Rapper Guf told the truth about his affair with Katya Topuria and cheating on Aiza Anokhina. Isa Anokhina: biography, personal life, photo Alexey Dolmatov divorced his wife

Let us recall that in winter, photographs appeared in the press in which Katie and rapper Guf were allegedly photographed sunbathing in an embrace by the pool. Since the quality of the photo was poor, the faces could not be seen, but random witnesses claimed that Guf and Topuria were vacationing together in Thailand.

Katie and I are friends. And after this ridiculous news we become even stronger friends. I don't know who is in the photographs.

In an interview, journalist and blogger Yuri Dud asked Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​who had repeatedly had problems with drugs, whether Topuria helped him in 2016, when the musician once again became interested in taking illegal drugs.

She had no idea about this. We met on the set of a video and sometimes met to drink tea. She constantly persuaded me, but I, being on my own wavelength, always merged. Then he turned to her for help and asked her to do something. She put me in hospital in Moscow several times...

In addition to rumors about an affair with Katie, Guf also openly and regretfully admitted that he destroyed his marriage with his own hands, although the entire CIS was rooting for their couple. Now, from whom she gave birth to a son, Elvis.

I cheated on my wife for a while. Almost immediately after the birth of a child or even during pregnancy. This is terrible... At some point I just stopped hiding it, I disappeared into strip clubs, hung out there for a couple of days. This was already in the order of things... At some point, she decided to teach me a lesson so that I would put myself in her place. She met some guy, kissed her, and it all ended up on the Internet. At the same time, she simply kissed.

Now Guf regrets the past, but the ex-couple managed to improve their relationship for the sake of their son. Now in

After the breakup, Aiza Anokhina and rapper Guf, no matter how hard they tried to maintain neutrality, still often caused scandals throughout the country. After Isa posted on Instagram joint photo Guf and her new husband Dmitry Anokhin, fans thought that the men had become friends, and the former spouses had left conflicts in the past.

Unfortunately, everything turned out to be not so rosy. After Guf left Aiza’s house in Bali, he published a post on Instagram in which he told how he really felt at that moment. The rapper claims that Isa looks unhappy, and Dmitry does not like their son Sam at all.


“I wish Isa only the best (God is my witness), she is mine dear person and it will always be so. Yes, we broke up. And now we are united only by our son. But while we were together, I did my best to keep her from being sad. I want to see her happy. Fuck it, this woman deserves to be happy. Maybe I’m wrong that I’m interfering where I shouldn’t and it’s all my fault, but this is the second time I’ve come to check like a little guy and I understand that everything is not very good... I fly away with a lump in my throat. I am absolutely not happy with what is happening there. God grant that she be happy with him, but I’m worried about my son. God forbid I hear that someone is hurting my son. Yeti doesn't have an insta. Aziz, tell him) a track about him has already been written) I thought that your guy would show himself and it wouldn’t be necessary, but during this trip he added another verse),” wrote Guf (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).

Isa couldn't leave her post ex-husband without comment and wrote on Instagram that she was sure that all the scandals were behind her, but Guf again begins to add fuel to the fire.

“Am I unhappy???)) no one has ever seen me like this! I don't cry, I don't feel sad, I don't complain! I am a girl, a woman and the most important object in this life! And all this thanks to Dima! Sam! Oh! Sam is the rope that everyone is tug-of-war with! But essentially a rope that not everyone needs! But the image has been created! The image of a good dad who takes a lot of photos! Do you wish happiness? God is my witness??))) you can see how you wish for happiness) the whole Internet sees how you wish) poor Dima, he accidentally fell under the distribution. But he has the most powerful weapon! He doesn't give a fuck about songs, albums, do as you please! But to say that Sam is being bullied? How is this possible? I could easily blame Sam on my parents and build my personal life like yours did, but I would never do that! And my man is a mature, loving and caring person, capable of accepting someone else’s child as his own! And instead of thanking him, you blame him here! Not in person, but here!!” - Isa answered.

What upset Anokhina most is that Guf accuses her husband of having a bad attitude towards their son Sam. Isa published a photo of the boy with his stepfather and said that they love each other very much. According to the businesswoman, Dima spends a lot of time with Sam, prepares him breakfast, plays, puts him to bed, pays all his expenses and always takes care of him.

