Who has horns longer than his tail? Quizzes for schoolchildren

Artists who depict animals are called animalists (from the Latin word animal- animal). When drawing animals, first of all you need to determine what parts their body consists of and what shape these body parts are.

For example, consider a picture of an elephant. How is its trunk constructed? How are your legs and ears? What size is it? What color will we paint the elephant? If there are no colors gray, then how to get it?


Drawing a rabbit begins with large parts (torso and head). Let's pay attention to the shape of his head and body. How many ears does a rabbit have? What color is it?


Now let's try to draw a hare step by step. First, let's see how a hare differs from a rabbit. How many paws does a hare have? Which legs are longer - front or back? What color should we paint the hare in summer, and what color in winter?

You can also draw a hare like this using familiar shapes (circle, oval, etc.).


What other animals are gray? This is a hippopotamus, a goat, a hedgehog. Let's look at the body of a hippopotamus: what parts does it consist of? What shape does a hippopotamus have? What is the largest body part of a hippopotamus?


You can draw a hedgehog with an apple. Hedgehogs love apples very much, and we already know how to draw fruits.


What animals are brown or yellow? Bear, giraffe, lion, squirrel, fawn. Let's look at the drawing of a lion. It has long and thick hair on its head, called a mane. She makes the lion look so huge. By the way, lionesses do not have manes.



Let's draw a little funny deer. Let's pay attention to the structure of its legs. What shape is a fawn's head? What shape is the body?


Let's draw a tall giraffe. Let's pay attention to what a long neck he has and a small head with horns. The giraffe's legs are also very long, and at the ends there are small hooves.



Let's look carefully at the drawing. What shape is a squirrel's head? Her tail is long, wide, curling upward and raised high above her back. The ears are pointed and tufted at the tips. And the paws different lengths: the rear ones are long, and the front ones are short. Let's draw a squirrel with a fungus.


What other animals are there and what color are they? For example, a monkey. Please note that the monkey's front legs are longer than its hind legs. She uses her front paws as hands.


A turtle can be drawn from ovals that look like balloons - “sausages”. Let's pay attention to the turtle shell. It is divided, as it were, into checkers.


Learning to draw a snake is very simple. Snakes have a thin, elongated body, which is drawn with wavy lines. The snake's head is very interesting: it is small and tapering, looking like a small triangle.


What animals are there? green? The lizard looks like a snake with legs. She has an elongated head, an elongated narrow body and a long, tapering tail.


Let's try to draw a hamster. His body consists of two ovals.


Let's draw a goat. Let's pay attention to the shape of his head. Let's not forget to draw a beard for him. Let's pay attention to the drawing of the goat's legs. We draw the animal so that it is larger and so that it can be recognized.

Mountain goat

And this is a big horned goat. These goats with branchy horns live high in the mountains. That's what they're called - mountain goats.


Animals that live near humans are called domestic animals. These include a cow. A cow's head is small, but its body is very large. It is connected to the head by a wide and large neck. The cow has horns.


And this is a bull. It looks like a cow, but its neck is much shorter, its horns are located at a greater distance from each other. The bull itself is more powerful, and its legs are shorter than those of a cow.


Let's pay attention to how thick the pig's body is. It is oval, the tail is crocheted, the legs are small, and the head and body form a single whole, only the snout protrudes - the nose of the pig.


The head and body of this funny lamb look like two ovals: small and large. His horns are curled in a circle, and his legs are like columns.


Let's take a close look at the sheep. What shapes can you draw it from? What color is the sheep? What lines - straight or wavy - should you draw her fur?


Let's try to draw a horse. First you need to draw a piece of paper, as shown in diagram No. 1, then, according to diagram No. 2, draw out all the curves of the horse’s body, legs, ears, and tail. Scheme No. 3 already has a completed drawing of a horse.

You can draw a walking horse.

You can draw a running horse.


Before drawing a dog, let's think about how to position the drawing: vertically or horizontally. Using an inclined line, you must first outline the inclination of the dog’s body. Then use three ovals to mark her body. The upper oval is the head, the lower oval is the body itself, and the middle (transverse) oval is the upper part of its paws. Next, you need to outline other parts of the dog’s body - the paws themselves and the tail. Ears are drawn with triangles. The lower part of the paws is rounded.


The cat is drawn in the same way as the dog - with three ovals. Her ears are also triangular, but, unlike a dog’s, they are located further from one another.


Or you can draw such a funny kitten playing with balls.

