What is a life hack? Several useful examples of life hacks

Apartment renovation.

1. The nail is easily driven in if its tip is dipped in vegetable oil.
2. If you add sugar to the cement solution, it will become much stronger.
3. Alabaster diluted with milk hardens longer - it is easier for them to seal cracks with a brush.
4. If the brush for oil work is very hard, you need to dip it in boiling vinegar for 1 minute.
5. The room that has just been wallpapered cannot be ventilated for several days, otherwise the wallpaper will begin to bubble and peel off.

6. It is easier to cut tiles when they are wet. This way it is less likely to break.
7. Imported tiles are more expensive than domestic ones, but when laying them you won’t have to align the edges of the tiles so that they lie close to one another.
8. fallen tiles can be firmly fixed using zinc white, thickly rubbed with natural drying oil. But it will take a long time to dry.
9. Washable wallpaper should not be used to cover a sunny room - under the influence of sun rays Such wallpapers emit substances harmful to health.
10. Using wallpaper and light-colored paints, you can visually increase the volume of the room. Dark tones visually reduce its volume.

Cleaning the apartment.

1. Scratches on polished furniture can be removed using shoe polish of the appropriate color.
2. You can wipe the mirrors with cotton wool soaked in cologne or alcohol (vodka. You can use cold water mixed with linen blue - this will give the mirror a pleasant shine. A diluted infusion of tea is suitable for the same purpose.
3. It is recommended to clean a yellowed enamel bathtub with salt and vinegar.
4. It is recommended to wipe the tiles in the bathroom with vinegar and water (1:5. You can use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia.
5. It is recommended to wash anything painted with light oil or enamel paint with water without soap and soda (they make the paint dull. You can add ammonia to the water (a teaspoon per liter) - it removes dirt and adds shine. After washing, you need to wipe with a dry cloth so as not to appear yellow spots and numbness.
6. It is not recommended to clean enameled bathtubs with acids or abrasive powders - the enamel is damaged.
7. A new broom, mop, or broom will last longer if you soak them in hot soapy water before use.
8. white trail on a polished surface, which appears from a hot object, can be removed by wiping it with alcohol and vegetable oil.
9. Rub with a woolen rag in a circular motion. 10. You should not wash windows with soap, as it forms a film on the glass that is difficult to wash off.
11. A strong solution of vinegar removes stains from glass and mirrors (1 tablespoon per glass of water.
12. A brush soaked in salt water will help restore the golden color to straw products. 13. The color of the carpet will become brighter if you sprinkle it with fine white salt in the evening, and the next day remove the salt with a soft, clean, damp cloth.
14. Linoleum floors should not be washed hot water or water with the addition of soda or ammonia - linoleum becomes dull and deteriorates.
15. can be washed warm water with the addition of laundry soap, then rinse and wipe dry. 16. About once every 3 months you need to wipe the linoleum with natural drying oil, and then thoroughly wipe it off with a soft cloth. You can rub linoleum with a mixture of wax, paraffin and turpentine (1: 1: 5), which must be mixed while heated. 17. It is good to wipe parquet floors with a damp cloth soaked in cold water with the addition of glycerin (a tablespoon per glass of water. It is not recommended to wash parquet with hot water. 18. It is enough to wipe chrome surfaces with a cloth dipped in soapy water.
19. Nickel-plated surfaces are cleaned with pastes and liquid cleaning compounds. For example: a paste of ammonia and tooth powder. When this mixture dries, the product should be wiped with a dry cloth and polished with a cloth.
20. To keep your serving knives shiny, you need to peel them with raw potatoes. A few drops of lemon juice will also work. 21. Porcelain dishes should be washed with water with the addition of ammonia. 22. Crystal dishes should not be washed with hot water - this will make them cloudy and covered with a network of fine cracks. Thus, if after washing you wipe it with a woolen cloth with blue starch, the dishes will shine more. 23. Dark plaque from silver and silver-plated products can be easily removed as follows: wash the product in warm soapy water, then clean it with a soft cloth soaked in a mixture of ammonia with chalk or tooth powder. After this, rinse with warm water and wipe thoroughly. 24. Silver, silver-plated and cupronickel items can be refreshed by washing them in warm water With baking soda(50 g per 1 liter of water) or in warm soapy water with ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter. After this, the product must be rinsed clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Useful kitchen tips.

1. Peeling potatoes darkens the skin on your hands. To avoid this, you need to wet your hands with vinegar before work and let them dry, and after work, immediately wash them with soap and lubricate them with cream.
2. all glassware - glasses, vases - can be washed without special means. To do this, add a little vinegar or coarse salt to warm water. The dishes will become cleaner and more transparent.
3. Aluminum pans will shine again if they are boiled with potato peelings, apple peels, rhubarb peels or a vinegar solution.
4. Darkened enamel pans should be boiled with any dishwashing liquid and then rinsed with hot water. But if you boil them with a vinegar solution twice a month, they will not darken.
5. if something is burnt in the pan, you can pour it to the bottom cold water and add salt. After a few hours, food residues can be easily removed. For enamel pans, this method is suitable: fill the pan with hot water with the addition of a spoonful of soda, leave to stand, and then boil - the remaining food will come off perfectly.
6. Pans can be easily cleaned like this: heat them slightly and wipe with salt, and then with parchment (or, in extreme cases, with plain paper.
Only if escaped milk spills on a hot stove, you need to fill the flooded area with salt and cover it with wet paper - then the smell will not spread throughout the room.
7. To prevent bugs from getting into the flour, you need to put a few cloves of garlic in the bag where it is stored, without peeling the top skin.
8. Flour must be sifted periodically and poured into a clean bag.
9. To make knives, scissors, etc. easier to sharpen, you can place them in a weak salt solution for half an hour and sharpen them without wiping them.
10. It’s much easier to clean the meat grinder if you skip it at the end. raw potatoes. 11. Do not dry the meat grinder near a heat source - this will dull the knives. 12. New glass glasses will not break if placed in a container with cold water, slowly heat it to a boil and leave them to cool in the same water.
13. Metal baking foil will last much longer in the refrigerator - it does not stick together.

