What is the Luzhkov family doing now? Yuri Luzhkov: biography, family and interesting facts How old are Baturina and Luzhkov

In 1989, former factory worker and junior researcher Elena Baturina began a long and difficult path to the top of business. In 1991, the Inteko company appeared, engaged in the production of household items made of plastic. In 2002, the main activity was supplemented by the construction of buildings on the basis of house-building plant No. 3, which was gradually supplemented by cement factories and its own bank. Since 2011, the entrepreneur has been moving her business abroad, where she continues her development activities. In 2016, Forbes listed her as the richest woman in Russia with a net worth of $1.1 billion.


It is believed that big business is a sphere of fierce competition and harsh natural selection, the lot of men. Sometimes ladies show themselves in it no worse than the stronger half of humanity.

The story of Elena Baturina's business creation is a vivid example of how a woman, a mother of two daughters, a caring wife, managed to take on the difficult burden of a business, make it profitable and achieve unconditional success.

Elena Nikolaevna Baturina- entrepreneur, founder of the Inteko corporation, the only female billionaire in Russia, whose fortune, according to Forbes version, in 2016 was valued at $1.1 billion, wife of former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov. Her story is striking in that she managed to achieve success in completely “non-female” industries - industrial production and construction.

“It’s very good that I’m a woman. A woman will always find something to do.”

The results of Baturina’s work on the stock market are also indicative: she has always effectively formed and rebuilt her investment portfolio, supplementing it with assets of “blue chips” - Sberbank of Russia, Gazprom, etc.

A separate page in the biography of Elena Baturina is the numerous victories she won. lawsuits(the total amount of compensation is estimated at 1-3 million rubles), related mainly to the disputed false information distributed by the media.

“It seems to me that the poor people steal and take, those who cannot earn money. I don’t consider myself one of those people.”

Being the daughter of ordinary workers, forced to go to a factory immediately after graduating from school, Elena Baturina managed to overcome the chasm and top the list of the richest women in Russia.

In 1989, she began her journey in business as part of a cooperative created together with her brother Victor. Two years later, her main brainchild appeared - the Inteko company, which became not only a key milestone in Baturina’s business, but also a part of Russian history. After all, it was she who created a number of large construction projects in Moscow: the Shuvalovsky and Grand Park residential areas, the Volzhsky microdistrict, the Fusion complex and the academic building of Moscow State University.

The personality of Elena Baturina is surrounded by numerous scandalous rumors. But one thing is certain: this woman managed to achieve success in business, and she continues to implement successful projects.

“I know that if I had allowed myself any illegal actions during more than 20 years of doing business, I would have killed myself. And I’m glad that my conscience is clear, because this allows me today to look everyone in the eye completely openly.”

In 2010, the entrepreneur was first included in the Forbes magazine rating with a fortune of $2.9 billion, and in 2011 she took 77th place in the list of successful Russian businessmen.

In 2012, Elena completely ceased her entrepreneurial activities in Russia and launched a development business in Europe. In 2013, she was ranked 12th among the wealthiest people in Great Britain, where she moved to be close to her daughters.

In 2017, her fortune, according to Forbes, amounted to $1 billion, a decrease of $100 million compared to the previous year. This allowed her to take 90th place in the authoritative ranking.

To this day, she continues to be the richest woman in Russia. Throughout the entire period of her entrepreneurial activity, Baturina has been a well-known philanthropist and philanthropist, who has donated about $300 million to charitable purposes. In 2012, she created the BE OPEN charitable foundation.

How did it happen that a girl from a working-class family became the creator of the Inteko business empire? How did she manage to move from producing plastic basins and glasses to creating large-scale construction projects, maintaining her fortune and reputation even after leaving Russia? The secrets of the Russian businesswoman's success lie in the history of the creation of her life's work.

A girl from a working family

On the eve of the International women's day- On March 8, 1963, a daughter, Elena, was born into a family of workers at the Moscow Frezer plant. She became the second child and the long-awaited girl. During her childhood, the baby was in poor health. None of those close to me could have imagined that the fragile Lenochka would turn into a strict, assertive, purposeful and sometimes extremely tough entrepreneur.

The family did not live well, which is why Elena had to enter the factory at the age of 17. After finishing her day shift, the girl hurried to her evening classes at the institute. This difficult schedule laid the foundations strong character.

After graduation, she was invited to work at a research institute. In an effort to build a career, Baturina agreed.