« Photo about how Dima doesn’t get along with Sam! And there are thousands of them! Dima doesn't get along with Sam so much that he wakes up at 6-7 in the morning because Sam wakes up early. Cooks Sam breakfast and Sam thinks Chewie is the best cook! Dima doesn’t get along with Sam so much that every day he spends two hours studying with him, reading, teaching him! Dima doesn’t love Sam so much that he pays for all the plane tickets, food, clothes, doctors and nanny for Sam! He doesn’t like it so much that he plays with him from morning to night, only when he’s not surfing next to Sam! When Dima and I return home, Sam runs first not to me, but to Dima! Dima can punish, he can tell where Sam behaved badly! And Sam only obeys him! Respects Dima and considers him the strongest! Sam falls asleep in his arms. And Sam knows that Dima can teach him a lot, because Dima is educated, well-mannered and has read so many books that I, who consider myself well-read, am timid when he starts discussions about his next work! Dima is calm, balanced, kind and family-oriented! He never left us for a minute, I always know where Dima is, Dima doesn’t correspond with chicks and doesn’t lie! He is always there! She brings food, fixes what’s broken, assembles Furniture and doesn’t let me do anything heavy, I’m a woman! And he is a man! Dima doesn’t love Sam so much that Sam can’t live a minute without Dima!” - said Isa.

Guf has not yet responded to his ex-wife’s messages. It looks like they won't be able to avoid another scandal.

Participant name: Aiza Anokhina

Age (birthday): 10.12.1984

City: Grozny (Chechnya), Moscow

Family: married to Dmitry Anokhin

Height and weight: 162 cm

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

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Aiza’s maiden name is Vagapova, but after her official marriage the girl changed it to Dolmatova, now she bears the surname of Anokhin, Dmitry’s second husband. The future beauty blogger was raised in a family of a hereditary military man.

Her father is a general Federal service retired security. Despite the fact that he is an oriental man, he never scolded or beat his daughter, even when she took advantage of his official position. The father always explained to his daughter that you need to be responsible for your actions yourself.

Children's dreams

Having moved to Moscow, Isa went to a regular school, where she studied until the 9th grade. Then, she moved to a specialized educational institution health. After graduation, Vagapova entered the capital’s university at the department of economics and law.

The girl did not plan to work by profession, because she was fond of fashion and created designer jewelry and accessories. Isa was a regular at nightclubs and various events in the capital.

Vagapova’s childhood desire to become a famous designer has not disappeared over the years. The first step towards this dream was opening a fashion showroom together with my friends.

There the girls created stylish hand-made jewelry. In parallel with this activity, Isa began creating her own clothing line.

Fatal acquaintance with Guf

Isa gained popularity after meeting the rapper of the Centr group, Alexei Dolmatov.. The young people met by chance at the “Sorry, Grandma” nightclub, in the company of mutual friends.

After this evening, they constantly crossed paths in the most unexpected places, but snowboarding became fatal. From that moment, real, sincere feelings flared up between the rapper and the girl.

Guf decided to show Aiza the seriousness of his intentions in an unusual way: he arranged an acquaintance with his grandmother, whom he calls Original Ba. He was very worried because the experienced woman had repeatedly kicked her grandson’s friends out the door. This time, two women dear to him were able to find a common language.

After the approval of the rapper’s grandmother, Aiza and Guf decided to live together, and three months later, Dolmatov proposed marriage to his beloved. This happened late in the evening, in the middle of the avenue. The girl agreed without hesitation, and the young people got married in the summer of 2008.

After 2 years, a happy event occurred in the Dolmatov family - their son Sami was born.

The good news about the birth of a son was overshadowed by the rapper's admission of drug use. Isa courageously accepted this news and said that the three of them could overcome everything. So, thanks to his wife, Alexey temporarily got rid of his addiction to heroin.

Alexey Dolmatov shared his love for the oriental beauty in his second solo album “At Home”.

Almost all of Guf’s tracks were dedicated to Isa, and the single “Ice Baby” became a real hit in 2010. The couple also took part in the filming of the crime film about the life of rappers “Gazgolder”, main role in which he performed.

