What happened to Sklyarov. Institute of Ancient Slavic Literature and Ancient Eurasian Civilization - IDC

On September 15, 2016, Andrei Yuryevich Sklyarov passed away. Only 56 years old...
For those who don’t know who Andrey Sklyarov is, I’ll say that he was the creator of the “Laboratory alternative history"(www.lah.ru), a tireless researcher and traveler who traveled half the world in search of traces, as he said, of an "Unknown highly developed civilization", evidence of the existence of which he found and analyzed together with a group of like-minded people. A man with a sober and practical mind, Andrei Yuryevich came to his conclusions based on logic and a rational engineering approach. Under his authorship, many books and videos were published, in which so many facts were recorded that did not fit into modern historical theory that it was simply impossible to ignore them. Andrey Yuryevich is one of the creators of a different, alternative approach to understanding and assessing the past of humanity.
He was an atheist, and although for his work he had to study a lot of different literature, including esoteric ones, he always believed only in the facts that he was able to obtain himself. This man balanced on the edge of science and esotericism, open and secret, obtaining the information he needed with the pressure and skepticism of a detective investigating a crime.
Today a lot is written about the fact that true story humanity is hiding from people. About Masonic conspiracies, secret governments, hidden war against those who dare to seek the truth. But such research is being carried out, there are brave souls who challenge this system, which is constantly playing cat and mouse with people’s consciousness. One of these daredevils was the alternative historian Andrei Sklyarov... as well as the recently departed ethnographer Svetlana Zharnikova...
The official cause of death of Andrei Yuryevich is a heart attack. As his wife admits, he had problems with the heart and blood vessels for a long time. But death still came as a surprise to everyone.
There are things that cannot be rationally proven. Well, or not yet. But which can be felt. Andrei Sklyarov felt a lot of what was hidden, which did not seem to exist, which could not be proven by logical arguments, which was simply knowledge taken from faith, from intuition, from the right hemisphere. And he tried his best to verify his knowledge.
So today no one can prove that the death of Andrei Sklyarov was not an accident. They won’t believe it, they’ll smile bitterly at it, they’ll twirl their finger at their temple. But we are entering an era when we must learn to understand the world not only on the basis of logical evidence. We have been taught to think this way, but there are areas in which not only this logic works.
We must understand that today, if we want to move forward in understanding ourselves and the world, we must learn to trust premonitions, listen to the voice of intuition and be able to extract from the choppy sea of ​​extrasensory information what is true for us.
Because today we are learning to work with psychic energy, which is no less dangerous than nuclear energy. Peace for us mental processes and the transfer of information by contactless means should no longer be something that we simply brush aside. Because it exists, even if someone doesn't believe in it. It works. They take advantage of this. Many significant places and the facts are covered with special psychoenergetic techniques, and unauthorized penetration through these protections often causes heart attacks, strokes and other problems cardiovascular system. Andrei Sklyarov’s wife admitted that every time after returning from expeditions, almost all the equipment flew into their house. They joked about this... Meanwhile, this is a serious sign that would be understandable to anyone who works with psychic defenses. You need to pay attention to this.
The world is changing. And it changes before our eyes, in our minds. We must learn to understand its changes. And change with him. Because for information about our true past there is a war going on. A war that we will never see with our eyes and the evidence of whose existence is only in our inner knowledge. But today it is no longer possible to ignore this evidence.
Eternal memory to Andrei Yuryevich Sklyarov and thanks to him for what he was able to do for us!

The creator of the “Alternative History Laboratory” project, Andrei Yuryevich Sklyarov, was known to many domestic and foreign readers and viewers thanks to his research in the field historical facts. Being a physicist by training and an erudite person, he questioned some of them, creating his own system for studying ancient legends, documents and artifacts according to the principle: “If the facts contradict the theory, you need to throw out the theory, not the facts.” He devoted most of his life to his research. The cause of death of Andrei Sklyarov was a heart attack.