Elimination of odors.

1. An unpleasant odor on your hands (from fish, garlic, etc.) can be removed by rubbing your hands with salt and then washing them with soap.
2. You can remove the smell of garlic from your mouth by chewing parsley.
3. The smell of fish in frying pans and pots will disappear if you wipe them with heated salt and then rinse.
4. The smell of onions can be removed by rubbing kitchen boards and cutlery with dry salt.
5. You can get rid of an unpleasant smell in the kitchen by boiling water with vinegar in an open container and ventilating the room after a few minutes. For the same purpose, you can put an orange or lemon peel on a heated burner or sprinkle a little salt on a hot stove.
6. The smell of escaped milk spilled on a hot stove can be localized by covering the flooded area with salt and covering it with wet paper - then the smell will not spread throughout the room.
7. To remove the smell of paint from a room, you need to rub a head of garlic and leave it in the room for a while.
8. smell oil paint It will disappear faster in your apartment if you place plates of salt in several places.
9. The smell of tobacco from the room is poorly removed even by a draft. But this can be done this way: open the windows and place 2-3 wet towels in different places in the room. They absorb tobacco smell well. For the same purpose, you can light several candles in the room where you smoked.


1. after wearing jewelry, they need to be wiped dry with a cloth to avoid stains from sweat.
2. Jewelry should be stored in a dry place.
3. amethysts, topazes, pearls, turquoise lose their color intensity under the influence ultraviolet rays- they should be stored in the dark.
4. Gold-plated items can be cleaned by wiping their surface with a cotton swab dipped in cologne, turpentine or egg white.
5. A gold item will shine more if you keep it in sweetened water for some time.
6. You can restore the shine of gold and silver jewelry by washing them with the following composition: 1/2 cup of soap solution and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. You can use a soft toothbrush for this. After treatment, rinse the product with water and wipe dry.
7. To clean silver items, you need to dip them in a solution hot water and ammonia (1: 1. When the solution has cooled, remove the products from the water and wipe carefully.

Shoe care.

1. An unpleasant odor from shoes can be eliminated using hydrogen peroxide by wiping the inside of the shoes with a cotton swab moistened with it. A solution of potassium permanganate is used for the same purpose.
2. Formalin is used to disinfect shoes: the inside of the shoes is wiped with a cloth soaked in formaldehyde and placed in plastic bag, tie it and leave it for a day. Then the shoes are taken out and aired.
3. Suede shoes can be cleaned well if you hold them over steam and then clean them with a special brush. If suede shoes are heavily soiled, they are cleaned with soapy water and ammonia. After cleaning, it is advisable to treat the suede with a water-repellent preparation.
4. if the shoes are too tight, you need to pour a little cologne, alcohol or table vinegar. After this, the shoes will take the shape of the foot, and the leather will become softer.
5. To prevent shoes from squeaking, you need to soak the soles with hot natural drying oil or lubricate them with linseed or castor oil.
6. if in hot weather new shoes Your feet “burn”; you can wipe them from the inside with 3% vinegar.
To prevent shoes from getting wet, you can treat them with the following solution: dissolve 40 g of fish oil, 10 parts of wax, 3 parts of turpentine in a water bath. Apply cream in liquid form.
7. Dry sports shoes can be kept in warm water until the leather becomes soft. Then you need to wipe it inside and out, dry it, lubricate it with glycerin and stuff it tightly with newsprint.
8. In warm weather, to care for shoes, it is better to use emulsion creams that dissolve well and allow air to pass through, and in winter - creams based on organic solvents (they provide an air- and waterproof film.
9. Dried shoe polish can be restored by adding a few drops of turpentine and gently heating it.
10. It is useful to rinse shoe brushes with water with the addition of ammonia. 11. To soften the leather of shoes that have not been worn for a long time, you need to rub it generously with castor oil and let it absorb.

Fur and leather.

