Ararat Keshchyan, biography and personal life. Ararat Keshchyan, biography and personal life Family life and career

New wife Ararat Keshchyan. Model from Kostanay (Kazakhstan), who studies in Moscow. In 2007, after graduating from high school. M. Gorky girl went to Moscow to receive higher education. First, she tried herself as a student at the Faculty of Design at Moscow State Technical University. Kosygina. But a month later she realized that this was not for her, and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), choosing a specialty in public relations. Now she is graduating from university, an excellent student, and is going for a diploma. I must say that Ekaterina Shepeta is quite in demand in Moscow. For example, when preparing this material, we found a photo of her with the famous Russian actor Dmitry Dyuzhev. It was made at a time when Katya worked in a film company in the capital and participated in the PR campaign for the film “Pregnant” with Dyuzhev, Mikhail Galustyan and Anna Sedokova in the lead roles. Now the girl works in one of the Moscow PR agencies. “I was lucky with my choice of specialty, and I am satisfied with the knowledge I gained at the university over five years,” says Ekaterina. – Let me note that I didn’t go to Moscow to conquer it, but to get an education and live here. I have always liked this city, I feel comfortable here. I come home once every six months, I really miss my family! – Has your modeling career become a thing of the past or do you continue to pursue it? – I never aspired to build a career in modeling business, - Ekaterina clarifies. – I simply participated in competitions more than worked as a model. And it all started in childhood. When I was five years old, when asked: “What do you want to become?” I answered, spinning around the mirror: “Fashion model.” When I grew up, I had very long hair, and everyone around me kept telling me that I needed to go to modeling school. Let's go. Then I was invited to the Miss Kostanay beauty contest, where I won a nomination. Further - “Miss Tourism Kostanay-2005”, nominations “Miss Starry Smile” and “Miss Prophoto Agency” at the Kazakhstan competition “Miss Tourism Kazakhstan-2005”, entered the top ten at the All-Russian beauty contest “Miss Volga”. It was exciting for me to visit different cities, communicate with girls, learn something new. I think it was a hobby. The time came when it outlived its usefulness, I entered the university, and all that remained from the competitive years was the crown, ribbons with nominations and memories. I don’t really like the fact that now, due to my marriage, the media are presenting me as a Kostanay/Kazakh model. By the way, we did not advertise our wedding with Ararat, and journalists always attack him with questions about his personal life, and we do not want to do so. Our joint photograph, posted on the website of a Kostanay newspaper, was taken on my iPhone - it is not clear how it got into the media... based on materials from the Local newspaper

Ararat Keshchyan is the star of the sitcom “Univer”. Anyone who has seen at least one episode will not forget this wonderful young man. Another part of the Russian audience knows Ararat from his brilliant performance in the KVN team.

Ararat Keshchyan is Armenian by nationality. He was born in Abkhazia, in Gagra on October 19, 1978. Soon after the boy was born, the family moved to Adler, where he grew up. Ararat was not the only child in the family; he grew up with his older brother Ashot. (Ashot in “Univer” also played Michael’s older brother, the hero of Ararat).
Parents monitored the behavior of their temperamental sons so that they would not succumb to someone’s negative influence, therefore, they encouraged any of their hobbies that took place in a positive direction. Therefore, when the boys, while studying at the university, began to play KVN, their parents did not dissuade them from this activity, in favor of studying and future career. The initiator of joining KVN in 1999 was the elder Ashot, then he brought Ararat there too. At that time, Ashot had already graduated from a university with a degree in economics, and Ararat was studying at the Peoples' Friendship University.

For the first time, the brothers performed as part of the “Grandchildren of Lumumba” team. The team played so fervently that they first became the champion of Sochi, and then reached the semi-finals of the Northern League.
After a brilliant game, the Keshyan brothers were invited to Moscow to join the RUDN National Team in the Major League. And in the new team they proved themselves to be one of the best. The audience especially loved and remembered Ararat’s parody of Gennady Khazanov’s famous monologue “The Parrot”.
Ararat Keshchyan has said more than once in his interviews that KVN only looks fun from the stage, in fact it is hard work, and in order to do something truly outstanding on stage, you have to rehearse so much that there is almost no time left for sleep.

The Keshchyan brothers began to be invited to appear on television in various programs: in some places they were simply participants, in others they were presenters of one or two episodes, in others they were invited guests.

