Read the full story White Nights. Fyodor Dostoevsky - White Nights

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

White nights

Sentimental novel

(From the memories of a dreamer)

Or was he created for
To be there for just a moment.
In the neighborhood of your heart?..
Iv. Turgenev

Night one

It was a wonderful night, the kind of night that can only happen when we are young, dear reader. The sky was so starry, such a bright sky that, looking at it, one involuntarily had to ask oneself: could all sorts of angry and capricious people really live under such a sky? This is also a young question, dear reader, very young, but God send it to your soul more often!.. Speaking about capricious and various angry gentlemen, I could not help but remember my well-behaved behavior all that day. From the very morning I began to be tormented by some amazing melancholy. It suddenly seemed to me that everyone was abandoning me, alone, and that everyone was abandoning me. Of course, everyone has the right to ask: who are all these people? because I’ve been living in St. Petersburg for eight years now, and I haven’t been able to make almost a single acquaintance. But why do I need acquaintances? I already know the whole of St. Petersburg; That’s why it seemed to me that everyone was leaving me when the whole of St. Petersburg rose up and suddenly left for the dacha. I became afraid to be alone, and for three whole days I wandered around the city in deep melancholy, absolutely not understanding what was happening to me. Whether I go to Nevsky, whether I go to the garden, whether I wander along the embankment - not a single face from those whom I am accustomed to meeting in the same place, at a certain hour, for a whole year. They, of course, don’t know me, but I know them. I know them briefly; I have almost studied their faces - and I admire them when they are cheerful, and I mope when they become misty. I almost became friends with one old man whom I meet every single day, at a certain hour, on the Fontanka. The face is so important, thoughtful; He keeps whispering under his breath and waving his left hand, and in his right he has a long, knotty cane with a gold knob. Even he noticed me and takes emotional part in me. If it happened that I would not be at the same place on the Fontanka at a certain hour, I am sure that the blues would attack him. This is why we sometimes almost bow to each other, especially when we are both in a good mood. The other day, when we had not seen each other for two whole days and on the third day we met, we were already grabbing our hats, but fortunately we came to our senses in time, lowered our hands and walked next to each other with sympathy. I am also familiar with the houses. When I walk, everyone seems to run ahead of me into the street, looks at me through all the windows and almost says: “Hello; how is your health? And I, thank God, am healthy, and they will add a floor to me in the month of May.” Or: “How is your health? I’ll be repaired tomorrow.” Or: “I almost burned out and was scared,” etc. Of these, I have favorites, there are short friends; one of them intends to undergo treatment this summer with an architect. I’ll come in every day on purpose so that it doesn’t get healed somehow, God forbid!.. But I’ll never forget the story of one very pretty light pink house. It was such a nice little stone house, it looked at me so welcomingly, it looked so proudly at its clumsy neighbors that my heart rejoiced when I happened to pass by. Suddenly, on last week, I’m walking down the street and, as I looked at my friend, I hear a plaintive cry: “And they’re painting me yellow!” Villains! barbarians! they spared nothing: neither columns, nor cornices, and my friend turned yellow as a canary. I almost burst with bile on this occasion, and I still was not able to see my disfigured poor man, who was painted to match the color of the celestial empire. So, you understand, reader, how familiar I am with all of St. Petersburg. I have already said that I was tormented by anxiety for three whole days, until I guessed the reason for it. And I felt bad on the street (this one wasn’t there, that one wasn’t there, where did so-and-so go?) - and at home I wasn’t myself. For two evenings I sought: what am I missing in my corner? Why was it so awkward to stay there? - and with bewilderment I looked around my green, smoky walls, the ceiling hung with cobwebs, which great success Matryona was getting confused, looking through all her furniture, inspecting every chair, thinking, is there trouble here? (because if I have even one chair that’s not standing the way it was yesterday, then I’m not myself) I looked out the window, and it was all in vain... it didn’t feel any easier! I even decided to call Matryona and immediately gave her a fatherly reprimand for the cobweb and general sloppiness; but she just looked at me in surprise and walked away without answering a word, so that the web is still happily hanging in place. Finally, only this morning I figured out what was the matter. Eh! Yes, the Vedas are running away from me to the dacha! Forgive me for a trivial word, but I had no time for high-flown language... because everything that was in St. Petersburg either moved or moved to the dacha; because every respectable gentleman of respectable appearance who hired a cab driver, in my eyes, immediately turned into a respectable father of a family, who, after ordinary official duties, goes lightly to the depths of his family, to the dacha, because every passerby now had a completely special kind , who almost said to everyone he met: “We, gentlemen, are here only in passing, but in two hours we will leave for the dacha.” If the window opened, on which thin fingers, white as sugar, first drummed, and the head of a pretty girl poked out, beckoning to a peddler with pots of flowers, I immediately, immediately imagined that these flowers were only bought that way, that is, not at all for that purpose. to enjoy spring and flowers in a stuffy city apartment, but that very soon everyone will move to the dacha and take the flowers with them. Moreover, I had already made such success in my new, special kind of discoveries that I could already unmistakably, by one look, indicate which dacha someone lived in. The inhabitants of the Kamenny and Aptekarsky islands or the Peterhof road were distinguished by their studied elegance of techniques, smart summer suits and beautiful carriages in which they arrived in the mountains. Residents of Pargolov and where further away, at first glance “inspired” with their prudence and solidity; the visitor to Krestovsky Island had a calm and cheerful appearance. Did I manage to meet a long procession of dray drivers, lazily walking with reins in their hands next to carts loaded with whole mountains of all kinds of furniture, tables, chairs, Turkish and non-Turkish sofas and other household belongings, on which, on top of all this, she often sat, at the very top Voza, a frugal cook who cherishes her master’s property like the apple of her eye; whether I looked at the boats, heavily loaded with household utensils, gliding along the Neva or Fontanka, to the Black River or the islands - the carts and boats multiplied tenfold, became lost in my eyes; it seemed that everything was up and moving, everything was moving in whole caravans to the dacha; it seemed that all of Petersburg was threatening to turn into a desert, so that finally I felt ashamed, offended and sad: I had absolutely nowhere to go and there was no need to go to the dacha. I was ready to leave with every cart, to leave with every gentleman of respectable appearance who hired a cab; but no one, absolutely no one, invited me; as if they had forgotten me, as if I were truly a stranger to them! I walked a lot and for a long time, so that I already had time, as is my custom; I forgot where I was, when suddenly I found myself at the outpost. Instantly I felt cheerful, and I stepped beyond the barrier, walked between the sown fields and meadows, did not hear fatigue, but only felt with all my strength that some burden was falling from my soul. All the passers-by looked at me so welcomingly that they almost bowed resolutely; everyone was so happy about something, every single one of them was smoking cigars. And I was glad as never before. It was as if I had suddenly found myself in Italy—so much did nature strike me, a half-sick city dweller who almost suffocated within the city walls. There is something inexplicably touching in our St. Petersburg nature, when, with the onset of spring, it suddenly shows all its power, all the powers given to it by the sky become feathered, discharged, adorned with flowers... Somehow, involuntarily, it reminds me of that girl, wasted and the sick person at which you sometimes look with regret, sometimes with some kind of compassionate love, sometimes you simply don’t notice it, but which suddenly, for one moment, somehow accidentally becomes inexplicably, wonderfully beautiful, and you are amazed, intoxicated, involuntarily You ask yourself: what force made these sad, thoughtful eyes shine with such fire? what brought the blood to those pale, thinner cheeks? What has filled these tender features with passion? Why is this chest heaving so much? what so suddenly brought strength, life and beauty to the face of the poor girl, made it sparkle with such a smile, come alive with such a sparkling, sparkling laugh? You look around, you are looking for someone, you guess... But the moment passes, and perhaps tomorrow you will again meet the same thoughtful and absent-minded look as before, the same pale face, the same humility and timidity in movements and even repentance, even traces of some kind of deadening melancholy and annoyance for a momentary passion... And it’s a pity for you that the momentary beauty withered so quickly, so irrevocably, that it flashed before you so deceptively and in vain - it’s a pity because that you didn’t even have time to love her... And yet my night was better than the day! Here's how it was: I came back to the city very late, and ten o'clock had already struck when I began to approach the apartment. My road went along the canal embankment, on which at this hour you will not meet a living soul. True, I live in the most remote part of the city. I walked and sang, because when I'm happy, I certainly hum something to myself, like everyone else. happy man who has neither friends nor good acquaintances and who, in a joyful moment, has no one to share his joy with. Suddenly the most unexpected adventure happened to me. A woman stood to the side, leaning against the canal railing; leaning her elbows on the bars, she apparently looked very carefully at muddy water channel. She was dressed in a cute yellow hat and a flirty black cape. “This is a girl, and definitely a brunette,” I thought. She didn’t seem to hear my steps, didn’t even move when I walked past, holding my breath and with my heart pounding. “Strange!” I thought, “she must be really thinking about something,” and suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks. I thought I heard a muffled sob. Yes! I was not deceived: the girl was crying, and a minute later there was more and more sobbing. My God! My heart sank. And no matter how timid I am with women, it was such a moment!.. I turned back, stepped towards her and would certainly have said: “Madam!” - if only I didn’t know that this exclamation has already been uttered a thousand times in all Russian high-society novels. This alone stopped me. But while I was looking for the word, the girl woke up, looked around, caught herself, looked down and slid past me along the embankment. I immediately followed her, but she guessed, left the embankment, crossed the street and walked along the sidewalk. I didn't dare cross the street. My heart was fluttering like a caught bird. Suddenly one incident came to my aid. On the other side of the sidewalk, not far from my stranger, a gentleman in a tailcoat, of respectable age, suddenly appeared, but it was impossible to say , so that you have a respectable gait. He walked, staggering and carefully leaning against the wall. The girl walked like an arrow, hastily and timidly, as all girls generally walk who do not want anyone to volunteer to accompany them home at night, and, of course, the swinging gentleman would never have caught up with her if my fate had not encouraged him to look for artificial remedies. Suddenly, without saying a word to anyone, my master takes off and flies as fast as he can, running, catching up with my stranger. She walked like the wind, but the swaying gentleman overtook, overtook, the girl screamed - and... I bless fate for the excellent knotty stick that happened this time in my right hand . I instantly found myself on the other side of the sidewalk, instantly the uninvited gentleman understood what was going on, took into account an irresistible reason, fell silent, fell behind, and only when we were already very far away did he protest against me in quite energetic terms. But his words barely reached us. “Give me your hand,” I said to my stranger, “and he won’t dare pester us anymore.” She silently gave me her hand, still trembling with excitement and fear. O uninvited master! how I blessed you at this moment! I glanced at her: she was pretty and brunette - I guessed right; Tears of recent fright or former grief still glistened on her black eyelashes - I don’t know. But a smile was already sparkling on his lips. She also glanced at me furtively, blushed slightly and looked down. “You see, why did you drive me away then?” If I had been here, nothing would have happened... - But I didn’t know you: I thought you too... - Do you really know me now? - A little. For example, why are you trembling? - Oh, you guessed it right the first time! - I answered in delight that my girlfriend is smart: this never interferes with beauty. - Yes, at first glance you guessed who you were dealing with. That’s right, I’m timid with women, I’m nervous, I don’t argue, no less than you were a minute ago when this gentleman scared you... I’m kind of scared now. It was like a dream, and even in my dreams I never imagined that I would ever talk to any woman. -- How? really?.. - Yes, if my hand trembles, it is because such a pretty little hand as yours has never clasped it. I'm completely unaccustomed to women; that is, I never got used to them; I'm alone... I don't even know how to talk to them. And now I don’t know - did I tell you something stupid? Tell me straight; I warn you, I am not touchy... - No, nothing, nothing; against. And if you already demand that I be frank, then I will tell you that women like such timidity; and if you want to know more, then I like her too, and I will not drive you away from me all the way home. “You will do to me,” I began, gasping with delight, “that I will immediately stop being timid, and then - goodbye to all my means!..” “Means?” what means, for what? This is really bad. - I’m sorry, I won’t, it just came out of my mouth; but how do you want that at such a moment there is no desire... - To please you, or what? -- Well, yes; Yes, for God's sake, be kind. Judge who I am! After all, I’m already twenty-six years old, and I’ve never seen anyone. Well, how can I speak well, deftly and appropriately? It will be more profitable for you when everything is open, outward... I don’t know how to remain silent when my heart speaks in me. Well, it doesn’t matter... Believe it or not, not a single woman, ever, ever! No dating! and I only dream every day that finally, someday I will meet someone. Oh, if you only knew how many times I have been in love like this!.. - But how, with whom?.. - Yes, not with anyone, ideally, with the one you dream about in a dream. I create entire novels in my dreams. Oh, you don't know me! True, it’s impossible without that, I met two or three women, but what kind of women are they? these are all such housewives that... But I’ll make you laugh, I’ll tell you that several times I thought of talking, just like that, to some aristocrat on the street, of course, when she was alone; speak, of course, timidly, respectfully, passionately; to say that I am dying alone, so that she does not drive me away, that there is no way to recognize at least some woman; to inspire her that even in a woman’s duties it is not possible to refuse the timid plea of ​​such an unfortunate person as me. That, finally, all I demand is just to say a few brotherly words to me, with sympathy, not to drive me away from the first step, to take my word for it, to listen to what I have to say, to laugh me, if you like, to reassure me, to say two words to me, just two words, then at least let her and I never meet!.. But you laugh... However, that’s why I’m saying it... - Don’t be annoyed; I laugh at the fact that you are your own enemy, and if you had tried, you would have succeeded, perhaps, even if it was on the street; the simpler the better... Not a single good woman, unless she is stupid or especially angry about something at that moment, would dare to send you away without these two words that you so timidly beg... However, what am I! Of course, I would take you for a madman. I judged by myself. I myself know a lot about how people live in the world! “Oh, thank you,” I cried, “you don’t know what you’ve done for me now!” - Okay, okay! But tell me why you knew that I was the kind of woman with whom... well, whom you considered worthy... of attention and friendship... in a word, not a mistress, as you call it. Why did you decide to approach me? -- Why? Why? But you were alone, that gentleman was too bold, now it’s night: you must agree that this is a duty... - No, no, even before, there, on the other side. After all, you wanted to come to me? - There, on the other side? But I really don’t know how to answer; I'm afraid... You know, I was happy today; I walked, sang; I was out of town; I have never had such happy moments before. You... maybe it seemed to me... Well, forgive me if I remind you: it seemed to me that you were crying, and I... I couldn’t hear it... my heart was embarrassed... Oh , My God! Well, really, couldn’t I grieve for you? Was it really a sin to feel brotherly compassion for you?.. Sorry, I said compassion... Well, yes, in a word, could I really offend you by involuntarily taking it into my head to approach you?.. - Leave it, enough, “Don’t tell me...” said the girl, looking down and squeezing my hand. “It’s my own fault for bringing this up; but I’m glad that I wasn’t mistaken about you... but now I’m home; I need to come here, to the alley; there are two steps here... Goodbye, thank you... - So is it really, will we never see each other again?.. Will it really remain like this? “You see,” the girl said, laughing, “at first you only wanted two words, and now... But, however, I won’t tell you anything... Maybe we’ll meet... - I’ll come.” here tomorrow,” I said. - Oh, forgive me, I’m already demanding... - Yes, you’re impatient... you’re almost demanding... - Listen, listen! - I interrupted her. - Forgive me if I tell you something like that again... But here’s the thing: I can’t help but come here tomorrow. I'm a dreamer; I have so little real life that I consider moments like this, as now, so rare that I cannot help but repeat these minutes in my dreams. I will dream about you all night, all week, all year. I will certainly come here tomorrow, exactly here, to this same place, at this very hour, and I will be happy, remembering yesterday. This place is so nice to me. I already have two or three such places in St. Petersburg. I even cried once from the memory, like you... Who knows, maybe you, ten minutes ago, cried from the memory... But forgive me, I forgot again; you may have ever been particularly happy here. “Okay,” said the girl, “I’ll probably come here tomorrow, also at ten o’clock.” I see that I can’t stop you anymore... That’s the thing, I need to be here; don’t think that I’m making an appointment with you; I'm warning you, I need to be here for myself. But... well, I’ll tell you straight out: it will be okay if you come; firstly, there may be troubles again, like today, but that’s aside... in a word, I would just like to see you... to say a few words to you. But, you see, you won’t judge me now? Don’t think that I make dates so easily... I would, if only... But let it be my secret! Just forward the agreement... - Agreement! say, say, say everything in advance; “I agree to everything, I’m ready for anything,” I cried out in delight, “I am responsible for myself - I will be obedient, respectful... you know me...” “It’s precisely because I know you that I invite you tomorrow “- said the girl laughing. - I know you completely. But, look, come with a condition; first of all (just be so kind as to do what I ask - you see, I’m speaking frankly), don’t fall in love with me... This is impossible, I assure you. I’m ready for friendship, here’s my hand to you... But you can’t fall in love, please! “I swear to you,” I shouted, grabbing her hand... “Come on, don’t swear, I know you can catch fire like gunpowder.” Don't judge me if I say so. If only you knew... I also don’t have anyone with whom I could say a word, who I could ask for advice. Of course, you shouldn’t look for advisers on the street, but you’re an exception. I know you as if we had been friends for twenty years... Isn’t it true, you won’t change?.. - You’ll see... but I don’t know how I’ll live even a day. - Sleep better; good night - and remember that I have already entrusted myself to you. But you exclaimed so well just now: is it really possible to give an account of every feeling, even brotherly sympathy! You know, it was said so well that the thought immediately flashed through me of trusting you... - For God’s sake, but in what? What? - See you tomorrow. Let this be a secret for now. So much the better for you; at least from a distance it will look like a novel. Maybe I’ll tell you tomorrow, or maybe not... I’ll talk to you in advance, we’ll get to know each other better... - Oh, yes, I’ll tell you everything about myself tomorrow! But what is it? It’s like a miracle is happening to me... Where am I, my God? Well, tell me, are you really unhappy that you didn’t get angry, as someone else would have done, and didn’t drive me away at the very beginning? Two minutes and you made me happy forever. Yes! happy; who knows, maybe you have reconciled me with yourself, resolved my doubts... Maybe such moments come to me... Well, I’ll tell you everything tomorrow, you’ll know everything, everything... - Okay, I accept; you will begin... - I agree. - Goodbye! - Goodbye! And we parted. I walked all night; I could not decide to return home. I was so happy... see you tomorrow!

