How to measure temperature correctly with a mercury thermometer. How long does it take to measure temperature with a mercury thermometer?

How long should you hold the thermometer?

It would seem a simple question, but it’s not - the measurement time depends both on the thermometer itself (mercury-electronic-infrared-liquid crystal) and on the measurement area (under the armpit - rectally - in the oral cavity - in the area of ​​the eardrum - at the temporal artery )
We will answer the question relatively accurately for how many minutes to hold a mercury thermometer - 10 minutes.

Traditionally, every home or health care facility has a mercury thermometer. It is very accurate and easy to use. But it contains a very dangerous material - mercury. Being made of glass, it is fragile and can break if used carelessly, releasing many tiny beads of mercury, which is very difficult to collect.
It was the mercury content in the thermometer and the possibility of pouring mercury that led to the introduction of a ban on the use of these thermometers in some countries Western Europe.

The 21st century offers new safe methods of measuring temperature with electronic, infrared and liquid crystal thermometers.

And this is where the questions began.

How many minutes should you hold the electronic thermometer? How many minutes should you hold an electronic thermometer with a flexible tip? How long should you keep the infrared thermometer on?

How long to keep the thermometer

So, we have counted 4 types of thermometers: mercury, electronic, infrared, liquid crystal.

The principle of operation of a mercury thermometer is clear to everyone - when heated, mercury expands, moves along a calibrated channel and stops at the point of equality with body temperature. My grandmother explained to us how many minutes we need to hold the mercury thermometer - about 10 minutes.

The principle of operation of a liquid crystal plate is also simple - at certain temperatures, different parts of the plate are illuminated, on which the degrees themselves are written. Such a thermometer will show the temperature with an accuracy of half a degree in 20-30 seconds. Fast, painless and absolutely safe!

The principle of operation of an infrared thermometer - contact and non-contact - is quite clear. It uses optics to study the surface temperature of an object. The optics of the device detects thermal energy and focuses it on the detector. The electronics of the device outputs the value of this energy and converts it into a digital temperature value on the device screen. By the way, the laser built into the device is used only for target designation. This thermometer works extremely quickly. Few seconds. 4-5, and sometimes faster.

The operating principle of an electronic thermometer comes down to a simple chain: the resistor heats up, its resistance drops and the current increases.

The operating time of such a thermometer is quite long - up to 5 minutes, this is because the thermometer clearly reacts to minor changes in armpit temperature and cannot “calm down” in any way.

In this sense, thermometers with flexible tips for oral use (under the tongue) are more reliable.


Temperature values ​​​​depend on the part of the body The temperature of different parts of the human body can
differ by 0.2 - 1º C. In order to correctly assess the change in a person’s temperature, it is necessary to know its personal norm.
To do this, it is enough to carry out a series of measurements of your own temperature at the same time during the period subjective feeling health.
Typically, body temperature small child higher than that of an adult.
Therefore, it is very important to know the average normal temperature of a child

Each person has his own temperature norm

In the area of ​​the temporal artery (on the forehead) 35.5 - 37.5
In the area of ​​the eardrum (auditory canal) 35.8 - 38.0
Rectally (in the rectum) 36.6 - 38.0
Oral (oral cavity) 35.5 - 37.5
Axillary (under the armpit) 34.7 - 37.3
Range of normal temperature values ​​depending on the measurement method

Rectal measurement is carried out only in cases where it is prescribed by a doctor; oral or axillary measurements cannot be taken. The thermometer sensor must be positioned accurately
in the middle of the armpit.

To obtain an accurate result, the temperature sensor of the electronic thermometer should fit as tightly as possible to the skin under the armpit. The hand must be pressed tightly against the body until the measurement is completed.

The thermometer should be placed on the side under the tongue.
You must keep your mouth closed throughout the measurement procedure.
This method is strictly prohibited for measuring with mercury thermometers!
Measurement from 10 seconds to several minutes.

The forehead is one of the best places to take temperature because of the nearby artery that carries blood from the heart to the brain.

For precise measurement body temperature on the forehead, just gently hold the forehead infrared thermometer at the temples, and after a few seconds the temperature will be determined. It's even easier to determine the temperature using a thermotest strip or liquid crystal thermometer. You will get the result in 15-20 seconds! To avoid damaging the eardrum, ear thermometers are equipped with special soft attachments - tips and are absolutely safe.

