Underground inhabitants. Who lives underground

November 4th, 2014

Earth unknown to us

Despite all the technical achievements, a person still cannot say that he knows the planet as his own apartment. There are still places where no scientist has gone before. In other corners, if he appeared, it was only to write on a rock “I was here” and leave this area in pristine purity for another 200-300 years.

While studying the World Ocean, man descended to a depth of 11,000 m, but is in complete ignorance of what is deeper than 200-300 m. (To visit does not mean to study) As for the natural voids of the Earth, here a person has gone no further than the “hallway” and has no idea how many rooms there are in the underground “apartment” and what size they are. He only knows “a lot” and “very large”.

Endless underground labyrinths

There are caves in absolutely all parts of the world, on all continents, right down to Antarctica. Underground corridors intertwine into endless labyrinth tunnels. Walking and crawling through these galleries for 40-50 km without ever reaching the end of the tunnel is quite a common thing for speleologists, not worth mentioning. There are caves 100, 200, 300 km long! Mamontova - 627 km. And none of the caves are considered to be fully explored.

Studied for a long time Tibet and the Himalayas scientist Andrei Timoshevsky (better known as Andrew Thomas) wrote that the monks led him into tunnels of endless length, through which, according to them, it was possible to walk to the center of the Earth.

After underground nuclear explosion at the Nevada test site in caves in Canada, located more than 2,000 km away, the radiation level jumped 20 times. American speleologists are confident that all caves on the North American continent communicate with each other.

Russian researcher Pavel Miroshnichenko believes that there is a network of global underground voids stretching from Crimea through the Caucasus to the Volgograd region.

In fact, we have another continent - underground. Is it really not inhabited by anyone?

Masters of the Underworld

Our ancestors did not think so. They were simply convinced of the exact opposite. The peoples of Australia, the North American Indians, and the same people have legends about intelligent lizards living in underground labyrinths. Tibetan monks, Indians, residents of the Urals and Rostov region Southern Federal District.
Is it really an accident?

Most likely, as a result of climate change, life for lizards on the surface of the Earth has become impossible. If the unreasonable creatures remained on the surface and died, the reptoids went underground, where there is water, there are no deadly temperature changes, and the deeper it is, the higher it is even higher due to volcanic activity.

Having left the surface of the planet to man, they took possession of its underground part. Undoubtedly, someday the long-awaited meeting will take place. And most likely this will happen in South America. It was here that the wall separating the two civilizations thinned to a thin partition.


Even the Jesuit priests wrote about the presence in South America of a huge number of underground caves connected together. The Indians called them "chinkanas". The Spaniards believed that the Chincanas were created by the Incas for military purposes: for a quick retreat or a covert attack. The Indians insisted that they had nothing to do with the dungeons; they were created by snake people who lived there and really did not like strangers.

The Europeans did not believe, as they thought, these “horror stories” were intended to prevent the valiant settlers from getting to the gold hidden by the Incas in underground caches. Therefore, there have been many attempts to explore the chincanas of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador.

Expeditions do not return

Most adventurers who set off on a risky journey through the underground labyrinths never returned. Rare lucky ones came without gold and talked about meetings with people covered with scales and huge eyes, but no one believed them. The authorities, who had absolutely no need for emergencies with missing “tourists,” blocked and covered all known entrances and exits.

Chinkanas were also studied by scientists. In the 20s of the 20th century, several Peruvian expeditions disappeared in the Peruvian chincanas. In 1952, a joint American-French group went underground. The scientists planned to return in 5 days. The only surviving member of the expedition, Philippe Lamontiere, came to the surface 15 days later, slightly mentally damaged.

It was not possible to establish what in his incoherent stories about endless labyrinths and lizards walking on two legs that killed everyone else was true and what was the fruit of a sick imagination. The Frenchman died a few days later from the bubonic plague.
Where did he find the plague in the dungeon?

Reptoids, on their way out?

Who lives there, in the dungeon? Research into caves, including the mysterious Chancanas, continues. Returning members of the expeditions are confident that intelligent creatures live in the depths of the caves. The stairs and steps they found in the dungeons, the halls whose floors are paved with slabs, and kilometer-long gutters carved into the walls leave no other options. And the deeper and further the researchers go, the more often they come across all sorts of “surprises”.

Scientists from France, England, the USA and Russia have repeatedly recorded powerful flows electromagnetic waves, the source of which is located in the depths of the Earth. Their nature is unclear.
Are the Reptoids preparing to come to the surface?

