Biography of Natalia Oreiro. Biography of Natalia Oreiro Career and new projects

On May 19, our beloved Natasha turned 40! The Uruguayan beauty living in Argentina has long become part of Russia. She says to herself that in past life was Russian. And on the eve of the anniversary, the “wild angel” answered questions from “Antenna”.

– In Russia it is not customary to celebrate a fortieth anniversary. Do you celebrate this date?

“We don’t have such a belief that we can’t celebrate it.” But for me, my beloved husband Ricardo usually arranges all the holidays, and it’s always a surprise. As a rule, we don’t go out widely - we sit at home in a narrow circle of family and close friends, or even have a quiet romantic evening for two in some restaurant. I definitely make wishes: I write my most secret things on a piece of paper and... no, I don’t burn them - I hide them in the bedside table. Then it’s so nice to find, re-read, find out what came true.

– Who do you feel more like – an actress or a singer?

- More of an actress! However, I love singing not only on stage, but also in TV series. I know that in Russia my most successful TV series “Wild Angel” and “You are my life” are repeated from time to time on popular TV channels. This makes me happy. It’s good that those who were very young when these projects were shown for the first time now also have the opportunity to empathize with them. And after the birth of my son, I feel like a mother first and foremost. Having a child was mine big dream. When I go on tour, Ata ( full name boy - Merlin Atahualpa. – Approx. “Antennas”) is having a hard time being separated from me, and I am upset about parting with him. I try to take him with me everywhere (he’s already been to Russia), and I also explain to my son, who begs me to work less, that I’m not doing this for the money, but because that’s who I am—I love to play and sing. I find time for my new profession - designer. We have older sister Adriana has her own clothing line - Las Oreiro, and I am no less involved in this business than she is. That's why I feel like everything at once. I, like a nesting doll, can hold a lot. Beneath the personality of the actress there is a singer, underneath there is a designer, and the basis of everything is the mother. By the way, one of my collections is called “Matryoshka” in honor of this wonderful Russian toy.

– How do you raise a five-year-old son?

“I make sure he reads more.” If I’m in a Spanish-speaking country with him, then we go to the local library and borrow a thicker collection of fairy tales for the duration of the shoot or concert. Ata reads it together with dad or his assistant. Ricardo’s husband is a wonderful father: he knows all of his son’s teachers, does not miss a single parent meeting, and actively participates in all events. kindergarten. It so happened that because of filming a television series, I missed our boy’s first birthday. Only dad was next to him on this important day. He sits at home with him when his son high temperature, and I’m crying at this time somewhere far away film set. Although in Argentina, where we live, in this regard everything is like in Russia: it is customary for mothers to sit on maternity leave, not for fathers. Therefore, I doubly appreciate what Ricardo does for our family.

– Natalya, during pregnancy you gained 30 kg, and after that you quickly got into shape. Is there any secret diet?

– I don’t have any special diet, especially a secret one. I believe that what helped me lose what I had gained (and this is really 30 kilograms) was, first of all, the fact that I breastfed Merlin. Also, for some time I completely gave up chocolate, which I simply adore, bread and buns. Sometimes on weekends I allowed myself spaghetti or pizza, but everything was in moderation and under control. It is important to remember that you will not lose weight by focusing on nutrition alone. You must enter physical activity- at least minimal, gentle. After giving birth to Atu, I danced a lot, rode a bike, and tried yoga. And I also had a powerful incentive - a month after giving birth, a film festival with a red carpet was planned. There was no way I could miss this, but I wanted to look great: there were beloved fans and vigilant photographers all around!

– Natasha, my love, you are so beautiful and you have so many fans! Why are you not on any social networks? But your photos would get thousands of likes!

– Happiness doesn’t lie in likes! I would probably register on some social networks, but I see how much aggression other stars receive in the comments there, often from their own fans. I don’t want such a negative field to be created around me. I also protect my personal life from the evil eye. You shouldn't show off your happiness. My husband fully supports me in this. We are always in touch with him and without any chats, it’s more romantic. Once I even threw mine into the sea mobile phone- I don’t like all these so much modern means communications. And I never regretted that action.

Natalia Oreiro is a star of Latin American TV series of the 90s, a lively and vibrant actress, a talented singer and model, and a UNICEF goodwill ambassador. The viewers of the series “Wild Angel” especially remembered it.


