Alexey Guskov: biography. Alexey Guskov spoke frankly about his personal life! He called his relationship with his wife a banal relationship

According to secular media, Lydia and Alexey have been happy together for more than thirty years. At the beautiful strong couple there are two adult sons - 28-year-old Vladimir and 22-year-old Dmitry. Last year, the eldest heir gave the acting couple a granddaughter, Stefania.


Before his fateful meeting with Velezheva, Guskov lived for ten years in a marriage with a woman who had nothing to do with the acting profession. Tatyana gave birth to Alexey's daughter Natalya. Now the first heiress of Guskov is thirty-four years old. The girl gave the famous father a granddaughter, Elizabeth.

Tatyana and Alexey were people from different worlds. The discrepancy between hobbies and life goals drove a wedge between them. At some point, the spouses stopped understanding each other, and their love faded away. “You see, it’s just that the difference in professions and interests makes itself felt sooner or later. This greatly affects relationships, especially in at a young age", the artist is convinced.

Everything turned out great with Guskov’s second wife. He met his colleague Lydia Velezheva at the theater at a joint rehearsal. “Lida and I have a boring, banal, vulgar relationship between an actor and an actress, which has grown into family life", Alexey speaks ironically about this relationship.

On that memorable day he was sitting on the stairs in the theater. "She ran past me beautiful girl. She turned out to be a smoker. There were no lighters then, so she asked me for matches. I didn’t refuse - I gave. The girl brazenly put them in her pocket and ran away. And then it turned out that we came to the same rehearsal. I looked at her intently. I thought whether she would give me the matches or not. And she is happy, sits and thinks: “Why is he looking at me like that?! I’m probably good!” Like this funny story", Guskov is quoted as saying by the Sobesednik website.

As soon as she saw Alexei, Lydia immediately realized that he was her destiny. “I don’t know what it was. Maybe some kind of premonition. But I looked at him at rehearsals and for some reason I knew that I would live with this man, he would be my husband,” Velezheva admitted.

Alexey Guskov is a legendary theater and film actor. The characters he played became standards of stagecraft, they are admired and hated by the audience. Alexey continues to delight fans with new works in cinema and on the theater stage.

Alexey's homeland is Poland, where his father served. The first 6 years of the boy’s life passed here. Then military pilot Guskov Sr. and his family moved to Kyiv. A year later, he dies in the line of duty. Alexey remains in the care of his mother, who did everything to give her son an education and raise him with dignity.

WITH early years Alexey spent a lot of time physical development. He was studying various types sports: basketball, weightlifting, football, rowing. These hobbies did not interfere with my good studies. Alexey didn’t even think about a career as an actor; he didn’t connect his life with this profession until he received advice from a math teacher to try his hand at acting. The boy’s mother also liked this idea.

Alexey listens to the advice and begins to attend a theater arts club, participates in school events. But after receiving a matriculation certificate, he enters the prestigious Moscow technical university. Soon the student Guskov comes to the realization that he cannot live without the stage. After some thought, the young man gives up technical education and enters the Moscow Art Theater School. So Alexey forever connected his life with acting.

Career development

After graduating from the legendary school, the young actor enlists in the Pushkin Theater, and after 2 years he moves to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. After two years, Alexey again changes his place of work and joins the troupe of the Detective Theater. Here he stayed for 3 years and moved to the Gogol Theater. Only at the turn of the millennium did the actor find a stage where he felt comfortable. It was the Vakhtangov Theater.

Marat Basharov and Alexey Guskov in the film "Border. Taiga Romance"

Despite his impressive experience working on the stage, Guskov is better known as a film actor. He received his first role in the film “Personal File of Judge Ivanova.” The next film "Wolfhound" brought to the young actor wildly popular.

Alexey Guskov and Vera Sotnikova in the film "Words and Music"

But this almost led to the end of Guskov’s film career. He played a bandit so organically in “Wolfhound” that offers to play similar characters came from different directors. To free himself from this image, Alexey makes a wise decision to leave cinema completely for a while.

