A lake where no river flows. Wayward bodies of water

We see the lake as a wonderful vacation spot where you can swim and fish. But not all lakes are like this. Some are truly terrifying. And not in vain.

Lake Pustoe (Russia)

Lake Pustoe is located in Western Siberia in the Kuznetsk Alatau region. Lake Pustoe is a fresh, clean reservoir of continental origin; there are no chemical anomalies in its waters. Many scientists have repeatedly carried out chemical analyzes of water from Lake Pustoye, but not a single study toxic substances was not found in it. The lake water is clean, suitable for consumption, similar to champagne due to the smallest bubbles of absolutely harmless natural gases. Scientists have not been able to draw a conclusion about why there are no fish in the reservoir.

In the vicinity of Lake Empty there has never been environmental disasters and emergency technical incidents that pollute the reservoir. The chemical composition of its water does not differ from the nearest reservoirs of the reserve, which are distinguished by an abundance of fish resources. Moreover, the reservoir feeds several fresh, clean reservoirs in the vicinity; the fact that there is fish in them will add special mystery to what is happening in these dreams. There have been several attempts to introduce unpretentious fish species such as pike, perch and crucian carp into the reservoir. Each of them ended in failure, the fish died, the aquatic plants rotted. And today there is no grass or birds on the banks of the reservoir, there are no fish or fry in the water, the lake guards its mysteries.

Why are there no fish in the lake?

Samples from the Kuznetsk reservoir were studied by chemists from the USA, Great Britain and Germany. However, no one was able to put forward a sensible version explaining the lack of fish in the reservoir. Scientists are not yet able to answer the questions of ordinary people about what is happening to the Kuznetsk reservoir. However, scientists repeat attempts to explain the extraordinary phenomenon of Empty Lake with enviable frequency. Visit the shores unusual lake there are many people who want to come here, tourists come and stay overnight. Some of them dream of touching the mystery of nature and unraveling it.

Lake of Death (Italy)

Our world is amazing and beautiful, its nature can be endlessly admired and enjoyed. But besides this, there are places on our Earth that sometimes lead us to bewilderment. Among such places is the Lake of Death on the island of Sicily. This lake can be classified as a phenomenon and unique natural phenomenon. The name itself suggests that this lake is deadly for all living things. Any living organism that gets into this lake will inevitably die.

This lake is the most dangerous on our planet. The lake is absolutely lifeless and there are no living organisms in it. The shores of the lake are deserted and lifeless; nothing grows here. Everything is connected with the fact that any living creature, which falls into aquatic environment, dies immediately. If a person decides to swim in this lake, he will literally dissolve in the lake in a few minutes.

When information about this place appeared in the scientific world, a scientific expedition was immediately sent there to study this phenomenon. The lake revealed its secrets with great difficulty. Water analyzes showed that the lake’s aquatic environment contains large number concentrated sulfuric acid. Scientists were not immediately able to figure out where the sulfuric acid comes from in the lake. Scientists have put forward several hypotheses about this. The first hypothesis stated that at the bottom of the lake there are rocks that, when washed away by water, become enriched with acid. But further study of the lake showed that at the bottom of the lake there are two sources that release concentrated sulfuric acid. This explains why any organic matter dissolves in the lake.

Dead Lake (Kazakhstan)

There is an anomalous lake in Kazakhstan that attracts the attention of many people. It is located in the Taldykurgan region, the village of Gerasimovka. Its dimensions are not large, only 100x60 meters. This body of water is called Dead. The fact is that there is nothing in the lake, neither algae nor fish. The water there is unusually icy. Low temperature There is water left even when there is intense sunshine outside. People drown there all the time. For some unknown reason, scuba divers begin to choke after three minutes of diving. Locals do not advise anyone to go there, and they themselves avoid this anomalous place.

Blue Lake (Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia)

Blue karst abyss in Kabardino-Balkaria. Not a single river or stream flows into this lake, although it loses up to 70 million liters of water every day, but its volume and depth do not change at all. The blue color of the lake is due to the high content of hydrogen sulfide in the water. There are no fish here at all. What makes this lake creepy is the fact that no one has been able to figure out its depth. The fact is that the bottom consists of an extensive system of caves. Researchers have still not been able to figure out what it is lowest point this karst lake. It is believed that under the Blue Lake is the largest system of underwater caves in the world.