ATTENTION! Under no circumstances should you use your ear canal to measure your temperature with conventional thermometers.
Measurements taken in the ear allow you to measure
the temperature of the "core" of the body, which is the temperature of the vital organs, since the eardrum is supplied with blood by the same circulatory system as the brain. The temperature control center is the hypothalamus. Therefore, changes in body temperature occur faster and more accurately in the ear than in other places.

To accurately measure body temperature in the ear canal
no effort required: pulling your earlobe up and
back, you need to straighten the ear canal so that the eardrum becomes visible. Then you need to insert the thermometer probe into your ear. In the area of ​​the temporal artery (on the forehead)
Measuring temperature with an infrared thermometer in the area of ​​the eardrum (ear canal)
Measurement in a few seconds.

Body temperature is checked in different ways:

  1. Rectally - in the rectum.
  2. Orally - in the mouth.
  3. Under the arm.
  4. On the forehead - for this, infrared scanners are used to check the artery.
  5. In the ear - also with the help of scanners.

For each method, there are electronic thermometers specifically designed for each location. There is plenty to choose from. But there is also a problem: cheap (sometimes not very cheap) devices often lie or fail. Therefore, when choosing an electronic thermometer, do not skimp, be sure to read the reviews and check the mercury readings at least once.

The latter, by the way, is preferred by many. A maximum mercury thermometer (as a thermometer is correctly called) costs a penny and is quite accurate, which cannot be said about many electronic devices with “so-so” quality. However, it is dangerous because it is easy, and shards of glass and mercury vapor have not made anyone healthier.

No matter what kind of thermometer you use, read its instructions first.

After each use, it would be good to clean the thermometer: wash it, if possible, or wipe it with an antiseptic. Be careful if the thermometer is sensitive to moisture and may become damaged. It’s embarrassing to mention, but still, a thermometer for rectal measurements should not be used anywhere else.

How to measure the temperature under the arm

Most often, we measure the temperature under the arm with a regular mercury or electronic thermometer. Here's how to do it right:

  1. You cannot take your temperature after eating or physical activity. Wait half an hour.
  2. Before starting the measurement, the glass thermometer must be shaken off: the mercury column should show less than 35 °C. If the thermometer is electronic, just turn it on.
  3. The armpit should be dry. The sweat needs to be wiped off.
  4. Keep your hand pressed tightly. In order for the temperature under the armpit to become the same as inside the body, the skin must warm up, and this takes time. It is better to press the child’s shoulder yourself, for example, by picking up the baby in your arms.
  5. The good news: if you follow the previous rule, the mercury thermometer will take 5 minutes, not 10, as is commonly believed. Many electronic thermometers respond to temperature changes and measure as long as these changes exist. Therefore, if you do not press your hand, the temperature may change for a long time and the results will be inaccurate.

How to measure temperature rectally

This method is sometimes needed when you need to check the temperature of babies: it is difficult for them to hold their hand, it is unsafe to put something in their mouth, and not everyone has an expensive infrared sensor.

  1. The part of the thermometer that you will insert into the rectum should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly (available at any pharmacy).
  2. Place the child on his side or back, bend his legs.
  3. Carefully insert the thermometer into the anus 1.5–2.5 cm (depending on the size of the sensor), hold the child while the measurement is taken. A mercury thermometer should be held for 2 minutes, an electronic one - for as long as written in the instructions (usually less than a minute).
  4. Remove the thermometer and look at the data.
  5. Treat your child's skin if necessary. Wash the thermometer.

How to measure the temperature in your mouth

This method is not suitable for younger children four years, because at this age children cannot yet reliably hold a thermometer. Do not take your mouth temperature if you have eaten something cold in the last 30 minutes.

  1. Wash the thermometer.
  2. The sensor or reservoir of mercury should be placed under the tongue and the thermometer should be held with the lips.
  3. Use a regular thermometer to measure the temperature for 3 minutes, and an electronic thermometer for as long as necessary according to the instructions.

How to measure ear temperature

There are special infrared thermometers for this: it is useless to stick other thermometers into the ear. Children under 6 months old should not have their ear temperature measured. Age guidelines, because due to developmental characteristics, the results will be inaccurate. You can measure the temperature in your ear only 15 minutes after you return from the street.