Or maybe something like this, from a cartoon.

who has horns longer than the tail?

Alternative descriptions

House. artiodactyl animal; Ukrainian name bagpipes

A tattered pet from the farm of a certain Sidor

Eastern horoscope sign

On the body of this harmless pet, the ancient mythological Chimera wore three fire-breathing lion heads and even the tail of a dragon.

Artiodactyl ruminant domestic animal

Device for carrying weights

Fairytale wolfberry

Ukrainian wind musical instrument

A trolley or trolley for transporting timber, rails and other pieces of equipment of relatively long length or for transporting ore and coke to blast furnaces when loading them manually

Mythical Amalthea

This animal had a horn, which later became the cornucopia.

This unpretentious animal was often called the "poor man's cow"

. “a special cow for cats” according to Sharik from Prostokvashin

Russian folk tale

Animal on the national symbols of Chad

What animal's skin did our ancestors call leather?

Whose body did the chimera have?

This is exactly what, according to a resident of Prostokvashino, a cow for cats is called

. “Which one has horns longer than its tail?” (mystery)

The animal that gave the name of its leg to a rolling cigarette

Her husband is a goat

She left the kids at home and the wolf took advantage of it

Sidorov's beast

Fairytale horned mother with many children

Coming... horned

Amalthea, who suckled Zeus

Odd-toed figure made from fingers

Rowing fishing boat for net fishing in the Azov and Black Seas

. "hoof" combination of fingers

. "...Nostra"

Tale Russian writer M. Zoshchenko

Ruminant animal of the bovid family



Finger figure

The lively living creatures of Sidor

Milk cattle

Cattle Sidora

Milk cattle with horns

Cattle that gives milk

Horned animal

Horned mother of many children

The beast on the coat of arms of Samara

Dereza (tale)

The rooster crows and she runs

Animal, complementary Sicilian "Nostra"

Gives milk and wool

Horned finger combination

Domesticated species of goats

She, the retired one, has a drummer

Pet with a rolling leg

Torn out by a certain Sidor

Horned mother (fairytale)


Following the little guys

Small livestock

Sidor's Horned Victim

Sidor's pet "the monster"


Dairy pet

Rowing fishing boat on the Black and Seas of Azov

. "small" cattle

Horned cattle

. “the horned one is coming for the little guys”

Dereza from a fairy tale

Small dairy cattle

She has an udder

. "addition" to nostra

Offended by Sidor

Horned cattle

Sacred beast in Zimbabwe

Gives milk

Cattle with horns

Two fingers up gesture

Horned pet

Domestic artiodactyl animal

Ukrainian name for bagpipes

Female goat

. "...Nostra"

. "Addition" to Nostra

. "The horned one is coming for the little guys"

. "Coming... the horned one"

. "Small-horned" cattle


Sidor's pet "fiend"

Tattered animal named Sidor


Animal, complementary Sicilian "Nostra"

Horned animals

See goat

Who has horns longer than his tail?

What animal's skin did our ancestors call leather?

This unpretentious animal was often called the "poor man's cow"

. "... nostra"

Her husband is an asshole

Animal with horns

Homemade "dereza"

Homemade "dereza"

Quiz "In the world of animals" for schoolchildren. Quiz about forest animals, quiz about wild animals. Create fun and exciting competitions with these animal quiz questions.

Quiz “All about animals”

■ What is more scary for animals - cold or hunger? (Hunger).

■ Do animals eat beautiful fallen leaves? (No, the leaves are inedible, and even poisonous, so animals do not eat them).

■ Which animals on land should be handled with care? (On land, you should be especially careful when handling arachnids. Many of them are poisonous.)

■ Which animals are most adapted to life in nature: herbivores, carnivores or omnivores? (Omnivores, because it is easier for them to find suitable food. In winter they eat plant foods, and in summer they become insectivores).

■ Where do crayfish spend the winter? (In burrows along river banks).

■ What is a camel's hump made of? (From fat).

■ Born in water, but lives on land? (Frog).

■ Where do frogs go for the winter? (They bury themselves in the mud, silt, under moss).

■ Does a penguin fly? (No).

■ Does he hunt? polar bear on penguins? (No, they live at different poles).

■ Who is called the master of the polar region? (Polar bear).

■ Which pet's teeth grow throughout its life? (In rabbits).

■ Why do rabbits constantly chew on things? (To grind teeth).

■ What is the name of a baby ewe and ram? (Lamb).