Night two

- Well, here we are! - she told me, laughing and shaking both hands. “I’ve been here for two hours already; you don’t know what happened to me all day! - I know, I know... but to the point. Do you know why I came? After all, it’s not nonsense to talk like yesterday. Here's the thing: we need to act smarter moving forward. I thought about all this for a long time yesterday. - In what ways, in what ways should we be smarter? For my part, I'm ready; but, really, nothing smarter has ever happened to me in my life than now. - Really? First of all, I beg you, don’t shake my hands like that; secondly, I inform you that I have been thinking about you for a long time today. - Well, how did it end? - How did it end? It ended with the need to start everything again, because at the end of it all, I decided today that you are still completely unknown to me, that yesterday I acted like a child, like a girl, and, of course, it turned out that it was all my good heart’s fault, then Yes, I praised myself, as it always ends when we start sorting out our own things. And therefore, in order to correct the mistake, I decided to find out about you in the most detailed way. But since there is no one to find out about you, you must tell me everything yourself, all the ins and outs. Well, what kind of person are you? Hurry up - start, tell your story. - History! - I shouted, frightened, - history!! But who told you that I have my story? I have no history... - So how did you live if there is no history? - she interrupted laughing. - Absolutely no stories! so, he lived, as we say, on his own, that is, completely alone - alone, completely alone - do you understand what one is? - Yes, like one? So you've never seen anyone? “Oh no, I see, I see, but still I’m alone.” “Well, aren’t you talking to anyone?” - In a strict sense, with no one. - Who are you, explain yourself! Wait, I guess: you probably have a grandmother, just like me. She is blind and has not let me go anywhere for my entire life, so I have almost forgotten how to speak completely. And when I was naughty two years ago, she saw that you couldn’t stop me, she called me and pinned my dress to hers - and so we’ve been sitting all day long since then; she knits a stocking, even though she is blind; and I sit next to her, read or read a book out loud to her - such a strange custom that I’ve been pinned for two years now... - Oh, my God, what a misfortune! No, I don’t have such a grandmother. - And if not, how can you sit at home?.. - Listen, do you want to know who I am? - Well, yes, yes! - In the strict sense of the word? - In the strictest sense of the word! - Excuse me, I'm a type. - Type, type! “What type?” the girl shouted, laughing as if she hadn’t been able to laugh for a whole year. - Yes, it’s great fun with you! Look: there is a bench here; let's sit down! No one walks here, no one will hear us, and - begin your story! because, you won’t convince me, you have a story, and you’re just hiding. Firstly, what is a type? -- Type? the guy is original, he's such a funny person! - I answered, bursting into laughter myself following her childish laughter. - This is such a character. Listen: do you know what a dreamer is? - Dreamer? Excuse me, how can you not know? I'm a dreamer myself! Sometimes you sit next to your grandmother and something doesn’t come to mind. Well, then you start dreaming, but then you change your mind - well, I’m just marrying a Chinese prince... But that’s good for another time - dreaming! No, but God knows! Especially if you already have something to think about,” the girl added this time quite seriously. -- Perfect! Since you married the Chinese Bogdykhan, then you will understand me completely. Well, listen... But excuse me: I don’t know your name yet? -- Finally! We remembered too early! - Oh, my God! Yes, it didn’t even occur to me, I felt good anyway... - My name is Nastenka. - Nastenka! and that's all? -- Only! Isn’t that enough for you, you insatiable one! - Is it enough? A lot, a lot, on the contrary, a lot, Nastenka, you are a kind girl, since from the first time you became Nastenka for me! - That's the same! Well! - Well, Nastenka, listen to what’s going on here. funny story. I sat down next to her, assumed a pedantically serious pose and began as if in writing: “Yes, Nastenka, if you don’t know it, there are some rather strange corners in St. Petersburg.” It’s as if the same sun that shines for all the people of St. Petersburg does not look into these places, but some other, new one looks in, as if specially ordered for these corners, and shines on everything with a different, special light. In these corners, dear Nastenka, it is as if a completely different life survives, not like the one that boils near us, but one that may exist in the thirtieth unknown kingdom, and not here, in our serious, very serious time. This life is a mixture of something purely fantastic, ardently ideal and at the same time (alas, Nastenka!) dull and prosaic and ordinary, not to say incredibly vulgar. -- Ugh! oh my god! what a preface! What am I going to hear? - You will hear, Nastenka (I think I will never get tired of calling you Nastenka), you will hear that in these corners they live strange people- dreamers A dreamer - if you need a detailed definition of it - is not a person, but, you know, some kind of creature of the neuter kind. For the most part he settles somewhere inaccessible m corner, as if he was hiding in it even from daylight, and if he climbed into his own corner, he would grow to his corner like a snail, or, at least, he is very similar in this respect to that entertaining animal that is both animal and a house together, which is called a turtle. Why do you think he loves his four walls so much, which are always painted green, smoky, dull and prohibitively smoked? Why does this funny gentleman, when one of his rare acquaintances comes to visit him (and he ends up with the fact that his acquaintances are all transferred), why does this funny man meet him, so embarrassed, so changed in face and in such confusion as as if he had just committed a crime within his own four walls, as if he had fabricated fake papers or some poems to send to a magazine with an anonymous letter, which indicated that the real poet had already died and that his friend considered it a sacred duty to publish his verses? Why tell me, Nastenka, the conversation doesn’t go well with these two interlocutors? why neither laughter nor some smart word escapes the tongue of a suddenly puzzled friend who suddenly enters, who otherwise loves laughter very much , and lively words, and conversations about the fair sex, and other funny topics? Why, finally, is this friend, probably a recent acquaintance, and at the first visit - because in that case there will be no second and the friend will not come another time - why is the friend himself so embarrassed, so stiff, for all his wit (if only he has it), looking at the upturned face of the owner, who, in turn, has already become completely lost and lost his last sense after gigantic, but futile efforts to smooth out and spice up the conversation, to show, on his part, knowledge of secularism, also talk about the beautiful field and at least with such humility please the poor, misplaced person who came to visit him by mistake? Why, finally, does the guest suddenly grab his hat and quickly leave, suddenly remembering a most necessary matter that never happened, and somehow frees his hand from the hot squeezes of the owner, who is trying in every possible way to show his repentance and correct what was lost? Why does the departing friend burst out laughing as he walks out the door, immediately vowing to himself never to come to this eccentric, although this eccentric is essentially a most excellent fellow, and at the same time he cannot deny his imagination a little whim: to compare, even remotely Thus, the physiognomy of his recent interlocutor throughout the meeting with the appearance of that unfortunate kitten, which was crushed, intimidated and offended in every possible way by children, who treacherously captured him, embarrassed him into dust, which finally hid away from them under a chair, into the darkness, and there for a whole hour at his leisure is forced to bristle, snort and wash his offended snout with both paws and for a long time after that look with hostility at nature and life and even at the handout from the master's dinner, reserved for him by the compassionate housekeeper? “Listen,” interrupted Nastenka, who had been listening to me all the time in surprise, with her eyes and mouth open, “listen: I don’t know at all why all this happened and why exactly you are asking me such ridiculous questions; but what I know for sure is that all these adventures certainly happened to you, from word to word. “Without a doubt,” I answered with the most serious face. “Well, if there is no doubt, then continue,” Nastenka answered, “because I really want to know how it will end.” “You want to know, Nastenka, what our hero, or, better said, I, was doing in his corner, because the hero of the whole matter is me, in my own humble person; do you want to know why I was so alarmed and lost for the whole day due to an unexpected visit from a friend? Do you want to know why I jumped up so much and blushed so much when the door to my room was opened, why I didn’t know how to receive a guest and died so shamefully under the weight of my own hospitality? - Well, yes, yes! - Nastenka answered, - that’s the point. Listen: you tell a wonderful story, but is it possible to tell it in a less beautiful way? Otherwise you sound like you’re reading a book. - Nastenka! “I answered in an important and stern voice, barely restraining myself from laughing, “dear Nastenka, I know that I tell the story beautifully, but it’s my fault, otherwise I don’t know how to tell it.” Now, dear Nastenka, now looks like the spirit of King Solomon, who was in a bottle for a thousand years, under seven seals, and from whom all these seven seals were finally removed. Now, dear Nastenka, when we have come together again after such a long separation, - because I have known you for a long time, Nastenka, because I have been looking for someone for a long time, and this is a sign that I was looking for you and that we were destined now to see each other - now thousands of valves have opened in my head, and I must pour out a river of words, otherwise I will suffocate. So, I ask you not to interrupt me, Nastenka, but to listen submissively and obediently; otherwise, I'll shut up. - No, no, no! no way! speak! Now I won't say a word. - I continue: there is, my friend Nastenka, one hour in my day that I love extremely. This is the very hour when almost all kinds of work, positions and obligations come to an end and everyone rushes home to have dinner, lie down to rest, and right there, on the road, invent other fun topics relating to the evening, night and all the remaining free time. At this hour, our hero - because let me, Nastenka, tell the story in the third person, because it’s terribly embarrassing to tell all this in the first person - so, at this hour, our hero, who was also not idle , walks behind the others. But a strange feeling of pleasure plays on his pale, seemingly somewhat wrinkled face. He looks with concern at the evening dawn, which is slowly fading in the cold St. Petersburg sky. When I say he’s looking, I’m lying: he’s not looking, but he’s contemplating somehow unconsciously, as if he’s tired or busy at the same time with some other, more interesting subject, so that perhaps only briefly, almost involuntarily, take time for everything around you. He is pleased because he has finished with the annoying things for him before tomorrow. affairs, and happy, like a schoolboy who was released from the classroom to his favorite games and pranks. Look at him from the side, Nastenka: you will immediately see that joyful feeling already had a happy effect on his weak nerves and painfully irritated imagination. So he was thinking about something... Are you thinking about lunch? about tonight? What is he looking at like that? Is this the gentleman of respectable appearance who bowed so picturesquely to the lady who rode past him on speedy horses in a shiny carriage? No, Nastenka, what does he care about all this trifle now! He's already rich now with its own special life; somehow he suddenly became rich, and it was not in vain that the farewell ray of the fading sun sparkled so cheerfully before him and evoked a whole swarm of impressions from his warmed heart. Now he barely notices the road on which he had previously loose change could have hit him. Now the “goddess of fantasy” (if you read Zhukovsky, dear Nastenka) has already woven her golden foundation with her whimsical hand and has gone to develop before him the patterns of an unprecedented, bizarre life - and, who knows, maybe she has transported him with her whimsical hand to the seventh crystal heaven from the excellent granite sidewalk along which he walks on his way home. Try to stop him now, suddenly ask him: where is he standing now, what streets did he walk along? - he probably would not have remembered anything, neither where he walked, nor where he was standing now, and, blushing with annoyance, he would certainly have lied something to save appearances. That is why he shuddered so much, almost screamed and looked around in fear when one very respectable old woman politely stopped him in the middle of the sidewalk and began to ask him about the road that she had lost. Frowning with annoyance, he walks on, barely noticing that more than one passer-by smiled, looking at him, and turned after him, and that some little girl, timidly giving way to him, laughed loudly, looking with all her eyes at his wide, contemplative smile. and hand gestures. But the same fantasy, in its playful flight, picked up the old woman, and the curious passers-by, and the laughing girl, and the peasants who were immediately having dinner on their barges that dammed the Fontanka (let’s say our hero was passing along it at that time) and made everyone playfully and everything fell into its own pattern, like flies into a cobweb, and with his new acquisition the eccentric had already entered his delightful hole, had already sat down to dinner, had already dined a long time ago and woke up only when the pensive and eternally sad Matryona, who was serving him, had already tidied everything up from the table and handed him the pipe, he woke up and remembered with surprise that he had already had lunch, decisively overlooking how this happened. The room went dark; his soul is empty and sad; a whole kingdom of dreams was collapsing around him, collapsing without a trace, without noise or crackling, rushing by like a dream, and he himself does not remember what he was dreaming about. But some dark sensation, from which his chest ached and trembled slightly, some new desire seductively tickled and irritated his fantasy and imperceptibly summoned a whole swarm of new ghosts. Silence reigns in the small room; solitude and laziness pamper the imagination; it ignites slightly, boils slightly, like water in the coffee pot of old Matryona, who is serenely fiddling around in the kitchen nearby, preparing her cook’s coffee. Now it is already bursting with light flashes, now the book, taken without purpose and at random, falls out of the hands of my dreamer, who has not even reached the third page. His imagination is again tuned, excited and suddenly again new world, a new, charming life flashed before him in its brilliant perspective. New dream - new happiness! A new method of refined, voluptuous poison! Oh, what does he need in our real life? In his bribed view, you and I, Nastenka, live so lazily, slowly, sluggishly; in his opinion, we are all so dissatisfied with our fate, we are so languid with our lives! And indeed, look, in fact, how at first glance everything between us is cold, gloomy, as if angry... “Poor things!” - thinks my dreamer. And it’s no wonder what he thinks! Look at these magical ghosts, which are so charming, so whimsical, so boundless and wide, forming before him in such a magical, animated picture, where in the foreground, the first person, of course, is himself, our dreamer, with his dear person. Look, what a variety of adventures, what an endless swarm of enthusiastic dreams. You might ask, what does he dream about? Why ask this! yes about everything... about the role of the poet, first not recognized, and then crowned; about friendship with Hoffmann; St. Bartholomew's Night, Diana Vernon, heroic role in the capture of Kazan by Ivan Vasilyevich, Clara Movbray, Eufia Dens, the council of prelates and Hus before them, the rise of the dead in "Robert" (remember the music? It smells like a cemetery!), Minna and Brenda, the battle of Berezina, reading of the poem by Countess V-y-D-y, Danton, Cleopatra e i suoi amanti [and her lovers (Italian)], a house in Kolomna, its own corner, and next to cute creature who listens to you winter evening, with your mouth and eyes open, how you listen to me now, my little angel... No, Nastenka, what does he, what does he, a voluptuous sloth, have in the life that we so want with you? he thinks that this is a poor, miserable life, not foreseeing that for him, perhaps, someday the sad hour will strike, when for one day of this miserable life he will give all his fantastic years, and not yet for joy, not for He will give away happiness, and will not want to choose in that hour of sadness, repentance and unrestrained grief. But while it has not yet come, this terrible time, - he does not desire anything, because he is above desires, because everything is with him, because he is satiated, because he himself is the artist of his life and creates it for himself every hour according to new arbitrariness. And it’s so easy, so natural that this fabulous, fantasy world ! As if all this really wasn’t a ghost! Really, I’m ready to believe at another moment that this whole life is not an excitation of feelings, not a mirage, not a deception of the imagination, but that it is really real, real, existing! Why, tell me, Nastenka, why is the spirit embarrassed at such moments? Why, by some magic, by some unknown arbitrariness, does the pulse accelerate, tears flow from the dreamer’s eyes, his pale, moistened cheeks glow, and his entire existence is filled with such irresistible joy? Why do entire sleepless nights pass in one moment, in inexhaustible joy and happiness, and when the dawn flashes a pink ray through the windows and the dawn illuminates the gloomy room with its dubious fantastic light, as here in St. Petersburg, our dreamer, tired, exhausted, rushes to bed and falls asleep, transfixed by the delight of his painfully shocked spirit and with such a painfully sweet pain in his heart? Yes, Nastenka, you will be deceived and involuntarily believe in someone else that real, true passion excites his soul, you involuntarily believe that there is something alive, tangible in his ethereal dreams! And what a deception - for example, love descended into his chest with all the inexhaustible joy, with all the languid torment... Just look at him and see for yourself! Do you believe, looking at him, dear Nastenka, that he really never knew the one he loved so much in his ecstatic dreams? Did he really only see her in seductive ghosts and did he only dream about this passion? Didn’t they really go through so many years of their lives hand in hand - alone, together, throwing away the whole world and connecting each of their worlds, their lives with the life of a friend? Wasn’t it she, at the late hour, when separation came, not she who lay, sobbing and yearning, on his chest, not hearing the storm that broke out under the harsh sky, not hearing the wind that tore and carried away the tears from her black eyelashes? Was it really all a dream - and this garden, sad, abandoned and wild, with paths overgrown with moss, secluded, gloomy, where they so often walked together, hoped, yearned, loved, loved each other for so long, “for so long and gently"! And this strange, great-grandfather’s house, in which she lived for so long, alone and sadly, with her old, gloomy husband, always silent and bilious, who frightened them, timid as children, sadly and fearfully hiding their love from each other? How they suffered, how afraid they were, how innocent and pure their love was and how (certainly, Nastenka) evil people were! And, my God, was it really not her that he met later, far from the shores of his homeland, under a foreign sky, midday, hot, in a marvelous eternal city, in the splendor of a ball, with the thunder of music, in a palazzo (certainly a palazzo) drowned in the sea , lights, on this balcony, entwined with myrtle and roses, where she, recognizing him, so hastily took off her mask and, whispering: “I am free,” trembling, threw herself into his arms, and, screaming with delight, clung to each other, in an instant they forgot grief, and separation, and all the torment, and the gloomy house, and the old man, and the gloomy garden in their distant homeland, and the bench on which, with a last passionate kiss, she broke free from his arms, numb in desperate agony. .. Oh, you must agree, Nastenka, that you will flutter up, be embarrassed and blush, like a schoolboy who has just stuffed an apple stolen from a neighboring garden into his pocket, when some long, healthy guy, a merry fellow and a joker, your uninvited friend, opens your door and will shout as if nothing had happened: “And I, brother, am from Pavlovsk this minute!” My God! the old count died, indescribable happiness comes - here people come from Pavlovsk! I fell pathetically silent, ending my pathetic exclamations. I remember that I terribly wanted to somehow force myself to laugh, because I already felt that some hostile imp was stirring inside me, that my throat was already starting to seize, my chin was twitching, and that my eyes were becoming more and more moist... I expected that Nastenka, who was listening to me, having opened her smart eyes, would laugh with all her childish, uncontrollably cheerful laughter, and I already regretted that I had gone far, that it was in vain to tell what had long been boiling in my heart, about which I could speak as if it were written, because I had long ago prepared a verdict on myself, and now I could not resist reading it, confessing, not expecting that they would understand me; but, to my surprise, she remained silent, after a while she lightly shook my hand and asked with some timid sympathy: “Have you really lived your whole life like this?” “All my life, Nastenka,” I answered, “all my life, and it seems I’ll end up like this!” “No, this can’t be done,” she said restlessly, “this won’t happen; That way, perhaps, I’ll live my whole life next to my grandmother. Listen, do you know that it’s not at all good to live like this? - I know, Nastenka, I know! - I cried, no longer holding back my feelings. “And now I know more than ever that I wasted all my best years!” Now I know this, and I feel more painful from such a consciousness, because God himself sent me you, my good angel, to tell me this and prove it. Now, when I sit next to you and talk to you, I’m already scared to think about the future, because in the future there will be loneliness again, this musty, unnecessary life; and what will I dream about when in reality I was so happy next to you! Oh, be blessed, you, dear girl, for not rejecting me the first time, for the fact that I can already say that I lived at least two evenings in my life! - Oh, no, no! - Nastenka screamed, and tears sparkled in her eyes, - no, it won’t be like this anymore; We won’t part like that! What are two evenings! - Oh, Nastenka, Nastenka! Do you know how long it took you to reconcile me with yourself? Do you know that now I won’t think as badly about myself as I thought at other moments? Do you know that perhaps I will no longer grieve over the fact that I committed a crime and sin in my life, because such a life is a crime and a sin? And don’t think that I’m exaggerating anything for you, for God’s sake, don’t think so, Nastenka, because sometimes moments of such melancholy, such melancholy come over me... Because at these moments it’s already beginning to seem to me that I’ll never able to begin to live a real life; because it already seemed to me that I had lost all tact, all sense of the present, the real; because, finally, I cursed myself; because after my fantastic nights, moments of sobering up are already upon me, which are terrible. Meanwhile, you hear how the crowd of people thunders around you and swirls in the whirlwind of life, you hear, you see how people live, they live in reality, you see that life is for them it is not ordered that their life will not scatter like a dream, like a vision, that their life is eternally renewed, eternally young and not one hour of it is like another, while the fearful fantasy, the slave of the shadow, the idea, the slave of the first, is dull and monotonous to the point of vulgarity a cloud that will suddenly cover the sun and squeeze with melancholy the real St. Petersburg heart, which so values ​​​​its sun - and what a fantasy in melancholy! You feel that she is finally getting tired, exhausted in eternal tension, this inexhaustible fantasy, because you grow up, you survive from your previous ideals: they crumble into dust and fragments; if there is no other life, then you have to build it from the same rubble. Meanwhile, the soul asks and wants something else, and in vain the dreamer rummages through his old dreams, as if in ashes, looking for in this ashes at least some spark to fan it, to warm the cold heart with a renewed fire and resurrect everything in it again , what used to be so sweet, what touched the soul, what boiled the blood, what pulled tears from the eyes and so luxuriously deceived! Do you know, Nastenka, what I have come to? Do you know that I am already forced to celebrate the anniversary of my feelings, the anniversary of what was so sweet before, which in essence never happened - because this anniversary is still celebrated according to the same stupid, ethereal dreams - and to do this, because even these stupid dreams do not exist, because there is nothing to survive them with: after all, even dreams survive! Do you know that I now love to remember and visit at a certain time those places where I was once happy in my own way, I love to build my present in harmony with the irrevocably past and often wander like a shadow, without need and without purpose, sad and sad to St. Petersburg's back streets and streets. What memories! I remember, for example, that here exactly a year ago, exactly at this same time, at this same hour, along this same sidewalk, I was wandering just as lonely, just as sadly as now! And you remember that even then the dreams were sad, and although it was no better before, you still somehow feel that it was as if it was easier and more peaceful to live, that there was no this black thought that is now attached to me; that there were no such remorse of conscience, the gloomy, gloomy remorse that now gives no rest day or night. And you ask yourself: where are your dreams? and you shake your head and say: how quickly the years fly by! And again you ask yourself: what have you done with your years? where did you bury yours best time? Did you live or not? Look, you tell yourself, look how cold the world is getting. Years will pass, and after them will come gloomy loneliness, shaking old age will come with a stick, and behind them melancholy and despondency. Your fantasy world will turn pale, your dreams will freeze, fade and crumble like yellow leaves from the trees... Oh, Nastenka! After all, it will be sad to remain alone, completely alone, and not even have anything to regret - nothing, absolutely nothing... because everything that I lost, all this, all was nothing, a stupid, round zero, it was just a dream! - Well, don’t pity me any more! - Nastenka said, wiping away a tear that rolled out of her eyes. - It's over now! Now we will be alone; Now, no matter what happens to me, we will never part. Listen. I simple girl, I studied little, although my grandmother hired a teacher for me; but, really, I understand you, because everything that you told me now, I myself lived, when my grandmother pinned me to the dress. Of course, I wouldn’t tell it as well as you did, I didn’t study,” she added timidly, because she still felt some respect for my pathetic speech and my high style, “but I’m very glad that you have completely opened up to me. Now I know you, completely, completely. And guess what? I want to tell you my story, all without hiding, and then you will give me advice for that. You are very smart man; do you promise that you will give me this advice? “Oh, Nastenka,” I answered, “although I have never been an adviser, much less a smart adviser, but now I see that if we always live like this, it will be somehow very smart and everyone is a friend.” Gives a friend a lot of smart advice! Well, my pretty Nastenka, what advice do you have? Tell me straight; I am now so cheerful, happy, brave and smart that I can’t reach into my pocket for a word. -- No no! - Nastenka interrupted, laughing, - I need more than just smart advice, I need heartfelt, brotherly advice, just as you would have loved me for your entire life! “He’s coming, Nastenka, he’s coming!” - I shouted in delight, “and if I had loved you for twenty years, I still wouldn’t love you more than now!” - Your hand! - said Nastenka. - Here she is! - I answered, giving her my hand. - So, let's begin my story!