He was born in July 1961 and received a Physics and Technology education, but by reading a lot and being keenly interested in his surroundings, Andrei Yuryevich acquired a lot of knowledge, including historical knowledge. Pondering some aspects of the development of modern civilization, he, as a specialist, drew attention to some inconsistencies and contradictions in the picture of the formation of the world proposed by historians. The natural desire to get answers to many questions led Sklyarov to the need to see a lot with his own eyes and test some quite reasonable assumptions.

According to relatives, Andrei Yuryevich had an analytical mind. He was able to quickly and correctly make complex calculations, retain a lot of information in memory and apply it in judgment and reflection. A technician by nature, Sklyarov could seek out grains of facts while reading a wide variety of books and documents, and he read a fantastic amount. He, an innate seeker and atheist, did not come to his main conclusion immediately, but forever. Sklyarov became a supporter of the version of paleocontact - the interaction of ancient earthly civilizations with aliens from outer space.

This conclusion, which was not easy for him, had to be checked, double-checked and theoretically substantiated. Andrei Yuryevich made several trips to Egypt and Peru, which are considered the most possible points of contact between the first earthlings and aliens, and made films about these travels. He visited many places on the planet, where he hoped to find answers to a lot of questions that interested him, and wrote several books. Sklyarov had many like-minded people in Russia and abroad, who also tried and continue to try to find facts that would allow them to scientifically confirm their conclusions.

Sklyarov became the author of 6 episodes of a documentary film about secrets Ancient Egypt and the Peruvian state, spoke about his trip to Easter Island in 2013, about the mysteries of the history of Ethiopia, Mexico and other countries. He created several television programs about the historical heritage of the Earth and gave lectures in Kosmopoisk on topics that concerned him and his listeners. Search for developed ancient civilization, capable of shedding light on “prehistoric contact” became one of Sklyarov’s main goals. Testing many of his assumptions, he tried to rely only on facts confirmed by the point of view of an experimental physicist. He achieved some successful results, which he happily shared with readers, viewers, supporters and opponents of the theory. Like every researcher, he also had many failures and they were not in vain for his well-being.

In response to statements by the most radical fans and followers of Andrei Yuryevich, who claim a violent cause of his death, one can cite the story of Sklyarov’s wife that he was sick. He didn't feel too good at recent years life and he had problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system. For example, they often made themselves felt during travel to hot latitudes and upon arrival home. In 2015, he suffered a stroke during an expedition to Turkey.

Andrei Yuryevich should have been careful, but he was, at the same time, both a responsible and gambling person. In May 2016, Sklyarov had an accident while traveling to Armenia and had a heart attack, which doctors were also able to cure. He continued to ignore their advice to take care of himself, and in September the illness made itself felt shortly before his death and they called an ambulance. On September 15, 2016, he felt ill again - that’s why Andrei Sklyarov died, in the arms of his wife Natalya Lyamenkova, “ not unexpectedly” and “very quickly” - according to her testimony.

He is buried in the city of Korolev near Moscow.


On September 15, 2016, Andrei Yuryevich Sklyarov died of a stroke. Unfortunately, I did not find out about this right away, and was quite surprised, because in all the photographs he looked like a rather young man, Fig. 1.

He and I were doing the same thing and received almost the same critical remarks and awards. The only time I managed to exchange a few words with him was when we were awarded the title of “best author of the third millennium” in 2011, so I didn’t know him well. But I knew the cause he served.

According to his relatives, one can get an idea of ​​the dangerous work that served as the basis for his illness. Thus, his widow Natalya Lyamenkova wrote: “ The problems appeared earlier. Always! after each expedition, ALL the equipment in the house was covered “just like that, for no reason”!.. we got used to it, the second time we started copying everything on disks in advance... we remembered the Strugatskys and laughed.. And a year ago I had a stroke on an expedition in Turkey - terrible horror, but got out (thanks to Max and Daniyar), fully recovered (thanks to the doctors, by the way, free medicine in Korolev). In May, he suffered a heart attack after an accident in Armenia, in which several people were injured, including his son. Survived. The doctor said: “You need to live for a year, this is the most difficult thing. If you live, everything will be ok. But you need to limit yourself in many ways: don’t lift heavy things, don’t get tired, don’t... don’t... don’t..” He couldn't. He could not be inactive, not in charge, not decisive...no..no..not..» .

