What does the name Aza mean - meaning of the name, interpretation, origin, compatibility, characteristics, translation. Aza (female name)

Forms of the name Aza

Other name variations: Asia.

Name Aza in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 氮雜 (Dàn zá). Japanese: アザ (Aza). Korean: 아자 (aja). Hindi: एडेल (Eedeel). Ukrainian: Aza. Yiddish: אַזאַ (aza). English: Aza (Aza).

Origin and meaning of the name Aza

The origin of the name Aza is i. The meaning of the name is Free.

Character of the name

When you learn to treat other people with greater leniency and patience, and realize your overly active nature, your life will become noticeably happier.

Be more confident in yourself and your abilities, especially in such times key points, then you will receive well-deserved recognition and fulfillment of everything you dreamed of.

You are a devoted and faithful partner in love and marriage, but with so many ambitious plans, you may not have enough time for visible expressions of tender feelings, even if you are deeply in love. This is unacceptable! Love is designed to soften your character and make your life more harmonious, so never neglect the object of your admiration for the sake of your ambitions.

You have a strong character, you are accustomed not to talk, but to do; People around you often depend on you. But to achieve harmony in life, you need to find and establish a balance between rest and work.


Your heart is full of love and compassion for others. The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to protect everyone for whom you can do this from troubles. Even to the detriment of their own interests. To do good and not ask for rewards for it is your choice in any situation.

At first glance, this is the life of a saint. But not everyone enjoys constant care and intrusive expressions of participation. Even the closest people can get tired of everyday care. Moreover, you will suffer, because by relieving them of the need to do at least something on their own, you deprive them of the opportunity to develop, turning them into “plankton”.

This means that sooner or later you will probably hear a reproach. And your confidence that self-sacrifice can really bring the results you expected will be dealt a severe blow. Then instead of satisfaction you will get disappointment.

Therefore, the desire to nurture and protect should be limited within reasonable limits. Remember this, and your peace of mind will be preserved.


The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore you should pay special attention unity of style, softness of lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Numerology of the name Aza

Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their most strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, deer.

The name Aza as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
Z Earth
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Aza

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
3 - all-round defense of the “I” from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Name meaning: Translated from Hebrew it means “strong strong”, translated from Arabic it means “consolation”.

Origin: According to some sources, the name Aza is Hebrew, according to others it has Arabic roots.

Character: As a child, Aza is a restless, sickly and capricious child. Has poor appetite and is prone to frequent colds. IN school years she is quick-tempered, stubborn, contradicts teachers, and often acts out of spite to them and her parents. Prefers to be friends with boys. She shows courage, even audacity - she will not allow herself to be offended. He loves sports, goes in for swimming, tennis, although without noticeable results. In character, Aza is similar to her mother, but cannot find mutual understanding with her; in spirit she is closer to her father, whom she is very similar in appearance. As an adult, Aza’s character remains virtually unchanged. She is very amorous and sensual, but her personal life is difficult. She dresses brightly and prefers shades of red and purple to all other colors. She is not stingy, rather she is characterized by extravagance. More often he chooses the professions of a doctor, accountant, sports coach, engineer, hairdresser, typist, waitress, teacher, and freight forwarder. Aza has influential connections, even if she can help many, she does not consider it convenient for herself, but she knows how to make profitable acquaintances. Aza is a wonderful housewife, she is clean, everything in her house sparkles, like in a surgical office. Some people find this very annoying. She can invite guests, and, noticing some imperfections in her home, she will walk around them with a wet rag, wipe the floors, shake off crumbs from the table... Not everyone will feel comfortable in such an environment. Aza herself does not do this on purpose - she simply does not tolerate dirt. Aza is in no hurry to get married, but if she does, it will definitely be with the one she dreamed of. She loves her children and her husband, taking advantage of their reciprocity. Azs are usually the mothers of daughters, extremely rarely - of sons. “Autumn” loves attention and does not tolerate loneliness, because she certainly must demonstrate her abilities and talents to someone. She considers herself an unsurpassed woman, head and shoulders above the rest. Cheerful and charming, never forgetting from which “angle” she looks most impressive. “Winter” - with a difficult disposition, often acts rashly, and is principled. He endures failures courageously and knows how to control himself. Every failure overcome makes her stronger and more determined. Loves power and is able to control people. Leading a team is much easier for her than for other men. “Spring” Aza is very amorous and quick-tempered. Often changes lovers, but remains in harmony with everyone good relations. Cunning and dexterous. Talented actress. She is thrifty in spending money, but you can’t call her stingy either. Does not like weak, greedy and helpless men. He treats almost all women with disdain and prefers to be friends with the stronger sex. “Summer” Aza is the softest of all representatives of the fair sex with that name. She is cheerful and carefree. A little obstinate, but completely selfless. Doesn’t like to take care of other people’s affairs and doesn’t rush to help everyone; her true friends can always count on her.

Beautiful female name Aza is filled with positive energy. Its owner is a strong and extraordinary personality.