- You already know half the story, that is, you know what I have old grandmother... - If the other half is as short as this one... - I interrupted, laughing. - Be silent and listen. First of all, an agreement: don’t interrupt me, otherwise I’ll probably get confused. Well, listen attentively. I have an old grandmother. I came to her when I was a very little girl, because both my mother and father died. One must think that grandmother was richer before, because she still remembers better days. She taught me French and then hired me a teacher. When I was fifteen years old (and now I’m seventeen), we finished studying. It was at this time that I got naughty; what have I done -- I won't tell you; It is enough that the offense was minor. Only my grandmother called me to her one morning and said that since she was blind, she would not look after me, she took a pin and pinned my dress to hers, and then she said that we would sit like this all our lives, if, of course, I won't get better. In a word, at first there was no way to leave: work, read, and study - all near your grandmother. I tried to cheat once and persuaded Thekla to sit in my place. Fekla is our worker, she is deaf. Thekla sat down instead of me; At that time, my grandmother fell asleep in her chair, and I went nearby to see my friend. Well , it ended badly. Grandma woke up without me and asked about something, thinking that I was still sitting quietly in place. Fekla sees that her grandmother is asking, but she herself doesn’t hear what she’s talking about, she thought and thought about what she should do, unfastened the pin and started to run... Then Nastenka stopped and began to laugh. I laughed with her. She stopped immediately. - Listen, don't laugh at grandma. It’s me who laughs because it’s funny... What can I do when my grandmother is really like that, but I still love her a little. Well, that’s when it happened to me: they immediately put me in my place again and no, no, it was impossible to move. Well, I forgot to tell you that we, that is, grandmother, have our own house, that is, a small house, only three windows, completely wooden and as old as grandmother; and at the top there is a mezzanine; So a new tenant moved into our mezzanine... - So there was an old tenant too? - I noticed in passing. “Of course there was,” answered Nastenka, “and who knew how to remain silent better than you.” True, he could barely move his tongue. He was an old man, dry, dumb, blind, lame, so that finally it became impossible for him to live in the world, and he died; and then we needed a new tenant, because we can’t live without a tenant: with my grandmother’s pension, that’s almost all of our income. The new tenant, as if on purpose, was a young man, not from here, a stranger. Since he didn’t bargain, the grandmother let him in, and then asked: “What, Nastenka, is our tenant young or not?” I didn’t want to lie: “So, I say, grandmother, it’s not that he’s very young, but he’s not an old man.” “Well, and good-looking?” - asks the grandmother. I don't want to lie again. “Yes, I say, pleasant-looking, grandma!” And the grandmother says: “Ah! punishment, punishment! I’m telling you this, granddaughter, so that you don’t stare at him. What a century! Look, such a small tenant, and yet also of a pleasant appearance: not like in the old days!” And for grandma everything would be like the old days! And she was younger in the old days, and the sun was warmer in the old days, and the cream did not sour so quickly in the old days - everything is in the old days! So I sit and remain silent, but I think to myself: why is it that grandma herself is trying to persuade me, asking if the tenant is good or young? Yes, just like that, I just thought, and then I started counting stitches again, knitting a stocking, and then I completely forgot. So one morning a tenant comes to us to ask about the fact that they promised to wallpaper his room. Word for word, the grandmother is talkative, and says: “Go, Nastenka, to my bedroom, bring the bills.” I immediately jumped up, blushed all over, I don’t know why, and forgot that I was sitting pinned down; no, to spank her quietly so that the tenant wouldn’t see - she jerked so hard that grandma’s chair moved. When I saw that the lodger now knew everything about me, I blushed, stood rooted to the spot, and suddenly began to cry—I felt so ashamed and bitter at that moment that I couldn’t even look at the light! Grandmother shouts: “Why are you standing there?” - and I’m even worse... The tenant, when he saw him, saw that I was ashamed of him, took his leave and immediately left! Since then, when I make a little noise in the hallway, I feel like I’m dead. Here, I think, the tenant is coming, and slowly, just in case, I’ll remove the pin. Only it wasn’t him, he didn’t come. Two weeks have passed; the lodger sends to tell Fyokla that he has a lot of French books and that all the books are good, so you can read; So, wouldn’t my grandmother want me to read them to her, so that it wouldn’t be boring? Grandmother agreed with gratitude, only she kept asking whether the books were moral or not, because if the books were immoral, Nastenka said, you shouldn’t read them, you’ll learn bad things. - What will I learn, grandmother? What does it say? -- A! He says they describe how young people seduce well-behaved girls, how they, under the pretext of wanting to marry them, take them away from their parents’ house, how they then leave these unfortunate girls to the will of fate and they die in the most deplorable way. “I,” my grandmother says, “have read a lot of such books, and everything, she says, is so beautifully described that you sit all night and quietly read. So, Nastenka says, make sure you don’t read them. What kind of books does he say he sent? - And all Walter Scott’s novels, grandma. - Walter Scott novels! Anyway, are there any tricks here? Look, did he put some kind of love note in them? - No, I say, grandmother, there is no note. - Look under the binding; Sometimes they stuff it into the binding, robbers!.. - No, grandma, there’s nothing under the binding either. - Well, that’s it! So we started reading Walter Scott and in just one month we read almost half of it. Then he sent more and more. He sent Pushkin, so finally I couldn’t be without books and stopped thinking about how to marry a Chinese prince. This was the case when one day I happened to meet our tenant on the stairs. Grandma sent me for something. He stopped, I blushed, and he blushed; however, he laughed, said hello, asked about grandmother’s health and said: “What, have you read the books?” I answered: “I read it.” “What did he say you liked better?” I say: “I liked Ivangoy and Pushkin the most.” This time it ended that way. A week later I came across him again on the stairs. This time my grandmother didn’t send me, but I needed something myself. It was three o'clock, and the tenant was coming home at that time. "Hello!" -- speaks. I told him: “Hello!” “What, he says, aren’t you bored sitting with your grandmother all day?” When he asked me this, I, I don’t know why, blushed, felt ashamed, and again I felt offended, apparently because others began asking about this matter. I really wanted to not answer and leave, but I didn’t have the strength. - Listen, he says, you are a kind girl! Sorry for talking to you like this, but I assure you that I wish you well better than your grandmother. Don't you have any friends to visit? I say that there were none, that Mashenka was alone, and even she left for Pskov. - Listen, he says, do you want to go to the theater with me? - To the theater? what about grandma? - Yes, he says, quietly from your grandmother... - No, I say, I don’t want to deceive my grandmother. Farewell! “Well, goodbye,” he said, but he didn’t say anything. Only after lunch does he come to us; sat down, talked to my grandmother for a long time, asked about her, whether she was going anywhere, whether she had any acquaintances, and suddenly she said: “And today I took a box to the opera; they are giving The Barber of Seville, my acquaintances wanted to go, yes Then they refused, and I still had the ticket in my hands.” - "The Barber of Seville"! - cried the grandmother, - is this the same “Barber” that was given in the old days? “Yes, he says, this is the same “Barber”,” and he looked at me. And I already understood everything, blushed, and my heart jumped with anticipation! - Yes, of course, says grandma, how could you not know. In the old days, I myself played Rosina at the home theater! - So, would you like to go today? - said the tenant. - my ticket is wasted. “Yes, perhaps we’ll go,” says grandma, why not go? But Nastenka has never been to the theater. My God, what joy! We immediately got ready, got ready and set off. Even though grandma is blind, she still wanted to listen to music, and besides, she’s a kind old lady: she wanted to amuse me more, we would never have gotten together on our own. I won’t tell you what impression I had from “The Barber of Seville,” but all that evening our lodger looked at me so well and spoke so well that I immediately saw that he wanted to test me in the morning, suggesting that I be alone with I went with him. Well, what a joy! I went to bed so proud, so cheerful, my heart was beating so much that I had a slight fever, and all night I raved about The Barber of Seville. I thought that after that he would come more and more often, but that was not the case. He almost completely stopped. So, once a month, he would come in, and then only to invite me to the theater. We went again a couple of times afterwards. Only I was completely unhappy with this. I saw that he simply felt sorry for me because I was with my grandmother in such a pen, but nothing more. On and on, and it came over me: I don’t sit, and I don’t read, and I don’t work, sometimes I laugh and do something to spite my grandmother, other times I just cry. Finally, I lost weight and almost became sick. The opera season passed, and the lodger stopped visiting us completely; when we met - all on the same staircase, of course - he would bow so silently, so seriously, as if he didn’t even want to talk, and he would just go down to the porch, and I would still stand on half the stairs, red as a cherry , because all the blood started rushing to my head when I met him. Now now is the end. Exactly a year ago, in the month of May, the tenant came to us and told my grandmother that he had completely worked out his business here and that he should again go to Moscow for a year. When I heard it, I turned pale and fell on a chair as if dead. Grandma didn’t notice anything, but he announced: that he was leaving us, he bowed to us and left. What should I do? I thought and thought, grieved and grieved, and finally decided. Tomorrow he had to leave, and I decided that I would finish everything in the evening, when my grandmother went to bed. And so it happened. I tied all the dresses I needed into a bundle, as much linen as I needed, and with the bundle in my hands, neither alive nor dead, I went to the mezzanine to see our tenant. I think I walked up the stairs for an hour. When the door opened for him, he screamed, looking at me. He thought I was a ghost and rushed to give me some water because I could barely stand on my feet. My heart was beating so hard that my head hurt, and my mind was clouded. When I woke up, I started right away by putting my bundle on his bed, sat down next to him, covered myself with my hands and began to cry deeply. He seemed to understand everything instantly and stood in front of me, pale and looking at me so sadly that my heart broke. “Listen,” he began, “listen, Nastenka, I can’t do anything; I am a poor man; I don’t have anything yet, not even a decent place; How would we live if I married you? We talked for a long time, but I finally went into a frenzy, said that I couldn’t live with my grandmother, that I would run away from her, that I didn’t want to be pinned down, and that, as he wanted, I would go with him to Moscow, because I can't live without him. And shame, and love, and pride - everything spoke inside me at once, and I almost fell on the bed in convulsions. I was so afraid of rejection! He sat silently for several minutes, then stood up, came up to me and took my hand. - Listen, my good, my dear Nastenka! - he also began through tears, - listen. I swear to you that if I am ever able to get married, then you will certainly make up my happiness; I assure you, now only you can make up my happiness. Listen: I’m going to Moscow and will stay there for exactly a year. I hope to arrange my affairs. When I toss and turn, and if you don’t stop loving me, I swear to you, we will be happy. Now it’s impossible, I can’t, I have no right to promise anything. But, I repeat, if this is not done in a year, then at least someday it will certainly happen; of course - in the event that you do not prefer someone else to me, because I cannot and do not dare bind you with any word. That's what he told me and left the next day. Grandma was supposed not to say a word about it. That's what he wanted. Well, now my whole story is almost over. Exactly a year has passed. He arrived, he’s been here for three whole days and, and... - So what? - I shouted, impatient to hear the end. - And he still hasn’t shown up! - Nastenka answered, as if gathering strength, - not a word, not a breath... Then she stopped, was silent for a while, lowered her head and suddenly, covering herself with her hands, began to sob so loudly that O My heart turned over from these sobs. I never expected such a denouement. - Nastenka! - I began in a timid and insinuating voice, - Nastenka! For God's sake, don't cry! Why do you know? maybe he’s not there yet... - Here, here! - Nastenka picked up. - He's here, I know it. We had a condition, back then, that evening on the eve of departure: when we had already said everything that I told you and agreed, we went out here for a walk, precisely on this embankment. It was ten o'clock; we sat on this bench; I didn’t cry anymore, it was sweet for me to listen to what he was saying... He said that he would come to us immediately upon arrival and if I didn’t give up on him, then we would tell my grandmother everything. Now he has arrived, I know it, and he is gone! And she burst into tears again. -- My God! Is there really no way to help the grief? - I shouted, jumping up from the bench in complete despair. - Tell me, Nastenka, is it possible for me to at least go to him?.. - Is this possible? - she said, suddenly raising her head. - No, of course not! - I noticed, catching myself. - and here's what: write a letter. - No, this is impossible, this is impossible! - she answered decisively, but with her head down and without looking at me. - How can you not? why can't it? - I continued, seizing on my idea. - But, you know, Nastenka, what a letter! Letter to letter is different and... Oh, Nastenka, it’s so! Trust me, trust me! I won't give you bad advice. All this can be arranged! You started the first step - why now... - It’s impossible, it’s impossible! Then it’s as if I’m imposing myself... - Oh, my dear Nastenka! - I interrupted, not hiding my smile, - no, no; you finally have the right, because he promised you. And from everything I see that he is a delicate man, that he did well,” I continued, more and more delighted with the logic of my own arguments and convictions, “what did he do?” He bound himself with a promise. He said that he would not marry anyone but you, if only he would marry; he left you complete freedom to refuse him even now... In this case, you can take the first step, you have the right, you have an advantage over him, at least, for example, if you wanted to untie him from of this word ... - Listen, how would you write? -- What? - Yes, this is a letter. - This is how I would write: “Dear sir...” - Is this absolutely necessary, dear sir? - Definitely! However, why? I think... - Well, well! further! - “Dear sir! Sorry that I...” However, no, no apologies are needed! Here the very fact justifies everything, write simply: “I am writing to you. Forgive me for my impatience; but for a whole year I was happy with hope; am I to blame that now I cannot bear even a day of doubt? Now that you have already arrived, maybe , you have already changed your intentions. Then this letter will tell you that I do not complain and do not blame you. I do not blame you for having no power over your heart! You are a noble man. You will be annoyed by my impatient lines. Remember that they are written by a poor girl, that she is alone, that there is no one to teach her or advise her, and that she never knew how to control her heart on her own. But forgive me for entering into my soul even for one thing. “For a moment, doubt crept in. You are not even capable of mentally offending the one who loved and loves you so much.” - Yes, yes! this is exactly what I thought! - Nastenka shouted, and joy shone in her eyes. -- ABOUT! you resolved my doubts, God himself sent you to me! Thank you, thank you! -- For what? because God sent me? - I answered, looking in delight at her joyful face. - Yes, at least for that. - Oh, Nastenka! After all, we thank other people even for the fact that they live with us. I thank you for meeting me, for the fact that I will remember you for my whole century! - Well, that's enough, that's enough! And now here’s what, listen: then there was a condition that as soon as he arrived, she would immediately make herself known by leaving me a letter in one place, with some of my friends, kind and simple people who knew nothing about it. know; or if it is impossible to write letters to me, because you can’t always tell everything in a letter, then on the same day he arrives, he will be here exactly at ten o’clock, where we planned to meet him. I already know about his arrival; but for the third day now there has been no letter or him. There is no way for me to leave my grandmother in the morning. Give my letter tomorrow to those good people I told you about: they will already forward it; and if there is an answer, then you yourself will bring it in the evening at ten o’clock. - But a letter, a letter! After all, first you need to write a letter! So will all this happen the day after tomorrow? “A letter...” answered Nastenka, a little confused, “a letter.” .. but... But she didn’t finish. She first turned her face away from me, blushed like a rose, and suddenly I felt a letter in my hand, apparently written a long time ago, completely prepared and sealed. Some familiar, sweet, graceful memory flashed through my head! “R,o—Ro, s,i—si, n,a—na,” I began. - Rosina! - we both sang, I, almost hugging her with delight, she, blushing as only she could blush, and laughing through the tears that, like pearls, trembled in her black eyelashes. - Well, that’s enough, that’s enough! Goodbye now! - she said quickly. - Here's the letter, here's the address to take it to! Goodbye, see you tomorrow! She nodded her head and flashed off into her lane. He stood still for a long time, following her with his eyes. “See you tomorrow!” see you tomorrow!” flashed through my head when she disappeared from my eyes.

Night three

Today was a sad, rainy day, without light, like my future old age. I am pressed by such strange thoughts, such dark sensations, such questions that are still unclear to me, crowding into my head, but somehow I have neither the strength nor the desire to resolve them. It’s not for me to solve all this! We won't see each other today. Yesterday, when we said goodbye, clouds began to cover the sky and fog rose. I said that tomorrow would be a bad day; she did not answer, she did not want to talk against herself; for her this day is both bright and clear, and not a single cloud will cover her happiness. - If it rains, we won't see each other! - she said. - I won't come. I thought that she didn’t notice today’s rain, but yet she didn’t come. Yesterday was our third date, our third white night ... However, how joy and happiness make a person beautiful! how my heart boils with love! It seems that you want to pour out your whole heart into another heart, you want everything to be fun, everything to laugh. And how contagious this joy is! Yesterday there was so much tenderness in her words, so much kindness towards me in her heart... How she looked after me, how she caressed me, how she encouraged and tenderly - my heart! Oh, how much coquetry comes from happiness! And I... I took everything at face value; I thought that she... But, my God, how could I think that? how could I be so blind, when everything has already been taken by others, everything is not mine; when, finally, even this very tenderness of hers, her care, her love... yes, love for me, was nothing more than the joy of a soon meeting with another, the desire to impose her happiness on me too?.. When did he didn’t come when we waited in vain, she frowned, she became timid and cowardly. All her movements, all her words were no longer so light, playful and cheerful. And, strangely enough, she redoubled her attention to me, as if instinctively wanting to pour out on me what she wished for herself, for which she herself was afraid, if it did not come true. My Nastenka became so shy, so frightened that it seemed that she finally understood that I loved her and took pity on my poor love. Thus, when we are unhappy, we feel the unhappiness of others more strongly; the feeling does not break, but concentrates... I came to her with a full heart and barely waited for the date. I didn’t foresee what I would feel now, I didn’t foresee that all this would end differently. She was beaming with joy, she was waiting for an answer. The answer was himself. He had to come, run to her call. She arrived an hour before me. At first she laughed at everything, laughed at every word I said. I started to speak and fell silent. - Do you know why I’m so happy? - she said, - so glad to look at you? love you so much today? -- Well? - I asked, and my heart trembled. “I love you because you didn’t fall in love with me.” After all, someone else, in your place, would bother, pester, get tired, get sick, but you are so sweet! Then she squeezed my hand so hard that I almost screamed. She laughed. -- God! what a friend you are! - she began a minute later very seriously. - Yes, God sent you to me! Well, what would happen to me if you weren’t with me now? How selfless you are! How well you love me! When I get married, we will be very friendly, more than like brothers. I will love you almost as much as I love him... I felt somehow terribly sad at that moment; however, something similar to laughter stirred in my soul. “You are in a fit,” I said, “you are a coward; you think he won't come. - God be with you! “- she answered, “if I were less happy, I think I would cry from your disbelief, from your reproaches.” However, you gave me an idea and gave me a long thought; but I’ll think about it later, and now I’ll admit to you that you’re telling the truth! Yes! I’m somehow not myself; I’m somehow all in anticipation and I feel everything is somehow too easy. Come on, let’s leave aside the feelings!.. At that time, steps were heard, and a passer-by appeared in the darkness, walking towards us. We both trembled; she almost screamed. I lowered her hand and made a gesture as if I wanted to move away. But we were deceived: it was not him. -What are you afraid of? Why did you abandon my hand? - she said, handing it to me again. - Well, what then? we will meet him together. I want him to see how much we love each other. - How we love each other! - I shouted. “Oh Nastenka, Nastenka!” I thought, “how you said a lot with this word! From such love, Nastenka, in other an hour the heart grows cold and the soul becomes heavy. Your hand is cold, mine is hot like fire. How blind you are, Nastenka!.. Oh! how unbearable a happy person is at other times! But I couldn’t be angry with you!..” Finally my heart was full. “Listen, Nastenka!” I shouted, “do you know what happened to me all day?” “Well, what is it? Tell me quickly!” Why have you been silent until now! - First of all, Nastenka, when I fulfilled all your commissions, gave the letter, I was with you. good people , then... then I came home and went to bed. - Just that? - she interrupted, laughing. “Yes, almost just that,” I answered reluctantly, because stupid tears were already welling up in my eyes. - I woke up an hour before our date, but it was as if I hadn’t slept. I don't know what happened to me. I walked to tell you all this, as if time had stopped for me, as if one sensation, one feeling should have remained with me from that time on forever, as if one minute should have lasted an eternity and as if my whole life had stopped for me. .. When I woke up, it seemed to me that some musical motif, long familiar, heard somewhere before, forgotten and sweet, was now remembered by me. It seemed to me that he had been asking from my soul all my life, and only now... - Oh, my God, my God! - Nastenka interrupted, - how is this all so? I don't understand a word. - Oh, Nastenka! I wanted to somehow convey to you this strange impression...” I began in a plaintive voice, in which hope was still hidden, although very distant. - Come on, stop it, come on! - she spoke, and in an instant she guessed, the cheat! Suddenly she became somehow unusually talkative, cheerful, and playful. She took me by the arm, laughed, wanted me to laugh too, and every embarrassed word I said echoed in her with such a ringing, such a long laugh... I began to get angry, she suddenly started flirting. “Listen,” she began, “I’m a little annoyed that you didn’t fall in love with me.” Look after this man! But still, Mr. adamant, you cannot help but praise me for being so simple. I tell you everything, I tell you everything, no matter what stupidity flashes through my head. - Listen! It's eleven o'clock, I think? - I said as the steady sound of a bell rang out from a distant city tower. She suddenly stopped, stopped laughing and started counting. “Yes, eleven,” she finally said in a timid, hesitant voice. I immediately repented that I had frightened her, made her count the hours, and cursed myself for the fit of anger. I felt sad for her, and I did not know how to atone for my sin. I began to console her, look for the reasons for his absence, present various arguments and evidence. No one could be more easily deceived than she was at that moment, and everyone at that moment somehow joyfully listens to at least some kind of consolation and is glad, glad, if there is even a shadow of justification. “Yes, and it’s a funny thing,” I began, getting more and more excited and admiring the extraordinary clarity of my evidence, “and he couldn’t come; You deceived and lured me too, Nastenka, so that I lost track of time. .. Just think: he could barely receive the letter; Suppose he can’t come, suppose he answers, the letter will not arrive until tomorrow. I'll go pick him up tomorrow morning and let him know right away. Finally, imagine a thousand possibilities: well, he wasn’t at home when the letter arrived, and maybe he still hasn’t read it? After all, anything can happen. - Yes, yes! - Nastenka answered, - I didn’t even think; of course, anything can happen,” she continued in the most accommodating voice, but in which, like an annoying dissonance, some other, distant thought could be heard. “Here’s what you do,” she continued, “you go as early as possible tomorrow and if you get anything, let me know right away.” You know where I live, right? - And she began to repeat her address to me. Then she suddenly became so tender, so timid with me... She seemed to listen attentively to what I told her; but when I turned to her with some question, she remained silent, became confused and turned her head away from me. I looked into her eyes - that’s right: she was crying. - Well, is it possible, is it possible? Oh, what you are a child!.. Completely! She tried to smile, to calm down, but her chin trembled and her chest still swayed. I would be stone if I didn’t feel this. Do you know what came to my mind now? Why is he not like you, even though I love him more? you." I didn't answer anything. She seemed to be waiting for me to say something. "Of course, I don't quite understand him yet, you know, I always seemed to be afraid of him; he was always so serious, as if proud. Of course, I know that it’s only him who looks that way, that there is more tenderness in his heart than in mine... I remember how he looked at me then, like I did, remember. , came to him with a bundle; but still, I somehow respect him too much, but it’s as if we’re not equal? “No, Nastenka, no,” I answered, “this means that you love him more than anything in the world, and you love yourself much more.” “Yes, let’s assume that this is so,” answered the naive Nastenka, “but do you know what came to my mind now?” Only now I won’t talk about him, but in general; All this has been on my mind for a long time. Listen, why aren’t we all like brothers and brothers? Why the most best man always seems to be hiding something from the other and is silent from him? Why not say what’s in your heart right now, if you know that you won’t say your word to the wind? Otherwise everyone looks as if he is harsher than he really is, as if everyone is afraid of offending their feelings if they show them very soon... - Oh, Nastenka! you are telling the truth; “But this happens for many reasons,” I interrupted, more than ever at that moment I was constrained by my feelings. -- No no! - she answered with deep feeling. - For example, you are not like others! I really don’t know how to tell you what I feel; but it seems to me that you, for example... at least now... it seems to me that you are sacrificing something for me,” she added timidly, glancing briefly at me. “You’ll forgive me if I tell you this: I’m a simple girl; “I haven’t seen much in the world yet, and, really, I don’t know how to speak sometimes,” she added in a voice trembling from some hidden feeling, and trying to smile in the meantime, “but I just wanted to tell you that I’m grateful, that I feel all this too... Oh, God grant you happiness for this! What you told me then about your dreamer is completely untrue, that is, I want to say, it doesn’t concern you at all. You are recovering, you are truly a completely different person than how you described yourself. If you ever fall in love, then God grant you happiness with her! And I don’t wish anything for her, because she will be happy with you. I know, I am a woman myself and you must believe me if I tell you so... She fell silent and firmly shook my hand. I, too, could not say anything from excitement. Several minutes passed. - Yes, it’s obvious that he won’t come today! - she said finally, raising her head. “It’s too late!..” “He will come tomorrow,” I said in the most confident and firm voice. “Yes,” she added, amused, “I myself now see that he will come only tomorrow.” Well, then goodbye! see you tomorrow! If it rains, I may not come. But the day after tomorrow I will come, I will certainly come, no matter what happens to me; be here without fail; I want to see you, I'll tell you everything. And then, when we said goodbye, she gave me her hand and said, looking at me clearly: “After all, we are together forever now, aren’t we?” ABOUT! Nastenka, Nastenka! If you only knew how alone I am now! When nine o'clock struck, I could not sit in the room, got dressed and went out, despite the stormy time. I was there, sitting on our bench. I was about to go into their alley, but I felt ashamed, and I turned back without looking at their windows, without reaching two steps to their house. I came home in such melancholy as I had never been before. What a damp, boring time! If there was good weather, I would walk there all night... But see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow! Tomorrow she will tell me everything. However, there was no letter today. But, however, this is how it should have been. They are already together...

