If you threw the broken thermometer into the trash. How to dispose of a mercury thermometer quickly and safely? Video instructions: What to do if the thermometer breaks

How to properly dispose of mercury thermometer? This question is relevant today, despite the fact that mercury thermometers are gradually being replaced by electronic ones. However, mercury thermometers are still common in our country. Therefore, it is important to know the algorithm of actions when disposing of a thermometer and mercury from it.

Perhaps every family has a mercury thermometer that is used to measure our body temperature. Everyone who uses it knows that the thing is quite fragile. And if the thermometer breaks, a situation is possible when its contents, namely mercury, leak out. This is precisely why a thermometer with mercury is dangerous.

Mercury is extremely toxic substance, dangerous, first of all, to human health with its vapors.

Mercury pouring out of a broken thermometer disintegrates into small balls. The vapors of these balls, entering the human body, negatively affect all vital systems ( respiratory system, digestive system etc.). Prolonged exposure of mercury vapor (even in small concentrations) to the human body can be fatal. Therefore, mercury from broken thermometers is necessary in a certain way recycle.

Also due to the high toxicity of this liquid metal mercury thermometers should not be thrown into landfills. Mercury getting into environment, negatively affects all living organisms, it pollutes the natural environment. In this regard, it is also important to dispose of any mercury thermometer (broken or intact) in accordance with certain rules.

What to do with a broken mercury thermometer? How to recycle at home, is it realistic?

The mercury thermometer is damaged. How to dispose of a mercury thermometer and spilled mercury from it at home, is it really possible to do this without harm to your health? The answer to this question is important to know for everyone who uses a mercury thermometer to determine body temperature.

If the thermometer breaks, then, first of all, there is no need to start panicking. It is extremely important to calmly assess the situation and take all necessary measures.

There are several possible scenarios for the development of events when a mercury thermometer is broken:

  1. Mercury leaked out of the device.
  2. The mercury remained in the device body and did not leak out.

In the first case, it would be correct to follow the following action plan:

  • first you need to remove all people and pets from the room where the thermometer broke and where mercury leaked from it. This action must be performed so that the mercury balls do not spread throughout the house, where it will be impossible to collect them;
  • close all interior doors, open windows to ventilate the room from mercury vapor. However, you need to make sure that there are no drafts, because... they are also capable of spreading mercury throughout the house;
  • moisten a cloth with a solution of soda (or potassium permanganate) and place it in front of the entrance to the room where the liquid metal has been spilled;
  • Next comes the disposal of mercury from the thermometer. To do this, you need to put on gloves, a medical bandage on your face (or use gauze if there is no bandage), and put shoe covers on your feet. It is better if the clothes of the person intending to collect mercury are synthetic, because natural materials absorb mercury vapor more.

Disposal of spilled mercury at home is also carried out in a certain way. To do this, fill the glass container with water to about halfway. Take simple sheets of paper and a small piece of cotton wool. Use a cotton roller to carefully collect mercury balls onto paper sheets and place them in a container filled with water. You can try to collect mercury residues and small parts of metal with tape, which then also needs to be placed in water. Next, the jar of water containing the mercury must be tightly screwed on with a lid. Carry out wet cleaning of the area using potassium permanganate or soap solution. Take the container with liquid metal to the city mercury disposal service.

In the second case, when the mercury did not spill, but remained in the thermometer, it is necessary:

  • make sure that the body of the medical device is not broken, carefully look to see if mercury has leaked out;
  • take a glass container, use gloves to transfer the damaged mercury thermometer into it, you must act carefully to avoid spilling the mercury, then the container must be closed with a lid;
  • find company addresses in locality, specializing in the disposal of mercury and mercury-containing devices, take there a container with a thermometer.

A completely broken or partially damaged mercury thermometer should not be placed in trash cans, much less such thermometers should not be thrown into your trash cans at home.

It is clear that the algorithm of actions described above in case of damage to a mercury thermometer is not followed by all users. However, you need to understand that the health and even the life of the household members themselves depends on how well the liquidation of spilled mercury at home is carried out.