When the casting for participation in the series “ Univer", Ararat was already well known to the audience, so his participation in the sitcom was not accidental.

The young actor never regretted his participation in this project, although filming such films does not leave any time for anything other than the filming itself. Actors come home only to sleep. All life passes on film set. Between takes, the actor tried to read books, but then realized the futility of this idea. The fact is that actors are so exhausted on such projects that during breaks they only have the strength to sleep.

Ararat even admits that sometimes it seems like life passes by, and you are left with the script in your hands. However, the young man fell in love with the acting profession so much that he no longer remembers his specialty, for which he studied at the university, when he dreamed of doing hotel management. True, from time to time the actor says that he would be happy to open a restaurant or cafe in the future that would generate income. Then it will be possible not to think about the profitability of television or film projects with his participation, but simply enjoy the acting profession. But so far these plans have not been implemented.
Despite the years spent in Moscow, Ararat remains a true Armenian and really misses his native land. According to him, he never became a Muscovite, he just got used to life in the noisy capital. He even admits that sometimes he feels a mental discord with the surrounding reality, and everything that currently surrounds him in the capital is literally “tearing” him apart.
He would also like to have two houses: one for the comfort of his family, the second for work.

Personal life of Ararat Keshchyan

In his personal life, the actor now feels happy. He already has one marriage behind him with his wife Irina, which lasted three years and ended in 2010. And in 2013, he married again to a girl named Katerina Shepeta, and a year later she gave birth to his daughter.

Many beautiful Russian actors, read their photos and life stories

Ararat Keshchyan's wife is a bright blonde and popular model Ekaterina Shepeta. Despite the fact that the girl is married and has two children, she did not desperate housewife, but continues to lead an active lifestyle and organizes special events different levels. Read more about the biography of Ekaterina Shepeta, her career and personal life in the article.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Shepeta was born on September 4, 1989 in Kostanay (Kazakhstan). Katya grew up sweet and well-bred girl. She studied at the gymnasium named after. M. Gorky in his hometown. The girl was one of the successful students and always took responsibility for completing assignments.

Attractive appearance and model parameters allowed young Ekaterina Shepeta to participate in beauty contests. The girl dreamed of modeling, but still chose to get a quality education and chose a profession that brought a stable income.

After graduating from school, the girl told her parents that she wanted to study in Moscow. After all, it is in the Russian capital that she will be able to do successful career. The parents supported their beloved daughter. They were not afraid to let Katya go to Moscow, because their relatives lived there, and they took care of Shepeta at first.

Catherine's choice fell on prestigious university MSTU named after Kosygin. But a graduate of this educational institution she didn't. Here in the biography of Catherine Shepeta we meet different versions. The first is that she entered MSTU and transferred to another university. The second option - the girl changed her mind about studying here and passed entrance exams at the Russian State Humanitarian University.

One way or another, five years later, Ekaterina Shepeta became a graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities, receiving a diploma with honors.

Professional activities

After graduating from university, Katya got a job in one of the advertising agencies in Moscow. The girl dreamed of own business, but she had neither the funds, nor contacts, nor experience for this.

Therefore, for some time, a certified advertising specialist worked at the Enjoy Movies PR agency. This company was engaged in promoting various products of the film industry. The specifics of the work involved meeting and communicating with many actors and celebrities, including TNT rope stars.


It was at work that Catherine met her future husband. Ararat Keshchyan and Ekaterina Shepeta met while working on one of the company’s projects. The KVN player and star of the series “Univer” had been collaborating with the company for a long time, and when he saw a young and attractive blonde among the Enjoy Movies employees, he could not pass by. How the couple’s romance developed is not known to the general public. But we can assume that Caucasian roots helped Ararat win the heart of our heroine.

Ararat and Katya got married in 2013. Or rather, they played three weddings. The first celebration took place in her husband’s homeland - in Adler. The newlyweds organized their second celebration in the city where Ekaterina Shepeta is from.

When the family celebrations were over, the newlyweds organized a celebration for their friends and colleagues in Moscow.

Family life and career

The couple did not delay having children, and already in 2014 their family was replenished with a cute creature - daughter Eva.

Ekaterina Shepeta spent her maternity time usefully. While pregnant, she developed a business plan for her own event agency, which she called “Duck House”. The girl was still in a post-wedding mood and she really wanted to create a holiday and give a miracle to others. That's how her own business was born. Now Keshchyan’s wife Ekaterina Shepeta is a successful businesswoman. The girl admits that organizing weddings and celebrations gives her a lot of pleasure.