Reference: Elena's work at the Moscow Institute of Economic Problems was successful: she quickly became a research fellow, and later the head of the secretariat. Subsequently, she was called to the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee to the position of chief specialist, where she first met her future husband, Yuri Luzhkov.
Source: Forbes

However, the monotonous work in government agencies seemed boring and divorced from reality to Elena Baturina. There was only one solution - to go into business.

First steps and birth of Inteko

In 1989, a cooperative for the sale and installation of software was registered in the name of Elena Baturina. The co-founder was her older brother Victor. However, the lack of sufficient start-up capital and knowledge of how to start a business did not allow the business to gain momentum.

But Elena was not going to give up. In 1991, she created Inteko LLP, which became known as a manufacturer of plastic products - dishes, household items, chairs, etc. The decision turned out to be successful, since this was a relatively new field of activity for Russia.

“Russia is not Europe, where all niches have long been occupied. 18 years ago, our nascent market had an almost empty field; we just had to choose the right direction in which to move. We decided to go into production.”

In 1994, the company, using mainly borrowed capital (approximately 6 million rubles), acquired a plastics processing plant. Thanks to the victory in 1998 in the tender for the supply of 80 thousand plastic seats for the construction of the Luzhniki stadium, the company managed to repay the loan.

Elena Baturina’s company managed not only to survive the 1998 default, but even to reorganize into a closed joint stock company and gain a significant foothold in the Russian market. In the early 2000s, it accounted for:

  • 1/4 of the production of all plastic products in the country;
  • 15-20% of the plastics market.

Moreover, since 1999, the Inteko company begins to follow a diversification strategy: along with plastic products, it moves to the production of modern finishing materials (for panel and monolithic construction), and practices architectural design and real estate business.

Development of the construction industry

Elena Baturina did not stop there. Until the early 2000s, she had her sights set on the construction industry. However, the lack of impressive free capital and concerns about high risks hampered.

Chance helped her break into the industry. In 2001, the lawyer of the widow of the director of the Moscow house-building plant No. 3 came to the entrepreneur. Frightened by the threats of competitors, the woman offered Inteko to buy a stake from her (52%). Elena realized that this was an opportunity and agreed to the deal.

In the period from 2002 to 2005. the new enterprise built an average of up to 500 thousand. square meters housing per year.

Interesting fact: During the heyday of the construction business, Baturina’s daughters, Elena (2002) and Olga (2004), were born.

Baturina realized that further expansion and diversification of Inteko could bring her serious results. And, without neglecting the possibility of using borrowed capital, she continued her journey in the ocean of business.

“To succeed, a woman needs to be head and shoulders above her partners and competitors”

In subsequent years, the Inteko group of companies is continually replenished with new members:

  • 2002 - separation of the construction company Strategi LLC, which specializes in the construction of monolithic buildings, within Inteko;
  • 2003 - acquisition of two cement plants;
  • 2004 - purchase of shares in four enterprises producing construction materials;
  • 2005 - purchase of assets of the Russian Land Bank (RZB) mainly for the purpose of ensuring financial transactions for the main business.

The active growth of Baturina’s business allowed her to engage in the construction of elite buildings and standard houses. The design bureau, which operated as part of Inteko from the first years of its activity, created sketches of apartments with improved layouts and worked out the design of facades in detail.

Economies of scale and a balanced approach to business are the main criteria for Baturina’s victories in public and private tenders.

There is an opinion that many orders went to her thanks to the high position of her husband. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that all the tasks assigned to Inteko were completed efficiently and on time. Here we were talking about the personal qualities of the entrepreneur, and not about her influential husband.

“It’s all about genes - a person is either a leader by nature or not. I have always been a leader"

In 2005, Elena Baturina decides to concentrate her efforts on the construction of monolithic housing and commercial real estate: this area brought the greatest profit to Inteko. As a result, it sells DMK No. 3 and all cement plants and invests most of the proceeds in its core activities.

At the same time, the original direction of Inteko’s functioning was not forgotten: the corporation provided plastic utensils to the majority of bistros in Moscow and the Moscow region.

She used the remaining amount to purchase securities largest corporations in Russia (mainly shares of Sberbank and Gazprom). This step was regarded by many analysts as very far-sighted: it was it that helped Inteko stay afloat in 2008-2009, when the entrepreneur sold part of the highly profitable shares and covered the burning bank loans.