There are very special rivers that do not flow anywhere. There are those that change the direction of the current several times during the day.

Among the snow and ice of the Pamir-Altai, the Zeravshan River originates. Having burst out of the mountains, it spreads through hundreds of canals and thousands of irrigation ditches in the Bukhara and Karakul oases. Like many other rivers in desert areas, it has neither a delta nor a mouth. In other words, Zeravshan does not flow anywhere.

Everyone knows that the water in rivers and lakes is fresh. But there are rivers with salty and sweet water.

A river flows in the north, characterized by very high salinity. That's what they call it - Solyanka. Where did the salt in the river come from? Many millions of years ago, on the site of modern Yakutia there was a huge sea. After earth's crust rose and fell, in some places closed lagoons were formed, in which, as a result of increased evaporation, thick layers of salt settled, subsequently covered with limestone. Groundwater seeps through these deposits and, saturated with salt, enters the river.

On Victoria Land in Antarctica, scientists have discovered a lake whose water is 11 times saltier than sea water and can only freeze at a temperature of -50°.

There is a lake called Sweet in the Urals, in Chelyabinsk region. Local residents wash their clothes only in it. Even oil stains can be washed off in water without soap. It has been established that the water in the lake is alkaline. It contains soda and sodium chloride. The presence of these substances gave the water special qualities.

There are “vinegar” rivers and lakes around the globe. The “Vinegar” River flows in Colombia (South America). This is El Rio Vinegre (one of the tributaries of the Cauqui River), flowing in the area of ​​​​the active Purace volcano. The water of this river contains 1.1% sulfur and 0.9% hydrochloric acid, so no fish can live in it.

On the island of Sicily there is Lake of Death. Two sources of high concentration acid come from its bottom. This is the “deadest” lake on our planet.

There are rivers that have one common source, but they flow into different directions and often flow into different pools. This natural phenomenon is called river bifurcation. Orinoco River flowing in South America, in the upper reaches it is divided into two. One of them retains the former name Orinoco, flows into Atlantic Ocean, and the other, Casiquiare, flows into the Rio Negro River, a left tributary of the Amazon.

Antarctica has amazing lakes. One of them - Wanda - all year round covered with a thick layer of ice. At the very bottom, at a depth of 60 meters, a layer of salt water with a temperature of +25° was discovered! The mystery is all the more curious because it is believed that there are no hot springs or other sources of heat in the depths of the Earth.

Usually rivers flow into lakes or seas. But there is a river that flows... from the bay into the interior of the mainland. This is the Tadjoura River on the northeast coast of Africa. It flows from the bay of the same name deep into the mainland and flows into Lake Assal.

There is an amazing river in Europe: it flows for six hours to the sea and six hours back. The direction of its flow changes four times a day. This is the Avar (Aviar) river in Greece. Scientists explain the “whims” of the river by level fluctuations Aegean Sea as a result of the ebb and flow of the tides.

"Ink" Lake! It is located in Algeria, near settlement Sidi Bel Abbes. You can write on paper with the water from this lake. Two small rivers flow into the natural “inkwell”. The waters of one of them are rich in iron salts, and the waters of the other are rich in humic substances. They form a liquid similar to ink.

Where does the Kuban River flow? “Of course, to the Sea of ​​Azov,” you say. True, but it turns out that this was not always the case. Even 200 years ago, this river flowed into the Black Sea. It would still flow there now if in 1819 the Cossacks from Staro-Titarovskaya and Temryukovskaya villages had not decided to desalinate the salty Azov estuaries. The Cossacks dug a canal between Kuban and the Akhtanizovsky estuary. But the wayward river “liked” the new channel more than the previous one, and it rushed along it, washed away and widened the banks, carried away everything it encountered on its way, and carried its waters into the Sea of ​​Azov. And the old channel, laid out for the river by nature itself, is overgrown.

The Diala River, which flows through Iraq, was sentenced to death. She was judged by none other than the great Persian king Cyrus. Crossing the Diala, the king lost his “sacred” white horse who drowned. Angry, Cyrus ordered the digging of 360 canals to divert water from the river. It ceased to exist for a thousand years. Over time, the desert sands dried up and filled with channels, and the river returned to its previous course.

