How to avoid paying for household waste removal. New payment for housing and communal services for garbage collection suddenly Paid for garbage collection, garbage is not collected

In 2018, a new clause appeared in the payment receipts of Russian residents - payment for waste removal and disposal; you will have to pay extra for regular garbage removal.

Important! New fixed tariffs have been in effect since January 1. This is due to the problem of storage and untimely removal of waste.

There are several reasons for these difficulties:

  • rapid economic development, creation of new enterprises and industries;
  • urbanization;
  • critical shortage of qualified personnel in public utilities;
  • wear and tear of equipment for waste removal and collection;
  • negligent attitude of housing and communal services companies towards achieving their goals.

The transformation of the industry will help eradicate monopolization; contractor companies will be involved in the work and will be assigned to certain areas. An important condition remains a uniform tariff for waste removal for all residents of a given area. The population already pays for this service; this is indicated on the receipt under the collective phrase “maintenance and repair of housing.” The tariff is calculated from the total bill and is 2.5 rubles per square meter living space. But this amount is not fixed, it can change for personal reasons of the management company.

Innovations for household waste removal

  • the tariff for the service for handling solid municipal waste must be included in the receipt as a separate item;
  • the tariff for waste removal per person is set by a licensed regional operator, which is selected through a tender;
  • the population enters into an agreement for removal services household waste for a period of 10 years, after the expiration of the period there will be an opportunity to replace the management company or continue cooperation with it;
  • tenants apartment buildings and enterprise owners pay for the transportation and disposal of solid waste directly to the contractor;
  • The cost of the service is calculated based on the number of registered people, and not on the area of ​​the premises.

Important! The management company bears full responsibility for household waste from the moment it is loaded into a garbage truck and delivered to the place of disposal or recycling. The contractor’s responsibilities include the maintenance and care of solid waste collection sites, monitoring the correct calculation of the cost of services, concluding contracts, recording complaints from the population and solving problem situations.

In parallel with the bill on solid waste removal, the issue of waste disposal facilities is being considered. Before this, housing and communal services only cared about transporting MSW, but not recycling. The established tariff depends on the quantity and volume of provided garbage containers. Special attention refers to waste sorting, it provides for separate storage and removal of waste. Naturally, for implementation you need to install the appropriate tanks different colors, each of which corresponds to a specific type of waste:

  • biodegradable;
  • glass;
  • paper;
  • waste that does not meet the sorting criteria.

The tariff for the removal of sorted solid waste is several times lower than that of unsorted solid waste. With these actions, deputies motivate the population to sort garbage, thereby avoiding additional labor costs and material resources. Thus, during long-distance processing or disposal, it will be possible to save important resources.

The next question that interests the population is where they will export solid waste. Russian deputies are confident that it is necessary to equip new waste storage facilities, since the existing ones can hardly cope. Today, housing and communal services only care about the collection and removal of waste; no one cares about further processing.

Such structures include:

  1. Waste incineration plants.
  2. Waste processing plants.
  3. Landfills.
  4. Polygons.

A separate question that was raised supreme authority, applies to private households. According to the law, the owner is obliged to keep the local area in order, but there is no clear definition for garbage removal. Often it is simply burned on the site or dumped in a common container, or spontaneous landfills are arranged. This should be monitored by local authorities. In theory, homeowners should either transport household waste to the landfill themselves or draw up an individual agreement with a contractor. Unfortunately, in practice, all persuasion to conclude contracts is only rejected, citing the small amount of solid waste.

Important! Based on new scheme, there are no alternative solutions. The Housing Code states that housing cooperatives do not have the right to refuse to draw up contracts with operators.

Tariffing for removal and disposal of solid waste

Based on the innovations, each region will be divided into zones that will be serviced by a contractor company, and the latter, in turn, will be required to draw up a schedule and route for waste removal and submit a report on the work done.