Note! To safely dispose of mercury balls from a broken thermometer, you can use the services of professionals from specialized services (of course, for a fee).

What mistakes should not be made when disposing of a thermometer?

Disposal of mercury thermometers is an important process and must be approached responsibly. However, many people make a number of serious mistakes. The most common mistakes:

  • throwing the damaged thermometer into the trash bin along with other household waste;
  • using a vacuum cleaner or broom to collect mercury balls. The evaporation of mercury from this method of disposal does not decrease;
  • flushing mercury down the toilet;
  • throwing the thermometer into a landfill, burying it or throwing it into a body of water. All this is the reason for the deterioration of the environmental situation;
  • washing clothes in which a person cleaned up spilled mercury, along with other things in washing machine or no washing at all.

Disposal of thermometers must be correct. Details on where to dispose and dispose of this mercury medical device are provided below.

Where can I take my mercury thermometer for recycling? Reception points

When a mercury thermometer accidentally breaks, the question arises where to throw the broken device. Once again, it should be noted that you cannot throw away damaged or even whole thermometers. Then another question arises, where to return the broken mercury thermometer. In our country (although, of course, not in all cities and villages), broken thermometers can be handed over to a collection point, through which they are sent to companies for disposal. Usually these are licensed organizations that also accept unnecessary whole and damaged thermometers and other mercury-containing waste for the purpose of their further disposal and recycling. Specialized enterprises recycle thermometers from individuals and recycle thermometers from healthcare facilities.

In addition, a broken mercury device can be taken to the SES or the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Briefly about the process of recycling mercury thermometers

There are two main ways to dispose of mercury thermometers.

The first method is hydrometallurgical. According to this method The thermometer is subjected to wet crushing, while at the same time the glass of the device is cleaned of mercury using a special solution. A ball mill is used. The duration of this stage is up to 200 minutes, the temperature is up to 60 0 C. Next, a liquid reagent is added to the mixture (potassium iodide and sodium chloride are used). The liquid component of the mixture is drained from the mill; it no longer poses such a danger, because contains mercury salts rather than simple mercury. The liquid reagent is then sent for aluminum precipitation.

The second method is thermal. The thermometers are crushed and the broken glass is heated until the mercury turns into a vapor state. The steam is then sent to the condensate system. Mercury vapor is removed to the established standard.

You can collect mercury yourself at home, but you must follow all safety rules.

Broken thermometers and mercury from them must be taken to special collection points. After all, proper disposal of mercury thermometers is a process necessary to protect the environment and human health.

This short video tells how you can collect mercury from a broken thermometer at home with minimal risk to health and life, as well as where you can donate such a thermometer. Mercury disposal is a rather complex process, but necessary to protect the environment, human health and life. It is necessary to properly dispose of waste containing mercury not only in factories, but also at home. Broken or old thermometers, lamps, etc. require of a certain order

recycling, knowledge of which can make life easier.

Why are mercury-containing waste dangerous? What hazard class does this waste belong to? Mercury is a well-known transition metal whose vapors are extremely toxic. However, despite its toxicity, mercury is used in many devices from mercury thermometers And fluorescent lamps in everyday life and to mercury-containing equipment on manufacturing enterprises . If the integrity of such devices is violated, real threat

not only health, but also human life. When mercury and its vapor enter the human body, they disrupt the functioning of all systems (respiratory, digestive, etc.) and lead to severe poisoning. In this regard, waste containing mercury was classified as the most dangerous waste class, which is hazard class I. For the same reason, this type of waste (for example, broken thermometer industrial waste) must be disposed of correctly.

Why is it necessary to dispose of mercury-containing waste?

Disposal of mercury-containing waste in a certain way, which is carried out by specialized organizations, is necessary for the following reasons:

  • as mentioned above, such waste is extremely dangerous to human health, children and women are especially susceptible to the extremely toxic effects of mercury;
  • mercury is a fluid substance that can get into cracks, inside carpet surfaces, furniture upholstery, etc., evaporating from there and poisoning others;
  • the means by which people usually eliminate mercury at home are ineffective and only contribute to an even greater spread of the liquid metal and its evaporation;
  • When mercury waste enters the natural environment, it has an extremely negative impact on all living organisms.