There are many amazing lakes, but nowhere like Mogilnoye. It is located on the small island of Kildin off the Murmansk coast, several east of the entrance to the Kola Bay. The shores of the bay are rocky and steep, but in the southeastern part they go down and form a beautiful bay. Adjacent to it is a lake, separated from the sea by a high sand and pebble bank. The area of ​​the lake is slightly more than one square kilometer, greatest depth 17 meters. But, despite these modest dimensions, the layers of water in it never mix. Vertically, the lake is clearly divided into five “floors”. At the very bottom, the water is saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Above it is a “floor” of red water from many purple bacteria. Then there is a layer of sea water in which dwarf fish live sea ​​fish, sea anemones and starfish. Higher up the water is brackish - jellyfish and crustaceans live here, as well as freshwater fish. Top layer- fresh - inhabited by freshwater animals. During high tides, through the wall of sand and pebbles separating the lake from the sea, sea ​​water seeps into the lake. Heavier water - sea - and less heavy - fresh - almost do not mix with each other, since salty water enters the lake from the side, through the shaft, and fresh water - from above, from rains and melting snow.

The water of some salt lakes has healing properties. Lake Duzkan in Turkmenistan is located on the left bank of the Amu Darya, at the western outskirts of the Sayat village. Concentration saline solution so large that it forms a thick crust. In the summer, especially on weekends, on Duzkan, or, as the locals call it, Lake Sayak, hundreds of people take salt baths to treat rheumatism.

Rivers are picturesque arteries through which the blood of the earth flows. From the very beginning human history people tried to set up settlements and build houses in the coastal zone. Water gave them life. Here they watered the cattle, bathed and cultivated the land. IN Ancient Rus' the rivers were called "God's roads."

Both in winter and in summer they had their own strategic importance. In the warm season, merchant ships glided along large waterways, and in winter, when the surface of the reservoir was covered with an icy surface, merchants transported their goods on sleighs directly across the ice.

Just as blood is important for the human body, so is blood necessary for the life of nature. fresh water. Rivers are the main element of the blue planet Earth. As you know, each of them has its own beginning - a source.

Where do they come from?

Almost all rivers have a different source: somewhere a seething stream begins with a small spring, somewhere with a huge waterfall, some rivers are born as a result of snow caps. Such waters are called mountain streams. They differ in their high speed and low temperature, their currents can easily carry away even huge boulders. Such rivers are dangerous and unpredictable.

In fact, each begins with its own drainage basin, which, in turn, is fed by many sources. In the spring, when snow and ice melt, rivers are regularly replenished with new water and become fuller, as a result of which they sometimes even overflow. This can be a big problem for residents coastal zone. As a result of such spills, farmers may lose their crops, and houses built next to the river will become wet and destroyed.

Rivers and their beds

Blue Highways form a giant network of water on the surface of the earth. There are more than 2 million rivers in Russia, 200 of which are quite large. Even huge ships can sail along them. More modest ones barely cover their muddy bottom. As is known, it forms a valley and forms wide bends in it. Each channel is unique, it has its own slope, individual width and flow. Each “blue ribbon” has its own beginning, its own character and life activity. The flora and fauna of rivers are often similar due to the presence of fresh water.

Where do rivers flow and where do they end?

In the summer, when the temperature rises and the evaporation of moisture increases significantly, the river sources become shallow, and the water flows themselves narrow somewhat. After the spring melting of the ice, the river returns to its original channel to flow further to its end. Wherever the river flows go! They flow into oceans, lakes, seas, and also into other rivers. It is generally accepted that they flow from a hill, heading down.

If we take into account the water flows of Russia, then most of them carry their waters to the Northern Arctic Ocean, and only a few - to the Atlantic. In the place where the river flows into the sea, the water is desalinated, thanks to which some species of living beings have been able to adapt to life in fresh water bodies.

Volga is the largest water artery

This is one of the most picturesque and big rivers not only countries, but also Europe. It stretches for almost 4,000 kilometers. So, where does it flow? Having originated in the Tver region, it travels along a winding route, divides into many branches and flows into the Caspian Sea. This amazing river has about 200 tributaries, the largest of which are the Oka and Kama. It is worth mentioning that some rivers flow into closed lakes, where their vigorous activity ends.