It is clear that moving to other countries in itself climatic conditions causes adaptation of the body, and return causes readaptation, and it is not always clear which is more dangerous. Other atmospheric pressure along with a different temperature, different mineral composition water, along with its different structure, different microbiological fauna - all this can seriously damage even the strongest organism.

In the same note, Midgard-Info adds: “You can't be prepared for this. This cannot be realized immediately. This is painfully difficult to come to terms with... Andrey Sklyarov is the founder and ideological leader of the Laboratory of Alternative History project, the author of dozens of books and films that have changed the ideas of thousands of people both in Russia and abroad about ancient history, architecture, archeology and paleogeography. A person who devoted himself to searching for material evidence of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization on our planet. Adamantly defending his ideas from the position of an experimental physicist, relying only on the actual results of research, without making compromises and without looking at authorities, he shook the prevailing scientific theories. He taught us to ask uncomfortable questions, think, analyze and rebuild the system. “If facts contradict a theory, you need to throw out the theory, not the facts.”».

I completely agree with this. And even with the fact that he shook the prevailing scientific theories. True, these theories have not yet collapsed, but on the basis of the facts obtained by the “Alternative History Laboratory” it is possible to build a different, non-academic historiography.

« We will all miss him. Relatives, loved ones, friends, colleagues, like-minded people... those who were “for” and “against”, who heatedly discussed, argued, sometimes to the point of being hoarse... Conversations and debates, his new books, ideas, projects will be missed . With us remains only great gratitude to him, his Idea, his Cause, and bright Memory. While we're alive". - And I have to agree with this sad statement.

Rice. 2. A.Yu. Sklyarov against the background of his books

ABOUT scientific heritage Andrey Yurievich.

Collage of book covers by A.Yu. I borrowed Sklyarov and his portrait from a note. In addition to books, he created documentaries and gave performances, as we can attest to from the Cosmopoisk note: “ We regret to inform you that on the afternoon of September 15, Andrei Yuryevich SKLYAROV (04/24/1961 - 09/15/2016), researcher, director, creator of the “3rd Millennium Foundation” died. Organized and participated in several expeditions in Egypt. Author of a 6-part documentary film about the investigation of the secrets of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Peru, creator of dozens of television programs on history. In October 2013, in particular, he participated in an expedition to Easter Island. I gave lectures at Kosmopoisk several times, the last lecture in 2016 was postponed several times due to illness, and now it will never take place».

The Laboratory of Alternative Historiography posted a 3-minute video on its website where A.Yu. Sklyarov summed up: “ The first and most main result, as I believe: The facts that in ancient times some ancient highly developed civilization left traces on our planet, as they say, are obvious. They are. Moreover, it was a highly technologically advanced civilization that had developed machine production. There are so many traces of these - we found thousands of signs of this technology.

In my opinion, the question of whether there was or was not some highly developed civilization here in ancient times is already closed. - Was! There are traces. This is one hundred percent proof.

Rice. 3. The first 8 books by A.Yu. Sklyarova

Second. This 100% proof removes the most basic, deepest contradiction to the approach that we now have in our academic attitude towards ancient legends and traditions. We see that this was done by some highly developed civilization. The capabilities of this civilization far exceeded the capabilities of our ancestors and the facts are obvious, which means that there were certain representatives - no matter what species, but those whom our ancestors called gods. Accordingly, we are moving, we can move from the plane of studying legends and traditions, as from fairy tales and fiction, to the plane practical research. This is the second most important point in my opinion.

