for a baby, and if the family is large, then all family members, including grandparents.

Choosing a name for a baby is a very important moment, since a child is given a name once and for life. Moreover, each name has its own energy, which determines the baby’s character traits and even, to some extent, influences the child’s fate. That is why you need to choose a name carefully, thinking through everything to the smallest detail. Many parents want to give their child a happy name.. But what kind of happy names are they for boys and girls?

For a name to bring happiness to a child, it must first of all have deep meaning with a positive connotation. Secondly, the name should sound beautiful and be combined with the baby’s surname and patronymic. Only then will the child feel comfortable. There is no need to give your child complex, difficult names, they make the child’s life harder. Also, when choosing lucky names for boys, remember that it does not have to be unusual and interesting. There are a lot of simple and ordinary names, the owners of which live quite happily. Try to choose names with the meaning of kind, sweet, kindness, tenderness.

Lucky names for boys:

Bogolep - divine

Ladislav - glorifying people

Budimil - be nice!

Ladimir - peace-loving

Bogumir - bring peace to God!

Lyubomil - beloved

Belimir - white, pure

Lubodron - beloved, dear

Bazhen - God's

Luceslav - in a ray of glory

Velibor - a great gift

We love - beloved

Vadim - invited, invited

Lubodar - giver of love

Vlastislav - owner of the world

Milava - sweet, kind

Venislav - crowned with glory

Myslemir - thinking about the world

World - worldwide

Moguta - powerful, mighty

Vadislav - called

Miloslav - sweet glory

Vsemil - dear to everyone

Peace lover - loving peace

Vladislav - owner of glory

Milan - sweet, kind

Vyacheslav - glorifying advice

Found - found

Gleb - sweet, affectionate

Neroslav - sealer of glory

Dobrava - virtuous, bearer

Negomir - gentle and peaceful

Dobrynya is a kind person

Hope - hope expectation

Dobroslav - glorifying goodness

Oleg - light, fast

Danko - shining, day

Premislav - accept the glory!

Dobrolyub - loving goodness

Wonderful - wonderful

Dragovit - valuing life

Putislav - path of glory

Dan - given by God

Peresvet - bright

Damir - the giver of peace

Radey - joy, joyful

Dragolub - kind, beloved

Ratislav - military glory

Drogoslav - dear glory

Ratibor - chosen warrior

Drogorad - dear joy

Radimil - sweet joy

Zhelislav - desired glory

Radislav - caring about glory

Zvenislav - ringing with glory

Radosvet - light of joy

Zlatoslav - golden glory

Ruslav - fair-haired

Dawn - rising light

Radovlad - own joy

Ivan - to be born, to be born

Ratmir - a fighter for peace

Izheslav - be with glory!

Svyatomir - holy world

Idan - walking, overcoming the path

Svetovid - light, holy

Krasibor - chosen from the beautiful

Svyatoboy - holy fighter, warrior

Krasislav - the beauty of glory

Svetovik - light

Ladislav - glorifying beauty

Tichoslav - quiet glory

Ludimir - bring peace to people

Touched - tenderness

Lyuborad - pleasing with love

Jaromil is a nice man

Lyubomir - loving peace and peace

Yaroslav - shining with glory

Janislav - nice

Many people think that a name plays an important role in a person’s life, determining his luck and success. These people are right - analysts have found that certain male names ablebring good luck.


The determining factor for happiness in our lives is good material condition. A man, as the head of a family, is obliged to play a decisive role in providing his family with everything they need.

According to official statistics about the richest men in Russia, the five most successful and mostlucky names for men are Oleg, Alexei, Vladimir, Michael And Victor.

Most rich men have names starting with the letter A. Among such names, it is worth highlighting the name Alexey, because there are a lot of billionaires with this name. There are few Olegs, but the richest person in Russia, according to Forbes magazine, is Oleg Deripaska. He is included in the “golden hundred” of the world, occupying ninth place.

Psychologists' opinion

The letter A is the first letter in the alphabet, so names starting with A attract success and luck. Many believe that the very greatness of a particular name also plays an important role. Among these names, five are also worth noting: Vladimir, Alexander, Victor, Arthur, Alexei. When these people come into contact with you, you remember their names much better. You should also say a few words about not quite Russian names like David or Albert - they also give the impression of masculinity and strength, which is why such men have more luck in business.

Now let's talk a little about energy. The name has the best energy Nikolay. It attracts good luck and the positive aura of the Universe. There may not be many rich people in Nikolaev, but they are lucky in many other areas. The survey shows that among Nikolaev there are much more happy people than among owners of other names. Here are the five most energetically stable and powerful names according to experts: Nikolay, Ivan, Dmitriy, Sergey, Anton.