1. Leather items can be refreshed by rubbing them with beaten egg white. Contaminated skin can be washed with warm, unboiled milk.
Skin color will be restored if you lubricate it with glycerin.
2. Coffee grounds will add shine to leather products. The thickener should be wrapped in a woolen or flannel cloth and rubbed vigorously over the skin.
3. Leather products can be cleaned with soap and water and ammonia, and then wiped with a cloth moistened with castor oil (or petroleum jelly or glycerin.
4. Worn places on leather products need to be wiped from time to time with a cloth soaked in glycerin or fresh orange peel.
5. This will help restore them to their previous appearance.
6. A dirty leather bag can be cleaned by rubbing the leather with a cut onion. As the onion becomes dirty, you need to make a new cut.
7. After completing the procedure, wipe the bag until shiny with a clean soft cloth.
8. A dark leather handbag will become shiny if you wipe it with a cotton swab moistened lemon juice.
9. You can also update your leather handbag this way: wash it carefully in warm soapy water, to which a little ammonia has been added. Then dry and wipe with a cloth soaked in castor oil. 10. To clean sheepskin coats, use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia. After this, the product should be treated with another solution: 20 g of glycerin, 20 g of ammonia, 5 borax per 0.5 liters of water. Then the sheepskin coat needs to be dried and rinsed by hand. 11. Suede jackets and coats should be cleaned with the following solution: 1 tablespoon of ammonia to 5 tablespoons of water. Then the items must be carefully wiped with a cloth moistened with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water. 12. Thus, if new leather gloves turn out to be too tight, you need to wrap them in a wet towel, and after 2-3 hours put them on and dry them on your hands. 13. To restore the shine of dull fur, you need to grind the kernel into powder walnuts, tie the resulting powder in gauze folded in three and rub the fur over the hair with this swab. After the nut oil is absorbed, the fur will acquire a beautiful, long-lasting shine.

Removing stains.

1. A greasy stain on the wallpaper can be removed by applying a piece of soft thick cloth, moistened with pure gasoline and slightly wrung out, to it for 2-3 minutes. The fat dissolved by gasoline will be absorbed into the fabric. Tooth powder soaked in gasoline is used for the same purpose. When the powder dries, you need to brush it off the wall. An old stain will have to be treated twice.
2. A dark stain from hot water on furniture can be removed like this: rub with half a lemon until the stain turns pale. This operation must be repeated until the stain completely disappears.
3. stains from light liquids on furniture can be removed by soaking a sponge in vegetable oil and carefully moving it along the wood fibers. You can also use a paste of mayonnaise or vegetable oil mixed with salt (apply, leave for two hours, then rinse. A mixture is also suitable linseed oil with turpentine (1: 1) (similar.
4. Grease stains from a fur coat can be removed in two ways: 1) wipe the fur in one direction with a cloth moistened with purified gasoline or a special stain remover; . 2 wash the stains with a solution of washing powder or foam from soap shavings. At the same time, rub the solution or foam into the fur so as not to moisten the leather base. After this treatment, wash the area where the stain was with water, dry the fur (not in the sun), and then beat out the fur with a beater.
5. fat from canned food will be removed with chalk or tooth powder left on the contaminated area overnight. 6. If you urgently need to get rid of a greasy stain, you can sprinkle it with tooth powder and iron it through paper. 7. Tea stains on tablecloth can be easily removed with lemon juice. 8. Yellow stains on laundry from the iron can be removed with a borax solution (2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water), after which you need.

And again about life hacks. Useful tips to make our lives easier. We read and are not lazy - we apply it.

1. How to tear off the price tag without leaving a trace on the product?

Surely, any of us has bought an item on which a price tag or barcode is firmly glued in the most inappropriate place. Let’s remember how awkward you feel when giving a gift that has a price tag attached to it, but it’s better than having the gift’s packaging damaged!

So, we need boiling water or a regular hairdryer - hold the place with the price tag glued over the steam or in front of a hot stream of air and immediately tear off the price tag!

2. Unusual properties of toothpaste:

Relieves irritation from insect bites, cuts and blisters.

Relieves pain from burns.

Allows you to hide skin imperfections. Accelerates the healing process of damaged skin after removing acne on the face.

Allows you to clean your fingernails to a shine.

Helps smooth hair. Gel toothpastes are hair gel.

Helps get rid of the corrosive odors of garlic, fish, and onions.

Removes stubborn stains from clothes and carpets.

Tidies up dirty shoes.

Removes stains from colored pencils and markers on painted walls.

Cleans silver jewelry to a shine.

Removes scratches from computer disks.

Suitable for cleaning instrument keys.

Removes unpleasant odors from baby feeding bottles.

Cleans burnt metal and cast iron surfaces.

Prevents swimming goggles from fogging.

3. If the soup is too salty

A piece of sugar is dipped into it on a spoon. As soon as the sugar begins to dissolve, remove the spoon - the sugar absorbs excess salt. You can also wrap some flour or rice in a cloth and boil it in the soup. Flour and rice also absorb salt. You can also add raw whole potatoes to the soup and remove them after a few minutes.

4. If you are planning a trip in a reserved seat carriage

Keep in mind that when buying a ticket, it is always better to know the numbering of seats in the carriage from the beginning, so as not to end up in a not very pleasant situation, for example, if you are placed next to the toilet...

5. How to remove rust from laundry:

Old rust on linen can be removed with salt dissolved in lemon juice. To do this, moisten the stain with lemon juice, sprinkle with a thin layer of salt and leave for a day, then rinse.

6. If you don’t have a toaster, it doesn’t matter!

You can make a hot sandwich using an iron!

Put the iron on heat. Best temperature corresponds to the ironing mode for woolen items, so turn the temperature switch to the “wool” mark.

Spread it on top part top slice and the bottom of the bottom slice of bread a little butter. Less than for a regular sandwich. The smoother the slices from the loaf are cut, the more evenly they will cook. Place a piece of aromatic cheese between the slices.