Well, thirdly, here we can now move on to searching for an answer to the question of what kind of civilization it was: terrestrial, alien... And most importantly, we can try (after all, someone has already done this), we can try, even if not to calculate these technologies , let us try to find only their analogues. But imagine what is mobile, that is, clearly mobile, like what exists in the mountains of Bolivia: I see mobile tools that are used to cut rocks and carry them from place to place. We are solving the issues of developing hard-to-reach mountainous areas, we are solving the issue of developing other planets, and so on, and so on. We don’t need to transport building materials there, we need technology and tools. All! This is actually a colossal and most promising direction! I will not touch here on others that follow from them, but I believe that we can already begin to move in this direction. That is, to get away from the debate: it was or wasn’t! All! We have resolved this issue and closed it! Let's figure out what kind of civilization it was, and what opportunities it didn't have! And try to advance in it yourself!

Rice. 4. 8 more books by A.Yu. Sklyarova

That's actually where I finished“- I completely agree with Andrey Yuryevich. I think so too. However, during the time of Rurik, I came across more artifacts of earthly origin, although it is likely that aliens taught many technological techniques to earthlings.


Unfortunately, Wikipedia does not have an article about him, but it turned out that it was possible to obtain objective data only on Freakopedia: “Sklyarov Andrey Yurievich (1961) - researcher, traveler. Lives and works in Moscow. In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (faculty of aerophysics and space research, specialty - research physicist). In 1984-1986 - engineer at the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (space industry). 1986-1989 - Deputy Secretary of the Komsomol Committee on Ideology (vacated position). 1989-1990 - leading specialist of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of General Engineering. 1990—1993 — Deputy general director International aerospace company "Vertical". From here onwards - free commercial activity in various positions. Along the way, since 2003, he has been Vice-President of the League of Patient Advocates. From 2004 to the present - Managing Director of the Foundation for the Development of Science "III Millennium". Author of the Internet project Laboratory of Alternative History Recognized as the winner of the all-Russian competition “National Literary Award Golden Pen of Rus' - 2009” in the telenomination (certificate of conformity N 90)».

Rice. 5. And 8 more books by A.Yu. Sklyarova

Books and films.

Indeed, he and I received this literary prize in the same year, after which I was elected to the Moscow branch of the Russian Writers' Union. But there is one inaccuracy here: as far as I understand, he lived and worked in Korolev, near Moscow, and not in Moscow. But in terms of writing books, he could well also be a member of the Russian Writers' Union. In any case, on the Ozon store website I counted at least 25 books of different titles, the author of which was A.Yu. Sklyarov (Fig. 3, 4 and 5). True, I did not understand whether the books entitled “The Civilization of the Ancient Gods of Egypt” and “The Civilization of the Gods of Ancient Egypt” are different, because their titles differ only in the word order.

As for his films, the note lists them: “ 1 .The Underwater World of Andrei Makarevich" - 2004; “2. Geometry of the Universe from different points of view” - 2007; “3. Forbidden topics of history” - 2005-2011; “4. Secret stories” - 2007-2008.All films are devoted exclusively to the topic of alternative history research. In addition to films and popular science articles, Andrei Yuryevich also actively publishes on the Internet. For example, he is the administrator of the site “The Philosopher’s Stone Club”, and is also one of the most popular authors on the largest site dedicated to alternative history, called “Alternate History Laboratory”.

In terms of literature, A.Yu. Sklyarov is the winner of the international award “Golden Pen of Rus'” (2009) and the title “Best Author of the New Millennium”. The most important feature of Andrei Sklyarov is that he does not build hypotheses and assumptions, but describes only the facts and results of his expeditions. Thanks to this, the popularity of his works is growing every year, and more and more like-minded people gather around him».

