How to distinguish cedar from pine: photo, description, places of growth. Cedar pine, cedar is the king of forests. How does cedar differ from pine?

The choice of material such as cedar board, pine or aspen - a very responsible task. It’s quite easy for an ignorant person to make a mistake in this matter, so before you start buying lumber, you should read this article.

What is the board made of - aspen, cedar and others

You can recognize the type of lumber by its characteristic color and pattern. Of course, only a specialist can distinguish, for example, a Christmas tree from a pine tree, but an aspen board will be noticeably different from them both in color and structure. They also differ in properties. Boards made of coniferous wood, unlike aspen, are not suitable for finishing steam rooms, as they will release resin over a long period of time. Secondly, the difference in price can reach several times. So, how can you determine which board is in front of you and what it is used for?

Cedar board. In fact, boards that are called cedar are very rarely made from real cedar. The fact is that in Russia the Siberian cedar pine is called cedar, which, according to by and large has nothing in common with real cedar, growing, for example, in Lebanon. But it is almost impossible to find material from this tree, and the price will be, to put it mildly, rather high. It is quite difficult for a non-professional to distinguish boards made of Siberian cedar from ordinary pine. It is believed that the wood of the first is slightly reddish, but this, unfortunately, is not always the case. Therefore, the most reliable way to recognize “cedar” is to smell it. The smell should be very bright and persistent. However, to make sure that what you are looking at is not pine, it is best to take a specialist with you when you go shopping.

Unlike other conifers, cedar wood does not rot, and in strength can be compared with stone or metal. Cedar boards do not burn, and one of the main enemies of wood - wood-boring beetles - simply bypasses it. The density of Siberian cedar boards is low, so it is impossible to make any important structures from it.

Pine boards, along with spruce boards, are the most popular lumber. As a rule, at construction sites such boards are sold mixed - that is, you may find both spruce and pine. Many experts believe that spruce is still preferable, since it is less susceptible to rotting and retains accumulated heat better. You can distinguish lumber from these two types of wood by the number of knots - there will be much fewer of them on spruce boards than on pine boards. Their scope in construction is extensive. They are used to make formwork, rafters, sheathing, and subfloors. In addition, pine and spruce wood is the most popular material for the manufacture of various moldings (platbands, baseboards, layouts, etc.), window and door blocks, and lining.

Aspen board. Most often, such boards are used for finishing steam rooms, since they, unlike conifers, do not release resin when heated. In addition, aspen lumber does not rot during humid environment, and also, according to many experienced bathhouse attendants, they “take away” the old steam. Such wood can be distinguished not only by its denser structure and whitish color than that of spruce and pine, but also by its light, slightly bitter odor. However, you need to smell the aspen properly - if it has a hint of vanilla, it means the tree has begun to rot.

Marking of boards and their grades

To determine the grade of a particular coniferous edged board or timber, there are special standards. They include the number of knots, cracks, wormholes and other defects. The highest, so-called “zero” grade implies their complete absence, so it is very rare on sale and is expensive. The sizes of boards and beams, both premium and other grades, can be different - from 22x100 to 250x300 mm.

A certain number of “live” knots are allowed in first grade boards, but other defects, according to the standards, must be absent. Lumber of the second and third grades may have wood from the core of the tree. In addition, third-grade wood may contain so-called fungal core spots, that is, areas infected with wood-destroying and wood-coloring microorganisms. There is also wood of the fourth grade, but it is not recommended for use in construction. You can also find so-called unedged boards on sale. They can be distinguished by the wane (remnants of bark) on the edges. Such boards are not sorted.

Hardwood is divided into first, second and third grade boards. In general, a grade 1 board should be as high quality as a coniferous “null” board. A board of grade 2, therefore, roughly corresponds to first-grade coniferous wood, and grade 3 is second-grade. Marking will also help you find out what type of lumber. The highest grade (for softwood lumber) is marked at the end with one horizontal stripe.

For both coniferous and deciduous materials, the first, second and third grades are indicated by one, two or three dots or vertical stripes, respectively.

Types of boards - variety of materials

In addition to edged and unedged boards, you can find other materials on sale:

  • Lining;
  • batten;
  • blockhouse;
  • imitation timber.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The lining is a tongue-and-groove plank, polished on one or both sides, with a thickness of 12.5 to 22 mm. The individual elements of this lumber are joined together using the “tenon-to-groove” principle. It can be either industrial or (less commonly) natural drying. Lining is used for finishing cladding of ceilings and walls both indoors and outdoors.