“I don’t think I made a great career because all my life I dreamed of being an analyst. Someone should sit as an eminence grise and write analytical materials.”

Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov is the ex-mayor of Moscow. He held this post for 18 years: from 1992 to 2010. He was removed from his post early with the wording “due to loss of confidence” by order of President Dmitry Medvedev.

The period of Luzhkov's mayorship can be discussed for hours. But it is impossible not to admit that during the period of his leadership, the capital acquired authority on a federal and global scale, Moscow turned into the financial center of Russia, and the urban planning scope of the mayor was amazing - on his initiative, the city acquired a monorail road, the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Ring, and the coverage of the metro was expanded , unsafe five-story buildings were resettled, the Manege was restored, Bolshoi Theater, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - and this is only a small part of Luzhkov’s ambitious projects.

Early years. Luzhkov's education

Yuri Luzhkov was born into the family of a carpenter on September 21, 1936. Shortly before his birth, his father, fleeing hunger, moved from the village of Molodoy Tud, near Tver, to Moscow, where he got a job at an oil depot. His mother, a native of the Bashkortostan village of Kalegino, was a laborer at a factory.

Yuri spent his childhood with his grandmother in the city of Konotop, graduated from the seven-year school there and returned to his parents in 1953. He finished grades 8-10 in Moscow, at school No. 529 (now No. 1259). Having entered the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry named after. Gubkin, he began to earn money on his own. He worked as a loader at a station and as a janitor.

He did not shine in his studies, but he was a diligent and hardworking Komsomol member, and was also known as a skillful organizer mass events. In 1954, together with one of the first student teams, he went to explore the virgin lands in Kazakhstan.

Scientific and political career

Started my labor activity Yuri Luzhkov from the position of junior researcher at the Research Institute of Plastics, where he joined in 1958. Over five years of work at the research institute, he rose to the rank of deputy head of the automation laboratory technological processes. The young scientist was noticed by the State Committee on Chemistry, and in 1964 Luzhkov headed its control automation department.

In 1971, Yuri Mikhailovich already headed a similar department in the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry. While climbing the career ladder, Luzhkov did not forget about his Komsomol duty: in 1968 he joined communist party, in 1975 - became a people's deputy of the Babushkinsky district council, in 1977 - a deputy of the Moscow council.

As a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of the 11th convocation from 1987 to 1990, Yuri Mikhailovich was among the “fresh personnel” whom the First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin included in his team. So, in 1987, 51-year-old Luzhkov was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Executive Committee. At the same time, he headed the city commission for cooperative and individual activities and took the post of chairman of the Moscow Agro-Industrial Committee.

“New Russian sensations”: “Luzhkov. Chronicles of PensionMER"

In 1990, on the recommendation of Yeltsin, the chairman of the Moscow City Council, Gavriil Popov, the future first mayor of Moscow, nominated Luzhkov to the post of chairman of the City Executive Committee. In 1991, the position of vice-mayor of Moscow was elective, and Yuri Mikhailovich was elected to this position in June of the same year. In July, he became prime minister of the government, a new executive body that replaced the Moscow City Polkom.

The events of August 1991 put Yuri Luzhkov and his pregnant wife in the ranks of the defense of the Government House: they took active participation in all the events and actions of that epoch-making event.

Yuri Luzhkov – Mayor of Moscow

In 1992, spontaneous food shortages began in Moscow, coupons were introduced, and the population was indignant. The current mayor, Gavriil Popov, resigned. On June 6, 1992, by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov was appointed the new mayor of the capital.

This event became significant in his life, because he spent the next 18 years at the head of the capital, being re-elected 3 times (in June 1996, in December 1999 with 69% and December 2003 with 74% of the votes) always with a large lead over his competitors. The mayor always played political games on Yeltsin’s side: he supported him in 1993 during the dispersal of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation and the Congress of People’s Deputies, and in 1996 during the presidential campaign; openly approved of military actions in Chechnya, participated in the creation of the “Our Home is Russia” party, and in 1995 promoted it in the Duma elections.

But 1999 led to a split in the strong tandem. Yuri Mikhailovich, together with Evgeny Primakov, took the helm political party"Fatherland". His criticism of the current president and calls for his early resignation were unexpected. The mayor's career did not suffer at all. On the contrary, having become a member of the Federation Council, as the head of a subject of the federation, Luzhkov held significant positions - he was a member of the committee on the budget, currency regulation, tax policy, and banking.