To avoid having to wash the iron or shirt from butter and cheese, it is better to wrap the sandwich tightly with food foil or paper.

Place the bundle on a board (a cutting board will be more convenient than an ironing board) and press the iron against it for about thirty seconds. Then turn it over and do the same procedure.

The hot sandwich cooked using an iron is ready!

7. How to identify frozen potatoes?

To avoid getting into trouble when purchasing, blow on the potato. If dust flies from it, then the potatoes are not frozen. If the dust doesn't fly, the potatoes are frozen.

8. Be unique

9. How to make your morning cheerful?

Usually the morning begins with a tedious alarm clock, which brings nothing but the disappointment of a quickly ending sleep. And how I wanted to get up cheerful, and even with good mood. It’s simple, you just need to apply a basic “cheerful morning” life hack.

It consists of a simple, but very useful exercise for the eyes. You need to start from the very beginning of the morning, when the realization of the inevitability of the end of the dream has already come, but things have not moved further. So, before getting out of bed, you need to: close your eyes tightly, squeezing your eyelids. It is necessary to remain in this position until the eyelids themselves relax, usually 12-15 seconds.

After using the “cheerful eyes” life hack, you will completely no longer want to sleep, the morning will become cheerful and cheerful))

10. Life hack in Russian: if there are no skewers

11. Fresh ink stains on clothes are quickly removed with milk.

12. If you are robbed at an ATM

If they try to rob you while getting money from an ATM, do not resist. Just dial your PIN backwards. For example, instead of 1234, dial 4321. As a result, the machine will secretly notify the police and push out money, but it will be tightly clamped by the dispensing device, as if it were “stuck.”
This function is available in all ATMs, but not everyone knows about it. Tell your friends, someone might find this useful.

13. Sudden loss of strength? Have your legs become weak? - eat a green apple! It includes large number carbohydrates and iron - these substances will get you on your feet!

14. How to prepare “anti-sushi”

For such a simple and delicious snack you will need:
- soft bread
- soft cheese(eg Philadelphia)
- ham
- cucumbers
- carrot
Very convenient for office and “away” holidays, no equipment is needed.
You can change the filling at your own discretion.

15. You are unlikely to need a calculator anymore

17. Blanket))

18. Idea for a battery in a nursery

19. How to cook crispy and delicious chips in the microwave

You will need:
medium potatoes (2-3 pcs)
spices (to taste)
salt (to taste)

Cut the potatoes into circles or slices as thin as possible.
Place potato slices in a single layer on baking paper (parchment).
You can lightly grease the paper with butter.
If desired, you can salt the potatoes and add spices to your taste.
Turn on the microwave at 700 W, cook for 3-5 minutes. It all depends on your microwave
As soon as you see that the surface of the slices has turned slightly brown, immediately remove and transfer to paper towels.
But not before, otherwise the chips won't crisp.
Repeat this procedure until you run out of potatoes.
Bon appetit!

20. Toothache? Hack it!

On the face there are 2 points on the left and on the right where the nerves approach so that by doing a circular massage, you can get rid of toothache for a short time (usually for at least half an hour, sometimes for half a day or a day).

In the picture:
Blue circle - approximately there, look for the nerve of the upper teeth.
The red circle is the lower teeth.

21. Life hack)

22. Here's a sandwich))

The fashionable phrase today is “ life hacks for home" may seem incomprehensible and sophisticated to some, but it really is the ideal name for all sorts of interesting things that make your life easier, more comfortable and more beautiful. The number of these interesting ideas have already exceeded hundreds, websites and video tutorials are dedicated to them. It turns out that one person can come up with the idea original idea, communicate it to the whole world through the network, and at the same time take advantage of another person’s thought from the other end globe. In today’s article you will find only a small fraction of popular life hacks, however, you can implement all of them in your home yourself.

Life hack for home

However, the wire can generally be decorated along its entire length, but this should only be done if you are absolutely sure of the integrity of the plastic casing, because when shorted, the wires can heat up and catch fire along with the decorative layer. Wire decoration options such as jute rope, large beads or woolen threads are offered for use.

Useful lifehacks for home

Those who love order, but can’t achieve it in their apartment, will certainly appreciate useful lifehacks for home, which will help each thing find its place, organize all the little things that often create a feeling of chaos in the rooms. The surest way to achieve what you want is to use a magnetic strip or an entire magnetic shelf where the tools you need will be attached.

They started selling such magnetic strips quite a long time ago, but previously 80% of such products were used exclusively in the kitchen to organize metal knives. It turned out that this is really convenient, because you don’t need to stick your hand into a box with knives (which, you see, is completely unsafe) or aim at their cell on the stand. But over time, both home craftsmen and young ladies who love to do their own manicures acquired magnets, because both a screwdriver and metal tweezers stick to the magnetic surface absolutely no worse than any knife. These have become more popular these days than even kitchen magnetic knife holders.

View lifehacks for home

Our next ones are developing the idea of ​​magnetic holders, but on a larger scale. Today, the use of perforated panels has become incredibly popular, both in the kitchen (for the most part) and in other rooms. The panels are a surface completely covered with small holes. They are perfect for attaching hooks, rings, stops, and holders. Moreover, if watch lifehacks for home this variety, then you will understand why it has become so popular.

Yes, indeed, a wide panel allows for greater variability, that is, you can independently determine what things to hang there, what size, and, if necessary, move everything and reschedule it for new tasks.