Natalia Oreiro (full name Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias Poghio Bouri de Mollo) was born in ordinary family from the city of Montevideo, Uruguay. She was the second child after her 4-year older sister Adriana, who now owns a fashion boutique.

The parents of the future singer earned little, but they had enough to live on. Natalia's father Carlos Alberto Oreiro worked as a salesman, and mother Mabel Iglesias, who gave birth to the future artist at the age of 27, was a hairdresser in a beauty salon.

Shortly after Natalia's birth, the family moved to Andalusia, a region in southern Spain. Here the baby went to first grade, but before she adapted to the European way of life, her parents decided to return to Uruguay.

Parents could not afford to pay for a prestigious education for their daughters, but they did everything possible so that their children would proudly pronounce their last name. At the age of 8 she was sent to an acting club. Even then, Oreiro knew for sure: she would become an actress and, perhaps, a singer. One can only envy such determination at such a young age.

In general, musicality was clearly passed on to Natalia genetically. The girl’s cousin played the piano superbly, and her grandmother was a conductor in a large orchestra and instilled a love of singing in her daughter. Alas, she was unable to realize herself in this field, but she infected her with the dream of the stage youngest daughter.

First steps to glory

At the age of 11, Natalia had her first chance to show what she had learned in acting classes. She appeared on the travel TV show “Xuxa” (“Shusha”), accompanying the Brazilian presenter Shusha. During filming, the girl visited the La Plata River, to which Natalya dedicated a song years later. She spent the money she earned on tickets to Buenos Aires for herself and her mother - in the capital of Argentina she participated in various castings on TV.

Young Natalia Oreiro in the show “Xuxa”

Finally, 12-year-old Oreiro was offered to star in a commercial. The girl thought that she would advertise disposable towels, and was already dreaming of how this video would open the doors of world show business to her. “It turned out it was an advertisement for tampons. All the directors needed was my ass in white shorts; no one cared about my acting talent. I was ready to collapse from shame,” Natalya recalled. But after that, within a couple of years, the girl starred in 30 commercials international companies, including Coca-cola, Pepsi, Johnson & Johnson.

In 1993, Natalya received a small role in the TV series “High Comedy”. By this time, Natalia had finished working with Shusha and refused the offer to become a representative of MTV in Latin America.

In 1994, Natalia received a supporting role in the series “The Unruly Heart”, in 1995 she starred in “Sweet Anna”, and in 1996 in “Models 90-60-90”. In the latter, she played a girl from the provinces who arrived in the capital of Argentina to become a model. According to the canons of soap operas, the owner of the modeling agency turned out to be her biological mother, but both did not even suspect their relationship.

Career blossoming

When filming of the series “Rich and Famous” began in July 1996, none of the creators doubted that Natalia Oreiro, who played the main female role, would wake up as a star after the premiere. And so it happened: the story of Romeo and Juliet modern style made her recognizable even on the bustling streets of Buenos Aires. When a girl entered the store, a crowd of her fans immediately gathered there asking for an autograph. But this was just the beginning!

In 1998, the TV series “Wild Angel” became a hit on television. The whole world, including Russia, followed the development of the relationship between the heroes Oreiro and Facundo Arana. The name Milagros - that was the name of Oreiro's heroine - grew on the actress and became inseparable.

The same year, the romantic comedy An Argentine in New York was released, which marked the beginning of Oreiro's musical career. She recorded the song “Que si, que si” for the tape, which was later included in her debut album.

Natalia Oreiro – Que Si, Que Si

The mediocre comedy surpassed even Titanic with Leonardo DiCaprio at the box office in Argentina. The success of the film became the impetus for recording new songs. On July 14, the world heard the album “Natalia Oreiro,” which included 11 songs. More than one and a half million Oreiro fans bought her disc, which earned it platinum status.

The actress liked to sing, and already in 2000 Oreiro’s second album “Tu Veneno” was released, which translates into Russian as “Your poison”. The track list consisted of 15 compositions. The album earned Natalia a nomination for the Latin version of the Grammy Award in the category “Best Pop Album of the Year,” but lost to “Mi Reflejo” by Christina Aguilera. Two years later, Oreiro released her third album, “Turmalina” (“tourmaline”), and left musical activity for a long time.

Natalie Oreiro – Cambio Dolor

In April 2002, filming of the series “Kachorra” began (it was released in Russian television under the title “Wild Angel. Return,” although the story was already about another couple in love). Natalia's partner in this series was actor Pablo Rago.