Current direction

How can you determine where the river flows in your area? In fact, everything is extremely simple. You don't need to be a geologist to understand where rivers flow. First of all, you need to pick up a map and find the desired water flow on it. If a reservoir is shown on the drawing, then the direction of its bed will be clearly indicated by a blue arrow. It happens that you need to determine this while being in nature without a map. What to do in this case? By looking carefully, you can see in which direction the current is moving.

Where in the North and Southern Hemisphere? In both the first and second cases, they flow to their mouths. Curious to know what's the difference between them? Their currents are directed in opposite directions. This is regulated not only by the position of the equator, but also by the terrain. For example, we can say with confidence that the source is invariably located significantly higher than the mouth, therefore water mass, obeying physical law universal gravity, flows from top to bottom.

Unique water flows

People asked the question of where rivers come from and where they flow even at the dawn of human history. Since then, amazing and unusual things have been revealed to their eyes more than once. natural phenomena. A striking example of this are rivers that can change. Previously, people explained this by the intervention of the gods and interpreted it in their own way, perceiving such changes as signs from above. With the advent of new technologies, it became obvious that there really are bodies of water where the mouth and source sometimes change places, but modern scientists have found a more logical explanation for this.

It turned out that the main factor provoking a change in the flow was underground groundwater. When the water level in them begins to fluctuate, this affects the surface flow. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the world around us: where do rivers flow, why do certain phenomena occur? However, it is worth remembering that there is nothing meaningless in nature, everything is created with specific purpose and functions properly, supporting the life of every living creature.

Practice shows that despite the fact that we live in an age of technology and general technical progress, the purpose water arteries land has not changed, although the reservoirs themselves have become the subject of careful study and scientific experiments. In recent decades, scientists have been absorbed in studying the structure and molecules of water. Their research proves that this unique liquid is incomparable to any other, it is truly alive! Where do the rivers flow? The world around us and nature have provided comprehensive answers to this and many other questions.

The Red Sea is a relatively young sea. It appeared as a result of the East African Fault about forty million years ago. IN modern times The Red Sea is famous for its fashionable resorts and the diversity of its unique flora and fauna.

Geographical location. The Red Sea or Arabian Gulf is an inland sea that separates Africa and the Arabian Peninsula of Eurasia and is included in the waters Indian Ocean. In the north, the Red Sea is connected to the Mediterranean through the ancient, artificially created Suez Canal. In the south, the Red Sea borders the Arabian Sea through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. There are eight states on the shores of the Red Sea: Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan and Yemen have access to the sea on the Arabian Peninsula, and Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti and Eritrea on the African continent. Relief and water. The sea received its name because of the color of the soil at the bottom of the coast and the color of the water produced by microscopic algae and zoophytes (polyps, jellyfish, etc.). Not a single river flows into the Red Sea, so the water in the sea is very warm and crystal clear. In winter, the temperature does not drop below +18 °C, and in summer it rises to +27 °C. Due to strong evaporation warm water The Red Sea is considered one of the saltiest water sources globe– 38-40 grams of salt per liter. At the bottom of the sea there is a series of depressions filled with brines different temperatures and salinity. Externally, brines are similar to silty soil or swirling fog; they do not merge with surrounding water and every year they increase their temperature by 0.3-0.7 °C, which indicates that the depressions are heated by the internal heat of the Earth. IN chemical composition Such brines contain many metals, including precious ones. Flora and fauna. Unique picture underwater world The Red Sea attracts tourists from all countries. Despite its salinity and high temperature, the richest underwater world Northern Hemisphere surprises with its inhabitants: clown fish, Napoleon fish, moray eels, different types corals, etc. lately the harmful effects of waste emissions from tourists and local residents threaten the existence of rare species marine animals and fish, coral reefs. Transport and economic opportunities. The Red Sea is an important trade route between Europe and Asian countries. Its advantage over the old route, passing through the entire coast of Africa, is 8,000 kilometers. Thousands of cargo ships, tankers and passenger ships pass through the waters of the Red Sea every year. Despite everything modern methods security, piracy still flourishes in the waters of the Red Sea. Armed groups from Somalia seize ships for ransom.