The panels can serve as a kitchen apron, they can be a small fragment placed, for example, above the stove, or they can be hidden in a table drawer. To make similar DIY life hacks for the home – video-, the photo tutorials are worth studying first, but, in principle, the main task is to purchase the panel itself. And its installation becomes, as they say, a matter of technique.

It is sometimes no easier to sort out a closet full of clothes than a garage filled with all sorts of junk. But the closet space will be quite enough to set up a clear storage system and put everything away correctly, sorting and dividing. The simplest method used in this case is to modify the hangers. You can drill holes in them, put special rings on them, make sure that they cling to each other and are located not only along the horizontal railing, but also vertically.

Separately, you can and should hang belts and scarves, and lay out socks. The examples shown in the photo above can help you with all this. It is also worth taking care of jewelry, of which every girl has so much. Let the organizer for them be beautiful and original, matching the decorations themselves.

Lifehacks for home and interior

We conclude the review life hacks for home and interior idea using wicker baskets for storing things. You have probably already seen more than once that such baskets large size, equipped with lids, are placed in the bathroom to collect dirty laundry or collect clean laundry before ironing. So, it turns out that the same technique can be used in living rooms.

This is truly one of the most interesting in our opinion lifehacks for cleaning the house. A basket, one or several, is installed near the sofa, under an armchair, near the bed in the room. The basket may or may not have a lid, this is not important, the main thing is that the basket itself is beautiful in appearance and decorates the interior. Just as beautiful as it is inside, it will look great in, and its task will be the same. Over the course of a day or even several days (depending on your workload and desire to clean), all the things that are out of place are thrown there. So the shelves and tables turn out to be clean, and every family member knows where to look for this or that little thing. And as it accumulates, the basket is disassembled and all things from it are moved to their own permanent places habitat or (if we're talking about about clothes) for washing.

It's normal to not be on time with your housework. Any housewife, at least once, has left a mountain of unwashed dishes when going to bed... The modern rhythm of life requires a new approach to usual household chores!

“So Simple!” gives you a new portion of valuable lifehacks for every day. Thanks to these tips, you can easily create an ideal atmosphere of order in your home, without making any extra effort. Now household chores will not cause you grief!

19 useful tricks for housewives

  1. Place the fragrant in the closet with clothes. When you open it, you will enjoy your favorite scent floating among things. Cheap perfume for clothes that is always at hand!
  2. When needed quickly iron a shirt, all means are good. All you have to do is throw a couple of ice cubes into the dryer, turn it on and leave the item there for a couple of minutes. No folds!

  3. We are used to removing the foil in which we are wrapped wine corks. Don't waste time peeling off tightly stuck foil: pierce it with a corkscrew and easily remove the cork.

  4. When driving a nail, use a clothespin to secure it. I always do this, and not a single blow to my fingers!

  5. A trick for those who move often. Glasses and glasses can be placed inside socks, this will increase the chances of bringing them to new home whole.

  6. Put a straw in the ketchup bottle and take it out. After this it will pour easily! No splashes or additional shaking.

  7. Apply a little hairspray to the end of the thread. Threading a needle will become much easier!

  8. Grease a spoon or measuring cup with vegetable oil if you are going to add a certain amount of honey to a dish. Honey will not stick to the dishes!

  9. Wipe the mirror with shaving cream, then with a soft cloth. Finally it will stop fogging...

  10. You can remove stickers from dishes and furniture very easily if you first warm them up with a stream of hot air from a hairdryer.

  11. Here's how to use old plastic ones disc boxes! It looks strange, but this sandwich will certainly be appreciated by all employees in the office.

  12. If you're afraid of forgetting something very important in the morning, send yourself a message the night before. Unread messages in the morning they will remind you of important matters.

  13. By shaving your coat, you will rid it of pellets. This trick will work with a sweater too!

  14. With the help of pumice you can also return things to their former newness.

  15. Idea for big family: Store toothbrushes neatly in a cutlery container.

  16. I'll definitely hang mine up like this sunglasses

  17. The discs can be used as a hanger separator in the closet. Putting stickers and signatures on them makes it even easier!

  18. The sticky roller will perfectly clean the insides of a woman's handbag.

  19. Idea for storing jewelry. Fabulous!

To feel great, you need to be confident in the little things in life that surround you on all sides. By working on small everyday nuances, you can improve your overall quality of life! Little tricks lead to happiness...

Life hacking (life hacking, life hacking) is a special worldview, the adherents of which do nothing but make their lives easier and more enjoyable. Life hackers - amazing people, collecting useful tips for everything, absolutely all occasions. They adapt to the situation, twist established rules to their advantage and do it quite naturally.

How to queue less

Last Cashier Rule: The farthest and most difficult to reach cashier usually has the least crowd. Not always, but often works at McDonald's, supermarkets and at passport control.

How to fight off stray dogs

Using a three percent solution of ammonia in a plastic bottle or water pistol. Unlike a can of pepper, it always works: the dog loses orientation for half an hour or an hour, especially if you manage to get the spray in the nose. This method is traditionally used by postmen.

How to remove wax from carpet

Place some thin paper on top, preferably tracing paper, and iron it with an iron - the wax will stick to the paper. This works with clothes too.

How to clean ashtrays

Pre-treat them with furniture polish.