The tariff for the removal of solid waste will be uniform within one region. Garbage removal will be calculated based on the number of residents in the apartment. In this case, the price of waste transportation will be determined by multiplying the standard, tariff and number of residents, the resulting value is divided by 12. Having apartments of different sizes, but with the same number of people, the amounts in receipts will be identical. If it is not possible to accurately determine the number of residents, the cost of the service will be calculated in accordance with the number of owners of the living space. Based on federal law, payment is made even if no one actually lives in the apartment.

It is possible to reduce the amount of the accrued fee for garbage removal if the tenant was absent for more than five days (in this case, you can apply for a recalculation) or the waste removal was carried out untimely and there is an officially confirmed act. Another way to save money would be to separate waste storage; in this case, it is necessary to conclude a special agreement with the contractor company.

Important! These innovations will come into force in January 2019. The population has been given a year to become familiar with the project, conduct tenders and conclude contracts. Get acquainted with regulatory documents, you can find out what the fee is charged for on the website State Duma Russian Federation.

Unfortunately, earlier the problem of solid waste removal was not given due attention. This led to serious problems in this industry.

The administration entered into a public agreement for garbage removal in fulfillment of its obligations to organize the improvement of the territory of the settlement, enshrined in clause 19, part 1, art. 14 Federal Law dated 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ "On general principles organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation." Also, on the basis of clause 2 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ “On Production and Consumption Waste,” the powers of local government bodies of municipal districts in the field of waste management include participation in the organization collection activities (including separate collection), transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, and burial of solid municipal waste in the territories of the relevant areas.

If your parents do not use the services of an organization that removes solid household waste and have not entered into an agreement with it, then they are not obligated to pay for the service not provided. There is no legal relationship between your parents and this organization. The current civil legislation establishes the freedom of citizens and legal entities to enter into contracts (Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The use of your personal data when calculating fees for the removal of household waste contradicts the requirements of Part 1 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, according to which the processing of personal data for the purpose of promoting goods, works, services on the market by making direct contacts with potential consumers via communication means is allowed only subject to prior consent of the subject of personal data. The specified processing of personal data is recognized as carried out without the prior consent of the subject of personal data, unless the operator proves that such consent has been obtained.

You can contact Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office with a statement on the obligation of the organization carrying out waste removal to stop illegal actions of charging for the removal of solid household waste, as well as the use of your personal data.

You also have the right to file a claim in court to declare the contract for the removal of solid household waste invalid, to declare the actions of the organization you specified to charge fees for the removal of solid household waste illegal, and to recognize the actions on the use of personal data as illegal.

However, you must understand that waste collection and disposal is organized for your own benefit. For waste disposal that does not meet legal requirements, your parents may be held administratively liable.

1. Do I need to pay for garbage removal if no one is registered or living in a private house? I also own an apartment, which is located in the same area and which is serviced by the same garbage removal company, and where I pay for garbage removal.
Best regards, Andrey.

1.1. Hello, Andrey!

The obligation to pay for garbage removal as a utility service arises on the basis of the emergence of property rights, therefore it is necessary to pay for this service regardless of registration at the place of residence.

1.2. Hello!

I think there is no need to pay twice.

Contact the Criminal Code with a statement not to live in this house.
If you have already paid, the management company is obliged to recalculate the fee for garbage removal if there is an application from residents with supporting documents that they do not live in the residential premises.
As supporting documents, you can attach receipts for payment for garbage collection services at your place of residence in the apartment.

2. Do I need to pay for garbage removal if the apartment is not privatized?

2.1. Yes, all tenants and owners of residential premises are required to pay for the management of solid waste, because This is a public service. RF PP No. 354.

3. I live on Sakhalin, the fee for garbage removal is calculated based on the area of ​​the apartment. One is registered, should I be recalculated if I provide a certificate from work that I was on shift without leaving a shift?

3.1. The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation explained that in certain cases it is possible to reduce the fee for garbage removal. Currently, there are two charging options in the regions:
based on the number of people living in the apartment;
based on the area of ​​the apartment.
For example, in the Moscow region, residents are charged a fee based on the area of ​​their housing. And in the Sverdlovsk region the number of residents is taken into account.
In those regions where the fee depends on the number of residents, its amount will be significantly lower, since it will be charged only to the owner. And if the fee is charged depending on the area of ​​housing, then the amount will not change. And in this case, the amount will be the same - even when staying the whole family in the apartment, and in the absence of residents in it.