How to dispose of mercury-containing waste?

How to dispose of mercury at home, for example, mercury from a thermometer, if it is not possible to use the services of specialized services? This is an interesting question, because it is impossible to eliminate mercury waste at home using a broom or vacuum cleaner.

It is correct to use a brush first, then damp filter paper, to collect spilled mercury. To collect metal that has fallen into the cracks, use wire. Next, the mercury, used paper and pieces of wire need to be moved into some container, if possible, make it as airtight as possible. After this, you need to wet clean the room using laundry soap. Then dispose of the waste container. For this purpose, you can contact the SES, your management company or DEZ.

Of course, disposing of mercury yourself is far from an ideal way to neutralize yourself from its toxic effects. The best way is still to use the services of specialized companies.

Mercury Recycling Services

When mercury is spilled from any equipment, it is important to properly neutralize it. The disposal and neutralization of mercury is professionally handled by the mercury recycling service. Process methods are divided into:

  1. A chemical method in which liquid metal is combined with other substances to form a stable compound.
  2. An evaporation method in which the metal evaporates and subsequent condensation of steam occurs.

Before and after work on eliminating mercury-containing waste, services measure mercury (its vapors) in the room, which makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the work performed.

You can also hand over mercury-containing used devices (lamps, thermometers, medical and industrial equipment, etc.) to such companies. Our legislation regulates for individuals and especially for legal entities It is mandatory to hand over old devices with mercury to specialized services for disposal.

Recycling activities are carried out in the presence of suitable containers and transport. As a rule, the list of actions of mercury spill disposal services includes:

  • determination of pollution levels;
  • identifying the source of mercury spill;
  • cleaning furniture, equipment, and territory (in a home or business) from mercury;
  • elimination of mercury traces;
  • measurement of mercury vapor;
  • preparation of necessary documents.

Methods for processing mercury-containing waste

Methods for processing such waste include:

  1. Amalgamation. Liquid mercury is converted into mercury alloys (amalgams) using metals: copper, zinc, gold, etc. This reduces the release of mercury vapor. The method is not common.
  2. Firing at high temperatures. Containing mercury and organic matter the waste is burned, the exhaust gases are cleaned of mercury vapor.
  3. Thermal method. The waste is heated or calcined in special installations where mercury evaporates and its vapor condenses. Or direct distillation of mercury is carried out to regenerate it.
  4. Chemical-metallurgical method.

Exist different variants processing of mercury and mercury-containing waste. But all these options for demercurization and processing of such waste are based on the four methods described above.

Reception points for mercury-containing waste

Today in Russian cities there are collection points for old fluorescent lamps and other waste containing mercury. Such points are either mobile or stationary. Mobile points involve special anti-vandal containers - the so-called ecoboxes. Such eco-boxes can be installed by the management company in the territories it serves.

Rules for handling mercury-containing waste. What does the law say?

The rules for handling such waste are prescribed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 3, 2010 (has been edited).

Management of mercury-containing waste involves their collection and accumulation, which must be carried out by consumers (except for individuals) separately from other types of waste. At the same time, if used devices are damaged, they must be placed by consumers in specialized containers. The collection of mercury-containing waste is carried out by companies specializing in this.

Also, in accordance with these rules, the accounting and transportation of mercury-containing waste must be carried out in a certain way. Thus, at enterprises, a trained person keeps a logbook, which records the amount of generated waste containing mercury. Such a logbook must be drawn up in accordance with all the requirements specified in the technological regulations. An example of quantitative accounting can be seen in the picture below.