Pull your ear slightly to the side and insert the thermometer probe into your ear. It takes a few seconds to measure.

Some infrared devices The temperature is measured on the forehead, where the artery passes. Data from the forehead or ear are not as accurate Fever: First aid, as with other measurements, but they are fast. But for household measurements, it is not so important what your temperature is: 38.3 or 38.5 °C.

How to read a thermometer

The measurement result depends on the accuracy of the thermometer, the correctness of the measurements and where the measurements were taken.

The temperature in the mouth is higher than under the armpit by 0.3–0.6 °C, rectal - by 0.6–1.2 °C, in the ear - up to 1.2 °C. That is, 37.5 °C is an alarming figure for measurement under the arm, but not for rectal measurement.

The norm also depends on age. In children under one year old, the rectal temperature is up to 37.7 °C (36.5–37.1 °C under the arm), and there is nothing wrong with that. The 37.1°C under the armpit that we suffer from becomes a problem as we age.

In addition, there is also individual characteristics. A healthy adult's temperature ranges from 36.1 to 37.2°C under the armpit, but someone's personal normal is 36.9°C and someone else's is 36.1. The difference is big, so in an ideal world it would be nice to take your temperature for fun when you are healthy, or at least remember what the thermometer showed during your medical examination.


To measure, you will need a thermometer; it can be electronic or mercury. If you have a mercury thermometer, then after checking your body temperature, be sure to shake it so that. If this is not done, then after a while the thermometer begins to overestimate the results. An electronic thermometer is considered the most accurate and in a safe way bodies.

The mercury thermometer needs to be held for 3 to 10 minutes. An electronic thermometer requires a little less, usually 1 to 3 minutes. More precisely, the recommended measurement time is indicated in the instructions for the device. Otherwise, the procedure for mercury and electronic thermometers is no different.

To find out the temperature, take a thermometer and hold it under. The skin should not be sweaty, as this will cause the readings to be incorrect. The fact is that the sweat released has more high temperature, than the body itself, so the results on the thermometer will be overestimated.

Insert the thermometer under your arm, press your hand to your body and hold it tightly until you feel the temperature. Soon the thermometer will show correct readings. You can increase the measurement time for older mercury devices, which over time begin to respond more slowly to temperature changes.

While the child is sleeping, the temperature can be measured under the armpit. To do this, warm the thermometer in your hands so that the baby is not exposed to a cold touch, then carefully insert it under the armpit so as not to wake him up, otherwise he will not lie quietly and it will no longer be possible to measure the temperature.

Video on the topic


To a small child Measure your temperature strictly under supervision. If you leave your baby alone with a thermometer, he may break it while playing and cut himself. Mercury leaking from a thermometer poses a serious health hazard to the entire family.

Helpful advice

Increasing the time of measuring body temperature will not change the thermometer readings.


  • How to measure body temperature correctly?
  • how long to hold the thermometer

If, while working at the computer, your hand suddenly and sharply begins to hurt mouse, the pain intensifies and does not go away for a long time, then you can be “congratulated.” This is a manifestation of tunnel syndrome, another disease of civilization. Severe pain and the inability to continue sitting at the computer may hide swelling of the tendons and damage to the nerve of the wrist. A chronic form of joint disease may even develop. How correctly you hold your computer mouse, your health depends.


The furniture you sit on - a chair or armchair - should have armrests that provide the necessary support for your arms and wrists.

Mouse pads are not an anachronism at all, especially if there is a special anatomical bulge for the wrist. Using this mouse is very convenient and correct. Therefore, be sure to purchase the right one.

You need to move the mouse with just your fingers, and not with your whole hand, especially with the help of your shoulder. Hold mouse hold the edges with your thumb and little finger, place your index finger on the left button, middle finger on the wheel, and ring finger on the right button.

Video on the topic


If carpal tunnel syndrome is no longer just making itself felt, but is really bothering you, immediately go to the doctor and do not delay treatment.

Helpful advice

Learn to use the mouse with both hands. Changing positions will help avoid pain. In addition, it is useful for developing coordination and posture. You can easily change the functions of the left and right mouse buttons in the settings on the control panel.