In 2001, Yuri Mikhailovich was elected co-chairman of the United Russia party, and all his activities became aimed at supporting Vladimir Putin. After the election of the post of mayor of Moscow was abolished in June 2007, President Vladimir Putin introduced Luzhkov as a candidate to the deputies of the Moscow City Duma, and the deputies gave him the powers of mayor for another four years.

Sevastopol issue

Yuri Mikhailovich always expressed himself towards Ukraine without proper diplomacy. On May 11, 2008, while visiting the celebrations of the 225th anniversary of the Black Sea Fleet in the city of Sevastopol, Luzhkov from the podium did not forget to remind the audience that the issue of the city’s ownership has not yet been resolved, that Russia has all state rights to its territory.

Yuri Luzhkov about Sevastopol

In addition, criticism was voiced of the “legalization” of UPA-UNSO soldiers and integration into NATO. And finally, he threatened to raise the issue of revising the friendship treaty between the countries with the Russian government.

On May 12, the SBU declared Luzhkov persona non grata, beginning to clarify the circumstances of “provocative statements of a political nature.” And only when Viktor Yanukovych took over the post of President of Ukraine was this status removed from Luzhkov.


September 2010 became fatal for Luzhkov. Russian central TV channels have launched a number of documentaries, where they harshly criticized the mayor’s activities. Business, money, connections of Luzhkov himself and all members of his family were publicly discussed. “Mayhem. Moscow, which we lost”, “It’s about the cap” - they crushed trust and undermined the authority of Yuri Mikhailovich with a merciless steamroller.

2010: Yuri Luzhkov was dismissed from the post of mayor of Moscow

In response to a letter to the president dated September 27, 2010, in which the mayor expressed indignation at the criticism he received on television, Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree “On the early termination of the powers of the mayor of Moscow.” The basis for this decision was the “loss of confidence of the president Russian Federation».

Experts immediately dubbed Luzhkov a victim of Putin’s behind-the-scenes intrigues. Alleging threats against his family, the ex-mayor moved to live in London. Most of Luzhkov’s associates were removed from their positions by the new mayor Sergei Sobyanin, and criticism of “Luzhkov’s policies” did not leave the pages of the press, online media and television screens for a long time.

Personal life of Yuri Luzhkov

Yuri Luzhkov formalized his relationship with his first wife, his classmate Marina Bashilova, in his fifth year at the institute. The girl came from a wealthy family; her father was Deputy Minister of the Petrochemical Industry of the USSR

They had two sons - Mikhail (born 1959) and Alexander (born 1973). In 1988, Luzhkov was widowed - Marina Bashilova died of liver cancer.

Elena Nikolaevna Baturina is the richest woman in the Russian Federation, billionaire, ex-owner and co-founder of one of the largest metropolitan business empires, Inteco, chairman of the supervisory board of Inteco Management, wife of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who was dismissed in 2010.

She is the creator of an international high-class hotel chain, including the Grand Tirolia complex with a golf course in the Austrian ski resort town of Kitzbühel, the New Peterhof hotel in the northern capital of Russia, a hotel as part of the new generation business center Moscow Park in Kazakhstan (Astana ), QuisisanaPalace in the Czech Republic (Karlovy Vary), Morrison Hotel in the capital of Ireland.

In 2016, the businesswoman once again, for the fourth time, topped the list of the country's wealthiest women according to Forbes. This publication estimated her finances at $1.1 billion. In 2008, according to the same magazine, she owned $4.2 billion.

Childhood and family of Elena Baturina

The first Russian female billionaire was born in Moscow working family March 8, 1963, seven years after the birth of his brother Victor. She attended the same school as her older brother. Then she entered the evening department of the Institute of Management. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, where Viktor Baturin also previously studied.

In 1980–1982 the girl worked at the largest cutting tools enterprise, Fraser, where her parents spent their working life. Later she became an employee of the Institute of Economic Problems of Development national economy capital, head of the secretarial department of the Union of Cooperators, member of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee in the area of ​​​​cooperative activities. She graduated in 1986 and went into business in 1989.

Business of Elena Baturina

Elena Nikolaevna’s first business project was a cooperative, established in partnership with her brother, specializing in software development and implementation computer equipment at sites various fields activities.

In 1991, the sister and brother founded the Inteko company, whose area of ​​interest included the production of polymer products, commercial real estate, construction and investments in shares of the largest state-owned enterprises, including Gazprom, Oskolcement, Atakaycement, Sberbank.