Opening song from the TV series “Kachorra” with Natalia Oreiro

In the spring of 2005, Natalia Oreiro took part in the filming of the Russian-Argentine serial film “In the Rhythm of Tango”, she was accompanied by Andrei Smolyakov, Olga Pogodina and Valery Nikolaev. Since then, the artist has been deeply in love with Russia.

At the end of 2005, Natalia began filming in the series “You are My Life,” where Facundo Arana again became her partner. They brought to life the love story of a racer and a boxer.

The year 2007 started extremely well for the actress. She was recognized as the queen of the Cannes festival, “You Are My Life” was shown on TV in all corners of the planet, and she was awarded the “Best Actress” award at the Martín Fierro Awards. In October, Natalya and her sister launched a line fashionable clothes"Las Oreiro" and opened a boutique in Palermo.

The actress welcomed the spring of 2008 in an updated look - with blond hair. In the same year, Oreiro shone in the TV series “Amanda O,” where she played the world’s favorite singer and philanthropist. But the first impression of Amanda’s resemblance to Oreiro herself was wrong: the heroine of the series hid a selfish and obnoxious character behind a brilliant façade. But at one point Amanda had to lose everything and start the path to the pinnacle of fame from the very beginning.

In 2009, the successful comedy “Music Waiting” was released. Viewers saw Natalia in the role of pregnant secretary Paula, who inspires musician Ezekiel to create beautiful compositions.

In the 2010s, Oreiro appeared in romantic comedies (My First Wedding), biographical dramas (I Am Gilda), and thrillers (Wakonda, nominated for the Un Certain Regard award at the Cannes Film Festival). The actress did not forget about the series; The black comedy is worth mentioning separately" Dark Angel", where Natalya plays the hostess funeral home, in which the deaths of people are falsified. Here a completely different Oreiro appears before the audience, no longer the naive girl from “Wild Angel”.

In 2016, after a long silence in the role of a singer, Natalia released a new single, “No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor.”

Natalia Oreiro– No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor

Personal life of Natalia Oreiro

In 1994, the series “Only for Couples” was broadcast on Uruguayan television, the star of which was the dark-haired handsome Pablo Ecciari. Then the girl boldly declared: “He will be mine!”

She met her love on the set of the series “The Unruly Heart” and did not take her eyes off the actor. She was 18, he was 7 years older. Soon they began to live together, but a marriage proposal never followed.

Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias Poghio Bouri de Mollo - this is the full name of the star of the 90s TV series and singer, better known to us as Natalia Oreiro. She managed to become incredibly famous with rather modest starting opportunities. Therefore, for millions of girls, Natalia Oreiro has turned into a kind of beacon, a symbol by which they focus and believe that fame can come to each of them.

Natalia Oreiro was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in May 1977. At the time of the girl’s birth, her 4-year-old sister Adriana was already growing up in the family. The family lived modestly: its head, Carlos Alberto Oreiro, worked in a store as a simple salesman, and then took up small business. And my mother, Mabel Iglesias, worked as a hairdresser in a beauty salon.

The family moved quite often from place to place, so only the first years of the future star’s life were spent in Montevideo. For some time, the Oreiros lived in the Spanish town of El Cerro.

There were a lot of mom’s hairdressing tools in the house, but for some reason the baby was only interested in the comb. As it soon became clear, it most closely reminded the girl of a microphone. Natalia rushed around the house with this improvised “microphone” and gave concerts to everyone. The baby grew up to be an amazingly artistic child, and her parents immediately noticed this.

At the age of eight, her mother took her youngest daughter to a theater group, in which little Oreiro enjoyed studying.

Already at the age of 12, Natalia Oreiro appeared in television advertising: in two years she starred in three dozen commercials, including such well-known companies as Pepsi, Coca-Cola and Johnson & Johnson.

When Natalia Oreiro turned from a child into a teenager, it became clear to everyone around her that she had a direct path to modeling business. The girl was really lucky with her appearance: a few years later, with a height of 174 centimeters, she weighed 54 kilograms.

In 1991, at one of the castings, a beauty from Montevideo was chosen from a huge number of Latin American girls, entrusted with accompanying the Brazilian TV star Shushi on an international tour. Appearing on television programs in Shushi, Natalia Oreiro gained her first fame.

