Armament of the Alpha TsSN FSB group (102 photos). Weapons of the special forces "Alpha Armament FSB"

Developed in the late 1990s on the basis of a biathlon rifle for arming riot police and FSB special forces. At low for sniper weapons ballistic characteristics it has very high shooting accuracy and a quiet shot sound.
Reloading is done manually. The magazine is detachable and holds 10 rounds.
The stock is symmetrically shaped (equally comfortable for shooting from the left and right hand), consists of two parts. The stock is detachable, of skeletal design, equipped with a butt plate and cheek piece. At the bottom of the butt under the hinged lid there is space for two spare magazines. Instead of a buttstock, a pistol grip can be installed. The forend has a groove for attaching a height-adjustable bipod.
On rifles of the first years of production, the stock and butt were made of varnished wood, but in 2007 the SV-99 received a stock and butt made of durable aircraft-grade multi-layer plywood dark green according to the SV-98 type, and in 2009 - an improved version of the stock and butt made of black plastic.
There are no open sights, but the rifle has a " dovetail" to install an optical sight.
What special tasks do the units perform? special purpose with the help of such a weak and short-ranged (what a word!), almost toy weapon?
1. Covert destruction of enemy personnel not protected by personal protective equipment. The .22 LR caliber cartridge used gives a very quiet and accurate shot at short distances. “The accuracy of a shot with such a cartridge at 20-30 meters is simply amazing, and the low recoil allows you to make two or three very accurate shots in a row. When combined with a silencer, the sound of a shot can no longer be heard even from two steps away under normal background noise on a city street, and correctly selected ammunition can inflict quite serious injury on a criminal.” By the way, a shot from this weapon at a distance of up to 100 m affects not only people, but also service dogs.
2. Covert destruction of enemy technical means. True, not all technical means, but only those that are affected by such a weak cartridge as .22 LR. Lighting equipment, video cameras, alarm units, electrical distribution boxes, radio communications, car wheels... That is, in other words, a small-caliber sniper rifle with a silencer is an almost ideal means of preparing a springboard for assaulting those objects that are technically possible to approach within direct shot range from a small-caliber rifle (50−70 m.)
It must be said that when ordering the development of such a unique weapon as the “small sniper,” the Russian military was not a pioneer in this area. American special forces have been using small-caliber weapons of .22 LR caliber since such weapons were invented, since the end of the 19th century. And, apparently, they are not going to give it up just yet.

Weapons for special forces have always been elite, some samples were produced in small batches, others almost individually, such as the SHAK-12 assault rifle complex (uses powerful 12.7x55 mm cartridges), sniper complex SKTs-9, Vyuga machine gun and others.

Some of these weapons were shown at an exhibition organized during the Cyber ​​Anti-Terror 2016 exercise. 42.TUT.BY chose the most interesting samples.

When Ksyusha needs SIG Sauer

Center stand special training literally bursting with a variety of weapons and equipment. Employees of the organization conduct training for all special forces units in Belarus. Since 2007 - training of special forces of foreign states.

The head of the training department of the center, Vladimir Evdokimov, said that the weapons used by the center’s specialists have special requirements, so often the cost of the “body kit” is several times higher than the price of the machine itself, as was the case with the AKMS, AKS74U, and Vepr-12 carbines shown at the stand. and Vepr-1V.

Mainly used in the center Russian weapons. In addition to machine guns, carbines and sniper rifles, MP and IZH-71 pistols are used for training personnel, with Russian-assembled Glock approaching.

According to Vladimir Evdokimov, these pistols are in no way inferior to Glocks assembled abroad; the only problems were with cartridges from the Barnaul plant with a metal sleeve. When using the latter, the shutter quickly breaks, unlike the brass one.

Accuracy is the key to success

If the DSP prefers to use expensive American devices, then ordinary army units choose cheaper products, and here the sights of the Belarusian unitary enterprise STC LEMT BelOMO are very popular.

In the hands of the head of the commercial department of LEMT, Nikolai Surko, is a POSP 12x50 sight, which is capable of withstanding 5 thousand shots from a large-caliber sniper rifle.

The company’s specialists have developed the PC-28S sight for the AK-12 assault rifle, which is part of the Russian equipment of the soldier of the future “Ratnik”, as well as a sight for the Russian RPG-32 “Nashshab” grenade launcher system, manufactured by the Jadara Equipment and Defense Company, and many others.

10,000 hours on one battery

The PC-28S sight was developed specifically for the Russian AK-12 assault rifle. The requirements for the collimator were quite stringent - the Belarusian product had to withstand recoil when fired from the GP-25 under-barrel grenade launcher. It was necessary to expand the field of view, make the device as compact, shorter and unpretentious as possible.

The sight is made in a closed, hermetically sealed housing and is capable of operating in any climatic conditions. The PC-28S is capable of withstanding a shock load of 1000g, for comparison: conventional sights have a maximum strength of 300-500g.

The Ratnik sight is capable of operating on one regular AA battery for 10,000 hours. But even with a minimum battery charge, the PC-28S sight is capable of functioning, adjusting the brightness depending on the degree of battery discharge.

Maximum protection

When storming city high-rise buildings, it is impossible to hide behind the armor of an armored personnel carrier, so it is best to carry the armor with you, and it weighs a lot. The photo below shows a bulletproof shield placed at the stand of the NPO KlaASS enterprise.

According to the head of the marketing department, Irina Maysarova, the Buckler-K-R ceramic-composite shield is capable of protecting against being hit at point-blank range by a B-32 armor-piercing incendiary bullet fired from an SVD rifle. The glass of the shield holds a 7.62 mm OPS bullet.