4. Why should heirs pay for garbage removal for a deceased person if the fee is charged for a person who can produce this garbage. There is no person, no one lives in the house, WHO SHOULD I PAY FOR?

4.1. Good afternoon, Natalia!

If this is the debt of the testator, then the heirs are obliged to pay the debt, and if the heirs wrote an application for entry into the inheritance, then the maintenance of the inherited property is the responsibility of the heirs.

Good luck and all the best to you!

5. Waiver of fees for removal of non-existent garbage.

5.1. I understood the question that residents use only in the summer; by law, in the private sector, responsibility for garbage removal is assigned to local governments. Where people in the private sector live only in the summer, there is a practice of concluding an agreement for the import of garbage for the summer period.

6. If the apartment is owned, but no one lives in it. Do I need to pay for garbage removal and general household needs?

6.1. Yes, owners are required to pay for garbage removal and general household needs.

6.2. In this case, housing and communal services associated with the residential building are paid. That is, payment for general house needs, contributions for major repairs, heating, payment for an elevator (if available), removal and disposal of solid waste.

7. Is it legal to charge 3 minor children for garbage removal?

7.1. Payment for MSW turnover is charged to everyone registered at the address.

8. My father is Afghan, he is entitled to benefits. Now they have introduced a fee for garbage removal and he is getting benefits for this fee, but only for 1 apartment where he is registered. But he owns other apartments, but he is not registered there and the money is not returned for them! Please tell me where to go so that he gets paid for all apartments and not just according to registration! Where to complain?

8.1. Unfortunately, there are no benefits for garbage.

9. Should the owner of a land plot for individual housing construction pay for garbage removal? Thank you.

9.1. Good afternoon Yes, they should, by concluding an agreement with the Garbage Collection Company.

10. My husband and I live in the village from May to October. And you have to pay a fee for garbage removal all year round How can we refuse to pay for garbage removal for six months?

10.1. According to Article 30, paragraph 5 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of a private house is obliged to enter into an agreement with a regional operator for the management of solid waste. If there is an agreement, apply to the r/operator about your actual residence at another address where you pay for this service. Payment receipts are required for confirmation. If payment is made through the management company, then contact the management company. Otherwise, you have the right to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office about illegal double taxation of fees for the service.

11. In the apartment, which is in my property, no one is registered, they always paid for garbage removal as for 1 person, since January 2019, an inscription appeared on the receipts that 2 people were registered and the price has actually increased, what should I do?

11.1. You should pay attention to the data that is available in resource supplying organizations, because in the case of payment based on the number of registered (residents), no one is insured against inconsistencies with the date on which the Regional operator will have lists of residents, their relevance for the reporting date , and in case of bias in the issued invoices, it is necessary to implement the declarative procedure for making recalculations. That is, writing to the regional operator that issuing invoices for 2 people is illegal.

12. Fee for waste removal in apartment building Is it entered based on the number of people actually living in the apartment or on the number of registered ones? Thank you very much in advance!

12.1. If in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation the calculation of the MSW service takes into account the number of people living in the apartment, and in fact there are fewer people living in the apartment than registered, then in order to reduce the cost of paying for the line in the receipt “MSW removal” it is necessary:
1. Contact the management company/homeowners association and agree on the time and date for specialists (a special commission may be created) to come to your home to draw up an act identifying the actual citizens living in the residential premises apartment building– You can download a sample act from the link.
2. An act is drawn up in the apartment; it must indicate from what date this or that person does not live in the apartment.
3. Sign the act by all parties, if the owner of the residential premises (permanently residing consumer) refuses to sign the act or the owner of the residential premises (permanently residing consumer) is absent from the residential premises at the time of drawing up the act, a note is made in this act (act, including neighbors sign).
4. MC/SRC (unified settlement center) recalculates the MSW service based on the act.