Knowledge about the energy of names will be useful to many. For example, with their help you canchoose a worthy name for the baby . Remember that a lucky name is your main gift to your child. With his help, he can achieve success in any area of ​​life and become happy.


I've been reading the forum for a long time. Got a question. Many have been planning a child for years and undergoing treatment to no avail. Have you ever thought about simply changing your partner, rather than struggling for so many years and ending up with IVF and late parenthood?
Topic to speculate on. I don't think I could do that.

170 feijoa...

Good day. When you were planning a baby, did you give up alcohol? And if so, how? Just completely or just reduced the quantity? I’m especially interested in how future dads reacted to this? I just mean that refusal means not a bit at all. Maybe I'm exaggerating too much?


Lena Lena

A month has passed since the divorce through the courts. Such confusion in my soul... How to build a relationship with the father of your children so as not to “lose face and cave in.” Meetings with children on our territory (apartment in half).
I am 38. Two children: a 13-year-old son, a 1-year-old and 7-month-old daughter. Currently on maternity leave. I have always worked (except for the first maternity leave for 2.5 years and now), I am preparing to start a part-time job: 2 full days in the office, the rest at home (I am a narrow specialist - Ph.D.). My children and I are fully supported: 20,000 rubles per month for three of us for all expenses, including rent (in winter - 5,000, in summer - about 3,000). They paid about 7,000 for up to 1.5 years. Married for 13 years. Everything is banal: we didn’t get along in character, or rather, I couldn’t tolerate my husband’s lifestyle. Work for him is his life: business trips, night trips, constant telephone conversations, late returns from work. And the family, yes, there is, everyone is wearing shoes, dressed, constant phone calls to see how we are there. Yes, he loves (loved?), he didn’t give reasons for jealousy, well, sometimes a beer after work... And live communication, such as to hold a hand, to be together without beer and calls, to knock with a gavel (and I’m happy next to you), cook together - no, that never happened. Only work. I'm stressed out...
Share your experience.


On my own mind

Damn, just now I met new neighbors living behind the wall. It turned out somehow inconvenient. My daughter and I went to bed and I heard the child screaming, “Daddy, I’m afraid.” At first I decided not to pay attention, not much. But the further you go, the louder the scream. I couldn't stand it. She knocked on the door. A sober man opened the door and asked if everything was okay? The answer is yes. OK. All. The child stopped screaming. It turned out somehow awkward, I probably took everything to heart, because before my eyes there was a picture that today is a holiday, dads are celebrating, and what if a drunk dad decided to get the child’s life, of course, all our fears come from childhood, that’s what “dad” taught me life with a rubberized black cord, and not a single neighbor stopped by to ask if everything was okay. And now there’s a bit of a residue left, I should probably come back tomorrow and apologize for such a late visit.


The birth of a child is always a joyful and troublesome event. In addition to arranging a children's room, buying a crib, stroller, baby vests, diapers, there is another important issue - choosing a name, because the child will have to live with it all his life. At the same time, parents must take into account its meaning, consonance with the surname and patronymic, and popularity. In this article we will try to find out what are the happiest names for girls?

Basic Rules

Choosing a name for a girl is quite a troublesome matter, causing a lot of controversy, conflicts, and disagreements among the relatives of the newborn. Grandparents, as a rule, insist on Russians Maria, Lyubov, Sofia, Elena, but parents still prefer to follow fashion trends: Angelina, Carolina, Evelina. To make the task easier, there are certain rules and tricks to help make choices faster and reduce the number of disputes that arise. Lucky names for girls and boys are names that carry peace and love. Personally, parents should associate them with something warm and pleasant.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that you cannot name a child after deceased relatives with a difficult fate, who died in disasters, who abused drugs, alcohol, and the like. It is believed that Small child may repeat their fate. Therefore, the happiest names for girls are those that carry peace and goodness. Consonance with the surname and patronymic also plays an important role.

If a dispute arises in the family over the name of the unborn child, it is recommended to make the task easier in the following way: each of the participants in the dispute should write 4 names that they like best. Then you need to exchange these pieces of paper and cross out those names that you don’t like the most. Of the remaining ones, a choice must be made and different sources see what the happiest name for a girl is. The list (by month) below will help you choose the best.

Next, the selected names must be written on a piece of paper with the surname and patronymic. Then it will be clear which ones are definitely not suitable. And the last step in choosing a name is to look at its meaning. Let's see what the happiest names for girls exist and what they mean.

Olga - great and sunny

Everyone knows the Slavic name Olga: it means “bright” or “holy.” The bearer of this name is an independent, independent and purposeful person. Girls named Olga have a very happy destiny, because they always rely only on themselves. They do not expect help from anyone and purposefully achieve their goals in life. A striking example of this is Princess Olga, the first Russian Christian, an unapproachable, strong-willed ruler. Her power was recognized by almost all states and rulers. Perhaps Olga was even cruel in some ways, but this quality of hers was justified by revenge for the death of her beloved husband.