The Spetsnaz bulletproof vest can withstand the fire of a Kalashnikov assault rifle almost point-blank. The body armor is equipped with an emergency release system, operated with one hand. On the outside of the outer cases there are rows of belt loops in the form of horizontal stripes for attaching pouches with elements of weapons and special equipment, as well as shoulder rests for carrying weapons. The weight of “Spetsnaz” can reach up to 14 kg.

Weapons for the FSB

The SHAK-12 assault rifle complex was created by order of the Russian FSB as a highly effective close-combat weapon. Thanks to large caliber(the machine uses 12.7x55 mm cartridges) the bullet has a high stopping effect.

The ShAK-12 weighs 4.5 kg without cartridges; the machine gun has two types of magazines - 10 and 20 rounds. Weapons can be fired in single shots or in bursts.

The ammunition used is subsonic bullets PD-12 (a cartridge with a double (duplex) bullet, two bullets inserted into one another), supersonic bullets with a high stopping effect PS-12A (a cartridge with a light aluminum bullet, at a distance of 100 meters it loses speed so much that not capable of killing a person, for example, a random civilian).

PS-12B - this cartridge is capable of penetrating most body armor and is even dangerous for lightly armored vehicles.

Without a muffler, but silent

PSS-2 is a modernized version of the Russian silent pistol PSS "Vul". The new product is twice as powerful as its predecessor in terms of bullet power at the target.

PSS-2 fires silent cartridges specially designed for it with the powder gases locked in the cartridge case. The weight of the pistol is 850 g, the caliber is 7.62 mm, the muzzle velocity is 300 m/s, and the weight is 10 g. The PSS-2 is capable of hitting targets wearing body armor of the 2nd protection class at a distance of up to 50 m.

Only for special forces snipers

The SKTs-9 9-mm target sniper system is designed to engage enemy personnel at a range of up to 1000 m. It includes the SR4 sniper rifle and a specially developed 9x69 SP14 cartridge.

The weapon provides accuracy at the 1MOA level, reloading is carried out manually, and a silencer can be installed. The rifle weighs about six kilograms, length with a silencer is 1490 mm, without - 1230 mm. Initial speed bullets - 860 m/s.

Federal law
About making changes to individual legislative acts Russian Federation

dated December 30, 2015 No. 468-FZ

Adopted by the State Duma
December 22, 2015

Article 1

Introduce into the Law of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1993 No. 4730-1 “On the State Border of the Russian Federation” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 17, Art. 594; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 16, Art. 1861; 2003, Art. 2705, Art. 763; 901; 2014, No. 52, Art. 7557) the following changes:
1) in article 35:
a) part six, after the words “armed attack on their part,” is added with the words “committing a terrorist act by them”;
b) in part eight, the words “other bodies of the federal security service, as well as military personnel” should be deleted;
2) in Article 36 the words “Federal Law “On the Police”” should be replaced with the words “Federal Law “On the Federal Security Service”.

Article 2

Introduce into the Federal Law of April 3, 1995 No. 40-FZ “On the Federal Security Service” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 15, Art. 1269; 2000, No. 1, Art. 9; No. 46, Art. 4537; 2002, No. 1794; 2003, No. 156; 2004, No. 3607; 2006, art. 1779; 2007, art. 3348; No. 31, Art. 4297; No. 29, Art. 4589; 2324; No. 3477; No. 6165; 2014, No. 2335; the following changes:
1) part three of article 7.1 should be stated as follows:
“Unlicensed federal security service agencies develop, create, acquire and use weapons and equipment, including special technical and other means, acquire and use military equipment, military hand-held small arms and edged weapons adopted by the federal security service in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, other service and civilian weapons (hereinafter referred to as weapons) and ammunition for them.”;
2) in the first part of Article 13:
a) paragraph “y” should be stated as follows:
“y) use military equipment, weapons, special means adopted by the federal security service agencies, physical force, and also allow military personnel of the federal security service agencies to store and carry service weapons and special means;»;
b) add paragraph “i.1” with the following content:
“i.1) carry out the actions provided for in paragraph “i” of this part, and receive, take into account, store, classify, use, issue and destroy biometric personal data about the features of the building papillary patterns fingers and (or) palms of a person’s hands, allowing to establish his identity, as part of border control in relation to persons crossing the State Border of the Russian Federation, if such persons have signs indicating the possibility of their inclination to terrorist activity, recruitment or involvement in any other way V terrorist activities. The list of specified characteristics and the procedure for obtaining, recording, storing, classifying, using, issuing and destroying the specified biometric personal data, obtaining biological material and the implementation of processing of genomic information within the framework of border control are determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.”;
3) Article 14 shall be stated in the following edition:

« Article 14. The right to use military equipment, weapons, special means and physical force

Military personnel of the federal security service have the right to use military equipment, weapons, special means and physical force personally or as part of a unit (group), and commanders (chiefs) have the right to give orders for their use in cases and in the manner provided for by this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
The procedure for the use of military equipment by military personnel of the federal security service is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
In a state of necessary defense, in case of emergency or when detaining a person who has committed a crime, a serviceman of the federal security service if he does not have the necessary special means or firearms has the right to use any available means, as well as, on the grounds and in the manner established by this Federal Law, to use other weapons not in service with the federal security service.
Military personnel of the federal security service agencies participating in the protection of the State Border of the Russian Federation within the border territory use military equipment, weapons, special means and physical force in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1993 No. 4730-1 “On the State Border of the Russian Federation "
Military personnel of the federal security service are not responsible for harm caused to individuals and organizations during the use of military equipment, weapons, special means and physical force, if the use of military equipment, weapons, special means and physical force was carried out on the grounds and in the manner established by this Federal law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. Compensation for such damage is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.”;

4) add article 14.1 the following content:

« Article 14.1. Penetration into residential and other premises, on land plots and territories