Floor board - pine, aspen, etc. Unlike lining, it is thicker (from 28 to 40 mm). As a rule, it is sanded only from the front side. On the “underside” of the floorboard, special grooves are made to relieve tension from the wood during operation. Unlike lining, the groove of which does not fully fit into the tenon, thereby forming a coating pattern, individual floorboards are fixed tightly together, without any gaps.

Imitation timber and blockhouse. Just like lining, these lumber are intended for wall cladding and are joined according to the same principle, the only difference is in the profile of the boards themselves. After installation, the imitation timber coating resembles a wall made of real planed timber with a rectangular cross-section. If a blockhouse is used for finishing, the wall will turn out exactly the same as from a rounded log.

So, having understood the varieties and grades of lumber, you can confidently go shopping without fear of being deceived. The saying that knowledge is power is true in this case as well.

Due to its excellent characteristics building materials Coniferous wood is actively used for the construction of houses, bathhouses, gazebos and other objects. They are also used for finishing premises, for example, in the form of lining. However coniferous trees are different, and now we will look at how to distinguish pine from cedar.

What's the difference?

To begin with, cedar materials are noticeably more expensive than pine analogues. And this gives some scope for fraud: under the guise of expensive cedar timber, they can sell you pine timber.

The differences between pine and cedar, which make the latter more expensive, are as follows:

  • Less attractive appearance;
  • High tendency to warping and shrinkage;
  • Higher likelihood of cracks;
  • Less durability;
  • Different microclimate.

The last point should be given special attention, since it important factor that cedar is a “noble” wood. It contains a whole spectrum useful substances, which are gradually released into the surrounding space, having a positive effect on humans.

Use in construction and decoration

The structural properties of cedar and pine are largely similar, with the exception of the above-mentioned nuances. This is not surprising, because what we call “Siberian cedar” belongs to the genus of pine trees and is cedar pine.

The use of cedar as a structural material (for the construction of load-bearing walls or a log house) is not widespread due to its high cost. However, as we have already noted, there are some advantages in building from cedar, plus an important one in lately prestige factor.

But from the point of view of interior decoration, the positive properties of cedar become more obvious, mainly due to its ability to maintain its appearance for a long time and have a beneficial effect on health.

If you don’t really want to understand the intricacies, but also don’t want to be deceived, take materials from trusted suppliers. For example, you can look here - FaneraMonolit.


The main difference between cedar and pine is their habitat. Pine grows almost everywhere, but cedar does not. Besides:

  1. The average cedar is five meters taller than the same pine.
  2. The lifespan of cedar is also longer.
  3. Cedar blooms a little later than pine.
  4. There are more deep grooves on the pine bark and they appear earlier.
  5. But here’s how to distinguish cedar from pine by its needles: in the former they grow in bunches of five, while in pine they grow in pairs. Thus, the cedar looks more “fluffy”.
  6. There are also differences in the shape of the cones. Plus, pine nuts can be eaten, but the same is not practiced with pine nuts.

What if there is already timber or clapboard in front of me?

The first option for distinguishing cedar from pine in a log house is color. Cedar has a pleasant pinkish tint that hardly fades over time. Pine is a little grayish and the color of its wood quickly fades. If we're talking about about logs, this will be especially noticeable at the ends.

The place where the knot was will be noticeably reddish on cedar material, but not on pine material.

Cedar wood has a different smell, which is due to differences in chemical composition resin Moreover, the smell of cedar lingers long time, even on processed material.

Cedar is also a little lighter than pine, and its wood has a more uniform and even structure.

If you need reliability and durability, then they can be used for work different breeds trees that are well suited for certain operating conditions. An option such as cedar flooring is used for rooms with high humidity, although this breed can be used in any room and even outside, since the material has a number of positive properties, which we will talk about in this review.

Material characteristics

As for the main indicators, here it is necessary to highlight several of the most significant factors:

Based on all the above indicators, we can conclude that the material is very light. And its resistance to humidity is very high. It should also be noted that cedar is a soft wood, which limits its use in load-bearing structures and other elements subject to high loads.

It should be noted that other material is often sold under the guise of cedar, so below we will tell you how to distinguish the real option.