How to remove scratches from an iPod

Using the simplest polishing agent - regular toothpaste (not whitening). Wipe slowly with an old toothbrush or cotton wool. It also removes scratches on glasses and any glassware.

How to avoid getting poisoned in restaurants

01. New York chef Anthony Bourdain advises being suspicious of “ special offers" and "chef's dishes": this could be in a convenient way sell stale products.

02. Be careful when eating in restaurants where there are few visitors. In the refrigerators of such restaurants, a lot of food has accumulated with an expiration date. Few cooks can resist the temptation to get rid of them first.

03. Be suspicious of Sunday brunches: they use them to dispose of everything that was not eaten on Friday and Saturday. Shrimp salad is a graveyard of dead shrimp. Fish soaked in balsamic vinegar is one that can no longer be simply grilled. On Sunday, the old chef's saying is truer than ever: “Sauce hides a thousand sins.”

04. Don't order fish on Monday: even in cities with lively fish markets, it will most likely be fish ordered on Thursday and not eaten over the weekend. All this time she lay in the refrigerator, which was opened every two minutes.

05. Fish suppliers almost never order swordfish: unlike their clients, they have seen three-meter worms that live in it.

07. Fish comes to Moscow on Wednesdays and Saturdays. These days, in particular, the main shipments arrive for La Maree, the capital's main fish supplier. Therefore this better days to order sushi and sashimi. Salmon from Scotland arrives on Tuesday and Friday, but you can safely order it on other days: salmon is stored longer and better than other fish.

How not to miss errors in the text

When you proofread a text too quickly, your brain begins to correct errors on its own. Experienced proofreaders in this case read the text from bottom to top: this way attention switches from context to individual words and phrases, and attentiveness increases.

How to remember PIN codes, mobile and other number combinations

The numbers need to be visualized as in the picture. Two is like a swan, four is like a chair, zero is a tire, or a bubble, or a ring, seven is an ax, and so on. Thus, instead of mechanical memorization, eidetic (figurative) memory is activated, which is much more effective. The character numbers are connected in chains using the maximum wild stories. So, in order to remember the number 200 76 40, you need to imagine how at the premiere of the film “Cargo 200” director Balabanov hacked to death an elephant with an ax, and then saddled up on a chair and rode off to the tire factory. The more absurd the story, the better it is remembered. A typical example of such a mnemonic technique by Daniil Kharms: “My number is 32 08. Easy to remember: thirty-two teeth and eight fingers.” Anything related to sex and violence is remembered best.

How not to be late for a meeting - Know which day of the week the roads are emptier.

Monday: relatively free. Many motorists are recovering from the weekend; Usually no important things are planned for this day. Orders for the supply of goods are also formed on Monday.

Tuesday: solid traffic jams. On Tuesday, everyone goes out on the highways, trucks deliver orders to stores.

Wednesday: more free. On Wednesday, many people, frightened by Tuesday traffic jams, leave their cars at home.

Thursday: Just as busy as Tuesday. Tuesday and Thursday are reception days for many government agencies in the center. There is often nowhere to park there; people leave their cars anywhere, resulting in traffic jams.

Friday: worse than Monday and Wednesday, but looser than Tuesday and Thursday. On Friday, many people go out of town and buy groceries for the weekend; evening traffic jams form near clubs and cinemas. But Friday is a short working day, and officials have a very short one, so the tension on the roads subsides, and many also abandon their cars to have a drink after work.

How to avoid getting caught by a police check

Buy large bouquet flowers. For some mystical reasons, police usually do not stop people with bouquets - which is what, in particular, drug dealers in many countries around the world take advantage of.

How to separate fighting dogs

01. Do not try to break things up with slaps or hits: the fight will flare up even more. Do not wave your arms in front of a dog's nose: this is dangerous.

02. Moreover, do not try to pull them away by the collars: you may end up being bitten by your own dog.

03. The most proven method: dog owners simultaneously and sharply pull the dogs' hind legs, lifting them off the ground. The dogs lose their balance and let each other go.

04. Even more effective: crossing your arms, grab the dogs by the hind legs and, lifting them, turn them over on their backs. The stomach becomes unprotected, and the dogs unclench their jaws.

05. Throw a jacket over the dogs or pour water on them. This can be done alone. Puppies are thrown into a snowdrift for the same purpose.

06. If the fight has not yet flared up, you can try, if you are not afraid, to stand between the dogs.

07. To unclench your jaws, press on your Adam’s apple, blocking your breathing.

08. Throwing a cat into the middle of a fight - they say it works.

What are the most effective blows in a fight?

01. Remember the “eyes-throat-groin” formula. To hit the groin like this: raise your leg almost 90 degrees, and then sharply straighten your knee. In the throat - this is in the Adam's apple, with the phalanges of the fingers. In the eyes - with fingers, poking. Use available items: everything you have with you (keys, umbrella, pen, lighter, bag, book), on you (jacket, belt), nearby (sticks, cobblestones). Half empty plastic bottle with cola can become a serious weapon.

02. Palms on ears. A fairly complex blow - it is relatively easy to block, but if you hit it, for 15 seconds the person will not understand what is happening at all.

03. A blow to the nose - disorients the enemy for 3-5 seconds.

04. Strike with the forehead to the bridge of the nose (aka “Warsaw”). Often after this the fight ends immediately. Typically a broken nose.

