What is Hitler's real name? Adolf Hitler - biography, photo, Eva Braun, personal life of the artist Fuhrer

Adolf Hitler is without a doubt one of the most controversial and hated figures in world history, and for good reason. His beliefs, opinions and ideals led humanity to war, which caused widespread death and destruction. However, he is an integral part (albeit negative) of the history of this planet, so we should better understand what personality traits a person possessed, capable of such monstrous things as Hitler. Let's hope that by looking into the past and studying the terrible person that was Hitler, we can prevent a man like him from rising to power. So, we present to your attention twenty-five facts about Hitler that you might not know.

25. Hitler married Eva Braun and committed suicide the next day

For many years, Hitler refused to marry Braun for fear of how it would affect his image. However, he decided to do this when the Germans were promised defeat. Hitler and Braun married in a civil ceremony. Their bodies were discovered the next day. Hitler shot himself, and Brown died from a cyanide capsule.

24. Hitler had a contentious relationship with his niece

When Geli Raubal, Hitler's niece, was studying medicine, she lived in Hitler's apartment in Munich. Later, Hitler became very possessive and domineering towards her. Hitler even forbade her to do anything without his knowledge after he heard rumors about her relationship with his personal driver. Upon his return from a short meeting in Nuremberg, Hitler found the body of his niece, who had apparently shot herself with his pistol.

23. Hitler and the Church

Hitler wanted the Vatican to recognize his power, so in 1933 Catholic Church and the German Reich signed an alliance under which the Reich was guaranteed the protection of the Church, but only if they remained committed exclusively religious activities. This agreement, however, was violated, and the Nazis continued to engage in anti-Catholic activities.

22. Own version Nobel Prize Hitler

After the Nobel Prize was banned in Germany, Hitler developed his own version, the German National Prize for Art and Science. Ferdinand Porsche was one of the honorees for being the man who created the world's first hybrid car and the Volkswagen Beetle.

21. Hitler's collection of Jewish artifacts

Hitler originally intended to create a "Museum of an Extinct Race", in which he wanted to house his collection of Jewish artifacts.

20. Elevator cables at the Eiffel Tower

When Paris fell to German control in 1940, the French cut the Eiffel Tower's elevator cables. This was done deliberately to force Hitler to climb the ladder to the top. However, Hitler decided not to climb the tower, so as not to have to overcome more than a thousand steps.

19. Hitler and the women's cosmetics industry

Hitler's original plan was to simply shut down the cosmetics industry to free up funds for the war economy. However, in order not to disappoint Eva Braun, he decided to close it gradually.

18. American genocide of Native Americans

Hitler often praised the "effectiveness" of the American genocide of Native Americans.

17. Hitler and art

Hitler had artistic inclinations. When he moved to Vienna in the 1900s, Hitler initially thought of pursuing a career in the arts. He even applied to enter the Academy fine arts in Vienna (Vienna’s Academy of Art), but was rejected due to his “unsuitability for painting.”

16. Hitler's family circle

Hitler grew up in an authoritarian family environment. His father, who was an Austrian customs official, was famous for his severity and temper. It was also noted that Hitler adopted many of his father's personality traits.

15. Why Hitler was disappointed by Germany's surrender in World War I

While Hitler was recovering from gas attack During the First World War, he learned that an armistice had been reached, which meant the end of the war. This announcement angered Hitler and gave rise to his belief that the Germans had been betrayed by their own leaders.

14. The general who refused to commit suicide

When it became obvious that the Germans were about to be defeated in Battle of Stalingrad, Hitler expected the leader of his army to commit suicide. However, the general noted: "I am not going to kill myself because of this bohemian corporal" and surrendered in 1943.

13. Why he didn't like football

Hitler later developed a dislike for football because Germany's victory over other nations could not be guaranteed, no matter how hard they tried to manipulate or adjust the results.

12. Present full name Hitler

Hitler's father changed his name in 1877. Otherwise people would have difficulty pronouncing Hitler's full name - Adolf Schicklgruber.

11. Hitler's Honorary Aryans

It was discovered that one of Hitler's close friends and personal drivers was of Jewish origin. For this reason the key officials Hitler's party recommended his expulsion from the SS. However, Hitler made an exception for him and even his brothers, considering them "honorary Aryans".