When storing unbroken lamps and thermometers, they should be packed in cardboard boxes and placed on special racks. Storing broken appliances is different. They must be placed in sealed steel containers that bear the sign “broken mercury-containing waste.” Broken mercury-containing waste is not allowed to be disposed of in landfills, etc. After all actions related to the collection and storage of mercury waste have been completed, containers and protective clothing are demercurized.

Transportation of waste containing mercury is carried out using special transport that prevents the penetration of mercury into the environment.

Note! All companies specializing in mercury disposal must have a license for the disposal and collection of mercury-containing waste.

Detailed information about the rules and requirements is contained in the instructions for handling waste containing mercury.

Mercury waste must be disposed of with the help of specialized companies. It is also advisable to eliminate mercury spills at home by contacting specialists. Proper disposal measures, compliance with the law and regulations in this area, guarantee the preservation natural environment and human health. It is important that each of us understands this.

This short video explains why it is important to dispose of mercury-containing waste (using the example of fluorescent lamps) and what problems exist in our country.

“The thermometer broke, what should I do”... Seeing such a request, any search system The Internet will give you a bunch of links with advice. As it turns out, not every one of them is adequate. "RG" figured out what to do with mercury and where to take the broken thermometer.

When the author of these lines “accidentally” dropped the thermometer on the floor, the flu somehow went away on its own. Chernyshevsky’s famous question was immediately asked to Yandex, but the “answers” ​​were alarming. Some advised to carefully collect the mercury and throw it away, while others were hysterical and demanded that all operational services of Moscow be immediately brought to Zyablikovo. I finally had to call 01. The dispatcher, as soon as she heard the question, immediately switched to a specialist. A girl expert, having learned that mercury had spilled on the parquet, advised the following:

  • collect mercury with paper soaked in water
  • put the resulting ball and the broken thermometer into a jar with cold water and close tightly
  • put the jar on the balcony
  • ventilate the apartment: half an hour or a little longer.

Are there any cleaning supplies in the house? - asked the expert girl.

An awkward pause followed: the question was clearly inappropriate. But mutual understanding was achieved. It was enough to pour laundry soap into water, then thoroughly rinse the disaster area. When all the recommendations were completed, another question suddenly arose: where to put the broken thermometer? The Internet didn’t offer anything intelligible, but it reminded us: there will be two grams of mercury in the thermometer, and if they evaporate, it could threaten disaster for the entire neighborhood. I had to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations again on 01. The emergency department did not accept thermometers, but helped with advice.

Contact the sanitary and epidemiological station, management company or DEZ in the morning: in the control rooms there are special boxes for used batteries, mercury lamps and thermometers, the dispatchers said.

On Saturday morning, a broken thermometer did not allow me to sleep for long. But it was impossible to get through to the local department of Rospotrebnadzor - they didn’t answer the phone. There were specialists at the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye district administration and the local DEZ, but they did not know where thermometers were accepted. They advised me to contact... the Ministry of Emergency Situations. At 01, where I had to turn again, the “fun” was not appreciated. They advised us to get the utility workers to do their job. And it happened: the city council and DEZ gave the control room number.

These are the boxes that should be in every communal control room. But there is no separate place for thermometers - in this case, you will have to ask the organization’s employees for help. Photo: Sergey Babkin

“You are the first in several years to come forward with such a problem,” the attendant answered. - They bring lamps, put batteries, but for thermometers....

Nevertheless, they still agreed to take the broken device. It turned out to be right next door special item recycling, where everyone can bring a broken thermometer. True, they won’t give you money for this, but anonymity is guaranteed.