Tourism. The most developed tourist cities - Sharm al-Sheikh, Hurghada, Safaga, Dahab - boast developed underwater sports and other entertainment for vacationers. The Red Sea countries' tourism business generates income that accounts for approximately half of their annual budget. Every year, tourist investments in the treasury of countries with access to the Red Sea only increase.

Legend has it that the waters of the Red Sea parted for the passage of the prophet Moses and his people from Egypt to Israel. Modernity stores in the depths of the Red Sea not only Biblical memories, but also sunken ships of the Second World War, which tourists can admire while studying the local underwater flora and fauna.

Location: between Arabian Peninsula and Africa
Washing the shores of countries: Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Jordan
Square: 438,000 km²
Greatest depth: 2211 m
Coordinates: 20°44"41.1"N 37°55"27.9"E

The Red Sea, located in a tectonic basin and is inland sea The third largest on our planet, the Indian Ocean, is considered the youngest and most interesting in terms of diversity of flora and fauna.

It is located between the African continent and the Arabian Peninsula. The Red Sea connects with Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, through the well-known Suez Canal.

Speaking about the Red Sea, you should pay attention to the fact that it is considered the saltiest of all the seas that are part of the World Ocean, which washes all the continents of our planet.

“Why is this sea the saltiest of all the seas?” a person who does not know the geography and location of the Red Sea may ask. The thing is that the Red Sea is the only sea in the whole world into which not a single freshwater river flows. Naturally, it is significantly inferior in salt content to the Dead Sea, however, it should be remembered that practically no living organism is able to survive in the Dead Sea, and the Red Sea amazes even experienced divers with its abundance life forms. And this despite the fact that the salinity of the water of the magnificent Red Sea is up to 60 grams of salts per liter of water taken for laboratory analysis.

As a comparison, it is worth citing the salinity of the water, popular among domestic tourists, the Black Sea - it is only 18 grams of salts per liter of water.

In addition, describing the Red Sea, which is rightfully considered one of seven wonders of the underwater world, it is impossible not to mention that this is also the warmest sea on the planet. It is warmed not only by the rays of the sun, but also by the earth’s mantle, that is, in the Red Sea, unlike other seas, not cold, but warm layers of water rise from the depths. In winter, the water warms up to 21 - 23 degrees Celsius, and in summer up to +30. Because of high temperature water and its constant evaporation, the Red Sea became the saltiest in the world, naturally, after the Dead Sea.

Origin of the name of the Red Sea

The Red Sea, according to the most conservative assumptions of scientists, originated 25 million years ago. Therefore, it is, alas, impossible to find out exactly why the Red Sea was called “Red”. There are only a few versions of the origin of the name of the Red Sea, although it is worth mentioning right away that none of them can be considered reliable.

According to the first version, the name comes from ancient language Himyarites - a people who lived in South Arabia long before these lands were captured by the Arabs. The conquerors tried for a long time to decipher the writing of the Semites and decided to read the three letters “X”, “M” and “P” in their own way - “Akhmar”, which translated means red. This assumption can be considered as a version that does not deserve special attention: It’s hard to imagine that the Arabs decided to add vowels to a foreign language in order to get a word that would be familiar to them, because they were deciphering the language, and not merging it with their own.

The second version, according to historians, is more plausible, although it is associated with the myths of many peoples who inhabited the territory near the Red Sea. They associated each part of the world with a certain color. The color red was associated with the south, where the sea was located, hence its name. According to documents that have survived to this day and have been deciphered by scientists, the Red Sea was mentioned back in the 2nd century BC, and in the 16th century some researchers called this sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean, Suez.

As mentioned above, the sea was formed even when India began its movement towards to the Asian mainland, and this event occurred long before the appearance of the first man on Earth, so scientists will probably not be able to find out for sure why the saltiest sea that is part of the World Ocean was called “Red”.

The Long History of the Youngest Sea

Over the entire period of its existence, the Red Sea, despite its young age (naturally, according to geological standards), has experienced a number of changes and cataclysms. For 25 million years, which for our planet can be considered only a short moment, the level of the World Ocean has constantly fluctuated, which, by the way, is still happening. Glaciers melted and new ones formed; the waters of the oceans rose and fell by tens, or even hundreds of meters. As soon as the level of the World Ocean dropped significantly, the Red Sea turned into a huge salt lake, where the salt content was several times higher than the amount of salt per liter of water in the Dead Sea.