Differences between the option under consideration and the scope of its application

Cedar is one of the materials that are in steady demand and have been used in the decoration of residential and other premises since ancient times, but nowadays it is very difficult to find an original option on the market, so first of all we will tell you how not to make a mistake when choosing.

How to distinguish cedar

Let us immediately note that this type trees growing in subtropical climate and in our country it is found only in the area of ​​the Crimean peninsula; the bulk of the harvested wood is of Asian origin. As for the overwhelming volumes of material of this type sold in our country, this is cedar pine, which grows in Siberia and has a rather mediocre relationship to real cedar.

That is why the question is how to distinguish cedar plank from pine, is very important and requires special attention.

A simple instruction will help you with this:

  • The most significant criterion will be the price, since delivery of material from Lebanon or the Himalayas itself costs a lot, and if the difference in cost with pine is even 50%, then most likely you are looking at the Siberian analogue. Never listen to sellers who claim that cedar pine is a cedar that grows in Siberia, as this is not true, and many experts do not even know about it;
  • If you use an unedged board, you can also pay attention to the bark, in cedar it is thinner, but it differs in texture from ordinary pine;
  • As for color, most often the material has a pink tint; sometimes there are options that are closer to beige, but this is the exception rather than the rule. The presence of yellowness and clearly traced wood fibers is the most a clear sign the fact that in front of you is a cedar pine tree;

Currently on the market finishing materials There are many types of lining available. Paneling made from pine and cedar of various varieties has become widespread. In this article we will look at some of the features of lining made from Altai cedar, and also tell you how to distinguish it from materials made from other types of wood.

This lining is unique in its own way, since the Gorno-Altai cedar, from the wood of which it is made, grows exclusively in the Altai mountains; it no longer grows in any other regions of Russia or the world. Untouched nature, the special climatic and geophysical conditions in which these trees grow give the wood special and unique properties. Residents of these places believe that these trees emit positive energy, drive away evil spirits and improve human health. Scientific research confirm that Altai cedars have a whole range of distinctive features and it is not for nothing that they have been considered extraordinary and very valuable since ancient times.

According to data obtained from scientific research, Altai cedars, compared to other Siberian cedars, have almost 2 times the density and higher strength indicators. In terms of wood's resistance to rotting, it is superior not only to such a popular material as pine, but is also identical to larch, which is recognized as practically the standard for this parameter.

Now let's move on to the question of how lining made from Altai cedar differs and how not to confuse it with materials from other types of wood.

First of all, you should pay attention to the color. It should have slightly pinkish tints; by the way, after a while your cedar lining will darken a little and acquire a reddish-pink color, which will give the interior nobility and make it more sophisticated.

Second characteristic feature– an indescribable aroma, you will not confuse it with anything else, it is a fairly strong and very pleasant pine smell with unique notes inherent only to this breed.

The lining made from Canadian cedar, unlike our Altai cedar, is darker, the color is close to brown or deep red, the smell from the wood is barely perceptible. Far Eastern or Karelian cedar is slightly brown in color, just like its Canadian counterpart does not have a strong aroma, so it is difficult to confuse these species with their Altai relative if you carefully choose.

A separate question is how to distinguish the Altai cedar lining from pine? Everything is quite simple - cedar wood is much lighter, it has a smoother and more uniform texture. Despite the fact that pine also emits a noticeable pine aroma, it is not as pleasant and strong as cedar. The pine smell should be familiar to you if you have eaten pine nuts, and once you smell it, you can’t confuse it with anything else. Also, in pine wood more resin, which not only worsens the appearance, but also makes this material unsuitable for finishing a steam room.

So, let's repeat the key distinctive features linings from Gorno-Altai cedar:

  • color;
  • texture;
  • resinousness;
  • smell.

Based on the above, we recommend that you take a responsible approach to the choice of finishing materials and turn your attention to cedar lining and imitation timber from Tsar-Kedr, which have a number of amazing qualities.

Planting and growing Siberian cedar has long been carried out in nurseries in the middle zone. Knowing the secrets of stratification, you can try to grow this tree on your own site. You will learn from this material how Siberian cedar bears fruit, how its seeds are used, and how to care for the plant.

Photo and description of Siberian cedar pine: wood, needles and seeds of Siberian cedar

First, read the photo and description of Siberian cedar, and then find out about its characteristics.