What to do if a thermometer breaks in your apartment

  • Restrict access of people to this room and limit movement where the mercury spill occurred to prevent its spread on the soles of shoes and other objects, and urgently call specialists.
  • Quickly protect the respiratory system with means personal protection: a gas mask, a respirator, and in their absence - a cotton-gauze bandage, scarf, handkerchief, towel, etc., moistened with water.
  • Ventilate the premises and eliminate drafts to prevent polluted air from entering other rooms.
  • Do not use items that could spread mercury pollution(vacuum cleaners, brooms, floor rags).
  • If possible, cover the spill area with a gas-proof material to reduce mercury evaporation.
  • In case of spill large quantity mercury must be left quickly dangerous place and urgently call specialists. Change clothes, take a shower, rinse your mouth with a 0.25% manganese solution and be sure to brush your teeth.
  • If your regular thermometer breaks at home, then a small amount of The mercury that leaks out of it can be collected using an ordinary medical bulb. Wipe the area where the mercury was located with a damp cloth, and then wash your hands thoroughly.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow

The mercury inside the fragile thermometer is toxic. Its fumes can poison the human body for many years. Therefore, if the seal of the glass tube of the device is broken, then it cannot simply be thrown into the trash bin or the nearest landfill. It is necessary to properly dispose of a mercury thermometer; this will help avoid unwanted consequences for the health of household members.

How is mercury dangerous for the body?

This substance emits harmful fumes. If a person inhales them for a long time, this can lead to severe poisoning and death.

Once a harmful substance is ingested, it is almost impossible to remove it from the body. It spreads quickly and affects everything internal organs. First, mercury poisons the respiratory tract, then enters the bloodstream, damaging the kidneys and liver. Then it refuses to work the cardiovascular system and last poisonous substance affects the brain.

Mercury must not be disposed of in public landfills. This metal, dangerous for humans and nature, enters the environment and quickly pollutes it and poisons all living organisms.

You can check the mercury level in your home using a gas analyzer used in special laboratories.

There will be a fee for renting the device, but it will help identify potential dangers.

How to dispose of a broken thermometer at home?

  • There are two possible ways to damage the thermometer:
  • mercury leaked out of the thermometer;

the substance remains in the device body. When the toxic metal leaks out, it separates into balls different sizes

. Parents of small children should be especially careful so that they can taste them, because all kids are very curious.

  1. In the first case, the sequence of actions is as follows:
  2. 1. All children and animals must be removed from the premises in which hazardous metal has been spilled. This is necessary to ensure that household members do not step on the balls and spread them throughout the house, otherwise it will be very difficult to collect the toxic substance. In addition, children and pets are most susceptible to poisoning from toxic mercury vapors. 2. Then you need to close all the interior doors and open the windows for ventilation. But it is necessary to ensure that there is no draft, which also carries balls of dangerous metal throughout the apartment. It is worth noting that in the hot season, airing the room will only worsen the situation. Mercury at high temperature
  3. emits much more toxic fumes.
  4. 3. You need to soak a towel or other material in a solution of soda, potassium permanganate and place it near the doorway in the room where the thermometer broke.
  5. 4. Before collecting mercury, it is important to put on a medical mask on your face, gloves and shoe covers on your feet. You will also need protective clothing, which will consist of synthetic fabric.
  6. 6. If there are small balls of a toxic substance left where the thermometer broke, you can try to collect them with tape. The latter must also be placed in a glass vessel with water. The jar must be tightly closed with a lid. After the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly wet clean the room using a soap solution or potassium permanganate (“potassium permanganate”).

In the second case, if the mercury does not leak out, the following measures must be taken:

  1. 1. Carefully examine the device for cracks and check whether dangerous substance didn't leak out.
  2. 2. Carefully move the damaged medical thermometer into a glass jar and close it tightly with a lid. For this manipulation, you must wear protective gloves.
  3. 3. Find out which company in the city is engaged in recycling liquid metal, and hand over the jar with the broken thermometer.

Damaged devices and collected mercury must be disposed of. For this there are special centers and reception points, one of which must be taken tank with a toxic element and a thermometer.

To collect metal, you can also contact licensed organizations; they perform this work for a fee.

Not knowing where to put the toxic substance, you can call the Ministry of Emergency Situations and use their services to safely remove mercury balls and dispose of a broken thermometer. They can also give oral advice over the phone regarding correct collection mercury Usually they quickly respond to a call and begin the necessary activities.

Common Mistakes

Without knowing where to put the toxic substance, you can commit serious mistakes when collecting and disposing of hazardous metals.