The company provided financial support for the implementation of projects in the fields of education, culture, art, sports, including international golf tournaments. Elena Baturina initiated the “Home for the Whole World” initiative (the program provided housing to Russian families in dire need in different cities), sponsor of equestrian competitions (Elena was the president of the specialized domestic Equestrian Federation). In 2006, she received the position of deputy head of the interdepartmental group on the national program for the construction of affordable housing.

Since 2007, Elena Baturina has been actively reviving the tradition of our artists performing abroad, created in 1907 by Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev and called the “Russian Seasons”. Thus, in 2008, with her assistance, concert performances of domestic dance groups, classical musical works, and folk songs dedicated to Orthodox Christmas took place in Austria.

Biography of Elena Baturina

In 2009, Inteko completed the construction of the Moscow-Park multifunctional complex in Astana. The complex included shopping, entertainment and business centers, a panoramic elevator, restaurants, cafes, office space and a 4-star hotel.

In 2010, Elena Nikolaevna opened the New Peterhof hotel complex in the Northern capital; as part of assistance to fire victims, financed the construction of a preschool educational institution in the Tula region, sold the Russian Land Bank to foreign investors.

Elena Baturina about her business in Europe

In 2011, information was made public about the billionaire’s donation of porcelain from the Imperial Factory from her personal collection to the Tsaritsyno Museum, as well as the sale of Inteco. In 2012 it became known about the opening of the Quisisana Palace hotel in Karlovy Vary, in 2013 - the Morrison hotel in the capital of Ireland. In 2016, it acquired a number of office buildings in the New York borough of Brooklyn, near the Barclays Center sports arena.

Personal life of Elena Baturina

The successful billionaire woman is married. With her husband, Yuri Luzhkov, they got married in 1991. The husband, for whom their marriage was the second, is 27 years older than her. The married couple raised two daughters - Elena, born in 1992, and Olga, who younger than sister for 2 years. Before Luzhkov left the post of mayor, they were both students at Moscow State University ( eldest daughter studied at the Faculty of World Politics, junior - at the Faculty of Economics). In 2011, the girls and their mother moved to the capital of the United Kingdom, where they continued their education at University College London.

Olga also earned a bachelor's degree from New York University and a master's degree in hospitality management. In 2015, the woman, with her usual marketing savvy, opened her own bar, Herbarium, in Kitzbühel, near Grand Tirolia. In the new establishment, Baturina tried out the long-standing idea that such an establishment could be a place where you can not only drink, but also enjoy herbal drinks in a comfortable environment.

Elena Baturina loves equestrian sports, enjoys tennis, golf, alpine skiing, collecting photographs, works of art (in particular, she owns a painting by the English artist Francis Bacon) and classic cars (her fleet includes about 50 vintage vehicles).

Elena Baturina today

The entrepreneur is engaged in the hotel business, the acquisition and construction of real estate (in the USA, in the UK), together with her husband, she manages the Weedern horse breeding concern. She finances a number of charitable organizations– “Noosphere” to provide selfless assistance in matters of education, tolerance for other faiths, lifestyles, customs, Be Open to promote the progressive ideas of young creative people in different parts of the world.

Victor Baturin about his sister Elena Baturina and Yuri Luzhkov

Elena Nikolaevna Baturina. Born on March 8, 1963 in Moscow. Russian entrepreneur, philanthropist, philanthropist. President of Inteco Management. One of the richest women in Russia. Wife of Yuri Luzhkov.

Father - Nikolai Baturin, was a foreman at the Frazer plant.

Mother worked at the machine, also at the Frazer plant.

Older brother - Viktor Baturin, businessman. In 2007, he sued his sister's company for $120 million for wrongful termination, but lost the case, they signed settlement agreement. Since then, Baturina has not maintained contact with her brother. In July 2013, Viktor Baturin was convicted of bill fraud committed as part of his attempts to obtain additional money from his sister beyond that provided for in the settlement agreement, and non-residential premises. The court sentenced him to 7 years in prison.

In 1980, Elena graduated from school, then worked for a year and a half at the Frazer plant as a design technician in the department that dealt with technology.

In 1986 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

She worked at the Institute of Economic Problems of Integrated Development of Moscow.

With the beginning of perestroika and the cooperative movement, she became the head of the secretariat of the All-Russian Union of United Cooperatives. From this organization she was delegated to the Moscow City Executive Committee commission on cooperative activities, where she held the position of chief specialist.