But the ambitious girl did not want to stop there, so she spent all the money she earned on flights to Buenos Aires, where she attended all the castings: Natalia Oreiro had long dreamed of appearing on screens as an actress.


Luck seemed to smile on young Oreiro in 1993. Natalia was offered a small role in the series “High Comedy”. But the melodrama was never released: its creators did not have enough money to complete filming. At the same time, the contract signed by Natalia Oreiro with Shusha came to an end, and she rejected the offer that the Uruguayan beauty received to become a representative of MTV in Latin America: the girl dreamed of directing all her strength to developing an acting career. And she was lucky in the end.

One day, during an audition for another melodrama, the 16-year-old beauty was noticed and entrusted with a small role in the film “The Unruly Heart.” This melodramatic tape begins creative biography Natalia Oreiro. Soon, the young actress played another small role in the serial film “Tender Ana,” but after filming was over, the young actress had a leading role. It was suggested to Oreiro by the director of the previous series. The new tape was called “Models 90-60-90.” After the release of this youth film, Natalia Oreiro becomes recognizable, although the girl could only dream of real fame.

The desired success and popularity fell on the artist after the release of the multi-part film “The Rich and Famous”. Oreiro's partner in the film was already known to the audience. The title of the film becomes prophetic for the young Uruguayan artist. Now she regularly receives offers from famous directors and producers. After the release of the series, director and producer Gustavo Yankelevich gave Natalia another good offer: play main role in his film "An Argentine in New York".

Oreiro's next starring role is the orphan Milagros in the melodrama “Wild Angel”. Work on the series began at the end of 1998. Natalia Oreiro not only starred in the title role, she also worked hard to create the image of the heroine and improved the script of the film. The efforts were not in vain: this film brought the actress international fame and an entire army of admirers and admirers in many countries around the world. The series becomes the winner of the Viva 2000 competition, which was held in Israel.

In 2002, the TV series “Cachorra” appeared, in which Oreiro starred with actor Pablo Rago.

In April 2005, Natalia Oreiro visited Russia for the second time, but this time not with a concert: she starred in the new series “In the Rhythm of Tango”.

Natalia Oreiro in the series "In the Rhythm of Tango"

In 2011, the actress appeared in the acclaimed film “Underground Childhood,” playing an underground member of the Montoneros organization. The film was nominated for the prestigious Spanish Goya Award and was nominated by Argentina for the Oscar. And although the film was not among the nominees, Natalia Oreiro received a new wave of world fame.

In the same eventful year, the artist and singer became a Goodwill Ambassador to Argentina and Uruguay.

From latest works The actress should be noted for the series “Only You” (Solamente vos), which was released in 2013 and quickly gained high ratings, as well as the film “Among the Cannibals”, in which she played the heroine Ariana Mendoza.

In 2016, Natalia Oreiro presented her fans with two new film projects: the films “Red Pepper” and “I Don’t Regret This Love,” in which she played key characters.


Director Yankelevich not only becomes Natalya’s “godfather” in cinema, but also helps her in her development musical career. With the help of a famous director, Natalia Oreiro releases her debut disc “Natalia Oreiro”. It began being sold in music stores in Argentina at the very beginning of 1999, and its international version appeared in February of the same year. After some time, the disc became “gold”; its sales in Argentina amounted to 750,000 copies. In addition, almost a million copies have been sold in countries Eastern Europe And Latin America.

At the end of 1999, Oreiro began recording a second disc called “Your Poison.” It was presented by the singer in the summer of 2000. Soon its international version appeared. For short time fans of Natalia Oreiro sold out more than two million discs: the star’s songs were heard in every home and from all screens.

In January 2001, Natalia Oreiro began her first tour. The performer gave concerts in Colombia, the USA, Spain, Greece and Russia. In Moscow, Oreiro's concert took place in the Kremlin concert hall to a full house.

One could only be surprised at the star’s performance: in 2002, Natalia Oreiro presented her third album, “Tourmaline.” It also becomes popular, with sales of its copies reaching 1.5 million.

At the beginning of 2003, Natalia Oreiro begins her second international concert tour and performs in 14 countries, including Russia. All her concerts are always sold out: the star sings both new and old, long-loved hits, including the songs “Me Muero De Amor” and “Tu Veneno.”

In November 2014, beloved by millions of TV viewers post-Soviet space the artist again pleased her fans with a visit to Russia. She accepted the offer and attended his show “Evening Urgant”, demonstrating an excellent sense of humor.