For a long time scandals between spouses became a reason for gossip and in 2013 Guf and Isa officially divorced their marriage.

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Beauty blogger's new family

After her divorce from Alexei Dolmatov, Isa began to build a new relationship with surfer Dmitry Anokhin.

The couple did not delay the wedding, and in 2015 they solemnly exchanged rings in one of the famous churches in Los Angeles. From that moment on, Isa bears her husband’s surname - Anokhin.

In October 2016, the flamboyant brunette gave birth to her second child, who was named Elvis. It is noteworthy that the entire process labor activity was broadcast online on one of the domestic channels.

Anokhina has repeatedly appeared on the front pages of glossy publications in the scandals section. Thus, experienced social network users discovered the socialite’s account on one of the well-known pornographic sites. After this information was made public, Isa did not deny that she took part in a nude photo shoot and agreed to publish the photo on this site for a large sum money.

Not long ago, Tatyana Mingalimova, editor of the popular video blog “vDud,” invited Guf’s ex-wife to her show “Tender Editor.” In it, Isa shared the romantic story of the birth of a relationship with current spouse Dmitry Anokhin (whom she sweetly calls Chewie) and commented on the recent scandal with her ex-husband.

I not only spoke for myself, I spoke for all women with inadequate exes. Aiza and Guf have been gone for a long time. It’s hard when such responsibility is being the first hip-hop couple in the country. I didn’t have any fairy tale with Guf, the fairy tale happens with my husband. These are sunsets, these are romantic moments, everything like in the movies happens to me with Dima, and not to him.

Previously, Dolmatov spoke negatively about Aiza’s new husband, the girl did not tolerate insults and released a video under the pseudonym Aziza, in which she says that no one needs Guf as a rap artist anymore.

Photo of Aiza

The social media star and businesswoman has a very family-friendly Instagram. Photos of Isa’s children and husband are found there even more often than stylish photos in the mirror, but the girl also does not forget to pose in new outfits and share pictures from her travels.

Russian designer, beauty blogger and presenter Isa Anokhina.

Biography of Aiza Anokhina

Isa Anokhina(maiden name - Vagapova ) was born in Grozny on December 10, 1984. Having moved with her family to Moscow, from 2000 to 2002 she studied at Moscow Health School No. 1941. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Law at Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU).

Little is known about Isa’s childhood and youth; real fame came to the girl only after meeting the rapper Alexey Dolmatov, performing under the pseudonym Guf. Aiza’s nationality also raises questions: some believe that she is a Tatar, others a Chechen.

“I’m not entirely Russian, and, as is customary among us, my place is next to a man shorter than himself. And, frankly speaking, I never wanted to lead. My mother told me since childhood that a man should feel like a man.”

Isa’s adolescence and youth were quite eventful: she led an active lifestyle and often disappeared at parties. One day, without remembering how, she woke up on the border of Finland in the company of a gay friend. This incident made Aiza think about how she lives. Of course, such behavior caused the daughter a lot of trouble to her parents, but she always tried to respect them. She did not allow herself to be seen by her loved ones in an indecent form, drunk, with a cigarette in her mouth, although, of course, it is impossible to hide this from loving hearts.

Isa dreamed of becoming a designer since childhood. Already in the 6th grade she began drawing her first sketches. In 2016, the dream became a reality. Together with her friend Isa opened a showroom where they create beauty - handmade jewelry. Isa also started producing her own clothing line.

“The life I lead now is completely different from the one I had before. I passed big way, changing both your internal and appearance. But the main thing is ahead of me, I don’t want to stop and am improving day by day.”

Personal life of Aiza Anokhina

When Isa and Guf met and dated for some time, she didn’t know that he was taking drugs, but after he admitted it to her, she helped him get out and stop using drugs.

On Guf’s second solo album “At Home,” Guf’s beloved wife Isa is mentioned more than once or twice, and a song dedicated to her Ice Baby became one of the main hip-hop hits of 2010.

In 2008, the couple legalized their relationship. In 2010, the couple had a son - Sami Dolmatov.

“With the birth of my child, my life settled down. My husband and I adore each other, and each of us does what we love and does not interfere with the other. In short, an exemplary rapper family."

After five years of marriage 33-year-old rapper Guf ( Alexey Dolmatov) and 28-year-old Aiza Dolmatova decided to separate.