05. Elbow strike to the temple or jaw. It is applied tangentially (as if you urgently needed to scratch your back), then immediately back - again, to the nose. Knees are also effective in close combat.

06. Kick to the shin. Very painful, especially if you are wearing boots with a strong toe.

07. Kick from top to bottom on the foot. The opponent reflexively bends, after which you need to finish the combination with a knee strike to the nose.

How to cut onions without tears

01. Place the onion in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Volatile disulfides, which create the characteristic smell of onions, and propantial, which causes tears, will not be released as much when cutting.

02. Wet the knife with cold water.

03. Place a candle nearby: volatile compounds will be attracted by the flame. You can also place a pan of boiling water nearby (then the steam will attract them) or a fan to drive them away.

04. Chew gum while cutting.

How to avoid being scammed at a bar

01. In an unfamiliar place, ask for a double portion of anything in two separate glasses: there is less chance that they will not be filled enough.

02. Always ask for ice separately: mountains of ice in a glass hide the lack of alcohol.

03. Change in small bills, which everyone is too lazy to count, feeds more than one generation of bartenders - just like ice.

04. A diluted martini is very easy to spot: due to the oily structure, there should be streaks on the walls of the glass, while a diluted martini will have droplets.

05. What brings the bartender the most money is not filling a 500 ml mug with 50 to 80 ml of beer. This works especially well with unfiltered beer, which has dense foam. Beer glasses have a mark of 0.5 - this does not always correspond to reality. Properly poured beer is 3 fingers from the edge of the glass, there should be 4 cm of foam.

06. To replace expensive vodka with cheap one, it is kept in freezer: this way the differences become almost invisible. This usually happens when ordering small portions - ask in advance not to serve it too cold.

07. Good whiskey or cognac mixed with cola - product translation. The bartender thinks the same and will most likely pour the cheapest one.

How to communicate with airport staff

If you need to urgently solve a problem (say, rebook a canceled flight) rather than just check in, it’s always easier to call the airline on your mobile phone than to stand in line with a representative clerk: at least because there are several operators on duty on the hotline.

Taxi drivers usually cheat

01. The most popular way of cheating is “no change.”

02. Outside the Moscow Ring Road, a double meter turns on, but the passenger cannot understand by eye which kilometer, and the taxi driver increases the amount, based only on his own greed.

03. A method often practiced not by drivers, but by companies: send a car over high class, which was not ordered, and demand payment as for business class. In case of refusal, the client will have to pay a penalty and wait for a new car, so few people do this.

04. You shouldn’t charge money for unloading luggage at the airport, but many people try.

05. If the order is cancelled, taxi drivers sometimes still reach the client: they try to pretend that they have not heard about the cancellation and demand a penalty.

How to Order a Drink in a Crowded Bar

The main thing is to reach through the crowd to the bar counter and grab onto it. Imagine that you need to hoist a flag on a stand. The rest is a matter of technique: squeeze through, gain a foothold, attract the bartender’s attention, clearly shout out the order, showing on your fingers exactly how much (“Two beers!”). Hold a couple of banknotes in your hands.

How to remember what you can't remember

If you can’t remember, say, how old your friend’s child is, you just need to imagine how old he might be. Say it at random. Very often the brain relaxes in such a situation and slips in the correct answer, which is simply stuck somewhere. The method was described by Freud.

How to play drunk

Usually everyone tries to literally pretend to be drunk: slurred speech, staggering gait, etc. Much more effective way- try to portray a very, very sober person. Which moves very slowly and carefully, controlling every movement and every word. This game looks much more believable.

How to deal with advanced insomnia

01. Chronotherapy. According to this scheme, you need to go to bed three hours later every day until you get to the time when you need to wake up. For example:

Day 1: Sleep from 4 am to noon
Day 2: 7am to 3pm
Day 3: 10am to 6pm
Day 4: 1pm to 9pm
Day 5: 4 pm to midnight
Day 6: 7pm to 3am
Day 7-13: 10pm to 6am
Day 14 onwards: 11pm to 7am

Two painful weeks can be erased from your life, but this method is considered the most effective.

02. Phototherapy (light treatment). Every morning, sit in front of a source of very bright light - so that the body gets used to the fact that it is morning. You need to sit for half an hour to two hours, and you can do whatever you want. Such special devices (light visor, for example, GoLite) are sold in sleep centers. You can just sit in the sun, but this method has nothing to do with Moscow.

03. Vladimir Levi’s method: if you can’t sleep, you need to get up and do gymnastics. If you can’t sleep again, repeat. And so every night, until the bitter end. The point is that the body begins to get scared that they will do this to it again, and out of horror it switches off on its own.

How to find out the secrets of the Coca-Cola machine

Each Coca-Cola machine with a liquid crystal screen has a simple access code, thanks to which you can find out a lot of interesting things.

01. Dial 4321 (4231 in some varieties) using the selection buttons - those that say Sprite, Coca-Cola and so on. If the buttons are arranged vertically, 1 is the topmost one. If horizontal - the leftmost one. The code can be changed, but usually no one does this.

02. You have entered the device menu: the screen will show Eror or just a number. Button 1 returns to the previous menu, 2 - scrolls up, 3 - scrolls down, 4 - selects. Using them, select the desired submenu.