■ What will the tadpole become in the future? (Frog).

■ Who is a hippopotamus? (Hippopotamus).

■ Which animals should always have their skin moist? (In frogs, toads, newts).

■ Which animal is more like a human? (Monkey).

■ Which giraffe legs are longer, front or back? (Identical.)

■ What animals fly? ( Bats.)

■ What animal sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat.)

■ Can elephants swim? (Yes. They submerge well in water with their trunk above the surface.)

■ What animals sleep with with open eyes? (Fish.)

Blitz “The most, the most, the most...”

■ Most large lizards. (Lizards.)

■ The largest reptiles. (Crocodiles.)

■ The strangest animal. (Australian platypus (covered with hair, feeds its young with milk, and its nose and all four legs are duck-like; small platypus hatch from eggs).)

■ Most large snake. (Anaconda boa constrictor.)

■ The most useful animal in the world. (Worm.)

■ The oldest domestic animal. (Goose.)

■ The largest animal in Russia. (Elk.)

■ The largest of the hares in our forests. (Hare.)

■ The smallest animal. (Shrew.)

■ The cleanest animal. (Badger.)

■ The longest-legged animal. (Giraffe.)

■ The largest sea crayfish. (Lobster.)

■ The largest sea ​​bird. (Albatross.)

■ The most voracious insect. (Dragonfly._

■ Poisonous toad. Yeah.

Quiz “Forest Animals”

■ What forest animal appears in the fields when oats and corn begin to ripen? (Bear.)

■ Amazing endurance helps this animal survive. He can go without food for many days without losing strength or getting out of shape. Who is this? (Wolf.)

■ Who can a fox live with in a hole? (With a badger.)

■ What animal lives in water in summer and in land in winter? (Water rat.)

■Which forest animal Do babies appear in winter? (Bears.)

■ What does moose lose every winter? (Horns.)

■ Who runs quickly uphill and head over heels downhill? (Hare.)

■ Who sleeps head down? (Bat.)

■ The skin of which predatory animal is covered with stripes? (Tiger skin.)

■ Who gathers in flocks for winter? (Wolves.)

■ Whose tail serves as a rudder and sometimes a parachute? (Belka.)

■ Which animal sleeps under its ears? (Hare.)

■ What animals fly? (Bats and flying squirrels.)

■ Who is white in winter and tan in summer? (White hare.)

■ What animal do they say this about: “This animal eats berries, nuts, acorns, sometimes eggs and chicks.” (About the squirrel.)

■ Are all hares white in winter? (No. The brown hare's upper back remains gray.)

■ They are caught and eaten by wolves, large birds of prey cubs are kidnapped, and golden eagle attacks adults. What kind of animals are these? (Foxes.)

■ What animal is called a connecting rod? (A bear that has woken up in winter is called a “connecting rod bear.”)

■ Which forest dweller dries his mushrooms on the trees? (Squirrel.)

Blitz quiz “Wild Animals”

■ A wild, usually predatory, animal. (Beast.)

■ King of beasts. (Lion.)

■ King of the Desert. (Camel.)

■ The largest animal in the world. (Blue whale.)

■ The largest animal on land. (Elephant.)

■ The animal is a symbol of cunning and dexterity. (Fox.)

■ Hippopotamus in a different way. (Hippopotamus.)

Main feature This animal has a horn on its forehead. (Rhinoceros.)

■ The tallest animal on Earth. (Giraffe.)

■ Lined horse. (Zebra.)

■ The most famous dam builder. (Beaver, or beaver.)

■ Gray, scary and angry. (Wolf.)

underground dweller. (Mole.)

■An animal with the most disgusting reputation. (Rat.)

■ The most prickly animal. (Hedgehog.)

■ The most clumsy and club-footed. (Bear.)

■ The most timid, meek animal. (Hare.)

■ Polar bear cub. (Umka.)

■ Red deer, bred in nurseries. (Maral.)

■ This is also the name of a raccoon. (Rinse.)

■ Giant lizard, predator. (Varan.)

■ A small rodent that can stuff half a cup of seeds into its cheek pouches. (Hamster.)

■ A fur-bearing animal that lives in a hollow. (Squirrel.)

■ Doesn't like red rags. (Bull.)

■ A giant with powerful horns, eagled. (Elk.)

■ Large spotted cat with tufted ears. (Lynx.)

Interesting questions about animals with answers for students primary classes can be used as preparation for the Olympiad on the environment and ecology. And also how additional material in class, quiz questions or publishing an educational newspaper with the children.