Night four

God, how it all ended! How did it all end! I arrived at nine o'clock. She was already there. I noticed her from afar; She stood, as she did then for the first time, leaning her elbows on the railing of the embankment, and did not hear me approach her. - Nastenka! - I called out to her, trying to suppress my excitement. She quickly turned to me. -- Well! - she said, - well! hurry up! I looked at her in bewilderment. - Well, where is the letter? Have you brought a letter? - she repeated, grabbing the railing with her hand. “No, I don’t have a letter,” I said finally, “hasn’t he been there yet?” She turned terribly pale and for a long time looked at me motionless. I dashed her last hope. - Well, God bless him! “she said at last in a broken voice, “God be with him, if he leaves me like that.” She lowered her eyes, then wanted to look at me, but could not. For a few more minutes she overcame her excitement, but suddenly she turned away, leaning her elbows on the balustrade of the embankment, and burst into tears. - Completeness, completeness! - I started to speak, but I didn’t have the strength to continue, looking at her, and what would I say? “Don’t console me,” she said, crying, “don’t talk about him, don’t say that he will come, that he didn’t abandon me as cruelly, as inhumanly as he did.” For what, for what? Was there really anything in my letter, in this unfortunate letter?.. Then sobs stopped her voice; My heart broke looking at her. - Oh, how inhumanly cruel this is! - she began again. - And not a line, not a line! At least he would answer that he doesn’t need me, that he rejects me; otherwise not a single line for three whole days! How easy it is for him to insult, offend, a poor, defenseless girl, who is to blame for loving him! Oh, how much I suffered in these three days! My God! My God! How will I remember that I came to him for the first time on my own, that I humiliated myself in front of him, cried, that I begged him for at least a drop of love... And after that!.. Listen, - she spoke, turning to me, and her black eyes sparkled, “but that’s not true!” This cannot be so; it's unnatural! Either you or I have been deceived; Maybe he didn't receive the letter? Maybe he still doesn't know anything? How is it possible, judge for yourself, tell me, for God’s sake, explain to me - I can’t understand this - how it is possible to act so barbarously rudely, as he did to me! Not a single word! But they are more compassionate towards the last person in the world. Maybe he heard something, maybe someone told him about me? - she shouted, turning to me with a question. - What, what do you think? “Listen, Nastenka, I’ll go to him tomorrow on your behalf.” -- Well! “I’ll ask him everything, I’ll tell him everything.” - Well, well! - You write a letter. Don't say no, Nastenka, don't say no! I will make him respect your action, he will find out everything, and if... “No, my friend, no,” she interrupted. -- Enough! Not another word, not a single word from me, not a line - that's enough! I don’t know him, I don’t love him anymore, I’ll...for...forget him... She didn’t finish. - Calm down, calm down! “Sit here, Nastenka,” I said, sitting her down on the bench. - Yes, I’m calm. Completeness! That's true! These are tears, this will dry out! What do you think, that I will ruin myself, that I will drown myself?.. My heart was full; I wanted to speak, but I couldn’t. - Listen! - she continued, taking me by the hand, - tell me: wouldn’t you have done this? You wouldn’t abandon someone who would come to you on her own, wouldn’t you throw shameless ridicule of her weak, stupid heart into her eyes? Would you take care of her? You would imagine that she was alone, that she did not know how to look after herself, that she did not know how to protect herself from loving you, that she was not to blame, that she was finally not to blame... that she did nothing! .. Oh, my God, my God!.. - Nastenka! - I finally shouted, not being able to overcome my excitement, - Nastenka! you are tormenting me! You hurt my heart, you kill me, Nastenka! I can't be silent! I must finally speak, express what is boiling here in my heart... Saying this, I stood up from the bench. She took my hand and looked at me in surprise. - What's wrong with you? - she said at last. - Listen! - I said decisively. - Listen to me, Nastenka! What am I going to say now? It’s all nonsense, it’s all unrealizable, it’s all stupid! I know that this can never happen, but I can’t remain silent. In the name of what you are now suffering, I beg you in advance, forgive me! with you? - This is impossible, but I love you, Nastenka! that's it! Well, now everything is said! - I said, waving my hand. - Now you will see if you can talk to me like you just spoke, if you can finally listen to what I am going to tell you... - Well, well, what? - Nastenka interrupted, - what of this? Well, I’ve known for a long time that you love me, but it just seemed to me that you loved me so, simply, somehow... Oh, my God, my God! “At first it was simple, Nastenka, but now, now... I’m just like you when you came to him with your bundle.” Worse than like you, Nastenka, because he didn’t love anyone then, but you do. -What are you telling me? Finally, I don’t understand you at all. But listen, why is this, that is, not why, but why are you doing this, and so suddenly... God! I'm talking nonsense! But you... And Nastenka was completely confused. Her cheeks flushed; she lowered her eyes. - What should I do, Nastenka, what should I do? I’m guilty, I used it for evil... But no, no, it’s not my fault, Nastenka; I hear it, I feel it, because my heart tells me that I’m right, because I can’t offend you with anything, I can’t offend you with anything! I was your friend; Well, here I am now a friend; I didn't change anything. Now my tears are flowing, Nastenka. Let them flow, let them flow—they don’t bother anyone. They will dry out, Nastenka... “Sit down, sit down,” she said, sitting me on the bench. - oh, my God! -- No! Nastenka, I won’t sit down; I can no longer be here, you can no longer see me; I'll say everything and leave. I just want to say that you would never know that I love you. I would bury my secret. I would not torment you now, at this moment, with my selfishness. No! but I couldn’t bear it now; you yourself started talking about this, you are to blame, you are to blame for everything, but I am not to blame. You can’t drive me away from you... - No, no, I’m not driving you away, no! - said Nastenka, hiding her embarrassment as best she could, poor thing. -Aren't you driving me away? No! and I myself wanted to run away from you. I’ll leave, but I’ll say everything first, because when you were talking here, I couldn’t sit still, when you were crying here, when you were tormented because, well, because (I call it that, Nastenka), because you rejected, because they pushed your love away, I felt, I heard that in my heart there is so much love for you, Nastenka, so much love!.. And I felt so bitter that I could not help you with this love... that heart exploded, and I, I - could not remain silent, I had to speak, Nastenka, I had to speak!.. - Yes, yes! tell me, talk to me like that! - said Nastenka with an inexplicable movement. - It may be strange for you that I’m talking to you like this, but... speak up! I'll tell you later! I'll tell you everything! “You feel sorry for me, Nastenka; you just feel sorry for me, my friend! What's lost is gone! what has been said cannot be taken back! Isn't it? Well, now you know everything. Well, this is the starting point. OK then! now it's all wonderful; just listen. When you sat and cried, I thought to myself (oh, let me tell you what I thought!), I thought that (well, of course, this cannot be, Nastenka), I thought that you... I I thought that somehow... well, in some completely unrelated way, you didn’t love him anymore. Then, - I was already thinking about this yesterday and the day before, Nastenka, - then I would have done this, I would certainly have done it so that you would love me: after all, you said, because you yourself said, Nastenka, that you would love me We've almost completely fallen in love. Well, what next? Well, that's almost all I wanted to say; All that remains is to say what would have happened if you had loved me, only this, nothing more! Listen, my friend - because you are still my friend - I, of course, am a simple, poor, so insignificant person, but that’s not the point (I somehow keep talking about the wrong thing, it’s out of embarrassment , Nastenka), but I would love you so much, love you so much that if you also loved him and continued to love the one I don’t know, you still wouldn’t notice that my love is somehow there for you heavy. You would only hear, you would only feel every minute that a grateful, grateful heart is beating next to you, a warm heart that is for you... Oh, Nastenka, Nastenka! what have you done to me!..” “Don’t cry, I don’t want you to cry,” said Nastenka, quickly getting up from the bench, “come on, get up, come with me, don’t cry, don’t cry,” - she said, wiping my tears with her handkerchief, “well, let’s go now; Maybe I’ll tell you something... Yes, since now he has left me, since he has forgotten me, although I still love him (I don’t want to deceive you)... but listen, answer me. If I, for example, fell in love with you, that is, if I only... Oh, my friend, my friend! How will I think, how will I think that I insulted you then, that I laughed at your love, when I praised you for not falling in love!.. Oh, God! how come I didn’t foresee this, how I didn’t foresee this, how I was so stupid, but... well, well, I made up my mind, I’ll say everything... - Listen, Nastenka, you know what? I'll leave you, that's what! I'm just torturing you. Now you have remorse for the fact that you mocked, but I don’t want, Yes, I don’t want you, except for your grief... I, of course, am to blame, Nastenka, but goodbye! - Wait, listen to me: can you wait? - What to expect, how? - I love him; but it will pass, it must pass, it cannot fail to pass; It’s already passing, I hear... Who knows, maybe it will end today, because I hate him, because he laughed at me, while you cried here with me, because you would not have rejected me like he did , because you love, but he didn’t love me, because I finally love you myself... yes, I love you! I love the way you love me; I told you this myself before, you heard it yourself, because I love you because you are better than him, because you are nobler than him, because he... The poor thing’s excitement was so strong that she did not finish , put her head on my shoulder, then on my chest and cried bitterly. I consoled and persuaded her, but she could not stop; she kept shaking my hand and saying between sobs: “Wait, wait; here I am now! I'll stop! I want to tell you... don’t think that these tears are just from weakness, wait until they pass..." Finally she stopped, wiped away the tears, and we went again. I wanted to speak, but she For a long time she kept asking me to wait. We fell silent... Finally she gathered her courage and began to speak... “That’s what,” she began in a weak and trembling voice, but in which something suddenly rang that pierced me. right in my heart and ached sweetly in it - don’t think that I’m so fickle and flighty, don’t think that I can so easily and quickly forget and change... I loved him for a whole year and I swear to God that I will never, never even the thought was not unfaithful to him. He despised it; he mocked me - God be with him! But he hurt me and insulted my heart. I don’t love him, because I can only love what is generous, that he understands me, that it is noble; because I am like that myself, and he is unworthy of me - well, God bless him! He did better than if I were later deceived in my expectations and found out who he was... Well, it's over! But who knows, my good friend,” she continued, shaking my hand, “who knows, maybe all my love was a deception of feelings, imagination, maybe it began as a prank, trifles, because I was under under grandma's supervision? Maybe I should love someone else, and not him, not that kind of person, someone else who would take pity on me and, and... Well, let’s leave it, let’s leave it,” Nastenka interrupted, choking with excitement, “I just wanted you tell... I wanted to tell you that if, despite the fact that I love him (no, I loved him), if, despite that, you still say... if you feel that your love is so great that it can finally oust the former from My heart... if you want to take pity on me, if you do not want to leave me alone in my fate, without consolation, without hope, if you want to love me always, as you love me now, then I swear that gratitude ... that my love will finally be worthy of your love... Will you take my hand now? “Nastenka,” I cried, choking with sobs, “Nastenka!.. Oh Nastenka!..” “Well, that’s enough, that’s enough!” Well, that's quite enough now! - she spoke, barely overpowering herself, - well, now everything has been said; isn't it? So? Well, you are happy and I am happy; not a word about it anymore; Wait; spare me... Talk about something else, for God's sake!.. - Yes, Nastenka, yes! Enough about this, now I’m happy, I... Well, Nastenka, well, let’s talk about something else, quickly, let’s talk quickly; Yes! I'm ready... And we didn't know what to say, we laughed, we cried, we spoke thousands of words without connection or thought; we would walk along the sidewalk, then suddenly turn back and start crossing the street; then they stopped and again went to the embankment; we were like children... “I live alone now, Nastenka,” I began, “and tomorrow... Well, of course, you know, Nastenka, I’m poor, I only have one thousand two hundred, but that’s nothing.” .. - Of course not, but grandma has a pension; so she won’t embarrass us. We need to take grandma. - Of course, we need to take grandma... Only Matryona... - Oh, and we have Thekla too! - Matryona is kind, only one flaw: she has no imagination, Nastenka, absolutely no imagination; but that’s nothing!.. - It’s all the same; they both can be together; just move in with us tomorrow. - How is this? to you! Okay, I'm ready... - Yes, you will hire from us. We have a mezzanine up there; it is empty; there was a tenant, an old woman, a noblewoman, she moved out. and grandma, I know, wants young man let go; I say: “Why a young man?” And she says: “Yes, I’m already old, but don’t think, Nastenka, that I want to marry you to him.” I guessed that this was for that... - Ah, Nastenka!.. And we both laughed. - Well, completeness, completeness. Where do you live? I forgot. -- There , at the --sky bridge, in Barannikov's house. - Is this such a big house? - Yes, such a big house. - Oh, I know nice house; only you know, leave him and move in with us as soon as possible... - Tomorrow , Nastenka, tomorrow; I owe a little for the apartment there, but that’s nothing... I’ll get my salary soon... - You know, maybe I’ll give lessons; I’ll learn on my own and give lessons... - Well, that’s great... and I’ll soon receive an award, Nastenka... - So tomorrow you’ll be my lodger... - Yes, and we’ll go to " The Barber of Seville" because now they will give it to him again soon. “Yes, we’ll go,” Nastenka said laughing, “no, it’s better we listen not to “The Barber,” but to something else...” “Well, okay, something else; Of course, it would be better, otherwise I didn’t think... Saying this, we both walked as if in a haze, in a fog, as if we ourselves did not know what was happening to us. They would stop and talk for a long time in one place, then they would start walking again and go to God knows where, and again there would be laughter, again tears... Then Nastenka would suddenly want to go home, I don’t dare stop her and I would want to take her all the way home; we set off and suddenly, after a quarter of an hour, we find ourselves on the embankment near our bench. Then she sighs, and again a tear comes to her eyes; I’ll become shy, cold... But she immediately shakes my hand and drags me to walk again, chat, talk... - It’s time now, it’s time for me to go home; “I think it’s very late,” Nastenka said at last, “we’ve had enough of being so childish!” “Yes, Nastenka, but now I won’t fall asleep; I won't go home. “I don’t think I can sleep either; only you will escort me... - Of course! - But now we will certainly get to the apartment. - Definitely, definitely... - Honestly?.. because you have to return home someday! “Honestly,” I answered laughing... “Well, let’s go!” - Let's go. - Look at the sky, Nastenka, look! Tomorrow will be a wonderful day; what a blue sky, what a moon! Look: this yellow cloud is now covering it, look, look!.. No, it passed by. Look, look!.. But Nastenka did not look at the cloud, she stood silently. rooted to the spot; after a minute she began to somehow timidly, press closely to me. Her hand trembled in my hand; I looked at her... She leaned on me even more. At that moment a young man walked past us. He suddenly stopped, looked at us intently and then took a few steps again. My heart trembled... “Nastenka,” I said in a low voice, “who is this, Nastenka?” - It's him! - she answered in a whisper, even closer, pressing herself even more reverently against me... I could barely stand on my feet. - Nastenka! Nastenka! it's you! - a voice was heard behind us, and at the same moment the young man took several steps towards us. God, what a scream! how she shuddered! how she escaped from my hands and fluttered towards him!.. I stood and looked at them like I was dead. But she barely gave him her hand, barely threw herself into his arms, when suddenly she turned to me again, found herself next to me, like the wind, like lightning, and, before I had time to come to my senses, she clasped my neck with both hands and kissed me deeply, passionately. Then, without saying a word to me, she rushed back to him, took his hands and pulled him along with her. I stood for a long time and looked after them... Finally, both of them disappeared from my eyes.


My nights ended in the morning. It wasn't a good day. It was raining and knocking sadly on my windows; it was dark in the room, cloudy outside. My head ached and felt dizzy; a fever crept through my limbs. “The postman brought a letter to you, father, by city mail,” Matryona said above me. -- Letter! whom? - I shouted, jumping up from my chair. “I don’t know, father, look, maybe it’s written there from someone.” I broke the seal. It's from her! “Oh, forgive me, forgive me!” Nastenka wrote to me, “on my knees I beg you, forgive me! I deceived both you and myself. It was a dream, a ghost... I languished for you today; forgive me, forgive me! .. Don’t blame me, because I haven’t changed in anything before you; I said that I would love you, and now I love you, more than I love you! if you were him!" "Oh, if only he were you!" - flew through my head. I remembered your words, Nastenka! “God knows what I would do for you now! I know that it’s hard and sad for you. I insulted you, but you know - if you love, how long will you remember the insult. And you love me! Thank you! Yes! Thank you for this love. Because it is imprinted in my memory like a sweet dream that you remember for a long time after waking up; because I will forever remember that moment when you so brotherly opened your heart to me and so generously accepted my gift, so that it was killed. protect, cherish, cure it... If you forgive me, then the memory of you will be exalted in me with an eternal, grateful feeling for you, which will never be erased from my soul... I will keep this memory, I will be faithful to it, not I will betray her, I will not betray my heart: it is too constant. Just yesterday it returned so quickly to the one to whom it belonged forever. We will meet, you will come to us, you will not leave us, you will forever be my friend, my brother... And when. you will see me, you will give me your hand, yes? you will give it to me, you have forgiven me, haven’t you? Do you love me still? Oh, love me, don’t leave me, because I love you so much at this moment, because I am worthy of your love, because I will deserve it... my dear friend! I'm marrying him next week. He came back in love, he never forgot about me... You won't be angry because I wrote about him. But I want to come to you with him; you will love him, won't you?.. Forgive me, remember and love your Nastenka." I re-read this letter for a long time; tears begged from my eyes. Finally it fell out of my hands and I covered my face. - Iris! and the killer whale! - Matryona began. - What, old woman? “And I removed all the cobwebs from the ceiling; now at least get married, invite guests, then at the same time... I looked at Matryona... She was still cheerful, young an old woman, but, I don’t know why, suddenly she appeared to me with a dull look, with wrinkles on her face, bent, decrepit... I don’t know why, I suddenly imagined that my room had aged just like the old woman. The walls and floors were faded, everything became dull; There were even more cobwebs. I don’t know why, when I looked out the window, it seemed to me that the house opposite was also decrepit and faded in turn, that the plaster on the columns was peeling and crumbling, that the cornices were blackened and cracked, and the walls, from a bright dark yellow color, became piebald ... Or a ray of sunshine, suddenly peeking out from behind a cloud, again hid under a rain cloud, and everything again dimmed in my eyes; or maybe the whole prospect of my future flashed before me so unwelcomingly and sadly, and I saw myself as I am now, exactly fifteen years later, aged, in the same room, just as alone, with the same Matryona, who is not at all I haven't gotten any wiser in all these years. But so that I remember my offense, Nastenka! So that I can cast a dark cloud over your clear, serene happiness, so that I, with a bitter reproach, bring melancholy to your heart, sting it with secret remorse and make it beat sadly in a moment of bliss, so that I crush at least one of these delicate flowers that you have woven in her black curls when she went to the altar with him... Oh, never, never! May your sky be clear, may your sweet smile be bright and serene, may you be blessed for the minute of bliss and happiness that you gave to another, lonely, grateful heart! My God! A whole minute of bliss! Is this really not enough for a person’s entire life?..

Dostoevsky created White Nights in 1848. He dedicated the story to his friend from his youth, A.N. Pleshcheev. It was first published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski.

The first critical reviews appeared already in 1849. So, A.V. Druzhinin wrote in Sovremennik that the story “White Nights” is superior to many other works of Dostoevsky. He considered its only drawback to be that practically nothing was said about the hero’s personality, nor about his occupation, nor about his attachments. According to the critic, if Dostoevsky had given these characteristics of the hero, the book would have been better.

The text of the story consists of 5 chapters. It begins with an epigraph, which is an excerpt from I. Turgenev’s poem “Flower”. Then chapter 1 begins, which introduces the hero of the work. We learn that he is a lonely man who likes to walk around the city alone and dream about something. One day he meets a girl. She's crying. The dreamer wants to approach her, but the girl runs away. Then he sees that a tipsy stranger begins to pursue her and drives him away. An acquaintance takes place. The dreamer accompanies the girl home. They agree to meet again. In subsequent chapters we see that friendship arises between the characters and they share their stories. Nastenka says that she is in love with one person. A year ago, he left to resolve his affairs in another city, promised to return and marry her. She recently found out that her lover has arrived, but does not come to her. For several nights the girl waits to meet him, but in vain. In the last chapter we learn that the hero fell in love with Nastenka and confesses this to her. They decide that tomorrow he will move to her mezzanine and make plans for a future together. However, unexpectedly a young man approached them, in whom Nastenka recognizes her lover and throws herself on his neck...

Sentimental novel

(From the memories of a dreamer)

Or was he created for
To be there for just a moment.
In the neighborhood of your heart?..
Iv. Turgenev