In October 2015, Isa married for the second time. Her the chosen one was a 36-year-old surfer and businessman Dmitry Anokhin, with whom Isa dated for more than six months. The celebration took place in Las Vegas, in A Little White Wedding Chapel, where marriages were once held Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Britney Spears, Michael Jordan, Demi Moore and other celebrities. Isa took her husband's surname and became Anokhina. At the beginning of October 2016, she gave birth to a son from him, who was named Elvis.

On October 3, 2016, Aiza Anokhina gave birth to her second son. Socialite diva and Instagram star gave birth in live one of the Russian TV channels. The baby was named Elvis.

In 2017, after a series of mutual attacks against each other, Aiza and Guf again became heroes of Russian tabloids. First, Guf publicly insults Aziza’s new husband, and then Aziza publishes a music video with a song threatening her ex. In response to Aiza’s threats to deprive him of his rights to meet with his son, Guf asks ex-wife return to him.

The creative path of Aiza Anokhina

After her divorce from her famous husband in August 2013, Isa decided to pursue her own career.

Aiza Dolmatova She has repeatedly admitted to journalists that she has nowhere to live and nothing to support her child after 9 years of marriage to musician Guf. In November 2013, the question of work was resolved - Isa appeared on camera as the host of the music “Neformat Chart”, where she daily presented MUZ-TV viewers with many hits and the best video clips from the Internet.

“I am very glad that I was accepted into the big creative family"MUZ-TV" channel and entrusted us with running such a wonderful chart."

The socialite in her “Neformat Chart” showed videos that blew up the Internet, but were not included in the rotation of music TV channels. Isa had to overturn the established criteria when selecting material for the chart, saying “no” to glamorous videos and “yes” to non-format clips.

In 2017, Isa took part in the reality show “Pregnant. After”, where, together with singer Sasha Zvereva, ex-participant of the reality show “Dom-2” Daria Pynzar and the TV presenter, she talked about how to be a mother in a big city.

In April 2018, the fourth season of the project “Pregnant” was released on the Domashny channel, in which the company Anokhina And Zverevoy will be participants in the 3rd season of the show “The Bachelor” on the TNT channel, socialite Galina Rzhaksenskaya and a graduate of the show “Dom-2”, designer Nelly Ermolaeva.

In 2017, Isa released her first song, Boeing, as a rapper. She performs under the creative pseudonym A(Z)IZA. In her songs, she often speaks negatively about representatives of Russian show business.

In 2018, Anokhina became a member of the jury music competition TV channel "Friday!" “Voice of the Streets” together with Vasily Vakulenko (Basta) and Alexander Timartsev (Restaurateur). More than 60 thousand people took part in the casting for “Music of the Streets,” but only 30 performers were selected.

In May 2018, Isa took part in the special season of the travel show “Heads and Tails. Russia”, where together with experienced traveler Maria Ivakova went to the Elbrus region. The TV presenter, designer and rapper tried rock climbing during the program and climbed to a height of 3 thousand meters by cable car.

Quotes from Aiza Anokhina

My most big problem, I believe that absolutely every person eventually becomes positive...

It’s so hard to smile at the world, knowing that you feel bad, even though you don’t know it yourself... but... life goes on, and often it’s not me who decides exactly where fate will take me...

My psyche is so damaged that when I get something perfect in life, I ruin everything. And I fundamentally and once again don’t know much, except for one thing... But this doesn’t seem to matter anymore. My “fucked up” is too ugly.

I want to never hear lies again. I want to never see betrayal again and I don’t want anything to stop me from being happy. I know for sure that I did everything I could and couldn’t do for the happiness of others, now it’s my turn. World.

Everyone disappeared from my life at one moment... Everyone grabbed a piece of me, and for now I am not needed.

I imagined how everything would be) but I didn’t imagine how everything became.

Love is an important part of me. I love to love perfectly, always faithfully, without lies and without games. My love should be only mine, if not, then I will leave..
I can still do everything myself) even if everything seems unreal now, but just a little more, and I can do it) because there is someone for the sake of it.

People come into our lives, make us fall in love with them, and then do as they please...