Alexey Guskov and Olesya Sudzilovskaya in the film "Garbage Man"

Guskov's return took place in the late 90s and became enchanting. It was marked by the release of the film “Classic”, where the actor played an intellectual. This made it possible to get rid of the bandit role. Next was work on the series, which later became the cult “Border”. Here Alexey played the vile captain Goloshchekin. For this work he received prestigious award. The actor participated in the creation of the series as a producer.

Alexey Guskov in the film "4 days in May"

This was followed by a whole series of successful films with Guskov’s participation. The most famous were “Garbage Man”, “Turkish Gambit”, as well as the series “Saboteur. End of the war."

Alexey Guskov plays the role of Pope John Paul II in the film “He is a Saint, He is a Man”

The actor’s latest works were: the TV series “Thin Ice”, “Investigator Tikhonov”, the film “The Path of a Leader” (in which Guskov played Boris Yeltsin), the film “Visit to the Minotaur”. The series “Mata Hari”, “Lev Yashin” are expected to be released. The goalkeeper of my dreams."

Personal life

Alexey registered his first marriage back in student years, he married a simple girl. Soon the couple had a daughter, Natasha, with whom she still maintains a relationship today. Alexei's second wife was actress Lidiya Velezheva; the couple have two sons, both following in the footsteps of their parents and striving to become successful actors.

Alexey Guskov with his second wife Lydia Velezheva

The eldest is already taking his first steps in the profession, he is married and gave his parents a granddaughter, Stefania. The younger Dmitry studies at VGIK and also wants to become like his father, only to follow the path of producer.

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Alexey Guskov is a talented actor whose roles occupy a worthy place in the history of Russian cinema. Through numerous film roles, he has established himself as a strong character actor. Therefore, the story about his life and fate seems especially interesting.

That is why today we decided to delve a little more seriously into the biography of the famous actor in order to understand what his life was like. creative path, and what stages his career passed on the way to today's heights.

Early years, childhood and family of Alexey Guskov

Future famous actor born in the Polish city of Brzeg in the family of a Soviet military pilot. However, most of his childhood is connected with the city of Kyiv. In the capital of the Ukrainian SSR, Alexey went to school and learned the basics of the acting profession. However, his father did not see his son’s first successes. As the actor himself recalls, he learned about the death of “military pilot Gennady Guskov while on duty” from a tattered telegram that his mother hid for quite a long time. Thus, our today's hero always grew up without a father. But this fact did not prevent him from becoming a real man.

How the actors of the series “Border. Taiga novel"

From a very early age, Alexey had a special passion for sports. He was involved in weightlifting, football, basketball and even rowing. For the first time, Guskov Jr. was made to think about the career of a professional actor by the words of his then mathematics teacher. Being a passionate theater fan, the woman noted a special talent in the sixteen-year-old boy and somehow casually advised him to try himself as an actor.

The young actor liked this idea, and therefore Alexey soon began to frequently participate in various school productions, as well as attend extracurricular theater classes. Despite understanding all the hardships of an actor's life, after graduation high school Alexey Guskov went to Moscow, where he submitted documents to the Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman. In parallel with his studies, he began acting in the student theater.

At this moment, the theater became a true passion for young Guskov. He often went to various plays and performances, where he tried to learn from the experience of bright, established actors. So one fine day our today’s hero came to see a performance by Alexei Petrenko. His acting was so captivating young guy, that very soon Guskov decided to pick up documents from the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School and go to the Moscow Art Theater.

The actor managed to enter the studio school the first time. Here he began to improve his skills on the course of V. Monyukov, who played a very significant role in his destiny.

Star Trek by Alexei Guskov, filmography, career in the theater

After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater in 1983, Alexey Guskov began acting at the Moscow Drama Theater, and then (since 1986) at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. During this period, the actor decided to express himself in a somewhat unusual role and began writing his own play. The play, called “In the Forest,” was staged very soon and received many positive reviews.