Started training in 1989 entrepreneurial activity, creating a cooperative together with his brother Viktor Baturin.

In 1991, Elena starred in a cameo in the crime film “Genius” in the title role.

Elena Baturina in the film "Genius"

On June 5, 1991, the Krasnopresnensky District Executive Committee of Moscow registered the Charter owned by Baturina LLP "Inteko", specializing in the manufacture of various types of plastic products. Subsequently, for individual types, the share of this company’s products accounted for up to a quarter of the Russian market. In the 1990s, the Inteko company, expanding its capacity, entered the construction business in the capital and other regions of the country. During the crisis of 2008-2009, Inteko entered the list of 300 systemically important enterprises of the Russian Federation that can count on government support.

Since 1994, Inteko began to engage in petrochemistry - plastic processing and production of plastic products. In 1998, the company won a large tender in an open competition for the supply of 80 thousand plastic seats for the Luzhniki Stadium. Until 2000, the main business was the production of plastics and plastic products.

In the mid-1990s, Inteko entered the construction business, developing the following areas: the development of modern finishing materials and technologies for facade work, cement production, panel and monolithic housing construction, architectural design and real estate business.

In 2001, JSC Inteko acquired from a private person a controlling stake in one of the leading house-building plants in Moscow, OJSC House-Building Plant No. 3. In June 2005, OJSC House-Building Plant No. 3 was sold.

In the early 2000s, Baturina acquired the highly profitable blue chips of the largest Russian corporations Gazprom and Sberbank. This far-sighted step allowed the entrepreneur to sell these shares at a significant profit during the crisis year of 2009 and, due to this, repay the loans taken earlier to the banks for business development ahead of schedule and keep her business afloat.

At the end of 2008, along with Gazprom, Russian Railways OJSC and other large companies, Inteko was included in the list of 295 systemically important enterprises.

In 2009, Inteko CJSC acquired a 60% stake in Moscow Engineering Company CJSC, specializing in the field of engineering construction. Also in 2009, the company began cooperation with the outstanding Spanish architect Ricardo Bofil as part of a program to create fundamentally new prefabricated housing construction systems in Russia for the purpose of comprehensive development of territories for the purpose of mass housing construction.

In 2010, JSC Inteko began construction of the second academic building of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

In 2010, Elena Baturina turned out to be one of the largest taxpayers in Russia, having paid taxes for 2009 in the amount of 4 billion rubles to the state budget.

At the end of 2010, Baturina sold her Russian Land Bank (RZB) to foreign investors.

The most significant completed Inteko projects in Moscow during the period the company was owned by Elena Baturina are: the Shuvalovsky residential block (270 thousand square meters), the Grand Park residential block (400 thousand square meters), the Volzhsky residential microdistrict (400 thousand square meters), the multifunctional complex "Fusion Park" with a museum of unique cars from private collections "Autoville" (100 thousand m²), the Fundamental Library (60 thousand m²), as well as the educational building of the humanities faculties (100 thousand m²) of the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov, invested and built by Inteko.

Inteko sponsored the Russian Open Golf Championship, one of the stages of the European PGA Tour, and also provided support to representatives of the Russian junior team during their participation in foreign competitions. In addition, Elena Baturina supported charity golf tournaments for the Russian President's Cup in Russia, as well as the Rottary Golf World Championship in Kitzbühel (Austria).

At the beginning of September 2011, the sale of the Inteko investment business was announced. Since 2011, Inteko has been part of the SAFMAR Group, owned by the Gutseriev-Shishkhanov family.

Having sold Inteko, in 2011 Elena Baturina moved her business abroad. President of the company Inteco Management.

After the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov from the post of mayor of Moscow, Elena Baturina settled outside the Russian Federation and began actively investing in the hotel business. The first object of the future hotel chain was the five-star Grand Tirolia hotel in Kitzbühel, Austria, whose construction was completed in 2009. Investments in construction amounted, according to various estimates, to €35-40 million. The hotel is located in the center of the Eichenheim golf club, together they make up the Grand Tirolia Golf & Ski Resort. Since 2009 hotel complex received the honorary status of the first “House of Laureus” in Austria, and has now become the site of the annual ceremony of presenting the prestigious international Laureus World Sports Awards, called by experts the “Oscars” of sports journalism.