However, there are other films, for example, 5, “The Promised Land, Traces of the Gods, Part 1,” a film created based on material collected during an expedition to Israel. It is possible that Israel was truly a “promised land” for Sklyarov, for his widow explained: “They poured a lot of crap on him: both the Jew and the people are making fools... About the Jew... - and which of us is not without a Jew?” As for his filmography, the following films should also be added here: 6, “Secrets of the Temple Mount”, 7, “Peru and Bolivia long before the Incas”, 8, “Nuclear War - two thousand years later”, 9, “Analysis of micro-inclusions on ancient artifacts", 10, "Forbidden topics of history: gaps in ancient history Japan", "Cosmic Myths of the Dogon", 11, "Pyramids. Gift of the Gods", 12, "The effect of the pyramids and its research", 13, "On the purpose of the pyramids", 14, " Ancient map Mars. History of the civilization of the gods", 15-16, "The cradle of modern civilization, parts 1 and 2", 17, "Pyramids of Egypt and the properties of space", 18, "Traces of the civilization of the ancient gods", 19, "Results of laboratory research", 20, " Land of Baal", 21, "In search of an answer: Land of Baal", 22, "Further directions of search", 23, "Traces of the Greek gods", 24, "Atlanteans - who are they?", 25, "Results of the LAI expedition to Greece" , 26, "Traces of the Gods", 27, "Persian Standard", 28, "Secrets of the Ica Stones", 29, "Losers of the War", 30, "The Purpose of Divine Creations", 31, "Mexican Dinotopia", 32, "Alien Knowledge ", 33, "About those "who were not there"", 34, "Unanswered Questions", 35, "Pearl in the Jungle", 36, "Secrets of the City of the Gods", 37, "Reverse Logic", 38, "Technology gods", 39, "Eternal repair", 40, "Astro-TV. Looking for an answer. Dragons", 41, "Secret stories - Dinosaur is man's friend", 42, "Crypto-Ark of the Covenant", 43, "On the issue of the reliability of sources", 44, "Astro-TV. Turkey - the abode of the ancient Gods", 45-46, "Expedition to Iran, parts 1 and 2", 47, "geometry of space", 48, "Expedition to Peru", 49, "Expedition to Israel", 50, "Will Earth is the fate of Phaethon", 51, "Secrets of ancient civilizations", 52, "Report 2007", 53, "Astro-TV. Looking for an answer. Pyramids", 54, "The Myth of the Tower of Babel", 55, "War of the Gods, 7.6.2012", 56, "Astro-TV. Artificial Man", 57, "Esoterics and Science", 58, "How old is planet Earth", 59, "Results of LAI expeditions for 2004-2011", 60, "In search of Aratta", 61, "The Myth of the Tower of Babel" , 62, “Metallurgy, a gift from the gods,” 63, “Mosaic of Easter Island.”


I will not name the authors of the responses, I will only refer to the source: “Thank you, Andrei Yuryevich, for your work, for your books and films,” “Unlike the overwhelming majority of pseudoscientific figures, Sklyarov does not build any fantastic hypotheses based on his own imagination, but draws conclusions based on facts. And this is exactly what deserves to at least get acquainted with his works. As for me, I agree with him on many topics. Despite the fact that I have been interested in alternative history for a very long time, I still do not lose my head and do not plunge into the delusional fantasies of the overwhelming majority of authors of various alternative theories, based not on facts, but only on ideas that arise in the fevered brain of these same authors. And I advise you to filter the information, I personally have definitely come to the conclusion that 90% of alternative theories are just nonsense! Andrei Yurievich Sklyarov, although I do not support him in everything (I think this is natural for normal person with his own head on his shoulders), but his work and approach deserve respect and indicate that the author does not fantasize, but analyzes... Thank you very much for this approach!”, “I read all Sklyarov’s books, watched all the films of the Alternate History Laboratory "- this man has done more for science than dozens of institutes and hundreds of academicians... he is a practitioner - he measures, probes, compares and asks scientists very uncomfortable questions to which they do not have any answers, not to mention scientifically based ones... It is precisely such people who correct mistakes in the knowledge of our (and before our) history...” “After such facts, it is simply unclear what professional historians are doing who stubbornly refuse to admit the obvious. Are they really not interested? What the hell kind of professionals are they then? They are simply parasites, like their colleagues, Russian military historians.”

However, not all reviews were positive. There were also negative ones: “Stop fooling people’s minds. It has long been clear and proven that all the buildings he is talking about are made of polymer concrete. And he has all the stones flying through the air, built by aliens, machine processing and other nonsense. This is how he makes money from suckers like you. Read Nosovsky, Fomenko, Chudinov.”