In 1994, the actor returned to his native Moscow Pushkin Drama Theater. Came back to leave again. Since 2003, Alexey Guskov has been a permanent actor at the Moscow Art Theater. On this stage, the actor played many bright roles, which were warmly received by viewers and critics. However, today we will not dwell in detail on the description of the “theatrical period” in the actor’s work.

As for film roles, in this regard everything also turned out quite well for Alexey Guskov. Already in 1985, our today's hero starred in the film “The Personal File of Judge Ivanova,” which became the first in his film career. After a successful debut work, new films followed, the most successful of which was the film “Wolfhound”. Having played the role of a bandit, Alexey Guskov became very popular, but such fame also had back side. Over the next few years, the actor was offered only roles that were painfully reminiscent of his character from the film “Wolfhound”. And this state of affairs did not suit the talented actor.

Trying to somewhat move away from the boring “gangster” image, the actor left cinema for some time, but in the late nineties he began acting again. Some breakthrough for Alexey Guskov was the role of a talented billiards player in the film “Classic”. This was followed by new ones bright roles. Guskov’s most striking acting work during this period was the television film “Border: A Taiga Romance,” in which Alexey played a somewhat despotic military man. This film is also very noteworthy because the actor also worked as a producer on its creation.

From that moment on, Guskov’s career took off sharply. The two thousand years became a real “golden time” for the talented Russian actor. During this period, he often acted in films and on television, and also often worked as a producer. The most striking acting works of this time were the films “The Scavenger”, “The Diary of a Murderer”, “The Enchanted Site”, “The Turkish Gambit”, “The One Who Puts Out the Lights”, “Saboteur 2: The End of War” and many, many others.

Alexey Guskov now

In total, during his long and eventful career, the actor played more than sixty roles in film and television, each of which was remarkable and interesting in its own way. For his many years of service to art, in 2001 Alexey Guskov received the State Prize of Russia, and six years later - the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the actor still often appears in various cinematic projects and plays on the theater stage.

Lidiya Velezheva and Alexey Guskov

Personal life of Alexey Guskov

For many years now, Alexey Guskov has been married to one woman - actress of the Moscow Vakhtangov Theater Lidia Velezheva. In this marriage, two children were born - sons Vladimir (born 1989) and Dmitry (born 1994). In addition, the actor also has eldest daughter Natalya (born 1983), who appeared as a result of his first marriage.

Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, producer.

Alexey Guskov known for the films " Border. Taiga novel», « Turkish gambit », « Father" People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of Russia.

Biography of Alexei Guskov / Aleksei Guskov

Alexey Gennadievich Guskov born May 20, 1958 in Brzeg (Poland). When Alexey turned six years old, his family moved to Kyiv. A year later, his father tragically died while on duty, and the mother raised her son alone.

For the first time about the acting profession Alexey Guskov I thought as a high school student:

“The first time I heard the theatrical word “faktura” was in ninth grade. The mathematician, a very theatrical woman, said this: “Alexey, you have a good texture.” I even hid: “What is this – texture?” And then she said: “You could try to enter a theater university.” That's it. But this also went somewhere..."

Fulfilling the mother's wish (“Son, buy first profession, and then go to the theater") Alexei, after graduating from school, he went to Moscow and entered Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman, where in his free time from studying he studied in the student theater. After studying at Baumanka for four years, in 1979 he took his documents from there and entered the Moscow Art Theater School(well Viktor Monyukova).

Acting career of Alexei Guskov / Aleksei Guskov

After graduating from the studio in 1983, Alexey Guskov debuted on stage Moscow Drama Theater named after. A. S. Pushkina in the play " I am a woman» based on the play Victor Merezhko. From 1986 to 1988 Guskov– actor Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, from 1988 to 1991 – theater Detective", from 1991 to 1994 – Theater named after N. V. Gogol. Since 1994 Alexey Guskov plays again Moscow Drama Theater named after. A. S. Pushkina. In 2003 he became an actor Moscow Art Theater named after. Chekhov.