Night one

It was a wonderful night, the kind of night that can only happen when we are young, dear reader. The sky was so starry, such a bright sky that, looking at it, one involuntarily had to ask oneself: could all sorts of angry and capricious people really live under such a sky? This is also a young question, dear reader, very young, but God send it to your soul more often!.. Speaking about capricious and various angry gentlemen, I could not help but remember my well-behaved behavior all that day. From the very morning I began to be tormented by some amazing melancholy. It suddenly seemed to me that everyone was abandoning me, alone, and that everyone was abandoning me. Of course, everyone has the right to ask: who are all these people? because I’ve been living in St. Petersburg for eight years now, and I haven’t been able to make almost a single acquaintance. But why do I need acquaintances? I already know the whole of St. Petersburg; That’s why it seemed to me that everyone was leaving me when the whole of St. Petersburg rose up and suddenly left for the dacha. I became afraid to be alone, and for three whole days I wandered around the city in deep melancholy, absolutely not understanding what was happening to me. Whether I go to Nevsky, whether I go to the garden, whether I wander along the embankment - not a single face from those whom I am accustomed to meeting in the same place, at a certain hour, for a whole year. They, of course, don’t know me, but I know them. I know them briefly; I have almost studied their faces - and I admire them when they are cheerful, and I mope when they become misty. I almost became friends with one old man whom I meet every single day, at a certain hour, on the Fontanka. The face is so important, thoughtful; He keeps whispering under his breath and waving his left hand, and in his right he has a long, knotty cane with a gold knob. Even he noticed me and takes emotional part in me. If it happened that I would not be at the same place on the Fontanka at a certain hour, I am sure that the blues would attack him. This is why we sometimes almost bow to each other, especially when we are both in a good mood. The other day, when we had not seen each other for two whole days and on the third day we met, we were already grabbing our hats, but fortunately we came to our senses in time, lowered our hands and walked next to each other with sympathy. I am also familiar with the houses. When I walk, everyone seems to run ahead of me into the street, looks at me through all the windows and almost says: “Hello; how is your health? And I, thank God, am healthy, and they will add a floor to me in the month of May.” Or: “How is your health? I’ll be repaired tomorrow.” Or: “I almost burned out and was scared,” etc. Of these, I have favorites, there are short friends; one of them intends to undergo treatment this summer with an architect. I’ll come in every day on purpose so that it doesn’t get healed somehow, God forbid!.. But I’ll never forget the story of one very pretty light pink house. It was such a nice little stone house, it looked at me so welcomingly, it looked so proudly at its clumsy neighbors that my heart rejoiced when I happened to pass by. Suddenly, last week, I was walking down the street and, as I looked at a friend, I heard a plaintive cry: “And they are painting me yellow!” Villains! barbarians! they spared nothing: neither columns, nor cornices, and my friend turned yellow as a canary. I almost burst with bile on this occasion, and I still was not able to see my disfigured poor man, who was painted to match the color of the celestial empire. So, you understand, reader, how familiar I am with all of St. Petersburg. I have already said that I was tormented by anxiety for three whole days, until I guessed the reason for it. And I felt bad on the street (this one wasn’t there, that one wasn’t there, where did so-and-so go?) - and at home I wasn’t myself. For two evenings I sought: what am I missing in my corner? Why was it so awkward to stay there? - and with bewilderment I looked around at my green, smoky walls, at the ceiling hung with cobwebs, which Matryona had created with great success, looked through all my furniture, examined every chair, thinking, is this where the trouble lies? (because if I have even one chair that’s not standing the way it was yesterday, then I’m not myself) I looked out the window, and it was all in vain... it didn’t feel any easier! I even decided to call Matryona and immediately gave her a fatherly reprimand for the cobweb and general sloppiness; but she just looked at me in surprise and walked away without answering a word, so that the web is still happily hanging in place. Finally, only this morning I figured out what was the matter. Eh! Yes, the Vedas are running away from me to the dacha! Forgive me for a trivial word, but I had no time for high-flown language... because everything that was in St. Petersburg either moved or moved to the dacha; because every respectable gentleman of respectable appearance who hired a cab driver, in my eyes, immediately turned into a respectable father of a family, who, after ordinary official duties, goes lightly to the depths of his family, to the dacha, because every passer-by now had a completely special appearance, which I almost said to everyone I met: “We, gentlemen, are here only in passing, but in two hours we will leave for the dacha.” If the window opened, on which thin fingers, white as sugar, first drummed, and the head of a pretty girl poked out, beckoning to a peddler with pots of flowers, I immediately, immediately imagined that these flowers were only bought that way, that is, not at all for that purpose. to enjoy spring and flowers in a stuffy city apartment, but that very soon everyone will move to the dacha and take the flowers with them. Moreover, I had already made such success in my new, special kind of discoveries that I could already unmistakably, by one look, indicate which dacha someone lived in. The inhabitants of the Kamenny and Aptekarsky islands or the Peterhof road were distinguished by their studied elegance of techniques, smart summer suits and beautiful carriages in which they arrived in the mountains. Residents of Pargolov and where further away, at first glance “inspired” with their prudence and solidity; the visitor to Krestovsky Island had a calm and cheerful appearance. Did I manage to meet a long procession of dray drivers, lazily walking with reins in their hands next to carts loaded with whole mountains of all kinds of furniture, tables, chairs, Turkish and non-Turkish sofas and other household belongings, on which, on top of all this, she often sat, at the very top Voza, a frugal cook who cherishes her master’s property like the apple of her eye; whether I looked at the boats, heavily loaded with household utensils, gliding along the Neva or Fontanka, to the Black River or the islands - the carts and boats multiplied tenfold, became lost in my eyes; it seemed that everything was up and moving, everything was moving in whole caravans to the dacha; it seemed that all of Petersburg was threatening to turn into a desert, so that finally I felt ashamed, offended and sad: I had absolutely nowhere to go and there was no need to go to the dacha. I was ready to leave with every cart, to leave with every gentleman of respectable appearance who hired a cab; but no one, absolutely no one, invited me; as if they had forgotten me, as if I were truly a stranger to them! I walked a lot and for a long time, so that I already had time, as is my custom; I forgot where I was, when suddenly I found myself at the outpost. Instantly I felt cheerful, and I stepped beyond the barrier, walked between the sown fields and meadows, did not hear fatigue, but only felt with all my strength that some burden was falling from my soul. All the passers-by looked at me so welcomingly that they almost bowed resolutely; everyone was so happy about something, every single one of them was smoking cigars. And I was glad as never before. It was as if I had suddenly found myself in Italy—so much did nature strike me, a half-sick city dweller who almost suffocated within the city walls. There is something inexplicably touching in our St. Petersburg nature, when, with the onset of spring, it suddenly shows all its power, all the powers given to it by the sky become feathered, discharged, adorned with flowers... Somehow, involuntarily, it reminds me of that girl, wasted and the sick person at which you sometimes look with regret, sometimes with some kind of compassionate love, sometimes you simply don’t notice it, but which suddenly, for one moment, somehow accidentally becomes inexplicably, wonderfully beautiful, and you are amazed, intoxicated, involuntarily You ask yourself: what force made these sad, thoughtful eyes shine with such fire? what brought the blood to those pale, thinner cheeks? What has filled these tender features with passion? Why is this chest heaving so much? what so suddenly brought strength, life and beauty to the face of the poor girl, made it sparkle with such a smile, come alive with such a sparkling, sparkling laugh? You look around, you are looking for someone, you guess... But the moment passes, and perhaps tomorrow you will again meet the same thoughtful and absent-minded look as before, the same pale face, the same humility and timidity in movements and even repentance, even traces of some kind of deadening melancholy and annoyance for a momentary passion... And it’s a pity for you that the momentary beauty withered so quickly, so irrevocably, that it flashed before you so deceptively and in vain - it’s a pity because that you didn’t even have time to love her... But still, my night was better than the day! Here's how it was: I came back to the city very late, and ten o'clock had already struck when I began to approach the apartment. My road went along the canal embankment, on which at this hour you will not meet a living soul. True, I live in the most remote part of the city. I walked and sang, because when I am happy, I certainly hum something to myself, like every happy person who has neither friends nor good acquaintances and who, in a joyful moment, has no one to share his joy with. Suddenly the most unexpected adventure happened to me. A woman stood to the side, leaning against the canal railing; Leaning on the grating, she apparently looked very carefully at the muddy water of the canal. She was dressed in a cute yellow hat and a flirty black cape. “This is a girl, and definitely a brunette,” I thought. She didn’t seem to hear my steps, didn’t even move when I walked past, holding my breath and with my heart pounding. “Strange!” I thought, “she must be really thinking about something,” and suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks. I thought I heard a muffled sob. Yes! I was not deceived: the girl was crying, and a minute later there was more and more sobbing. My God! My heart sank. And no matter how timid I am with women, it was such a moment!.. I turned back, stepped towards her and would certainly have said: “Madam!” - if only I didn’t know that this exclamation has already been uttered a thousand times in all Russian high-society novels. This alone stopped me. But while I was looking for the word, the girl woke up, looked around, caught herself, looked down and slid past me along the embankment. I immediately followed her, but she guessed, left the embankment, crossed the street and walked along the sidewalk. I didn't dare cross the street. My heart was fluttering like a caught bird. Suddenly one incident came to my aid. On the other side of the sidewalk, not far from my stranger, a gentleman in a tailcoat, of respectable age, suddenly appeared, but it was impossible to say , so that you have a respectable gait. He walked, staggering and carefully leaning against the wall. The girl walked like an arrow, hastily and timidly, as all girls generally walk who do not want anyone to volunteer to accompany them home at night, and, of course, the swinging gentleman would never have caught up with her if my fate had not encouraged him to look for artificial remedies. Suddenly, without saying a word to anyone, my master takes off and flies as fast as he can, running, catching up with my stranger. She walked like the wind, but the swaying gentleman overtook, overtook, the girl screamed - and... I bless fate for the excellent knotty stick that happened this time in my right hand. I instantly found myself on the other side of the sidewalk, instantly the uninvited gentleman understood what was going on, took into account an irresistible reason, fell silent, fell behind, and only when we were already very far away did he protest against me in quite energetic terms. But his words barely reached us. “Give me your hand,” I said to my stranger, “and he won’t dare pester us anymore.” She silently gave me her hand, still trembling with excitement and fear. O uninvited master! how I blessed you at this moment! I glanced at her: she was pretty and brunette - I guessed right; Tears of recent fright or former grief still glistened on her black eyelashes - I don’t know. But a smile was already sparkling on his lips. She also glanced at me furtively, blushed slightly and looked down. “You see, why did you drive me away then?” If I had been here, nothing would have happened... - But I didn’t know you: I thought you too... - Do you really know me now? - A little. For example, why are you trembling? - Oh, you guessed it right the first time! - I answered in delight that my girlfriend is smart: this never interferes with beauty. - Yes, at first glance you guessed who you were dealing with. That’s right, I’m timid with women, I’m nervous, I don’t argue, no less than you were a minute ago when this gentleman scared you... I’m kind of scared now. It was like a dream, and even in my dreams I never imagined that I would ever talk to any woman. -- How? really?.. - Yes, if my hand trembles, it is because such a pretty little hand as yours has never clasped it. I'm completely unaccustomed to women; that is, I never got used to them; I'm alone... I don't even know how to talk to them. And now I don’t know - did I tell you something stupid? Tell me straight; I warn you, I am not touchy... - No, nothing, nothing; against. And if you already demand that I be frank, then I will tell you that women like such timidity; and if you want to know more, then I like her too, and I will not drive you away from me all the way home. “You will do to me,” I began, gasping with delight, “that I will immediately stop being timid, and then - goodbye to all my means!..” “Means?” what means, for what? This is really bad. - I’m sorry, I won’t, it just came out of my mouth; but how do you want that at such a moment there is no desire... - To please you, or what? -- Well, yes; Yes, for God's sake, be kind. Judge who I am! After all, I’m already twenty-six years old, and I’ve never seen anyone. Well, how can I speak well, deftly and appropriately? It will be more profitable for you when everything is open, outward... I don’t know how to remain silent when my heart speaks in me. Well, it doesn’t matter... Believe it or not, not a single woman, ever, ever! No dating! and I only dream every day that finally, someday I will meet someone. Oh, if you only knew how many times I have been in love like this!.. - But how, with whom?.. - Yes, not with anyone, ideally, with the one you dream about in a dream. I create entire novels in my dreams. Oh, you don't know me! True, it’s impossible without that, I met two or three women, but what kind of women are they? these are all such housewives that... But I’ll make you laugh, I’ll tell you that several times I thought of talking, just like that, to some aristocrat on the street, of course, when she was alone; speak, of course, timidly, respectfully, passionately; to say that I am dying alone, so that she does not drive me away, that there is no way to recognize at least some woman; to inspire her that even in a woman’s duties it is not possible to refuse the timid plea of ​​such an unfortunate person as me. That, finally, all I demand is just to say a few brotherly words to me, with sympathy, not to drive me away from the first step, to take my word for it, to listen to what I have to say, to laugh me, if you like, to reassure me, to say two words to me, just two words, then at least let her and I never meet!.. But you laugh... However, that’s why I’m saying it... - Don’t be annoyed; I laugh at the fact that you are your own enemy, and if you had tried, you would have succeeded, perhaps, even if it was on the street; the simpler the better... Not a single good woman, unless she is stupid or especially angry about something at that moment, would dare to send you away without these two words that you so timidly beg... However, what am I! Of course, I would take you for a madman. I judged by myself. I myself know a lot about how people live in the world! “Oh, thank you,” I cried, “you don’t know what you’ve done for me now!” - Okay, okay! But tell me why you knew that I was the kind of woman with whom... well, whom you considered worthy... of attention and friendship... in a word, not a mistress, as you call it. Why did you decide to approach me? -- Why? Why? But you were alone, that gentleman was too bold, now it’s night: you must agree that this is a duty... - No, no, even before, there, on the other side. After all, you wanted to come to me? - There, on the other side? But I really don’t know how to answer; I'm afraid... You know, I was happy today; I walked, sang; I was out of town; I have never had such happy moments before. You... maybe it seemed to me... Well, forgive me if I remind you: it seemed to me that you were crying, and I... I couldn’t hear it... my heart was embarrassed... Oh , My God! Well, really, couldn’t I grieve for you? Was it really a sin to feel brotherly compassion for you?.. Sorry, I said compassion... Well, yes, in a word, could I really offend you by involuntarily taking it into my head to approach you?.. - Leave it, enough, “Don’t tell me...” said the girl, looking down and squeezing my hand. “It’s my own fault for bringing this up; but I’m glad that I wasn’t mistaken about you... but now I’m home; I need to come here, to the alley; there are two steps here... Goodbye, thank you... - So is it really, will we never see each other again?.. Will it really remain like this? “You see,” the girl said, laughing, “at first you only wanted two words, and now... But, however, I won’t tell you anything... Maybe we’ll meet... - I’ll come.” here tomorrow,” I said. - Oh, forgive me, I’m already demanding... - Yes, you’re impatient... you’re almost demanding... - Listen, listen! - I interrupted her. - Forgive me if I tell you something like that again... But here’s the thing: I can’t help but come here tomorrow. I'm a dreamer; I have so little real life that I consider moments like this, as now, so rare that I cannot help but repeat these minutes in my dreams. I will dream about you all night, all week, all year. I will certainly come here tomorrow, exactly here, to this same place, at this very hour, and I will be happy, remembering yesterday. This place is so nice to me. I already have two or three such places in St. Petersburg. I even cried once from the memory, like you... Who knows, maybe you, ten minutes ago, cried from the memory. .. But forgive me, I forgot again; you may have ever been particularly happy here. “Okay,” said the girl, “I’ll probably come here tomorrow, also at ten o’clock.” I see that I can’t stop you anymore... That’s the thing, I need to be here; don’t think that I’m making an appointment with you; I'm warning you, I need to be here for myself. But... well, I’ll tell you straight out: it will be okay if you come; firstly, there may be troubles again, like today, but that’s aside... in a word, I would just like to see you... to say a few words to you. But, you see, you won’t judge me now? Don’t think that I make dates so easily... I would, if only... But let it be my secret! Just forward the agreement... - Agreement! say, say, say everything in advance; “I agree to everything, I’m ready for anything,” I cried out in delight, “I am responsible for myself - I will be obedient, respectful... you know me...” “It’s precisely because I know you that I invite you tomorrow “- said the girl laughing. - I know you completely. But, look, come with a condition; first of all (just be so kind as to do what I ask - you see, I’m speaking frankly), don’t fall in love with me... This is impossible, I assure you. I’m ready for friendship, here’s my hand to you... But you can’t fall in love, please! “I swear to you,” I shouted, grabbing her hand... “Come on, don’t swear, I know you can catch fire like gunpowder.” Don't judge me if I say so. If only you knew... I also don’t have anyone with whom I could say a word, who I could ask for advice. Of course, you shouldn’t look for advisers on the street, but you’re an exception. I know you as if we had been friends for twenty years... Isn’t it true, you won’t change?.. - You’ll see... but I don’t know how I’ll live even a day. - Sleep better; good night - and remember that I have already entrusted myself to you. But you exclaimed so well just now: is it really possible to give an account of every feeling, even brotherly sympathy! You know, it was said so well that the thought immediately flashed through me of trusting you... - For God’s sake, but in what? What? - See you tomorrow. Let this be a secret for now. So much the better for you; at least from a distance it will look like a novel. Maybe I’ll tell you tomorrow, or maybe not... I’ll talk to you in advance, we’ll get to know each other better... - Oh, yes, I’ll tell you everything about myself tomorrow! But what is it? It’s like a miracle is happening to me... Where am I, my God? Well, tell me, are you really unhappy that you didn’t get angry, as someone else would have done, and didn’t drive me away at the very beginning? Two minutes and you made me happy forever. Yes! happy; who knows, maybe you have reconciled me with yourself, resolved my doubts... Maybe such moments come to me... Well, I’ll tell you everything tomorrow, you’ll know everything, everything... - Okay, I accept; you will begin... - I agree. - Goodbye! - Goodbye! And we parted. I walked all night; I could not decide to return home. I was so happy... see you tomorrow!