Klim Podkova

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Many animals spend almost all, and sometimes all, of their lives underground. They live in holes underground rivers and lakes or directly in the soil under our feet. They have adapted well to this form of life, developing, for example, strong limbs for digging underground passages and an excellent sense of smell and touch, which helps them forage in the dark.

Many of them are completely blind, while others have no eyes at all. Worms, like many other soil animals, feed on roots and rotted remains of plants, while moles, in turn, prefer worms.


Moles primarily live underground, in the whole system underground tunnels, the length of which can reach 180 m and which must be well ventilated. Therefore, the mole, with its front paws as wide as a shovel, digs the ground until it gets to the surface. It leaves the holes open so that air can enter and circulate in the passages. The mounds of earth thrown by moles to the surface are nothing more than the entrance to the ventilation shafts.

How do moles move underground?

Although moles live in most of Eurasia and North America, they are rarely seen because they spend most of their lives underground. Digging tunnels in search of earthworms, insect larvae and other prey, moles seem to swim through the soil, throwing the soil to the sides with paddle-shaped front paws with powerful claws. The sensitive tip of the nose and subtle sense of smell help them navigate the dark dungeon. The ability to sense ground vibrations allows you to detect prey and hide from enemies.

But moles' vision is poorly developed. Tiny eyes, covered by skin in some species, are apparently only capable of distinguishing light from darkness.


The naked mole rat lives in the African savannah. More than a hundred of these small, mouse-sized animals gather in one hole underground. They are completely blind, but their eyes sense air movement well, which allows them to immediately detect which underground galleries are damaged and in need of urgent repairs.

Cave Dragon

Colored in pale pink tones with light red gills, proteas are 30 cm long. They are relatives of salamanders. Proteas live in complete darkness in underground rivers and lakes. At birth, Proteus larvae have eyes, which are subsequently covered with a film: they are not needed in a dark cave. Unfortunately, pollution environment leads to changes in their habitat, threatening the existence of proteas.


Thousands bats they rest in caves or rock crevices, hanging upside down and holding tightly with their paws to the arches and walls of the caves. Bats hunt only at night. They find prey using echolocation. They make a series of high-frequency sounds (ultrasounds) and then listen for an echo, that is, the reflection of the sound from some obstacle, such as an insect. Thanks to echolocation bats can hunt in complete darkness. People do not hear these sounds, but some insects can catch them from afar and immediately hide. The droppings (guano) bats produce in large quantities, feed on many blind beetles and other invertebrates. In many countries, guano is used as fertilizer.

– This summer on our summer cottage moles or some other animals appeared. We learned about this from the earthen mounds, the number of which is simply frightening. The lawn is ruined, it seems there is a threat to the potato harvest... (Evgenia Vladimirovna)

— Moles, mole rats, and shrews that settle in vegetable gardens do not all cause harm. For example, the shrew, a close relative of the hedgehog, destroys the larvae of harmful insects and loosens the soil. This is a useful “underground inhabitant”; its body length is 6-8 cm.
The mole has velvety black fur, powerful digging front paws, a short tail and a muzzle with a movable proboscis, its body length reaches 20 cm. The mole builds complex system underground passages, while excess earth is thrown to the surface through temporary passages in the form of small piles (molehills). Moreover, it does not settle in vegetable gardens, but in lowlands, in damp areas of the garden. The benefit of the mole is much greater than the harm: although it is a lover of earthworms, it also destroys large numbers of larvae of click beetles, May beetles and other beetles.
And another underground inhabitant, the mole rat, manages the gardens. He also throws out soil while digging holes. It is extremely rare to see him. The animal's body shape is a plump cylinder, the geometric perfection of which is not disturbed by either the ears or the tail, since they are underdeveloped. In place of his eyes, a thick fold of skin has formed, densely covered with bristly hair, even the fleas living on him are also blind. The body is covered with thick silky ocher-brown fur, the legs are short and weak, they do not take part in digging, the main digging tool is huge incisors sticking out. The body length of the mole rat is 20-25 cm.
In gardens, mole rats hunt for root crops, bulbs, tubers, and make supplies for the winter. The supply is impressive: 15-18 kg of potatoes in one pantry! They arrange their burrows in two tiers. The total length of the passages of one mole rat reaches 275-360 m.
Methods for protecting garden plots from mole rats are repellent and exterminatory.
The most popular sound repellers and certain types of plants are mint and wormwood. Young trees of the most valuable varieties can be sprayed with mint oil. Plant imperial hazel grouse in your summer cottage. The smell of its bulbs repels rodents. Near the holes you can lay out medicinal black root, branches and leaves of black elderberry. These measures help against all rodents. And the mole rat cannot stand the presence of parsnips. If you sow parsnips along the perimeter of the garden in 2-3 rows, with long-rooted varieties, the mole rat will leave this area.
Wooden pegs are placed on the site, and impellers are attached to them, “working” from the breeze. This creates a hum in the ground, which mole rats really don’t like.
You can bury several champagne bottles, neck up, at an angle of 45°, with the neck protruding 2-3 cm above the surface. This should be done taking into account the direction of the prevailing winds, so that they create noise in the bottles as often as possible.
Empty metal beer cans are placed on wooden pegs; the effect is similar.
Ornamental plants can be protected by planting bulbs, e.g. plastic bottles, poking holes in them. You can also fence the flower garden with a metal mesh, which must be dug into the ground at least 80 cm, that is, it must be buried deeper than the feeding passages, taking into account the lower tier of the passages.
And yet the most effective method is the mechanical extermination of rodents.
I will not write in detail about chemical methods - I am a strong opponent of them. They can become a tragedy for animals and even humans. I absolutely do not recommend using them!
Cats and hunting dogs successfully catch mole rats in the areas. But if your pets do not want to save the owner’s garden, you will have to take up the matter.
First you need to find the latest release of earth, this means that the mole rat is digging somewhere nearby. Dig a hole approximately 40x40 cm in the hole (earth emissions form here). Here you will find the main passage in which both holes need to be cleared. The mole rat does not like drafts and after about 20 minutes it will block the passage from which it digs a gallery. Having found the place where the animal is digging, destroy the soil plug and, stepping back about 5 cm in depth from the beginning of the move, set a trap. The mole rat will return to the start of its turn to close it, and will inevitably fall into the trap.
The mole rat leads a solitary lifestyle, therefore, after driving away or exterminating the animal on the site, you can live in peace for some time.