Siberian pine , or Siberian cedar (P. Sibirica) – tree up to 35 m tall. The crown is dense, sharply cone-shaped in youth, later wider. The branching is whorled. The upper branches are candelabra-shaped, raised upward. Short branches grow in close whorls. The root system is tap-type with spreading lateral roots.

The bark of Siberian cedar wood is smooth, gray, later furrowed, gray-brown. Young shoots 6–7 mm thick, light brown, covered with thick red hairs. Arranged whorled, short, prostrate. The buds are not resinous, 6-10 mm long, ovoid in shape, and have lanceolate light brown scales. The needles of Siberian cedar are dense, protruding, 6–13 cm long, 1–2 mm wide, dark green, with bluish stripes on the sides, collected in bunches of 5. Around the bunches are scale-like golden-brown leaves that quickly fly away. The needles on the branches last up to 3 years. The cones are erect, light brown, 6–13 cm long, 5–8 cm wide, ovoid or elongated.

Male spikelets are usually located in the middle part of the crown, female cones are located at the ends of the upper shoots of the tree, 2–3 near the apical bud. They ripen in the second year after flowering, within 14–15 months. Mature cones reach 6-13 cm in length and 5-8 cm in width and have tightly pressed scales with thickened scutes. Each cone contains from 30 to 150 nuts (cedar seeds). The seeds of Siberian cedar are large, 10–14 mm long, 6–10 mm wide, without wings, brown in color. When fully formed, the outer shell of the seed darkens, the cones dry out, their resin content decreases, and in August-September they fall from the tree. In a good year, one large cedar can produce up to 1000–1500 cones.

As can be seen in the photo, the Siberian cedar pine belongs to a number of species that differ significantly from our ordinary pine:

The darker needles of the cedar pine are much thicker and longer. In addition, they do not sit in twos, like in an ordinary pine, but usually in five in each bunch (in a shortened shoot). The common pine has small seeds, with large wings, the pine has large seeds, and if there is a wing, it is small, underdeveloped, and does not stick to the seed.

On Far East There is an even closer species - the Manchurian cedar pine, which is distinguished by especially large cones and great growth.

The fourth, sharply distinguished species, found in the mountains of Siberia and Kamchatka, is a low, creeping shrub that has adapted to the harshest climate.

For the first time, the description of the Siberian cedar pine was given by the Tobolsk Metropolitan Cyprian in his work “Synodica”, where he described how Novgorod merchants, who found themselves in Siberia in the 12th century, saw large trees with cones. Some of them had seen pine cones before. So they called the unfamiliar tree cedar.

How Siberian cedar bears fruit and tree propagation

Only the upper part of the crown bears fruit in Siberian cedar. Cedar pine cones are much larger and more massive. Unlike almost all other pines, these cones disintegrate when ripe, like those of fir trees.

In nature, Siberian pine pine reproduces by seeds spread by nutcrackers, chipmunks, squirrels, sables and other animals that feed on pine nuts; in culture - mainly seedlings and saplings. Particularly valuable forms are propagated by grafting. Seed production in Siberian pine pine begins at 30 years of age.

Reproduction at home is also carried out by seeds. Seeds may not appear every year, yields are relatively low.

Origin of the Siberian cedar pine: where it grows and how long the cedar lives

The origin of the Siberian pine pine is within the borders of Russia; only the southern edge of the distribution area extends into Mongolia and Kazakhstan. This forest species grows in about a third of the entire forest zone of our country. Siberian pine forests and forests with a noticeable presence of pine pine occupy 40,600,000 hectares. They are common in the mountains and plains of the northeastern regions European Russia(from the upper reaches of the Vychegda River), almost throughout Western and Eastern Siberia. These forests are called dark coniferous taiga.

In the European part of Russia in the northeast, beyond the Urals - all of Siberia and Altai. In Central Altai, the upper limit of pine growth lies at an altitude of 1900–2000 m above sea level, and in the southern regions it rises to 2400 m. Siberian cedar also grows in Mongolia, Northern China and in the Sikhote-Alin mountains, where it is found along with Korean cedar (Pinus koraiensis).

To the west from the Urals it extends to the Timan Ridge. Forms forests with Siberian fir, spruce, and larch.

Where does Siberian cedar grow in the European part of Russia? Northern border The distribution area goes along the line St. Petersburg - Kirovsk - Vologda. In the south it grows in the Caucasus.