Night two

Well, here we are! - she told me, laughing and shaking both hands. “I’ve been here for two hours already; you don’t know what happened to me all day! - I know, I know... but to the point. Do you know why I came? After all, it’s not nonsense to talk like yesterday. Here's the thing: we need to act smarter moving forward. I thought about all this for a long time yesterday. - In what ways, in what ways should we be smarter? For my part, I'm ready; but, really, nothing smarter has ever happened to me in my life than now. - Really? First of all, I beg you, don’t shake my hands like that; secondly, I inform you that I have been thinking about you for a long time today. - Well, how did it end? - How did it end? It ended with the need to start everything again, because at the end of it all, I decided today that you are still completely unknown to me, that yesterday I acted like a child, like a girl, and, of course, it turned out that it was all my good heart’s fault, then Yes, I praised myself, as it always ends when we start sorting out our own things. And therefore, in order to correct the mistake, I decided to find out about you in the most detailed way. But since there is no one to find out about you, you must tell me everything yourself, all the ins and outs. Well, what kind of person are you? Hurry up - start, tell your story. - History! - I shouted, frightened, - history!! But who told you that I have my story? I have no history... - So how did you live if there is no history? - she interrupted laughing. - Absolutely no stories! so, he lived, as we say, on his own, that is, completely alone - alone, completely alone - do you understand what one is? - Yes, like one? So you've never seen anyone? “Oh no, I see, I see, but still I’m alone.” “Well, aren’t you talking to anyone?” - In a strict sense, with no one. - Who are you, explain yourself! Wait, I guess: you probably have a grandmother, just like me. She is blind and has not let me go anywhere for my entire life, so I have almost forgotten how to speak completely. And when I was naughty two years ago, she saw that you couldn’t stop me, she called me and pinned my dress to hers - and so we’ve been sitting all day long since then; she knits a stocking, even though she is blind; and I sit next to her, read or read a book out loud to her - such a strange custom that I’ve been pinned for two years now... - Oh, my God, what a misfortune! No, I don’t have such a grandmother. - And if not, how can you sit at home?.. - Listen, do you want to know who I am? - Well, yes, yes! - In the strict sense of the word? - In the strictest sense of the word! - Excuse me, I'm a type. - Type, type! “What type?” the girl shouted, laughing as if she hadn’t been able to laugh for a whole year. - Yes, it’s great fun with you! Look: there is a bench here; let's sit down! No one walks here, no one will hear us, and - begin your story! because, you won’t convince me, you have a story, and you’re just hiding. Firstly, what is a type? -- Type? the guy is original, he's such a funny person! - I answered, bursting into laughter myself following her childish laughter. - This is such a character. Listen: do you know what a dreamer is? - Dreamer? Excuse me, how can you not know? I'm a dreamer myself! Sometimes you sit next to your grandmother and something doesn’t come to mind. Well, then you start dreaming, but then you change your mind - well, I’m just marrying a Chinese prince... But that’s good for another time - dreaming! No, but God knows! Especially if you already have something to think about,” the girl added this time quite seriously. -- Perfect! Since you married the Chinese Bogdykhan, then you will understand me completely. Well, listen... But excuse me: I don’t know your name yet? -- Finally! We remembered too early! - Oh, my God! Yes, it didn’t even occur to me, I felt good anyway... - My name is Nastenka. - Nastenka! and that's all? -- Only! Isn’t that enough for you, you insatiable one! - Is it enough? A lot, a lot, on the contrary, a lot, Nastenka, you are a kind girl, since from the first time you became Nastenka for me! - That's the same! Well! - Well, Nastenka, listen to what a funny story this is about. I sat down next to her, assumed a pedantically serious pose and began as if in writing: “Yes, Nastenka, if you don’t know it, there are some rather strange corners in St. Petersburg.” It’s as if the same sun that shines for all the people of St. Petersburg does not look into these places, but some other, new one looks in, as if specially ordered for these corners, and shines on everything with a different, special light. In these corners, dear Nastenka, it is as if a completely different life survives, not like the one that boils near us, but one that may exist in the thirtieth unknown kingdom, and not here, in our serious, very serious time. This life is a mixture of something purely fantastic, ardently ideal and at the same time (alas, Nastenka!) dull and prosaic and ordinary, not to say incredibly vulgar. -- Ugh! oh my god! what a preface! What am I going to hear? - You will hear, Nastenka (I think I will never get tired of calling you Nastenka), you will hear that strange people live in these corners - dreamers. A dreamer - if you need a detailed definition of it - is not a person, but, you know, what - a creature of the neuter gender. For the most part he settles somewhere inaccessible m corner, as if he was hiding in it even from daylight, and if he climbed into his own corner, he would grow to his corner like a snail, or, at least, he is very similar in this respect to that entertaining animal that is both animal and a house together, which is called a turtle. Why do you think he loves his four walls so much, which are always painted green, smoky, dull and prohibitively smoked? Why does this funny gentleman, when one of his rare acquaintances comes to visit him (and he ends up with the fact that his acquaintances are all transferred), why does this funny man meet him, so embarrassed, so changed in face and in such confusion as as if he had just committed a crime within his own four walls, as if he had fabricated fake papers or some poems to send to a magazine with an anonymous letter, which indicated that the real poet had already died and that his friend considered it a sacred duty to publish his verses? Why tell me, Nastenka, the conversation doesn’t go well with these two interlocutors? why neither laughter nor some smart word escapes the tongue of a suddenly puzzled friend who suddenly enters, who otherwise loves laughter very much , and lively words, and conversations about the fair sex, and other funny topics? Why, finally, is this friend, probably a recent acquaintance, and at the first visit - because in that case there will be no second and the friend will not come another time - why is the friend himself so embarrassed, so stiff, for all his wit (if only he has it), looking at the upturned face of the owner, who, in turn, has already become completely lost and lost his last sense after gigantic, but futile efforts to smooth out and spice up the conversation, to show, on his part, knowledge of secularism, also talk about the beautiful field and at least with such humility please the poor, misplaced person who came to visit him by mistake? Why, finally, does the guest suddenly grab his hat and quickly leave, suddenly remembering a most necessary matter that never happened, and somehow frees his hand from the hot squeezes of the owner, who is trying in every possible way to show his repentance and correct what was lost? Why does the departing friend burst out laughing as he walks out the door, immediately vowing to himself never to come to this eccentric, although this eccentric is essentially a most excellent fellow, and at the same time he cannot deny his imagination a little whim: to compare, even remotely Thus, the physiognomy of his recent interlocutor throughout the meeting with the appearance of that unfortunate kitten, which was crushed, intimidated and offended in every possible way by children, who treacherously captured him, embarrassed him into dust, which finally hid away from them under a chair, into the darkness, and there for a whole hour at his leisure is forced to bristle, snort and wash his offended snout with both paws and for a long time after that look with hostility at nature and life and even at the handout from the master's dinner, reserved for him by the compassionate housekeeper? “Listen,” interrupted Nastenka, who had been listening to me all the time in surprise, with her eyes and mouth open, “listen: I don’t know at all why all this happened and why exactly you are asking me such ridiculous questions; but what I know for sure is that all these adventures certainly happened to you, from word to word. “Without a doubt,” I answered with the most serious face. “Well, if there is no doubt, then continue,” Nastenka answered, “because I really want to know how it will end.” “You want to know, Nastenka, what our hero, or, better said, I, was doing in his corner, because the hero of the whole matter is me, in my own humble person; do you want to know why I was so alarmed and lost for the whole day due to an unexpected visit from a friend? Do you want to know why I jumped up so much and blushed so much when the door to my room was opened, why I didn’t know how to receive a guest and died so shamefully under the weight of my own hospitality? - Well, yes, yes! - Nastenka answered, - that’s the point. Listen: you tell a wonderful story, but is it possible to tell it in a less beautiful way? Otherwise you sound like you’re reading a book. - Nastenka! “I answered in an important and stern voice, barely restraining myself from laughing, “dear Nastenka, I know that I tell the story beautifully, but it’s my fault, otherwise I don’t know how to tell it.” Now, dear Nastenka, now looks like the spirit of King Solomon, who was in a bottle for a thousand years, under seven seals, and from whom all these seven seals were finally removed. Now, dear Nastenka, when we have come together again after such a long separation, - because I have known you for a long time, Nastenka, because I have been looking for someone for a long time, and this is a sign that I was looking for you and that we were destined now to see each other - now thousands of valves have opened in my head, and I must pour out a river of words, otherwise I will suffocate. So, I ask you not to interrupt me, Nastenka, but to listen submissively and obediently; otherwise, I'll shut up. - No, no, no! no way! speak! Now I won't say a word. - I continue: there is, my friend Nastenka, one hour in my day that I love extremely. This is the very hour when almost all kinds of work, positions and obligations come to an end and everyone rushes home to have dinner, lie down to rest, and right there, on the road, invent other fun topics relating to the evening, night and all the remaining free time. At this hour, our hero - because let me, Nastenka, tell the story in the third person, because it’s terribly embarrassing to tell all this in the first person - so, at this hour, our hero, who was also not idle , walks behind the others. But a strange feeling of pleasure plays on his pale, seemingly somewhat wrinkled face. He looks with concern at the evening dawn, which is slowly fading in the cold St. Petersburg sky. When I say he’s looking, I’m lying: he’s not looking, but he’s contemplating somehow unconsciously, as if he’s tired or busy at the same time with some other, more interesting subject, so that perhaps only briefly, almost involuntarily, take time for everything around you. He is pleased because he has finished with the annoying things for him before tomorrow. affairs, and happy, like a schoolboy who was released from the classroom to his favorite games and pranks. Look at him from the side, Nastenka: you will immediately see that the joyful feeling has already happily affected his weak nerves and painfully irritated imagination. So he was thinking about something... Are you thinking about lunch? about tonight? What is he looking at like that? Is this the gentleman of respectable appearance who bowed so picturesquely to the lady who rode past him on speedy horses in a shiny carriage? No, Nastenka, what does he care about all this trifle now! He's already rich now with its own special life; somehow he suddenly became rich, and it was not in vain that the farewell ray of the fading sun sparkled so cheerfully before him and evoked a whole swarm of impressions from his warmed heart. Now he barely notices the road on which before the smallest detail could strike him. Now the “goddess of fantasy” (if you read Zhukovsky, dear Nastenka) has already woven her golden foundation with her whimsical hand and has gone to develop before him the patterns of an unprecedented, bizarre life - and, who knows, maybe she has transported him with her whimsical hand to the seventh crystal heaven from the excellent granite sidewalk along which he walks on his way home. Try to stop him now, suddenly ask him: where is he standing now, what streets did he walk along? - he probably would not have remembered anything, neither where he walked, nor where he was standing now, and, blushing with annoyance, he would certainly have lied something to save appearances. That is why he shuddered so much, almost screamed and looked around in fear when one very respectable old woman politely stopped him in the middle of the sidewalk and began to ask him about the road that she had lost. Frowning with annoyance, he walks on, barely noticing that more than one passer-by smiled, looking at him, and turned after him, and that some little girl, timidly giving way to him, laughed loudly, looking with all her eyes at his wide, contemplative smile. and hand gestures. But the same fantasy, in its playful flight, picked up the old woman, and the curious passers-by, and the laughing girl, and the peasants who were immediately having dinner on their barges that dammed the Fontanka (let’s say our hero was passing along it at that time) and made everyone playfully and everything fell into its own pattern, like flies into a cobweb, and with his new acquisition the eccentric had already entered his delightful hole, had already sat down to dinner, had already dined a long time ago and woke up only when the pensive and eternally sad Matryona, who was serving him, had already tidied everything up from the table and handed him the pipe, he woke up and remembered with surprise that he had already had lunch, decisively overlooking how this happened. The room went dark; his soul is empty and sad; a whole kingdom of dreams was collapsing around him, collapsing without a trace, without noise or crackling, rushing by like a dream, and he himself does not remember what he was dreaming about. But some dark sensation, from which his chest ached and trembled slightly, some new desire seductively tickled and irritated his fantasy and imperceptibly summoned a whole swarm of new ghosts. Silence reigns in the small room; solitude and laziness pamper the imagination; it ignites slightly, boils slightly, like water in the coffee pot of old Matryona, who is serenely fiddling around in the kitchen nearby, preparing her cook’s coffee. Now it is already bursting with light flashes, now the book, taken without purpose and at random, falls out of the hands of my dreamer, who has not even reached the third page. His imagination was again tuned, excited, and suddenly again a new world, a new, charming life flashed before him in its brilliant perspective. New dream - new happiness! A new method of refined, voluptuous poison! Oh, what does he need in our real life? In his bribed view, you and I, Nastenka, live so lazily, slowly, sluggishly; in his opinion, we are all so dissatisfied with our fate, we are so languid with our lives! And indeed, look, in fact, how at first glance everything between us is cold, gloomy, as if angry... “Poor things!” - thinks my dreamer. And it’s no wonder what he thinks! Look at these magical ghosts, which are so charming, so whimsical, so boundless and wide, forming before him in such a magical, animated picture, where in the foreground, the first person, of course, is himself, our dreamer, with his dear person. Look, what a variety of adventures, what an endless swarm of enthusiastic dreams. You might ask, what does he dream about? Why ask this! yes about everything... about the role of the poet, first not recognized, and then crowned; about friendship with Hoffmann; St. Bartholomew's Night, Diana Vernon, heroic role in the capture of Kazan by Ivan Vasilyevich, Clara Movbray, Eufia Dens, the council of prelates and Hus before them, the rise of the dead in "Robert" (remember the music? It smells like a cemetery!), Minna and Brenda, the battle of Berezina, reading of the poem by Countess V-y-D-y, Danton, Cleopatra e i suoi amanti [and her lovers (Italian) ], a house in Kolomna, your own corner, and next to it a sweet creature who listens to you on a winter evening, with her mouth and eyes open, just as you listen to me now, my little angel... No, Nastenka, what’s to him, what’s to him, the voluptuous sloth , in the life that we so want with you? he thinks that this is a poor, miserable life, not foreseeing that for him, perhaps, someday the sad hour will strike, when for one day of this miserable life he will give all his fantastic years, and not yet for joy, not for He will give away happiness, and will not want to choose in that hour of sadness, repentance and unrestrained grief. But while it has not yet arrived, this terrible time, he does not desire anything, because he is above desires, because everything is with him, because he is satiated, because he himself is the artist of his life and creates it for himself every hour in a new way. arbitrariness. And this fabulous, fantastic world is created so easily, so naturally! As if all this really wasn’t a ghost! Really, I’m ready to believe at another moment that this whole life is not an excitation of feelings, not a mirage, not a deception of the imagination, but that it is really real, real, existing! Why, tell me, Nastenka, why is the spirit embarrassed at such moments? Why, by some magic, by some unknown arbitrariness, does the pulse accelerate, tears flow from the dreamer’s eyes, his pale, moistened cheeks glow, and his entire existence is filled with such irresistible joy? Why do entire sleepless nights pass in one moment, in inexhaustible joy and happiness, and when the dawn flashes a pink ray through the windows and the dawn illuminates the gloomy room with its dubious fantastic light, as here in St. Petersburg, our dreamer, tired, exhausted, rushes to bed and falls asleep, transfixed by the delight of his painfully shocked spirit and with such a painfully sweet pain in his heart? Yes, Nastenka, you will be deceived and involuntarily believe in someone else that real, true passion excites his soul, you involuntarily believe that there is something alive, tangible in his ethereal dreams! And what a deception - for example, love descended into his chest with all the inexhaustible joy, with all the languid torment... Just look at him and see for yourself! Do you believe, looking at him, dear Nastenka, that he really never knew the one he loved so much in his ecstatic dreams? Did he really only see her in seductive ghosts and did he only dream about this passion? Didn’t they really go through so many years of their lives hand in hand - alone, together, throwing away the whole world and connecting each of their worlds, their lives with the life of a friend? Wasn’t it she, at the late hour, when separation came, not she who lay, sobbing and yearning, on his chest, not hearing the storm that broke out under the harsh sky, not hearing the wind that tore and carried away the tears from her black eyelashes? Was it really all a dream - and this garden, sad, abandoned and wild, with paths overgrown with moss, secluded, gloomy, where they so often walked together, hoped, yearned, loved, loved each other for so long, “for so long and gently"! And this strange, great-grandfather’s house, in which she lived for so long, alone and sadly, with her old, gloomy husband, always silent and bilious, who frightened them, timid as children, sadly and fearfully hiding their love from each other? How they suffered, how afraid they were, how innocent and pure their love was and how (certainly, Nastenka) evil people were! And, my God, was it really not her that he met later, far from the shores of his homeland, under a foreign sky, midday, hot, in a marvelous eternal city, in the splendor of a ball, with the thunder of music, in a palazzo (certainly a palazzo) drowned in the sea , lights, on this balcony, entwined with myrtle and roses, where she, recognizing him, so hastily took off her mask and, whispering: “I am free,” trembling, threw herself into his arms, and, screaming with delight, clung to each other, in an instant they forgot grief, and separation, and all the torment, and the gloomy house, and the old man, and the gloomy garden in their distant homeland, and the bench on which, with a last passionate kiss, she broke free from his arms, numb in desperate agony. .. Oh, you must agree, Nastenka, that you will flutter up, be embarrassed and blush, like a schoolboy who has just stuffed an apple stolen from a neighboring garden into his pocket, when some long, healthy guy, a merry fellow and a joker, your uninvited friend, opens your door and will shout as if nothing had happened: “And I, brother, am from Pavlovsk this minute!” My God! the old count died, indescribable happiness comes - here people come from Pavlovsk! I fell pathetically silent, ending my pathetic exclamations. I remember that I terribly wanted to somehow force myself to laugh, because I already felt that some hostile imp was stirring inside me, that my throat was already starting to seize, my chin was twitching, and that my eyes were becoming more and more moist... I expected that Nastenka, who was listening to me, having opened her smart eyes, would laugh with all her childish, uncontrollably cheerful laughter, and I already regretted that I had gone far, that it was in vain to tell what had long been boiling in my heart, about which I could speak as if it were written, because I had long ago prepared a verdict on myself, and now I could not resist reading it, confessing, not expecting that they would understand me; but, to my surprise, she remained silent, after a while she lightly shook my hand and asked with some timid sympathy: “Have you really lived your whole life like this?” “All my life, Nastenka,” I answered, “all my life, and it seems I’ll end up like this!” “No, this can’t be done,” she said restlessly, “this won’t happen; That way, perhaps, I’ll live my whole life next to my grandmother. Listen, do you know that it’s not at all good to live like this? - I know, Nastenka, I know! - I cried, no longer holding back my feelings. “And now I know more than ever that I wasted all my best years!” Now I know this, and I feel more painful from such a consciousness, because God himself sent me you, my good angel, to tell me this and prove it. Now, when I sit next to you and talk to you, I’m already scared to think about the future, because in the future there will be loneliness again, this musty, unnecessary life; and what will I dream about when in reality I was so happy next to you! Oh, be blessed, you, dear girl, for not rejecting me the first time, for the fact that I can already say that I lived at least two evenings in my life! - Oh, no, no! - Nastenka screamed, and tears sparkled in her eyes, - no, it won’t be like this anymore; We won’t part like that! What are two evenings! - Oh, Nastenka, Nastenka! Do you know how long it took you to reconcile me with yourself? Do you know that now I won’t think as badly about myself as I thought at other moments? Do you know that perhaps I will no longer grieve over the fact that I committed a crime and sin in my life, because such a life is a crime and a sin? And don’t think that I’m exaggerating anything for you, for God’s sake, don’t think so, Nastenka, because sometimes moments of such melancholy, such melancholy come over me... Because at these moments it’s already beginning to seem to me that I’ll never able to begin to live a real life; because it already seemed to me that I had lost all tact, all sense of the present, the real; because, finally, I cursed myself; because after my fantastic nights, moments of sobering up are already upon me, which are terrible. Meanwhile, you hear how the crowd of people thunders around you and swirls in the whirlwind of life, you hear, you see how people live, they live in reality, you see that life is for them it is not ordered that their life will not scatter like a dream, like a vision, that their life is eternally renewed, eternally young and not one hour of it is like another, while the fearful fantasy, the slave of the shadow, the idea, the slave of the first, is dull and monotonous to the point of vulgarity a cloud that will suddenly cover the sun and squeeze with melancholy the real St. Petersburg heart, which so values ​​​​its sun - and what a fantasy in melancholy! You feel that she is finally getting tired, exhausted in eternal tension, this inexhaustible fantasy, because you grow up, you survive from your previous ideals: they crumble into dust and fragments; if there is no other life, then you have to build it from the same rubble. Meanwhile, the soul asks and wants something else, and in vain the dreamer rummages through his old dreams, as if in ashes, looking for in this ashes at least some spark to fan it, to warm the cold heart with a renewed fire and resurrect everything in it again , what used to be so sweet, what touched the soul, what boiled the blood, what pulled tears from the eyes and so luxuriously deceived! Do you know, Nastenka, what I have come to? Do you know that I am already forced to celebrate the anniversary of my feelings, the anniversary of what was so sweet before, which in essence never happened - because this anniversary is still celebrated according to the same stupid, ethereal dreams - and to do this, because even these stupid dreams do not exist, because there is nothing to survive them with: after all, even dreams survive! Do you know that I now love to remember and visit at a certain time those places where I was once happy in my own way, I love to build my present in harmony with the irrevocably past and often wander like a shadow, without need and without purpose, sad and sad to St. Petersburg's back streets and streets. What memories! I remember, for example, that here exactly a year ago, exactly at this same time, at this same hour, along this same sidewalk, I was wandering just as lonely, just as sadly as now! And you remember that even then the dreams were sad, and although it was no better before, you still somehow feel that it was as if it was easier and more peaceful to live, that there was no this black thought that is now attached to me; that there were no such remorse of conscience, the gloomy, gloomy remorse that now gives no rest day or night. And you ask yourself: where are your dreams? and you shake your head and say: how quickly the years fly by! And again you ask yourself: what have you done with your years? where did you bury your best time? Did you live or not? Look, you tell yourself, look how cold the world is getting. Years will pass, and after them will come gloomy loneliness, shaking old age will come with a stick, and behind them melancholy and despondency. Your fantasy world will turn pale, your dreams will freeze, fade and fall off like yellow leaves from the trees... Oh, Nastenka! After all, it will be sad to remain alone, completely alone, and not even have anything to regret - nothing, absolutely nothing... because everything that I lost, all this, all was nothing, a stupid, round zero, it was just a dream! - Well, don’t pity me any more! - Nastenka said, wiping away a tear that rolled out of her eyes. - It's over now! Now we will be alone; Now, no matter what happens to me, we will never part. Listen. I am a simple girl, I studied little, although my grandmother hired a teacher for me; but, really, I understand you, because everything that you told me now, I myself lived, when my grandmother pinned me to the dress. Of course, I wouldn’t tell it as well as you did, I didn’t study,” she added timidly, because she still felt some respect for my pathetic speech and my high style, “but I’m very glad that you have completely opened up to me. Now I know you, completely, completely. And guess what? I want to tell you my story, all without hiding, and then you will give me advice for that. You are a very smart person; do you promise that you will give me this advice? “Oh, Nastenka,” I answered, “although I have never been an adviser, much less a smart adviser, but now I see that if we always live like this, it will be somehow very smart and everyone is a friend.” Gives a friend a lot of smart advice! Well, my pretty Nastenka, what advice do you have? Tell me straight; I am now so cheerful, happy, brave and smart that I can’t reach into my pocket for a word. -- No no! - Nastenka interrupted, laughing, - I need more than just smart advice, I need heartfelt, brotherly advice, just as you would have loved me for your entire life! “He’s coming, Nastenka, he’s coming!” - I shouted in delight, “and if I had loved you for twenty years, I still wouldn’t love you more than now!” - Your hand! - said Nastenka. - Here she is! - I answered, giving her my hand. - So, let's begin my story!


You already know half the story, that is, you know that I have an old grandmother... - If the other half is as short as this one... - I interrupted, laughing. - Be silent and listen. First of all, an agreement: don’t interrupt me, otherwise I’ll probably get confused. Well, listen attentively. I have an old grandmother. I came to her when I was a very little girl, because both my mother and father died. One must think that grandmother was richer before, because now she remembers better days. She taught me French and then hired me a teacher. When I was fifteen years old (and now I’m seventeen), we finished studying. It was at this time that I got naughty; what have I done -- I won't tell you; It is enough that the offense was minor. Only my grandmother called me to her one morning and said that since she was blind, she would not look after me, she took a pin and pinned my dress to hers, and then she said that we would sit like this all our lives, if, of course, I won't get better. In a word, at first there was no way to leave: work, read, and study - all near your grandmother. I tried to cheat once and persuaded Thekla to sit in my place. Fekla is our worker, she is deaf. Thekla sat down instead of me; At that time, my grandmother fell asleep in her chair, and I went nearby to see my friend. Well , it ended badly. Grandma woke up without me and asked about something, thinking that I was still sitting quietly in place. Fekla sees that her grandmother is asking, but she herself doesn’t hear what she’s talking about, she thought and thought about what she should do, unfastened the pin and started to run... Then Nastenka stopped and began to laugh. I laughed with her. She stopped immediately. - Listen, don't laugh at grandma. It’s me who laughs because it’s funny... What can I do when my grandmother is really like that, but I still love her a little. Well, that’s when it happened to me: they immediately put me in my place again and no, no, it was impossible to move. Well, I forgot to tell you that we, that is, grandmother, have our own house, that is, a small house, only three windows, completely wooden and as old as grandmother; and at the top there is a mezzanine; So a new tenant moved into our mezzanine... - So there was an old tenant too? - I noticed in passing. “Of course there was,” answered Nastenka, “and who knew how to remain silent better than you.” True, he could barely move his tongue. He was an old man, dry, dumb, blind, lame, so that finally it became impossible for him to live in the world, and he died; and then we needed a new tenant, because we can’t live without a tenant: with my grandmother’s pension, that’s almost all of our income. The new tenant, as if on purpose, was a young man, not from here, a stranger. Since he didn’t bargain, the grandmother let him in, and then asked: “What, Nastenka, is our tenant young or not?” I didn’t want to lie: “So, I say, grandmother, it’s not that he’s very young, but he’s not an old man.” “Well, and good-looking?” - asks the grandmother. I don't want to lie again. “Yes, I say, pleasant-looking, grandma!” And the grandmother says: “Ah! punishment, punishment! I’m telling you this, granddaughter, so that you don’t stare at him. What a century! Look, such a small tenant, and yet also of a pleasant appearance: not like in the old days!” And for grandma everything would be like the old days! And she was younger in the old days, and the sun was warmer in the old days, and the cream did not sour so quickly in the old days - everything is in the old days! So I sit and remain silent, but I think to myself: why is it that grandma herself is trying to persuade me, asking if the tenant is good or young? Yes, just like that, I just thought, and then I started counting stitches again, knitting a stocking, and then I completely forgot. So one morning a tenant comes to us to ask about the fact that they promised to wallpaper his room. Word for word, the grandmother is talkative, and says: “Go, Nastenka, to my bedroom, bring the bills.” I immediately jumped up, blushed all over, I don’t know why, and forgot that I was sitting pinned down; no, to spank her quietly so that the tenant wouldn’t see - she jerked so hard that grandma’s chair moved. When I saw that the lodger now knew everything about me, I blushed, stood rooted to the spot, and suddenly began to cry—I felt so ashamed and bitter at that moment that I couldn’t even look at the light! Grandmother shouts: “Why are you standing there?” - and I’m even worse... The tenant, when he saw him, saw that I was ashamed of him, took his leave and immediately left! Since then, when I make a little noise in the hallway, I feel like I’m dead. Here, I think, the tenant is coming, and slowly, just in case, I’ll remove the pin. Only it wasn’t him, he didn’t come. Two weeks have passed; the lodger sends to tell Fyokla that he has a lot of French books and that all the books are good, so you can read; So, wouldn’t my grandmother want me to read them to her, so that it wouldn’t be boring? Grandmother agreed with gratitude, only she kept asking whether the books were moral or not, because if the books were immoral, Nastenka said, you shouldn’t read them, you’ll learn bad things. - What will I learn, grandmother? What does it say? -- A! He says they describe how young people seduce well-behaved girls, how they, under the pretext of wanting to marry them, take them away from their parents’ house, how they then leave these unfortunate girls to the will of fate and they die in the most deplorable way. “I,” my grandmother says, “have read a lot of such books, and everything, she says, is so beautifully described that you sit all night and quietly read. So, Nastenka says, make sure you don’t read them. What kind of books does he say he sent? - And all Walter Scott’s novels, grandma. - Walter Scott novels! Anyway, are there any tricks here? Look, did he put some kind of love note in them? - No, I say, grandmother, there is no note. - Look under the binding; Sometimes they stuff it into the binding, robbers!.. - No, grandma, there’s nothing under the binding either. - Well, that’s it! So we started reading Walter Scott and in just one month we read almost half of it. Then he sent more and more. He sent Pushkin, so finally I couldn’t be without books and stopped thinking about how to marry a Chinese prince. This was the case when one day I happened to meet our tenant on the stairs. Grandma sent me for something. He stopped, I blushed, and he blushed; however, he laughed, said hello, asked about grandmother’s health and said: “What, have you read the books?” I answered: “I read it.” “What did he say you liked better?” I say: “I liked Ivangoy and Pushkin the most.” This time it ended that way. A week later I came across him again on the stairs. This time my grandmother didn’t send me, but I needed something myself. It was three o'clock, and the tenant was coming home at that time. "Hello!" -- speaks. I told him: “Hello!” “What, he says, aren’t you bored sitting with your grandmother all day?” When he asked me this, I, I don’t know why, blushed, felt ashamed, and again I felt offended, apparently because others began asking about this matter. I really wanted to not answer and leave, but I didn’t have the strength. - Listen, he says, you are a kind girl! Sorry for talking to you like this, but I assure you that I wish you well better than your grandmother. Don't you have any friends to visit? I say that there were none, that Mashenka was alone, and even she left for Pskov. - Listen, he says, do you want to go to the theater with me? - To the theater? what about grandma? - Yes, he says, quietly from your grandmother... - No, I say, I don’t want to deceive my grandmother. Farewell! “Well, goodbye,” he said, but he didn’t say anything. Only after lunch does he come to us; sat down, talked to my grandmother for a long time, asked about her, whether she was going anywhere, whether she had any acquaintances, and suddenly she said: “And today I took a box to the opera; they are giving The Barber of Seville, my acquaintances wanted to go, yes Then they refused, and I still had the ticket in my hands.” - "The Barber of Seville"! - cried the grandmother, - is this the same “Barber” that was given in the old days? “Yes, he says, this is the same “Barber”,” and he looked at me. And I already understood everything, blushed, and my heart jumped with anticipation! - Yes, of course, says grandma, how could you not know. In the old days, I myself played Rosina at the home theater! - So, would you like to go today? - said the tenant. - my ticket is wasted. “Yes, perhaps we’ll go,” says grandma, why not go? But Nastenka has never been to the theater. My God, what joy! We immediately got ready, got ready and set off. Even though grandma is blind, she still wanted to listen to music, and besides, she’s a kind old lady: she wanted to amuse me more, we would never have gotten together on our own. I won’t tell you what impression I had from “The Barber of Seville,” but all that evening our lodger looked at me so well and spoke so well that I immediately saw that he wanted to test me in the morning, suggesting that I be alone with I went with him. Well, what a joy! I went to bed so proud, so cheerful, my heart was beating so much that I had a slight fever, and all night I raved about The Barber of Seville. I thought that after that he would come more and more often, but that was not the case. He almost completely stopped. So, once a month, he would come in, and then only to invite me to the theater. We went again a couple of times afterwards. Only I was completely unhappy with this. I saw that he simply felt sorry for me because I was with my grandmother in such a pen, but nothing more. On and on, and it came over me: I don’t sit, and I don’t read, and I don’t work, sometimes I laugh and do something to spite my grandmother, other times I just cry. Finally, I lost weight and almost became sick. The opera season passed, and the lodger stopped visiting us completely; when we met - all on the same staircase, of course - he would bow so silently, so seriously, as if he didn’t even want to talk, and he would just go down to the porch, and I would still stand on half the stairs, red as a cherry , because all the blood started rushing to my head when I met him. Now now is the end. Exactly a year ago, in the month of May, the tenant came to us and told my grandmother that he had completely worked out his business here and that he should again go to Moscow for a year. When I heard it, I turned pale and fell on a chair as if dead. Grandma didn’t notice anything, but he announced: that he was leaving us, he bowed to us and left. What should I do? I thought and thought, grieved and grieved, and finally decided. Tomorrow he had to leave, and I decided that I would finish everything in the evening, when my grandmother went to bed. And so it happened. I tied all the dresses I needed into a bundle, as much linen as I needed, and with the bundle in my hands, neither alive nor dead, I went to the mezzanine to see our tenant. I think I walked up the stairs for an hour. When the door opened for him, he screamed, looking at me. He thought I was a ghost and rushed to give me some water because I could barely stand on my feet. My heart was beating so hard that my head hurt, and my mind was clouded. When I woke up, I started right away by putting my bundle on his bed, sat down next to him, covered myself with my hands and began to cry deeply. He seemed to understand everything instantly and stood in front of me, pale and looking at me so sadly that my heart broke. “Listen,” he began, “listen, Nastenka, I can’t do anything; I am a poor man; I don’t have anything yet, not even a decent place; How would we live if I married you? We talked for a long time, but I finally went into a frenzy, said that I couldn’t live with my grandmother, that I would run away from her, that I didn’t want to be pinned down, and that, as he wanted, I would go with him to Moscow, because I can't live without him. And shame, and love, and pride - everything spoke inside me at once, and I almost fell on the bed in convulsions. I was so afraid of rejection! He sat silently for several minutes, then stood up, came up to me and took my hand. - Listen, my good, my dear Nastenka! - he also began through tears, - listen. I swear to you that if I am ever able to get married, then you will certainly make up my happiness; I assure you, now only you can make up my happiness. Listen: I’m going to Moscow and will stay there for exactly a year. I hope to arrange my affairs. When I toss and turn, and if you don’t stop loving me, I swear to you, we will be happy. Now it’s impossible, I can’t, I have no right to promise anything. But, I repeat, if this is not done in a year, then at least someday it will certainly happen; of course - in the event that you do not prefer someone else to me, because I cannot and do not dare bind you with any word. That's what he told me and left the next day. Grandma was supposed not to say a word about it. That's what he wanted. Well, now my whole story is almost over. Exactly a year has passed. He arrived, he’s been here for three whole days and, and... - So what? - I shouted, impatient to hear the end. - And he still hasn’t shown up! - Nastenka answered, as if gathering strength, - not a word, not a breath... Then she stopped, was silent for a while, lowered her head and suddenly, covering herself with her hands, began to sob so loudly that O My heart turned over from these sobs. I never expected such a denouement. - Nastenka! - I began in a timid and insinuating voice, - Nastenka! For God's sake, don't cry! Why do you know? maybe he’s not there yet... - Here, here! - Nastenka picked up. - He's here, I know it. We had a condition, back then, that evening on the eve of departure: when we had already said everything that I told you and agreed, we went out here for a walk, precisely on this embankment. It was ten o'clock; we sat on this bench; I didn’t cry anymore, it was sweet for me to listen to what he was saying... He said that he would come to us immediately upon arrival and if I didn’t give up on him, then we would tell my grandmother everything. Now he has arrived, I know it, and he is gone! And she burst into tears again. -- My God! Is there really no way to help the grief? - I shouted, jumping up from the bench in complete despair. - Tell me, Nastenka, is it possible for me to at least go to him?.. - Is this possible? - she said, suddenly raising her head. - No, of course not! - I noticed, catching myself. - and here's what: write a letter. - No, this is impossible, this is impossible! - she answered decisively, but with her head down and without looking at me. - How can you not? why can't it? - I continued, seizing on my idea. - But, you know, Nastenka, what a letter! Letter to letter is different and... Oh, Nastenka, it’s so! Trust me, trust me! I won't give you bad advice. All this can be arranged! You started the first step - why now... - It’s impossible, it’s impossible! Then it’s as if I’m imposing myself... - Oh, my dear Nastenka! - I interrupted, not hiding my smile, - no, no; you finally have the right, because he promised you. And from everything I see that he is a delicate man, that he did well,” I continued, more and more delighted with the logic of my own arguments and convictions, “what did he do?” He bound himself with a promise. He said that he would not marry anyone but you, if only he would marry; He left you complete freedom to refuse it even now... In this case, you can take the first step, you have the right, you have an advantage over him, at least, for example, if you wanted to untie him from this word... - - Listen, how would you write? -- What? - Yes, this is a letter. - This is how I would write: “Dear sir...” - Is this absolutely necessary, dear sir? - Definitely! However, why? I think... - Well, well! further! - “Dear sir! Sorry that I...” However, no, no apologies are needed! Here the very fact justifies everything, write simply: “I am writing to you. Forgive me for my impatience; but for a whole year I was happy with hope; am I to blame that now I cannot bear even a day of doubt? Now that you have already arrived, maybe , you have already changed your intentions. Then this letter will tell you that I do not complain and do not blame you. I do not blame you for having no power over your heart! You are a noble man. You will be annoyed by my impatient lines. Remember that they are written by a poor girl, that she is alone, that there is no one to teach her or advise her, and that she never knew how to control her heart on her own. But forgive me for entering into my soul even for one thing. “For a moment, doubt crept in. You are not even capable of mentally offending the one who loved and loves you so much.” - Yes, yes! this is exactly what I thought! - Nastenka shouted, and joy shone in her eyes. -- ABOUT! you resolved my doubts, God himself sent you to me! Thank you, thank you! -- For what? because God sent me? - I answered, looking in delight at her joyful face. - Yes, at least for that. - Oh, Nastenka! After all, we thank other people even for the fact that they live with us. I thank you for meeting me, for the fact that I will remember you for my whole century! - Well, that's enough, that's enough! And now here’s what, listen: then there was a condition that as soon as he arrived, she would immediately make herself known by leaving me a letter in one place, with some of my friends, kind and simple people who knew nothing about it. know; or if it is impossible to write letters to me, because you can’t always tell everything in a letter, then on the same day he arrives, he will be here exactly at ten o’clock, where we planned to meet him. I already know about his arrival; but for the third day now there has been no letter or him. There is no way for me to leave my grandmother in the morning. Give my letter tomorrow to those good people I told you about: they will already forward it; and if there is an answer, then you yourself will bring it in the evening at ten o’clock. - But a letter, a letter! After all, first you need to write a letter! So will all this happen the day after tomorrow? “A letter...” answered Nastenka, a little confused, “a letter... but...” But she didn’t finish. She first turned her face away from me, blushed like a rose, and suddenly I felt a letter in my hand, apparently written a long time ago, completely prepared and sealed. Some familiar, sweet, graceful memory flashed through my head! “R,o—Ro, s,i—si, n,a—na,” I began. - Rosina! - we both sang, I, almost hugging her with delight, she, blushing as only she could blush, and laughing through the tears that, like pearls, trembled in her black eyelashes. - Well, that’s enough, that’s enough! Goodbye now! - she said quickly. - Here's the letter, here's the address to take it to! Goodbye, see you tomorrow! She nodded her head and flashed off into her lane. He stood still for a long time, following her with his eyes. “See you tomorrow!” see you tomorrow!” flashed through my head when she disappeared from my eyes.