Few people realize that under the streets of megacities there are entire communities living permanently underground. UFO WORLD publishes a review of unique underground communities.

1. Bucharest, Romania

Beneath the streets of Romania's capital, Bucharest, there is a network of tunnels that provide shelter for a group of drug addicts, HIV-positive children and runaway children and teenagers. Their leader (or, as he calls himself, “father”) is known as “Bruce Lee.” You can get into this underground community through an ordinary hatch in the middle of the street, but entry to outsiders is prohibited.

Those invited to the Bucharest underground describe it as a parallel universe, where abandoned children roam and teenagers use drugs, where there are plenty of dogs and cats picked up on the street, where there is not the slightest problem with electricity, light floods the corridors around the clock, where stereo systems blare with club music, and under There's even artificial grass underfoot. The citizens of Bucharest not only know what's going on down there, but many even praise Bruce Lee.

After the ban on contraception and abortion in 1966, orphans and homeless children filled the streets of the city. Bruce Lee not only picked up these children from the streets, he provided a refuge for those who would otherwise freeze in the winter or become victims of a maniac. Bruce even pays protection money to a local gang to keep his children safe.

2. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

When Mongolia transitioned from socialism to capitalism, many citizens were left homeless and jobless. As winter temperatures in Ulaanbaatar often drop to -34 degrees Celsius, some 4,000 abandoned children and a number of adults have taken refuge in the sewer system, where hot water pipes run.

Thanks to the work of international volunteer groups, many of the children were rescued from the sewers, but the adults whose home became the tunnels under the city still live there. Witnesses describe the inhabitants of this underground shelter as outcasts who spend their days drinking the strongest Mongolian moonshine, after which they try to find food in a drunken stupor.

3. Kazan, Russia

During the investigation of the attack on the Muslim spiritual leader of Tatarstan Ildus Fayzov, the police discovered an 8-level bunker under one of the city mosques of Kazan. Underground was an Islamic sect of 27 children and 38 adults, living like monks in cells. Many of these children were kept in unheated rooms, never saw a doctor, never went to school, or even saw daylight.

The bunker was the brainchild of 83-year-old sect leader Faizrakhman Satarov. Allegedly, in the mid-1960s, having noticed sparks from a trolleybus cable, Satarov interpreted them as divine intervention. He declared himself an Islamic prophet and built a bunker in a religious school. After the discovery of the underground sect, Satarov refused to leave his underground islamic state, but in the end the bunker was destroyed, and the children were provided medical care and proper care.