Another reader objects to him: “You should read less of Nosovsky and Fomenko, they are brainwashing, Sklyarov is one of the few who base everything only on facts, and polymer concrete according to Nosovsky is nonsense. I wonder if this is polymer concrete, how was it poured? There are signs of drilling and cutting on it.” Another author writes: “Dear Andrey Yurievich! You put so much labor, time and talent into each work that the costs allow you to hope for significant advances in knowledge. However, the book “Fundamentals of Spiritual Physics” is so primitive, based on such weak material, that there is no point in analyzing it in detail. Its main drawback: it does not take into account the categories of DEVELOPMENT, COMPLETENESS, COMPOSITION, INDIVIDUALITY AND PROPER TIME of any object that exists. Without this, the presentation cannot contain NOVELTY, and without novelty its value is less than a penny. These categories are disclosed in the works: http:www.koob.rurudoy. If YOU expand your research taking into account the full characteristics of the object, a GENIUS will appear to the world! I sincerely wish YOU TO BE SUCCESSFUL!”

And yet the ending of the exchange of opinions is very positive: “ Sklyarov has a very adequate attitude to history. Thoughtful, wise. He sweeps away what is superfluous (contrived artifacts, for example), and carefully studies and analyzes what should be paid attention to. There should be as many such scientists as possible. Thank you, Andrey!»


It is clear that every major researcher necessarily has people who sincerely do not understand him, so negative responses for me are even more revealing than positive ones. And on the contrary, if a person does not have enough stars in the sky, but simply retells the opinions of strangers, there are neither positive nor negative reviews about him - he simply does not evoke any opinions.

Andrey Yurievich Sklyarov did a tremendous job of obtaining specific data from distant countries. His activities are quite consistent with the results of the discoveries of ancient travelers, which were later referred to for centuries by their descendants - such as Herodotus, Marco Polo, Afanasy Nikitin. His books and films will be the subject of close study for a long time. He died, as befits a traveler - from diseases acquired during the research.

One may not agree with some of his provisions, one may not accept some of his hypotheses, but one cannot deny his enormous contribution to Russian alternative historiography. It is clear that his name stands in such a glorious row as Isaac Newton, Andreas Gottlieb Masch, Lyubor Niederle, Yuri Ivanovich Venelin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov, Michael Cremo, Valery Nikitich Demin, Yuri Dmitrievich Petukhov, Svetlana Vasilievna Zharnikova, Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko and others many, many other outstanding researchers who were not afraid to show the inconsistency of the existing academic historiography using specific examples.

I believe that the best monument to Andrei Yuryevich will be the study of his works and confirmation of a number of his assumptions.

Eternal memory to the great scientific ascetic of the Russian land!


1. Lyamenkova Natalia. In loving memory of Andrey Sklyarov. Sklyarov Andrey Yurievich died on September 15, 2016, at the age of 56. (Details). September 18, 2016.

Andrey Sklyarov (1961-2016) - scientist, uniquely talented researcher, physicist, writer, director and outstanding personality, the soul of the company and the undisputed leader. Andrey, a physics engineer, a graduate of the Faculty of Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1984), began his professional activity at the center of Soviet cosmonautics in Korolev, at TsNIIMASH. Space programs, exploration of the Universe, advanced technologies, the creation of space exploration apparatuses, setting super-tasks and non-trivial solutions, perhaps the whole atmosphere of the Royal “science city” contributed to the formation of a bright, extraordinary mind, an inquisitive practitioner and a deep analyst.