10. Hitler's "Noble Jew"

Hitler had his own way of paying debts of gratitude. When he was still a child, his family could not afford the expensive services of a professional doctor. Fortunately, the Jewish-Austrian doctor never charged him or his family for medical services. When Hitler came to power, the doctor enjoyed the “eternal gratitude” of the Nazi leader. He was released from the concentration camp. He was also provided with adequate protection and received the title of “noble Jew.”

9The Lawyer Who Cross-Examined Hitler

Early in his political career, Hitler was called as a witness. He was questioned by a Jewish lawyer named Hans Litten, who cross-examined Hitler for three hours. During the Nazi rule, this Jewish lawyer was arrested. He was tortured for five years until he finally committed suicide.

8. Hitler as a Disney fan

Hitler loved Disney. He even described Snow White as one of the best films in the world at that time. In fact, Hitler's sketches of the Timid Dwarf, Doc, and Pinocchio were discovered.

7. Hitler's funeral

His body was buried four times before it was finally cremated and his ashes scattered to the wind.

6. Hitler's Mustache Shape

Hitler originally had a long, curled mustache. During World War I, he trimmed his mustache, changing the shape to his famous toothbrush style. According to him, the bushier mustache prevented him from properly securing the gas mask.

5. Loan from Mercedes-Benz

While Hitler was imprisoned, he managed to write an application for a loan to buy a car to a local Mercedes-Benz dealer. Many years later, this letter was discovered at a flea market.

4. What did his mustache mean to Hitler?

It is believed that Hitler wore a mustache because he thought it made his nose look smaller.

3. A souvenir for a successful Olympian from Hitler

Jesse Owens, a successful Olympian, was surprised to receive a gift from Hitler after his successful performance on Olympic Games 1936. President Roosevelt did not even send a telegram to Owens to congratulate him on his achievement.

2. Hitler as a wounded infantryman

During World War I, Hitler was an infantryman who was wounded at the height of the war. Surprisingly, Hitler evoked mercy and sympathy from the British soldier.

1. Hugo Jaeger was Hitler's personal photographer

Throughout all the turmoil, Jaeger remained very loyal to Hitler. To avoid criminal liability Because of his connection with Hitler, the photographer decided to hide his photographs of the Nazi leader. However, in 1955, he eventually sold the photographs to Life Magazine for a lot of money.

Historian and TV presenter Leonid Mlechin took on the challenge of solving Adolf Hitler's biggest mysteries

On the shelves of even a small bookstore there will probably be several books telling about fascist Germany and Adolf Hitler. Another one was added to them - “The Fuhrer’s Biggest Secret,” written by the famous historian, writer and TV presenter Leonid MLECHIN. Why is interest in this historical figure (by the way, tomorrow is the birthday of Nazi boss number one) so persistent? “Isn’t everything known about Hitler yet?” - we asked the author.

There are individuals in world history whose scale of crimes are so incredible that they will always attract attention. I tried to give answers to many questions, but there are things that still cannot be fully understood. To some extent, this fascinates the researcher, although it often pushes him to a false perception of the scale of the individual.

Actually, as a person, Adolf Hitler was a complete nonentity, but the scope of his atrocities is such that they, like a powerful lens, turned his figure into a gigantic one. Under this optical effect, qualities were often attributed to Hitler that in fact he did not have.

- So, the final understanding of Hitler has not yet taken place?

All German archives relating to the 13-year period of Hitlerism were immediately opened after 1945. A huge number of books have been written, but imagine, to this day, more and more new works are being published in Germany. I just read a thick one scientific work about the German economy during Nazi times. For the first time in 60 years, it contains detailed explanations how the Third Reich, with rather meager resources, managed to create a powerful military machine and threaten almost the entire world. This is an inexhaustible topic.

- And what is “Hitler’s biggest secret”? Have you opened it?

The Fuhrer has a lot of secrets. Starting with the mystery of his origin: who his grandfather was is still completely unclear. Most likely, incest occurred in his family: his father married his own niece. All his life he strenuously hid it and was terrified that the truth would come out. Another secret is Hitler's relationships with men and women, his repressed homosexuality, fear of intimacy with the opposite sex. As a result, there was a complete breakdown with myself and resentment towards the whole world around me. It seems that the only person, for whom Hitler had feelings, including sexual ones, was his own niece Geli Raubal, who committed suicide in 1931.

All these particulars would not have special significance, if they had not developed into the character, into the fate of himself and his country. But the biggest mystery is how this man was able to completely subjugate an entire state, to master the mass consciousness of the people so much that these people themselves threw themselves into the furnace.