13. We have seven people registered in our apartment. How will the waste removal fee be calculated?

13.1. The fee for garbage removal will be calculated based on the number of people registered in the housing (Resolution No. 354)

14. We live in a private house, the house is fully registered for children, should I pay for garbage removal?

14.1. Good afternoon
The payer for waste removal is the owner of the premises based on the tariff established in the region where the property is located. If the house belongs to your children, then the documents for payment will be issued in their name.

14.2. Payment for handling MSW is calculated based on the number of registered to this address. If no one is registered, then according to the number of owners.

15. The question is whether an individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay for garbage removal if he owns a store building, but it is empty, does not work, and no one has rented it for several months.

15.1. Hello. If you, as a legal entity, pay for the removal of solid waste based on fact, and not according to the standard, you will not be required to pay.

15.2. Good day! You must notify the management company that there is no activity and you may not pay! And if you rent out the premises, then let the tenants themselves enter into an agreement for garbage removal and pay for it!

16. I live in rural areas I am forced to pay for garbage removal and I have never handed it over, what should I do?

16.1. Our government decided to pay like everyone else.

17. Why should I pay for garbage collection if the garbage collection point from our street is within 500 meters, and receipts arrive regularly, what should I do in our situation? Thank you.

17.1. Good afternoon
In accordance with Articles 1, 4 and 10 of the Federal Law of December 31, 2017 N 503-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Industrial and Consumption Waste" and certain legislative acts Russian Federation" from 01/01/2019, the powers of local governments (urban settlements, municipal districts, urban districts) in the field of municipal solid waste management include:
creation and maintenance of places (sites) for accumulation of solid municipal waste;
determination of the layout of places (sites) for the accumulation of solid municipal waste and maintaining a register of places (sites) for the accumulation of solid municipal waste.
Therefore, regarding your question, you need to contact your local administration to determine another waste collection location.

18. The SNT has 18 members. We only pay for electricity and garbage removal 4 times per season, i.e. once a month from the beginning of May to the end of September. In the off-season, i.e. from October to April no one lives in SNT. Why create a current account if you write that cashless payment between legal entities should be carried out if the settlement amount exceeds 60,000 rubles. Our electricity bills have never even come close to that amount.

18.1. Settlements with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and other government agencies are made only by bank transfer.

19. 3 people are registered in a private house. We never paid for garbage removal, because... invoices were not provided and services were not performed. No one has lived in the house for many years. Unexpectedly, the amount of debt for the last year and a half was written off from the owner’s pension account and only for two registered ones. The debt of 50% of the pension has been written off. Did you do it right?

19.1. To answer your question competently, lawyers need to familiarize themselves with the documents, because there are a lot of nuances.
It can be assumed that there was a court order. Then you need to get a copy of the court order and file an objection to cancel it and reverse the court order (for a refund).
Next, deal with the administration and the regional MSW removal operator.

20. The gardening partnership pays for garbage removal seasonally, i.e. in fact. In winter, no one lives in our dachas. Why are we forced to sign a contract for the whole year? What to do? We have a small private enterprise and don’t have that kind of money.

20.1. Why are we forced to sign a contract for the whole year?
Dear Natalya Alekseevna! Before answering the question "why", we must first find out Who specifically forces you? AND How forces? :sm_be:
If there is a physical impact (for example, fingers are clamped in a vice and twisted), then this is already crime! :sm_av:
Get your fingers out and call the police! :sm_ad:

21. What documents must be submitted in order not to pay for waste removal at the place of registration. I have citizenship of another state, where I have lived for many years. Thank you!

21.1. Provide the operator for recalculation with documents confirming the fact of residence at a different address (lease agreement, ownership, registration or registration, extract from the house register...)

22. Is my family required to pay for garbage (removal) if we collect it ourselves? But nevertheless they demand payment from us. Even if we don't use their services.

22.1. Hello, Natalya. You can find the answer to your question in the publication

23. Is it worth paying for garbage removal if you don’t live according to your registration?

23.1. Yes, you are required to pay at the place of registration.

24. Do I need to pay for garbage removal if no one is registered or lives in the small family? The owner lives in another apartment and pays for garbage removal there.