Film debut Alexey Guskov took place in 1985 in the film “Judge Ivanova’s personal file" With Natalia Gundareva And Sergei Shakurov starring. Then, in 1986, there was the role of a teacher in the sensational perestroika drama Vadim Abdrashitov “Plumbum, or Dangerous game " In the 90s, the actor starred in several films (“ Wolfhound", "The Abyss, the seventh circle», « The road to heaven", « bonanza"and others) and television series (" Goryachev and others" And " Cafe "Strawberry"""). Widely known Guskov brought the role of a virtuoso billiard player Yuri in the action-packed film " Classic"(1998). After that, starting from the late 90s, he starred a lot and successfully in films.

The most significant and beloved by viewers were such paintings with Alexey Guskov like a crime melodrama" Garbage man"(2001), action-adventure film based on the novel of the same name B. Akunina « Turkish gambit"(2005), thriller" The one who turns out the lights"(2008), series " Border: Taiga Novel", « Diary of a Killer", « Hunting for Red deer», « Saboteur: End of War" In 2010, several projects with the participation of Alexey Guskov: « Tula Tokarev », « I'm not myself», « Stepan Razin", « Carrot Love – 3", « Hide!», « House of Sun".

Later the actor starred in the films " Four days in May », « August. Eighth", played Captain Malyshev in the series " White Guard" In total, the actor played about 40 film roles.

Alexey Guskov not only a talented actor, natural in comedy, psychological drama, and thriller, but also a successful producer. In 1994, he headed the animation studio " Frist.A.Film» ( F.A.F.Entertainment). He has produced some films in which he also participates as an actor, as well as cartoons, including “ Dunno on the Moon" (1997) and " Dunno on the Moon – 2"(1999). Besides, Guskov taught acting for several years Moscow Art Theater School.

In 2001, Alexey Guskov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. For the role of Nikita Goloshchekin in the series “Border. Taiga Romance” the actor was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation. On May 27, 2007, Guskov was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. He is the winner of various cinematic awards, including the Russian Television Academy "TEFFY" award, prizes from the festivals "Kinoshock", "Constellation", "New Cinema of Russia" and others.

Alexey Guskov. Personal life

Alexei Guskov's first wife gave birth to his daughter Natalya in 1983. The second wife of Alexei Guskov is an actress of the theater named after. E. Vakhtangova Lidiya Velezheva. In his marriage to Lydia, Guskov had two sons - Vladimir(born 1989) and Dmitriy(born 1994).

Filmography of Alexei Guskov / Aleksei Guskov

  • 2016 Rhythms of the streets
  • 2016 Mata Hari (Portugal, Russia, Ukraine)
  • 2016 Identity unknown
  • 2016 Gold transit
  • 2016 The stars aligned
  • 2015 Thin Ice
  • 2015 Penguin of our time
  • 2014 Smile at us, Lord (film-play)
  • 2014 Don't leave me
  • 2014 In depth
  • 2013 Love for love
  • 2013 Thirst
  • 2012 Marked
  • 2012 Coma
  • 2012 August. Eighth
  • 2011 4 days in May
  • 2010 Tulsky-Tokarev
  • 2010 Hide!
  • 2010 Love-Carrot 3
  • 2009 Autumn worries
  • 2009 Love classified as “Top Secret”-3
  • 2009 Concert (Belgium, Italy, Russia, Romania, France)
  • 2009 White Sand
  • 2008 I'm not me
  • 2008 The one who turns out the light
  • 2007 Father
  • 2007 Saboteur. End of the war
  • 2007 1814
  • 2006 Tanker Tango
  • 2006 Russian money
  • 2006 Infidelity
  • 2006 Enchanted area
  • 2006 More important than love
  • 2008 Morphine
  • 1974 Dangerous Games
  • 2010 Tatyana Okunevskaya. Swing of fate (documentary)
  • 2009 Vyacheslav Shalevich. Under the Mask of Casanova (documentary)
  • 2004 Alexey Guskov. Homecoming (documentary)
  • 2000 Border. Taiga novel. Afterword (documentary)
  • 2016 Identity unknown
  • 2015 Penguin of our time
  • 2015 Bumblebee Buzz (short film)
  • 2012 Coma
  • 2011 4 days in May (Germany, Russia, Ukraine)
  • 2009 Disappeared
  • 2007 Father
  • 2004 Ragin
  • 2002 Hot Saturday
  • 2001 Scavenger
  • 2001 Thief
  • 2000 Border. Taiga novel
  • 1998 The Magic Pipe (animated)
  • 1993 Road to Heaven