It is very easy to breathe in a cedar forest due to the smell of pine needles and aromatic oils released by cedar wood. This wonderful feature cedar forests noticed by the ancient monks. Then the proverb arose: “In a spruce forest - to work, in a birch forest - to have fun, in a cedar forest - to pray to God.” The monks brought cedars from Siberia to middle lane Russia. And today they grow in Sergiev Posad, monasteries in the Yaroslavl and Tver regions. They are located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. How long does the Siberian cedar live in? wildlife? These are long-lived trees. They live up to 800, or even 1000 years.

Characteristics of Siberian cedar, size and growth rate

Siberian cedar pine is a species continental climate. The tree is moisture-loving and has increased demands on both soil moisture and relative humidity air, especially in winter period. This exactingness is due to the very large surface of the needles, so cedar cannot grow in places with a dry climate. The experience of creating cedar plantings in different forest conditions of Central Siberia has convincingly shown that increased growth and high preservation can be achieved only with care for 7–9 years.

One of the characteristics of Siberian cedar is its high shade tolerance, however mature age The tree grows and bears fruit better in conditions of sufficient lighting. Does not tolerate air pollution from smoke and transplantation in adulthood.

The growth rate of Siberian cedar is slow; it grows throughout its life. Trees begin to produce seeds for the first time at 25–30 years of age if they grow in the wild, but in plantations no earlier than 50 years of age.

For successful growth and seed production, it is not the climate that is important, but the soil conditions. Among coniferous plants Siberian cedar pine is a leader in smoke resistance and can grow in urban environments. It is not demanding of light and grows well in the shade. Pine of this species may suffer from Hermes lesions.

The best time to plant Siberian cedars is spring before shoots begin to grow. Seeds are sown before winter or in spring after stratification. Sometimes they graft onto common pine.

Very close to Siberian pine dwarf pine Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel, which is often called dwarf cedar. Until recently, many botanists even considered dwarf cedar to be a variety of Siberian pine.

Cedar pine is found in Russia and Western Europe in several species. The most common of them is our Siberian “cedars”, which are found partly to the west of the Urals. In old age, these are mighty giants up to 35 meters in height and more. Cedar pines, common in the mountains Western Europe, belong to another species (Pinus cembra) - European cedar pine; they are much smaller and by the age of 100 they reach a height of only 12 meters. The size of such Siberian cedars above 20 meters is already very rare.

Using Siberian cedar wood (with photos and videos)

Siberian cedar pine , or Siberian cedar (R. sibirica) – is one of the most economically valuable tree species.

This is a very beautiful tree, suitable for single and group plantings. The seeds containing fatty oils are eaten.

Pay attention to the photo - Siberian cedar wood is well processed, since its wood is light and soft, suitable for carpentry and finishing work, various crafts:

Nut shells are used as mulch.

High winter hardiness and excellent resistance to temperature fluctuations make this pine convenient for cultivation in country parks.

Siberian cedar- a real wood-combine, almost all of its parts are used by humans. The juice is used in medicine. Wood is used to make furniture, musical instruments and pencils. Tannins from the bark are used in the production of leather goods. The needles are processed to produce vitamin flour for livestock.

In nature, Siberian pine seeds are spread by nutcrackers, chipmunks, squirrels, sables and other animals that feed on pine nuts. Pine nuts are very nutritious, containing 65 percent oil and rich in protein and vitamins.

Economically, cedar is one of the valuable wood species that has a beautiful texture and is therefore used for making furniture, musical instruments, pencils. Cedar needles contain vitamin C and provitamin A, microelements and essential oils are found in the buds.

Cedar oil, which is obtained from nut kernels, is the only complete substitute for olive oil in Russia.

Coniferous hedges are extremely decorative, help improve the microclimate, attract forest animals and serve as beautiful corners of wildlife. The needles of the Siberian cedar tree have high phytoncidity (the ability to disinfect the surrounding air) and release environment many valuable volatiles organic matter. Staying in such conditions in itself contributes to the preservation of health and longevity, and if we add to this the joy of contemplating the results of one’s own work, then the psycho-emotional factor will also contribute to the success of treatment.