In 2016, the singer gave her music fans a pleasant surprise: she released a bright video for a remix of the hit “Corazón Valiente” (“Brave Heart”), in which she played a sexy conductor, and presented the new album “Gilda: No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor.”

Personal life

Natalia Oreiro's personal life is full of happiness and disappointments. In 1994, while filming the TV series The Unruly Heart, Oreiro met Pablo Echarri. The romance that broke out lasted more than five years. But in the fall of 2000, the couple experienced a difficult breakup.

2001 brought Natalia new love. She met 44-year-old rock singer of the group “Divididos” Ricardo Mollo. A year later, the couple got married in Brazil. As a sign of fidelity, the couple got tattoos on their ring fingers and took an oath eternal love. As Oreiro herself says, Ricardo helped her get out of deep depression and feel happy again. For her, her husband is not only a loved one, but also a wonderful friend who enjoys her successes more than his own.

In 2009, Natalia Oreiro's personal life again hit the front pages of the tabloids. There were rumors about a crisis in the relationship between the spouses and a possible imminent breakup. They also started talking about Natalia Oreiro’s romance with her partner in the melodrama “Wild Angel”. The beautiful Natalia and the charming Facundo looked very organic together on the screen, so rumors and gossip immediately arose. But in reality, the actors are just friends. Both have a happy personal life. They communicate in a friendly manner and do not go beyond the scope of professional relationships.

In January 2012, when Oreiro gave birth to a son from her husband Ricardo Mollo in one of the medical institutions in Buenos Aires, Arana was the first to congratulate the couple on the addition to the family. The boy was given the name Merlin Atahualpa.

Natalia Oreiro now

Now Natalia Oreiro looks no worse than ten or twenty years ago: the star has managed to maintain her blooming appearance, as her fans have recently seen. In 2017, Natalia Oreiro posted on her page in Instagram photo without makeup, after which subscribers to her page noted that without makeup their favorite looks no worse than in her youth.

Fans of the star know that Natalia Oreiro is a long-time football fan. It is not surprising that soccer balls appear so often in the series with her participation. The actress has been a fan of the Rampla Juniors club from Montevideo and the Argentina national team since childhood, and before the 2002 World Cup, the star was chosen as the “godmother” of the Uruguay national team.


  • 1995 – “Tender Ana”
  • 1996 – “Models 90-60-90”
  • 1997 – “Rich and Famous”
  • 1997 – “An Argentine in New York”
  • 1998 – “Wild Angel”
  • 2006 – “You are my life”
  • 2011 – “Underground Childhood”
  • 2012 – “Only You”


  • 1998 – Natalia Oreiro
  • 2000 – Tu Veneno
  • 2002 – Turmalina
  • 2016 – Gilda: No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor

Natalia Oreiro now, in 2017, continues to live with her husband, raising her son, and latest news from the photo they say that she has not abandoned her career - she is still the same star!

Natalia Oreiro – famous actress, model, creative personality and simply a unique woman who is popular all over the world. Particular interest in it arose in the territory Russian Federation. There are a huge number of fan associations here, which always warmly welcome Natalya when she visits Russia, and this happens very often.

Now Natalia Oreiro regularly pleases her fans with photos with her husband and child, which can be found in social networks.

Everyone knows about this woman’s singing and musical talent. Today she organizes tours all over the world, but most often in South America and the Russian Federation. In any city, she is the most anticipated guest who is greeted with open arms. Thus, the news about Natalia Oreiro’s personal life and successes today is only positive.

What does Natalia Oreiro look like now, in 2017?

Current career

Currently, the actress continues to develop her creative career. In 2017, she took part in the filming of the film “Gilda. I don't regret this love." In the film, Natalia Oreiro plays the main role. This is an autobiographical film that tells the story of the life of the famous singer Gilda, who died at the peak of her popularity. Natalia Oreiro claims that this is one of the most significant works in her entire acting career. In the film, the singer had to sing in a voice that was not her own. In order to achieve similarity, Oreiro had to imitate famous singer.

Natalia Oreiro – photo 2017 at the premiere of the film “Gilda. I don't regret this love."

In this film, Natalia Oreiro once again demonstrated her excellent acting. For the role of Gilda, the actress has already been awarded “Best Actress” awards at film festivals in South America. In July 2017, a film festival will be held in Madrid, at which Natalia Oreiro is also nominated as one of the best actresses of the year. In 2017, news about the career of Natalia Oreiro was very large number.