Interesting questions about animals

1. What are the names of mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects that bother animals and humans? (Gnus)

2. What do bees make honey from? (From flower nectar)

3. Where do crayfish spend the winter? (In underwater burrows of fresh water bodies)

4. Who will be born four times before becoming an adult? (Many insects have 4 stages of development - egg, larva, pupa, adult insect)

5. How do ants get across streams and ditches? (They make a living bridge, clinging to each other with their legs and jaws, the rest of the ants pass along this bridge)

6. What happens to a bee when it bites a person? (The bee will die because the sting gets stuck in the elastic skin; when the bee pulls out the sting, it tears it off along with the end of the abdomen)

7. How does a grasshopper chirp? (The cracking sound comes from the friction of one elytra from the other)

8. Which beetles are named after the month in which they appear? May beetle)

9. Whose “wife” is a bloodsucker? (In a mosquito, horsefly, because only the female bites, and the male feeds on plant nectar)

10. Who is called the forest “lantern”? (Firefly)

11. Who is called little deer who can buzz? (Bug)

12. Insects that work for humans? (Mulberry bee)

13. Who is called the bee wolf and who is the bee tiger? (Wasp philanthus, hornet)

14. What is the name of the worm-shaped butterfly larva? (Caterpillar)

15. What is the name of the male in bee family? (Drone)

16. Why does a mosquito squeak? (Sounds are made when his wings move)

17. How many legs do beetles have? (Six)

18. How many legs do spiders have? (Eight)

19. How does a spider sitting in ambush know that prey has fallen into its web? (By signal threads that sway when prey moves)

20. How can you find out about the approaching rain by watching an anthill? (The ants hide and close the passages)

21. What is the name of the “musician” behind the stove? (Cricket)

22. What is the name of the fastest flying insect? (Dragonfly)

23. How do spiders fly? (Attached to the web)

24. About whom can we say that he “goes out of his way”? (Cancer, crab, many insects, snake)

25. Who do they say “red as a lobster” about? What color is it really? (Crayfish, brown in color, but turns red when cooked)

26. What are the “scissors” that walk along the bottom of the river called? (Cancer)

27. Who has teeth in his stomach? (The crab has 3 teeth in its stomach)

28. Who has a skeleton on the outside? (In all arthropods, crayfish are insects, spiders, etc. The chitinous cover replaces the skeleton for them)

29. Who has ears on their feet? (The grasshopper has hearing organs on the shins of its front legs)

30. Where do butterflies winter? (In crevices, cracks under the bark, and some fly south to warm countries)

31. Who are called “live flowers”? (Butterflies)

32. Is there an animal with one eye? (Crayfish - Cyclops)

33. Who builds a house underwater out of thin air? (Silver water beetle)

34. Who in the forest, without axes, builds a hut without corners? (Ants)

35. Which butterfly is called the bird's eye? (Peacock eye)

36. Take away one letter from an arachnid and will a fish appear? (Flash - bream)

37. How many wings does a beetle have? (4, two elytra and two wings)

38. What does a toad eat in winter? (A toad doesn't eat in winter, it sleeps)

39. Which legs grow first in a tadpole - front or back? (Rear)

40. What will happen to the frog if you dig it out from under the snow and bring it close to the fire? (She will die from a rapid change in temperature)

41. Where in Russia do frogs and snakes not live? (On the Kamchatka Peninsula)

42. Why don’t birds and animals touch toads? (Toads secrete toxic substances)

43. What animals are called “sea nettles”? (Jellyfish)

44. What do tadpoles eat? (Parts of aquatic plants, protozoa animals)

45. Which animal's eyes can look into different sides independently of each other? (Chameleon)

46. ​​What kind of fish builds nests? (Stickleback, the male builds a nest of algae and guards the laid eggs)

47. Which fish is flat and lies on the bottom? (Flounder)

48. What is the name of a sea animal that lives on the ocean floor; spherical body, covered with spines (Sea urchin)

49. What kind of fish catch prey:

Jet of water (Squirter from Southeast Asia)

Fishing rod ( Monkfish from the Atlantic Ocean)

Electricity (Electric ramp, electric eel, stargazer)

50. What is the name of the sea animal, according to appearance resembling a chess piece? (Sea horse)

51. What do surgeons do at sea? (They live. Surgeon is the name of an order of tropical fish)

52. Which animal lives the longest? (Turtle - up to 300 years , raven - up to 300 years)

53. As the predator that inhabits the seabed is called, it attacks prey several times larger than itself in size; has 8 tentacles? (Octopus)