High-quality oil from Siberian cedar nuts is a thick, transparent liquid of a pleasant golden-straw color with a very faint, delicate nutty odor. It should be stored in a cool place without access to light, in a dark glass container with a narrow neck (for less contact with air). Natural antioxidants contained in cedar oil protect it from rancidity, but to increase shelf life it is advisable to follow the same rules as when storing all other oils vegetable oils. Sediment formed during storage unrefined oil, is not harmful to health and consists of phospholipids, macro- and microelements that are beneficial to the body.

Watch the video “Siberian Cedar”, which shows how these trees are used:

How to grow Siberian cedar pine from nuts and cedar care

Here you will learn how to grow Siberian pine pine from a nut and how to care for seedlings. To grow cedar, you can take a mature cone, place it on a sheet of paper in the room, the cone cracks under the influence of dry air in the room, and seeds fall out of it. These seeds are immediately planted on the site in the same autumn. You can grow pine sprouts in a school, but no more than two years, then they need to be transplanted into place, or you can plant them in place immediately.

Before planting Siberian cedar seeds, they must be subjected to stratification (long stay in a cold and humid environment to stimulate germination). Stratification of Siberian cedar seeds is carried out for 3–5 months at temperatures from -4 to +3 °C (in a glacier, deep trench, cold basement, in boxes under the snow or in a regular household refrigerator). To do this, they are pre-mixed with 2-3 times the volume of a sterile substrate (sand, sawdust, peat, moss). When stratifying in a trench, good drainage and protection from rodents should be ensured. To create a supply of viable seeds of cedar pine trees, long-term (up to 2.5 years) storage methods in deep trenches (2.5 m) can be used. The latter provide constantly low temperature and humidity. The germination of Siberian cedar seeds lasts up to 4 years. In the case of long-distance transportation, it is important to prevent drying out (below 8-10 percent humidity) or self-heating, which occurs when the seed moisture content is above 20 percent and their storage at
elevated temperature.

To speed up the emergence of seedlings and reduce losses from rodents during spring sowing, it is advisable to use slightly sprouted seeds. 120–140 seeds are placed per 1 m of soil at a depth of 3–4 cm. Protection of seedlings from birds is ensured by covering the soil surface with a layer of sawdust (3–4 cm). Seeds germinate in the year of sowing or the next (less often in the 3rd year); after germination, young seedlings should be shaded and watered. In general, the technology for growing cedar seedlings does not differ from that used for other conifers (shading, watering, protection from lodging, loosening, weeding). It is very convenient to grow conifer seedlings in special baskets, boxes or jars dug into the ground. Such seedlings are ready for transplantation for permanent residence at any time of the year. A young plant usually acquires a crown by the age of 5–7 years. At 20–30 years old, the lower branches begin to die off, and the cedar crown takes on an ovoid shape.

How to plant Siberian cedar: cultivation and soil for planting

A simpler solution for planting and caring for Siberian cedar pine is to take a cedar seedling from a nursery or transplant it to your own garden plot from the forest. In the latter case, it is not recommended to take trees that grow in shaded places, as they will most likely die from sunburn and dry air. It is better to opt for cedars growing in open sunny meadows or at the edge of the forest. Seedlings should be transported to the site with a lump of damp soil on the roots, having previously wrapped them in burlap. IN optimal conditions growth and with intensive agricultural technology, Siberian cedar plants already reach a height of 3.5–5 m at the age of 15.

Does not tolerate cold soils (northern and eastern border cedar growths coincide with the southwestern border of the distribution of permafrost soils). The soil for Siberian cedar is preferably drained, deep, light loamy and loamy.

It is recommended to plant cedar 4 m from each other and from other plants. You need to plant it as follows: take sphagnum moss (this is mandatory, and nothing can replace it, it grows in cranberry bogs), wrap 3-4 nuts with this sphagnum moss. Plant it in a hole 7–10 cm deep, maximum 12 cm, and bury this hole. Moss will help retain moisture and protect against mice, which will eat the nuts if there is no moss. The cedar may sprout in the first year, or maybe in a year. A long single needle will appear.

In a year, that is, when he is about two years old, he can be transplanted, this must be done early spring, late April–early May. Again, the taproot does not need to be tied.

The cedar will begin to bear fruit in 25–30 years, or it may not begin to bear fruit at all. But don’t be upset: cedar, wonderful ornamental plant. It has five needles at once, and they are long, about 15–20 cm long. It is fluffy. There is no need to pinch it. It grows slowly, but is exceptionally elegant and looks beautiful.