The increase is a natural reaction of the body to the internal inflammatory process. The first thing we do when we feel unwell is measure temperature. Of course, it is better to do this with the help of special devices - medical thermometers. If you don’t have it at hand, increase temperature bodies can be determined independently.

You will need

  • - stopwatch.


You can set the temperature increase by touch. However, it is better to touch not the forehead, but the patient’s neck at the very base of the skull, or hold the palm in the elbow or crook. At high temperatures, the limbs usually cool down, but these places, on the contrary, concentrate the heat. Of course, this method is quite approximate and subjective, but it allows you to identify certain fluctuations in body temperature. It is very important that the person who touches the patient’s body is, otherwise he simply will not be able to feel the heat.

Indirect body temperatures - general fatigue, aches, chills. The patient experiences a feeling of dry mouth, thirst and a desire to wrap himself warmly. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the correct drinking regime, consuming as much neutral liquid as possible (water, fruit drink, warm tea with lemon). The beginning of profuse sweating will be a signal that it is beginning to decrease.

High temperature affects the patient's pulse rate. Place your fingers on your wrist and feel for the radial artery. Record the time on a stopwatch and count the number of beats within one minute. If the pulse of a healthy person in a horizontal position is about 80 beats per minute, then with an increase in body temperature by 1 degree, the pulse increases by an average of 8–10 beats.

Another sign accompanying high temperature body, is rapid breathing. Time 1 minute and count the number of breaths during this period. Normal breathing rate healthy person– about 18–20 breaths while awake and 10–15 breaths while sleeping. Accordingly, the more often and more severely the patient, the higher his temperature.

All of the above methods can only give approximate results. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to measure as soon as possible temperature body using . This is the only way to obtain the most accurate information about the patient’s condition and take further steps to diagnose the disease and treat it.

Thermometer or thermometer

Obviously, we should start with what a thermometer actually is. In this case, we should remember its ancestor - a device created in 1597 by Galileo and called the thermoscope. The device was a glass tube with a hollow ball. The end of the tube was lowered into a vessel filled with water. The ball warmed up slightly. As it cooled, the water level in the tube rose. As soon as the ball was heated again, the water level began to fall.

Sixty years later, Florentine scientists improved the device. He received a scale, the air was pumped out of the tube, and this allowed him to obtain more correct measurement results. Over time, the ball migrated to the lower part of the tube, and the tube itself was sealed. Water was also replaced with colored alcohol, and the device, having acquired its familiar appearance, received a familiar name - a thermometer.

Today, a thermometer is called almost any device for measuring the temperature of any body, water, air, and so on. The thermometers themselves are gas, optical, infrared, liquid, electrical and mechanical.

Currently, electric thermometers, which are significantly safer and more convenient than their mercury counterparts, are becoming increasingly popular. The principle of their operation is based on a change in conductive resistance, which is accompanied by a change in temperature environment.

Infrared thermometers, which do not require direct contact with the human body at all, are also in increasing demand. They have already become widespread in a number of countries, especially in medical institutions.

Or is it still a thermometer?

If everything is relatively clear with thermometers, then the question - what about a thermometer - remains open. As it turned out, this word has two radically different meanings. Actually, a thermometer is nothing more than a colloquial term from the word degree, and it still means the same thermometer. Only used in colloquial speech.

But there is a second meaning, highly specialized, but no less capacious.
A thermometer is a special lever designed for fine adjustment of the accuracy of the mechanism in a mechanical watch.

Turning this lever by a certain angle or degree changes the tension of the mainspring and thereby determines the force on the drive mechanism, which in turn sets a certain rotation speed.

This is how the accuracy of the clock mechanism is determined.

Where do you take your temperature? Under your arm? In vain - it's not the best place. Experts from Örebro University (Sweden) were able to help us decide where to put the thermometer at the first symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. During the study, they measured the temperature of volunteers in the armpit, mouth, ear, vagina and rectum. And who do you think won?

323 patients University clinic bravely endured the hardships of the experiment. As it turned out, not in vain. In the end, the word “shove” really turned out to be the most appropriate. Scientists have received convincing evidence that the most accurate result is obtained by measuring the temperature in the rectum.

According to scientists, the readings of ear thermometry are distorted by hair and earwax, it is quite difficult to hold the thermometer in the mouth correctly, and the result of axillary thermometry is affected by deodorant and clothing. But measuring degrees in the rectum may not be very convenient, but it is accurate.