The federal security service protects everyone's right to the inviolability of their home.
Military personnel of the federal security service have no right to enter residential premises against the will of the citizens living there, except in cases and in the manner established by federal constitutional laws, this Federal Law and other federal laws.
Penetration of military personnel of the federal security service into residential premises, other premises and land plots belonging to citizens, premises, land plots and territories occupied by organizations (except for premises, land plots and territories of diplomatic missions and consular offices of foreign states, representative offices international organizations), is permitted in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as:
a) to save the lives of citizens and (or) their property, ensure the safety of citizens or public safety during mass riots and emergency situations;
b) to detain persons suspected or accused of committing a crime;
c) to suppress a crime;
d) to establish the circumstances of the accident;
e) to detain persons caught in the act of committing an act containing signs of a crime, and (or) fleeing from the place where they committed such an act.
When entering residential premises, other premises and land plots belonging to citizens, premises, land plots and territories occupied by organizations, in the cases provided for in part three of this article, military personnel of the federal security service have the right, if necessary, to break into (destruction ) locking devices, elements and structures that prevent entry into the specified premises and onto the specified land plots and territories, and inspection of the objects located there and vehicles.
Military personnel of the federal security service who enter residential premises are obliged to:
a) before entering a residential premises, notify the citizens there of the reasons for entry, except in cases where delay creates an immediate threat to the life and health of citizens and employees of the federal security service or may entail other grave consequences;
b) when entering a residential premises, against the will of the citizens there, use safe ways and means to respect the honor, dignity, life and health of citizens, and to prevent unnecessary damage to their property;
c) not to disclose facts of the private life of the citizens living there that became known to them in connection with the penetration into the residential premises;
d) inform your immediate superior and submit a report within 24 hours about the fact of penetration into the residential premises.
About each case of penetration of military personnel of the federal security service into a residential or other premises in a possible short term, but no later than 24 hours from the moment of penetration, the owner of this premises and (or) citizens living there are informed in the manner established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security, if such penetration was carried out in their absence, with the exception of cases provided for by federal laws.
About each case of penetration of military personnel of the federal security service onto a land plot under the circumstances specified in part four of this article, as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours from the moment of penetration, is informed in the manner established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security, the owner of the land plot or his legal representative, if such entry was carried out in his absence, except for cases provided for by federal laws.
The prosecutor or court (judge) is notified in writing within 24 hours of each case of penetration of federal security service personnel into residential premises against the will of the citizens there, in cases provided for by federal law.
Federal security service agencies take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing residential premises, other premises and land plots belonging to citizens, premises, land plots and territories occupied by organizations, and to protect the property located there, if the entry was accompanied by actions provided for in part four of this article.”;

5) add article 14.2 the following content:

« Article 14.2. The procedure for using weapons, special means and physical force

Before using weapons, special means and physical force, military personnel of the federal security service are obliged to warn persons against whom weapons, special means and physical force are expected to be used that they are employees of the federal security service about their intention, providing them with this is the opportunity and time to fulfill the legal requirements of military personnel of the federal security service. In the case of the use of weapons, special means and physical force as part of a unit (group), the specified warning is given by one of the servicemen of the federal security service agencies included in the unit (group).
Military personnel of the federal security service have the right not to warn of their intention to use weapons, special means and physical force if delay in their use creates an immediate threat to the life and health of citizens, employees of the federal security service or may entail other grave consequences, as well as when repelling attacks on facilities, special cargo and vehicles of the federal security service.
When using weapons, special means and physical force, military personnel of the federal security service act taking into account the current situation, the nature and degree of danger of the actions of persons against whom weapons, special means and physical force are used, the nature and strength of the resistance they offer. At the same time, military personnel of the federal security service are obliged to strive to minimize any damage.
Military personnel of the federal security service are obliged to provide first aid to persons injured as a result of the use of weapons, special means or physical force, and also take measures to provide them with medical care as soon as possible.
The prosecutor is notified of each case of injury to a citizen or death as a result of the use of weapons, special means or physical force by military personnel of the federal security service as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours.
About each case of the use of weapons, as well as each case of the use of physical force or special means, as a result of which harm is caused to the health of a citizen or material damage is caused to a citizen or organization, military personnel of the federal security service are required to report to their immediate superior or the head of the nearest body of the federal security service ( divisions of the federal security service) no later than 24 hours from the moment the real opportunity arises to submit the corresponding report.
As part of a unit (group), military personnel of the federal security service use weapons, special means and physical force in accordance with this Federal Law, guided by the orders and instructions of the head of this unit (senior group).”;

6) add article 14.3 the following content:

« Article 14.3. Use of weapons

Military personnel of the federal security service have the right to use weapons personally or as part of a unit (group) in the following cases:
a) to protect another person or oneself from an attack, if this attack involves violence dangerous to life or health;
b) to suppress attempts to seize weapons, special cargo, vehicles, and military equipment of the federal security service;
c) to free hostages, suppress terrorist and other criminal attacks;
d) to detain a person caught committing an act containing signs of a grave or especially grave crime against life, health, property, state power, public safety and public order, trying to escape, if it is not possible to detain this person by other means;
e) to detain a person offering armed resistance, as well as a person refusing to comply with a legal requirement to surrender weapons, ammunition, explosives, explosive devices, toxic or radioactive substances in his possession;
f) to repel a group or armed attack on facilities of the federal security service, buildings, premises, structures and other facilities of state and municipal bodies;
g) to suppress the escape from places of forced detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes, as well as to suppress attempts to forcibly release these persons.
Armed resistance and armed attack, specified in paragraphs “d” and “f” of the first part of this article, are recognized as resistance and attack committed with the use of weapons of any kind, or objects that are structurally similar to real weapons and outwardly indistinguishable from them, or objects, substances and mechanisms through which serious harm to health or death can be caused.
Military personnel of the federal security service also have the right to use weapons:
a) to stop a vehicle by damaging it, if the person driving it refuses to comply with repeated demands from military personnel of the federal security service to stop and tries to escape, creating a threat to the life and health of citizens, except for cases provided for by federal laws;
b) to neutralize an animal that threatens the life and health of citizens and (or) employees of the federal security service;
c) to destroy locking devices, elements and structures that prevent entry into residential and other premises on the grounds provided for in Article 14.1 of this Federal Law;
d) to fire a warning shot, sound an alarm or call for help by firing a shot upward or in another safe direction.
It is prohibited to use weapons with a lethal shot against women, persons with clear signs disabilities, minors, when their age is obvious or known to a serviceman of the federal security service, with the exception of cases of armed resistance by these persons, the commission of an armed or group attack that threatens the life and health of citizens or employees of the federal security service, or a terrorist act.
A serviceman of the federal security service does not have the right to use firearms in large crowds of people if, as a result of its use, random persons may be injured, with the exception of cases of the use of firearms in order to prevent (suppress) a terrorist act, free hostages, or repel a group armed attack on a critical important and potentially dangerous objects or objects, buildings, premises, structures of government bodies.”;