In 2010, the New Peterhof hotel complex opened in St. Petersburg. The hotel received a number of architectural awards: “Grand Prix” of the architectural review-competition “Architecton-2010” in the category “Buildings”, “Golden Diploma” of the Green Awards competition in the category “Hotel Real Estate” and “Golden Diploma” of the International Architectural Festival “Zodchestvo- 2010" in the category "Buildings".

One of Elena Baturina’s business areas in the USA is investing in investment development funds engaged in the construction of residential and commercial real estate in the UK and the USA. Baturina’s representative office in the USA opened at the end of 2015. It provides support and control over investments made in the country.

In November 2016, the acquisition transaction by Baturina’s structures was completed land plot in Limassol, Cyprus. The site is located directly on the coast and is intended for the construction of a complex of luxury residential real estate.

In 2015, Elena Baturina acquired a majority stake in the German company Hightex GmbH, specializing in membrane construction. In April 2017, Hightex announced the launch of two international projects- in Qatar and the USA. In Qatar, Hightex will construct the membrane roof and facades for the Al Bayt Stadium. The stadium, designed to seat 60,000 spectators, will be one of the venues for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. In the USA, Hightex is implementing a project to install membrane elements on the construction of the “Canopy of Peace” facility, 50 meters high.

Condition of Elena Baturina

In 2010, Forbes magazine recognized Baturina as the third richest woman in the world with a fortune of $2.9 billion. In 2011, she moved to 77th place in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia with a fortune of $1.2 billion, while remaining the richest entrepreneur in the country. In 2012 - 86th place in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia with a fortune of $1.1 billion.

In 2013, she took 98th place with a fortune of $1.1 billion. In 2013, the Sunday Times newspaper included Elena Baturina in the Sunday Times Rich List - a list of the richest people in the UK. The Russian entrepreneur took 122nd place in the general list and 12th place in the list of the wealthiest women. Since then, Elena Baturina appears on the list every year and is the leader among women in the country who earned their fortune on their own.

At the end of 2015, Elena Baturina’s net worth was $1 billion.

In 2017, her fortune amounted to $1 billion - 1940th place in the world ranking, 90th in Russia.

Baturina's fortune was estimated at $1.2 billion.

Social activities of Elena Baturina

Since 2006, she served as deputy head of the interdepartmental group for the national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens.” Elena Baturina was the only representative of the construction business in this group. In connection with the work on the national project, a special unit was created at Inteko, whose employees traveled to the regions of Russia, inspecting the state of construction industry enterprises on site, determining the need for building materials, and collecting demographic and sociological data. As a result, the concept of the Federal Target Program “Development of the Construction Industry and Construction Materials Industry” was developed, on the basis of which the Government of the Russian Federation developed “Strategy for the development of the building materials industry for the period until 2020”.

In 2010, the president of the company, Elena Baturina, became one of the first representatives of large businesses to independently provide assistance to victims of fires - in particular, Inteko built free of charge Tula region preschool.

In 2015, Baturina became one of the international ambassadors public program WE-Women for EXPO, organized jointly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy. We-Women for EXPO is an international community project within the framework of the World Expo, created to find solutions to the most current issues, raised at EXPO 2015. The project brings together outstanding women around the world: laureates Nobel Prize, politicians, cultural, scientific and sports figures, philanthropists and entrepreneurs. The status of international ambassador was awarded to Elena Baturina for her contribution to promoting an innovative approach to solving social issues.

In 1999-2005, Elena Baturina served as President of the Russian Equestrian Federation. During this time, the organization of international dressage and eventing competitions for boys and juniors began; teams of riders of the appropriate age categories qualified to participate in the European Championships were formed. Many competitions were held in Moscow, including the Moscow Mayor's Cup, which was one of the stages of the Cup. After a ten-year break, the Russian Championship, the Russian Cup and the Russian Championship among youth and juniors in eventing were held.

Supports culture and art. First "Russian Seasons" Elena Baturina organized in Kitzbühel, Austria, in 2008 - it was a Russian Christmas celebration with the participation of Russian performers classical music and Russian folk song and dance groups. The next stages of the “Russian Seasons” were held for several years not only in Austria, but also in a number of other European countries.

Sponsored the International Music Festival "Jazza Nova" in Kitzbühel. Over the years, its headliners included world music legends Stevie Wonder and Carlos Santana, and participants included Liquid Soul and Brazzaville, the Turetsky Choir, and Sergei Zhilin. Attendance at the festival was free, and invitations were distributed through public funds.