Where and how did this name originate and what does it mean? What character traits are inherent in a woman whose name is that? What fate awaits her? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Another name for Aza is Azochka, Azzi. Like many other names, this name has several variations:

  • Some linguists believe that it first appeared among the ancient Jews and means “strong”, “mighty”.
  • Other sources claim that the meaning of the name Aza is “comfort.” This version originated among the Arab peoples and is now more popular among Muslim cultures.
  • Aza is also a shortened form of the name and is often considered a variation of the male names Azat or Azadan. So it is not only feminine, but also masculine.

This wonderful name left its mark both in the Orthodox tradition and in the Catholic one. Christians venerate the holy martyr who bore the name Aza. Angel Day falls on November 3rd.

Temperament and fate

Since childhood, Aza has been more drawn to communicating with adults than with her peers. If she has to be in the same company with peers, she strives to gain leadership among them.

Aza loves it when adults talk to her as equals. Distinctive feature girls is what with early childhood she understands people very well.

If your daughter is not given enough attention, the child may become slightly arrogant. However, if the parents are involved in raising her, then they will not have problems with the baby. The girl studies well at school. She is a gifted and diligent student with excellent memory and an analytical mind.

The child is most attracted to humanitarian subjects, she especially likes languages. If parents encourage and develop the girl’s interest, then in the future she can succeed in this field. The same can be said about the girl’s creative inclinations, which the baby’s mother and father should also pay attention to.

With age, Aza becomes more and more different from others. She differs from the rest in her originality, style of clothing, behavior and speech. This is very attractive to those around her, so the girl always has a lot of friends.

Since this beautiful name means “strong”, its owner is an unshakable person. None stressful situation can't shake a girl's confidence. She is able to find a way out of any impasse and cope with all problems.

Aza is firmly convinced that life is not given to constantly worry and be afraid of something. That is why the girl always achieves her goals and goes to the end in any task, showing perseverance.

The owner of this name leads a very active lifestyle. She is in constant movement, loves to travel, attend various events, radically change his style and appearance, exercise.

At the same time, this girl is educated, very smart, well-read and well-mannered. Those around her are surprised and admired by how Aza finds time for such active work and for self-development.

Career and love

The financial side of the work does not have special significance for Aza. For her, the status itself is much more important than the amount of money she receives. Since childhood, she has been accustomed to being a leader, which is why she professional activity a woman chooses positions where she does not have to be the executor of someone else’s will.

Inner strength, originality and developed intelligence help a girl achieve success in a wide variety of areas of activity. A penchant for languages ​​often contributes to achieving heights in a translator’s career.

Being a creative person, Aza often finds herself in art, literature, fashion, music, theater, etc. In any field of activity, such an employee brings something new, non-standard and interesting to the work. Colleagues really enjoy working with her.

Aza can also successfully realize her career in television, tourism and even politics. For her, career rarely comes first, but motivation is very important for a woman. Thanks to unusual character and the beauty of the girl around her there are always a lot of admirers. Aza understands men very well, which is highly valued by the stronger sex.

She chooses as her husband a man who understands and respects her, who will not limit her freedom of action. For her husband, Aza always remains a mystery. This brings a certain piquancy and romanticism to the relationship, because marriage with such a woman will never become boring and monotonous.

It should be noted that Aza is a wonderful hostess. Her house is always clean and cozy, and her family is waiting on the stove delicious dinner. A woman will communicate with her children on equal terms, because it was precisely this kind of communication with adults that she liked in early age. Children love their mother very much and grow up to be wonderful people.

The name Aza endows its owner with unique beauty, strong character and determination. Such a woman attracts others with her originality and love of freedom. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

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Meaning of the name Aza

Translated from Hebrew it means “strong strong”, translated from Arabic it means “consolation”.

Origin of the name Aza: According to some sources, the name Aza is Hebrew, according to others it has Arabic roots.

Characteristics of the name Aza: This is a sickly girl, restless in childhood, with poor appetite, unstable nervous system. The family pampers her and pays her a lot of attention. Aza is capricious, knows her parents’ weaknesses and knows how to take advantage of them. She may throw a tantrum if she is forbidden to do something, but she will achieve her goal. She is a leader in games with children and does not agree to another role. If she encounters resistance from her friends, she may drop everything, take her toys, upset the company and leave. A persistent and eccentric girl. He likes to act in an extraordinary way, counting on the effect, showing his obvious superiority. She is very musical, draws, and her abilities in choreography manifest themselves early.

During her school years, she is quick-tempered, stubborn, contradicts teachers, and often does everything to spite adults. She needs to be encouraged to play sports; swimming or tennis are more suitable for her than other types.

In character, Aza is similar to her mother, but her daughter never finds mutual understanding with her. She is closer in spirit to her father, whom she is very similar in appearance.
IN mature age Aza has many friends; she prefers to be friends with men or women with a masculine character. Gossip and gossip are alien to her, she... Doesn't tolerate talkers. She herself is a woman of few words, but loves pleasant company.