A correctly asked question already has half the answer. And a dozen are correct uncomfortable questions capable of destroying the most established theory and shaking the dominant paradigm. Andrey learned himself and taught others not to be afraid to ask the right questions, to see inconsistencies between a fact and its description, to think and not to give in to the opinions of people endowed with scientific titles and regalia. Behind the famous “why?” there was a painstaking study of material on history, archeology, ancient literature, physics, chemistry, genetics, biology. In cases where the assumption had a weak evidence base, Andrei left the question open without embarrassment, without trying to fit the “beautiful” theory to the existing facts. As an experimental physicist, he was only interested in facts, and only on their basis did Andrei draw the conclusions that formed the basis of his literary works. His phenomenal memory allowed him to instantly calculate the most likely directions for solutions from a variety of fields of knowledge, sweeping aside dead-end theories, which, as a rule, are recognized as dogmas in the scientific community. Meticulously and methodically, step by step, collecting and analyzing material, mountains of material, always reaching the original source, Andrei exposed unscrupulous research and, with the inexorable directness of a physicist, proved the inconsistency of one or another established historical and cultural cliché. He owns the already popular phrase: “If the facts contradict the theory, we must throw out the theory, not the facts.” But Andrei not only threw out outdated theories that went against the facts, which could have made him like “armchair” critics, he put forward new hypotheses based on proven facts found during expeditions and laboratory research.

After completing work on the philosophical treatise “Physics of the Spirit”, in which, from the point of view of physics, the features of the world of spirit are explained based on the position of the unity of spirit and matter from a purely scientific position without involving any supernatural and unknowable entities for help, the accumulated working materials on the analysis ancient literature, myths of the peoples of the world and legends, gradually lead Andrei to a closer study of the concepts of “gods” and “highly developed beings”. Which in turn leads to the search for material traces of their presence on our land. Andrey devotes himself to searching for irrefutable evidence of the existence in ancient times on our planet of a highly technologically advanced civilization (HTC) and finds it, turning the ideas of thousands and thousands of people about ancient history, archeology and architecture. For brevity, Andrei called this civilization “gods.” However, this definition lacks religious overtones. The term was taken as a basis only because of the numerous references in the mythology of various peoples to certain gods (and anthropomorphic ones), who gave them knowledge, art and crafts, and taught them metallurgy and agriculture.

Over 12 years, Andrey made 27 research trips, including expeditions to Egypt, Karelia, Mexico, Ethiopia, Peru, Bolivia, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Israel, Greece, Japan, Easter Island, Turkey and Armenia, and the Mediterranean islands. The facts found during the expeditions, as well as their subsequent analysis, can be found in 32 books and monographs by Andrei Sklyarov. And films based on the results of the expeditions have already been viewed by more than ten million people. Terabytes of information on “cuts”, “polygonal masonry”, “megaliths” and other traces of the presence of an ancient highly developed civilization on our planet were captured and analyzed.

Andrey always shared the results of his research and hypotheses on his website “Alternative History Laboratory”, in books, films, and he was literally bombarded with letters with questions. People, in whose minds Andrei’s ideas broke established stereotypes, sought to communicate with him, offered their theories... Thus was born the idea of ​​holding international seminars in collaboration with Dmitry Pavlov’s Research Institute of Hypercomplex Systems in Geometry and Physics. The seminars were open and accessible to everyone, and only the topics of the reports were carefully selected - no momentary sensationalism, yellowishness or fantasies of inadequate people. During the seminars, Andrei conducted tours of objects and artifacts with traces of the DVC presented in the films, generously shared accumulated facts, read reports, and after each performance the audience did not let Andrei leave the stage, asking countless questions until his voice simply gave up. At seminar reports, theories were honed, evidence base, plans for further expeditions to possible locations of the DVC and the search for their material traces were discussed and considered. Most of the seminars were held in Egypt, as the most accessible country rich in ancient artifacts.

The book “The Civilization of the Ancient Gods of Egypt” and the first film from the series Forbidden Themes of History “The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt” convincingly proved the presence on the territory of modern Egypt of traces of the DVC, on the ruins of which the civilization of Ancient Egypt, so well known to us from history textbooks, arose. From the collected materials, a completely different view of the history of the Egyptians emerges: the pharaohs only “repaired”, and also unsuccessfully tried to repeat the technologies and construction capabilities of their predecessors. But not only the ancient Egyptians were unable to take advantage of the technologies of the “gods”; the analysis of the thickness and depth of the cuts left on some architectural objects also confirmed a certain technological inconsistency of our civilization at the present stage.