Vaginal thermometry also gives the correct result, but statistics prevented this method from being called the most preferable.

Normal temperature readings

    02.08.2016 - 31.08.2020

    533 days left.

    And so, here we go normal indicators temperature at in different ways measurements:

    • - oral - 35.7-37.3;
    • - rectal - 36.2-37.7,
    • - axillary (in the armpits) - 35.2-36.7.
    • - inguinal fold 36.3°-36.9°C.
    • - vagina - 36.7°-37.5°C

    Important: Oral and rectal temperature measurements are more accurate than armpit temperatures.

    The most familiar method of measurement, axillary, by the way, turned out to be the most inaccurate. Normal temperature the armpit starts not from 36.6°, but from 36.3° C. Normally, the difference between the armpits is from 0.1 to 0.3° C. So it turns out that an error of 0.5° for axillary thermometry is common. And if the thermometer shows 36.9° for several days, but you actually have 37.4°, this can already be dangerous.

    Basic rules for measuring temperature

    If you are not ready to change your habits, then here you go 10 Basic Rules for Temperature Measurement.

    1. 1. The temperature in the room should be 18-25 degrees. If less, you first need to warm the thermometer in your palms for about half a minute.
    2. 2. Wipe the armpit with a napkin or dry towel. Doing so will significantly reduce the likelihood of the meter cooling due to sweat evaporation.
    3. 3. Don’t forget to shake the mercury thermometer or turn on the electronic one (Gamma, Omron, Microlife).
    4. 4. The metal tip of the electronic thermometer (or the mercury column of a regular one) should fall into the deepest point of the cavity, in close contact with the body. It is worth noting that the junction density must be maintained throughout the entire measurement period.
    5. 5. The temperature is not measured immediately after a walk, physical activity, hearty lunch, hot tea, a warm bath and nervous overexcitation (for example, if the child cried for a long time). You need to wait 10-15 minutes.
    6. 6. During the measurement you cannot move, talk, eat or drink.
    7. 7. Measurement time for mercury thermometer - 6-10 minutes, electronic - 1-3 minutes. Remember: electronic thermometers are safer than mercury thermometers.
    8. 8. You need to take out the thermometer smoothly - due to friction with the skin, a few tenths of a degree may be added.
    9. 9. During illness, you need to measure your temperature in the morning (7-9 am) and in the evening (between 5 pm and 9 pm). It is important to do this at the same time, before taking antipyretic medications or 30-40 minutes after.
    10. 10. If the thermometer is used by all family members, it should be wiped with a disinfectant solution and wiped dry after each use.

    Question answer

    A therapist of the highest category answers questions Sulimanova Elena Petrovna

    Why do the readings of an electronic thermometer sometimes differ from those of a mercury thermometer?

    Because we are using the first one incorrectly. After the device beeps, you need to hold it for about a minute - then the result will be correct.

    How to properly hold a thermometer under your arm?

    The thermometer sensor must be positioned exactly in the middle of the armpit.

    To obtain an accurate result, the temperature sensor of the electronic thermometer should fit as tightly as possible to the skin under the armpit. The hand must be pressed tightly against the body until the measurement is completed.

    Under which armpit is it correct to measure the temperature?

    There is no difference, usually it is the armpit of the non-working arm, but I repeat, there is no difference. There is a slight difference when you measure your blood pressure.

    How to measure temperature without a thermometer?

    With lips, touching lips to the forehead of the sick person. If heat is really present, it will be simply impossible not to feel it in this situation. The lips, unlike the hand, with which you can also try to measure the temperature, are more sensitive.

    Another way to determine fever without a thermometer is to determine your pulse rate. According to medical research, when people's body temperature increases by 1 degree, their pulse is proportionally capable of increasing by approximately 10 beats per minute. That's why high frequency pulse rate may be a direct result of the patient's fever.

Measurements can be made with either a mercury or an electronic thermometer. While the child is sleeping, the temperature can be measured under the armpit. Other countries use a thermometer to measure body temperature by placing it in the anus or mouth. The thermometer readings when taking measurements at different points will be different.

Traditionally, every home or health care facility has a mercury thermometer. It was the mercury content in the thermometer and the possibility of pouring mercury that led to the introduction of a ban on the use of these thermometers in some Western European countries. The 21st century offers new safe methods for measuring temperature with electronic, infrared and liquid crystal thermometers.