24.1. Yes, you need to pay for garbage removal according to the number of owners.

25. Is it legal to charge a fee for garbage removal if the owner of the apartment has died and there are no registered ones.

25.1. Hello! Before the heirs enter into inheritance, there is no owner in the apartment - charging for utility services is unlawful.

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26. If no one is registered in a private house, the owner is obliged to pay for garbage removal.

26.1. Will pay according to the number of owners.

27. Do we need to pay for garbage removal (solid household waste)? We live in a village. What law? And why is it in a separate column on the electricity receipt? Garbage sites are only on paper stores, and for April you have to pay 132 rubles per person. 5 people are registered. 2 adults and 3 children, schoolchildren and a preschooler.

27.1. Part 5 of Article 30 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Services for the collection and removal of solid household waste are not classified as utility services paid for according to the rules of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, and therefore the fee for the collection and removal of such waste is included in the fee for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and its amount is determined in accordance with with the provisions of Article 156 of the Code, that is, it is charged not from one person, but from 1 sq. m of apartment living space. The RF Armed Forces came to this conclusion

According to subparagraph "e" of paragraph 11 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491, the maintenance of common property, depending on the composition, design features, degree of physical wear and technical condition common property, and also depending on the geodetic and climatic conditions of the location of an apartment building, includes, in particular, the collection and removal of solid and liquid household waste, including waste generated as a result of the activities of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using non-residential (built-in and attached) premises in an apartment building.

K. contacted Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with an application to recognize subparagraph "d" of paragraph 11 of the Rules as invalid, citing the fact that solid household waste is not the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, therefore the service for their collection and removal cannot be considered as the maintenance of the common property of the house, the organization collection and removal of such waste accumulated in containers installed near the house on specially equipped sites is entrusted to local governments; as a result of the erroneous attribution of solid household waste to the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building, the fee for their removal is charged not from one person, but from 1 sq. m of apartment living space as part of funds collected for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the house.

According to the applicant, the contested norm contradicts the provisions of Part 1 of Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Federal Law “On General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” and violates his rights.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation refused to satisfy K.'s application. I provided the following as justification for my decision:

The rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 in accordance with Articles 39 and 156 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which gives the Government of the Russian Federation the authority to establish such Rules, as well as regulating the main issues of maintaining common property in an apartment building home and determining the amount of payment for residential premises.

In accordance with Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the fee structure for residential premises and utilities includes a fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, which includes fees for services and work on managing an apartment building, maintenance and routine repairs, and for owners of premises in the house - and major repairs of common property in an apartment building, and payment for utilities.
The structure of fees for utility services is disclosed in Part 4 of this article of the Code, which does not include fees for the collection and removal of solid household waste.

Thus, services for the collection and removal of solid household waste are not classified as utility services paid according to the rules of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, and therefore the fee for the collection and removal of such waste is included in the fee for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and its the size is determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 156 of the Code.

The contested norm is also consistent with the provisions of Part 1 of Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, to which the applicant refers. Within the meaning of this norm, common property in an apartment building includes, in particular, sanitary and other equipment located in a given house outside or inside the premises and serving more than one premises, land plot, on which this house is located, with elements of landscaping and landscaping and other objects intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of this house, located on the specified land plot.

Equipment and other facilities used for collecting solid household waste (garbage chutes, containers, storage bins, specially equipped areas, etc.) are intended for the maintenance and operation of the entire apartment building. This is expressly reflected in the Rules and Regulations technical operation housing stock(clauses 1.8, 3.7, 5.9, etc.), approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated September 27, 2003 N 170. The operation of such facilities and equipment, which consists of the collection and removal of solid household waste accumulated in them, repair and maintenance of the facilities themselves, is carried out owners of apartment building premises in the common interests.