You taught me a lot... that you need to be good... no, that’s it, that not for everyone, but for you... but for everyone I’m bad.

Never kill love, love has good memory. Now you injure, and next time you will be killed!

  • Filmography of Aiza Anokhina

  • Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
  • Gasholder: The Movie (2014)

Isa Anokhina is a famous businesswoman, singer, TV presenter, and blogger. Once upon a time, she and the popular rapper Guf were husband and wife, one of the most beloved couples in Russian show business, but unfortunately, fans’ dreams of big family was not destined to come true. The couple broke up after the birth of their son, Sam.

Isa explained her departure by saying that Alexey is a drug addict and she is tired of saving him, because of this she cannot raise him happy child, because she herself is unhappy. Now the girl lives in Bali, got married, gave birth to a second child and is absolutely happy. But ex-spouse doesn't leave her alone, and recently insulted her and her new husband in his track.

Aiza and Guf knew each other from a young age, often vacationed in the same company, and got to know each other better on the mountain, where snowboarders were riding. Then Isa was a girl from a good seven, and Guf was raised only by his grandmother, he was an ordinary yard boy who wanted to become a popular singer.

They skated together and got tattoos until their youthful feelings grew into... true love. They have been married for nine years, they have common son Sem. When the couple was still together, they often quarreled in public, posting frank posts on social networks and throwing mud at each other, and then there were loud declarations of love. The couple broke up due to Alexey’s constant betrayal, the girl suffered alone with her son, and Guf had a drug addiction, from which Isa constantly saved him. According to Isa herself, when they were just starting their relationship, Alexey was a kind and good guy, he constantly gave her gifts, there was romance, and she believed in true love. But everything turned out completely wrong; even after the breakup, the husband sent the girl candid photos with others, Isa, in her words, stopped developing and growing, lost her pride and stopped respecting herself. She calls these relationships sick, and in them healthy child cannot grow.

Isa shared a story from their relationship. One day, when the girl woke up at Alexey’s house, she was really hungry, found old seeds on the floor and ate them, then the rapper confessed his love to her for the first time, it was on the second day of their relationship. Isa said that Guf constantly cheated on her, even when she was pregnant, and then she learned about it for the first time, although this was not his first betrayal.

After this, the couple lived for another three years and separated. Unfortunately, from these 9 years of life with the rapper, Isa remembers little good, she says that every day there were quarrels in the house, this especially upset her during the holidays. Usually she spent them alone, and he rested somewhere with friends.

Isa and Guf scandal: reason for divorce

The girl says that before the divorce, her son smiled very rarely. And then she decided to leave her husband. Because she was not happy next to him. He constantly cheated, disappeared somewhere with other girls. And he sent her explicit photos of them, Isa suffered from this and her child suffered. Guf hesitated for a long time to let her go, but in the end the divorce proceedings took place. Now Isa lives with her new husband in Bali, they are raising Sam and another son. Not long ago, rapper Guf visited them on the island, but the meeting ended loud scandal, which resulted in the singer’s creativity.

Isa and Guf scandal: the reason for the quarrel

During Alexei Dolmatov’s visit to the son he shared with Aiza on the island of Bali, he had a fight with her husband. According to Aiza, instead of expressing everything to his face, he began to insult Dmitry publicly on social networks, despite the fact that the man is raising their son as his own, without infringing on him in any way.

Guf, in turn, said that Dmitry Anokhin writes him jealous messages, asking him not to communicate with his wife. This angered the rapper, because he and Isa have common child, and besides that, he doesn’t need her, especially after someone, Alexey himself said. Without thinking twice, he released a track dedicated to this quarrel, where he openly insulted Isa’s husband. The girl’s answer was not long in coming and she also released a diss track in which she humiliated Guf. She said that she would not allow her to see her son if he did not stop insulting her family. The girl reports that she is just the mother of his child, they have nothing in common and cannot have anything in common. Isa also believes that although Guf is soon 40, he behaves like a schoolboy.

In fact, the cause of the conflict between men was Sem, the common child of Aiza and Guf. During Alexey’s arrival in Bali, he said that Guf was unlikely to be able to be his dad, because Dmitry devotes a lot of time to him, reports 1rre. Of course, Guf was hurt by this and he became angry with Dmitry, who was raising his son.