03. The Eror menu shows all possible error messages that the machine produces. The Cash menu shows the total income of the machine since installation. By scrolling, you can see individual results for cola, sprite or water: first the slot number is shown, then the sum (with fractions; that is, 1352425 is 13,524.25). The Sale menu shows the same thing, only instead of money - the number of cans or bottles sold. RTN (in some machines - Exit) - exits all menus and goes to normal mode.

04. You can’t get a free cola this way.

How not to get drunk

An old but working method: before a serious feast, drink two or three tablespoons of olive or any other oil. A film is formed on the stomach that is impermeable to alcohol. You will still get drunk, but more slowly.

How to kill the smell of tobacco

Place a slice of lemon in the ashtray: it will absorb most of the unpleasant odors. The same slice can remove the smell and yellow stains of nicotine from your fingers. You can also pour a little baking soda into the ashtray.

How to overcome creative block

01. Put a sheet of paper in front of you and quickly write down everything that comes to mind on the topic (if the stupor is very strong, you can start without a topic). The basic principle: write everything down, don’t think about what you read (think only on paper), record all associations, write in a continuous array, don’t think about logical connections. When your own thoughts run out, take a suitable book and, reading slowly, write down all your thoughts, being critical of what you read, and not of your notes. The main thing is to create as large an array of text as possible.

02. Use the Creative Block 1.0 program. (mskcity.ru/creative). The program throws out a random card with various interesting considerations (from Tovstonogov to McCann Erickson advertisers), which can lead to an unexpected decision.

03. Random stimulus method. Described by Edward de Bono, modified by Vitaly Kolesnik.
a. Formulate in the form of a question a problem that requires an idea to solve.
b. Randomly select an object.
V. Holding a question and a random object in your mind, build connections between them and consider each connection as a sign pointing to the answer. The random object must be truly random: the 30th word on the 20th page of a randomly chosen book. No more than 3 minutes are allotted for generating ideas. There is no need to get stuck on one idea; all thoughts are recorded on paper.

How to remove the smell of garlic and fish from your hands

Using any stainless steel item: use it like a regular bar of soap. There is a special steel soap, but a regular spoon works just the same.

How to get the required document signed

A professional trick for lawyers: any agreement must fit on one page - even without indents, without spaces, in small font. Works with any memos, explanatory notes, etc.

How to learn to wake up early

Wake up at the same time with an alarm clock, and fall asleep when you're tired. There are two approaches to sleep. The first is to go to bed and get up at the same time. The second is to fall asleep when you are tired and wake up when you have had enough sleep. To learn to be a morning person, you need to combine these two approaches. This method, in particular, allows you to sleep less than usual: in fact, a person does not need to sleep as much.

How to fall asleep quickly

Lie on your back, stretch out, relax your whole body. Close your eyes and roll your pupils upward under closed eyelids. This is a normal condition of the eyes during sleep. Having accepted this position, a person falls asleep quickly, easily and deeply. According to Viktor Suvorov, this technique has been taught to GRU officers for decades.

How to Take Notes Effectively

01. Divide a sheet of paper into squares and write down logically related things in each. For example, dedicate one of the squares to questions that arise along the way. This is how Bill Gates writes.

02. Cornell method - it is taught to American students: divide a sheet of paper into three parts. The big one is for recording a lecture. Wide left margin for notes after the fact, drawings, symbols and everything that allows you to better remember what you hear. And a small field at the bottom - for a brief, one or two phrase, content of the page.

03. Method of mental maps. Designed by Tony Buzan. He suggests taking notes in the form of living, biomorphic, vine-like drawings - instead of boring notes with lists, tables and diagrams. Main topic placed in the center, branches branch off from it keywords. The more vivid and unusual the drawing turns out, the better it will be remembered. Buzan recommends mental maps for everything - from notes to daily planning, but they are still best suited for various types of brainstorming.

How to open a bottle of champagne with a knife

01. You need a broadsword knife - a special rectangular knife with a wide blade (or something similar). With a sharp knife You can’t hit it - there will be fragments.

02. Sparkling wine is not suitable. “Soviet” or Crimean champagne is also not suitable: the bottle simply explodes. You need classic champagne, which is made according to all the rules (5-6 atmospheres). For training you will need at least 6 bottles.

03. Hold champagne in your working hand, clasping the bottom with your palm at an angle of 45 degrees.

04. Find the seam on both sides of the bottle and clear the place on the neck of the foil for the impact so that it does not slow down the impact. Peel to the edge of the neck.

05. Using a sharp, strong glancing blow, without much swing, hit the cleared area. If everything is done correctly, the neck will fly off without splinters.

06. You need to train with your face protected. It is better to do this not at home: the trick is quite dangerous.

07. The higher the temperature, the greater the pressure, therefore, the more spectacular and farther the neck will fly off. But only if you do everything very correctly. Otherwise there is a high risk of explosion.

How to fool a traffic cop's pipe

Strictly speaking, this is not very necessary knowledge: soon it will be necessary not to blow into a tube, but to suck on special lollipops, a rapid analysis of which also shows the presence of drugs in the blood. It will also not be possible to completely deceive the tubes. But narcologists themselves claim that a few deep breaths before testing can save the situation: the alcohol content in the blood is determined indirectly, by the concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air. A similar method: slowly exhale past the tube, inhale sharply and exhale into the tube.