Consequently, the collection and removal of solid household waste generated as a result of the activities of residents of an apartment building (cooking, packaging of goods, cleaning and maintenance of equipment and premises, including those intended for servicing the entire house, etc.) are integral part maintenance of the common property of an apartment building, which is enshrined in the contested norm.

The applicant’s reference in support of his claim to paragraph 24 of Article 16 of Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” is unfounded. This norm, which relates to issues of local importance of the urban district, the organization of collection, removal, disposal and processing of household and industrial waste, does not concern the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building, and therefore is not relevant to the case under consideration.

Each resident of an apartment building must cover the costs of collection, removal and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW). A fee for garbage removal is charged to all registered occupants of the apartment. Tariffs are used to establish and maintain waste collection points.

Legislation on waste disposal

New legislation ( Law No. 458) regulates the provision of public services, including the export of municipal solid waste (MSW). Payment for waste removal is included either in the general payment bill or in a separate calculation, which is carried out in accordance with current contractual obligations. The law also answered the question of communal or housing service waste removal. Now it's a public service.

All payments are calculated according to tariffs and standards approved by local authorities. The total amount is set by the organization that enters into a contract with the owner or tenant for the removal of solid waste; the utility service depends on the amount of square footage of a particular residential premises and the number of registered residents.

MSW is waste that is created in apartment buildings by residents in the process of life. These include products that have lost their everyday meaning for a particular consumer, and goods that have become unusable. It is impossible to calculate the amount of MSW using metering devices, this is what distinguishes this utility service from others.

Each region has its own program for the removal of municipal waste and selects an operator for its disposal in in a certain order. The latter is obliged:

  • collect solid waste in housing and communal services in accordance with current standards;
  • transport them to a landfill;
  • process;
  • recycle;
  • render harmless;
  • engage in waste disposal.

The choice of operator remains with the regional administration, which holds competitions to determine. The selected regional operator works for ten years, and apartment owners enter into a public contract with him in accordance with the law and pay for the service based on it. In addition, the management company also enters into a contract with the operator for the transportation of MSW.

Tariffs and calculations

A little about how much such a service costs. The law defines tariffs and payments for the export of waste, which are prescribed in the contract for the provision of waste management services. Operators cannot charge more than what is established in the region by the local administration. The following tariffs are subject to regulation:

  • waste treatment;
  • disinfection;
  • burial;
  • actions with solid household waste (collection and removal of solid waste, recycling).

Since 2016, a new list of housing and communal services has been in effect, and the calculation procedure, and, therefore, payment for their use, has changed. Today, the garbage collection service is a separate column in the list of public utilities for the population.

A few words about how the fee for solid waste removal per person in an apartment building is calculated. This is done based on the standards for each resident of the apartment, which are determined by regional standards. When such a service is provided by a company under a government contract, there is no need to conclude an agreement with it; nothing changes during recalculation. If the government contract was concluded before 2016, then it is automatically extended for the time specified in it, and in this case there is no separate column in the receipt.

All property owners in multi-storey buildings enter into an agreement for the provision of waste export services with a regional operator; this also applies to residents of communal apartments. Also, a similar contract can be concluded with management company as a representative body. This decision has been made at a general meeting of apartment owners to organize garbage collection and utility services since 2017.

An additional obligation, which is stipulated in the legislation, is that the export of MSW and payment standards for utility services in a multi-storey building are carried out by the regional operator in accordance with the signed contract. It is concluded both with the property owners and with the management company. Based on this, payments for the supplied utility service can be calculated and executed.

Controversial issues

But the latest law also contains controversial circumstances, which include the problem of ownership of waste collection containers and sites. The quality of the service provided, which is sold from the MSW collection site, is also questionable. It must be equipped in accordance with the rules and maintained in proper condition. The management company or the owners of housing in an apartment building are responsible for this.

Gathering places are not the property of either the owners or the regional administration. Therefore, they are required to be designated as part of the common property and accordingly registered in order to be given to the regional operator.

The legislation does not provide for a definition of the quality of waste removal services, but it states that the operator must provide both high-quality and safe service. After the entry into force of such legislation, property owners purchased new utilities, and the management company now reports differently.