By the way, at the moment the sea is connected to the ocean by the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. The deepest point of the strait is 184 meters. One can only imagine what will happen if a new one begins ice age and the level of the World Ocean will drop by 190 meters. The Red Sea will cease to communicate with the waters of the Indian Ocean and once again will become dead. However, this does not threaten our contemporaries and descendants. Such a decrease in the level of the World Ocean occurs over hundreds of thousands of years, so the amazingly beautiful sea that washes the shores of Sudan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and, of course, Egypt will delight everyone who wants to see all the wealth of the underwater world that can only be found in the Red Sea or on the Barrier Reefs.

Scientists have found that the Red Sea quite often lost its “connection” with the World Ocean, and its coast dried up and was covered with salt. As a result of this, even now, alas, you will not find lush vegetation on the shores of the Red Sea, and you will not be able to quench your thirst from the spring that flows. The water underground also tastes salty. Surprisingly, even rains in the Red Sea area will not give the soil life-giving moisture; they, like the sea and the springs near it, are salty.

Forest by the Red Sea

Yes, dear reader, you heard right, in the northernmost part of the Red Sea there is a forest consisting of mangroves. This forest is part of a nature reserve called Nabq. Only mangroves are able to grow in salt water and do not require constant access to oxygen to the root system.

This amazing plant is able to remove excess salt through its leaves, and life-giving fresh moisture nourishes the wood. Mangroves usually grow together in such a way that it is quite difficult for a person to get through them, and once in a certain area, you can easily find yourself in a trap from which you can get out without outside help impossible. The mangroves of the Red Sea are home to a huge number of animals and birds, whose lives are monitored by ornithologists and zoologists in the reserve.

Flora and fauna of the Red Sea

If we say that The Red Sea is a real paradise for divers, fishermen and people interested in spearfishing, this will not be an exaggeration. You just have to put on a mask and pick up a snorkel, and right off the coast you can see the enchanting underwater world with many colorful corals, sponges, sea urchins and fish.

Sometimes it seems that each species competes with each other here in terms of brightness of color and unusual shape. Warm and crystal clear waters The Red Sea allows for the existence of many species of underwater flora and fauna, most of which are endemic. Life underwater is in full swing here and does not stop even in the dead of night.

Today alone, scientists who conduct research in the depths of the Red Sea have discovered and described almost 1,500 invertebrates, and almost the same number of fish species. The waters of the Red Sea are home to almost 300 species of corals, the reproduction of which is a fantastic picture.

Huge sea ​​turtles and frolicking dolphins complement the amazing landscape and tell the tourist that he is in a place where underwater life is revealed to man in all its glory.

The surprising thing is that, according to ichthyologists, no more than 60% have been discovered in our time. underwater inhabitants Red Sea. The greatest depth of this unique sea is more than 3 kilometers, which means that most deep sea fish are not yet known to science. So far, only forty-three species of fish living at great depths have been discovered. Also, the Red Sea constantly poses more and more mysteries for scientists. It is still unknown why about 30% of the inhabitants of the northern part of the sea cannot live in its other part.

It seems as if an invisible border prevents them from moving from north to south. Although the chemical composition of water is temperature regime in these areas are almost identical. Maybe the reason lies in the word “almost”?...

Despite the extraterrestrial beauty of the underwater world, the Red Sea is fraught with a lot of dangers. Touching the most beautiful corals, sponges or fancy jellyfish in the sea is strictly prohibited. This is written about in almost every tourist brochure. Injection sea ​​urchin or the bite of a poisonous underwater snake, toothy moray eel may cause burns, allergic reaction, large blood loss, and sometimes the death of the victim.

When diving into the depths of the Red Sea, you must remember that it is home to 44 species of sharks. Some of them are quite harmless creatures that live only at great depths and feed on plankton or small fish. However, among them there are also species that are most dangerous to humans, for example, the tiger shark, which often attacks a person for no apparent reason. Her mouth is littered with huge sharp teeth which can easily tear off a limb. Unfortunately, recently attacks have become more and more frequent tiger sharks on vacationers, which, for the most part, most often ended fatally. There is evidence that a large white shark, which, even according to scientists, is a killing machine.