The filmography of Alexey Guskov includes more than seven dozen works. And all his characters are real men, strong, strong-willed, with a strong character. Even the negative characters performed by this actor evoke sympathy and compassion.

The first notable work of actor Alexei Guskov was the film “Wolfhound”, and real fame came after filming the film “Border. Taiga novel."


Alexey Guskov was born in Poland, in the small town of Brzeg, Opole Voivodeship, on May 20, 1958. The boy's father was a military pilot and served in Poland. When Alyosha was 6 years old, his father received a new assignment, and the family left for Ukraine, to the city of Kyiv. In 1965, his father died while on duty. The boy was very worried and cried for a long time when he read the funeral telegram. Alyosha stayed with his mother, who worked tirelessly to provide a decent life for her only son.

Alexey Guskov's ancestors are from Pomors. All their relatives lived in Arkhangelsk - both mother and father, so the boy and mother often went there to visit. Years later, when Guskov had already become famous, he restored the family tree, which was compiled on the basis of records from church books.

In his childhood, Alyosha was like all boys - cheerful, active, hooligan. He was seriously interested in football and attended weightlifting, basketball and rowing classes. One day, his school math teacher told Alexey that he clearly had creative inclinations, and he should develop them. The woman loved the theater very much, often attended performances, so she could see in this hooligan boy a future screen star. The actor’s mother liked the idea; she was also a theater fan. Alexey decided to give it a try, joined the school theater club and spent a lot of time performing extracurricular activities in acting. Alexey often accompanied his mother to the theater. Mom liked to visit the Kiev Russian Drama Theater, and Alexey was delighted with the performance of the famous actor.


But my passion for theater remains a hobby for now. After school, Alexey Guskov decided to buy a real male profession, went to Moscow, and became a student at the mechanical engineering department of the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School, where he studied from 1975 to 1979. This faculty trained specialists who were involved in rocket science.

In his free time from classes, Alexey enjoys attending classes at the student theater, going to the premieres of the capital's theaters, watching how real professionals work. On one of these trips he saw an actor play. Guskov was simply shocked and amazed. He takes the documents from Baumanka and submits them to the Moscow Art Theater.

The first attempt was successful, and Alexey joined the ranks of students at the famous university. He ended up in the workshop of V. Monyukov, who made him a real actor.


First in creative biography Guskov's theater became the Moscow Drama Theater named after Pushkin. The actor served there from 1984 to 1986. After that there was the stage of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, to which he devoted 2 years of his life. Since 1989, Alexey Guskov has been working at the Detective Theater, where he stayed for 3 years, then there was the Gogol Theater, where he appeared on stage for two years. Search comfortable place stretched until the end of the 90s of the last century. Guskov stopped at the Vakhtangov Theater.

Photo: Alexey Guskov in the theater

In 1994, the actor received the position of president and general director studio "F.A.F. Entertainment".


Avid theatergoers were already familiar with talented actor Alexey Guskov, but he was just beginning to take his first steps in cinema. His debut work was the film “Personal File of Judge Ivanova.” After that there was the film “Wolfhound”, where he turned into a bandit. The actor’s performance was appreciated, but this fame played a negative role in his creative biography. After this picture, proposals rained down on him, but they all resembled his previous character as if they were a carbon copy.