- Until recently, we were taught history differently: historical materialism, class struggle, movement from system to system. And now, it turns out, individuals and their intimate life can radically affect world history?

Yes, I think the role of personality in history has turned out to be much more significant than we once imagined. She is simply colossal! I dare to say that if, for example, Adolf Hitler had died at the front in 17 or 18, there would be no National Socialism. There would be far-right parties and something else, but 50 million people would still be alive! If he had been born ten years earlier or later, everything would have turned out differently. Hitler coincided with the mood of the people at that very historical point and caught the wave.

- You portrayed young Hitler as an ordinary person, weak and complex. At what point did the metamorphosis happen and the Fuhrer appear?

A whole chain of accidents leads him to this. There is a version that the turning point was an episode at the front of the First World War, when after a gas attack Hitler ended up in the hospital. The doctor who treated him for blindness discovered that the damage to his eyes was not organic, but rather neurotic. And then, with the help of hypnosis, the front-line doctor instilled in Hitler a special faith in himself.

The second moment occurred when Hitler, finding himself at a meeting of a small Bavarian party - and such rallies took place in beer halls - began to speak. Surrounded by completely insignificant outcasts, he suddenly felt the gift of a demagogue in himself. They started clapping for him, and he became filled with self-confidence.

In a word, a mass of random circumstances formed a fatal sequence. He should not have come to power. If the Weimar Republic had lasted at least an extra couple months, the Nazi wave would have died down. But it turned out that a number of politicians who played their own games, trying to drown each other, opened the way to the top for Hitler.

- Was it really all that accidental? After all, fascism was already in Italy by that time, and similar regimes took over in other European countries.

But in Germany there was a special situation. After the First World War, the Germans harbored a huge grudge against the whole world. And false grievances and the search for external enemies are extremely dangerous things for any country.

- By the way, in Russia, which suffered the most in the war against fascism, skinheads are walking around today, beating people of other nationalities. Where do we get this infection from?

There is no paradox in this. It took two decades and enormous strain on society, especially on the West German intelligentsia, to heal. She wrote new textbooks and created a new spiritual climate. The country has learned its lessons. Even the current German Chancellor Merkel, who was born after the war and seemingly free from responsibility for the crimes of Hitlerism, speaks of the historical guilt of the German people. It's worth a lot.

For Russia, no matter how strange it may sound, the Great Patriotic War was not anti-fascist, it was a war for the Motherland against the occupiers. Fascism and its ideological roots were not exposed: after all, Stalin’s regime was in many ways similar to it. This is clearly seen in the example of the GDR, where, like in the USSR, these “vaccinations” were not done. It is no coincidence that the ultra-right in today's Germany almost all come from its eastern lands. I hope the answers are the most big secrets Hitler will at least bring us all one step closer to learning the lessons of history.

Hitler Adolf Hitler Adolf

(Hitler), real name Schicklgruber (1889-1945), Fuhrer (leader) of the National Socialist Party (since 1921), head of the German fascist state (in 1933 he became Reich Chancellor, in 1934 he combined this post and the post of president). Established a regime of fascist terror in Germany. Direct initiator of the outbreak of World War 2, the treacherous attack on the USSR (June 1941). One of the main organizers of the mass extermination of prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied territory. With the introduction Soviet troops committed suicide in Berlin. On Nuremberg trials recognized as a major Nazi war criminal.