Such a thermometer will show the temperature with an accuracy of half a degree in 20-30 seconds. The operating principle of an infrared thermometer – contact and non-contact – is quite clear. This thermometer works extremely quickly.

The operating principle of an electronic thermometer comes down to a simple chain: the resistor heats up, its resistance drops and the current increases. The operating time of such a thermometer is quite long - up to 5 minutes, this is because the thermometer clearly reacts to minor changes in armpit temperature and cannot “calm down” in any way.

To obtain an accurate result, the temperature sensor of the electronic thermometer should fit as tightly as possible to the skin under the armpit. This method is strictly prohibited for measuring with mercury thermometers! To accurately measure body temperature on the forehead, just gently hold the forehead infrared thermometer at the temples, and after a few seconds the temperature will be determined.

ATTENTION! Under no circumstances should you use your ear canal to measure your temperature with conventional thermometers. Therefore, changes in body temperature occur faster and more accurately in the ear than in other places. It is carried out by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. It is the most accurate, since the rectal cavity is closed from the outside by the external sphincter.

Before you begin the procedure for inserting the thermometer, you must thoroughly disinfect it. It is carried out by placing a mercury or electronic thermometer in the oral cavity under the tongue. Before use, the tip of the thermometer must be thoroughly disinfected. Doesn't give the most accurate results, but most people Everyday life most often they resort to it. However, not everyone knows how long to keep a mercury thermometer under their arm.

Temperature measurement methods

Firstly, you should not start measuring your temperature immediately after taking a bath or performing intense physical activity. Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the tip of the thermometer and wipe it dry with a napkin or towel. The thermometer is inserted deep into the armpit, then pressed tightly with your hand. It is necessary to prevent air from entering the measurement location.

Mercury thermometer

Plus, the thermometer needs five minutes for the mercury to reach the desired point on the scale corresponding to the actual temperature. Many mothers are also interested in the question: how long should a thermometer be held under a child’s arm? And after that, set the thermometer for the remaining 5 minutes.

The simple mercury thermometer, known to everyone from distant childhood, has not lost its relevance even now. Electronic thermometers have become popular among the population along with mercury thermometers. In order to learn how to correctly measure temperature with an electronic thermometer, you must carefully read the instructions included with it. The disadvantages of digital thermometers include: the possibility of obtaining incorrect information due to an error in the internal program of the thermometer.

This situation occurs if the electronic thermometer is removed immediately after operation sound signal. In this case, you should press your hand closer to your body, since the temperature sensor of an electronic thermometer requires closer contact with the skin than a mercury thermometer. A malfunction of the thermometer should not be ruled out.

Electronic thermometer

In some Western European countries, it is customary to measure children's body temperature in the ear canal using an infrared thermometer. In addition, a high-quality infrared thermometer has a high cost. There are also dummy thermometers for newborn children. Having studied and tried all the options for measuring temperature, everyone can choose the most convenient method for themselves.

When there is a suspicion that someone is sick, to check this, the first thing they do is measure their body temperature using a thermometer. How to hold it correctly so that the readings are true? Temperatures are measured differently for adults and small children. If you have a mercury thermometer, then after checking your body temperature, be sure to shake it to reset the readings.

Otherwise, the procedure for mercury and electronic thermometers is no different. The fact is that the sweat released has a higher temperature than the body itself, so the results on the thermometer will be overestimated. You can increase the measurement time for older mercury devices, which over time begin to respond more slowly to temperature changes. Another way to hold a thermometer is to insert it under your knee.

For young children, you can take their temperature rectally by inserting a thermometer into the baby's bottom. If you leave your baby alone with a thermometer, he may break it while playing and cut himself. Increasing the time of measuring body temperature will not change the thermometer readings. Another disadvantage of a mercury thermometer is the relatively long time (up to 10 minutes) for measuring temperature. Such thermometers require a battery to operate, which lasts for a long time.

Only after this, carefully place and hold the thermometer under your arm. How many minutes should you hold an electronic thermometer with a flexible tip? Insert the thermometer under your arm, press your hand to your body and hold it tightly while you take the temperature. To find out your temperature, take a thermometer and hold it under your arm.