Princess Olga is one of the strongest and wisest women of Rus'. An interesting fact is that she was baptized under the name Elena. Olga's Angel Day is celebrated on July 24th.

Greek name Elena

Translated from greek name means “fire”, “light”, “torch”. Girls with this name are relaxed and easy to talk to, they really love beauty and comfort. The happiest names for girls: Elena, Alena, Helena. They carry goodness and love. Lena is very sincere, gets along well with people and is always ready to help.

A girl with this name is rarely particularly stubborn, although sometimes she can be quite cunning. It's cheerful and enough emotional person. Even without natural beauty, Elena is capable of turning the head of any man. Her charisma and ease help her in this.

It is impossible not to mention Saint Helena, whose son was Emperor Constantine the Great. There is information that Saint Helena found the cross where Jesus Christ was crucified and built a church on this site. This event led to the beginning of the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross. Saints: March 19 and June 3.

Kira - powerful and practical

The name Kira has more than one version of origin. Some believe that it comes from the Greek "Kyria", meaning "lord", "mistress". Others argue that it is interpreted as a “ray of light.” The girl Kira is stubborn, straightforward, and always carries out her plans. She is a great friend and helper. Girls with this name rarely stay at home and raise children. They are interested successful career. As a rule, Kira is a very good and strict boss. She has a subtle sense of humor, is attractive and self-confident. IN Greek mythology one of the nymphs was called Cyrene. She was a fearless hunter and guardian of the forests. Name days are celebrated on June 22.

Dear Milana

We look at the most beautiful and lucky names for girls, and this is one of the most popular. Milana means “sweetheart”, “grace”, “benefit”. These are amazing girls creative personalities, who love to dream and “soar in the clouds”, thoughtful and at the same time spontaneous.

Milana is very responsible, loves to help others, a little secretive, a little mysterious. Girls with this name excel as writers, journalists, and dancers. They are constantly looking for something interesting and attractive.

Good Anastasia

Another answer to the question: what is the happiest name for a girl? This is Anastasia. The name, which has been quite popular throughout the centuries, mostly belongs to trusting, loyal and sweet people. This name means "returned to life." Its bearer is decent and sincere, possesses natural grace and restraint.

From the outside it seems that Anastasia is very fragile and vulnerable. In fact, this is a very strong-willed and purposeful person who will gladly come to the aid of acquaintances and friends, support them in difficult times, and console them. Anastasia the Pattern Maker is considered her saint - the patroness of all pregnant women. They pray to her during childbirth and ask for protection. Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker is December 22.

Desired Maria

This is one of the most common names in the world. The reason for this is that Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. The Hebrew version of the name is "Mariam".

Maria is a kind and sweet girl. She is a little stubborn, but at the same time very diligent and hardworking. The owner of this name can be very impulsive and enterprising.

Maria is a real adventurer who does not know how to treat people or situations that life presents to her superficially. If Maria delves into something, she does it with all her heart. She loves everything mystical and mysterious, moreover, she is not afraid of darkness and loneliness. On September 21, the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, is venerated.

Svetlana is the one who brings light

We continue to look at what names for girls are considered lucky. And one of them that really deserves attention is Svetlana. She is a bright, sympathetic and modest girl. She is very principled and loves children and animals. Most of all, she likes to take care of people and give them love. As a child, the girl Svetlana may be slightly reserved and uncommunicative, but in the future she opens up like a flower, bringing love and light into the world.

The bearer of a bright name is selfless, but persistent and decisive. Svetlana always listens to the opinions of others, but leaves the decision to herself. This is a very strong-willed and purposeful person who likes to set certain goals for himself and slowly but surely move towards them. Angel Day is February 26 and April 2.

Victoria - victory

Victoria is a female name of Latin origin, familiar to everyone. This is actually a lucky name for a baby.

Vika is assertive, stubborn, a little cunning, and agile. This is a very determined girl who loves to win the hearts of men. She can be spoiled and capricious and, at the same time, quiet and sweet - in general, it all depends on the situation. The bearer has a strong will and a proud disposition.

Victoria is not always ready to deal with emerging obstacles and can often retreat and take a step back. She cannot stand loneliness when she is alone, she feels lost and broken. A strong and reliable shoulder nearby will allow her to “move mountains” on her way. She is a good housewife, a caring mother and loving wife. Family comfort comes first for Victoria.

Many princesses, queens, duchesses and empresses bore this name. All of them were distinguished by sophistication, grace, charm and infinite wisdom. Her saint is the martyr Victoria of Albitinskaya. Memorial Day - February 11th.

In this article we looked at the happiest and their characteristics, and also found out what they mean and with what famous people connected.