7) add article 14.4 the following content:

“Article 14.4. Guarantees of personal safety of armed military personnel of the federal security service

Military personnel of the federal security service have the right to draw their weapons and bring them to readiness if, in the current situation, grounds for their use may arise, provided for in Article 14.3 of this Federal Law.
If a person detained by a serviceman of the federal security service with a drawn weapon attempts to approach the serviceman of the federal security service, reducing the distance indicated by him, or to touch his weapon, the serviceman of the federal security service has the right to use a weapon in accordance with paragraphs "a" and “b” of part one of Article 14.3 of this Federal Law.”;

8) add article 14.5 the following content:

« Article 14.5. Use of special means

Military personnel of the federal security service have the right, personally or as part of a unit (group), to use special means in the following cases:
a) to repel attacks on citizens, employees of the federal security service, facilities, special cargo and vehicles of the federal security service;
b) to suppress a crime or administrative offense;
c) to suppress resistance provided to a serviceman of the federal security service;
d) to detain a person caught committing a crime and trying to escape;
e) to detain a person if this person can offer armed resistance or prevent a military member of the federal security service from performing his official duties;
f) for delivery to the office premises of the federal security service, other government bodies persons who have committed crimes or administrative offences, to escort and protect detainees, as well as to suppress an escape attempt, in the event that a person resists a federal security service member, causes harm to others or himself;
g) to release forcibly detained persons, seized buildings, premises, structures, vehicles, land plots;
h) to suppress riots and block the movement of groups of people committing illegal actions;
i) to protect the facilities of the federal security service and suppress the actions of groups of persons violating their activities;
j) for the neutralization and destruction of explosive devices, explosive objects (objects) and other similar devices and objects, as well as dummies of such devices and objects.
Military personnel of the federal security service have the right to use special means in all cases where the use of weapons is permitted by this Federal Law.
Military personnel of the federal security service are prohibited from using special means against women with visible signs pregnancy, persons with obvious signs of disability and minors, with the exception of cases of armed resistance or the commission of a group or other attack that threatens the life and health of citizens or employees of the federal security service.
Other restrictions related to the use of special means by military personnel of the federal security service may be established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.
Derogation from the prohibitions and restrictions established by part three of this article is allowed if special means are used on the grounds provided for in paragraphs “a” - “g” of part one of article 14.3 of this Federal Law.”;

9) add article 14.6 the following content:

« Article 14.6. Use of physical force

Military personnel of the federal security service have the right, personally or as part of a unit (group), to use physical force, including fighting techniques struggle, in the following cases:
a) to suppress a crime or administrative offense;
b) for the detention and delivery to the office premises of the federal security service and other government bodies of persons who have committed crimes or administrative offenses;
c) to overcome opposition to the legitimate demands of military personnel of the federal security service.
Military personnel of the federal security service have the right to use physical force in all cases when this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation permit the use of special means or weapons.”;

10) in article 16:
a) part three should be supplemented with paragraph “g” the following content:
“g) their use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription.”;
b) part five should be stated as follows:
“Military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service agencies who have ownership of property registered outside the Russian Federation are obliged, within the period determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security, to take measures to alienate it. If it is impossible to take such measures in connection with the arrest, prohibition of orders imposed by the competent authorities of a foreign state in accordance with the legislation of the foreign state on whose territory the property is located, or due to other circumstances not dependent on the will of these persons, such measures should be accepted within one year from the day on which their acceptance became possible. Each case of failure to comply with such requirements is subject to consideration in the prescribed manner at a meeting of the certification commission.”;
11) in article 16.1:
a) add new parts six and seven the following content:
“Standard job regulations for military positions are approved by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.
Personal files are drawn up for military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service. The procedure for maintaining and storing personal files of military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service is determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security and should not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.”;
b) parts six - eight are considered parts eight - ten, respectively;
12) in article 16.2:
a) part six should be stated in the following edition:
“Military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service are allowed to establish contacts with persons in respect of whom it is known that they are foreign citizens, to contact foreign funds mass media, foreign, international organizations, as well as in non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent, in the manner and under the conditions determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.”;
b) add parts seven to nine as follows:
“Employees of the federal security service, their spouses and minor children are prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments, if this is not determined by the solution of operational and official tasks.
Military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service may post their personal data in social networks, blogs (microblogs) and other online communities on the Internet information and telecommunications network in the manner determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.
In order to ensure the own safety of the federal security service bodies, the head of the federal executive body in the field of security may determine the types of transport and travel routes for military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service bodies from one part of the territory of the Russian Federation to another part of it in cases where such travel is by land transport is possible in transit through the territory of a foreign state, as well as establish the amount and procedure for compensating military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service for additional expenses associated with such travel.”;
13) add Article 16.3 with the following content:

« Article 16.3. Service ID

The service ID of an employee of the federal security service is a document confirming the identity, position, rights and powers granted to the employee of the federal security service by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the right to store and carry service weapons and special means.
Samples of service IDs, the procedure for issuing service IDs and the categories of employees of the federal security service agencies to whom the service ID is issued are determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.
When employees of the federal security service bodies perform their official duties, they may be issued badges (badges) that allow them to be identified, in cases and in the manner determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security."