HITLER (Hitler) Adolf (April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria - April 30, 1945, Berlin), Fuhrer and Imperial Chancellor of Germany (1933-1945).
Youth. First World War
Hitler was born into the family of an Austrian customs official, who until 1876 bore the surname Schicklgruber (hence the opinion that this was Hitler's real surname). At the age of 16, Hitler graduated from a real school in Linz, which did not provide a complete secondary education. Attempts to enter the Vienna Academy of Art were unsuccessful. After the death of his mother (1908), Hitler moved to Vienna, where he lived in homeless shelters and did odd jobs. During this period, he managed to sell several of his watercolors, which gave him grounds to call himself an artist. His views were formed under the influence of the extreme nationalist Linz professor Petsch and the famous anti-Semite Mayor of Vienna K. Lueger. Hitler felt hostility towards the Slavs (especially the Czechs) and hatred towards the Jews. He believed in the greatness and special mission of the German nation. On the eve of the First World War, Hitler moved to Munich, where he led his old lifestyle. In the first years of the war, he volunteered for the German army. He served as a private, then as a corporal, and took part in combat operations. He was wounded twice and awarded the Iron Cross.
Leader of the NSDAP
Defeat in the war of the German Empire and the November Revolution of 1918 (cm. NOVEMBER REVOLUTION 1918 in Germany) Hitler perceived it as a personal tragedy. Weimar Republic (cm. WEIMAR REPUBLIC) considered the product of traitors who “stabbed in the back” the German army. At the end of 1918 he returned to Munich and joined the Reichswehr (cm. REICHSWERH). On behalf of the command, he was engaged in collecting compromising material on participants in the revolutionary events in Munich. On the recommendation of Captain E. Rehm (cm. REM Ernst)(who became Hitler's closest ally) became part of the Munich right-wing radical organization - the so-called. German Workers' Party. Quickly ousting its creators from the leadership of the party, he became the sovereign leader - the Fuhrer. On Hitler's initiative, in 1919 the party adopted a new name - the German National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (in German transcription NSDAP). In German journalism of that time, the party was ironically called “Nazi” and its supporters “Nazis.” This name stuck with the NSDAP.
Software installations of Nazism
The basic ideas of Hitler that had emerged by this time were reflected in the NSDAP program (25 points), the core of which was the following demands: 1) restoration of the power of Germany by uniting all Germans under a single state roof; 2) assertion of the dominance of the German Empire in Europe, mainly in the east of the continent - in the Slavic lands; 3) cleansing German territory from the “foreigners” littering it, especially Jews; 4) liquidation of the rotten parliamentary regime, replacing it with a vertical hierarchy corresponding to the German spirit, in which the will of the people is personified in a leader endowed with absolute power; 5) liberation of the people from the dictates of global financial capital and full support for small and handicraft production, creativity of people of liberal professions. These ideas were outlined in Hitler’s autobiographical book “My Struggle” (Hitler A. Mein Kampf. Muenchen., 1933).
"Beer putsch"
By the beginning of the 1920s. The NSDAP has become one of the most prominent right-wing extremist organizations in Bavaria. E. Rehm stood at the head of the assault troops (German abbreviation SA) (cm. REM Ernst). Hitler quickly became a political figure to be reckoned with, at least within Bavaria. By the end of 1923, the crisis in Germany worsened. In Bavaria, supporters of the overthrow of the parliamentary government and the establishment of a dictatorship grouped around the head of the Bavarian administration, von Kahr; an active role in the coup was assigned to Hitler and his party.
On November 8, 1923, Hitler, speaking at a rally in the Munich beer hall "Bürgerbraukeler", proclaimed the beginning of a national revolution and announced the overthrow of the government of traitors in Berlin. Top Bavarian officials, led by von Kahr, joined in this statement. At night, NSDAP assault troops began to occupy administrative buildings in Munich. However, soon von Kar and his entourage decided to compromise with the center. When Hitler led his supporters into the central square on November 9 and led them to the Feldgerenhala, Reichswehr units opened fire on them. Carrying away the dead and wounded, the Nazis and their supporters fled the streets. This episode went down in German history under the name “Beer Hall Putsch.” In February - March 1924, the trial of the leaders of the coup took place. Only Hitler and several of his associates were in the dock. The court sentenced Hitler to 5 years in prison, but after 9 months he was released.
Reich Chancellor
During the absence of the leader, the party disintegrated. Hitler had to practically start all over again. Rem provided him with great help, beginning the restoration of the assault troops. However, a decisive role in the Revival of the NSDAP was played by Gregor Strasser, the leader of right-wing extremist movements in Northern and Northwestern Germany. By bringing them into the ranks of the NSDAP, he helped transform the party from a regional (Bavarian) into a national political force.
Meanwhile, Hitler was looking for support at the all-German level. He managed to win the trust of the generals, as well as establish contacts with industrial magnates. When parliamentary elections in 1930 and 1932 brought the Nazis a significant increase in the number of parliamentary mandates, the ruling circles of the country began to seriously consider the NSDAP as a possible participant in government combinations. An attempt was made to remove Hitler from the leadership of the party and rely on Strasser. However, Hitler managed to quickly isolate his associate and close friend and deprive him of all influence in the party. In the end, the German leadership decided to give Hitler the main administrative and political post, surrounding him (just in case) with guardians from traditional conservative parties. January 31, 1933 President Hindenburg (cm. HINDENBURG Paul) appointed Hitler as Reich Chancellor (Prime Minister of Germany).
Already in the first months of his stay in power, Hitler demonstrated that he did not intend to reckon with restrictions, no matter who they came from. Using the Nazi-organized arson of the parliament building (Reichstag) as a pretext (cm. REICHSTAG)), he began the wholesale “unification” of Germany. First the communist and then the social democratic parties were banned. A number of parties were forced to dissolve themselves. Trade unions were liquidated, the property of which was transferred to the Nazi labor front. Opponents of the new government were sent to concentration camps without trial or investigation. Mass persecution of “foreigners” began, culminating a few years later in Operation Endleuzung. (cm. HOLOCAUST (author Yu. Graf))(Final Solution), aimed at the physical destruction of the entire Jewish population.
Hitler's personal (real and potential) rivals in the party (and outside it) did not escape repression. On June 30, he took a personal part in the destruction of SA leaders who were suspected of disloyalty to the Fuhrer. The first victim of this massacre was Hitler's longtime ally, Rehm. Strasser, von Kahr, former Reich Chancellor General Schleicher and other figures were physically destroyed. Hitler acquired absolute power over Germany.
World War II
To strengthen the mass base of his regime, Hitler carried out a number of measures designed to gain popular support. Unemployment was sharply reduced and then eliminated. Large-scale actions were launched to humanitarian aid to the needy population. Mass, cultural and sports festivals, etc. were encouraged. However, the basis of the policy of the Hitler regime was preparation for revenge for the lost First world war. For this purpose, industry was reconstructed, large-scale construction began, and strategic reserves were created. In the spirit of revenge, propaganda indoctrination of the population was carried out. Hitler committed gross violations of the Treaty of Versailles (cm. TREATY OF VERSAILLES 1919), which limited Germany's war efforts. The small Reichswehr was transformed into a million-strong Wehrmacht (cm. VERMACHT), restored tank troops And military aviation. The status of the demilitarized Rhine Zone was abolished. With the connivance of the leading European powers, Czechoslovakia was dismembered, the Czech Republic was absorbed, and Austria was annexed. Having secured Stalin's approval, Hitler sent his troops into Poland. In 1939, World War II began. Having achieved success in military operations against France and England and conquered almost all western part continent, in 1941 Hitler turned his troops against the Soviet Union. The defeats of the Soviet troops at the first stage of the Soviet-German war led to the occupation by Hitler's troops of the Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and part of Russia. A brutal occupation regime was established in the occupied territories, which killed many millions of people. However, from the end of 1942, Hitler’s armies began to suffer defeats. In 1944 Soviet territory was liberated from occupation fighting were approaching the German borders. Hitler's troops were forced to retreat in the west as a result of the offensive of the Anglo-American divisions that landed in Italy and on the coast of France.
In 1944, a conspiracy was organized against Hitler, the purpose of which was his physical elimination and the conclusion of peace with the advancing Allied forces. The Fuhrer was aware that the complete defeat of Germany was inevitably approaching. On April 30, 1945, in besieged Berlin, Hitler, together with his partner Eva Braun (whom he had married the day before), committed suicide.

Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what “Hitler Adolf” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Hitler) (April 20, 1889, Braunau am Inn, Austria April 30, 1945, Berlin) Fuhrer and Imperial Chancellor of Germany (1933 1945). The organizer of the Second World War, the personification of Nazism, fascism of the 21st century, totalitarianism, including ideological,... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Hitler Adolf- (Hitler, Adolf) (1889 1945), German, dictator. Genus. in Austria in the family of Alois Hitler and his wife Clara Pölzl. In the beginning During the 1st World War he volunteered for the Bavarian army, became a corporal (corporal), and was twice awarded the Iron Cross for... ... World history

    The request for "Hitler" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Adolf Hitler is mute. Adolf Hitler ... Wikipedia

    Hitler (Hitler) [real name Schicklgruber] Adolf (20.4.1889, Braunau, Austria, 30.4.1945, Berlin), leader of the German fascist (National Socialist) party, head of the German fascist state (1933 45), chief... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

The name “Hitler” used to be associated with something negative in our country. No one even really knew when Hitler's birthday was. And it would never even have occurred to anyone to congratulate him on his next anniversary.
But there were young people who wanted to congratulate Hitler so much that they even cut their hair bald. It would seem, what joy would Hitler get from this? But such questions are asked only by those who have something to ask. The rest shave their heads so that their heads rest in the summer, are ventilated in the fall, their hats fit better in winter, and Hitler would be happy in the spring.
It is for such people that we publish the biography of Adolf Schicklgruber-Hitler. For the first time in Russian, by the way.

Little Gitlya was born in territory occupied by the Germans. But this is not what made him a fascist. First, Gitli's childhood was stolen from him. It happened like this: Gitlya was forced to go to school, and after school to walk back and stop at the store on the way. But this is not what made him a fascist. Although it made me very angry.
Then Gitli's adolescence was stolen from him. One beautiful girl(not Eva Braun, but more beautiful) did not want Gitlya to tickle her with his youthful mustache. Gitli immediately developed a cockroach complex. He began to be afraid of people in hard shoes with newspapers in their hands.
To overcome this complex, Gitl joined the army. There his youth was stolen from him, along with foot wraps and a photograph of a naked woman (possibly his mother or sister).
Gitlya could no longer tolerate this and became a fascist. In addition, he added the courageous letter “ER” to his rather flimsy name and turned from the mumbler Gitli into the Fuhrer Hitler.
At that time there were few fascists in Germany, and Hitler easily stood out among them, beating the second German fascist and two anti-fascists. From that moment on, there were four fascists in Germany.
Adolf suggested wonderful fascist names to his friends: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and Hitler. Everyone wanted to be Hitler, because the other names seemed kind of frogish.
But Adolf himself was already Hitler. Then he came up with nicknames for his friends: Borman, Shmorman and Otorman. They somehow agreed to Borman, but Shmorman and Otorman were left without owners. I had to pull out the ones I had hidden for good people the names of Goebbels and Himmler.
At this point Borman was offended. If he had known that later such Zykan names as Goebbels and Himmler would be thrown out, would he have agreed to the almost Jewish Bormann? I had to take “Bormann” back and give it NZ - the sonorous name “Goering”.
Finally, all procedural issues were resolved and Hitler, Goering, Himmler and Goebbels (sounds great, right?) could go and drink beer in a Munich pub.
It was there that these four “Ges,” as those around them called them, decided to conquer the whole world. And not with the help of smiles or some “Yesterday” song, but for real: with the help of SS divisions, Panther tanks and Messerschmidt aircraft.
When the money ran out, but the desire to drink beer still remained, the friends ordered the bartender to pour them a loan. The burry bartender refused and in the program of the angry fascists a clause appeared about special camps where such bartenders would be kept and all sorts of nasty things could be done to them. There are different humiliations there... So that you can pinch the bartender on the nose or give him a slap, and if he, such a clever bastard, decides to dodge, then burn him in the stove.
The bartender was immediately informed about this program, but for some reason he did not believe it, did not sell the bar and did not leave the country. But he had such an opportunity for another fifteen years.
Nobody immediately gave the scoundrels a hat, and they became insolent: they took it and came to power. What did the people buy? They took it and promised that the people would no longer work. The people really liked it, but the question arose: who would work then? Goebbels came up with the answer on the spot, saying that others would work. And Bormann added “peoples”. Himmler clarified that they would not be conquered today or tomorrow specifically for this purpose.
And indeed, looking ahead, let’s say that the peoples of Europe were conquered surprisingly quickly. They immediately began working for the Germans and only asked not to kill them.
But with the Russians everything turned out to be more complicated. Firstly, they are very similar to the Germans - they also don’t like to work. But unlike the Germans, they like to drink vodka, not beer. Moreover, they drink as much vodka as the Germans drink water in the morning after beer.
But let's return to Hitler. In his prime, he suffered a fatal love for Eva Braun (translated: the Primordial Brown Woman). It must be said that Eva was not a beauty, but they did not tell Hitler this. And when he realized this, it was difficult to get rid of Eve. I had to poison her. By chance, together with Eva, Hitler poisoned the dog, himself, and released water into the Berlin swastika-banner metro named after Hitler.
For some reason, everyone decided that Hitler was so upset because he lost the war. Fascists don’t get upset over such little things. And even more so, they don’t poison themselves in vain because of this. At most: they will change their name, appearance, and go to Argentina.
No, this is a common everyday mistake when a wife is poisoned.
In general, Hitler’s life was so boring that when it ended, he only managed to say: “Halt!” that's all. There was nothing to even remember. Just one stupid animal desire for everything to continue, for everyone to have money and money. (c)

Date of birth: April 20, 1889
Date of death: April 30, 1945
Place of birth: Ranshofen village, Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

Adolf Hitler- a significant figure in the history of the 20th century. Adolf Hitler created and led the National Socialist movement in Germany. Later the Reich Chancellor of Germany, the Fuhrer.


Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in the small, unremarkable town of Braunau am Inn, on April 20, 1889. Hitler's father, Alois, was an official. Mother, Clara, was a simple housewife. It is worth noting this interesting fact from the parents’ biography that they were related to each other (Clara is Alois’s cousin).
There is an opinion that Hitler's real name is Schicklgruber, but this opinion is erroneous, since his father changed it back in 1876.

In 1892, Hitler's family, due to their father's promotion, was forced to move from their native Braunau am Inn to Passau. However, they did not stay there for long and, already in 1895, hastened to move to the city of Linz. It was there that young Adolf first went to school. Six months later, Hitler’s father’s condition deteriorates sharply and Hitler’s family again has to move to the city of Gafeld, where they bought a house and finally settled.
IN school years Adolf showed himself to be a student with extraordinary abilities; teachers characterized him as a very diligent and diligent student. Hitler's parents had hopes that Adolf would become a priest, however, even then young Adolf had a negative attitude towards religion and, therefore, from 1900 to 1904 he studied at a real school in the city of Linz.

At the age of sixteen, Adolf left school and became interested in painting for almost 2 years. His mother did not quite like this fact and, having heeded her requests, Hitler, with grief and half, finishes the fourth grade.
1907 Adolf's mother undergoes surgery. Hitler, waiting for her to recover, decides to enter the Vienna Academy of Art. In his opinion, he had remarkable abilities and exorbitant talent for painting, however, his teachers dispelled his dreams, advising him to try to become an architect, since Adolf did not show himself in any way in the portrait genre.

1908 Clara Pölzl dies. Hitler, having buried her, again went to Vienna to make another attempt to enter the academy, but, alas, without passing the 1st round of exams, he set off on his wanderings. As it later turned out, his constant moves were due to his reluctance to serve in the army. He justified this by saying that he did not want to serve alongside the Jews. At the age of 24, Adolf moved to Munich.

It was in Munich that the First World War overtook him. Overjoyed this fact, he volunteered. During the war he was awarded the rank of corporal; won several awards. In one of the battles he received a shrapnel wound, due to which he spent a year in prison. hospital bed However, upon recovery, he again decides to return to the front. At the end of the war, he blamed politicians for the defeat and spoke very negatively about this.

In 1919 he returned to Munich, which at that time was gripped by revolutionary sentiments. The people were divided into 2 camps. Some were for the government, others for the communists. Hitler himself decided not to get involved in all this. At this time, Adolf discovered his oratorical talents. In September 1919, thanks to his enchanting speech at the congress of the German Workers' Party, he received an invitation from the head of the DAP Anton Drexler to join the movement. Adolf receives the position of responsible for party propaganda.
In 1920, Hitler announced 25 points for the development of the party, renamed it the NSDAP and became its head. It is then that his dreams of nationalism begin to come true.

During the first party congress in 1923, Hitler holds a parade, thereby showing his serious intentions and strength. At the same time, after an unsuccessful coup attempt, he went to jail. While serving his prison term, Hitler wrote the first volume of his memoirs, Mein Kampf. The NSDAP, created by him, disintegrates due to the absence of a leader. After prison, Adolf revives the party and appoints Ernst Rehm as his assistant.

During these years, the Hitlerite movement began to take off. So, in 1926, an association of young nationalist adherents, the so-called “Hitler Youth,” was created. Further, in the period from 1930-1932, the NSDAP received an absolute majority in parliament, thereby further contributing to more growth Hitler's popularity. In 1932, thanks to his position, he received the position of attaché to the German Minister of the Interior, which gave him the right to be elected to the post of Reich President. Having carried out an incredible, by those standards, campaigning, he still failed to win; I had to settle for second place.