Guskov got tired of playing bandits, and he left cinema for several years. The pause lasted almost until the beginning of the new century. This break was beneficial, because after it the actor was offered a role in the film “Classic”, where he became a talented billiard player. The directors realized that they had before them a versatile actor who could do more than just roles. crime bosses, but also deep dramatic characters.

One of the most best works Alexey Guskov’s painting “Border. Taiga Romance”, filmed by director A. Mitta. He not only played one of the main roles in it, but also became the producer of the project. In this film he has a negative character - Nikita Goloshchekin, but he turned out to be so characteristic and real that the actor received his first award for this role. He was awarded the State Prize Russian Federation. IN love triangle Guskov, and .

After the release of this picture, Guskov was finally appreciated, and his career rapidly took off. The 2000s became especially productive - during this time he starred in many projects, in some of them he was a producer. Among the best are “The Scavenger,” “The Diary of a Murderer,” “The Enchanted Site,” “The Turkish Gambit” and several dozen more films.

Guskov’s character from the film “The Garbage Man” brought the actor another award – the Venice Festival prize in the category Best Actor.

The filmography of actor Alexei Guskov today includes over seventy films, in each of which the actor revealed an unusual facet of his talent.

In 2001, Alexey Guskov was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation, in 2007 the actor became People's Artist Russia.

In 2012, fans of actor Guskov could enjoy his new job– the film “Dragon Syndrome”, filmed by Russian-Ukrainian directors. Together with Alexey on film set were, L. Bichevin, .

In 2016, Alexey Guskov took part in another amazing film - “Thin Ice”, directed by A. Frankevich-Laye. Guskov's partners in the film were A. Rudensky. Alexei played the main character - a construction boss, a real dictator, demanding unquestioning obedience from everyone, including his wife. The movie wife was performed by E. Guseva. The real wife of actor Guskov, who became a child psychologist, is also involved in this film.

Both audiences and critics responded very well to the film. After the screening of the film, Alexey was invited to the “Evening Urgant” show, where he answered a number of questions from the host, Ivan Urgant. The questions concerned family, marriage, betrayal, and getting out of such unpleasant situations.

In the same 2016, another film with the participation of Alexey Guskov, entitled “That’s the Way the Stars Aligned,” was released. This is the final picture from the “Path of the Leader” series, in which we're talking about about the life and years of rule of the first president of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. Guskov unexpectedly became Boris Yeltsin, which greatly surprised and pleased his fans.

And another work by Guskov was released in 2016 - this time in the detective genre. The actor starred in the film “Investigator Tikhonov,” which was based on the detective works of the Strugatsky brothers. In the next film, “A Visit to the Minotaur,” Guskov was offered to become Lev Polyakov, People’s Artist of the Soviet Union.

In 2017, the film “Mata Hari” was presented to the audience, where Guskov was offered the role of Georges Lada. The next project, in which my favorite actor starred, is called “Lev Yashin. The goalkeeper of my dreams." In this film, Alexey Guskov played coach Yakushin.

Personal life

In the personal life of Alexei Guskov there were two official marriages. The actor got married for the first time during his student years. The girl's name was Tatyana, they met by chance on the street. Tanya had nothing to do with Boheme, but felt free in the company of his actor friends and was present at all rehearsals and performances. In 1983, their daughter Natalya was born, who later made Guskov a grandfather, giving him a granddaughter Elizaveta. The actor broke up with Tatyana, but they maintain a relationship.

Photo: Alexey Guskov with his family

Guskov married the second time in 1988 to actress Lydia Velezhaeva. This year they celebrated their thirtieth anniversary of marriage. In 1989, their son Vladimir was born, and in 1994, their son Dmitry. Vladimir continued the work star parents, received a diploma from the Shchukin School, and goes on stage at the Vakhtangov Theater with his mother. He is married and has a daughter, Stefania, who was born in 2016. Dmitry is a student at VGIK, a future producer.

They have a strong and a happy family, without quarrels, betrayals and showdowns. The couple were successful in their profession, together they managed to go through fire, water and copper pipes, and preserve everything that a family rests on - love, respect and mutual understanding.