Article 3

Article 17 of the Federal Law of January 10, 1996 No. 5-FZ “On Foreign Intelligence” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 143; 2000, No. 46, Art. 4537; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607 ; 2007, No. 8, Art. 934; 2014, No. 26, Art. 3365) add parts thirteen - fifteen the following content:
“Military personnel, state civil servants and employees of foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation are allowed to establish contacts with persons in respect of whom it is known that they are foreign citizens, contact foreign media, foreign, international organizations, non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent , as well as post your personal data on social networks, blogs (microblogs) and other online communities of the information and telecommunications network "Internet" in the manner and on the terms determined by the head of the foreign intelligence agency of the Russian Federation or the head of the federal executive body under whose jurisdiction The foreign intelligence agency of the Russian Federation is located.
Military personnel and civil servants of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation, their spouses and minor children are prohibited from opening and having accounts (deposits), storing cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial tools, unless this is due to the solution of intelligence tasks.
Military personnel, state civil servants and employees of foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation who have ownership of property registered outside the Russian Federation are obliged, within the period determined by the head of the foreign intelligence agency of the Russian Federation or the head of the federal executive body under whose jurisdiction the foreign intelligence agency of the Russian Federation is located. Federation, take measures to alienate him. If it is impossible to take such measures due to arrest, prohibition orders imposed by the competent authorities of a foreign state in accordance with the legislation of the foreign state on whose territory the property is located, or due to other circumstances not dependent on the will of these persons, such measures should be accepted within one year from the day on which their acceptance became possible. Each case of failure to comply with such requirements is subject to consideration in the prescribed manner at a meeting of the certification commission.”

Article 4

1. Employees of the federal security service, as well as military personnel and state civil servants of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation, their spouses and minor children who have accounts (deposits), cash and valuables in foreign banks on the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, owning and (or) using foreign financial instruments or having received them by inheritance after the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, are obliged, within the period determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security or the head of the foreign intelligence agency of the Russian Federation (the head of the federal executive body, which is in charge of the foreign intelligence agency of the Russian Federation), close accounts (deposits), stop storing cash cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and (or) alienate foreign financial instruments, unless otherwise determined by the solution of operational or intelligence tasks. If these persons cannot fulfill the requirements provided for by this part in connection with the arrest, prohibition of orders imposed by the competent authorities of a foreign state in accordance with the legislation of the foreign state in whose territory the accounts (deposits) are located, cash and valuables are stored in foreign bank and (or) there are foreign financial instruments, or due to other circumstances beyond their control, such requirements must be fulfilled within three months from the day on which their fulfillment became possible. Each case of failure to comply with such requirements is subject to consideration in the prescribed manner at a meeting of the certification commission.
2. In case of failure to comply with the requirements provided for in Part 1 of this article, upon expiration of the deadlines specified in Part 1 of this article, employees of the federal security service and employees of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation may be dismissed from service (work) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation .

Russian Federation
Moscow, Kremlin
December 30, 2015
No. 468-FZ

A special service that carries out, within its powers, tasks to ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

This service is vested with the right to conduct preliminary investigations, inquiries, intelligence and operational search activities. A federal civil service is provided for civilian population and military service.

This body is headed directly by the President of the Russian Federation.

FSB structure

In its structure, the FSB has departments, directorates, services, various divisions that carry out the activities of Security Security bodies, as well as divisions that are endowed with management functions. The structure also includes bodies which are departments (or departments) of the Federal Security Service for various constituent entities of Russia. In addition to them, the structure also includes those security agencies that exercise control over the troops. These are departments that are located in the armed forces, military formations, various troops and the bodies that manage them. The structure also includes border authorities. These are departments, detachments or directorates of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for carrying out

FSB employees

Before you try to get a job, you need to understand what a freelance FSB officer does. Among the service employees there is a division into several groups: full-time and freelance.

Full-time employees are officially registered in the ranks of the FSB and have certificates confirming their affiliation with this authority. The scope of their powers is strictly regulated by official regulations and legislation. For exceeding their authority, these employees bear criminal or administrative liability, depending on the corpus delicti and the severity of the offense.

Freelance employees are not officially registered. Their cooperation is not recorded anywhere and occurs on a voluntary basis.

By getting a job as a freelancer, you can get into any of the divisions of the country's security service - border detachments or military formations.

Who is a freelancer?

A freelance FSB employee has a status different from a full-time employee.

Individuals, with their consent, may be invited by FSB bodies to cooperate in solving responsibilities that are assigned to the FSB itself. Recruitment can occur on a freelance basis. This means that the person who came to work is not listed anywhere official documents organs. It is on a voluntary basis. In most cases, this employee does not receive compensation and is not a personnel employee.


A freelance FSB employee is vested with powers that are determined by the regulatory documents of the federal body in the field of security. The activities of a freelance employee are controlled by a person authorized to do so by higher management. The actions of this employee are regulated by the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

A freelancer is not a person carrying out official service in the authorities. Despite this, his actions are also strictly controlled and regulated. Such an employee is not issued. His cooperation is for informational purposes only. The use of illegal methods of obtaining information, manipulation of data and provision of knowingly false facts will entail liability, the extent of which will be determined by the court.