Elena Baturina is the founder of the charitable Education Support Fund (FPO) "NOOSPHERE", whose activities are aimed at developing religious tolerance in society and provide for the creation of a system of educational courses, information and leisure centers, grant and scholarship programs. The NOOSPHERE Foundation is the initiator and one of the organizers of the educational festival “Team Tolerance”. The Noosphere Foundation is currently implementing an educational astronomy project in London with the support of the Mayor of London Foundation.

Elena Baturina initiated a charity project “Revival of the Russian tradition of collective assistance in building a house” (“House with the whole world”). This project was designed to unite the efforts of commercial organizations, individuals and authorities in various regions of Russia to solve the housing problems of people in dire need of improving their living conditions. As part of the “Home for the Whole World” project, Inteko donated apartments to families in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and St. Petersburg.

Established BE OPEN humanitarian foundation- a creative think tank / “think tank” whose mission is to promote ideas and personalities. This is a cultural and humanitarian initiative that aims to gather the energy of the global creative elite - the best minds from the fields of art, education, design, business - and direct it towards the positive transformation of society. The development and realization of the creative potential of young people is carried out through an extensive system of interrelated events: conferences, competitions, exhibitions, master classes, events in the field of culture and art.

Elena Baturina's height: 172 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Baturina:

Married. Spouse - (born September 21, 1936), Soviet and Russian statesman and political figure, served as mayor of Moscow for 18 years in 1992-2010.

Luzhkov and Baturina met when they both worked in the Moscow City Executive Committee, Elena - in the commission on cooperative activities. They got married in 1991. Then Elena Baturina was 28 years old, and Luzhkov was 55. Baturina said: “When we worked together, we didn’t even think about it, it all happened a little later. Luzhkov is a real man at his core.” in the best sense this word. And we are very lucky - we love each other. We are a completely traditional family."

In their marriage, they had two daughters - Elena (born in 1992) and Olga (born in 1994).

Before the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov, the daughters studied at Moscow State University. Later they moved to London, where they studied politics and economics at University College London.

Baturina explained her move to London with a desire to be close to her daughters: “Life just so happens that I now have to live in England, my children study there and I, of course, will always be tied to the place where they are. They will want tomorrow to live in Japan, I will go to Japan with them. Because these are my children - and they are more important to me than any business."

Daughter Elena does business in Slovakia and founded the company Alener in Bratislava, whose main activity is the development of cosmetics and perfumes.

Daughter Olga entered the Faculty of Economics at Moscow State University in 2010, then studied for two years at University College London. Then she graduated with a bachelor's degree from New York University and then studied for a master's degree in hotel management and food sciences. At the end of 2015, Olga opened the Herbarium bar next to the Grand Tirolia hotel in Kitzbühel, owned by Elena Baturina.

In January 2016, Baturina and Luzhkov got married after 25 years of marriage. The wedding took place in the house church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, located on the site country house Yuri Luzhkov, he was conducted by the rector of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archbishop Feognost - the former mayor of Moscow supports him friendly relations. The ceremony was attended by the couple's children and relatives, as well as close friends.

Elena Baturina is passionate about horses. Baturina began to be interested in equestrian sports after Svyatoslav Fedorov gave her a horse for her birthday. At her personal stable, Baturina keeps disabled horses and provides them with a decent existence.

According to Baturina, how a person sits on a horse, how he negotiates with it - this is how he builds relationships with people: “You must definitely put a person on a horse in order to see how he will behave in a team: will he become a leader or not, will he be a dictator or he will compromise. In general, horses are easier for men. They have a strong hand, and stopping the animal is not difficult. Luzhkov can handle any horse.”

Also likes alpine skiing. He prefers to go skiing in Tyrol, Austria. It was this passion that became the reason that the first property of Baturina’s hotel chain, the Grand Tirolia Hotel, was built in Tyrol.

In addition, Elena Baturina is fond of golf, which she plays with her husband and collects photographs from the countries she visits.

Collects Russian porcelain. Elena Baturina owns one of the largest private collections of Russian imperial porcelain. She gives preference to porcelain from the time of Nicholas the First.

In April 2011, Elena Baturina donated about 40 works of art to the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve in Moscow - part of her collection of rare porcelain. The exhibition was dedicated to the 200th anniversary Patriotic War 1812.

Filmography of Elena Baturina: