A small scene for March 8th.

Arrange a real fun party not that much of a problem. You just need to prepare well for it and then you will succeed one hundred percent. We need to think about games for the holiday, a competition and other details, for example, come up with funny scenes for March 8, which everyone will like. For women, you can act out many different scenes that are suitable for a corporate event. We have some ideas and we will share them with you. And so, let's watch.

Scene - women's F-MOBILE!

- how many different entrepreneurs tried to enter the automobile market! They all wanted to come up with the best car that would conquer everyone at once. But it's not that simple, and all of these entrepreneurs failed. And we have new businessmen who, in honor of March 8th, present their modern new F-MOBILE!!!

The representatives and the girl with them come out. The representatives talk, and the girl demonstrates. A girl should dress vulgarly and beautifully at the same time.

Businessman 1:
- and so, we suggest you consider with different sides and see all the delights of this F-MOBILE.

Businessman 2:
- we look, we examine, but we don’t touch! Since the F-MOBILE is on the alarm system that comes with the kit.

The F-MOBILE “alarm” goes out - a tall, strong man.

Businessman 1:
- You are probably interested in the characteristics of this model? They will amaze you.

Businessman 2:
- The F-MOBILE starts with one glass of wine! If there is no wine. Then you can add cheaper fuel, for example, beer.

Businessman 1:
- it is important to note that non-alcoholic fuel does not start this model! And if you use jet fuel - vodka - then know that the consequences can be very different. J-MOBILE has not yet been tested with such fuel.

Businessman 2:
- F-MOBILE does not have a permanent color. The top can be painted in absolutely any color. And yet it will still be beautiful.

Businessman 1:
- J-MOBILE is a chameleon. As soon as you change your handbag, your shoes immediately change too!

Businessman 2:
- to the disappointment of men, in the J-MOBILE you have to change the suspension annually, or even twice a year!

Businessman 1:
- also, along with the pendant, rings, earrings and other important details that are visible to everyone change.

Businessman 2:
- this model has a very good instincts– she herself knows where discounts and sales are and in a matter of minutes gets to the right place without a navigator.

Businessman 1:
- J-MOBILE never receives fines. The model looks so beautiful in the pictures of the traffic police cameras that the employees cannot send a fine, but only admire the photo.

Businessman 2:
- technical inspection must be done once a week. These are always different technical inspections: solarium, spa or massage room.

Businessman 1:
- J-MOBILE can only be washed with expensive shampoos and gels. Laundry soap will not work here.

Businessman 2:
- this model is equipped not only with rear-view mirrors, but also with mirrors to see yourself in full height.

Businessman 1:
- the car trunk is made according to the principle women's bag– it’s small, but absolutely everything fits there. Only then you will find absolutely nothing there!

Businessman 2:
- this concludes the presentation of the new F-MOBILE model, you can come up and take photos.

The scene is a new sledgehammer.

The next scene is small, but very instructive. It is no secret that on February 23, women give men socks and battles, and men give women various gifts on March 8. This is not fair, and we will show you how women feel if they are given the same thing every time on March 8th. Let's look:

The scene is a monologue of a woman.

Curvy women consider themselves curvy, not fat. In this monologue, such a chubby girl will talk interesting stories about your life, about your husband and everything else. If you want, the chubby can be a man in disguise, perhaps it will be funnier.
Here is the text of the monologue.

" url="http://scenarii.ru/scenario/index1.php?raz=3&prazd=308&page=1">

08.02.2019 | Looked at the script 8366 Human

In some kingdom
Rosinsky state,
Tsar Artyom thought about the Duma -
I am saddened by the difficult news.

Treasurer bad news
Preserving the maiden honor
Julia presented the king with
Like, I’m telling the whole truth:
“I don’t have a shred of money,
At least strip naked!”

Corporate party for women on March 8

06.02.2019 | Looked at the script 5460 Human

1. Presenter _ in a formal suit
2. Yashka the artilleryman - boots, stick
3. Girl No. 1 – scarves, aprons (aprons)
4. Girl No. 2
5. Girl No. 3
6. Grandfather-elder - cap
7. Garpina - scarf, bottle
8. Gritsko – military cap
9. Popandopulo...

for adults

04.02.2019 | Looked at the script 10250 Human

We dress up in advance (Robes, dresses, scarves and make “pretty large” busts out of balloons)

- Today is a solemn day!
Happy day!
Day of unearthly beauty!
We give you our love and of course flowers!

Our dear fighting friends!

Sketch for March 8 “Masha and the Bear”

04.02.2019 | Looked at the script 4695 Human

Hello Mashunya, would you like some honey?
- Hello Mishunya, mmm I won’t refuse!
- Then take the pot, it’s standing at the entrance.
- Yes, yes Mishunya, let's dispel the sadness!

I can destroy a pot in 3 approaches.
- Yeah, putting microbes in there with your furry paw?!
- What...

The scene “The eighth of March is around the corner!”

27.01.2019 | Looked at the script 10418 Human

The eighth of March is around the corner,
In the shops - men -
Everyone's pushing, guys.
They should find a gift!
Carrying glorious bouquets -
From mimosa from carnations,
And in the other hand - sweets -
To prove that he's a man!
Leaning on the lady's cheek,
Ay love yu and all that,
With compliments...

An interesting congratulations script for March 8

26.01.2019 | Looked at the script 13339 Human

Host: Dear friends!
And again spring, of course, March-
The spring holiday is yours.
Winter is gone, love is in overdrive!
And our feelings start!
Spring and women are a single whole, inseparable. Let's ask ourselves the question - why? The answer to this can only be given...

Theater script for congratulations on March 8

25.01.2019 | Looked at the script 8886 Human

"Voice behind the scene":
Hello, ladies, gentlemen!
How did you get here?
I tell you without deceit,
You have entered our kingdom.
And our head, as of old,
Almighty, formidable king.
Don’t you dare offend him -
He is called Eremey!

“King Eremey” enters majestically...

Script of congratulations for March 8

25.01.2019 | Looked at the script 7871 Human

The bright one is knocking on our door with huge boots spring holiday March 8th, and of course, every man wants to show off his talent by doing at least something nice for his woman(s). It's no secret that my page is often visited not only by my...

Script of congratulations for March 8

24.01.2019 | Looked at the script 7300 Human

From March 8th. (variations on the theme “About Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow”)
Believe me or don't believe me - it was in the spring.
Once upon a time there lived a sultan, he had an oil fountain, one gas tap,
He adored all the ladies, had his own clan and his name was Ivan.
Flew by...

Scenario for a theatrical corporate party on March 8!

24.01.2019 | Looked at the script 5556 Human

Congratulations from the pioneers.
Under drum roll a detachment of pioneers enters the stage. The equipment corresponds to the performance (T-shirt, shorts, white socks and red ties and caps). Some have a butterfly net in their hands, others have drums, and the one walking...

At the entrance to the hall, teachers receive tickets with a number (the same numbers are placed in a basket for subsequent drawing).
On the screen is a presentation for March 8th.

On the screen is a video for teachers prepared by high school students.

There is an image of a train on the screen. The sound of wheels. The train whistle sounds.

Explorer 1: Today, on the eve of the most wonderful holiday, international women's day, as beautiful as our passengers, we will take you to your dream. They are different for everyone, but the main thing is that we think about you and your desires.

Explorer 2:
Spring comes as a holiday once again,
Brings warmth, smiles, renewal!
We congratulate you on the Eighth of March,
We wish you a good mood!

Explorer 1:
Let miracles happen sometimes
May your heart never know trouble!
Let your home and your favorite school class
Harmony and joy always fill!

Explorer 2: And now, dear passengers, the head of the train _____ (director) welcomes you.

Fanfare sounds. Director's word.

Against the background of the noise of the station.

Explorer 1: Well, now a fascinating journey through the wish stations awaits us.

Explorer 2: And what kind of dream, I wonder, can a woman have?

Explorer 1: Well, which one? Of course, one of the most important women's desires is to be a good mother. Raise worthy people.

The train whistle sounds.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers! Our train arrives at Materinskaya station. Train stop - 10 minutes.

Explorer 1: Passengers whose ticket numbers are invited to get off at the station...
The conductors take out 3 numbers from the hat and invite the participants to the stage.

Explorer 2: Hello, dear ladies. You, of course, are already experienced mothers (you are about to become a mother/you have recently become a mother), you probably know that loving mother should create not only an atmosphere of love emotionally, but also ensure that your child looks like the teacher’s child: neat, clean and in shape.

Explorer 1: So, imagine the situation: your child gets ready for school on his own (child models appear on stage in unkempt appearance), and you are late for work, but you can’t send your child to school like this. Dear participants, you have exactly one minute to get the children in order.

Explorer 2:
Is the task clear to everyone? Well, then let's get started, attention, let's begin!

Cheerful music is playing.

Explorer 1: Well done, you did a great job, now the guys are really ready to go to school. And you, our respected teachers, receive the title “The most neat and orderly.”

Explorer 2: And, of course, every mother has read fairy tales to her child at least once.

Explorer 1: Our dear passengers who did not get off the train at this station, the next task is for you.

Explorer 2: The conditions are very simple: the name of a fairy tale is given, in which each word is inverted to its opposite meaning. You need to guess the fairy tale. For example, “The Fox and the Six Chickens” - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Explorer 1: answers:
- “Dog in Mittens” - “Puss in Boots”.
- “The Dressed Beggar” - “The Naked King”.
- “The Magnificent Swan” - “The Ugly Duckling.”
- “Seven skinny guys” - “Three fat guys.”
- “Peasant Woman – Monkey” - “Princess – Frog”.
- “Ivan the Ugly” - “Vasilisa the Beautiful.”
- “Dancers of Munich” - “Musicians of Bremen”.
- “Red mustache” - “Blue beard”.
- “Rusty Lock” - “Golden Key”.
- « Rubik's Cube" - "Kolobok".
- “Blue Shoe” - “Little Red Riding Hood”.

Explorer 2: What amazingly smart and savvy passengers set off on our exciting journey, well done!

Explorer 1: It’s time for us to hit the road towards our dreams!

The sound of train wheels.


Explorer 1: Yes! And the song is wonderful.

Explorer 1: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the Komplimetnov station, the stopping time is 6 minutes.

Explorer 2: All women love to be the center of attention and simply love it when they receive compliments.

Explorer 1: Holders of tickets with numbers are invited to get off at the station...
(6 numbers are drawn).

Explorer 2: Hello, dear ladies, now you have a unique opportunity to show your best qualities.

Explorer 1: You have to compliment each other. Whoever hesitates is eliminated. The last one standing will be the winner.

(teachers give compliments).

Explorer 2: Well done, the winner was ________, but you all deserve the proud title of “The Most Charming and Attractive.” Congratulations!

Explorer 1: And now we ask you to take your seats in the carriage.

Explorer 2: Any trip begins with getting to know each other. Of course, we all know each other for a long time, but is it good enough? Let's check.

Explorer 1: Now on the pieces of paper offered to you, you will have to write the name of one animal (any) in plural.

(teachers are given pieces of paper on which they write the names of animals)

Explorer 2: Perhaps now we will learn something new about our teachers. I read the epithets, naming the addressee, and one by one you name who you wrote.
Our teachers:
1. Affectionate, like...
2. Sociable, like...
3. Beautiful as...
4. Smiling like...
5. Neat, like...
6. Brave as...

Explorer 1: They behave:
1. In the classroom how...
2. With work colleagues like...
3. With the director how...
4. In the doctor’s office, how…
5. At home it’s like...
6. In the store...
Very honest! Well, now there’s a gift for you.


Explorer 2: What wonderful music, it amazes the imagination.

Explorer 1: Yes very nice! Beauty and woman are two inseparable concepts.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the Krasota station, the stopping time is 6 minutes.

Explorer 1: But when you hear the word “beauty,” what do you think about?

Explorer 2: I immediately imagine images of our vast Motherland, the beauty of nature.

Explorer 1: And I imagine a beautiful meadow strewn with different bright flowers.

Explorer 2: Yes, in my opinion, flowers truly represent beauty.

Explorer 1: Not just according to you. I think any lady will agree with this statement.

Explorer 2: Surely, each of our passengers knows the name of hundreds of flowers growing on our planet.

Explorer 1: And this is what we will check. Passengers with ticket numbers are invited to get off at the “Beauty” station...
(6 numbers are drawn out, the participants go up to the stage).

Explorer 2: Dear ladies, your task is to say all kinds of color names one by one, the main thing is not to repeat yourself.

Explorer 1: So, is the task clear? Let's start!

(participants call the names of flowers in turn, whoever stumbles is eliminated)

Explorer 2: Indeed, our passengers know a lot of colors. And of course, each of them deserves the title “Chief Beauty Connoisseur.”

Explorer 1: We wish you beauty:
In every appearance, in every movement.
And beautiful actions of people,
And beautiful dreams in your sleep.

Explorer 2: AND have a beautiful morning in winter,
When the snow had not yet fallen,
And be beautiful yourself
So that a handsome man falls in love with you.


The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.

Explorer 1: Well, to pass the time on the way, we suggest chatting a little.

Explorer 2: Dear teachers, I have a question for you: do you good memory?
Then, tell me, how many people in this room are called Natalya? (answers)
How many are there who were born under the constellation Virgo? (answers)
How many teachers are there in total? (answers)
How many people dream of a vacation? (answers)
What was the first question I asked you all? (answers)

Still, the first question was: “Do you have a good memory?”

Explorer 1: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the “Women’s Happiness” station, the stopping time is 6 minutes.

Explorer 2: What is women's happiness? What it is?

Explorer 1: But now we’ll try to find out. At this station we invite 6 participants to exit, whose ticket numbers are ....
(6 numbers are pulled out, the participants go on stage).

Explorer 2: We have come into our hands with a magic hat that will allow us to read the thoughts of our dear participants and find out what female happiness is.

(Conductor 1 takes turns putting hats on the heads of the participants. At the same time, musical excerpts are played:
1. Money, money, money
2. Let me go to the Himalayas
3. Laughter
4. Oh, what a blessing it is to know that you are perfect.
5. I want to fly
6. A woman’s happiness would be if she had a cute one nearby)

At the end of the competition, Conductor 1 puts a hat on the head of Conductor 2, who stands on the side thoughtfully, so that he takes it backstage, and at this time the excerpt sounds: Well, the citizens are alcoholics...)

Explorer 2: Oh sorry (runs backstage with a hat)

Explorer 1: Perhaps one of the most important women’s dreams is to love and be loved and to find the one person who would protect and protect.
We want to wish you eternal
Very bright love without embellishment.
We want to wish you tenderness
And love and loving eyes.

And our participants are awarded the title “The most honest and frank”

The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.



Explorer 2: What a wonderful song!

Explorer 1: Certainly. It’s not for nothing that this station is called a music station. How musical are our respected teachers?

Explorer 2: Now we will check this. The owners of the remaining numbers are invited to the stage.

Teachers sing songs about women

The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the Fortuna station, the stopping time is 10 minutes.

Explorer 1: Any woman would probably like to be lucky in everything, so that fortune would be hers faithful companion.

Explorer 2:
Today we have the opportunity to make sure of your luck.

Explorer 1: Luck plays out at this station. All named tickets will receive prizes.

(numbers are given and their owners receive prizes)
1. Aircraft (balloon).
2. Small-sized washing machine (eraser).
3. Don’t get bored in the evenings - drink fragrant tea (tea).
4. The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
5. To save up money in abundance, sew the outfits yourself. Here you go (threads)
6. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, so hold it (pencil).
7. Get Grand Prize, you - an egg rack.
8. This little thing will come in handy. This is a (ballpoint pen).
9. You would like a piano, but you got (a calendar).
10. In life you have to hope for the best; take glue if something doesn’t stick (glue).
11. Your surprise is quite rare - two paper napkins (napkins).
12. Let your neighbor be jealous. Some (candy) for you
13. Listen to advice - fruits best diet. (apple).
14. Get it - hurry up, you need a notebook, write poetry. (notebook).
15. In both cold weather and snowstorms, you need matches in everyday life. (matches).
16. By chance, your ticket gave you Ceylon tea (tea).
17. Not whistles and not skates. Very fashionable... (Laces)
18. To keep your face and sock clean, your ticket dropped (a piece of scented soap)
19. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, it was torn to the point of pain, we give (a package) in return - there is nothing else!
20. Let everyone see clearly Get a fluffy (brush)
21. Hush, hush, don’t cry, We got your ball. (balloon)
22. I need her a little too. Disposable spoon.
23. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice. (A handful of small coins)
24. This ball will stop children's crying. ( Balloon)
25. To prevent your cap from being blown away by the wind, we are giving you a gift (a paperclip)
26. You wanted to get a flashlight, but you just got it (a ball)
27. It will be useful for you to find out your income (notepad)
28. Antique hanger. (Nail)
29. This prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Seeds).
30. Vessel for drinking various drinks. ( a plastic cup)
31. You and your companion will not disappear anywhere; you will not come home hungry from any guests.
(Plastic fork)
32. Do you love potatoes? We'll give you some. Chew, chew, don’t yawn, and treat your neighbors. (1 potato tuber or bag of chips)
33. The sun, air and water are ours best friends! And so that you don’t get sunstroke while walking, put on a panama hat and walk calmly! (Newspaper hat)
34. This ticket gives you a flight, a large plane takes off into the sky. (Paper airplane)
35. Oh, what a great fellow you are - get some (lollipop).
36. He will always try to stop the loss of strength! There used to be a shortage, it’s called “Coffee”!
37. There is no typewriter, we offer this item. (pen).
38. Some get soap, some get a candy wrapper, but you got a bow!
39. Let your heart burn like this candle.
40. The calendar is small, but remote. He will show you the day and year he lives in every house.

Explorer 2: How sweet is the taste of life when it
Rich, beautiful and swift,
Full of good and joyful events,
In every moment she is amazing.

Explorer 1: Let life be like this year after year,
Everything becomes better mood,
And every day will bring a gift
Success, luck, happiness and luck!


Explorer 1: Unfortunately, our journey has come to an end.

Explorer 2: But the holiday is just beginning. There are three days off ahead.

(concert participants exit)
1: Our dear teachers!
Thank you for your knowledge, skills,
For the light of a smile, a kind word,

2: For your work, for your love and for your patience,
We are grateful for your help again.

3: Thank you for everything you do for us!

4: May all your dreams always come true, be it a dream of luck or love.

5: Let any of your wishes come true, because if you really want something, it will certainly work out!

6: May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window,

8: We wish you all inspiration,
In the circle of family - love and kindness,

9: Among friends - warmth and respect,
And in life – dreams come true!


March 8 is the most long-awaited holiday for all women on the planet. Usually, even little girls, who together with their mothers receive compliments and gifts, are not deprived of attention. March 8 is celebrated at school along with other holidays, and on this day the administration faces a difficult task: to please not only teachers and schoolgirls, but also mothers and grandmothers invited to the concert. The proposed scenario is designed for students of primary and secondary age. high school. By contacting him, you can find the best for March 8th for high school students and find out the design features of the assembly hall.

Some organizational issues

Traditionally, the hosts of such events are a boy and a girl - the most active and bright high school students who know how to carry on a conversation with the audience. Decoration of the hall on March 8 at school - important point. Since fresh flowers are expensive, you can use artificial ones, do not forget about balloons and children's drawings. Funny scenes and jokes must be diluted with dances and songs prepared by the schoolchildren themselves. At the beginning of the holiday, you should verbally congratulate the teachers present and, if possible, give each a bouquet of flowers. At the end, each class retires to their respective rooms and continues the celebration with cakes and soft drinks.

Opening of the event

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear teachers and students!

Presenter 2: Hello, dear parents and guests of our event!

Presenter 1: Today we gathered in the assembly hall of our beloved school to celebrate the day when the fair half of humanity awaits beautiful words and pleasant deeds.

Presenter 2: This day is dedicated to you, dear teachers, mothers, grandmothers and, of course, our students.

Presenter 1: Celebrating March 8th at school has already become a tradition in our small friendly team, and therefore Diana and I and our event participants will try to make this holiday unforgettable. The floor is given...

Day of tea drinking and feasting!

Our mothers, we love you,

We will not forget your love and care!

Witty and funny skits on March 8 for high school students

Presenter 1: Diana, do you think our graduates are as cheerful as elementary school girls?

Presenter 2: Maxim, I have no doubt about it! In order to prove this, we will now ask students in grade 9-B to go onto the stage with miniatures.

Scene “Conspiracy against the chemical worker”

Sidorov, I didn’t expect to catch you in the backyard of the school with a lighter! Now you can dance with me! Don’t come tomorrow without your parents, I’ll tell them that you’re addicted to cigarettes!

Sergei Viktorovich, no need for parents! I made firecrackers for Nadezhda Ilyinichna and wanted to set them on fire now.

For your chemist, perhaps? So don’t throw them through the window, Sidorov, but from the roof - let’s go, I’ll help!

- My 10-A made me so happy today! The guys gave me a subscription to the Thai sauna, manicure, pedicure and chocolate massage included! How golden they are, how much money they spent on it! This is the most best gift on March 8!

Now we know, Ariadna Ilyinichna, who robbed the school piggy bank...

Sketch “Kings Now and Then”

Presenter 1: They say that current generation children have become completely different: boys and girls do not respect teachers and indulge in obscene antics. Let's make sure of this and listen to the conversation of teachers who left the Soviet school.

Raisa Fedorovna, what the difficult times gone now! Once upon a time our profession was the highest paid and most prestigious. Teachers could be compared to kings, because they were the ones who educated society. Now show me a person at school who could be called a king?

And today children, Lidia Pavlovna, consider themselves as such: they are the most omniscient among us.

Sketch “Oversized bag”

Presenter 2: Diana, I bet I can spot the teacher at first sight!

Presenter 1: And how will you do this, Maxim?

Presenter 2: It's simple - after all, teachers have the largest bags, which can fit not only magazines, but also, it seems, a bicycle. We hope that funny scenes for March 8th (we saved this work for high school students) you will certainly like it.

Petrov goes to meet the teacher in English along the corridor and asks to rate him in the diary:

Svetlana Sergeevna, I answered today at the blackboard and got an A! Put it in my diary so that I can please my mother, because tomorrow is March 8th!

Okay, Petrov, just wait, I’ll find a red pen.

(Svetlana Sergeevna takes out magazines, notebooks, diaries, pencil cases and some women’s “tricks” from her oversized bag - a comb, lipstick, a mirror).

Svetlana Sergeevna, it’s already dark outside, it’s time for me to go home. While you look for a pen here, I’ll come to you tomorrow for an estimate. And by the way, congratulations on March 8th!

The school holiday ends...

Presenter 1: Dear guests, our gala event is coming to an end.

Presenter 2: We hope that you really liked the poems for mothers and funny scenes for March 8 (for high school students, as it turned out, preparing such a number is a pleasure!), and that upon returning home you will have a pleasant impression of our holiday.

Presenter 1: We would like to thank you with all our hearts, dear teachers, for the work you put into our upbringing and education; you, dear mothers and grandmothers, for your endless support; you, dear girls, for trying your best to gain knowledge and growing into disciplined students.

Presenter 2: And now a little surprise awaits you - tea party. We ask teachers, students and parents to go to their classrooms.

The celebration of March 8 was completed in the assembly hall. It is appropriate to continue humorous skits and other activities in the classroom. Before this, parents are invited to visit an exhibition of drawings and products. The works presented there were completed by students studying in the sections of Fine Art, Beading, Photography and others (if any).

Ivanov: At school I am the most exemplary boy, because they always set me up as an example: “Don’t run like Ivanov, don’t talk like Ivanov, don’t do like Ivanov!”

Children's script for March 8 - scene No. 2

Teacher: Marchenko, if I give you a kitten, and then two more kittens, and then three more kittens, how many of them will you have?

Marchenko: 8!

Teacher: Listen carefully! First a kitten, then two kittens, then three kittens! How many?

Marchenko: 8!

Teacher: Let's do it differently! One candy plus two candies, plus three candies! How many?

Marchenko: 6!

Teacher: Finally! And a kitten, plus two kittens, plus three kittens! How many?

Marchenko: 8!

Teacher:…But why?! !

Marchenko: And I already have two kittens!

Celebration scenario for March 8th at school - scene No. 3

Three teachers are talking.

Mathematician: What kind of children did I come across! I explain to them what a tangent is, but they don’t understand. I'll explain it a second time. Do not understand! The third time I already understood it myself, but they still don’t get it!

Historian: Yep, problem! I ask my class who took the Bastille - they won’t confess!

Trudovik: Yes, nothing, they are children! They will play and give it away. And if they break it, I’ll make a new one!

Scenario for March 8 - scene No. 4

Vovochka was given a math test homework create a task. He asks mom to check.

Vovochka: Vasya did 5 push-ups, and Dima did 7 push-ups.

Mother: Where is the question?

Vovochka: What question?

Mother: Well, in the problem there should be a question after the condition.

Vovochka(after a minute of thought): Vasya did 5 push-ups. Dot. Dima did 7 push-ups. Dot.

Mother: So, where is the question?

Vovochka(irritated): What other question do you need?

Mother: A question that should appear at the end of the task. A question you would like to have an answer to.

Vovochka(after another minute of thinking): I got it! Vasya did 5 push-ups. Dima did 7 push-ups. And what?

Children's scenario for March 8 at school - scene No. 5

Sveta(in biology class): Yesterday I found five dead flies. Three males and two females.

Teacher: How did you determine their gender?

Sveta: Very simple! Three of them stuck to the beer, and two to the mirror!

Scenario for March 8 at school - scene No. 6

Modern excuses for students at school:

Math teacher: Children, open your textbook to page 54.

Pupil: Oh, Marivanna, I forgot to charge my iPad yesterday!

Scenario for March 8 at school - scene No. 7

Two teachers are talking.

1st teacher: Working at school has become simply impossible! The teacher is afraid of the director. The director is afraid of the inspector. The inspector is afraid of the ministry. The minister is afraid of parents. Parents are afraid of children...

2nd teacher: Yeah... And only children are not afraid of anyone!

An interesting scenario for March 8 - scene No. 8

The teacher caught the student with a lighter.

Teacher: I'll stop you from smoking, Petrenko!

Petrenko: Semyon Semyonich, honestly, I don’t smoke!

Teacher: Then why do you need a lighter?

Petrenko: And I light firecrackers and throw them into the chemistry room.

Teacher: Ah... Well, then excuse me!