54. What benefits do they bring to nature? earthworms? (They loosen the soil, increasing soil fertility)

55. How can you recognize a hedgehog? (By yellow spots and by the yellow shields on the head)

56. What is the name of the desert dweller who carries his house on his back? (Turtle)

57. What is it called legless lizard? (Spindle)

58. Who, having one leg, also carries a house on himself? (Snail)

59. What is the name of a desert lizard up to 1.5 meters long? (Varan)

60. Which fish spend most of their time on land? (Spiny jumpers living in the tropics)

61. Who rides on the sea - ocean on a shark? (Pisces - stuck)

62. Which dog doesn't bark? (Fish - dog)

63. What acorn does not grow on an oak tree? (The sea acorn is one of the barnacles)

64. Who swims tail first? (Pink salmon fry)

65. What are the inhabitants of the sea called who carry tools with them? (Fish saw, fish - hammer, fish - knife, etc.)

66. Where are pearls “born”? (In mollusk shells)

67. Why do crocodiles cry? (When they see food, they begin to produce a huge amount of secretory fluid, which is released through the lacrimal ducts of the eyes)

68. Who is heaviest: the most big shark or an elephant? (Whale shark)

69. Do fish see colors? (Yes, but differently than a person)

70. Do fish close their eyes when they sleep? (No, they don't have eyelids)

71. Which lizard hunts deer and wild boars? (Giant monitor lizard)

72. Which snake has horns? (In a horned viper)

73. Which animal has a tongue longer than body? (At the chameleon)

74. Which animal can change its color depending on environment? (Chameleon, octopus, flounder, tree frog, etc.)

75. Which fish are considered “fake” because they lack a swim bladder? (Sharks, rays, etc.)

76. Which mollusk swims the fastest? (Squid)

78. What animals lead an underground lifestyle? (Mole, shrew, some insects, worms, etc.)

79. Which animal is afraid of water, but loves to wash itself? (Cat)

80. Which animal is wearing a vest? (Zebra)

81. Which animal is the most large mammal? (Whale, blue whale- up to 150 t/)

82. What kind of fish does a whale eat? (He does not eat fish, but filters small crustaceans through whalebone)

83. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run from the mountain or to the mountain? (Up the mountain, because the hare’s front legs are shorter than his hind legs)

84. Why do they say that the wolf’s legs feed him? (He runs after prey)

85. Who else will have babies during leaf fall? (In the case of a hare, hares are called “deciduous creatures”)

86. What animals are called “connecting rods”? (Bears that don't sleep in winter)

87. Which cow lives better, the tailed one or the tailless one? (Tailed, it is easier for her to drive away flies that bother her)

88. Who gives birth to babies in the Siberian forest in winter? (At the squirrel)

90. Which pet is the hardiest? (camel, deer)

91. What saves a camel from the heat? (Thick and dense fur, subcutaneous fat)

92. Who gets taller when he sits down? (Dog, cat, wolf, etc.)

93. Which animal carries all its money with it? (Pig with a heel)

94. Why the pig is not afraid snake bite? (Layer subcutaneous fat the pig is poor in blood vessels, the poison does not penetrate into the blood)

95. What animal can stay under water for 20 minutes? (Hippopotamus)

96. Ships of the Desert (Camel)

97. Sled dog (Laika, etc.)

98. One of Thumbelina’s suitors in a velvet fur coat? (Mole)

99. Dam Builder (Beaver)

100. How to connect the toes of a beaver’s hind legs? (Using membranes)

101. What does a hare eat in winter? (Tree bark, bush branches)

102. White as snow, fluffy and small. The tail got dirty with soot. (Ermine)

103. What are the teeth that stick out very strongly from the mouth called - incisors or fangs? (Tusks of elephants and walruses)