Taking part in various operations to counter terrorism or drug trafficking, a freelancer must independently assess the danger or safety of the situation for him. He has no right to use weapons or violent measures. In case of failure to fulfill agreements or exceed authority, the service may refuse the services of a freelancer. To terminate the cooperation, you do not need to write a letter of resignation, work for 14 days, etc. The points provided for by law apply only to those persons who are officially registered. The remaining conditions are governed by an agreement between the freelancer and the Security Service.


A freelance FSB employee has rights and responsibilities almost the same as full-time employees.

A person providing assistance to the FSB authorities has the right:

  • conclude a confidential contract with the FSB;
  • receive explanations from service employees about their tasks, rights and responsibilities;
  • to maintain personal confidentiality, use documents encrypted for conspiracy purposes;
  • receive remuneration for work;
  • for damage caused to property or health during cooperation, receive compensation.


Working as a freelance FSB employee involves performing the following duties:

  • comply with the conditions stipulated in the contract or cooperation agreement;
  • carry out the necessary instructions from the FSB;
  • do not provide intentionally false, biased or slanderous information;
  • not or any information relevant to the assignment.

In addition, there are a number of prohibitions that cannot be violated under any pretext:

  • engage on the basis of a contract deputies, prosecutors, judges, minors, lawyers, clergy or persons officially registered in religious organizations.

Information about employees working outside the state may be made public only after receiving the written permission of these persons and only in those cases provided for by federal laws.


The implementation of laws by the Federal Security Service is monitored by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, as well as the prosecutors authorized by him to carry out these activities. Information about persons who have provided or continue to provide assistance on the basis of confidentiality, as well as information about methods, means, tactics and techniques of activity do not fall under the supervision of the prosecutor.

What freelancers do

Who is a freelance FSB employee? What is assistance?

In fact, freelancers are those people who almost always provide assistance to authorities. They take part in all kinds of raids or raids on retail outlets and assist in identifying administrative offenses, receive useful and necessary information for the organs.

They often provide assistance at large events where there are many people. For example, at football matches. Most often, they do not receive money for their work, but they can receive a certificate or gratitude.

What is the essence of the work

A freelance FSB employee, in fact, assists the official government body in every possible way. By carrying out various tasks, a person helps to oversee the security of the country.

How to become such an employee

In order to join the ranks of civil servants, you need to figure out how to become a freelance employee of the FSB of Russia.

First of all, the most comprehensive information can be provided by the territorial body of the FSB of the Russian Federation in the city. To get an answer to your questions, you need to come to the FSB office in the city and ask for an appointment.

In one of the offices you can ask a question about how to become a freelance employee of the FSB. So, the person who wishes will be taken to the required department.

Once in the required office, you need to be prepared to be asked many different questions. Questions can be from the area of ​​personal life, career, work, hobbies, plans, trips abroad. Being prepared to ask such provocative and profound questions will save you unnecessary stress.

When meeting with an employee responsible for making decisions or authorized to do so, you must be prepared to offer something to the FSB authorities. It is necessary to clearly understand why the structure itself needs cooperation. It will not be easy for a person who is simply in love with the romance of serving in special agencies to understand the difference between what is shown in films and what intelligence officers actually face. Only a person who clearly understands the full responsibility of service in the FSB, even if it is freelance, will be able to obtain permission to cooperate.

Often, city departments of special services may have questionnaires, by filling which an ordinary citizen can expect a call with an invitation to conduct a conversation. Such questionnaires contain a large number of questions on various topics, including personal information. The complete picture compiled by the employee based on the analysis of the questionnaire and communication with the candidate will help to form the correct impression of the person.

Few people know that this man is a freelance FSB employee. There is little information on how to become one. And taking into account the fact that the activity relates to the security of the state, it is strictly prohibited to talk about it.

Terms of cooperation

Most often, in order to work as a freelance FSB employee, you must meet the following requirements:

  • have no criminal record;
  • be healthy physically and psychologically;
  • be checked by medical specialists.

About work - from employees

There is limited information available online about how the job actually works in this position. A freelance FSB employee does not leave reviews about his activities for several reasons:

  1. The service is associated with dangerous elements, groups and is subject to secrecy.
  2. Disclosure of information relating to the work of intelligence services is punishable by law.
  3. In the case of cooperation with the FSB on issues related to drug trafficking or countering terrorism, disclosing information about one’s identity may be dangerous for the employee himself or his family members.

How to protect yourself

Many citizens, thinking about cooperation with authorities, are wondering how to protect themselves in case of unforeseen situations.

There is information that a freelance FSB employee, who is provided with a receipt from the service itself, can, on the basis of this note, go to court and appeal against any actions/inactions. However, to judge legal force and the reality of such a note is difficult. Most often, cooperation is carried out on a contractual basis, and receipts are not issued. However, if a receipt was given, then it is necessary to ensure that the points listed in it are indicated clearly and without ambiguity.

Who gets hired most often?

Representatives of official bodies report in interviews that most often they hire truly patriotic people. Those whose eyes sparkle fanatically are avoided so as not to provoke the organizations under surveillance. In addition, fanatics are difficult to control. Although such employees are not registered with the state, responsibility for their actions can be assigned to the security service structure.

Due to the fact that funding for such workers is limited, financial incentives for cooperation are extremely rare. These could be valuable gifts or letters of gratitude, but this rarely happens. In this regard, those who consider such work as an opportunity to earn additional income will be disappointed. Cooperation is carried out free of charge.

It is precisely because of the lack of additional finances that real patriots are hired. A person who wants to defend his country and his state on a voluntary basis will be useful much more than someone who wants to make money on the security of his country.


Typically there are no special requirements for this position. Bright tattoos or body modifications, or unusual hair color can become an obstacle. Factors that attract additional scrutiny can negatively impact a freelancer's safety.