In addition, Oreiro actively tours Uruguay and South America. On stage she performs both old famous hits and new songs that were included in her latest album. It is impossible not to mention two films that were released recently, “Red Pepper” and “I Don’t Regret This Love,” which were received quite well by critics. Thus, even today, while taking care of family affairs, she continues to work actively.

Many people want to know how old our star is. Despite the fact that the actress and singer is already 40 years old, she looks great. Oreiro still remains the standard of beauty for many women.

Not long ago she became the face of the cosmetics company Avon. She is filming for the company's Argentine catalogs. The contract with Natalia Oreiro was concluded in 2016, but to this day she takes part in promotional filming. In addition, Natalia Oreiro is a member of Avon's movement against breast cancer, participates in various charity events, and helps women suffering from these diseases.

Natalia Oreiro, Avon charity event against breast cancer (photo 2016)

Natalya recently started her design career. She released several collections that became very popular among fashionistas all over the world. After visiting Russia, the singer released an original line of clothing called “Matryoshka”. The clothes are dominated by red shades and national Russian patterns. Now Natalia Oreiro is often invited to fashion shows, where she shows off exclusive items.

Now, in 2017, you can find new photos of Natalia Oreiro on social networks.

Photo 2017 at the closing ceremony of the 38th Moscow International Film Festival

Personal life

Natalia Oreiro's husband is a popular musician, Riccardo Mollo. Some time ago the couple had a serious crisis in their relationship. There were rumors in the press about Natalia Oreiro's affair with actor Facundo Arano. The family was on the verge of divorce. However, despite temporary difficulties, Natalia and Riccardo still maintained their relationship.
Natalia Oreiro with her husband: photo

Singer for a long time dreamed of becoming a mother. In January 2012, the couple had long-awaited son, who was named Marilyn.

Currently, Natalia Oreiro is trying to devote everything free time to his family: husband and son.

Natalia Oreiro with her son

The singer has official accounts on the Internet. Natalia Oreiro is not shy about posting photos without makeup. Appearance The singer is admired by thousands of fans. However, in the comments they are actively discussing the large number of plastic surgeries that Natalia Oreiro underwent in order to preserve her beauty. The singer herself is not shy about these facts and has a very positive attitude towards plastic surgery.

Photo in Moscow, 2017


The future star was born in the city of Montevideo, which became her native and most beloved. Many fans believed that she was from Argentina, but no, she is Uruguayan by nationality. In 1977, Natalya was born, who became the second child in the family. The parents were not rich, they worked in the public service sector: the father was a salesman, and the mother was a hairdresser. This is exactly how the future star grew up, with incredible success ahead of her. But they did not live long in their hometown, as they moved to Spain.

Natalia Oreiro in childhood (photo)

Oreiro has always been bright and creative personality. Back in preschool age sang songs. Thus, it was decided to send her to a special theater school at the age of eight. It was a huge success for the little girl who was one of the very best. Starting at the age of 12, she took part in filming advertisements.

All the money that Natalia Oreiro earned in adolescence went on flights to Argentina. She wanted to get into at least one series, which at that time were popular and broadcast all over the world. It can be said that not a single casting took place without her participation, but no particular success was achieved.


In 1993 she received a role in the unique project “High Comedy”. It was an episodic character, and the picture never appeared on wide screens. At the age of 16, she received an offer to participate in the TV series “The Unruly Heart.” It was from this moment that a full-fledged acting career. “Models 90-60-90” is also a successful series that many viewers liked.

Everyone knows the TV series “Rich and Famous,” which was also broadcast in the Russian Federation. We can say that the title of the picture became prophetic for Natalia, since she also became rich and famous. Afterwards, offers appeared almost constantly. Many directors dreamed of taking possession of this talented and beautiful girl.

Natalia Oreiro in the series “Wild Angel”

“Wild Angel” is another famous series with the participation of the star. She also helped develop her character's personality. Thus, many directors spoke about her talent. Filming began in 1998, and she also participated in various competitions and festivals.

N. Oreiro and Facundo Arana, series “Wild Angel”

In 2005 she starred in the series Russian production"In the rhythm of tango." In 2011, she took part in the film “Montoneros,” which could even become an Oscar nominee. Despite everything, the singer and actress has always been a popular and sought-after actress who has become a symbol of Argentine TV series.