4. Yan'an, China

Thanks to the loose loess soils in Yan'an, China, more than 30 million Chinese farmers have returned to cave life. They dig cave dwellings in the ground or hollow them out in rocks. While more complex caves are reinforced with brickwork, regular one- to two-person caves (called yaodongs) are vaulted chambers dug into the side of a mountain. Their entrances are draped with rice paper and blankets, the walls are plastered with white lime, and they are decorated with paintings and magazine clippings. Many caves are inherited property and are passed on from one generation to the next.

5. Paris, France

The Paris Catacombs, also known as the "empire of the dead", is a huge 320 km underground cemetery. This is the place final resting place for more than six million people. During a training exercise near the Palais de Chaillot, Parisian police stumbled upon the headquarters secret society, which was equipped with electricity, telephone lines and even restaurants with cinemas. Swastikas, Celtic crosses and Stars of David were painted on the ceiling.

In the first tunnel, the police found a video camera recording everyone entering, and an automatically activated recording of dogs barking, which was supposed to scare away people who accidentally entered the tunnel. The tunnel led to an 18-meter cave, which was equipped with a cinema screen, seats carved into the rock, projection equipment and a collection of various films. The smaller cave nearby contained a fully furnished restaurant and bar. When police returned a few days later to investigate the source of the power, they discovered that the power cables and telephone lines were dismantled, and in the middle of the cave on the floor lay a mysterious note: “Don’t try to find us.”

6. Moscow, Russia

In Moscow, under the former Cherkizovsky market, which was closed in 2009, a police raid discovered 260 illegal workers living in underground communications. Most of them were Vietnamese. IDPs from the former Soviet republics of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan also lived there. Migrants had to work in hellish conditions for next to nothing. Since they were in the country illegally, and there was no money to rent an apartment in Moscow, the workers were forced to live and build a local community in the tunnels. Under the former market they found mini sewing workshops, a casino, a cafe, a chicken coop and even an improvised cinema.

7. New Kingston, Jamaica

In the tourism-heavy underground of New Kingston, there is a society of outcasts forced to live in the sewers solely because of their sexual orientation. Considering that 85 percent of Jamaicans oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage, homophobia is a cultural norm in this country. As a result, people of non-standard orientation are subject to harassment, violence and even murder. There are even police raids on them. Although the sewers often flood during rainstorms, the local LGBT community on the surface is simply in danger of dying.

8. Las Vegas, Nevada

Beneath the neon-lit buildings and the endless hordes of tourists that dot the streets of Las Vegas, there are 200 miles of storm tunnels that some 1,000 people call home. In separate rooms with an area of ​​37 square meters there are double beds, wardrobes, shower stalls, and reproductions of paintings and bookshelves hang on the walls. Separately, it is worth clarifying that all this is on concrete slabs lying on the floor, since the tunnels are constantly half-flooded. The entire tunnel system looks like one large art gallery, with the walls covered in intricate graffiti.

9. Mount Hebron, Palestine

About 1,000 Palestinians have been living in the caves of Mount Hebron for what scientists believe have been centuries. They are a self-sufficient society that exists thanks to agriculture. For centuries they have been producing milk and cheese for personal use, as well as for trade with surrounding villages. There are no paved roads here, and locals travel on foot or on horses and donkeys. The cave people have neither running water nor electricity, and they receive medical services or education only through donations from residents of nearby villages. Unfortunately, many people are driven out of the caves that previously belonged to their ancestors.

10. Shoina, Russia

The small Russian village of Shoina, located on the shore White Sea, was built in the 1930s as a base for the fishing fleet. However, fishing using trawls led to the destruction of bottom vegetation, which is why in the 1950s the wind began to carry thousands of tons of sand washed up by the sea throughout the surrounding area.

Entire buildings were soon buried under the sand dunes, and by the 1980s, most of the village had disappeared under the sand. Shoina's population has dropped from 2,000 to 375, most of whom enter their homes through attics or hatches cut into the roof. It is pointless to dig out houses from under multi-meter drifts, since they will be swept away again.

The first mention of the mysterious underground people appeared in 1946. American scientist, writer and journalist Richard Shaver told readers of the magazine “ Amazing stories", dedicated paranormal phenomena, about his contact with aliens living underground. According to Shaver, he lived for several weeks in the underground world of mutants similar to the demons described in ancient legends and the tales of earthlings.

One could attribute this “contact” to the writer’s wild imagination, if not for hundreds of responses from readers who claimed that they also visited underground cities, communicated with their inhabitants and saw various miracles of technology, not only providing the underground inhabitants of the Earth with a comfortable existence in its very depths, but also making it possible to control the consciousness of earthlings!