Where to work

They will tell you where a freelance FSB officer is needed and vacancies. Moscow and the region most often place advertisements for the recruitment of such employees. You can find such information on the websites of official departments or directly on the message board in the city division of the FSB.

In Moscow, you have the opportunity to contact the Lubyanka directly, at the address: building 2. By visiting the complex of buildings included in the reporting ones, you can get full list information about personnel that are required at a particular moment, as well as leave a request by filling out a form or questionnaire and leaving your contact information.

Depending on where people are needed, you can receive an assignment or an offer of cooperation in one of the structures that are part of the service. Most often the set freelancers opens the border service and security agencies in the troops. For these two units, help is never too much. Both in the fight against illegal entry into the territory of the country, as well as in the import or export of goods, products, and other items, and in the ranks of the army, people are needed who can show additional vigilance.

I wish you pleasant studying.

Best regards, Ermak

Weapons used by the TsSN FSB of the Russian Federation

The main feature of the weapons of the Anti-Terrorism and Intelligence Centers of the FSB is the supply of military personnel with some foreign copies.

Previously, many said that the FSB TsSN was arming itself with captured items. Today, this news can be refuted. Now the ministry has a number of sponsors, which supply foreign weapons.

But to say that the FSB is really armed mainly with NATO models is stupid, because They are armed with only a small number of foreign sniper rifles, shotguns and a few types of pistols.

According to some reports, since 2010, the FSB has refused to use foreign submachine guns and terminated a contract with a well-known European military corporation to supply Sig Sauer brand pistols to Russia, considering them not so effective. In addition, the famous “Rooks” (Yarygin Pistols) rushed en masse to replace them.

Below are the weapons of the TsSN FSB of the Russian Federation. (I’ll add shotguns later!)

(!) I didn't add underwater weapons. I think that it is not needed for modeling, and you won’t find such airsoft samples unless you order them.


1) Automatic 9A-91

2) Automatic AEK-971

3) Kalashnikov assault rifles (Modernizations and modifications):






AK 107 and AK 108

AK-101, AK-103

AK-102, AK-104, AK-105

4) Nikonov AN-94 assault rifle

5) Automatic AS Val

6) SR-3 “Whirlwind” assault rifle

-OTs - 11 "Tiss"

7) Silent rifle-grenade launcher complex “Canary”

8) Small-sized assault rifle A-91

9) Sniper assault rifle OTs-03AS (Not to be confused with an IED!)

10) Rifle-grenade launcher complex “Silence”

11) Rifle-grenade launcher complex OTs-14 “Groza”

12) TKB-0239 rifle-grenade launcher complex


13) AW-50 rifle

14) Large-caliber rifle Falcon OP 96

15) Special sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez"

16) Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle

-large-caliber sniper rifle Stoner SR-50

-large-caliber sniper rifle Barrett M90

-large-caliber sniper rifle Barrett XM 500

-large-caliber sniper rifle Barrett M99

17) Covert sniper rifle

18) DSR-1 sniper rifle

19) Erma SR100 sniper rifle

20) Super Magnum sniper rifle

21) ASVK sniper rifle

22) Sniper rifle VSK-94

23) KSVK sniper rifle

Large-caliber sniper rifle V-94

24) Sniper rifle OSV-96

25) Sniper rifle OTs-44

Large-caliber sniper rifle VSSK Exhaust

26) Sniper rifle SV-98

27) SVD sniper rifle

SVDS sniper rifle

Sniper rifle SVU AS


28) Automatic pistol OTs-23 “Dart”

29) Automatic pistol OTs-33 “Pernach”

30) Yarygin’s pistol “Rook”

31) Pistol 6P35

32) Five-seveN pistol

33) Glock 17 pistol

34) Pistol MP 444 “Bagheera”

Pistol MP 445 "Varyag"

Pistol MP 446 "Viking"

Pistol MP 448 "Skif"

35) Silent pistol PB

36) Pistol OTs-27 “Berdysh”

37) Pistol P-96S

38) Pistol SR-1 “Gyurza”

39) APS pistol

40) SPS pistol


41) Submachine gun OTs-22

42) Submachine gun "Bison-2"

43) Submachine gun "Vityaz"

Vityaz-SN submachine gun

44) Submachine gun "Kedr-B"

45) Special submachine gun "Cypress"

46) AEK 918 submachine gun

47) AEK 919 “Chestnut” submachine gun

48) Submachine gun OTs-39

49) Submachine gun OTs-39P

50) PP 2000 submachine gun

51) Submachine gun PP 9 “Wedge”

52) PP-90M1 submachine gun

53) Submachine gun SR-2 “Veresk”


54) Single machine gun AEK 999 “Badger”

55) Upgraded Kalashnikov PKM machine gun

Upgraded Kalashnikov PKM machine gun Easel

56) Machine gun "Pecheneg"

57) Kalashnikov light machine gun modernized RPK-74M

Kalashnikov RPK light machine gun

Kalashnikov RPK-74 light machine gun


58) Automatic mounted grenade launcher AGS 30

59) GM 94 repeating grenade launcher

60) Grenade launcher complex “Showcase”

61) Revolving grenade launcher 6G30

62) Hand grenade launcher “Knucklebones”

63) RGS 50M hand grenade launcher

64) RPG-18 “Mukha” hand grenade launcher

65) RPG-22 “Netto” hand grenade launcher

66) RPG-26 “Aglen” hand grenade launcher

67) RPG-27 “Tavolga” hand grenade launcher

68) Hand grenade launcher system DP-64 “Nepryadva”

69) Under-barrel grenade launchers GP-25 and GP-30


""TsSN FSB RF"""

It is worth starting a discussion of the topic in 2004, from the moment of the tragedy in Beslan.

Since then, a large amount of video and photographic material has appeared on the Internet, indicating the tactics, dexterity, equipment and weapons of the TsSN FSB of the Russian Federation.