It’s safe to say that now Natalia Oreiro’s photos are completely no different from those that were taken several decades ago. A few wrinkles do not spoil the beauty of our Wild Angel at all...


Yankelevich is the person who helped Natalia Oreiro achieve high results not only in cinema, but also in music. Together with this director, she released her first album, which bore her name. Since 1999, all stores in Argentina have had discs with Oreiro songs, which are loved by young people. But no one thought that the success would be so great; in Argentina alone, about 800,000 copies were sold in a year. More than a million discs have been sold worldwide. Thus, the debut album became “gold”.

Natalia Oreiro, photo from a performance in Minsk

In the same year, work began on the second album, “Your Poison,” which was also expected to become incredibly popular. We can say that this music sounded in every corner of our planet. Almost 2.5 million copies were sold in 2000 worldwide.

The first tour started after the release of the second album. Concerts were held in the most different cities around the world, and in the Kremlin, there were not enough tickets for those wishing to attend this event. After the success, the third album “Tourmaline” was released, which was no less successful. Since 2003, she has toured Russia several times and interest in her music has still not disappeared.

Concert in St. Petersburg

In 2014, Natalia Oreiro participated in the TV show “Evening Urgant”, where she was greeted with open arms. Recently, a remix of everyone’s favorite hit “Braveheart” was released. They also recently presented a new album, “Gilda: No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor.” Thus, the popularity of Natalia Oreiro is now not only not decreasing, but, on the contrary, only increasing. in 2017, the latest news about the singer and actress delights her endless fans...

Natalia Oreiro recently turned 40 years old. An interview with the actress was published in one of the Argentine magazines. The title of the article read: “At 40, I learned to be a true woman.” It is stated that in the photographs Natalia Oreiro appears completely without makeup and Photoshop. These statements made me feel sad and sad. Firstly, all these big words: “the photographs were taken absolutely without photoshop or makeup.” But what about correctly constructed light, which significantly distorts reality? If you really want to be sincere and honest, then be it to the end. All these half measures are sad. Secondly, these mysterious words in an interview: “I really like astrology, numerology and I believe in the Planets. Every year I go through cycles, and I think that the Moon has a very close connection with women, with the tides...” Thirdly, this an ostentatious feeling of love and respect for one’s spouse: “He special person. He is the person I love and my life partner. Ricardo is very wise man. Each of us has our own place in the couple, including issues of raising our son. What I find in him, and what is a blessing for me, besides the fact that he is my partner, my mate, and my love, is that Ricardo is my teacher." And what about Natalia's love affair with actor Benjamin Vicuña and leaving home? By the way, the article begins with the words “Adult, sincere and whole, it’s rare in the world of show business to be recognized without light and shadows.” I really want to ask you a question. sincerity of the answer to the question regarding plastic surgery in the photographs. recent years these same ones were clearly visible plastic surgery. The only thing that evokes sympathy in me is Oreiro’s sad look. After all, she is usually so bright and positive. And here there is such melancholy in the eyes.

What do you think, dear gossips?

P.S. I really love her as an actress. Maybe that's why her falseness hurt her so much

Updated 27/07/17 11:45:

Dear gossips! Yes, Natalia’s birthday was in May. But this article only recently appeared, hence the headline. I can add that this year Oreiro is celebrating his 40th birthday))) Much has been written about betrayal, even a lot. What kind of evidence would help you?))) Photos from the scene of the betrayal?)) 4 witnesses?))) Regarding her plasticity - okay, I’m posting a photo as proof. About this photo shoot - look, let's be honest. I love Oreiro very much, but it looks painful. Well, neither Jennifer nor Lopez. And in an interview she says that she had a difficult period. Here's a quote: "People were asking me if I was happy with everything going on in my life, and I wasn't feeling good. I was exhausted. I had a very hard time letting go of my home. I realized that I had underestimated process. I thought: “I need a change, I need an update, I want to give my son more contact with nature, I don’t want to go to a farm in Uruguay to plant my vegetables or flowers, in this sense this house no longer satisfied my needs.” And I left when I arrived at mine. new home, I felt paralyzed. I felt like a different person. So much so that for six months I didn’t even open boxes of things. I simply set up my son's room, took out some of my clothes and left all the furniture undisassembled. In my room there was only a mattress on the floor. I didn't even repaint anything. I kept asking myself: “So where am I going?”