Having set out to find irrefutable evidence of the ancient activity of the “gods” on our planet, Andrei organizes an expedition to other continents: Mexico, Peru and Bolivia, thereby significantly expanding the collection of artifacts that are traces of the presence of the “gods”: technology and design features. The books and films “Unknown Mexico” and “Peru and Bolivia Long Before the Incas” are published.

In the light of the accumulated expeditionary material, analysis of scientific historical, geological, archaeological and mythological literature, not only the history of human development, but also the history of our planet begins to emerge from a completely different perspective, not usual for us. Andrey Sklyarov's research in the field of paleogeography, which is presented in the book “How old is planet Earth?” (title from the publisher - “Sensational History of the Earth”) confirm the theory first stated in the 19th century by the Prussian geographer Alexander von Humboldt, and further supported by Dmitry Mendeleev, as well as Soviet scientists in the 50s of the 20th century about the abiogenic origin of natural resources - oil and gas And the idea of ​​the expansion of planet Earth under the influence of dehydridation of the core, although it looks sensational and alternative from the point of view of the school geography curriculum, is currently considered as an official hypothesis in the modern scientific world.

Along with the material base of traces of an ancient, technologically highly developed civilization, philosophical questions are also accumulating. If man is not the king of nature, and not a product of the progressive development of the ciliate-slipper, then who is he then? Slave or leader? A non-trivial answer to these questions is Andrei Sklyarov’s book “The Inhabited Island of Earth”. Although the title of the book refers the reader to the works of the Strugatskys, the hypotheses presented in it are far from science fiction, since they are the result of an analysis of legends, found artifacts and modern scientific achievements.

A logical continuation and approach to the “before and after the flood” times are expeditions to “biblical” places: Ethiopia, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Israel. Films are being released: “In the footsteps of the Ark of the Covenant” (with the book of the same name), “Oriental Collection: from heritage to fakes,” “The Promised Land.” Such a dense saturation of this historical and cultural space with “gods,” on the one hand, and with material evidence real life these same “gods,” on the other hand, required comprehensive comprehension and analysis. Who are these gods, where did they come from, why did they come, why did our ancestors consider them Gods, how the distribution area of ​​the gods is connected and the centers of the origin of ancient agriculture (according to N. Vavilov), the relationship between divine and human civilizations. Andrei outlined the answers to these questions in the books: “The Syrian Crossroads of Civilizations”, “Ancient Gods - Who Are They?”, “The Land of Baal” and “ Genetic code person." No less interesting issues of interaction between humans and representatives of the DVC are touched upon in the books “Metals are a Gift” heavenly gods" and "Items of the gods and their copies."

However, dramatic and, one might say, “action-packed” relationships developed not only between man and god, but also between the gods themselves. If we recall the ancient myths of the peoples of the world, the gods were not only endowed with anthropomorphic features, but also possessed all the passions characteristic of humans, such as envy, anger, cunning, love and jealousy.

The book “The Legacy of the Gods and the Empire of Yahweh” immerses you in a world of intrigue on a “divine” level. And despite the fact that there are enough assumptions in the book, which the author openly declares, this work should not be classified as mythology.

There are manuscripts that do not burn and there are books that live their own lives, dictating their own conditions. The idea of ​​this book had been brewing for a long time, but for various reasons Andrei did not want to undertake fundamental research into religious literature and put this idea aside for several years. This summer, suddenly, the book literally wrote itself in a matter of months!.. It became last job Andrei, completed literally a few weeks before his death, and presented to the public a few days before his death. He didn't want to write it, and he was eager to finish it. Why did it turn out the way it did? We will have to answer this question ourselves...


The last thing Andrei Sklyarov would like is for his life’s work to end so suddenly and at such an interesting stage. Therefore, we, his friends and associates, will continue research work, organize seminars, travel around the world in search of new materials and make films!

Information promotes evolution. And we want to evolve further.