There is enough material about this department to do modeling. More information can only be found in the archives of the department itself.

Let's highlight only the brightest moments

As you know, the FSB includes three departments. A, B and C (read as “ES”, not “C”).

The departments of Alpha and Vympel specifically took part in the release of the hostages.

Let's look at control equipment "A":

Uniform: KLMV "Partizan" (Frog) in the "SS-Summer" coloring, uniform in the Woodland coloring.

Shoes - Crispy.

Armor protection:

Helmets - "Altyn", "Lynx" and TIG.

Body armor from "FORT Technologies", models "OK DEFENDER", "Redut M" and "Redut T5".

Unloading: RPS "Smersh".

Armament - AK74S, AKMS, VALs, VSSs, SR-3 "Whirlwind", "Aglen", "Shmel".

Lobaev's sniper rifles, OVL and SVL, which had just entered service, were used for the first time.

Let's consider control "B".

Form: KLMV "Partizan" (Frog) in the colors "Dusk" and "Mabuta" Glass.

Shoes - Crispy.

Armor protection: Helmets - Lynx, TIG and Altyn.

Body armor - FORT models "OK DEFENDER".

Unloading: Alloy breastplates not considered by us and several fighters wearing SSO "Jagers" with brakes.

Armament - AK74S, AKMS, "Aglen", "Shmel".

Since Directorate “A” has sponsorship support, but Directorate “B” does not, the equipment of Directorate “B” has survived to this day practically unchanged.

Therefore, further we will consider only the equipment of Directorate “A”, as being of the greatest interest to us.

2005 - 2007.

The form changes constantly:

Black, Gorki-R, KLMK "Beryozka" (.....) KLMV "Partizan" in the color "SS-Summer", KLMV "Partizan" in the color "Dusk", Woodland, "Vertical", Multicam.

Perhaps 2008 can be called a turning point in the supply of Directorate “A”.

Sponsors have finally arrived!

This explains to us the appearance of outlandish equipment that is not typical for domestic special forces. The AK series has undergone modernization and began to be massively “hung” with RIS forends and receiver linings. MAGPUL CTR stocks with SWAT ARMS adapters and the like, holographic sights EoTech 551 and 552 TDI tactical grips appeared.

By the way, the name “Pokemon” came from the pennant.

Let's remember the shooting competition among special forces officers, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the TsSN FSB of Russia. September 2008

Clothing - Assault overalls from SRVV.

Shoes- Crispy, BatesAndAltama.

Body armor - FORT's "OK DEFENDER" and "Redoubt" (since special orders with individual fit were sent, it is not possible to distinguish "Redoubt T5" from "Redoubt M").

Unloading: Molle platforms from CAMELBAK, BlackHawk and SRVV. The KZ mall platforms we use with Default are an exact copy (not a replica, but a copy) of the BlackHawk platforms, with the only difference being that there are no BlackHawk checks and the cost is almost 4 times less.

Armament (not specifically at competitions, but from the 2008 period) - AK74S, VALs, VSSs, Vikhri, PYA, SVL/OVL.

2009 - 20010.

Shoes- Crispy, BatesAndAltama.

Helmets - Altyn, LShZ-2DT, LShZ-2DT M, Mask-4.

Unloading: Mall platforms from BlackHawk, SRVV and SSO.

Armament - AK74S, VALs, VSSs, Vikhri, PYA, SVL/OVL.

The AK103 and AK104 were also put into service.

Let's sum it up.

Since we are not yet modeling a specific time period, the presence of equipment from different years is allowed for now.

In terms of equipment that is suitable in terms of quality and convenience, as well as actually used, we can list:

Clothing - Assault overalls from SRVV and French Nomex black and blue overalls, Multicam from CRYE PRECISION (for the contingent operating in Dagestan), KLMV "Partizan" in the colors "Twilight" and "SS-Summer", Gorka-R, Gorka-D, Good old "Flora" is back.

Shoes- Crispy, BatesAndAltama.

Helmets - Altyn, LSHZ-2 DT, LSHZ-2 DT M (" Volcano"), Mask-4.

Body armor - FORT models "OK DEFENDER" and "Redoubt" (since there were special orders with an individual fit, it is not possible to distinguish "Redoubt T5" from "Redoubt M").

Armored suits - fire-heat-resistant overalls FORT "Pyton", anti-fragmentation overalls "Falcon" and FORT "Reid-L".

Armor shields - VANT LM and VANT LM from FORT Technologies.

Unloading: Mall platforms from CAMELBAK, BlackHawk, SRVV and SSO.

Armament - AK74S, VALs, VSSy, Vikhri, PYA, SVL/OVL, AK103 and AK104.

An example of a load-bearing vest platform:

Types of camouflages used by the TsSN FSB of the Russian Federation:

For teams modeling the TsSN of the FSB of the Russian Federation on modern stage:


Safety glasses

Red bandage

Statutory headdress with camouflage properties.

High Top Boots

Gloves with maximum camouflage properties.

Knee pads

Unloading system (preferably in "Spectrum" color)

First aid kit (iodine, bandage, gauze pads, cotton wool, painkillers and other drugs of the fighter’s choice)

Notepad with pencil or pen

Flashlight with replaceable filters

Water container (hydration system or flask)

Training rubber knife

Navigation system - GPS (at the initial stage compass)

Multitool (or its analogues)

Additional means of camouflage such as scarves, nets, etc., as well as means of camouflaging parts of weapons, especially magazines and linings.

The rest is seats, joint protectors, etc. - optional.


Safety glasses

Uniform in "FPS" or "Spectrum" colors, depending on the department.

Red bandage

Helmet 6b27

Body armor (Defender 2)

High Top Boots

Gloves with maximum finger protection.

Knee pads

The unloading system is preferably in the “Spectrum” color.

Radio station operating in the range 400-470 MHz