“Winter” has a difficult disposition, is capable of rash actions, and is too principled. He endures failures courageously and knows how to control himself. Every failure overcome makes her stronger and more determined. Loves power and is able to control people. Leading a team is much easier for her than for other men.
“Autumn” loves attention and does not tolerate loneliness, because she certainly must demonstrate her abilities and talents to someone. She considers herself an unsurpassed woman, head and shoulders above the rest. Cheerful and charming, never forgetting from which “angle” she looks most impressive.

"Spring" Aza is easily excitable and very amorous. He often changes lovers, but remains on good terms with everyone. Cunning and dexterous. Talented actress. She is thrifty in spending money, but you can’t call her stingy either. Does not like weak, greedy and helpless men. He treats almost all women with disdain and prefers to be friends with the stronger sex.
“Summer” Aza is the softest of all representatives of the fair sex with that name. She is cheerful and carefree. A little obstinate, but completely selfless. Doesn’t like to take care of other people’s affairs and doesn’t rush to help everyone; her true friends can always count on her. Aza has influential connections, and even if she can help many, she does not consider it convenient for herself, but she knows how to make profitable acquaintances.

Aza is a wonderful housewife, she is clean, everything in her house sparkles, like in a surgical office. Some people find this very annoying. She can invite guests, and, having noticed some problems, walk around them with a wet rag and wipe the floors, shake off crumbs from the table: not everyone will feel comfortable in such an environment. Aza herself does not do this on purpose: she does not tolerate dirt.

Aza is in no hurry to get married, but if she does, it will definitely be with the one she dreamed of. She loves her children and her husband, taking advantage of their reciprocity.

Most suitable for marriage: Arseny

Not very suitable for marriage: Rostislav

Jewish and Tatar

Meaning of the name Aza

Blackness, power, Jewishness. Consolation, Tat. “Strong”, “Strong” (Heb.) This is a sickly, restless girl in childhood with a poor appetite and an unstable nervous system. The family pampers her and pays her a lot of attention. Aza is capricious, knows her parents’ weaknesses and knows how to take advantage of them. She may throw a tantrum if she is forbidden to do something, but she will achieve her goal. She is a leader in games with children and does not agree to another role. If she encounters resistance from her friends, she may drop everything, take her toys, upset the company and leave. A persistent and eccentric girl. He likes to act in an extraordinary way, counting on the effect, showing his obvious superiority. She is very musical, draws, and her abilities in choreography manifest themselves early. During her school years, she is quick-tempered, stubborn, contradicts teachers, and often does everything to spite adults. She needs to be encouraged to play sports; swimming or tennis are more suitable for her than other types. In character, Aza is similar to her mother, but her daughter never finds mutual understanding with her. She is closer in spirit to her father, whom she is very similar in appearance. In adulthood, Aza has many friends; she prefers to be friends with men or women with a masculine character. Gossip and gossip are alien to her, she... does not tolerate talkers. She herself is a woman of few words, but loves pleasant company. “Winter” has a difficult disposition, is capable of rash actions, and is too principled. He endures failures courageously and knows how to control himself. Every failure overcome makes her stronger and more determined. Loves power and is able to control people. Leading a team is much easier for her than for other men. “Autumn” loves attention and does not tolerate loneliness, because she certainly must demonstrate her abilities and talents to someone. She considers herself an unsurpassed woman, head and shoulders above the rest. Cheerful and charming, never forgetting from which “angle” she looks most impressive. "Spring" Aza is easily excitable and very amorous. He often changes lovers, but remains on good terms with everyone. Cunning and dexterous. Talented actress. She is thrifty in spending money, but you can’t call her stingy either. Does not like weak, greedy and helpless men. He treats almost all women with disdain and prefers to be friends with the stronger sex. “Summer” Aza is the softest of all representatives of the fair sex with that name. She is cheerful and carefree. A little obstinate, but completely selfless. Doesn’t like to take care of other people’s affairs and doesn’t rush to help everyone; her true friends can always count on her. Aza has influential connections, and even if she can help many, she does not consider it convenient for herself, but she knows how to make profitable acquaintances. Aza is a wonderful housewife, she is clean, everything in her house sparkles, like in a surgical office. Some people find this very annoying. She can invite guests, and, having noticed some problems, walk around them with a wet rag and wipe the floors, shake off crumbs from the table: not everyone will feel comfortable in such an environment. Aza herself does not do this on purpose: she does not tolerate dirt. Aza is in no hurry to get married, but if she does, it will definitely be with the one she dreamed of. She loves her children and her husband, taking advantage of their reciprocity.

Name day: November 19 (December 2) (3) November - Holy Martyr Aza, burned in fire for the faith of Christ (II century). NAME DAY: November 3 (October 21) - Martyr Aza.

Numerology of the name Aza

Soul Number: 2.
Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, come easily to them and reveal all their greatest strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 9


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: Cancer.
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, deer.

The name Aza as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
Z Earth
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Aza

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
3 - all-round defense of the “I” from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.