Polish researcher Jan Paenk states that a whole network of tunnels has been laid underground that lead to any country. They are literally scorched into the earth's crust, and their walls are a frozen melt rocks- a kind of glass. Such tunnels have been discovered in Ecuador, South Australia, the USA, and New Zealand. Flying saucers fly along these underground communications from one end of the world to the other. Paenk even managed to find a miner in New Zealand who reported that while driving drifts, the miners came across two such tunnels, but someone gave the order to urgently concrete these holes.

In April 1942, with the support of Goering and Himmler, an expedition consisting of the most advanced minds of Nazi Germany, led by Professor Heinz Fischer, set out to look for the entrance to an underground civilization, supposedly located on the island of Rugen in the Baltic Sea. Hitler was confident that at least some parts of the earth consisted of voids, inside of which one could live and which had long ago become home to the hyper-developed peoples of antiquity. German scientists, in turn, hoped that if they managed to place in the right geographical point If there are modern radar devices under the surface of the earth, then with their help it will be possible to track the exact location of the enemy in any part of the world.

Almost every nation has myths about the race of Ancient creatures that inhabited the world millions of years ago. Infinitely wise, scientifically advanced and culturally advanced, these beings driven underground terrible disasters, created their own civilization there, giving them everything they needed. They want nothing to do with people they consider low, dirty and wild. But sometimes they steal human children in order to raise them as their own. Ancient creatures look like ordinary people and they live for a very long time, but they appeared on our planet millions of years before us.

In 1977, photographs obtained from the ESSA-7 satellite appeared in several American magazines, demonstrating the correct shape dark spot, similar to a huge hole, in the place where it should be located North Pole. Identical photographs were taken by the same satellite in 1981, could this be the entrance to the underworld?

More recent scientific evidence also indicates some underground activity

American radars at Cape Canaveral detected strange signals coming from deep within the earth. Experts are confident that the signals were sent by intelligent beings. Most likely, someone or something is trying to establish contact with us,” said high-ranking official NASA to Sun magazine.

The first signals were received several years ago and have been repeated approximately every two months since then. Moreover, the call signs of creatures unknown to us are encrypted in the most complex mathematical formulas. While scientists cannot fully decipher the signals, they are ordered not to disclose what has already been decoded. NASA management explains this by saying that messages can be interpreted differently. Experts also cannot accurately determine the location of the underground civilization. However, it is already clear today that the underground inhabitants know more about us than we do about them. Some experts believe that evidence of the existence of another civilization on our planet could be the biggest discovery of the twenty-first century.

Washington University in St. Louis seismologist Michael Wisession and UC San Diego researcher Jessie Lawrence analyzed more than 600,000 seismograms—records of vibrations resulting from earthquakes occurring across the planet—and became interested in a section of the Earth located beneath Asia. There, seismic waves for some reason become weaker and also slow down somewhat.

This effect can, in particular, be caused by a thick layer of water, so scientists have suggested that under Eastern Asia There is an underground reservoir that reaches the size of the Arctic Ocean.

The hypothesis, of course, requires further research, but if we assume that it is true, then in this case science is faced with an extremely curious phenomenon. Indeed, in such a vast space filled with water, some developed civilization of a non-humanoid type may have existed for a long time. The fact of its discovery can provide an explanation for both the UFO phenomenon and various paranormal events observed in the area.

Is it possible that any civilization could survive the end of the world?

Suppose that millions of years ago there was a high-tech civilization, during which there was a collision with a meteorite or another global cataclysm that changed the climate of the planet, what would the civilization do then, most likely it would try to survive, and if the surface of the planet is not suitable for life and flying to another planet is not possible? The level of technology allows, only the “underground shelter” remains.

Then the question is, what happened to civilization and why, after the climate change, the underground inhabitants did not come to the surface? Maybe they just couldn’t, constant exposure to a different climate and different gravity (underground gravitational pressure is significantly different from usual), in addition, it should be noted that underground there is no sunlight, technological lighting does not contain the full spectrum, and long periods of exposure to technical lighting can also cause “weaning off” of sunlight.

Taking into account that all this happened over thousands of years, it can be assumed that the underground civilization could have evolved greatly, it is even possible that it has developed an aversion to some aspects of the climate, for example sunlight, it is possible that sunlight simply burns the inhabitants of the underground world, all this is not as fantastic as it seems. Another aspect of survival, adaptation of food, since organizing vigilant food in the conditions of the underground world is not very simple, and rather depends on the level of civilization; it is entirely possible that civilization switched to only animal food. Some of the listed parameters undoubtedly had to influence the culture and mentality of civilization; maybe some monsters are just inhabitants of the underworld?

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