Night three

Today was a sad, rainy day, without light, like my future old age. I am pressed by such strange thoughts, such dark sensations, such questions that are still unclear to me, crowding into my head, but somehow I have neither the strength nor the desire to resolve them. It’s not for me to solve all this! We won't see each other today. Yesterday, when we said goodbye, clouds began to cover the sky and fog rose. I said that tomorrow would be a bad day; she did not answer, she did not want to talk against herself; for her this day is both bright and clear, and not a single cloud will cover her happiness. - If it rains, we won't see each other! - she said. - I won't come. I thought that she didn’t notice today’s rain, but yet she didn’t come. Yesterday was our third date, our third white night... However, how joy and happiness make a person beautiful! how my heart boils with love! It seems that you want to pour out your whole heart into another heart, you want everything to be fun, everything to laugh. And how contagious this joy is! Yesterday there was so much tenderness in her words, so much kindness towards me in her heart... How she looked after me, how she caressed me, how she encouraged and tenderly - my heart! Oh, how much coquetry comes from happiness! And I... I took everything at face value; I thought that she... But, my God, how could I think that? how could I be so blind, when everything has already been taken by others, everything is not mine; when, finally, even this very tenderness of hers, her care, her love... yes, love for me, was nothing more than the joy of a soon meeting with another, the desire to impose her happiness on me too?.. When did he didn’t come when we waited in vain, she frowned, she became timid and cowardly. All her movements, all her words were no longer so light, playful and cheerful. And, strangely enough, she redoubled her attention to me, as if instinctively wanting to pour out on me what she wished for herself, for which she herself was afraid, if it did not come true. My Nastenka became so shy, so frightened that it seemed that she finally understood that I loved her and took pity on my poor love. Thus, when we are unhappy, we feel the unhappiness of others more strongly; the feeling does not break, but concentrates... I came to her with a full heart and barely waited for the date. I didn’t foresee what I would feel now, I didn’t foresee that all this would end differently. She was beaming with joy, she was waiting for an answer. The answer was himself. He had to come, run to her call. She arrived an hour before me. At first she laughed at everything, laughed at every word I said. I started to speak and fell silent. - Do you know why I’m so happy? - she said, - so glad to look at you? love you so much today? -- Well? - I asked, and my heart trembled. “I love you because you didn’t fall in love with me.” After all, someone else, in your place, would bother, pester, get tired, get sick, but you are so sweet! Then she squeezed my hand so hard that I almost screamed. She laughed. -- God! what a friend you are! - she began a minute later very seriously. - Yes, God sent you to me! Well, what would happen to me if you weren’t with me now? How selfless you are! How well you love me! When I get married, we will be very friendly, more than like brothers. I will love you almost as much as I love him... I felt somehow terribly sad at that moment; however, something similar to laughter stirred in my soul. “You are in a fit,” I said, “you are a coward; you think he won't come. - God be with you! “- she answered, “if I were less happy, I think I would cry from your disbelief, from your reproaches.” However, you gave me an idea and gave me a long thought; but I’ll think about it later, and now I’ll admit to you that you’re telling the truth! Yes! I’m somehow not myself; I’m somehow all in anticipation and I feel everything is somehow too easy. Come on, let’s leave aside the feelings!.. At that time, steps were heard, and a passer-by appeared in the darkness, walking towards us. We both trembled; she almost screamed. I lowered her hand and made a gesture as if I wanted to move away. But we were deceived: it was not him. -What are you afraid of? Why did you abandon my hand? - she said, handing it to me again. - Well, what then? we will meet him together. I want him to see how much we love each other. - How we love each other! - I shouted. “Oh Nastenka, Nastenka!” I thought, “how you said a lot with this word! From such love, Nastenka, in other an hour the heart grows cold and the soul becomes heavy. Your hand is cold, mine is hot like fire. How blind you are, Nastenka!.. Oh! how unbearable a happy person is at other times! But I couldn’t be angry with you!..” Finally my heart was full. “Listen, Nastenka!” I shouted, “do you know what happened to me all day?” “Well, what is it? Tell me quickly!” Why have you been silent until now! - First of all, Nastenka, when I fulfilled all your commissions, gave the letter, I was with your good people, then... then I came home and went to bed - Just that. “- she interrupted, laughing. “Yes, almost just that,” I answered reluctantly, because stupid tears were already boiling in my eyes. “I woke up an hour before our date, but it was as if I hadn’t slept.” I don’t know what happened to me. I walked to tell you all this, as if time had stopped for me, as if one sensation, one feeling should have remained with me from that time forever, as if one minute should have lasted an eternity. and it was as if my whole life had stopped for me... When I woke up, it seemed to me that some musical motif, long familiar, heard somewhere before, forgotten and sweet, was now recalled to me. It seemed to me that he had been asking from my soul all my life, and only now... - Oh, my God, my God! - Nastenka interrupted, - how is this all so? I don't understand a word. - Oh, Nastenka! I wanted to somehow convey to you this strange impression...” I began in a plaintive voice, in which hope was still hidden, although very distant. - Come on, stop it, come on! - she spoke, and in an instant she guessed, the cheat! Suddenly she became somehow unusually talkative, cheerful, and playful. She took me by the arm, laughed, wanted me to laugh too, and every embarrassed word I said echoed in her with such a ringing, such a long laugh... I began to get angry, she suddenly started flirting. “Listen,” she began, “I’m a little annoyed that you didn’t fall in love with me.” Look after this man! But still, Mr. adamant, you cannot help but praise me for being so simple. I tell you everything, I tell you everything, no matter what stupidity flashes through my head. - Listen! It's eleven o'clock, I think? - I said as the steady sound of a bell rang out from a distant city tower. She suddenly stopped, stopped laughing and started counting. “Yes, eleven,” she finally said in a timid, hesitant voice. I immediately repented that I had frightened her, made her count the hours, and cursed myself for the fit of anger. I felt sad for her, and I did not know how to atone for my sin. I began to console her, look for the reasons for his absence, present various arguments and evidence. No one could be more easily deceived than she was at that moment, and everyone at that moment somehow joyfully listens to at least some kind of consolation and is glad, glad, if there is even a shadow of justification. “Yes, and it’s a funny thing,” I began, getting more and more excited and admiring the extraordinary clarity of my evidence, “and he couldn’t come; you deceived and lured me too, Nastenka, so that I lost track of time... Just think: he could barely receive the letter; Suppose he can’t come, suppose he answers, the letter will not arrive until tomorrow. I'll go pick him up tomorrow morning and let him know right away. Finally, imagine a thousand possibilities: well, he wasn’t at home when the letter arrived, and maybe he still hasn’t read it? After all, anything can happen. - Yes, yes! - Nastenka answered, - I didn’t even think; of course, anything can happen,” she continued in the most accommodating voice, but in which, like an annoying dissonance, some other, distant thought could be heard. “Here’s what you do,” she continued, “you go as early as possible tomorrow and if you get anything, let me know right away.” You know where I live, right? - And she began to repeat her address to me. Then she suddenly became so tender, so timid with me... She seemed to listen attentively to what I told her; but when I turned to her with some question, she remained silent, became confused and turned her head away from me. I looked into her eyes - that’s right: she was crying. - Well, is it possible, is it possible? Oh, what you are a child!.. Completely! She tried to smile, to calm down, but her chin trembled and her chest still swayed. I would be stone if I didn’t feel this. Do you know what came to my mind now? Why is he not like you, even though I love him more? you." I didn't answer anything. She seemed to be waiting for me to say something. "Of course, I don't quite understand him yet, you know, I always seemed to be afraid of him; he was always so serious, as if proud. Of course, I know that he only looks in such a way that there is more tenderness in his heart than in mine. .. I remember how he looked at me then, how I, remember, came to him with a bundle; but still, I somehow respect him too much, but it’s as if we’re not equal? “No, Nastenka, no,” I answered, “this means that you love him more than anything in the world, and you love yourself much more.” “Yes, let’s assume that this is so,” answered the naive Nastenka, “but do you know what came to my mind now?” Only now I won’t talk about him, but in general; All this has been on my mind for a long time. Listen, why aren’t we all like brothers and brothers? Why does the best person always seem to hide something from another and remain silent from him? Why not say what’s in your heart right now, if you know that you won’t say your word to the wind? Otherwise everyone looks as if he is harsher than he really is, as if everyone is afraid of offending their feelings if they show them very soon... - Oh, Nastenka! you are telling the truth; “But this happens for many reasons,” I interrupted, more than ever at that moment I was constrained by my feelings. -- No no! - she answered with deep feeling. - For example, you are not like others! I really don’t know how to tell you what I feel; but it seems to me that you, for example... at least now... it seems to me that you are sacrificing something for me,” she added timidly, glancing briefly at me. “You’ll forgive me if I tell you this: I’m a simple girl; “I haven’t seen much in the world yet, and, really, I don’t know how to speak sometimes,” she added in a voice trembling from some hidden feeling, and trying to smile in the meantime, “but I just wanted to tell you that I’m grateful, that I feel all this too... Oh, God grant you happiness for this! What you told me then about your dreamer is completely untrue, that is, I want to say, it doesn’t concern you at all. You are recovering, you are truly a completely different person than how you described yourself. If you ever fall in love, then God grant you happiness with her! And I don’t wish anything for her, because she will be happy with you. I know, I am a woman myself and you must believe me if I tell you so... She fell silent and firmly shook my hand. I, too, could not say anything from excitement. Several minutes passed. - Yes, it’s obvious that he won’t come today! - she said finally, raising her head. “It’s too late!..” “He will come tomorrow,” I said in the most confident and firm voice. “Yes,” she added, amused, “I myself now see that he will come only tomorrow.” Well, then goodbye! see you tomorrow! If it rains, I may not come. But the day after tomorrow I will come, I will certainly come, no matter what happens to me; be here without fail; I want to see you, I'll tell you everything. And then, when we said goodbye, she gave me her hand and said, looking at me clearly: “After all, we are together forever now, aren’t we?” ABOUT! Nastenka, Nastenka! If you only knew how alone I am now! When nine o'clock struck, I could not sit in the room, got dressed and went out, despite the stormy time. I was there, sitting on our bench. I was about to go into their alley, but I felt ashamed, and I turned back without looking at their windows, without reaching two steps to their house. I came home in such melancholy as I had never been before. What a damp, boring time! If the weather had been good, I would have walked there all night... But see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow! Tomorrow she will tell me everything. However, there was no letter today. But, however, this is how it should have been. They are already together...

Night four

God, how it all ended! How did it all end! I arrived at nine o'clock. She was already there. I noticed her from afar; She stood, as she did then for the first time, leaning her elbows on the railing of the embankment, and did not hear me approach her. - Nastenka! - I called out to her, trying to suppress my excitement. She quickly turned to me. -- Well! - she said, - well! hurry up! I looked at her in bewilderment. - Well, where is the letter? Have you brought a letter? - she repeated, grabbing the railing with her hand. “No, I don’t have a letter,” I said finally, “hasn’t he been there yet?” She turned terribly pale and looked at me motionless for a long time. I dashed her last hope. - Well, God bless him! “she said at last in a broken voice, “God be with him, if he leaves me like that.” She lowered her eyes, then wanted to look at me, but could not. For a few more minutes she overcame her excitement, but suddenly she turned away, leaning her elbows on the balustrade of the embankment, and burst into tears. - Completeness, completeness! - I started to speak, but I didn’t have the strength to continue, looking at her, and what would I say? “Don’t console me,” she said, crying, “don’t talk about him, don’t say that he will come, that he didn’t abandon me as cruelly, as inhumanly as he did.” For what, for what? Was there really anything in my letter, in this unfortunate letter?.. Then sobs stopped her voice; My heart broke looking at her. - Oh, how inhumanly cruel this is! - she began again. - And not a line, not a line! At least he would answer that he doesn’t need me, that he rejects me; otherwise not a single line for three whole days! How easy it is for him to insult, offend, a poor, defenseless girl, who is to blame for loving him! Oh, how much I suffered in these three days! My God! My God! How will I remember that I came to him for the first time on my own, that I humiliated myself in front of him, cried, that I begged him for at least a drop of love... And after that!.. Listen, - she spoke, turning to me, and her black eyes sparkled, “but that’s not true!” This cannot be so; it's unnatural! Either you or I have been deceived; Maybe he didn't receive the letter? Maybe he still doesn't know anything? How is it possible, judge for yourself, tell me, for God’s sake, explain to me - I can’t understand this - how it is possible to act so barbarously rudely, as he did to me! Not a single word! But they are more compassionate towards the last person in the world. Maybe he heard something, maybe someone told him about me? - she shouted, turning to me with a question. - What, what do you think? “Listen, Nastenka, I’ll go to him tomorrow on your behalf.” -- Well! “I’ll ask him everything, I’ll tell him everything.” - Well, well! - You write a letter. Don't say no, Nastenka, don't say no! I will make him respect your action, he will find out everything, and if... “No, my friend, no,” she interrupted. -- Enough! Not another word, not a single word from me, not a line - that's enough! I don’t know him, I don’t love him anymore, I’ll...for...forget him... She didn’t finish. - Calm down, calm down! “Sit here, Nastenka,” I said, sitting her down on the bench. - Yes, I’m calm. Completeness! That's true! These are tears, this will dry out! What do you think, that I will ruin myself, that I will drown myself?.. My heart was full; I wanted to speak, but I couldn’t. - Listen! - she continued, taking me by the hand, - tell me: wouldn’t you have done this? You wouldn’t abandon someone who would come to you on her own, wouldn’t you throw shameless ridicule of her weak, stupid heart into her eyes? Would you take care of her? You would imagine that she was alone, that she did not know how to look after herself, that she did not know how to protect herself from loving you, that she was not to blame, that she was finally not to blame... that she did nothing! .. Oh, my God, my God!.. - Nastenka! - I finally shouted, not being able to overcome my excitement, - Nastenka! you are tormenting me! You hurt my heart, you kill me, Nastenka! I can't be silent! I must finally speak, express what is boiling here in my heart... Saying this, I stood up from the bench. She took my hand and looked at me in surprise. - What's wrong with you? - she said at last. - Listen! - I said decisively. - Listen to me, Nastenka! What am I going to say now? It’s all nonsense, it’s all unrealizable, it’s all stupid! I know that this can never happen, but I can’t remain silent. In the name of what you are now suffering, I beg you in advance, forgive me! with you? - This is impossible, but I love you, Nastenka! that's it! Well, now everything is said! - I said, waving my hand. - Now you will see if you can talk to me like you just spoke, if you can finally listen to what I am going to tell you... - Well, well, what? - Nastenka interrupted, - what of this? Well, I’ve known for a long time that you love me, but it just seemed to me that you loved me so, simply, somehow... Oh, my God, my God! “At first it was simple, Nastenka, but now, now... I’m just like you when you came to him with your bundle.” Worse than like you, Nastenka, because he didn’t love anyone then, but you do. -What are you telling me? Finally, I don’t understand you at all. But listen, why is this, that is, not why, but why are you doing this, and so suddenly... God! I'm talking nonsense! But you... And Nastenka was completely confused. Her cheeks flushed; she lowered her eyes. - What should I do, Nastenka, what should I do? I’m guilty, I used it for evil... But no, no, it’s not my fault, Nastenka; I hear it, I feel it, because my heart tells me that I’m right, because I can’t offend you with anything, I can’t offend you with anything! I was your friend; Well, here I am now a friend; I didn't change anything. Now my tears are flowing, Nastenka. Let them flow, let them flow—they don’t bother anyone. They will dry out, Nastenka... “Sit down, sit down,” she said, sitting me on the bench. - oh, my God! -- No! Nastenka, I won’t sit down; I can no longer be here, you can no longer see me; I'll say everything and leave. I just want to say that you would never know that I love you. I would bury my secret. I would not torment you now, at this moment, with my selfishness. No! but I couldn’t bear it now; you yourself started talking about this, you are to blame, you are to blame for everything, but I am not to blame. You can’t drive me away from you... - No, no, I’m not driving you away, no! - said Nastenka, hiding her embarrassment as best she could, poor thing. -Aren't you driving me away? No! and I myself wanted to run away from you. I’ll leave, but I’ll say everything first, because when you were talking here, I couldn’t sit still, when you were crying here, when you were tormented because, well, because (I call it that, Nastenka), because you rejected, because they pushed your love away, I felt, I heard that in my heart there is so much love for you, Nastenka, so much love!.. And I felt so bitter that I could not help you with this love... that heart exploded, and I, I - could not remain silent, I had to speak, Nastenka, I had to speak!.. - Yes, yes! tell me, talk to me like that! - said Nastenka with an inexplicable movement. - It may be strange for you that I’m talking to you like this, but... speak up! I'll tell you later! I'll tell you everything! “You feel sorry for me, Nastenka; you just feel sorry for me, my friend! What's lost is gone! what has been said cannot be taken back! Isn't it? Well, now you know everything. Well, this is the starting point. OK then! now it's all wonderful; just listen. When you sat and cried, I thought to myself (oh, let me tell you what I thought!), I thought that (well, of course, this cannot be, Nastenka), I thought that you... I I thought that somehow... well, in some completely unrelated way, you didn’t love him anymore. Then, - I was already thinking about this yesterday and the day before, Nastenka, - then I would have done this, I would certainly have done it so that you would love me: after all, you said, because you yourself said, Nastenka, that you would love me We've almost completely fallen in love. Well, what next? Well, that's almost all I wanted to say; All that remains is to say what would have happened if you had loved me, only this, nothing more! Listen, my friend - because you are still my friend - I, of course, am a simple, poor, so insignificant person, but that’s not the point (I somehow keep talking about the wrong thing, it’s out of embarrassment , Nastenka), but I would love you so much, love you so much that if you also loved him and continued to love the one I don’t know, you still wouldn’t notice that my love is somehow there for you heavy. You would only hear, you would only feel every minute that a grateful, grateful heart is beating next to you, a warm heart that is for you... Oh, Nastenka, Nastenka! what have you done to me!..” “Don’t cry, I don’t want you to cry,” said Nastenka, quickly getting up from the bench, “come on, get up, come with me, don’t cry, don’t cry,” - she said, wiping my tears with her handkerchief, “well, let’s go now; Maybe I’ll tell you something... Yes, since now he has left me, since he has forgotten me, although I still love him (I don’t want to deceive you)... but listen, answer me. If I, for example, fell in love with you, that is, if I only... Oh, my friend, my friend! How will I think, how will I think that I insulted you then, that I laughed at your love, when I praised you for not falling in love!.. Oh, God! how come I didn’t foresee this, how I didn’t foresee this, how I was so stupid, but... well, well, I made up my mind, I’ll say everything... - Listen, Nastenka, you know what? I'll leave you, that's what! I'm just torturing you. Now you have remorse for the fact that you mocked, but I don’t want, Yes, I don’t want you, except for your grief... I, of course, am to blame, Nastenka, but goodbye! - Wait, listen to me: can you wait? - What to expect, how? - I love him; but it will pass, it must pass, it cannot fail to pass; It's already passing, I hear. .. Who knows, maybe it will end today, because I hate him, because he laughed at me, while you cried here with me, because you would not have rejected me like he did, because you love, but he didn’t love me, because I finally love you myself... yes, I love you! I love the way you love me; I told you this myself before, you heard it yourself, because I love you because you are better than him, because you are nobler than him, because he... The poor thing’s excitement was so strong that she did not finish , put her head on my shoulder, then on my chest and cried bitterly. I consoled and persuaded her, but she could not stop; She kept shaking my hand and said between sobs: “Wait, wait; here I am now! I’ll stop! I want to tell you... don’t think that these tears are just from weakness, wait until they pass... "Finally she stopped, wiped away her tears, and we started walking again. I wanted to speak, but she kept asking me to wait for a long time. We fell silent... Finally she gathered her courage and began to speak... “That’s what,” she began in a weak and trembling voice, but in which something suddenly rang that pierced my heart and ached sweetly in my heart. him, - don’t think that I’m so fickle and flighty, don’t think that I can forget and change so easily and quickly... I loved him for a whole year and I swear to God that I have never, never even thought, been unfaithful to him. He despised it; he laughed at me, God bless him! But he hurt me and insulted my heart. I - I don’t love him, because I can only love what is generous, what understands me, what is noble; because I am like that myself, and he is unworthy of me - well, God bless him! He did better than if I were later deceived in my expectations and found out who he was... Well, it’s over! But who knows, my good friend,” she continued, shaking my hand, “who knows, maybe all my love was a deception of feelings, imagination, maybe it began as a prank, trifles, because I was under under grandma's supervision? Maybe I should love someone else, and not him, not that kind of person, someone else who would take pity on me and, and... Well, let’s leave it, let’s leave it,” Nastenka interrupted, choking with excitement, “I just wanted you tell... I wanted to tell you that if, despite the fact that I love him (no, I loved him), if, despite that, you still say... if you feel that your love is so great that it can finally oust the former from My heart... if you want to take pity on me, if you do not want to leave me alone in my fate, without consolation, without hope, if you want to love me always, as you love me now, then I swear that gratitude . .. that my love will finally be worthy of your love... Will you take my hand now? “Nastenka,” I cried, choking with sobs, “Nastenka!.. Oh Nastenka!..” “Well, that’s enough, that’s enough!” Well, that's quite enough now! - she spoke, barely overpowering herself, - well, now everything has been said; isn't it? So? Well, you are happy and I am happy; not a word about it anymore; Wait; spare me... Talk about something else, for God's sake!.. - Yes, Nastenka, yes! Enough about this, now I’m happy, I... Well, Nastenka, well, let’s talk about something else, quickly, let’s talk quickly; Yes! I'm ready... And we didn't know what to say, we laughed, we cried, we spoke thousands of words without connection or thought; we would walk along the sidewalk, then suddenly turn back and start crossing the street; then they stopped and again went to the embankment; we were like children... “I live alone now, Nastenka,” I began, “and tomorrow... Well, of course, you know, Nastenka, I’m poor, I only have one thousand two hundred, but that’s nothing.” .. - Of course not, but grandma has a pension; so she won’t embarrass us. We need to take grandma. - Of course, we need to take grandma... Only Matryona... - Oh, and we have Thekla too! - Matryona is kind, only one flaw: she has no imagination, Nastenka, absolutely no imagination; but that’s nothing!.. - It’s all the same; they both can be together; just move in with us tomorrow. - How is this? to you! Okay, I'm ready... - Yes, you will hire from us. We have a mezzanine up there; it is empty; there was a tenant, an old woman, a noblewoman, she moved out. and the grandmother, I know, wants to let the young man in; I say: “Why a young man?” And she says: “Yes, I’m already old, but don’t think, Nastenka, that I want to marry you to him.” I guessed that this was for that... - Ah, Nastenka!.. And we both laughed. - Well, completeness, completeness. Where do you live? I forgot. -- There , at the --sky bridge, in Barannikov's house. - Is this such a big house? - Yes, such a big house. “Oh, I know, it’s a nice house; only you know, leave him and move in with us as soon as possible... - Tomorrow , Nastenka, tomorrow; I owe a little for the apartment there, but that’s nothing... I’ll get my salary soon... - You know, maybe I’ll give lessons; I’ll learn on my own and give lessons... - Well, that’s great... and I’ll soon receive an award, Nastenka... - So tomorrow you will be my lodger... - Yes, and we’ll go to " The Barber of Seville" because now they will give it to him again soon. “Yes, we’ll go,” Nastenka said laughing, “no, it’s better we listen not to “The Barber,” but to something else...” “Well, okay, something else; Of course, it would be better, otherwise I didn’t think... Saying this, we both walked as if in a haze, in a fog, as if we ourselves did not know what was happening to us. They would stop and talk for a long time in one place, then they would start walking again and go to God knows where, and again there would be laughter, again tears... Then Nastenka would suddenly want to go home, I don’t dare stop her and I would want to take her all the way home; we set off and suddenly, after a quarter of an hour, we find ourselves on the embankment near our bench. Then she sighs, and again a tear comes to her eyes; I’ll feel shy, cold... But she immediately shakes my hand and drags me to walk again, chat, talk... - It’s time now, it’s time for me to go home; “I think it’s very late,” Nastenka said at last, “we’ve had enough of being so childish!” “Yes, Nastenka, but now I won’t fall asleep; I won't go home. “I don’t think I can sleep either; only you will escort me... - Of course! - But now we will certainly get to the apartment. - Definitely, definitely... - Honestly?.. because you have to return home someday! “Honestly,” I answered laughing... “Well, let’s go!” - Let's go. - Look at the sky, Nastenka, look! Tomorrow will be a wonderful day; what a blue sky, what a moon! Look: this yellow cloud is now covering it, look, look!.. No, it passed by. Look, look!.. But Nastenka did not look at the cloud, she stood silently. rooted to the spot; after a minute she began to somehow timidly, press closely to me. Her hand trembled in my hand; I looked at her... She leaned on me even more. At that moment a young man walked past us. He suddenly stopped, looked at us intently and then took a few steps again. My heart trembled... “Nastenka,” I said in a low voice, “who is this, Nastenka?” - It's him! - she answered in a whisper, even closer, pressing herself even more reverently against me... I could barely stand on my feet. - Nastenka! Nastenka! it's you! - a voice was heard behind us, and at the same moment the young man took several steps towards us. God, what a scream! how she shuddered! how she escaped from my hands and fluttered towards him!.. I stood and looked at them like I was dead. But she barely gave him her hand, barely threw herself into his arms, when suddenly she turned to me again, found herself next to me, like the wind, like lightning, and, before I had time to come to my senses, she clasped my neck with both hands and kissed me deeply, passionately. Then, without saying a word to me, she rushed back to him, took his hands and pulled him along with her. I stood for a long time and looked after them... Finally, both of them disappeared from my eyes.