In 1933, under pressure from the National Socialists, Hindenburg appointed Hitler to the post of Reich Chancellor. In February of this year, a fire occurs that was planned by the Nazis. Hitler, taking advantage of the situation, asks Hindenburg to grant emergency powers to the government, which consisted, for the most part, of members of the NSDAP.
And now Hitler’s machine begins its action. Adolf begins with the liquidation of trade unions. Gypsies and Jews are being arrested. Later, when Hindenburg died, in 1934, Hitler became the rightful leader of the country. In 1935, Jews, by order of the Fuhrer, were deprived of their civil rights. The National Socialists begin to increase their influence.

Despite racial discrimination and the harsh policies pursued by Hitler, the country was emerging from decline. There was almost no unemployment, industry was developing at an incredible pace, and the distribution of humanitarian aid to the population was organized. Special attention should be paid to the growth of Germany's military potential: an increase in the size of the army, production military equipment, which was contrary to the Treaty of Versailles, concluded after Germany's defeat in World War I, which prohibited the creation of an army and development military industry. Gradually, Germany begins to regain territory. In 1939, Hitler begins to express claims to Poland, disputing its territories. In the same year, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Soviet Union. On September 1, 1939, Hitler sends troops into Poland, then occupies Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Norway, Luxembourg, and Belgium.

In 1941, ignoring the non-aggression pact, Germany invaded the USSR on June 22. The rapid advance of Germany in 1941 gave way to defeats on all fronts in 1942. Hitler, who did not expect such a rebuff, was not prepared for such a development of events, since he intended to capture the USSR in a few months, according to the Barbarossa plan developed for him. In 1943, a massive offensive began Soviet army. In 1944, the pressure intensified, the Nazis had to retreat further and further. In 1945, the war finally moved to German territory. Despite the fact that the united troops were already approaching Berlin, Hitler sent disabled people and children to defend the city.

On April 30, 1945, Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun poisoned themselves with potassium cyanide in their bunker.
Attempts were made on Hitler's life several times. The first attempt took place in 1939, a bomb was planted under the podium; however, Adolf left the hall just minutes before the explosion. The second attempt was made by the conspirators on July 20, 1944, but it also failed; Hitler received significant injuries, but survived. All participants in the conspiracy, on his orders, were executed.

Main achievements of Adolf Hitler:

During his reign, despite the harshness of his policies and all kinds of racial oppression caused by Nazi beliefs, he was able to unite the German people, eliminated unemployment, stimulated industrial growth, brought the country out of crisis, and brought Germany to a leading position in the world in economic indicators . However, having started the war, famine reigned within the country, since almost all the food went to the army, food was issued on ration cards.

Chronology important events from the biography of Adolf Hitler:

April 20, 1889 – Adolf Hitler was born.
1895 – enrolled in the first grade of school in the town of Fischlham.
1897 – studies at a school at a monastery in the town of Lambaha. Later expelled from it for smoking.
1900-1904 – studying at school in Linz.
1904-1905 – studying at the school in Steyr.
1907 - failed exams at the Vienna Academy of Art.
1908 - mother died.
1908-1913 - constant moving. Avoids the army.
1913 - moves to Munich.
1914 – Went to the front as volunteers. Receives the first award.
1919 - carries out agitation activities, becomes a member of the German Workers' Party.
1920 - completely devoted to the activities of the party.
1921 - becomes head of the German Workers' Party.
1923 – failed coup attempt, prison.
1927 - the first congress of the NSDAP.
1933 - Receives the powers of the Reich Chancellor.
1934 - “Night of the Long Knives,” massacre of Jews and Gypsies in Berlin.
1935 - Germany begins to increase military power.
1939 - Hitler starts World War II by attacking Poland. Survives the first attempt on his life.
1941 – entry of troops into the USSR.
1943 - a massive offensive by Soviet troops and attacks by coalition troops in the West.
1944 - second attempt, as a result of which he is seriously injured.
April 29, 1945 – wedding with Eva Braun.
April 30, 1945 - Poisoned with potassium cyanide along with his wife in his Berlin bunker.

Interesting facts about Adolf Hitler:

Was a supporter healthy image life, did not eat meat.
He considered excessive ease in communication and behavior unacceptable, so he demanded that manners be observed.
He suffered from so-called verminophobia. He protected sick people from himself and fanatically loved cleanliness.
Hitler read one book every day
Adolf Hitler's speeches were so fast that 2 stenographers could hardly keep up with him.
He was meticulous in composing his speeches and sometimes spent several hours improving them until he brought them to perfection.
In 2012, one of Adolf Hitler’s creations, the painting “Night Sea,” was auctioned for 32 thousand euros.