At the same time, Ekaterina boasts on her blog about her success in mastering the Caucasian national cuisine and the native language of Ararat. The daughter-in-law already communicates fluently with her relatives in Adler in their native language. Katya understands how important compliance is family traditions For Caucasian people so he tries to be ideal wife for my beloved husband.

It is worth noting that the girl is quite modest. She doesn’t like the label of “Kostanay beauty queen” that journalists have put on her.

Katya first of all loving wife and a caring mother. In 2017, she gave birth to her husband’s second daughter, who was named Diana.

The mother of two children looks great and happily shares with her subscribers the secrets of her beauty and quick recovery after childbirth.

Ararat Keshchyan became famous after his role in the TV series “Univer”. But his first success on the big stage came to him while playing in KVN.

Despite the fame of a womanizer and a real womanizer due to the role of his hero Michael, he is loving father And good husband. With his wife Ekaterina Shepeta, they are raising a small daughter and developing their business.

Who tamed the Don Juan?

Ekaterina Shepeta is a beauty with spectacular forms, born in Kazakhstan in 1989. After graduating from school, she moved to Moscow to enter one of the universities. On her first try, she became a student at Moscow State Technical University, choosing the design department. But after not even a year of studying, Katya realized that her calling was completely different. She took the documents and transferred to RGTU. She graduated from the institute in 2012, receiving a specialist diploma in public relations.

Since childhood, Katya has been taking active participation in beauty contests - she really liked being the center of attention, she was glad to meet new people. Her relatives and fans have always admired her luxurious long hair and model forms. The girl became a regular participant in various competitions among the beauties of Kazakhstan. It cannot be said that she constantly took prizes, but she was never deprived of attention from the judges and jury.

Now only personalized diplomas and several awards remind her of her past hobbies, because in at the moment she is a happy young mother and the founder of her own business.

Dream come true

Catherine is married to the idol of millions of girls -. Their marriage was registered in 2013. Moreover, the young people played it three times - first for loved ones and relatives, then for colleagues, and the third time - for Katya’s relatives in Kostanay. There were no journalists at the celebration, because the young people wanted to share the joy only with the people closest to them. As the girl herself recalls, their first acquaintance with Ararat took place with the participation of both in one of Sarik Andreasyan’s projects. Ararat came up with scenarios and took part in them, and Katya worked as a PR person for these projects.

Ararat admits that at the first meeting he was immediately struck by Catherine’s beauty. Well, who could resist the beauty of a blonde with long curls and a graceful figure? Before Catherine, Ararat was married to his wife Irina and at the time they met he had already managed to adapt psychologically after the divorce. After an unsuccessful marriage, he promised himself to never marry, but when he met Katya, he completely let go of these thoughts.


A year after their legal marriage, the couple had a daughter, who was named Eva. This event became an unexpected surprise for new parents, because during pregnancy doctors assured that the couple would have a boy. Ararat is great at combining the role caring father and a loving husband.

Despite the fact that Catherine is 11 years younger than her husband and they have different religious views, their marriage is considered ideal. The couple rarely shares their family photos V social networks, thereby not attracting unnecessary glances and unnecessary gossip to your family. Ekaterina also admitted that, out of respect for her husband, she began to study the Armenian language and learned to cook national dishes Armenia.

Interesting notes:

Wedding fairy

At the moment, the girl is not only raising her little daughter, but is also the director of the Utkin House wedding agency. The idea of ​​creating a company that will help newlyweds make their main day in life simply perfect has been around for a long time.

Ararat calls his wife a “wedding fairy” and a true businesswoman, who not only engages in her favorite hobby and earns money from it. The husband actively acts in comedy films, the wife runs her own business - wonderful family, where everyone is busy with their favorite thing. In their free time from work, Ararat and Katya love to attend various entertainment events and shows.

Ekaterina, like no one else, shows shining example how an ordinary girl came to the capital and, thanks to her determination, not only achieved enormous success in business, but managed to find love and build a strong family.

As Ararat himself says, Catherine is more of a home person than a public figure. They can easily choose a quiet, cozy evening at home rather than going to a noisy party.

Despite the fact that the girl’s work takes up quite a lot of time, her family and raising her daughter come first. This quality in her is greatly appreciated by her husband, who found true happiness with the appearance of Catherine in his life.