My nights ended in the morning. It wasn't a good day. It was raining and knocking sadly on my windows; it was dark in the room, cloudy outside. My head ached and felt dizzy; a fever crept through my limbs. “The postman brought a letter to you, father, by city mail,” Matryona said above me. -- Letter! whom? - I shouted, jumping up from my chair. “I don’t know, father, look, maybe it’s written there from someone.” I broke the seal. It's from her! “Oh, forgive me, forgive me!” Nastenka wrote to me, “on my knees I beg you, forgive me! I deceived both you and myself. It was a dream, a ghost... I languished for you today; forgive me, forgive me! .. Don’t blame me, because I haven’t changed in anything before you; I said that I would love you, and now I love you, more than I love you! if you were him!" "Oh, if only he were you!" - flew through my head. I remembered your words, Nastenka! “God knows what I would do for you now! I know that it’s hard and sad for you. I insulted you, but you know - if you love, how long will you remember the insult. And you love me! Thank you! Yes! Thank you for this love. Because it is imprinted in my memory like a sweet dream that you remember for a long time after waking up; because I will forever remember that moment when you so brotherly opened your heart to me and so generously accepted my gift, so that it was killed. protect, cherish, cure it... If you forgive me, then the memory of you will be exalted in me with an eternal, grateful feeling for you, which will never be erased from my soul... I will keep this memory, I will be faithful to it, not I will betray her, I will not betray my heart: it is too constant. Just yesterday it returned so quickly to the one to whom it belonged forever. We will meet, you will come to us, you will not leave us, you will forever be my friend, my brother... And when. you will see me, you will give me your hand, yes? you will give it to me, you have forgiven me, haven’t you? Do you love me still? Oh, love me, don’t leave me, because I love you so much at this moment, because I am worthy of your love, because I will deserve it... my dear friend! I'm marrying him next week. He came back in love, he never forgot about me... You won't be angry because I wrote about him. But I want to come to you with him; you will love him, won’t you?.. Forgive me, remember and love your Nastenka." I re-read this letter for a long time; tears begged from my eyes. Finally it fell out of my hands and I covered my face. - Iris! and the killer whale! - Matryona began. - What, old woman? “And I removed all the cobwebs from the ceiling; now at least get married, invite guests, then at the same time... I looked at Matryona... She was still cheerful, young an old woman, but, I don’t know why, suddenly she appeared to me with a dull look, with wrinkles on her face, bent, decrepit... I don’t know why, I suddenly imagined that my room had aged just like the old woman. The walls and floors were faded, everything became dull; There were even more cobwebs. I don’t know why, when I looked out the window, it seemed to me that the house opposite was also decrepit and faded in turn, that the plaster on the columns was peeling and crumbling, that the cornices were blackened and cracked, and the walls, from a bright dark yellow color, became piebald ... Or a ray of sunshine, suddenly peeking out from behind a cloud, again hid under a rain cloud, and everything again dimmed in my eyes; or maybe the whole prospect of my future flashed before me so unwelcomingly and sadly, and I saw myself as I am now, exactly fifteen years later, aged, in the same room, just as alone, with the same Matryona, who is not at all I haven't gotten any wiser in all these years. But so that I remember my offense, Nastenka! So that I can cast a dark cloud over your clear, serene happiness, so that I, with a bitter reproach, bring melancholy to your heart, sting it with secret remorse and make it beat sadly in a moment of bliss, so that I crush at least one of these delicate flowers that you have woven in her black curls when she went to the altar with him... Oh, never, never! May your sky be clear, may your sweet smile be bright and serene, may you be blessed for the minute of bliss and happiness that you gave to another, lonely, grateful heart! My God! A whole minute of bliss! Is this really not enough for a person’s entire life?..

White nights

Sentimental novel

From the memories of a dreamer

...Or was he created for this purpose?

To stay for just a moment

In the neighborhood of your heart?..

Iv. Turgenev

Night one

It was a wonderful night, the kind of night that can only happen when we are young, dear reader. The sky was so starry, such a bright sky that, looking at it, you involuntarily had to ask yourself: can all sorts of angry and capricious people really live under such a sky? This is also a young question, dear reader, very young, but God send it to your soul more often!.. Speaking about capricious and various angry gentlemen, I could not help but remember my well-behaved behavior all that day. From the very morning I began to be tormented by some amazing melancholy. It suddenly seemed to me that everyone was abandoning me, alone, and that everyone was abandoning me. Of course, everyone has the right to ask: who are all these people? because I’ve been living in St. Petersburg for eight years now and I haven’t been able to make almost a single acquaintance. But why do I need acquaintances? I already know the whole of St. Petersburg; That’s why it seemed to me that everyone was leaving me when the whole of St. Petersburg rose up and suddenly left for the dacha. I became afraid to be alone, and for three whole days I wandered around the city in deep melancholy, absolutely not understanding what2 was happening to me. Whether I go to Nevsky, whether I go to the garden, whether I wander along the embankment - not a single face from those whom I am accustomed to meeting in the same place at a certain hour, for a whole year. They, of course, don’t know me, but I know them. I know them briefly; I have almost studied their faces - and I admire them when they are cheerful, and I mope when they become misty. I almost became friends with one old man whom I meet every single day, at a certain hour, on the Fontanka. The face is so important, thoughtful; He keeps whispering under his breath and waving his left hand, and in his right he has a long, knotty cane with a gold knob. Even he noticed me and takes emotional part in me. If it happened that I would not be at the same place on the Fontanka at a certain hour, I am sure that the blues would attack him. This is why we sometimes almost bow to each other, especially when we are both in a good mood. The other day, when we had not seen each other for two whole days and on the third day we met, we were already grabbing our hats, but fortunately we came to our senses in time, lowered our hands and walked next to each other with sympathy. I am also familiar with the houses. When I walk, everyone seems to run ahead of me into the street, look at me through all the windows and almost say: “Hello; How is your health? and I, thank God, am healthy, and a floor will be added to me in the month of May.” Or: “How is your health? and I’ll be repaired tomorrow.” Or: “I almost burned out and, moreover, I was scared,” etc. Of these, I have favorites, there are short friends; one of them intends to undergo treatment this summer with an architect. I’ll come in every day on purpose so that it doesn’t get healed somehow, God forbid!.. But I’ll never forget the story of one very pretty light pink house. It was such a nice little stone house, it looked at me so welcomingly, it looked so proudly at its clumsy neighbors that my heart rejoiced when I happened to pass by. Suddenly last week I was walking down the street, and as I looked at a friend, I heard a plaintive cry: “And they’re painting me yellow!” Villains! barbarians! they spared nothing: neither columns, nor cornices, and my friend turned yellow as a canary. I almost burst with bile on this occasion, and I still was not able to see my disfigured poor man, who was painted to match the color of the celestial empire.

So, you understand, reader, how familiar I am with all of St. Petersburg.

I have already said that I was tormented by anxiety for three whole days, until I guessed the reason for it. And I felt bad on the street (this one wasn’t there, that one wasn’t there, where did so-and-so go?) - and at home I wasn’t myself. For two evenings I sought: what am I missing in my corner? Why was it so awkward to stay there? - and with bewilderment I looked around my green, smoky walls, the ceiling hung with cobwebs, which Matryona had planted with great success, looked through all my furniture, examined every chair, thinking, is there trouble here? (because if I have even one chair that’s not standing the way it was yesterday, then I’m not myself) I looked at the window, and it was all in vain... it didn’t feel any easier! I even decided to call Matryona and immediately gave her a fatherly reprimand for the cobweb and general sloppiness; but she just looked at me in surprise and walked away without answering a word, so that the web is still happily hanging in place. Finally, only this morning I figured out what was the matter. Eh! Why, they’re running away from me to the dacha! Forgive me for the trivial word, but I had no time for high-flown language... because everything that was in St. Petersburg either moved or moved to the dacha; because every respectable gentleman of respectable appearance who hired a cab driver, before my eyes, immediately turned into a respectable father of a family, who, after ordinary official duties, goes lightly to the depths of his family, to the dacha; because every passer-by now had a completely special look, which almost said to everyone he met: “We, gentlemen, are here only in passing, but in two hours we will leave for the dacha.” If the window opened, on which thin fingers, white as sugar, first drummed, and the head of a pretty girl poked out, beckoning to a peddler with pots of flowers, I immediately, immediately imagined that these flowers were only bought that way, that is, not at all for to enjoy spring and flowers in a stuffy city apartment, but that very soon everyone will move to the dacha and take the flowers with them. Moreover, I had already made such progress in my new, special kind of discoveries that I could already unmistakably, by one look, indicate which dacha someone lived in. The inhabitants of the Kamenny and Aptekarsky Islands or the Peterhof Road were distinguished by their studied elegance of techniques, smart summer suits and the beautiful carriages in which they arrived in the city. Residents of Pargolovo, even further away, at first glance “inspired” with their prudence and solidity; the visitor to Krestovsky Island had a calm and cheerful appearance. Did I manage to meet a long procession of dray drivers, lazily walking with reins in their hands next to carts loaded with whole mountains of all kinds of furniture, tables, chairs, Turkish and non-Turkish sofas and other household belongings, on which, on top of all this, she often sat, at the very top Voza, a frail cook who cherishes her master's property like the apple of her eye; I looked at the boats, heavily loaded with household utensils, gliding along the Neva or Fontanka, to the Black River or the islands - the carts and boats multiplied tenfold, became lost in my eyes; it seemed that everything was up and moving, everything was moving in whole caravans to the dacha; it seemed that all of Petersburg was threatening to turn into a desert, so that finally I felt ashamed, offended and sad; I absolutely had nowhere to go and there was no need to go to the dacha. I was ready to leave with every cart, to leave with every gentleman of respectable appearance who hired a cab; but no one, absolutely no one, invited me; as if they had forgotten me, as if I were truly a stranger to them!

I walked a lot and for a long time, so that I had already completely managed, as usual, to forget where I was, when suddenly I found myself at the outpost. Instantly I felt cheerful, and I stepped beyond the barrier, walked between the sown fields and meadows, did not hear fatigue, but only felt with all my strength that some burden was falling from my soul. All the passers-by looked at me so welcomingly that they almost bowed resolutely; everyone was so happy about something, every single one of them was smoking cigars. And I was glad as never before. It was as if I suddenly found myself in Italy - nature struck me so strongly, a half-sick city dweller who almost suffocated within the city walls.

There is something inexplicably touching in our St. Petersburg nature, when, with the onset of spring, it suddenly shows all its power, all the powers given to it by heaven, becomes pubescent, discharged, adorned with flowers... Somehow, it involuntarily reminds me of that girl, stunted and sickness, which you sometimes look at with regret, sometimes with some kind of compassionate love, sometimes you simply don’t notice it, but which suddenly, for one moment, somehow unexpectedly becomes inexplicably, wonderfully beautiful, and you, amazed, intoxicated, you involuntarily ask yourself: what force made these sad, thoughtful eyes shine with such fire? what brought the blood to those pale, thinner cheeks? What has filled these tender features with passion? Why is this chest heaving so much? what so suddenly brought strength, life and beauty to the face of the poor girl, made it sparkle with such a smile, come alive with such a sparkling, sparkling laugh? You look around, you are looking for someone, you guess... But the moment passes, and maybe tomorrow you will again meet the same thoughtful and absent-minded look as before, the same pale face, the same humility and timidity in movements and even repentance, even traces of some kind of deadening melancholy and annoyance for a momentary infatuation... And it’s a pity for you that the momentary beauty withered so quickly, so irrevocably, that it flashed before you so deceptively and in vain - it’s a pity because you can’t even love her there was time...

A young man of twenty-six years old is a petty official who has been living for eight years in St. Petersburg in the 1840s, in one of the apartment buildings along the Catherine Canal, in a room with cobwebs and smoky walls. After his service favorite activity- walks around the city. He notices passers-by and houses, some of them become his “friends”. However, he has almost no acquaintances among people. He is poor and lonely. With sadness, he watches as the residents of St. Petersburg gather for their dacha. He has nowhere to go. Going out of town, he enjoys the northern spring nature, who looks like a “sick and sick” girl, who for one moment becomes “wonderfully beautiful.”

Returning home at ten in the evening, the hero sees a female figure at the canal grate and hears sobbing. Sympathy prompts him to make an acquaintance, but the girl timidly runs away. A drunk man tries to pester her, and only a “bough stick”, which ends up in the hero’s hand, saves the pretty stranger. They talk to each other. The young man admits that before he knew only “housewives,” but he never spoke to “women” and therefore is very timid. This calms down the fellow traveler. She listens to the story about the “novels” that the guide created in his dreams, about falling in love with ideal fictional images, about the hope of someday meeting in reality a girl worthy of love. But now she’s almost home and wants to say goodbye. The dreamer begs for new meeting. The girl “needs to be here for herself,” and she does not mind the presence of a new acquaintance tomorrow at the same hour in the same place. Her condition is “friendship”, “but you can’t fall in love.” Like the Dreamer, she needs someone to trust, someone to ask for advice.

On their second meeting, they decide to listen to each other's "stories". The hero begins. It turns out that he is a “type”: in the “strange corners of St. Petersburg” live “neuter creatures” like him - “dreamers” - whose “life is a mixture of something purely fantastic, ardently ideal and at the same time dull prosaic and ordinary " They are afraid of the company of living people, as they spend long hours among “magical ghosts,” in “ecstatic dreams,” and in imaginary “adventures.” “You speak as if you are reading a book,” Nastenka guesses the source of the plots and images of her interlocutor: the works of Hoffmann, Merimee, W. Scott, Pushkin. After intoxicating, “voluptuous” dreams, it can be painful to wake up in “loneliness”, in your “musty, unnecessary life.” The girl feels sorry for her friend, and he himself understands that “such a life is a crime and a sin.” After the “fantastic nights,” he already “has moments of sobering that are terrible.” “Dreams survive,” the soul wants “real life.” Nastenka promises the Dreamer that now they will be together. And here is her confession. She is an orphan. Lives with an old blind grandmother in a small house of her own. Until the age of fifteen I studied with a teacher, and two last year sits, “pinned” with a pin to the dress of her grandmother, who otherwise cannot keep track of her. A year ago they had a tenant, a young man of “pleasant appearance.” He gave his young mistress books by V. Scott, Pushkin and other authors. He invited them and their grandmother to the theater. The opera “The Barber of Seville” was especially memorable. When he announced that he was leaving, the poor recluse decided on a desperate act: she gathered her things in a bundle, came to the tenant’s room, sat down and “cryed in three streams.” Fortunately, he understood everything, and most importantly, he managed to fall in love with Nastenka. But he was poor and without a “decent place”, and therefore could not get married right away. They agreed that exactly a year later, having returned from Moscow, where he hoped to “arrange his affairs,” the young man would wait for his bride on a bench near the canal at ten o’clock in the evening. A year has passed. He has been in St. Petersburg for three days already. He is not at the appointed place... Now the hero understands the reason for the girl’s tears on the evening of their acquaintance. Trying to help, he volunteers to deliver her letter for the groom, which he does the next day.

Because of the rain, the third meeting of the heroes occurs only through the night. Nastenka is afraid that the groom will not come again, and cannot hide her excitement from her friend. She dreams feverishly about the future. The hero is sad because he himself loves the girl. And yet, the Dreamer has enough selflessness to console and reassure the despondent Nastenka. Touched, the girl compares the groom with a new friend: “Why is he not you?.. He is worse than you, even though I love him more than you.” And he continues to dream: “Why aren’t we all like brothers and brothers? Why does the best person always seem to hide something from another and remain silent from him? Everyone looks like that, as if he is harsher than he really is...” Gratefully accepting the Dreamer’s sacrifice, Nastenka also shows concern for him: “you are getting better,” “you will fall in love...” “God grant you happiness with her.” ! In addition, now her friendship is with the hero forever.

And finally the fourth night. The girl finally felt abandoned “inhumanly” and “cruelly.” The dreamer again offers help: go to the offender and force him to “respect” Nastenka’s feelings. However, pride awakens in her: she no longer loves the deceiver and will try to forget him. The “barbaric” act of the tenant sets off the moral beauty of the friend sitting next to him: “You wouldn’t do that? Wouldn’t you throw someone who would come to you on her own into the eyes of shameless mockery of her weak, stupid heart?” The dreamer no longer has the right to hide the truth that the girl has already guessed: “I love you, Nastenka!” He doesn’t want to “torment” her with his “selfishness” in a bitter moment, but what if his love turns out to be necessary? And indeed, the answer is: “I don’t love him, because I can only love what is generous, what understands me, what is noble...” If the Dreamer waits until the previous feelings completely subside, then the girl’s gratitude and love will go to him alone. Young people joyfully dream of a future together. At the moment of their farewell, the groom suddenly appears. Screaming and trembling, Nastenka breaks free from the hero’s hands and rushes towards him. Already, it would seem, a fulfilling hope for happiness, for true life leaves the Dreamer. He silently looks after the lovers.

The next morning the hero receives happy girl a letter asking for forgiveness for her unwitting deception and with gratitude for his love, which “cured” her “broken heart.” One of these days she is getting married. But her feelings are contradictory: “Oh God! If only I could love you both at once!” And yet the Dreamer must remain “eternally a friend, brother...”. Again he is alone in a suddenly “old” room. But even fifteen years later, he fondly remembers his short-lived love: “may you be blessed for the minute of bliss and happiness that you gave to another, lonely, grateful heart! A whole minute of bliss! Is this really not enough for even a person’s entire life?..”