104. What is the name of a fenced area for keeping animals? (Aviary)

105. What is the name of a fermented milk drink made from mare’s milk? (Koumiss)

106. What animals fly? (Bats, flying squirrels, etc.)

107. Why are old moose called “elks”? (Their horns look like plows)

108. Who has a horn on his nose? (At the rhinoceros)

109. What animal builds a nest on the grass and low bushes? (Little mouse)

110. When does a squirrel grow tufts on its ears? (Winter)

111. Which animal is an excellent digger? (Mole, shrew)

112. Who collects pine nuts in the forest together with a person? (Chipmunk, nutcracker, etc.)

113. Do animals eat fly agarics? (Yes, they are treated with them)

114. What animal is called a dog with a cat's head? (Cheetah)

115. Are rabbits born blind or sighted? (Sighted, able to move, 5-10 days after birth they begin independent life)

116. Why don’t they hunt fur-bearing animals in the spring? (They molt and hatch their young)

117. What is the name of the long-haired Asian bull? (Yak, sarlyk)

118. What is the largest mammal called:

a) predatory (Polar bear - up to 1 t)

b) herbivore (elephant - up to 7.5 tons)

c) domestic (bull - up to 1.2 tons)

119. Can a horse distinguish colors? (Yes, some)

120. Do lions climb trees? (Occasionally they sleep in trees)

121. Which animal was the first to be domesticated by humans? (Dog)

122. How to write a mousetrap in five letters? (Cat)

123. What ungulate animal has a note in its name "la"? ( Roe)

124. African animal with the world's largest ears (Elephant)

125. The main beast of burden in the Andes (Lama)

126. What shaggy animal with a pained expression on its face hangs upside down on a tree for hours on end? (Sloth)

127. Which animal is the champion among animals in long jump? (Kangaroo)

128. The fur of a hare becomes white, that of a squirrel becomes gray, and that of an arctic fox becomes white or gray-blue. What is this? (Molt)

129. Which animal is the tallest? (Giraffe)

130. What animals are considered sacred in India? (Cows, some monkeys)

131. Which animal breathes through one nostril? (Sperm whale)

132. Which animal plows the bottom with its fangs? (Walrus)

133. Can a newborn dolphin or baby whale drown? (Yes, he has no air in his lungs, so his mother immediately pushes him to the surface of the water)

134. Which scary beast does the forest like raspberries? (Bear)

135. How far can a polar bear swim? (600 km from the coast)

136. If you deprive a predator of a letter, you get a pet. (Wolf - ox)

137. Which predator has the smallest heart? (at the lion)

138. Which animal has a body covered with a shell of horny scutes? (Armadillo)

139. Which animal is the thickest-skinned? (Hippopotamus)

140. Which rodent has a tail longer than its body? (Jerboa)

141. Which dog has a tongue blue? (Chow-chow)

142. What animal of Australia with duck nose? (Platypus)

143. What is the name of one of the most beautiful predatory cats having the longest thick fur and living in the mountains? (Irbis or snow leopard)

143. What is the name of the wild Australian dog? (Dingo)

144. What is the name of an extinct mammal that looks like an elephant? (Mammoth)

143. What animal wears a bush on its head? (Deer)

144. Which animal in V. Bianchi’s stories is called the “forest bun”? (Hedgehog)

145. Which animal is the smallest beast of prey? (Weasel, weight no more than 100 g, body length no more than 15 cm)

146. How does a male lion differ from a lioness? (Thick mane of long hair)

147. Does a bear go to his den skinny or fat? (Bold)

148. Who runs with their hind legs forward? (Hare)

149. Whose teeth grow every day? (In rodents)

150. Which animal is our smallest beast? (Baby shrew, 3.5 cm long)

151. What is the name of a large and dangerous forest cat? (Lynx)

152. What is the name of a rodent that lives in steppes and semi-deserts? (Gopher)

153. What is the name of an animal that walks on its own? (Cat)

154. What is the name of the mammal egg laying? (Platypus, echidna)

155. Why does a dog, when it is hot, stick out its tongue, but a horse does not? (A dog does not have sweat glands on its body like a horse. It sticks out its tongue to cool its body)

156. What animal does neither the fox nor the ferret eat? (Shrew, it emits a strong smell)

157. What forest animal dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

158. Which mountain animal puts up hay bales? (Haymaker or pika)

160. When is the white hare most noticeable? (When it sheds before the snow melts or falls)

161. Where do bats go for the winter? (They sleep in hollows, in attics in caves)

162. Are all hares white in winter? (Only hares turn white - hare hare remains gray)

163. What do newborn bats eat? (Mother's milk)

164. Who appears earlier in the spring: bats or insects? (Bats appear after the insects they feed on)

165. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

166. What small animal sleeps with its head down? (Bat)

167. What animal in old Russia called "cows of the poor"? (Goat)

Vagina Lyudmila Gennadievna, Municipal Budget Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 92”, primary school teacher, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region

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